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L ightof the Vedas



We are most happy to send you our new newsletter. New website development and travel have delayed us from our normal schedule, but what we have is a better newsletter and a better delivery system, as well as much new information about a transformative year to come. The current volume features our new alliances with Kerala Ayurveda and the Chopra Center University, news about our recent India trip, and a new article on Yoga and Ayurveda. We are also announcing a new Yoga Shakti retreat in Turkey this November that coincides with Turkish versions of several of our books. With the Light of the Vedas, Vamadeva and Shambhavi


Bi-monthly Newsletter | Volume 8 Issue 6

Vamadeva Joins Kerala Ayurveda as an Advisor

Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley) has now taken a position of Academy Advisor for the Kerala Ayurveda Academy, one of the leading and most innovative Ayurvedic organizations in the world today, joining its esteemed group of educators.
Kerala Ayurveda and Vamadeva share a similar view of the importance of Vedic knowledge and the need for the joint promotion of Yoga and Ayurveda for the well-being of the individual and the society. They see a great future in these fields for the benefit of all humanity, particularly in this ecological age in which we must once more honor the natural environment in which we reside. Kerala Ayurveda has excellent Ayurvedic schools, comprehensive treatment facilities and extensive products, as well as special on-line programs that provide great benefits for anyone seeking to enhance their knowledge and experience of Ayurveda. Vamadeva is happy to be part of the Kerala Ayurveda team and to be working in harmony with it for the spreading of Ayurveda. He urges his readers and students to look at the many ways that Kerala Ayurveda can help improve their lives and deepen their studies. BENEFITS OF KERALA AYURVEDA ! Ayurveda Gram is perhaps the foremost Ayurvedic center in India, functioning as an important center for treatment, retreat and rejuvenation, with great accommodations for western clients. It includes a related Yogaveda Gram. Vamadeva and Shambhavi are planning a retreat at Ayurveda Gram for April 2014. ! Kerala Ayurveda Products: Kerala Ayurveda has a full range of traditional Ayurvedic products that are up to date with the latest scientific research. They have many important proprietary medicines covering a full range of health problems and for disease prevention and longevity. ! Kerala Ayurveda Academy Schools: Kerala Ayurveda has several schools in North America and can provide advanced training in India. Their schools combine on-line, classroom and clinical training. ! Kerala Ayurveda India: Basis for all Kerala Ayurveda activities. Kerala Ayurveda has schools, hospitals, treatment centers and pharmaceutical facilities mainly in the state of Kerala, Cochin. ! Kerala Ayurveda On-line Program: Kerala Ayurveda has perhaps the best on-line training program in Ayurveda accessible to students worldwide, with extensive videos to highlight the learning process. ! Advanced Training for Our Students: Kerala Ayurveda can provide additional study for our students who want to reach a competent practitioner level in Ayurveda. Kerala Ayurveda has many options in this regard, both in India and in the West, such as listed above. Our students can receive credit for our Ayurvedic Healing course, if they go on to additional study with Kerala Ayurveda. Vamadeva and Shambhavi also intend to participate in some of these programs. We will bring more details of this arrangement out in the near future, as more options are developing.
Link to Kerala Ayurveda Video by Vamadeva and Shambhavi


Bi-monthly Newsletter | Volume 8 Issue 6

Vamadeva Joins Deepak Chopra and the Chopra Center University as a Master Educator
Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley) has joined the Chopra Center University as one of its primary Master Educators. Vamadeva will be most active with the Primordial Sound Meditation teacher program, and will be part of trainings, teaching several of the classes involved, as well as contributing additional webinars and articles. He will also be working on new programs for advanced trainings, along with Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar.
Deepak is aware of Vamadeva's expertise in Vedanta and Jnana Yoga (the Yoga of Knowledge), which is another important aspect of Vamadeva's work, and is highlighting that in the current collaboration. The Chopra Center meditation classes are the most popular classes, and Deepak has brought many celebrities into his meditation teachings, including Oprah Winfrey. Deepak's recent Twenty-one Day Meditation Challenge brought in six hundred thousand participants. Vamadeva has worked with the Chopra Center since its inception twenty years ago, teachings classes and giving his recommendations. Deepak Chopra has provided numerous endorsements of his books and considers Vamadeva to be one of the most important Vedic teachers today in the f ields of Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, Vedanta and Vedic studies. Note Deepak's recent comment on Vamadeva's most recent book: Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda. Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda weaves together with remarkable clarity rejuvenation of the body, revitalization of the mind, and awakening to the inherent immortality of the Spirit. The book reveals 3

