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If you want to lose weight, you're not alone.

Almost half of all Americans are t rying to lose weight at any given time.[1] While there are many things you can d o to shed pounds, losing weight too quickly can be dangerous. Fad diets, diet pi lls, and fasting may help you reduce the number on the scale, but these methods can cause severe health complications. However, if you are generally healthy and you're determined to drop several poun ds quickly, there are some techniques and tips you can adopt to help you reach y our short-term goals. Steps Fad Diets The purpose of most fad diets is to promote rapid weight loss that you can see a lmost overnight. Fad diets are short-term solutions; if you stay on a fad diet f or more than a few days, you could cause your body serious harm. You should alwa ys consult your healthcare provider before beginning any kind of weight loss pro gram to make sure your body can take the added strain to its system. Here are so me popular fad diets with simple instructions that claim to result in fast, shor t-term weight loss. 1The Water Diet[2]. This diet involves drinking a daily total of about 64 fluid ounces (8 cups) of cold (preferably refrigerated) water, at regular intervals.

Drink a glass of water before each meal and before each snack to suppress your a ppetite by making you feel fuller. Do not add sweeteners or flavorings to your water. Do not replace meals with water. Take a daily multivitamin to replenish the nutrients lost through more frequent urination. 2Juice Detox Diet, Juice Fast, or Hollywood Diet[3]. Although there are many var iations on a juice detoxification fast or crash diet, they generally last for on e to three days. You can only drink fruit and vegetable juices on this type of fad diet. Some variations of this diet involve taking vitamins or nutrients along with the juices, while others let you have a single meal per day. The juices are meant to help your body flush out toxins and eliminate several po unds of (mostly) water weight from your system.[4] 3The Master Cleanse, Maple Syrup Diet, or Lemonade Diet[5]. This fad diet is a l iquid-only diet. Drink between 6 to 12 glasses of a special mixture of lemonade, cayenne pepper, water, and maple syrup each day. You will also drink a cup of herbal laxative tea twice a day. There is an optional period of easing into this fad diet, as well as an easing-o ut process. It should only be done for very short-term weight loss and is supposed to functi on as a detoxifying cleanse rather than a strict weight-loss routine. There is also an optional salt-water flush that can be incorporated into this di et. 4The Cabbage Soup Diet[6]. This diet claims it can help you lose up to 10 pounds in one week. It involves eating a low-fat, high fiber diet. You mainly eat a special type of cabbage soup, but you can also have moderate po

rtions of certain fruits and vegetables, occasional meats and rice, a minimum of 4 glasses of water and a multivitamin each day. This diet lasts 7 days and is not recommended as a permanent solution for long-t erm weight loss because of the lack of nutrients you consume on it. 5The Salt-Free Diet[7]. This diet helps you lose water weight by eliminating wat er retention in the body. On this diet, you cannot have any salt, which includes not only table salt, but also all the added sodium found in pre-packaged and prepared foods. This involves preparing sodium-free products at home or avoiding processed foods all together, which also means avoiding to eat out at restaurants. It also involves drinking up to 2 liters (about 8 cups) of water each day to rep lenish essential bodily fluids, although green tea is also allowed in moderation . Many prepared foods have as much as 30% of your daily value. You get your daily requirement of sodium from a healthy diet; too much can cause you to retain wate r weight. Because some dietary salt is essential for good health, the Salt-Free Diet shoul d not be followed for more than one to two weeks. It's important to note that this diet is more effective for those people who ten d to retain water more easily than others. If you're not sure whether you're par ticularly prone to water retention, pay attention to your hands and feet the nex t time you eat something salty. If your rings are more difficult to take off, or your shoes become tighter after a salty meal, those are signs that your body is sensitive to sodium. 6The HCG Diet[8]. This diet combines injections or supplements of HCG (human cho rionic gonaotropin) with a severely restricted calorie intake. The calorie restriction alone (only 500 to 800 calories per day) is enough to pr omote weight loss in most people; it is significantly under the recommended dail y calorie allowance, even for people attempting to lose weight. HCG is not monitored by the FDA, and can have unpleasant side effects in many pe ople. Those who follow this diet typically gain the weight back immediately after stop ping it. Weight Loss Spa Treatments Another easy way to get fast weight-loss results is to get beauty treatments spe cifically designed to help you shed inches quickly. By visiting a spa, sauna, or wellness clinic offering weight loss beauty services and procedures, you can ha ve your pick of numerous beauty treatments and spa services that are designed to help you lose weight quickly or to alter your appearance by reducing bloating, tightening your skin, or removing body fluids.[9] These processes only involve t emporary weight loss, but the results are immediate and do not involve dieting o r exercise. 1Ask about a mineral body wrap. Some mineral wraps claim to help you slim down b y literally making you lose inches off of your waist, thighs, and arms. The proces s involves a mineral-based cleanse that is supposed to detoxify your body, helpi ng you shed weight, reduce cellulite (fat near the surface of your skin), and to ne and firm your skin almost instantly. 2Get a lipase body wrap. Lipase body wraps are another quick-slim beauty treatme nt that follow a two-step phase. First, an enzyme wrap is applied to rid your body of fat tissue near the surface of the skin. A second mineral wrap is then applied, designed to tighten and smooth your skin. 3Get a European body wrap. European body wraps are another potential option for spa services aimed at dropping inches off of trouble spots. This procedure is su pposed to firm and tone skin, reduce the appearance of cellulite or stretch mark s, and temporarily promotes weight loss. 4Get a hot body wrap. Heat-based body wraps are perhaps a more well-known spa tr

