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1 Background of the Study

Language is used as means of communication. By using language we can talk to each other, express our ideas, emotion and feelings. Language is also used to codify the culture. For example, one can show his social status as well as characteristic of his own ethnic group by using language. Sapir (1965 : 78) says that language is purely human and not instinctive method of communication ideas, emotion and desire by means of a system voluntarily produced symbols. So it can be concluded that language is for human and it is acquired through learning, implemented in form of sounds produced by human organs of speech in sentence realities. Moreover, Lado (1957 : 18) says that language is the system of speech sound by which human beings, communicate with one another. Language is also related to society. In this case, the study of language that is related to society is called Sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics which consists of two words, Socio- means social or related to society, and Linguistics means the science of language. Fishman in Chaer (1995 : 4) states that sosiolinguistik adalah kajian tentang ciri khas variasi bahasa, fungsi-fungsi variasi bahasa, dan pemakaian bahasa karena ketiga unsur ini selalu berinteraksi, berubah, dan saling mengubah satu sama lain dalam satu masyarakat. (Sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact, change and change one another within a speech community).

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However, language is complex. In other words, it is not enough just to know the meaning of the sentences uttered, but the context of situation and the context of the culture must be understood, such as it is public or private, formal or informal, who is being addressed, and who might be hear the sentences. Charlie Wilsons War movie is based on true story about cold war between Uni Soviet and Afghanistan in late 1979. The story is filmed with Mike Nichols as the director, and Tom Hanks as the actor. Charlie Wilson's War was released by Universal Studios in December 2007. Salzman (1998:167) states that, the way individuals speak varies not only according to their regional and social dialects but also according to the context. The distinctive manner in which people express themselves in a particular situation is referred to as style. In this thesis the writer tries to analyze the five language styles, they are frozen (oratorical style), formal (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and intimate style, that might have be found in the movie, entitled Charlie Wilsons War.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Based on the title of this thesis, it focuses on the following problems : 1. Are the five language styles used in the Charlie Wilsons War? 2. Which type of the styles is dominantly occurs in the movie?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Concerning with the problems above, this analysis is intended to achieve some objectives :

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a. To find out whether the five language styles are used in the movie entitled Charlie Wilsons War. b. To find out which type of the styles occurs dominantly in the movie.

1.4 Significances of the Study In this thesis the writer also expects that she could achieve some significances for the readers : a. To enrich our knowledge about the five language styles, especially which found in the movie. b. This analysis can be advantageous to the readers, especially to the students of English Department who are interested in Sociolinguistics and its aspects.

1.5 Scope of the Study In this analysis the writer focuses and uses Sociolinguistic theory by Martin Joos which discusses the five language styles, encompassing : frozen style (oratorical style), formal style (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and also intimate style. The scope of this study will deal with the five language styles found in the Charlie Wilsons War. The movie consists of 50 scenes, the duration is about 90 minutes, so it is about 45 minutes i take the dialogue or conversations in the movie as the sample (26 scenes).

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1.6 Method of Research To find out the reliable result in this thesis the writer uses one method, that is library research. Library research is collecting data and information from reading books. Gain the related information from books and other literatures which related to the object of research. Furthermore, in this thesis the writer applies the steps of analysis. Firstly, the data are colleted from the movie by watching and have a dialogue transcript from the movie. Secondly, the selected data are classified into five language styles. Thirdly, identifying and classifying the data based on five language style. And then fourthly, the analysis and the discussion of significances of the data. Finally, I make the conclusion and suggestion. In order to find out which types of five language styles occur the most in that movie, we can use this formula : (Bungin, 2005 : 171-172) n=

fx x 100 % N

Where, n = percentage of types Fx = total types frequency of the sub-category N = total types of all categories

Example :
Charlie Wilson meet Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq the president of Pakistan. (Scene 18) President : so, what Ive been wandering is why your state department would send someone here who thinks he understand the problem. Because, I dont think the prayers of the Texas 2nd congressional district are going to turn the trick. Charlie : well, now, I wasnt sent here by the state department, Mr. President. I was asked to come here by our friend in Houston. So this is a courtesy call.

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The conversation above is formal (deliberative style). Because, both of them are in the formal situation. They talked about cooperation between Pakistan and United State of America to help Afganistan in cold war with Uni Soviet. The sentence structure are more complex, so we can say that they talked use a standard language.