special healing secrets of Soma from the ancient Vedic rishis and yogis reflecting a profound vision and wide range of application that can transform both our individual lives and our collective culture. Vamadeva Shastri has provided one of the most important and original books on Yoga and Ayurveda in recent times that is bound to be studied for decades to come. Deepak Chopra, author Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New Self We will provide more information on Vamadeva's work with the Chopra Center in future newsletters, as well as links to articles and webinars of Vamadeva through the Chopra Center.


Bi-monthly Newsletter | Volume 8 Issue 6

Yoga & Ayurveda

By Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley) Originally published by Kerala Ayurveda

Yoga and Ayurveda are vast topics, particularly when one considers both their traditional and modern developments, and the great variety of topics and practices that each can cover. Yoga is not just asanas and Ayurveda is not just herbs, however important these may be! They cover the whole of life. Both Yoga and Ayurveda are historically closely related and have developed in parallel since ancient times. They have diverged in modern times, over the last hundred and f ifty years, particularly outside of India, in which Yoga without Ayurveda was for a long time the norm. However, Yoga and Ayurveda are becoming reconnected again, not only in India but also throughout the entire world. Their reintegration is the reintegration of consciousness, life, healing and transformation!
ORIGINS OF YOGA & AYURVEDA Yoga begins historically with the Mantra Yoga of the Rigveda, the oldest Vedic text that

originated over f ive thousand years ago. These mantras of the Rishis promote a Yoga or union with the higher powers of consciousness in the universe, providing the basis for the Self-knowledge and cosmic knowledge that we f ind in later Vedanta and the Vedic sciences. This connection of Yoga and mantra is reflected in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali that emphasizes OM, the main mantra from which the Vedas are said to have originated, and in Patanjali's work as great grammarian. Vedic mantras, along with corresponding rituals and meditations, were commonly used both for spiritual development and for helping gain the outer goals of life, invoking the Devatas or the Divine powers behind nature and the soul. These cosmic energies are def ined mainly as four in the Vedas as Agni (f ire), Vayu or Indra (air and electrical energy), Surya (sun) and Soma (moon). Their light forms are symbolic of yet deeper inner powers of Agni as speech, Vayu/Indra as Prana, Surya as Atman (soul), and Soma as the mind. A variety of such formulations exists in Vedic texts. Veda means knowledge or science and Yoga, meaning work or practice, arose as a term for its application. Veda or true knowledge implies Yoga or the work of integration with the greater conscious universe. Ayurveda


Bi-monthly Newsletter | Volume 8 Issue 6

arose in the Vedic context as the Upaveda or supplementary Vedic text that focused on healing and well-being for both body and mind. Ayurveda f irst arose as an application of Vedic mantras, not as a separate discipline. All Vedic teachings have a potential Ayurvedic or healing application, especially Vedic rituals and mantras. Many Vedic practices are said to grant 'sarvayur', meaning not only longevity but the fullness of life, as one of their primary goals. They are still used in this manner today. Healing and longevity are considered to be natural results of Vedic practices, with some Vedic practices specif ically related to these. Ayurveda is usually considered to be a branch of the Atharva Veda, which contains the most mantras aimed specif ically at healing. However, aspects of Ayurveda can be found in all the Vedas and are inherent in the Vedic deities (Devatas) and in the Vedic cosmology. 'Vedic Yoga', such as we f ind in the Svetsvatara Upanishad, emphasized how the Vedic Devatas or cosmic energies like Agni, Vayu and Soma work in the psyche as forces of internal integration and self-realization. Note the following verses Svetasvatara Upanishad II.6,8: Where the Agni (f ire) is enkindled, where Vayu (the wind) is controlled, where Soma overflows, there the mind is born. This is perhaps the key verse that helps us understand the yogic and Ayurvedic implications of the main Vedic deities. Here Agni, Vayu and Soma, the great Vedic deities of Fire, Air and the Moon refer to their internal counterparts of will, prana and mind and are indicative of the practice of Yoga. The Fire is the Kundalini f ire. Control of wind refers to Pranayama. Soma here is the bliss of

