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ELE401 Tutorial Problems

(Week 12)

(1) A plane EM wave propagates in a uniform dielectric medium with dielectric constant r = 4. If the electric field is described by the equation E(z,t) = E0 cos (t z) ay , where = 2 x 106 [rad/s] find:
(a) The wavelength and the constant (b) Write the equation for the magnetic field intensity H (c) The RMS power intensity I0 [W/m2], i.e., RMS power/area delivered by the wave to a surface perpendicular to the direction of propagation (x-y plane). (d) The average amount of energy contained in 1 m3 of the dielectric space

(2) A radio station transmits EM power of 50 kW on the carrier frequency of 1 Mhz. Assuming a uniform isotropic transmission in all directions:
(a) Find the amplitude of the electric field intensity E0 at the distance of 10 km from the transmitting antenna. (b) If at time t = 0 the phase shift of the sinusoidal signal is = 0 at the location of the antenna, find the phase shift of the signal at the distance of 10 km.

SOLUTIONS for Tutorial #12

(1) (a)

The wave velocity u = 1 / [sqrt(0)] az = 1 / [sqrt(00r)] az = 1 / [2 sqrt(00)] az = = (c/2) az = 1.5x108 az [m/s] Frequency f = 106 Hz Wavelength = u / f = 150 m, and = 2 / = /75 [rad/m]

(b) H = H0 cos (t z) (-ax) since the direction of propagation must be az = ay x (-ax) , where H0 = E0 / = E0 sqrt (r 0 / 0 ) = 2 E0 sqrt (0 / 0 ) [A/m] (c) Power intensity in [W/m2] is the magnitude of the Poynting vector Ip |Ip| = | E x H | = (E0 H0) cos2 (t z) The RMS power is the time average over one period where < cos2 (t z) > =1/2 Therefore |Ip|RMS = I0 = (1/2) E0 H0 = (1/2) E0 (E0 /) = (1/2 ) E02 = = (1/2)sqrt (R0 /0 ) E02 [W/m2] (d) Energy W incident per unit area W/area = I0 t (time) = I0 (distance/speed) = I0 (d/u) Energy per unit volume w = W/(area x distance) = I0 /u = [1/2 ) E02] / u = (1/2) E02 Since = 0r then w = 2 0 E02 [J/m3]

(2) (a) Power P = 50 kW is uniformly radiated in all directions and must pass through any
spherical surface of radius R where the power/area (Magnitude of the Poynting vector at the distance R) is: Ip= P / (4R2) [W/m2] and since also Ip = (1/2 ) E02 (see above), solve for E0 E0 = sqrt [ P / (2R2) ] = 0.173 [V/m]

(b) Since E(R,t) = E0 cos (t R) ar and the phase (t z) at t = 0 at z = 0 is zero.

The phase shift at time t = 0 and distance R is = R = 2 / = 2 f /(c) = 2 x 106/(3x108) = R = (2/3) x 100 = 2 x 33.333 Noting that = 2n + (where n = 1,2,3, . integer) = (2/3) = 1200

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