eatment, designed both to detoxify your body and stimulate smooth, toned skin. T he heat and massage involved in most heat or steam treatments is targeted at imp roving circulation and helping your body slim down quickly. 5Go to a sauna. Saunas may result in a loss of a pint of sweat in just a quarter of an hour. You should hydrate by drinking a few glasses of water after spending time in a s auna to reduce the risk of dehydration. Keep in mind that time in saunas must be limited, preferably to no more than one 15- to 20-minute session per day. People with blood pressure or heart problems should not use saunas, nor should y oung children.[10] 6Get a colonic. Some spas offer colonic irrigation treatments, which involve phy sically flushing your colon with large amounts of water to remove fecal accumula tion. This process may help some people who suffer from bloating, gas, and constipatio n and claims to spur weight loss in some individuals.[11] 7Liposuction can shed pounds instantly. Liposuction is a surgical option for fas t, targeted weight loss, generally only recommended for people with one or two s pecific areas of highly fatty tissue but otherwise relatively healthy body weigh t.[12] Because it is a surgical procedure, it carries significant health risks and shou ld only be performed by a licensed professional. Healthy Eating Habits Change general nutrition and lifestyle habits. Adopting a number of simple but s ignificant dietary and behavioral changes can be enough to jump-start weight los s for many people. Combining the suggestions below with your short-term diet pla n will enhance your chances of reaching your weight-loss goals faster and mainta ining those results in the long-term. 1Develop a healthy and personalized meal plan. Figure out how much you should be eating by scheduling a consultation with a dietitian or a physician to discuss your weight loss goals, special dietary needs, current eating habits, and potent ial areas for improvement. Choose meals that have a healthy balance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lo w-fat dairy, and lean proteins. A typical dinner plate should be filled with hal f vegetables or fruits, half whole grains and lean protein. 2Plan your meals in advance. This can help you incorporate more nutritious foods into your diet and limit your calorie intake. 3Determine your daily calorie needs. Your individual calorie needs will vary bas ed on age, gender, height, and activity level. Knowing exactly how much your tar get daily intake is will help you stick to your diet. Monitor the number of calories and grams of fat you consume each day and try not to exceed USDA guidelines.[13] 4Keep a food diary. Write down every meal, snack, and drink you consume as well as the approximate quantities for an entire week. When possible, write down the number of calories in each food you eat as you eat it. Keep in mind that the recommended serving size is often considerably smaller tha n the serving you actually eat. Don t forget to include coffee mix-ins, condiments, and other additions to your da ily diet. Once you have done this, you should be able to estimate your typical daily calor ie intake and compare it to your goal with an online calorie calculator. 5Identify your food triggers and plan accordingly. Careful planning can help you avoid trigger foods and empty calorie traps you may have identified in your foo d journal. If you don t purchase these foods or if you plan meals in advance, you will be less likely to sabotage your diet when pressed for time. 6Watch your portion sizes. Look for healthy, delicious meal and snack ideas onli

ne or in cookbooks, and create a menu for the week. Make a list of what you'll n eed for these meals, and don't stray from your list when you get to the grocery store. Looking at market circulars can also give you ideas and even cut costs by buying weekly sale items and seasonal produce. Incorporate appropriate portion sizes into your meal plan. For instance, a healt hy snack of almonds and dried cranberries can turn into a huge calorie source if you don t pay attention to quantities. Also, preparing pre-apportioned healthy sn acks can help you avoid mindless overeating and can make it convenient to grab a healthy snack. 7Don t skip meals. Eating a healthy breakfast increases your rest metabolic rate e arlier in the day, keeps your energy levels high, and may help you resist the ur ge of high-calorie snacks throughout the day. Plan to eat a snack or meal every 2 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism active. Eating regularly also keeps your bl ood sugar stable and reduces unhealthy calorie binges or deviations from your me al plan. 8Select smart substitutes for unhealthy sources of fat, sugar, and calories. Mos t foods have healthier counterparts that will allow you to enjoy your favorite f oods without unnecessary fat, sugar, and calories. Exchanging high-calorie and h igh-fat foods and drinks for healthier alternatives can help you lose weight fas ter. 9Snack smartly. Swap potato chips and candy bars for snacks that are nutrient-ri ch and low in calories and fat. Avoid processed and packaged foods when possible , or buy snacks that have single-serving packets of 100 to 200 calories. Healthy and easy snacks include nuts, rice cakes, fresh or dried fruits, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, and so on. Vegetables are generally very low in calories, very high in fiber, and full of flavor and nutrition, but avoid fatty dressings or di ps. Fruit provides a good source of soluble fiber, releasing energy more slowly and keeping you feeling full longer. Low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt or c heddar cheese, can also be healthy snacks in moderation. Try combining string ch eese with a handful of grapes, spreading peanut butter on a few crackers, or dip ping sliced red pepper into a few tablespoons of hummus. 10Sip on low-calorie 100% fruit juice, seltzer, or water instead of soft drinks, energy drinks, flavored coffees, and martinis. Cutting calories with substituti ons can be a lot easier than you might think. For example, a tall latte in the m orning may pack 500 calories. Since a pound of body fat (lost or gained) is roug hly equivalent to 3,500 calories, replacing that rich beverage with black coffee can help you lose a pound per week[14]. If you eat salad frequently, try substi tuting a low-fat vinaigrette for your ranch or blue cheese dressing[15]. Similar ly, cook with a tablespoon of olive oil instead of butter, for instance, or opt for skim milk instead of whole. 11Choose lean meats. Poultry and fish are naturally low in fat, and certain fish like salmon, sardines, and fresh tuna are an excellent sources of antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to your health. Ask your butcher f or lean cuts of beef or pork if you choose to buy them, and trim visible fat fro m meat before cooking. Consider eating vegetarian a few days each week. By repla cing meat with nutritious foods like beans, tofu, or lentils, you can cut signif icant amounts of your daily calorie intake while adding many nutrients to your d iet. 12Replace high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. For instance, ex change cheesy pasta or mashed potatoes with steamed vegetables or salad. 13Drinking water instead of soda, coffee, alcohol, juice, or milk may help you c ut hundreds of calories per day. Increasing your water intake can also help your body efficiently use nutrients, keep you energized, get the most benefit from y our exercise routine, and feel full longer. If you can handle substituting water for all other drinks for a week, you can expect faster weight loss and see dram atic improvement in energy levels and even appearance very quickly. 14Avoid tempting grocery aisles. Avoid the areas in the grocery store that stock sodas, cookies, ice cream, pizzas, and other fattening and highly processed foo ds, so that you are less likely to purchase unhealthy options. 15Prepare your meals at home instead of buying fast food.