meditation or samadhi. In these the higher mind or consciousness is born. Making straight the three places, balancing the body, merge the senses along with the mind into the heart, by the boat of Brahman the knower should cross over all the channels that bring us fear. --The three places are the navel, heart and head, indicating a straight spine, usually in a balanced sitting pose. The channels that bring us fear are the nadis of the subtle body that keep our energy caught in duality, particularly the lunar and solar or Ida and Pingala nadis. Ayurveda takes the same Vedic Devatas and looks at them at a biological angle with Agni as Pitta Dosha, Vayu as Vata Dosha, and Soma as Kapha dosha. This means that both Yoga and Ayurveda arose as complimentary applications of the same universal forces, which they both help us connect to. Yoga became eventually more def ined as one of the six darshanas or six systems of Vedic philosophy, the systems that accepted the authority of the Vedas. Yet this is Yoga as a special system, while different aspects of Yoga pervade all Vedic teachings and darshanas. Where the Agni (f ire) is enkindled, where Vayu (the wind) is controlled, where Soma overflows, there the mind is born. -- This is perhaps the key verse that helps us understand the yogic and Ayurvedic implications of the main Vedic deities. Here Agni, Vayu and Soma, the great Vedic deities of Fire, Air and the Moon refer to their internal counterparts of will, prana and mind and are indicative of the practice of Yoga. The Fire is the Kundalini f ire. Control

of wind refers to Pranayama. Soma here is the bliss of meditation or samadhi. In these the higher mind or consciousness is born. Making straight the three places, balancing the body, merge the senses along with the mind into the heart, by the boat of Brahman the knower should cross over all the channels that bring us fear. -- The three places are the navel, heart and head, indicating a straight spine, usually in a balanced sitting pose. The channels that bring us fear are the nadis of the subtle body that keep our energy caught in duality, particularly the lunar and solar or Ida and Pingala nadis. Yoga emerged in more specif icity in texts like the Bhagavad Gita and the Mahabharata of which the Gita is part, which covers the topic Yoga of in many various forms. The MB mentions not just the Yoga Darshana or Samkhya-Yoga, but also Shaivite Yoga called Pashupata Yoga, and Vaishnava Yoga. These were interrelated but had their differences. Yoga as Samkhya-Yoga was said to be the system initiated by Hiranyagarbha, passed on to the Rishi Vasishta. Patanjali is not yet mentioned. Ay u r ve d a i s a l s o m e n t i o n e d i n t h e Mahabharata, as well as Vedic astrology. As stemming from Dhanvantari, an avatar of Vishnu, Ayurveda often has marks of Vaishnava thought. Later specif ic texts for these different systems emerged, with Charak and Sushrut Samhitas for Ayurveda and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras for Yoga. Many other such early texts probably existed that were lost through time, and they were followed by a proliferation of divergent teachings and commentaries. Curiously in terms of language and culture, Charak and Sushrut Samhitas, one should note, appear largely earlier than Patanjali, though they

mention Yoga. However, compilations like Charak and Sushrut reflect a labor of many centuries, and even Sutra works like the Yoga Sutras may have undergone slight changes over time. The Shaivite yoga also continued to developed. This included eventually the systems of Hatha Yoga and Siddha Yoga, which had its own Raja Yoga, as well as other Tantric Yoga systems. Much Ayurveda is there in the Shaivite yoga as Shiva is the deity of Prana. This is the Ayurveda and Yoga of the Himalayas where Shiva is the prime deity. Vaishnava schools Yoga also continued to develop along devotional lines as in Narada's Bhakti Yoga Sutras. In all these expressions of Yoga and Ayurveda, we f ind a common language and philosophy. Yoga applied for health of body and mind reflects Ayurveda. Ayurveda applied for the development of higher awareness crosses over into Yoga.


