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Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Vol.34, No. 8, pp.

1229-1236, 1997


PII: S0148-9062(97)00298-2

1997ElsevierScienceLtd.All rightsreserved Printedin GreatBritain 0148-9062/97 $17.00+ 0.00

Technical Note
Development of Radial Strains in Hollow Cylinders of Rock Subjected to Radial Compression

1. INTRODUCTION The determination of material mechanical/elastic properties of transverse isotropic rocks has been considered through the testing of relatively thin walled hollow cylinders. Testing of thin walled cylinders allows for a broader range of stress conditions than standard triaxial testing [1]. Talesnick et al. [2] illustrated that by considering the stress-strain response of a single, relatively thin walled cylinder, subjected once to uniaxial compression and once to radial compression the complete definition of the elastic compliance matrix for a transverse isotropic solid subjected to axisymmetric normal loading conditions is possible. Test data and analysis presented by Talesnick et al. [2] illustrated seemingly radically different behavior between the development of radial strains in thin walled cylinders of Indiana limestone on the one hand and the two granites on the other when subjected to radial compression. Figure 1 presents data reported in part by Talesnick et al. 'which illustrates the development of radial strain as external radial stresses were elevated. In the case of Indiana limestone the radial strains became increasingly negative. In the case of Westerly and Lac du Bonnet granites the radial strains and their increments were consistently positive. Knowledge of the radial strain is important to the complete definition of the compliance matrix, which in turn enables general conditions of stress to be considered. Two engineering situations which could require information regarding radial stresses and strains include material response around a wellbore, and the response of an overcored specimen drilled for the purpose of in situ stress determination. Amadei [3] has demonstrated the importance of considering material anisotropy and non-linearity in the determination of in situ stresses based upon overcoring techniques. Haimson and Song [4] have illustrated the importance of including

the effect of all three principal stresses in the consideration of borehole breakouts. Testing of thick and relatively thin walled hollow cylinders [5-10] is well suited to both of these situations. It is therefore of some importance to consider the development of radial strains within the wall of a hollow cylinder specimen in response to external loading and unloading. The aim of the current note is to consider possible explanations for the behavior detailed above. Behavior of three different rock types is considered, and additional data and interpretations are presented in order to consider the generality of the conclusions drawn.

2. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND The compliance matrix for a transverse isotropic solid subjected to an axisymmetric increment of stress which includes components of normal stress alone may be written in cylindrical coordinates as shown in equation (1) [111.

[A E ~ ]
Aeo ]












Aa=] Aao ]



where the Or plane is the plane of material symmetry. Equation (1) implies linear material behavior within a particular increment of applied stress; however, it does not restrict the evolution of material properties which may vary as a function of stress (or strain) from increment to increment. If a stress increment, comprised of components in the radial and tangential directions alone (i.e. Aaz = 0), is applied to a hollow cylindrical specimen, the material response in the Or plane is fFaculty of Civil Engineering, Technion, Israel Institute of completely described by the Young's modulus (Eo) and Teehnology--Haifa,Israel. the Poisson ratio (vo,). The equations describing the ~/GeologicalEngineeringProgram,Universityof Wisconsin,Madison, development of tangential and radial strain increments U.S.A. Sandia National Laboratories,Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. [Ae0 and Ae,, from equation (1)] form a system of 1229

2.5 ) | w n


m i i i | | g i m m ) | | w , ) , ) w ) i m i ,


I 0.5

.................~.............. ~ ................... ~............... ~ ................... ~ ................... :................. ................................. ................ .~ v e . r a .g e . .............."~ ,~. "'7".'" . . Tangential . " Strain erage Radial Strain

0 .... -0.0001-0.00005

r ....... .... i''''i'''' 0 0.00005 0.0001 0.00015 0,0002 Tangential Strain (abs)




10 :

..............................~................................ "................................ ~ ................................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ 0

Average Radial Strain 0.0005 0.001 Tangential Strain (abs) 0.0015


20 ................................ !................................ .~.................................. !..............................


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

*................................ ~ ................................



0.0005 0.001 Tangential Strain (abs)


Fig. 1. Development of axial, tangential and radial strains in hollow cylinder specimens: (a) Indiana limestone, (b) Westerly granite, (c) Lac du Bonnet granite.

two equations stress.

in two unknowns

for each increment


Atro Aeo = Eo

vo, A a , Eo


Simultaneous solution of these two equations yields the material properties required to describe the stresss t r a i n b e h a v i o r i n t h e Or p l a n e , f o r e a c h i n c r e m e n t o f stress.

