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Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

/Bom dia! Hello! / Good morning! Oi/Ol! Tchau! Hi! / Bye! At mais. See you / See you later. (Muito) Obrigado. Thank you (very much). Desculpe-me I'm sorry Como o senhor est? How are you? (formal) feminine: a senhora Bem / Muito bem Well / Very well Como o senhor se chama? What is your name? (formal) Prazer em conhec-lo Nice to meet you. De onde o senhor ? Where are you from? (formal) Quantos anos o senhor tem? How old are you? (formal) O senhor fala portugus? Do you speak Portuguese? (formal) Compreende? / Entende? Do you understand? (formal / informal) Pode me ajudar? Can you help me? Onde est / Onde esto... ? Where is ... / Where are ... ? Boa tarde! Good afternoon! Adeus. Good bye. At logo. See you soon. No h de qu. You're welcome. / Don't mention it. Com licena / Perdo. Excuse me / Pardon Como vai? How are you? (informal) Mal / Muito mal / Mais ou menos Bad / Very bad / More or less Qual seu nome? What is your name? (informal) Igualmente. Same here. De onde voc ? Where are you from? (informal) Quantos anos voc tem? How old are you? (informal) Voc fala ingls? Do you speak English? (informal) (No) Compreendo. / (No) Entendo. I (don't) understand. Claro que sim Of course Aqui Here. Boa noite! Good evening! / Good night! Por favor. Please. At amanh. See you tomorrow. Bem-vindo Welcome Vamos! Let's go! E a? How's it going? (Only in Brazil) Sim / No Yes / No Me chamo... My name is... Senhor / Senhora / Senhorita Mister / Mrs. / Miss Eu sou de... I'm from... Eu tenho _____ anos. I am _____ years old. (No) Falo... I (don't) speak... Eu (no) sei. yoh noh loh seh I (don't) know. Como? What? Pardon me? H / Havia... There is / are... / There was / were...

Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

Como se diz ____ em portugus? How do you say ___ in Portuguese? No importa. It doesn't matter. Estou cansado / doente. I'm tired / sick. Estou chateado. I'm bored. Tudo bem / 'T bom. That's alright. Sade! Bless you! a sua vez. It's your turn. (informal) O que isto? What is that? O que aconteceu? What's happening? Estou com fome / sde. I'm hungry / thirsty. No me importa. I don't care. Me esqueci. I forgot. Parabns! Congratulations! Qual o problema? What's the matter (with you)? No tenho idia. I have no idea. Estou com calor / frio. I'm hot / cold. No se preocupe. Don't worry Tenho que ir agora. I must go now. Boa sorte! Good luck! Eu te amo. I love you. (informal and singular)

Definite / Indefinite Articles & Demonstratives Masc. Singular Fem. Singular the o a a, an um uma this este esta that esse essa that aquele aquela

the some these those those

Masc. Plural os uns estes esses aqueles

Fem. Plural as umas estas essas aquelas

Two ways to say that/those: 1. you use esse when you see something that is not with you but it's near 2. you use aquele when you see something that is far from you or that is not near you at that moment. Subject Pronouns eu I ns you (not used in popular tu vs speech) ele / ela / he / she / you (informal) eles / elas / vocs voc we plural of tu (also not used in popular speech) they / they / you (plural informal)

As tu and vs are not used nowadays, I will not use them to explain the declensions of the verbs. We use the word voc for the same meaning if you're talking to someone from your family or friends. If you're talking to someone you don't know, you must use "o senhor" or "a senhora" (Mr or Mrs.). The word tu is only used in the region of southern Brazil, where they normally don't use voc.

Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

To Be & to Have ser - to be eu sou ns somos ele/ela/voc eles/elas/vocs so ter - to have eu tenho ele/ela/voc tem estar - to be eu estou ele/ela/voc est

ns estamos eles/elas/vocs esto

ns temos eles/elas/vocs tm

Ser is used to say when you are something, and Estar is used to say when you are in somewhere: Eu sou o novo aluno. I am the new student. Eu estou no meu novo carro. I am in my new car. Common Expressions with "to be" to be afraid - ter medo to be against - estar contra to be at fault - ter culpa to be careful - ter cuidado to be cold - estar com frio to be curious - ser curioso/a to be happy - estar contente to be hot - estar com calor to be hungry - estar com fome to be in a hurry - ter pressa, estar com pressa to be jealous - ter cimes to be lucky - ter sorte to be patient - ser paciente to be successful - ter sucesso to be thirsty - estar com sde to be tired - estar cansado/a Question Words what o que* who quem how como when quando where onde why por que* which how much how many whom whose qual (quais) quanto (-a) (-s) quanto (-a) (-s) a quem de quem

The word que always receives the circumflex when it is placed at the end of a sentence. Voc est procurando o qu? Youre looking for what? Ele acha isso por qu? (Why) does he think so? Numbers 0 zero 1 um



Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 dois trs quatro cinco seis sete oito nove dez onze doze treze catorze/quatorze quinze dezesseis dezessete dezoito dezenove vinte vinte e um vinte e dois trinta quarenta cinqenta / cincoenta sessenta setenta oitenta noventa cem/cento mil second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth thousandth segundo terceiro quarto quinto sexto stimo oitavo nono dcimo dcimo primeiro dcimo segundo dcimo terceiro dcimo quarto dcimo quinto dcimo sexto dcimo stimo dcimo oitavo dcimo nono vigsimo vigsimo primeiro vigsimo segundo trigsimo quadragsimo quinquagsimo sexagsimo septuagsimo octogsimo nonagsimo centsimo milsimo