Bi-monthly Newsletter | Volume 8 Issue 6

Vamadeva and Shambhavi's India Program News

February 10, 2013. Auspicious Mahakumbh Mela. two have had many visits and interchanges, Shambhavi visited the Mahakumbh Mela in Prayag including relative to the future of India and relative (Allahabad) for the main bathing date of Feb. 10, for to deeper aspects of sadhana. Sivananda Murty is a which thirty million people (3 crores) attended, making great teacher of Raja Yoga, Vedanta, Vedic astrology it one of the largest human gatherings in history. and Indian music. He is the head of the Sivadvaita Shambhavi chose to walk with the multitudes and was Shakti Vashishta order of Shaivism, a type of Vedic most touched by the shraddha (deep faith), love and Shaivism with over ten thousand families following devotion around her. Everyone was chanting Ganga him. Vamadeva and Mayi (Ma Ganga). Such Shambhavi have joined devotion is rare outside of this order under his India. The Mahakumbh guidance and follow occurs every twelve years daily Shaiva practices when Jupiter is in the according to it. auspicious sign of Taurus, Shambhavi also looks up n e a r t h e s ta r Ro h i n i to the great guru as one (Aldeberan), the most of India's most auspicious of the stars for important living the Moon. The event was masters and seeks his well organized, peaceful guidance for her and and spiritually sadhana. uplifting for all.. Vamadeva & Shambhavi in discussion with Feb. 20-27, 2013. Vamadeva and Shambhavi visited Ayurveda Gram in Bangalore, one of the best Ayurvedic spas and treatment centers in India, for Ayurvedic treatments and for work with Kerala Ayurveda, where Vamadeva is now an advisor. Vamadeva and Shambhavi did a series of f ilm clips for Ayurveda Gram. Vamadeva met with various representatives of Kerala Ayurveda, including its director Sri Ramesh Vangal, discussing new collaboration projects in several areas. Feb. 27-March 2. Vamadeva and Shambhavi were in Visakhapatnam with Sadguru Sivananda Murty for special meeting on mundane astrology and the future of humanity. Guruji has been one of Vamadeva's most important teachers over the last twenty years and the 7

Guruji Sivananda Murty

Vamadeva visited with Swami Veda Bharati at Swami Rama Sadhaka Gram in Rishikesh on March 4, including having a special dinner with Swamiji. Swami Veda went into silence on March 10. Vamadeva spoke at Swami Rama's center on Shiva on March 7 to an audience of more than two hundred of Swami's students, emphasizing the fourfold nature of Shiva as Prakasha (pure light), Pranava (primordial sound), Purusha (self a wareness) and Prana (vital energy). Vamadeva considers Swami Veda to be the most important teacher of both Vedic mantras and the Yoga Sutras today, and regularly visits him in India for his blessings and his guidance. Swami Veda has provided introductory statements for Vamadeva's last two published books.


Bi-monthly Newsletter | Volume 8 Issue 6

Our Sixth Annual Ma Ganga Yoga Shakti Retreat March 8-14, above Rishikesh by the pristine silence of Ma Gangas sacred flow was a great success.

our f ires into the Agni or sacred f ire of the cosmic universe.