16The Mayo Clinic Diet[16]. This plan was developed by the world-renowned medica l research and treatment clinic to jump-start weight loss and promote a long-ter m plan for healthy and sustainable weight loss. It advertises a possible weight loss of up to 10 pounds in the first week, although results slow afterwards. Thi s is one of the few diet plans with immediate weight loss results that are healt hy to maintain in the long-term. It focuses on breaking unhealthy habits, creati ng healthy habits, and learning to eat and exercise well for life. Exercise More Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increa sing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, b ut if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential. Small changes to your activity level can add up over the course of a day, and can start making an imp act on your weight within as little as a week. 1Make time for exercise. By making time for exercise and other healthy, producti ve activities, you can avoid temptation to overeat. Make chores exercise opportunities. Do your own gardening, wash your car to burn calories and get things done around the house. Don't pick the most convenient parking spot. Park further from the entrance when you go shopping. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. 2Be realistic about the type of exercise you can do when starting a new program. Don t be discouraged if you have to start out slowly; you can always adjust your r outine as you gain skills and confidence. Even short time intervals of circuit training that combine cardio and fat-burnin g activities can trim inches off of your waist, arms, and thighs in 2 weeks or l ess. Participants in Chris Freytag s 2 week trial[17] lost up to 10 pounds and as many inches when tested by Prevention magazine readers, with up to 5 pounds lost in the first week after only 6 sessions of 20 minutes each. Many women s and heal th magazines as well as personal trainers offer similar condensed workout routin es designed to maximize weight loss and visible physical slimming within only a few days of beginning the regimen. 3Adopt a targeted exercise program. Fat-burning cardio routines can help you lose fat quickly, while weight and resi stance training can trigger your metabolism to use energy more efficiently. Fat-burning exercise routines help you drop fat quickly by targeting fat loss. H aving a healthy and balanced diet in combination with moderate fat-burning exerc ise is essential to prevent muscle loss. Try routines that are heavy on cardio. In order to lose a pound of fat, you must burn 3,500 calories. The most effectiv e fat-burning routines contain short bursts of high-intensity workouts with inte rspersed periods of rest.[18] These are also called interval workouts. 4Variety in an exercise regimen is especially important, and can help both those who have reached a weight plateau and those who are just beginning the weight l oss process stick with it. 5Choose workouts that require your entire body to exert an effort. This way, you work every muscle group and burn calories with more muscles at one time, like m ulti-tasking with your exercise.[19] For instance, combine a form of resistance training (try raising small dumbbells overhead as you work) with your arms while you jog or cycle with your legs. 6Perform low impact aerobic activities. Moderate aerobic workouts incorporating brisk walking, cycling, aerobic machines, or swimming not only burn calories the y also keep your heart healthy. Swimming is great, especially if you are quite o verweight or have joint problems, because you can get the same benefits of runni ng typically burning even more calories with much less stress on your joints. Tr y to get at least 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise at least three or four days per week.

7Pump some iron. Resistance training, weight training, can help both men and wom en stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism. Weight loss strategies t hat incorporate both aerobic and weight training boost calorie burn significantl y. If you gain muscle, your body's resting metabolism (the amount of calories yo u burn when you're just sitting still) increases. Studies have shown consistent weight training to raise the body's metabolism by 15%. This means an average wom an might burn 200-300 more calories at rest every day. Weight training can also tone flabby trouble spots, giving the appearance of weight loss by simply tighteni ng and slimming your body. 8Make exercise enjoyable. Choosing physical activities that you like to do will make you much more lucky to succeed at maintaining your exercise regimen. Start a hobby that involves moving around a bit, even if it doesn't sound like " exercise." Gardening, building small projects, working on cars, or playing with animals are all great ways to burn calories. Remember that games like volleyball, tennis, and even Frisbee can help you burn calories while having a blast, making exercise a social and fun activity you wil l want to enjoy everyday. Find what you like and don t be afraid to try new things. Many forms of exercise c an help you reach your weight loss goals, even home-training programs such as Wi i Fit, which guides you through yoga, aerobics, strength training, and balance e xercises in the comfort of your own home. For more adventurous athletes, programs such as P90-X can also provide dramatic weight loss benefits through exercise. 9Get enough rest. Being properly rested will help you maintain sufficient energy throughout the day, making you less likely to overeat and less prone to injury during physical activity. Rest at least 24 to 48 hours between strength training sessions on the same musc le group (for instance, work out your biceps and abs on alternating days), and t ake one to two days off from exercising each week. Know how much sleep you need, since sleep deficiency impairs your ability to los e fat. 10Try cooking with olive oil instead of other unhealthy types of oils if possibl e. One of the major benefits of olive oil is that it's a great source for monoun saturated fats which can help lower Low Density Lipoprotein also known as LDL. T his can help protect against atherosclerosis. In addition to this, monounsaturat ed fats can actually lower the risk of heart disease. The reason for this is bec ause these types of fats do not affect the levels of High Density Lipoprotein (H DL), which are also called good cholesterol . Cite error Listening is an essential part of communication, and it is different from hearin g. Being a good and patient listener helps you not only solve many problems at w ork or home, but also to see the world through the eyes of others, thereby openi ng your understanding and enhancing your capacity for empathy. In addition, you learn a lot from listening. As simple as listening to and acknowledging other pe ople may seem, doing it well, particularly when disagreements arise, takes since re effort and lots of practice. Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf... - Native American Proverb EditSteps 1Place yourself in the other person's shoes. It is often too easy to wonder how what the other person is telling you impacts you. Active listening is not about inward thinking. Instead, you must look at the problems from the other person's perspective and actively try to see his or her point of view. It is not a good i dea to consider yourself to be smarter than the speaker and assume that if you h ad been in his or her shoes, you would have seen your way through the problem mu ch faster. Remember you have two ears and one mouth for a reason.

2Create a conducive physical and mental space. Remove all distractions. Give all of your attention. Turn off cell phones. It may be easiest to arrange to talk s omewhere that distractions will not occur. Quiet your mind and open yourself to whatever the person might have to say. 3Stop talking and try to be silent. It might sound obvious and trite, but one of the biggest obstacles to listening, for many people, is resisting the impulse t houghts. Likewise, many think that empathy means sharing with the listener simil ar experiences that the listener has had. Both can be helpful, but they are easi ly abused. Put aside your own needs, and wait for the other person to talk at th eir own pace. 4Follow and encourage the speaker with body language. Nodding your head will ind icate you hear what the speaker is saying, and will encourage them to continue. Adopting body postures, positions and movements that are similar to the speaker (called mirroring) will allow the speaker to relax and open up more. 5Practice the empathetic sounding back technique. At appropriate intervals durin g the conversation, it is helpful to "summarize and restate" and/or "repeat and encourage" the main points: Repeat and encourage: Repeat some of the things said by the speaker. At the same time, encourage the speaker with positive feedback. For example, you might say: "You didn't enjoy having to take the blame. I can see why." Go easy with this t echnique, however, because if you overwork it, it may come across as being patro nizing. Summarize and restate: It is also very useful to summarize what the speaker is s aying and restate it in your own words. This is a form of reassuring the speaker that you have truly been listening to what he or she is saying. It also provide s the speaker with an opportunity to correct any mistaken assumptions or misconc eptions that may have arisen during the course of the conversation. This is an e specially good technique to try when you find yourself getting frustrated or res tless in your listening. 6Do not interrupt with what you feel or think about the topic being discussed. W ait for another person to ask your opinion before interrupting the flow of discu ssion. Active listening requires the listener to shelve his or her own opinions temporarily, and await appropriate breaks in the conversation for summarizing. A bstain from giving direct advice. Instead, let him or her talk the situation out and find his or her own way. Besides, if he or she takes your advice and someth ing goes wrong, he or she will be likely to blame you (whether he or she tells y ou or not). 7Ask meaningful and empowering questions. Do not seek to probe or make the other person defensive. Rather, aim to use questions as a means by which the speaker can begin to reach his or her own conclusions about the concerns or issues being raised. Once you have shown empathetic listening, it is time to move into empow ering listening by re-framing the questions that you ask the speaker. For exampl e: "You didn't enjoy having to take the blame. But I cannot understand why you f eel blamed rather than merely being asked not to do something that way." Wording the question in this manner presents the speaker with a need to respond directl y to your lack of grasping something. In the process of doing so, the speaker sh ould begin to move from a more emotional response to a more constructive respons e. 8Wait for the person to open up. In the process of encouraging a constructive re sponse, an active listener must continue to be patient and let the speaker acqui