1.7 Review of Related Literature In analyzing the five language styles in this thesis, the writer uses some related literatures that are reviewed to support the analysis. They are : Sari (2004) in her thesis entitled AN ANALYSIS OF FIVE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN AGATHA CHRISTIES NOVEL A POCKET FULL OF EYE found that there are 20 data that has analyzed. The focus of that analysis is based on the five language styles, they are frozen style (oratorical style), formal style (deliberative style), consultative style, casual style, and also intimate style. And each style has to be analyzed. But in that novel there is no kind of frozen style in that novel. But, the other language styles have already in that novel. Gultom (2007) in his thesis entitled AN ANALYSIS OF THE FIVE LANGUAGE STYLES FOUND IN THE MOVIE BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN found that there are 90 data have been presented by the writer. He concluded that to understand a language, the hearer cannot only know meaning that a speaker says but also the situation whether it is public or private situation, formal or informal situation, whos being addressed and who might be able to overhear. Then, we could say that someones life background can be influence how the way he/she communicated with another person, for example, in word choices. The analysis is focused on the context of situation, subject matter, the audience

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and the mode of discourse in dialogue that can be found in the movie. And the data are classified based on their types. The film showed that language styles and vocabulary have a string and good relationship. Salzmann (1998:167) states that, the way individuals speak varies not only according to their regional and social dialect but also according to the context. The distinctive manner in which people express themselves in a particular situation is referred as style. Bolinger ( 1975: 600) states that, style involves a choice of form without a change of message. It includes the motives for choice and its effects. This statement clarifies that the style used will influence the meaning and its used for certain reason due to situation. Oubre (1997) found one new example of language style that occurs in America. That is Black English Vernacular (Ebonics). In her study, she concluded that culture, class, gender, and all of social statue can influence how an individual uses language to communicate. She also concluded that Ebonics as a dialect because it is like standard English which are mutually intelligible. Lakoff (1975) found that there is a stereotype gender language styles in his research. Those are feminine style and masculine style. He does the research by interviewing some college students (77 women and 74 men). He also found that gender did not contribute significantly to speaker evaluations. The results suggest a need to examine more individual social patterns, in order to move toward descriptions of effective communication combining competent and supportive impressions.

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Joos (1962 : 153-155) concludes five style of language as follows : 1. Frozen (Oratorical Style) Frozen style is a style which is used in a very formal setting such as in palace, church ritual, speech of state ceremony, and some other occasions. This style is more elaborated than the other styles. The sequences of sentence are complicatedly related this style requires high skill and almost used exclusively by specialist, professional orators, lawyers and preachers. Example : (1) stated in the Introduction Fundamental constitution 1945.

sesungguhnya kemerdekaan itu adalah hak segala bangsa. Dan oleh sebab itu maka penjajahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan karena tidak sesuai dengan prikemanusiaan dan prikeadilan (actually an independence is the right for every
nation, and because of that the colonization in the earth has to be abolished because it doesnt conform with the humanity and justice).


The inauguration of the President of the United States.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States
(3) And in another example : I should be glad to be informed of the correct time.

2. Formal (Deliberative Style) Formal style is a style which deals with one way communication and it is used in formal situation such as in graduation ceremony. The sentence structure are more complex, and

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varied than in consultative the speaker must plan ahead and frame whole sentence before they are delivered. The highest important thing in formal style is about the intonation while the others is cohesion. In fact formal style is design to informed and the background information is inserted into the text in complex sentence. Example : (4)

I should like to know the time please.

3. Consultative Style Consultative style is a style that which used in semiformal communication situation. It is one type of language which is required from every speaker. It is usual form of speech in a small group. Both participants are active in case when one is speaking, the other will give a short responses. Such, yes or well (5) (6) The consultative labels are : yes, uhuu, thats right, oh I see and a very few others. In another example : Do you have the time on you, please?

4. Casual Style Casual style is a style used among friends. Acquaintances in informal situation, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat. It is also influences by dialect. Example : (7)

Whats the time?

In the other side, there are two defining features in casual style: slang and ellipsis.

Ellipsis, Example : (8)

I believe I can find one (it must be sticked that), or believe I can find one.

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Slang., non-standard words which is known and used by certain groups, teenagers etc. Example : (9) In formal language, young or little female, is called girl, but in slang words we

called it chick.

5. Intimate Style Intimate style is a private language developed within families, lovers, and closest friends. It might embarrasses some for non-group members to hear them in group of intimate language. Example : (10) (11)

And in another example, using Dear, darling, honey in sentences.

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