March 15-22. Vamadeva and Shambhavi along with A profound group of sublime sadhaks Ralf Nataraj and sadhaks from India, USA, Russia, Tarika Yogini went to Ranikhet Ukraine, Germany, Spain and in the Kumaon Himalayas for B ra z i l s h a re d t h e d ee p e r retreat and visits to local experience of the ancient Vedic temples. They proceeded to the healing wisdom of Mantra Yoga, Mayavati (Ramakrishna Ayurveda, Devi Tantra, and Vedic Math), and its Advaita Ashram, Astrology by the flowing grace of in a beautiful setting of Ma Ganga with Vamadeva Shastri Deodars in the high mountain and Yogini Shambhavi. The forests. They had an power of Sankalpa (sacred inspirational meeting with intention) is most auspicious Vamadeva & Shambhavi with Prof. Lokesh Chandra Swami Satyamayananda of the when rooted in shraddha (deep ashram. Swami had already faith), jnana and devotion. The sadhaks had amazing read several of Vamadeva's books. spiritual experiences. Vamadeva did several private programs this year to We celebrated the auspicious Mahashivaratri with the commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Swami sacred Ganga Snana, manifesting the power and grace of Vivekananda, who f irst brought Yoga to the West in Shakti through creating the mystical Yantra with 1893, at the Chicago World Parliament of Religions. flowers and mantra chanting. We deem it a deep Vamadeva has a high regard for the teachings of blessing to be near the source of Ma Gangas pristine Ramakrishna and Vivekananda and hopes that Yoga source on this Mahashivaratri! teachers in the West examine these, as they provide the foundation for an authentic and universal The Mystical Night of worshipping Shiva Maheshvara spiritual Yoga that covers all aspects of Yoga guided devotees through the night with powerful including devotion and meditation, as well as the rituals, puja, sacred offerings and chanting the Shiva profound philosophy of Vedanta. Vamadeva and Ashtottara Shatanamavali. The night long vigil of Shambhavi met with Professor Lokesh Chandra in chanting, sacred offerings, ringing of bells draws the Delhi, who is regarded as the foremost Indian devotees consciousness, creating an intense awareness scholar of Buddhism today and a former advisor to of all the senses, drawing in the powerful cosmic forces Indira Gandhi. He is their friend and associate of and divine grace. Prayer magnetizes the cosmic many years. In Bangalore they met with important vibrations.Join us in our next Yoga Shakti retreat in astrologers including Niranjan Bapu, Gayatri Devi Adrasan, Turkey in November 18-25, 2013.The theme will Vasudev and N. Ganesha. Vedic astrology continues be the transformative power of Agni or the inner f ire of to flourish in India and is undergoing a new revival. Prana and consciousness, near an ancient natural site of sacred f ires in the mountains of Adrasan. Beautiful March 24-March 31. Shambhavi s personal Yatra sadhaks from around the world will be joining us. took her to several important temples in Karnataka Adrasan is one of the most beautiful sites in Turkey for performing Vedic rituals and making sacred Yoga programs. The program will be organized by Ralf offerings. She visited Ghati Subramanya, Sri Nataraj Schultz and Tarika Yogini of Soma Yoga, our Mookambika, Kukke Subramanya, Kateel Sri Durga main representatives in Germany. and Sri Rajarajeshwari at Polali. Shambhavi has visited and performed important rituals in most of The Brahmamuhurta Yagya, early morning Vedic Fire the ancient temples in the Himalayas and Southern ritual was the ultimate experience where we consecrate India. divinity through sacred offerings into the f ire. We offer 8

Yoga Shakti Retreat in Ardrasan, Turkey

18th-25th of November 2013 Awaken the Eternal Fire Within You!
Celebrate the cosmic power of Agni, the sacred Fire principle through Soma, Shakti Sadhana, Mantra Yoga, Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda and Yoga Asana
Our next Yoga Shakti retreat will be held in Adrasan, Turkey in November 18-25, 2013.The theme will be the transformative power of Agni or the inner f ire of Prana and consciousness, near an ancient natural sacred f ire center. Many students from Germany and Russia are expected. Adrasan is one of the most beautiful sites in Turkey for Yoga programs. The program will be organized by Ralf Schultz and Tarika Doerk of Soma Yoga, our main representatives in Germany.

For Registration: +49-761-285 3869

Vamadeva's Yoga and Ayurveda book has recently been translated into Turkish and is now on the bestseller list of Yoga books in the country and has been highlighted on Turkish television. Click to see the video.

Shambhavi's book Yogini: Unfolding the Goddess Within has already been available in Turkish for several months. Our November Turkey trip will include a program on the books in Istanbul, before the retreat.

For more info visit


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