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PRODUCTION TITLE: Production Management Project Corporate/Promo Video SHOOT DATE/S: 13th Feb and 18th Feb LOCATION


Complete the following table rating each risks severity on scale from Negligible (N), Low risk (L), Moderate risk (M), Severe (S), Very severe (V) each risks likelihood on scale from Very unlikely (VU), Unlikely (U), Possible (P), Likely (L), Very likely (VL) Determine the risk factor from the table below. Hazard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Alcohol/drugs Animals/insects Audiences Camera cable/grip equipment Confined spaces Derelict buildings/dangerous structures Electricity/gas (other than normal supplies) Fatigue/long hours Fire/flammable materials Hazardous substances Heat/Cold/extreme weather Laser/strobe effects Machinery/industrial/ crane/hoist Materials - glass, non-fire retardant set materials Night operation Noise high sound levels Non standard manual handling Public/crowds Radiation Scaffold/Rostra Smoking on set Special effects/explosives Special needs (elderly, disabled, inexperienced) Specialised rescue/first aid Stunts, dangerous activities Tall scenery/suspended ceilings Vehicles/speed Water/proximity to water Weapons Working at heights Working overseas Other risks Yes Yes L V P P 2 4 Yes M P 3 Present? Severity Likelihood Risk Factor

Very severe Severe Moderate Slight Negligible 5 4 3 2 1

Very Unlikely 3 2 2 1 1 Very severe Severe Moderate Risk Low Risk Negligible

Unlikely 4 3 2 2 1

Possible 4 3 3 2 2

Likely 5 3 3 3 2

Very Likely 5 5 3 3 3

Take immediate action High priority Programme for action Action may be required Probably acceptable

Hazard no: Description

Person(s) exposed (detail if cast/crew (C), outside company (O) or public (P) ) Action to take

11 Risk Factor (1-5) 3 Heat/Cold/Extreme weather Being out at sea for a couple of hours (per day) at the end of winter could make me ill if I dont wrap up warm enough. I have been told to wear many layers of clothing as well as thick socks, gloves, a scarf and a hat. It is extra important that I wear thick gloves because my hands will be needed to use the GoPro whilst on the boat. I will be given a survival suit for more warmth. I have already been told to immediately tell the instructor if I start to get uncomfortably cold and cant feel certain body parts. Director, Producer, Camera Operator (myself) The cast will also be exposed but at this stage on their course, theyll have proper clothes and will know what to wear to make them feel comfortable. Wear enough layers and follow instructions of the instructors let them know when I get too cold.

Person/company responsible Producer. for action To be completed at agreed later date Exposed person(s) y Agreed action taken? (y/n) informed? (y/n)

Risk removed? (y/n)

Hazard no: Description Person(s) exposed (detail if cast/crew (C), outside company (O) or public (P) ) Action to take

27 Risk Factor (1-5) 2 Vehicles/speed The boat will be travelling at high speeds. There are no seatbelts meaning I will need to hold on for support. If I stand up to capture different shots, I will still need to hold on with one hand to ensure I dont get knocked over. Director, Producer, Camera Operator (myself) Cast should be used to it by now. Hold on at all times.

Person/company responsible Producer. for action To be completed at agreed later date Exposed person(s) y Agreed action taken? (y/n) informed? (y/n) Hazard no: Description

Risk removed? (y/n)

Person(s) exposed (detail if cast/crew (C), outside company (O) or public (P) ) Action to take

28 Risk Factor (1-5) 4 Water/proximity to water The sea can be very dangerous but luckily I will be with an instructor at all times. They are all fully qualified and will know what to do if something went wrong. As above, hold on at all times and generally be careful, dont do anything that could be dangerous. Director, Producer, Camera Operator (myself) Be careful and hold on. Tell instructor when I stand up with the camera.

Person/company responsible Producer. for action To be completed at agreed later date Exposed person(s) y Agreed action taken? (y/n) informed? (y/n) Completed by: Francesca Ellis Position: Producer

Risk removed? (y/n)

Date: 9th February 2013

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