re his or her full flow of thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Keep yourself in his o r her shoes and try to estimate why he or she is in such a situation. 9Use Body Language to express your interest. Active listening involves the entir e body and face--both yours and that of the speaker: Your expression: Look interested and meet the gaze of your speaker from time to time. Do not overwhelm the speaker by staring intently, but do reflect friendlin ess and openness to what you are listening to. Read between the lines: Always be alert for things that have been left unsaid or for cues that can help you gauge the speaker's true feelings. Watch the facial and body expressions of the speaker to try to gather all information you can, no t just from the words. Imagine what kind of state of mind would have made you ac quire such expressions, body language, and volume. Speak at approximately the same energy level as the other person. This way, he o r she will know that the message is getting through and that there is no need to repeat. 10Try to reassure the speaker that all is well. Whatever the conclusion of the c onversation, let the speaker know that you have been happy to listen and to be a sounding board. Make it clear that you are open to further discussion if need b e, but that you will not pressure him or her at all. In addition, reassure the s peaker of your intention to keep the discussion confidential. Offer to assist wi th any solutions if you have the ability, time, and expertise. Do not build up f alse hopes, however. If the only resource you can provide is to continue to be a n active listener, make that very clear; in and of itself, this is a very valuab le help to any person. 11Be attentive: Use your face,voice and body to show that you are interested in what that person is talking about Listen with an accepting attitude Ask questions which show that you like to listen Use ideas and emotions to try to communicate to the person Test your understanding 12Use encouraging words to show you are listening: Mhm I see Right Uh-huh 13Use nonverbal actions to show you pay attention to what is being said: Relaxed posture Head-nodding Facial expression Relaxed body expression 14Use encouraging words that will invite them to continue: Tell me more Let's talk about it 15Things to avoid: Do not interrupt Do not interrogate Do not try to think of your response in your head while listening Do not change the subject 16Avoid phrases like: Are you sure? It's not that bad Sleep on it. You'll feel better tomorrow Do not be judgemental Do your best

Even with love, attention and a balanced diet, cats still get sick. Cats often h ide their illness so it is important to pay attention to behavior changes. By sp otting these symptoms, you can get your cat proper medical care. EditSteps 1Watch for excessive scratching, which may be indicative of fleas. Check for fleas by grooming the cat over a sheet of blank white paper. You may s ee fleas in the comb's teeth or flea dirt on the paper. Flea dirt is black and c omma shaped. If placed on damp cotton wool it dissolves into bloody streaks. Many commercial products are available to kill fleas and remove them from your h ome. Ask your vet for specific recommendations. 2Listen for dry coughing and vomiting that may signify hairballs. Hairballs are formed in the back of the throat or small intestines and can also cause bad brea th or low appetite. Serious hairball problems may become Trichobezoars (hard lumps of matted hair an d undigested foul-smelling food) and extreme cases may require surgery. Regularly groom your cat to reduce hairballs. Other effective home remedies include adding supplements to their diet such as: Egg Yolk-based Lecithin (not Soy-derived Lecithin) to break down the fat in the hairball, allowing it to be coughed up or passed out; Slippery Elm Bark to lubri cate the hairball passage; Pumpkin pulp (canned) to add bulk fiber to stools to push the hairball out. These three items can be added to treats like fish or coo ked chicken/livers periodically as a preventative for hairballs. You should consult with the veterinarian to be certain that a more serious probl em is not the cause. 3Look for hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, that may cause symptoms suc h as increased appetite or thirst, unexplained weight loss (particularly muscle mass), nervousness or irritability, frequent vomiting, lethargy and weakness, di arrhea, or a messy coat. If two or more symptoms are present, your cat will need to see the veterinarian. 4Watch for symptoms of feline diabetes including vomiting, dehydration, weakness and loss of appetite, increased thirst and urination, weight loss, breathing ab normalities, and an unkempt coat. Feline diabetes effects cats of any age, but i s most common in older, obese male cats. If your cat has any or several symptoms , take him to the vet where blood and urine sugar levels can be tested. 5Be attentive to your cat's litter box habits. Unusual behaviors such as frequen t meowing, jumping in sinks or bathtubs may signify a problem. Inappropriate or difficult and frequent urination, appetite loss, listlessness, blood in the urine, or frequent licking of the genitals may indicate feline lowe r urinary tract disease (FLUTD). This is painful inflammation of the lower urina ry tract that has the potential to be fatal quickly. FLUTD has a number of cause s from decreased water intake and urine retention to viruses, bacteria, or diet. Diet is especially important with neutered cats as some dry foods may cause uri nary infections. If you see these symptoms, call or take your cat to the vet immediately. 6Pay attention to excessive discharge at the eyes and nose. If your cat constant ly appears to be 'crying' there may be an allergy or sinus infection. If discharge is present with excessive drinking/urination, lethargy, and a lackl uster coat have your cat checked by a veterinarian for possible kidney failure. 7Be mindful of head tilting, dizziness or disorientation that may be symptoms of a neurological disorder. If present, your cat should be brought to the vet imme diately. 8Groom your cat often to check for new lumps or growths. Most lumps will are ben ign, but if there is oozing or tenderness it will need to be checked. Female cat s in particular are prone to breast cancer. Veganism is a type of vegetarianism, but just eating fruits, vegetables, bread,