If you are just saying 100, you use just cem. If it's over 100, you use cento. So 101 is cento e um. And 156 would be cento e cinqenta e seis. The words for 16, 17, 18 and 19 are pronounced like dzesseis, dzessete, dzoito and dzenove respectively. The only numbers that have a feminine form are 1 (um/uma) and 2 (dois/duas). All other numbers are masculine. Days of the Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday tday week segunda-feira tera-feira quarta-feira quinta-feira sexta-feira sbado domingo o dia a semana

Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

weekend today tomorrow o fim de semana hoje amanh

The days from Monday to Friday have this name because they were called according to the fair (feira) that used to take place in that day a long time ago. A "Feira" is a set of tents pitched in the street where you can buy vegetables, fruits, and other foods. Months of the Year January February March April May June July August September October November December month the first of [a month] year janeiro fevereiro maro abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro o ms primeiro de [month] o ano

To say a specific day of a month, use cardinal and not ordinal numbers. Also noticed that the date is written with the day first, and then the month: 15/06/2012 Quinze de Junho de dois mil e doze. Seasons spring summer primavera vero autumn winter outono inverno

To say in the summer, spring, etc. use na or no and the season. No vero means in the summer. Directions north south northeast southeast Colors red pink orange norte sul nordeste sudeste east west northwest southwest leste oeste noroeste sudoeste

vermelho rosa laranja

violet brown dark brown

violeta marrom marrom escuro

Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

yellow green blue light blue purple amarelo verde azul azul claro roxo [rosho] black gray white gold silver preto cinza branco dourado prateado What time is it? It's one. It's two/three/four... It's noon. It's half past noon. It's midnight. It's 5:05 It's 8:15 It's 9:45 It's 8:50 It's 5:35 It's 3:30

Time Que horas so? uma hora. So duas, trs, quatro... horas meio dia. meio dia e meia* meia noite. So cinco e cinco. So oito e quinze. So quinze para as dez. So dez para as nove. So vinte e cinco para as seis So trs e meia.

You say meio dia e meia because its midday and a half hour (that is feminine). Dont say meio dia e meio, though many people used to say this. Weather Como est o tempo hoje? Est bonito. Est feio. Est frio. Est quente. Est ensolarado. Est ventando. Est chovendo. Est nevando. Est nublado. Prepositions a com contra de em entre cerca de para por sobre How's the weather today? The weather's beautiful (nice). The weather's ugly (bad). It's cold. It's hot. It's sunny. It's windy. It's raining. It's snowing. It's cloudy. ao lado de ao redor de perto de longe de em frente a em baixo de em frente de atrs de em cima de at beside around near far from in front of below, under opposite behind above till, until

at with against of, from in, on between, among towards, about for, in order, by for, through, along, via on, over

Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

sem without desde from, since

The word after the preposition em and de sometimes needs to have the article, so you combine the two words. em + o = no - em + a = na - em + um = num - em + uma = numa de + o = do - de + a = da - de + um = dum - de + uma = duma a + o = ao - a + a = Estou no escritrio. I'm in the office. Ficamos numa fazenda. We stayed at a farm. Family & Animals family famlia parents pais husband marido/esposo wife esposa/mulher father pai mother me son filho daughter filha children filhos sister irm brother irmo grandfather grandmother grandson granddaughter uncle aunt nephew niece cousin (m) cousin (f) relatives av av neto neta tio tia sobrinho sobrinha primo prima parentes dog cat bird fish horse goat pig cow rabbit turtle mouse cachorro/co gato pssaro peixe cavalo cabra porco vaca coelho tartaruga rato saber - to know facts eu sei ele/ela/voc sabe

To Know People & Facts conhecer - to know people, places eu conheo ele/ela/voc conhece

ns conhecemos eles/elas/vocs conhecem

Conhecer means to be acquainted/familiar with someone or something, and it cannot be used with abstract things or ideas. Saber is to know facts, even if those facts involve people or things. Eu sei quem esta pessoa. I know who is this person. Eu sei qual esta cidade. I know which city is this one. Eu conheo esta pessoa. I know this person. Eu conheo esta cidade. I know this city. Formation of Plural Nouns 1. Words that end in -l : drop the l and put -is if the word does not have an i before the l. If it has an e you change it to to make the same sound. pastel (pastry) - pastis 2. Words that end in -o : it has no rule. Sometimes you change it to -es or -es, or just add -s, depending on the word. It's better to memorize the plural when you learn the word. corao (heart) - coraes mo (hand) - mos co (dog) - ces 3. Words that end in -s or -z : have no plural form, so the singular and plural are the same. nibus (bus)

Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

culos (glasses) arroz (rice) 4. All other words : just add an -s. pra (pear) - pras ma (apple) - mas guaran (soda) - guarans Possessive Adjectives Singular Masc my meu your teu your/his/her seu /its our nosso your seu your/their dele Plural Masc Fem meus minhas teus tuas seus suas nossos nossas seus suas deles delas

Fem minha tua sua nossa sua dela

The possessive adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun that they describe.

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