Ae, = _ v 0 _ ~ . . .Atr, Eo aao-t- Eo

Eft = Ao.o

Ao-o~ Ao-~







VOr = A ~ r

k Eo


The average radial strain across a thin walled cylinder may be expressed as:
~:raVe : Uo - - Ui - Fo - - ri

E0oro - - 0iri
r o - - ri


For transverse isotropic solids equations (3a) and (3b) are independent of the strains, and material properties in any plane other than the Or plane. This realization is valid as long as the increments of stress in the z direction (Atr~) are zero. The testing procedure implemented by Talesnick et al. involved the radial compression of hollow cylindrical specimens with an inner diameter of 36.8 mm and an outer diameter of 52.4 mm. A schematic drawing of the loading conditions is shown in Fig. 2. Strain gages were bonded to the inner and outer specimen surfaces in order to measure tangential strain at both surfaces. Incremental application of outer radial confining pressure (aro) led to the development of tangential strains at the inner and outer surfaces. Figure 3 plots the development of both inner and outer tangential strains for three rocks tested, Indiana limestone, Westerly granite and Lac du Bonnet granite. Implementation of equations (3a) and (3b) requires specific, finite values for the tangential strain and radial strain within the cylinder wall, rather than a range across the wall thickness. Using standard rock mechanics sign convention (compressive stresses and dimensional shortening are considered positive), the tangential and radial strains may be written as follows [12]: e0=-u r and

where the subscripts o and i refer to the outer and inner radial coordinates, respectively. The applicability of equations (5) and (6) deteriorate as the annular thickness of the specimen, ( r o - r i ) increases; at larger annular thicknesses both the tangential and the, radial strains vary in a non-linear fashion across the wall thickness. In cases where a linear variation of tangential strains can be assumed, then, and only then, will equations (5) and (6) yield representative averages of the tangential and radial strains across the annular thickness. Elastic theory may be used to consider the distribution of tangential strain across the wall of a hollow cylinder subjected to an increment of external pressure. Equation (7) is a closed form solution for the distribution of tangential strains across the annulus of a thick walled cylinder, comprised of material displaying isotropic behavior, subjected to an increment of external pressure under conditions of plane stress (Aaz = 0) [12]. (A~rro)'ro 2 (


(l-v) +

(1 +_ y)'r~'] r: J


du dr


where u is the radial displacement of a point initially at a distance r from the origin. The average tangential strain across a thin cylinder wall may be expressed as:
E~ve - - E 0 o " ~ E 0 i

2 Additional StrainGage ~il I ~ Dummy Specimen ~Membrane

- I ~ .... ::':::: ii~i! ' 9 -.-.-., ~ ".'.'." ~ "" ~ H o c k Cell Strain G a g e a0 i ,.t


This same solution is valid for thick walled hollow cylinders comprised of material displaying transverse isotropic behavior, provided that the axes of material and geometric symmetry of the specimen are coincident. Figure 4 illustrates the distribution of tangential strain (normalized to the tangential strain at the inner radius) across a cylinder of inner diameter 36.8 ram, and outer diameter of 52.4 mm, and elastic properties E and v for an increment of outer radial pressure. It is obvious that the distribution of tangential strain is not linear. Despite this non-linearity Talesnick et al. [2] demonstrated that use of equations (5) and (6) in the solution of equations (3a) and (3b) yielded elastic material constants consistent with those determined through the closed form solution. 3. TESTING PROCEDURE AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Despite the consistency of the results obtained through the use of equations (3), (5) and (6) in comparison to those determined through the closed form solution no independent data was available to illustrate the variation of tangential strain across the specimen wall. Gross non-linearity of the variation of tangential strain across the specimen wall would invalidate the use of equations (5) and (6) and possibly lead to an explanation of the different behavior displayed by the Indiana limestone in comparison to the granite specimens. In an attempt to experimentally determine the variation of the tangential strains across the wall of the hollow cylindrical specimens, a specimen of Indiana


7"-.' _..._.~ :_.~



Outerannulus\ Innerannulu~_~.


Or" ~ ' ~

Additional StrainGage

Fig. 2. Testingconfigurationand stressconditionsin a hollowcylinder.



et al.:




2 - -


.......................... ,~.. -- ............................... 4............'

i + i

...:~] 5 -

..................................................... " " .................... ""* ................... i......................... ,i +i i

. * i
~ .: ...........................