and other "not meat" products. Think about like this: You and a few friends go c amping in the woods. You didn't bring any emergency food, and you and your frien ds are really hungry. You find a few dozen non-poisonous plants to eat. Picking them, you notice that they are vegetables. And then, after consuming the vegetab les, you're still hungry. You find a lone apple tree, and attempt to pick the ap ples. Once you get them, you eat them. You're still hungry. One of your friends then realizes that they have some bread in their backpack, and you share. You ha ve been a vegan for a night. Does that make sense? The real question is, do you want to raise a whole family on this sort of diet? If the answer is yes, keep re ading. Note: These steps, tips, and warnings are for smaller families (2 adults, 3 chil dren). EditSteps 1Get married, if you already aren't. After your marriage, ask your partner if th ey would say yes to a veganism in the family you will raise together. If they sa y yes, you can keep going with this. This step can be difficult if you do not ha ve a boy/girlfriend you have been with for a long time, and you're not engaged. 2Have children with your partner. After you have a child (or children), get to e at more vegetables, fruits, and breads. They will grow to like these dishes and will love their vegan lifestyle later on. Once your child(ren) have gotten up to age 6, talk to them about why you are only eating fruits, vegetables, and bread . Tell them that you are doing good for Earth's animals, because, before consump tion, they are killed in slaughterhouses, and the meat products and byproducts a re packed up and put in trucks, and the drivers take them to the grocery store, where they will be bought, cooked, and eaten. See how cruel that is? That is why you raise your family on veganism. 3Buy vegan foods. Just a few healthy and earth-friendly choices are: lettuce, to matoes, potatoes, apples, watermelon, nuts, cabbage, eggplant, blueberries, pear s, coconuts, bananas, au gratin potatoes, jalapeo peppers, jabenero peppers, snow peas, pea pods, and packaged salads. Many more options are available at you loc al grocery store! All of these benefit your health. 4Study veganism online. Veganism is a diet of which some hippies use, and it con tains only foods that have been grown or are made of only grown things. The food s you eat are good for you because you aren't eating a lot of fats and oils. Als o, only drink water and sodas. Some drinks have animal products, like milk. You cannot drink milk on your vegan diet. 5Praise the consumption of vegetables that are normally disgusting to children. Some of these are asparagus, artichoke, spinach, Brussels sprouts, garlic, celer y, and onions. Most of these sometimes gag children, because they can taste awfu l when they are uncooked, or they just simply have sensitive taste-buds. 6Raise your family this way! You can then help your children live to be healthy! Congratulations! EditTips Some of the aforementioned foods aren't good for you unless they are properly co oked. Eggplant and celery, for example. They don't taste good unless they are pr operly and thoroughly cooked. You can get healthy vegan recipes at many food web sites, you can also add interesting and healthy recipes there. Think very seriously about this lifestyle. If your partner says no to this idea, don't force your partner into this! You can't force anybody to do anything! You can teach this lifestyle to other children and families! Some will like this , some won't. Especially those who were raised on meat. EditWarnings Meats, cheeses, and other animal products are unacceptable in the vegan diet. So metimes, you need actually stop yourself from eating animal products while doing this (bacon, anyone?)! While piercings look great, sometimes problems arise including skin infections. Th

ey are easy to treat by simply following your doctor's advice, as long as you kn ow the signs and don't hesitate to treat an infected piercing as soon as you rec ognize it. This article will help you recognize the signs of infection, how you will treat it, and how to prevent infections in the future. EditSteps Recognizing and Treating Infection 1Look for telltale signs. While it's normal to have some pain and redness around the piercing site for up to two days, any more than that should be cause for co ncern. Keep your eye out for the following symptoms: Red, inflamed streaks or marks on the skin that radiate out from the piercing si te. Increased pain, redness, swelling, heat, or tenderness around the piercing site. Yellow-green pus-like discharge coming from the piercing site. It's normal to se e a bit of oozing or bleeding from the pierce, but be alert for pus combined wit h swelling and redness. Swollen or tender lymph glands above or below the piercing. With an ear piercing , you may feel sore and swollen glands in your neck around your jawline. Fever. If you're otherwise healthy (no cold or flu), and you develop a fever, th is is cause for concern. 2Make an appointment. If these symptoms occur, make a doctor s appointment as quic kly as possible, and avoid possibly serious complications. Note that while most problems happen around the time of piercing, they can becom e infected months or even years after the initial pierce.[1] Signs of an allergic reaction versus an infection include burning sensation on t he skin, an expanding wound, and a clear yellow discharge. 3Visit your doctor. They will provide specific advice on how to treat your parti cular infection. While not everybody will get the same treatment, doctors often recommend following these steps while treating an infected piercing: Do not remove your jewelry unless instructed by your doctor. Keeping the jewelry in ensures proper drainage and helps to prevent an abscess from forming. If you are having an allergic reaction to the metal, the doctor will have you re move the jewelry. Use an antibiotic cream or antibiotic tablets. You will have to either apply the cream topically or take pills as prescribed, usually for ten to fourteen days. Most infections of this nature are caused by Staphylococcus[2], so be sure to fo llow the prescribed course of antibiotics so that you completely eradicate the s taph bacteria. Preventing Infection Proactively 1Work with professionals. A professional piercer who follows local health depart ment guidelines is the best way to prevent infection. A professional will also u se procedures to prevent against the transmission of blood-borne diseases, like tetanus or HIV. 2Use a properly licensed piercing studio. Your state, county or city health depa rtment will have information on licensing requirements for piercing studios. Avoid performing the piercing yourself or having an untrained friend perform the piercing. while the process itself is not difficult, having sterile tools and a ntiseptic procedures are required to minimize the chances of infection. 3Make sure the piercer uses appropriate equipment. Piercers should wash their ha nds between piercings and wear a fresh pair of protective gloves for each pierci ng. Ear-piercing guns should never be used as they cannot be sterilized properly and the jewelry is relatively blunt which causes unnecessary damage to the pier cing. An actual professional piercer (with years of apprenticeship and experienc e) will never use a piercing-gun.[3] 4Make sure that the piercer sterilizes all non-disposable equipment. An autoclav e is a machine that piercers often use to sterilize equipment. For equipment tha

