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AP PHYSICS MECHANICS Vectors: Scalars numbers that have a magnitude but no direction Magnitude how big something is Vectors

ctors have both magnitude and direction Direction the orientation of a vector Vectors are drawn as arrows; the length corresponds to the magnitude of the vector, and the direction in which the arrow points represents the direction of the vector Any vector can be broken into its x- and y- components:

This vector is 5 units long, and 53 degrees above the positive x-axis; however, it can be broken down into an x-component (the part going left to right) and a y-component (the part going bottom to top) Given a vector V with magnitude a directed an angle above the horizontal: o Vx = a cos o Vy = a sin Vectors are added by placing them tip to tail and finding the resultant vector mathematically

To find the resultant of a more difficult vector, it is usually easier to just break things down into their component vectors; for example:

To add these vectors, all you have to do is add the component vectors: o Sum of x-components = 3 + (-2) = 1 o Sum of y-components = 1 + 2 = 3 o The resultant vector, therefore, has an x-component of +1 units and y-component of +3 units

To subtract vectors, set up the vectors as though you were going to add them (tip-to-tail) and then flip one 180 degrees; you can subtract with vector components the same way that you add with vector components (in fact, youre really just adding negative components)

Kinematics: Average speed = x / t Average Velocity just like speed, except its a vector Instantaneous Velocity = dx / dt Average Acceleration = v / t Instantaneous Acceleration = dv / dt Displacement the vector equivalent of distance Kinematic variables: vf, v0, x, a, t Kinematic equations (only valid when acceleration is constant): o vf = v0 + at o x x0 = v0t + (1/2)at2 o vf2 = v02 + 2a(x-x0) Step by step: o Write out all five variables in a table o Count how many values you have (three or more and you can solve) o Choose the kinematic equation that contains all of your known variables o Plug and chug g: the acceleration due to gravity near the earths surface (9.80m/s2, use 10 on MC) In free fall problems, always denote up and down as positive or negative before starting ex: you are standing on a cliff, 30m above the valley floor; you throw a watermelon vertically upward at a velocity of 3m/s; how long does it take until the watermelon hits the valley floor? (up is positive) o V0 = 3m/s o Vf = ? o x = -30m o A = -10m/s2 o T=? These fit the equation x = v0t + (1/2)at2 (-30m) = (3m/s)t + (1/2)(-10m/s2)t2 T = 2.8s

An objects motion in one dimension does not affect its motion in any other dimension, so we can break things up into components o Horizontal velocity is constant o Vertical acceleration is g, directed downward Ex: a ball is shot at a velocity 25m/s from a cannon pointed at an angle = 30 degrees above the horizontal; how far does it travel before hitting the level ground? Horizontal Vertical V0 V(cos30) = 22m/s V0 V(sin30) = 13m/s Vf V(cos30) = 22m/s Vf ? x ? y 0m 2 a 0m/s a -10m/s2 t ? T ? 2 x = v0t + (1/2)at 0 = (13m/s)t + (1/2)(-10m/s2)t2 T = 2.6s Now that we have t, we can solve in the horizontal direction x = v0t + (1/2)at2 x = (22m/s)(2.6s) + 0 x = 57m Motion graphs describe motion o The slope of a position-time (x-t) graph at any point is the velocity of the object at that point in time o The slope of a velocity-time (v-t) graph at any point is the acceleration of the object at that point in time o The area under a velocity-time (v-t) graph between two times is the displacement of the object during that time interval o The area under an acceleration-time (a-t) graph between two points is the velocity of the object at the end of the time interval

Newtons Laws: Net force the vector sum of all the forces acting on an object Free-body diagram a picture that represents one or more objects, along with the forces acting on those objects Weight the force due to gravity; equal to the mass (in kg) of an object times g Equilibrium when the net force of an object equals zero o The object is either at rest or moving with constant velocity, but is not accelerating o 1st Law: an object maintains its velocity unless acted upon by a net force Solving an equilibrium problem: o Draw a proper free-body diagram o Resolve vectors into x- and y- components, if necessary o Write an expression for the vector sum of the left-right vectors, then write an expression for the vector sum of the up-down vectors; set each of these expressions equal to zero o Solve the resulting algebraic equations Ex: Two astronauts tug on opposite sides of a satellite; the first astronaut tugs to the left with a force of 30N; with what force does the second astronaut tug in order to keep the satellite at rest?

o Draw the free-body diagram o The vectors dont need to be resolved o Expressions for the vector sums

Fnet,x = F2 F1 = 0 F2 30N = 0 o Solve the expression F2 = 30N Ex: two astronauts tug on opposite sides of the satellite; the first astronaut tugs to the left with a force of 30N; with what force does the second astronaut tug in order to keep the satellite moving toward him at a constant speed of 20m/s o Answer is exactly the same force as the previous problem; the object is still in equilibrium because it has constant velocity Normal force a force that acts perpendicular to the surface on which the object rests o Not always equal to the weight of the object! Tension a force applied by a rope or string Ex: a box has a mass of 5kg and is hung from the ceiling by a rope; what is the tension in the rope?

o Free body diagram o Vectors already line up o Fnet,y = T mg = 0 o T (5kg)(10N/kg) = 0 o T = 50 N Ex: the same box is now hung by two ropes; one makes a 45-degree angle with the ceiling, the other makes a 30-degree angle with the ceiling; what is the tension in each rope?

o Free body diagram o Split into vector components:

o Equations: Fnet,x = T1x T2x = 0 T1x = T1(cos30) and T2x = T2(cos45) T1(cos30) T2(cos45) = 0 Fnet,y = (T1y + T2y) - mg = 0 T1y = T1(sin30) and T2y = T2(sin45) T1(sin30) + T2(sin45) -50N = 0

o Solve T1 = 37 T2= 45 Friction a force acting parallel to two surfaces in contact; if an object moves, the friction force always acts opposite the direction in motion o o Inclined planes: o Parallel, use asinx o Perpendicular, use acosx Torque =FD o F = force o D = distance from fulcrum

Fnet = ma: Newtons Second Law: Fnet = ma Problem solving: o Draw a proper free body diagram o Resolve vectors into their components o For each axis, set up an expression for Fnet, and set it equal to ma o Solve your system of equations Only Fnet = ma

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