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state of the mental condition of todays society is predicated upon the suppressive nature of modern society, and its false presentation of progress. Have we actually progressed? Human degradation, social inequality, private- Prisons, injustices seen as common place. Are these the signals of a progressed State? Or is this evidence of debauched society? I read reports that state that young black males are imprisoned much more frequently then their white counter parts. To put it in a much better perspective, those males who are falsely identified as black are imprisoned much more frequently then their mis-identified white counter parts. If the eighties reported that 1 out of every 4, black males are incarcerated. Then it would be only logical to think that amount is much more sense then. The war on drugs alone would increase that amount at least by five percent. If the graduation rate of so-called African American males is 28%, then it would stand to question if the school system has systematically failed them. Unless you are one who believes that so-called negro, black, and colored males are inherently predisposed to a lower mental faculty. Which was the idea propagated for years in regards to the so-called African American existence in the Americas. Which also another falsely promoted idea; that those of pigmented skin were all slaves here. Even with the multitude of evidence found that refute the reconstructed educational deliberate deception. No changes has been made to the fact; and todays educational system has in fact become worst sense the eighties. So we have a perpetual and systemic reality going on, that appears to not want to change for the better. One because its up to the people to enforce those changes. So why havent the people demanded it be done? Because they are unaware that they possess the power to make that decision. It is a fact that the educational system and its board members are public servants. They answer to the people, not they other way around. You see the effects of mis-education ? This a systemic problem, not a racial problem. It is a deliberate design, thus there are a set of educational curriculum for one class of citizen. Another set for the opposite class of citizen. So when will the so-called black people start to realize that something is afoot here? Sense 1913, there has been literature that would clearly make it defined as to why so-called blacks suffer what they do. The issue isnt whether there is sufficient knowledge. The issue at state is, whether the people are getting that knowledge taught to them. Why hasnt the education been upgraded? Why do the current system not appeal to the mind of the so-called African American youth. The entire system is failing in advancing the state of mind of the people period. The answer lies with the fact that it is an orchestrated plan to keep the people mentally stagnated. Yet the people already being several generations under such illusions , cannot decipher between another example of what is more of a pristine education or the one currently being taught. This is a problem on all level of social interchange.

The people are held captive to systemic poison, that racks their very souls. It infiltrates their being to the core of who they really are; the spirit of the all made manifest on the earth plane. There are other factors acting as fetters to their stagnations, and they will be offended by what Im going to say. Still it must be said in order for there to be clarity to the multitude of issues the so-called African American is faced with daily. The descendants of Africa ( the continent ) here in Americas; are spiritual people. They are in fact not modern religious people. They were coerced into the exceptance of modern religion, through multitudes of wars over the last 521 years or even longer than that. What we do know as a fact of history, that it wasnt until the fall of the Moorish empire in Spain. The European or Germanic tribes, couldnt sail ships or travel the globe. They only learned shipping when the Moors came with civilization sciences to Europe. Thus the colonist wouldnt have reached here , the shores of north America . Moor defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary Moor: a member of a group of North African Arab people who ruled parts of Spain form the eighth century until 1492. In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue is the story we are told in school. Then he was given the high honor of having discovered America. In so doing, he named the people Indians. It wasnt until later that it was made clear that he never touch north America, and that this isnt India. Whos real name is Hindustan. So who are these Indians? How can you discover something someone is already on? This is still being taught in the schools today, and yet the evidence of the truth is there. Why has there been no changes to the curriculum in light of these findings? Moor (n.) "North African, Berber," late 14c., from Old French More, from Medieval Latin Morus, from Latin Maurus "inhabitant of Mauritania" (northwest Africa, a region now corresponding to northern Algeria and Morocco), from Greek Mauros, perhaps a native name, or else cognate with mauros "black" (but this adjective only appears in late Greek and may as well be from the people's name as the reverse). Being a dark people in relation to Europeans, their name in the Middle Ages was a synonym for "Negro;" later (16c.-17c.) used indiscriminately of Muslims (Persians, Arabs, etc.) but especially those in India. If you were reading this with critical thinking, that fact that they say negro is a synonym of moor, would automatically strike you as wrong. Why because in that same line they point out that negro is 16th -17th century word. Did not they already admit that Moor is from the Mauritania, and of Greece era? So negro couldnt be applied to Moors. Then the last line shows whom else fall into the category of being Moors, Persians, Arabs, but especially those in India.

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