t will not fit into the autoclave, such as drawer handles, tables and sinks, pie rcers should sterilize the equipment with a commercial disinfectant or bleach so lution after each use. 5Expect your piercer to use hypoallergenic jewelry. Surgical steel, titanium, ni obium or 14 or 18-carat gold are appropriate for a new piercing. Avoid nickel, w hich commonly causes allergic reactions. 6Practice an ounce of prevention. Follow the instructions of your piercing studi o regarding cleaning a new ear piercing. 7Keep it clean[4]. Wash your hands well before treating your piercing, then wash the piercing once or twice a day with antibacterial soap. Remove any developed crust with with a cotton swab that has been moistened with antibacterial soap. Avoid topical treatments such as alcohol or peroxide, which can dry your skin, o r ointments, which can prevent fresh air from getting to the piercing. 8Apply a warm, moist compress to the site for about 20 minutes per day. This wil l increase blood flow to the earlobe and will help to prevent infection. 9Avoid irritating the piercing. Only touch the ear if you re cleaning the piercing , and keep clothing away from the site: it can cause excessive friction or rubbi ng, which can irritate the skin. 10Stay out of the pool. Avoid pools, rivers, lakes, hot tubs, and other places t hat may harbor infectious bacteria. Going out by yourself can seem intimidating, even frightening. Many people feel insecure, or unsafe when they go out alone, whether it's on a trip or just to a party. Feeling this way can dampen the enjoyment of going out, and sometimes, st op you going out at all. There are definitely dangers to be aware of, but you can get around on your own. You can overcome your anxiety about such things and learn to differentiate betw een real danger and irrational fear or paranoia. This article assumes you are a woman but if you're a man, there's plenty of usef ul information in here for you too. EditSteps 1 Going to a shady part of town?Think about where you are going. What section of town is it? Will there be others there whom you know (friends, acquaintances)? I f your destination is in a better section of town - that is, one that is well-li t, not known to be run down or rife with crime - then you are in much better sha pe going alone. If it's in a not-so-good section of town, think again. Overcomin g your fears and anxieties is one thing but taking foolish and unnecessary risks is another. There really is safety in numbers. 2Make sure your car is in good order. Sounds silly? Not if you have a leaky tire valve. The last thing you need is to come out at two in the morning and find yo u have a flat. If you're hanging out alone, have a AAA or other roadside emergen cy service card with you as well as a charged cell phone. Fill your car up with gas before you leave. Get a can of Fix-A-Flat and put it in the trunk, along wit h a quart of oil and an empty milk jug to carry water in if necessary. Just chec king to make sure everything is cool before you get going is a great step to giv e you peace of mind before you head out. 3Tell someone where you are going and how long you plan to stay. You are not "pu tting yourself on a leash" or "cramping your own style." You're being smart by l etting a family member or friend know where - and when - to start looking for yo u, worrying, etc. One good way to go about it is to tell your (for example) mom that you are "goin g to a party at Steve's house in Agoura this Saturday." You don't need to provid e a GPS tracker, but it's smart to leave a MapQuest or Google map of your planne d route. Tell your mom you will call when you're on your way home. Call Steve an

d tell him you're on your way as you are leaving the house. This way, if you don 't arrive at the party, hopefully Steve will remember that you called to tell hi m you were coming, and will call your mom. Now, both parties realize that you le ft and never arrived at your destination - it gives them a faster start on findi ng you. Leave a map. If you left a map of your route, mom can alert the authorities to search along that route - your problem may be as simple as a flat tire or as ser ious as a crash, with you and your car in a ditch, and a dead cell phone battery - telling someone where you planned to be will help them find you much quicker. Conversely, if you call mom and tell her that you are in your car and leaving t he party at 10pm, she will know that if you have not arrived by midnight, she sh ould begin to worry. Cell phones have taken a lot of these worries away, because it's a simple matter to call most of the time. If your cell phone dies, or if you leave it at the party, or it is stolen, lost, or otherwise does not work, you have left word with people who will definitely become concerned after only an hour or two if you don't show up - it won't be ha lf the night before someone even realizes you never showed up where you were sup posed to. Knowing you have taken these simple precautions can boost your confide nce significantly. 4Be alert and aware of your surroundings. Before you get out of your car, think about where you have parked. Is it well-lit, easy to see from the street? This i s the best place to park if alone. Avoid parking in dark alleys or very far away from the door of your destination. Remember where you parked - this is very imp ortant. Mentally map your path to the door of the place you're going, take note of anyone on the street, and gather your things quickly. Upon leaving your car, check carefully that it is locked and you have left nothing enticing (like a lap top bag or an iPod) in plain view. Walk purposefully - do not meander - directly to the door and enter immediately. Lingering on the street is not a good idea, it allows potential attackers to see that you are alone. Keep anyone you noticed out on the street in your mind, and in the corner of your eye, if possible. Bei ng aware of the people around you is key to your safety. Do not talk on your cel l phone - it will distract you. 5Learn how to defend yourself. It's important to remember that you do not have t o suddenly earn a black belt in karate or carry a knife around with you - but if you're generally insecure when you go out alone, knowing that you can take care of yourself can reassure you greatly. Train your senses so you will feel like y ou can look after yourself - be more observant, so that you will know if somethi ng is about to happen. If you travel or live in risky or dangerous areas, learn how to block punches, or think of how to avoid harmful incidents. Developing a m ore street smart attitude may seem silly, or pointless, but the simple knowledge that you can protect yourself will increase your confidence. 6 If you're tipsy, then take a taxi!Get inside quickly, and once inside, relax an d enjoy yourself responsibly. Remember that there is no designated driver - you' re it. Be aware of what you are drinking. Do not leave your drink unattended for any reason. If someone buys you a drink, make sure you watch the bartender pour it. If you suspect your drink has been compromised, do NOT drink it. Don't get drunk! If you do get drunk, don't plan on going home without calling a taxi or r elative to collect you. 7Avoid sharing too much information with any stranger. Don't be naive and trust someone you do not know. The people you meet may be very nice people, or they ma y be not very nice; it's impossible to make an accurate judgement in just one me eting. Do not mention that you came alone. Say you are waiting for friends to ar rive or someone is picking you up soon. If you meet someone you think is nice so far, make plans to meet in a coffee shop, at a restaurant, or at an amusement p ark, rather than giving out your home address or place of work. Giving out your cell phone number is okay if you want to. The main idea is that you take time to really know this person and get a feel for the real guy or girl, not just that