I ..........................

~ ......... w ............... : i ......................... ~

......................... 0.5 --


Inner Strain Outer Strain

m i i m


,~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 i i

4| i | | | a t | | i


0.0001 0.00015 Tangential Strain (abs)

| i | w i i J m



! 2 4 i i | | | i i

2 0 .......................................................................................................................................

* 4-

16 ~

...................................................... i'"""v"'""........... W~:"'''''+"............ "!......................... ......................... ....................... .............. ......... .......................... 4.........................
/. J..:

i~ e





................................... ............... ~ "6 U


.......................... * .......................... ~ ......................... i i

, i + 4

+ ,

Inner Strain Outer Strain ........

. . .

.............. r""~:........................................................
! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


0.0006 0.0009 Tangential Strain (abs)

i | | | ~ | i | | | i g i



2 5

2 0 ................................................................................ " ..........................



~ ..........................

... ~15 t~ o U I0 5 0 0 .........................


........................................... - ...................... ,+. ...........-.......................... . i 4i

. +i i

.........................~ .......................... .,.. ............... ,. ..........~ ........................... ~ ..........................



, i .........................,..L..4, ..............i........................ ,~ . . . . i .....


Inner Strain Outer Strain ..........


t .....


t .....



0.0006 0.0009 Tangential Strain (abs)



Fig. 3. Development of tangential strains on the inner and outer tangential strains under radial compression: (a) Indiana limestone, (b) Westerly granite, (c) Lac du Bonnet granite.

limestone was instrumented with an additional set of strain gages. The gages were bonded to the end of the specimen in the configuration s h o w n i n F i g . 2. T h e centerlines of the gages were aligned to the average specimen diameter. The resulting strain recorded at this p o s i t i o n is r e f e r r e d t o a s t h e m i d - w a l l t a n g e n t i a l s t r a i n (E0~). T h e i n s t r u m e n t e d specimen was placed in a s t a n d a r d H o c k cell [13]. C e l l e n d e f f e c t s w e r e a v o i d e d b y positioning the instrumented end of the specimen well

away from the end of the pressurized membrane of the Hoek cell. A s e c o n d h o l l o w s p e c i m e n of Indiana limestone was placed against the instrumented end of the test specimen. The intent of the "dummy" specimen was to eliminate end effects which could develop if a body of different mechanical behavioral properties was placed against the specimen surface on which the measurements were made. Controlled increments of outer radial p r e s s u r e (Aaro) w e r e a p p l i e d t o t h e s p e c i m e n v i a t h e cell




' ....

l ........

I ....

I ........

I ........

"~. o Elastic Distribution 0.9 ~...........i~:~.~:?............~. Best Linear Fit, R=0.9893 ._

behavior noted in Fig. 1 is not based within the simplifying assumptions of equations (5) and (6), or traced to gross non-linearity of the tangential strains.



...........i.............! ........... .............

i i

i i

i i

~ i
i !
i ....

i .............i............
o ".-~

4. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF TEST RESULTS Before considering the development of radial strain in any one of the rock types it is relevant to consider the physical meaning of both tangential and radial strains, as well as the sign of these strains. A positive increment of tangential strain is one where the radial coordinate decreases in magnitude due to an applied increment of compressive tangential stress. In the case of a hollow cylinder specimen a positive average tangential strain is representative of a reduction in the average specimen diameter. On the other hand, radial strain in a hollow cylindrical specimen is a measure of the change in specimen wall thickness. Radial strains are positive when the wall thickness is reduced, and negative when the wall thickness is expanded. On the basis of the findings presented in the preceding section, the average radial strains for each of the three rock types tested may be determined using the data of Fig. 3 and equation (6). The results for each rock type tested are plotted as a function of the applied cell pressure and are shown in Fig. 6. It is clear that the development of the radial strain is quite different for each of the three rock types. In the case of the Westerly granite the radial strains are positive throughout the entire loading range, with a slight tendency for the rate of change in the radial strain (dE,/dtrro) to decrease at higher magnitudes of applied radial pressure. The Lac du Bonnet granite displays similar behavior, however, the decrease in the rate of change of the radial strain at higher cell pressures is far more significant than in the case of the Westerly granite. In fact de,/daro tends to zero at the highest applied + o Outer Tangential Strain Mid Wall Tangential Strain Inner Tangential Strain

i i



........... i ............. i ............ ] ............. i ............. i.........":.~.......i ...........


t-, 0.6 0



i ....

i ....



l . . . . . . .

