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What was the first problem Washington encountered and how was it fixed?

- George Washington faced many challenges as the first ever Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America. One of the first problems that he encountered, although not nearly as important as uniting an un-united country, was how exactly should the President of the United States of America be addressed. George Washingtons Vice President, John Adams, wanted the chief executive to have a title that gave the proper respect to not only the office of President but also for national political authority. The issue was taken to Congress where they debated the topic for over a month. After having finally separated from British rule and no longer pledging allegiance to a king, the suggestion of His Highness was clearly out of the question; the democratically inclined members argued that such a title smacked of a longing for monarchial rule. Instead the title of Mr. President was grudgingly accepted.


What was Alexander Hamiltons most notable achievement?

- One of the greatest achievements by Alexander Hamilton was his plans to alleviate the debt of the United States, which was growing and was about $52 million in 1789, and put America on track to be a great power in the world. Alexander Hamilton worker tirelessly and prepared four reports on the nations finances and economic condition. His plans included ways to address the Revolutionary War debt by which he claimed that the federal government should assume all remaining war debts of the state government. His plans also called for a tax on production, sale, or consumption of a commodityallowing the government to make a profit. He recommended the chartering of a national bank and called for the government to promote industry as well as advocated for aid in the form of protective tariffs to help those industries, like iron, steel, and shoemaking, which had already begun to establish themselves. His goals and ideas received much opposition and some even claimed that a few of them were unconstitutional , but he received the support of Thomas Jefferson and the signature of George Washington and much of his plans went into effect, thus helping the United States take steps toward economic recovery.

3) Which was the last Federalist administration? What was the major crisis that they had?

- The last Federalist administration was that of John Adams. When he came into office he inherited the cabinet left behind by George Washington. Many of George Washingtons Cabinet members were loyal to Alexander Hamilton. The French believed that John Adams was being used by the British, and when Thomas Jefferson and pro-French republicans lost the election of 1796 the French annulled the commercial treaty of 1778 with the United States. With the treaty annulled the French seized all

American ships sending good to England and declared that any Americans found on British ships would be executed. John Adams had only been in office three months when by that time more than 300 American ships had been confiscated. President Adams wished to have talks with the French in order to avoid and all out war with the French, although in the Caribbean waters war with France was occurring. With a war with France looming, the chance of Alexander Hamilton becoming Commander-in-chief and wishing to strengthen ties with England, and the passing of the Alien and Sedition acts- President Adams and the Federalist Administration faced insurmountable odds.

4) Jefferson called his election in 1800 the revolution of 1800. What do you think he meant? Would you agree?

- President Thomas Jefferson believed that when he won the election of 1800 a revolution of sorts had occurred. The revolution that he is speaking of is the overthrowing of the Federalist Party and all its abhorrent principles of government consolidation and military force. President Jefferson believed that now the true political legacy of the American Revolution could be continued because the Republican majority had been returned to their rightful place in control the government.

I would not agree with his use of the term Revolution , but I would say that his victory in the presidential election of 1800 was a good thing because after the various crisis that had occurred in the United States and the lack of support for the Federalist Party, a new Party and government in place would be beneficial for the country which was in need of peace and stability.

5) What do we mean by States rights?

-When discussing States Rights we mean, All of the rights not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states. All States have state sovereignty and the right to govern themselves as they see fit ,so long as it is in accordance with the Constitution of the United States.

6) Who won the war of 1812? And why?

- No one. Neither the British nor the Americans won the war of 1812. Much of the fighting between British and American troops was a nothing more than a military stalemate. Now, Both sides

held portions of Canada and fought to control and keep the land that they had claimed in the fighting and beyond the physical fighting between the two nations there was also internal fighint in America, with the threat of succession constantly looming. The British wound of holding far more Canadian land than America, but they had to give it up as did the United States. The war of 1812 led to no gains for either side, both sides won a few battles here and there, and America proved, once again , that it was militarily strong- though not as United as it should be .The war of 1812 was a pointless war with no clear winner.

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