first impression. 8Remember that good people are like sunny days - there are lots of them. Just be cause you're being careful doesn't mean you need to be afraid that everyone is o ut there thinking about how to get one over on you. Be prepared - not paranoid. Remembering that there are more sunny days than days when lightning strikes is u seful. Lightning is dangerous, maybe deadly - but rare. 9Relax and be yourself. You won't have a good time if you don't relax. Once you' ve reached your destination, settle in and resolve to have a good time, no matte r what. 10Preparing to leave, take a close read of the street and then go straight to yo ur car, then home. Alone. If the guard or bouncer, or a group of other women you have met, offer to walk you to your car, take them up on it. At the very least, let someone know that you're going home now, and ask them to watch you till you get in your car. Take a look around - know who is on the street with you, and i f you see an alley between you and your car, walk in the middle of the street if necessary to give yourself plenty of room to move if you need to. Walk purposef ully and confidently to your car, and when you get there, have your keys ready a nd unlock the car as you are taking your last steps toward it. As you approach t he car do a quick visual check that nobody is inside of it (you parked in a well -lit place, right?). If there is, turn around and walk confidently back to your event where you can safely call 911. Otherwise, get in, lock the doors immediate ly, buckle up, start your car and drive away. Don't sit in your car fixing your make-up or fiddling with your iPod or texting someone - get going. 11Congratulate yourself - you did it! Being aware of your surroundings and actin g confident will help you feel confident. You've just realized you can go places on your own and survive - you can meet new friends, and have great times withou t waiting to tag along with others. It's a great feeling! EditTips People who have the intent to rob or assault others often look for easy targets - nervous types, retiring types, or people just wandering and not really paying attention to their surroundings. Standing tall and walking with purpose, being o bviously aware of who and what are on the street with you makes you look confide nt - not an easy target. Be smart - don't insist on going if there's an obvious problem. If your car is h ard to start or makes you feel nervous, if you aren't feeling all that well, or if your mind is very focused on a problem, don't go. You want to have a good tim e, not put yourself in a dangerous situation. If there is an obvious trouble sig n, stay home with a book. Go out once the problem has been addressed instead. Think about making an emergency kit for your car. Having some Fix-A-Flat, some m otor oil, brake fluid, and automatic transmission fluid (which can also be used as power steering fluid in many cars) can save your whole night. If you add a co uple of bottles of water and a can of peanut butter or trail mix, it could even save your life if you got into a serious jam. Other great items: emergency blank et (very small, can fit in your back pocket when folded, but reflects your body heat back to you and can keep you warm if you get stuck in bad weather and can't start your car or use your heater); survival knife - good sized blade, windshie ld smasher, seat belt slicer; hand crank flashlight and a few light-sticks. Get one of those nice organizing containers large enough to hold all your stuff, pac k it in your trunk, and just forget about it. Unless you really need it - then y ou'll be so glad you were prepared! It is becoming more and more common for thieves to target in on valuable jewelry that they can easily see being worn on unsuspecting people. If you are going to a fancy get-together, it might be wise not to put on all of your jewelry before you leave your home, but rather to put your valuables in a small pouch to carry with you. When you arrive at the location of the gathering, you can easily slip into the bathroom to put on the diamond earrings and gold necklace. This won't take much time, but is becoming more and more important with the rising cost of

gold, and the ethics of the gold buyers. Take it all back off and put it back in the pouch before you leave to get into your car. If they can't see it, they won 't know you have it. Snatch and run is becoming more and more common, as well as demanding the rings off your fingers, so plan ahead! Many assaults, car-jackings, robberies, and homicidal attacks are carried out on women sitting in their cars fumbling with money, make-up, or their radios. Ofte n, the doors are unlocked and the attacker just slides right in. Don't make your self this kind of target. Instead, have your stuff together, get locked in, buck led up and on your way. You can fiddle with your iPod at the next red light. Attract the right kind of attention - not the wrong kind. Dressing in sexy, prov ocative attire, or wearing a lot of jewelery may be cool once inside, but before you get to your destination, it's not going to attract the kind of attention yo u want. Cover it up! Once you're in, you can let it out, but remember to cover i t again before leaving! Don't wear headphones either, because those indicate an expensive iPod and that you are not situationally aware. Don't forget to bring your pepper spray! It is legal in most states now, and eas y to purchase on sites like eBay. It is available in a size that clips onto your key-chain, too!

So you have played a lot of Counter Strike (or commonly abbreviated as CS) for t he last couple of weeks, or maybe months, against bots and now, it's not any fun anymore. You've memorized their attack patterns and now they are just too predi ctable. That does not mean you're all L337! (leet or elite) The actual test begi ns with you pitting your skills against human players. This can be done by two m ethods; go and play online or play through LAN. I'll discuss the second method EditSteps 1You need a couple of computers connected by LAN. Now the story of how to connec t computers by LAN is a different story. It's in another article. The number of computers depends on you. CS, however, can support a maximum of 32 players per s erver, hence a max of 32 computers. 2All the computers should have CS installed in them. A fool-proof method would b e install CS on all of them from the same source. Sometimes, compatibility issue s arises due to different versions of CS 3Now, you need to know your LAN IP address. There are several methods. Go to com mand prompt. For XP, Start -> Run -> cmd. Then type [ipconfig]. Identify your Lo cal Area Connection and you should see your IP Address. A good idea would be to first disconnect from the net and then try this trick. For Vista & Seven, just t ype cmd in the Search bar and the rest is the same. Keep it in mind to note the IP address down 4Start CS (Server side) - Now start HLDS in any one of the computers, preferably , the computer with the best hardware specification, and start a new game, with all the proper server parameters. HLDS is generally found is in this directory = C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike. You should see an executable named hlds.exe. Y ou should see a GUI. Select your desired maps and settings 5Start CS (Client side) - Start CS in the rest of the computers. Click [Find Ser vers], go to the [LAN] tab and see if anything comes up, most probably it will. 6Connect (Client Side) - If it doesn't, then open the console, by pressing ~ (be side [1]). Write [connect <IP Address>] where IP address is the address of the s erver, without the brackets. If you see the familiar increasing bar, then that's it! You've done it. Do the same for the rest of the computers. If that is not t he case, then read the above instructions again and carefully. Children can get shy and not want you to do something for them. This can be hard for them to grow up with.

EditSteps 1Make sure that the parents or caregivers know you and can explain to the child that you are there for the chance of an emergency or a time when you need to bab y sit. 2Smile at the child and say hi. Let the child grow on you. 3Gradually give the child greater responsibilities, and give positive feedback, so the child will gradually become more confident of self. 4If you want to help the child overcome his or her shyness, take them to meet so me kids the child has not met, but the parents have. Leave the child alone with the new kids for a couple of minutes. Peek in and see if the child is getting bu llied or teased. In that case, pull the child out and explain to the others why it is wrong. Take the child to new kids and try to get them to overcome their fe ar of whatever it is. 5In the case of an emergency, try to stay calm. If there is a fire, get the chil d out first. Never go back in the house. If the child is scared of the firemen t hen try to take him/her away. Remember, that almost all children will be scared at this point. 6In case of any other emergency like choking, the child may be too scared for yo u to help them. Remain calm and tell the child to also remain calm. 7Let the child grow on you and any other people. Take them out some place to mee t other kids. Boredom is a common problem that plagues many people, but it's up to you to do s omething about it. Regardless of your financial situation or even the weather, y ou can always find something productive to do. EditSteps 1Clear out clutter or clean. There's always work to be done at home. Organize yo ur closet, do the dishes, dust, do some yard work or clean out the garage. If yo u have enough items, have a garage sale. Donate leftover items to charity. Feel better knowing that your items will help another person.