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Radial Coordinate across Cylinder Wall (era)

Fig. 4. Theoretical distribution of tangential strains across the specimen wall. membrane: a small but constant axial load was applied to the specimen. The results of this testing configuration are shown in Fig. 5. The data gathered from the mid-wall strain gages fall closely midway between the tangential strains measured at the inner and outer surfaces, which were mounted at mid specimen height. Based on the tangential strains presented in Fig. 5 and equation (6) the radial strains over the inner and outer annuli (see Fig. 2) of the specimen wall may be determined. The development of radial strain across the specimen annuli, as the radial stresses were elevated, is also presented in Fig. 5. As would be expected the radial strain over the outer specimen annulus is greater than that measured over the inner specimen annulus. Figure 5 is not intended to be a proof of linear distribution of tangential strains: however the result does reinforce the use of equation (6) for the determination of the representative radial strain within the cylinder wall for the specimen geometry used in this study. It may therefore be assumed that the seemingly anomalous x :. m Radial Strain-Outer Annulus Radial Strain-Entire Wall Radial Strain-Inner Annulus



I ....

! ........

l ....
i ~


2 "-~-- ............... i, ..................... .~...................... ~ .................... ~ ........ --~-'.: r~a i i + i J~

.......... " ........ .~

T~ .......... ,...................... t ..................... ~.~,-i

~m l i + ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

t ....................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


o 1 ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ I

i ........i ..................... i ...................... -

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


0.00005 0.0001 0.00015 Taagential / Radial Strain ( a b s )



Fig. 5. Developmentof radial and tangential strains in inner and outer annuli due to radial compressionof Indiana limestone specimens.



x Indiana Limestone , Westerly Granite --.-o--- Lac dtd3onnet Granite
2 4 t ! i w i i i i , | t i i i t i | t i t | |


..................... ' ...................... '......................" ......................*.....................~ .....................

-r 0 i t i . 0.00005 0.0001 0.00015 0.0002
Average Radial Strain (abs)

0 -0.00005


Fig. 6. Developmentof average radial strains in three rock types due to radial compression. pressures. The development of the radial strains in the case of the Indiana limestone is completely different from the two granitic rocks. The radial strains are negative from the outset, and become increasingly negative as the cell pressure is elevated. These observations indicate that the condition of radial compression applied in this study causes the specimen wall of the three rock types to deform in different ways. The negative radial strains induced in the Indiana limestone infer thickening of the cylinder wall, while in the case of the two granite specimens the wall thickness decreases. To properly understand, these observations, consider the response of a hollow cylinder specimen composed of a transverse isotropic material (axes of material and geometric symmetry aligned) which is subjected to an increment of external radial pressure (Aa,o) under conditions of plane stress. The corresponding increment of radial deformation Au, at any point across the specimen wall may be determined from elastic theory according to equations (4) and (7). The increments of radial deformation at the inner and outer specimen surfaces may be written accordingly. (Aa')'r2 [-ri2 tl E.(r2o_r?) ] (8a) of the brackets in equation (9) determines the sign of the corresponding increment of radial strain. Furthermore, for any one specific specimen geometry the magnitude of the Poisson ratio will control the sign of the increment of radial strain in the following manner: when v < (ro -- ri...___.~) then (ro + ri) v > (ro - r i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )then (ro + rl)
ro ri) v = ri~----) (ro +

Aer ave > 0,


AE~ v < 0,



AEave = 0.


Auo =

+ (1 -- v) "ro

Aui =

(Aa,o). ro 2 E.(ro 2-r~) 2rl


The average increment of radial strain based on equation (6) may be computed by subtracting equation (8b) from (8a) and dividing the difference by the cylinder wall thickness.

