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AMOS TAN RURNG JANG (TESL 1) Subject Day & Date Class Time Focus Theme Topic Content

Standard : English Language : Monday, March 4, 2013. : 1 Setia : 60 minutes : Listening and Speaking : World of Knowledge : Colours : 1.1 pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. Learning Standard : 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: (a) Rhythm and rhyme 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing songs with guidance. Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Sing songs with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. 2. Know the names of the basic colours, at least 8 out of 10. Educational Emphasis : Thinking Skills, Information and Communication Technology skills (ICT), Contextual learning. Teaching Aids : Laptop, projector, song lyrics, marker pens, guitar, exercise sheets.

AMOS TAN RURNG JANG (TESL 1) Step/Time Teachers Set Induction (5 minutes) Students Teaching & Learning Strategies Notes

1. Teacher introduces the lesson by showing different colours. 2. The teacher asks the Students say the name of the colour shown teacher. by the Thinking skill.


Questions: a) What colour is this?

pupils to say the names of the orally. colours




Speaking (20 minutes) Listening skill. 1. Teacher projects lyrics of Students look at Song lyrics.

the the song lyrics. a

song using a projector. 2. Teacher asks students Students listen to the the song. to Pronunciation, Rhythm and Intonation focused. Teacher plays and

sings the song with a guitar.

listen to the song that he sings.


AMOS TAN RURNG JANG (TESL 1) 3. Teacher sings Students try to

the follow the teacher

song and the to sing the song. students learn to sing. 4. The teacher Students answer. asks pupils the what

colour he is wearing today. While Listening &

Speaking (20 minutes) Sing song together. 1. Teacher asks students practice songs together. 2. Teacher select Students replace The students sing the along the song Using rhythm to learn. "What color is [name] wearing?" Fill in the blanks. "Oh, [name] is wearing"

to together. the

the empty spaces a with the names of

student. Ask the colours. about empty spaces in the lyrics. song, students respond. Repeat for Sing after the Introduce verse two.

two or three students.

AMOS TAN RURNG JANG (TESL 1) 3. Introduce verse Allow students answer before continuing with two. Post Listening & verse to Students sing the

one. song with different colour names.

Speaking (10 minutes) Drag 1. Students are Students come out given chance play colour game. 2. Students are given colouring pages their homework. Closure (5 minutes) Sum up. as the Students do their worksheets. the one by one to the in the Worksheets. Writing exercise. and Drop http://www.sheppardsof olors/colorgame.htm (flash games) suitable colours.

to answer the question flash game.

1. Teacher sums up the lesson telling by the


students the importance


the colours.


Work with pupils who have Repetition through drilling difficulty saying focus words learnt. Enrichment:

White, purple, pink, black, blue, green, brown, red,

yellow, orange.

Get pupils to create simple Application sentences with colours.

AMOS TAN RURNG JANG (TESL 1) The Colour of Our Clothes Oh, who is wearing [black]? Oh, who is wearing [black]? Please tell me if you can, Oh, who is wearing [black]?

Oh, who is wearing [black]? Oh, who is wearing [black]? Please tell me if you can, Oh, who is wearing [black]?

Oh, [teacher] is wearing [black]! Oh, [teacher] is wearing [black]! That's the color of his [shirt], Oh, [teacher] is wearing [black]!



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