Aaro'ro [(ro--ri) 2 - v'(r2--r?)] AEav~ = E. (r2o- r~)'(ro-- rl)


For any increment of outer radial pressure the contents

In the present study the equality in equation (10) is satisfied for a Poisson ratio of 0.17. A hypothetical example is useful in illustrating the formulation presented above. Consider a hollow cylinder specimen of identical geometry as those tested in the current study. The specimen is composed of a material represented by a unique elastic modulus (Eo), and a Poisson ratio (Vo,) which varies as a function of stress as shown in Fig. 7(a). Upon application of external pressure the radial strains which develop in the wall of this fictitious specimen are shown schematically in Fig. 7(b) In each stress region the radial strains develop as a linear function of the applied stress. In region A the radial strains and strain increments are positive. In region B the radial strains remain constant and positive while the increments of radial strain are zero. In region C the radial strain increments are negative, the overall radial strain decreases, eventually becoming negative as the applied outer radial pressure is increased. Figure 7 explains the varied behavior noted in the radial strains for the three different rock types as seen in Fig. 6. The evolution of the Poisson ratio for each of the different specimen types may be hypothesized based on




Ratio .22 .17 .07

41 C






Fig. 7. Schematicillustration of the dependenceof the average radial strain on changes in the Poisson ratio. the development of the radial strains in each particular specimen: (a) The Poisson ratio (vor) for the Indiana limestone should be greater than 0.17 within the entire range of applied stress. (b) The Poisson ratio (V0r) of the Westerly granite should increase with applied outer radial pressure, however should remain well below 0.17 within the range of applied stress. (c) The Poisson ratio (vor) of the Lac du Bonnet granite should be highly dependent on the level of applied outer pressures. At lower stresses the Poisson ratio should be below 0.17, however at higher stress levels the magnitude of Poisson's ratio increases and tends to 0.17.

Through use of equations (3) and data from Figs 3 and 6 the material properties in the Or plane may be determined. Figure 8 illustrates the variations in Poisson ratio as determined for the different rock types when loaded in radial compression. To allow for a higher degree of continuity the Poisson ratio was determined based on the functional description of the radial strains as plotted in Fig. 6. The results plotted in Fig. 8 match the hypothesized development of the Poisson ratio for each of the specimen types as detailed above. It follows that the development of negative radial strains as a result of positive radial stress is not anomalous behavior, and can be related to the interrelation between specimen geometry and material properties, in this case the Poisson ratio. It is interesting to note the vor for both the Indiana limestone and the Westerly granite remain almost constant over the range of applied pressures. In the case of the Indiana limestone this result is intuitive, based upon the high degree of linearity of the radial and tangential strains as may be noted in Fig. 1 and 3(a). In the case of the Westerly granite this result is a consequence of the stress dependence of the tangent modulus (Eo) together with non-linearity of the tangential strains with increasing cell pressure [see equation (3b) and Fig. 3(b)]. It is noted that VOr in the case of the Lac du Bonnet granite is initially negative. This behavior was observed by Talesnick et al. [2], and is attributed to the high degree of micro-fissuring of this material. The phenomenon of micro-fissuring and negative values of Poisson ratio has been considered by Homand-Etienne and Houpert [14]. 5. CONCLUSIONS The present work has considered three aspects involving use of thin walled cylinders for the determination of material properties of transverse isotropic rock. (i) It has been demonstrated that for the specific


0 0.2

"o- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OJ o


O. 1

............... " .......... " " ' : ................ "*........... " ............ ' ........... '"........... :'~ ........ ~ ............: . . . . . . . . . . . .



e -0.1 .................... c ........... ~ ....................................

x :....
. .

Indiana L i m e s t o n e Westerly Granite ............. , Lac duBonnet Granite



. . . .




5 10 15 Average Incremental Cell Pressure (MPa)


Fig. 8. Variation of Poisson's ratio for three rock types due to radial compression.


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specimen geometery tested the distribution of tangential strains across the specimen wall is close to linear. This realization allows the average radial strain to be determined based upon the tangential strains measured at the inner and outer surfaces of the specimen. (ii) Test results have been presented which illustrate the varied development of radial strains which are noted for different rock types when subjected to identical conditions of radial compression. (iii) The development of radial strains has been shown to be directly dependant upon specimen geometry and stress dependance of the Poisson ratio within the plane of material symmetry. It has been demonstrated that small variations in the Poisson ratio may induce very significant changes in the response of the material to applied stresses. Conclusion (iii) is especially relevant when considering the determination of in situ stresses based upon overcoring techniques. Stress dependance of the material properties dramatically influences stresses determined by means of stress relief methods and must be considered [3].
Acknowledgements - - T h e first author would like to express his thanks to the HTI-Hebrew Technical Institute and to the fund for the promotion of research at the Technion for their financial support.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

11. 12.

Accepted for publication 12 June 1997

13. 14.

1. Handin J., Heard H. C. and Magouirk J. N. Effects of the

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