2Spend time with your child or pet. Take your child to the park or take your dog out for a walk. Spending time with another creature will give you something to focus on other than you being bored. It also helps to expend excess energy. You could also consider volunteering. Helping someone else will make you feel better , as well as the other person. 3Read a good book. There are lots of books available at your local library or ev en online. Enhance your vocabulary and open your mind to new things. Check out a cook book for new recipes you could try out. Magazines are another great way to pass the time. Play board games such as Taboo, Things and Twister. 4Have a spa day in your bathroom. Fill the bath will essential oils, light a can dle and enjoy relaxing without the overpriced spa. Make your own body scrub usin g sugar and essential oils. You can also make beauty treatments using items that you already have in your kitchen. 5Download music or look up workout routines online. You can dance, do yoga, or w orkout at home using things that you already have as equipment. Exercise release s endorphins that make you feel happy and lifts your spirits.

6Call a friend. Catch up on what's been going on in each others lives. Make plan s to watch a movie or go bowling. Or try something new that you've always wanted to try. Babies' and children's sleep is often difficult to handle when travelling. This article provides advice[1] on ensuring that sleeping needs continue to be met de spite the changes brought on by travel. EditSteps Journeys by car 1 Expect the motion to assist you. Expect the motion to assist you. If your baby is like most babies and tends to be lulled to sleep with motion, then they will doze on and off during any journey. Of course, if you have travelled during the day, this excessive sleep can affect their ability to settle down and sleep at n ight, once you have reached your destination. Settling can be further affected b y the fact that the sleeping environment will be different to home. There are two possible solutions to this challenge: Travel during the night. Put your baby to bed much later than usual, and only do so when you see signs of tiredness. Airline Travel 1Plan in advance. If you are intending to travel by plane or if you are going to a country which has a significant time difference, it is worth planning ahead, so that you can minimize any disruption to your baby's, and your, sleep. 2Prepare for the flight. In preparation for the flight, if possible: Reserve a bassinet, or find out the policy on taking baby car seats on board. R eserve a bassinet, or find out the policy on taking baby car seats on board. 3 If necessary, take an infant painkiller with you. If necessary, take an infant painkiller with you. Fresh unopened sachets are easier to use and pre-measured f or convenience. It's wise to get a doctor's note giving you permission to take i t on the plane. 4 Try apple rings. Try apple rings. If your baby is old enough (4 months plus) bu y some dried organic apple rings. Hook one onto their thumb which will prevent b oredom by allowing sucking and chewing. This will also help with ear pressure ch anges. Alternatively, use a dummy or pacifier. 5Dress your baby in a simple one piece soft suit with popper fastenings and take two or three more with you for the journey. 6 Have a good baby bag in tow. Have a good baby bag in tow. A light, roomy bag wi th lots of compartments will help you feel organized and in control. 7Check in as early as you can, and don't be afraid to ask if there are any spare seats. 8 As soon as you can after take off, offer your baby a drink. As soon as you can

after take off, offer your baby a drink. This will help to ease the pressure in their ears, as well as preventing dehydration. 9Allow your baby to sleep as much as they like on the plane. Regardless of the t ime difference, feed at the usual times as far as possible. If you need a bottle to be warmed, ask well in advance. 10 Keep your baby entertained. Keep your baby entertained. When awake, walking up and down will help, also, pointing out things in a suitable in-flight film and a llowing them to play with a few safe objects. Don't bother packing too many toys though; your baby will soon get bored with them! Arriving at your Destination 1 Allow for familiarisation time. Allow for familiarisation time. Once at your de stination, if awake, allow time for your baby to familiarise themselves with the new surroundings. Do not allow another (especially unfamiliar) family member to put them to bed on her first night no matter how tempting that might be. 2 Try to go to bed at the same time as your baby. Try to go to bed at the same ti me as your baby. If you are travelling with your partner, it is a good idea to o rganize yourselves into shifts to deal with the night, or very early morning wak ing, which is so common when you change time zones. Keeping things Familiar 1 When your baby is in an unfamiliar place, you can help them to feel safe and se cure by following the same bedtime routine as you do at home. When your baby is in an unfamiliar place, you can help them to feel safe and secure by following t he same bedtime routine as you do at home. 2Sing the same night time songs and keep to your familiar bedtime stories. 3Don't forget to bring along a favourite toy especially one that your baby assoc iates with sleep. The Next Day 1 Start early! If necessary, one of you should get up and start the day much earl ier than usual with your baby as they begin to adjust to the time difference. St art early! If necessary, one of you should get up and start the day much earlier than usual with your baby as they begin to adjust to the time difference. This is better than bringing them into your bed. Remember that if your baby's sleep i s disturbed, the chances are that yours will be too! 2 Allow for sleeping in. Allow for sleeping in. On the following day, allow plent y of sleeping during the early part of the day, this nap may be far longer than usual. Then restrict afternoon napping and put them to bed closer to local bed ti me . 3Remember that babies are far more flexible than adults when it comes to adjusti ng to a different time zone. Try following your baby's lead and soon you will al l have adapted to the time change. Although it may be hard to believe, not everything can be found in Google and Wi kipedia. In fact, some forms of information are only available in print. This me ans that sometimes, in order to find what you need, you have to turn to a refere nce book. EditSteps

1Walk into a bookstore or library[1] with a specific ideal in mind. This ideal s hould be based around exactly how detailed you want the book to be. Do you want it general and simple (a general overview of globalization, a definition of a co mputer term etc.)? Or are you searching for a more verbose manuscript (The Encyc lopedia of Internal Medicine, Complete History of China, etc.)? Once you've deci ded on the level of detail you are looking for, you may move on to the next step . 2Do a keyword search of your library's Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) and/o r a website such as to see if you can find a resource that matches yo ur needs. Additionally, the Online Computer Library Consortium's WorldCat[2] can help you search for books at a library near you (including reference sources). 3Perform "foot patrol" of the reference shelves. Browse around and see if you ca n find what you want. In libraries, it helps to have a general idea of the class ification systems used (Library of Congress, Dewey Decimal etc.). If you can't f ind what you want during your "foot patrol", ask a librarian or bookstore employ ee. 4Begin from the end. Go directly to the index of a book that looks sufficient al ong the lines of the topic you're interested in -- ignore the fancy cover and ho w many pretty pictures it might have. What truly defines a good reference book i s its rear. 5Think up a few questions that you know the answer to. Ask the book these questi ons. (Not literally or you'll get some strange looks from other customers and po ssibly be asked to leave when you get angry because the book won't answer you di rectly.) Scan the index for the answers and follow it through the book. 6Read the passages and decide for yourself whether it seems knowledgeable or if it's too vague on the topic(s). Ideally, chances are if it couldn't answer somet hing you already knew, it won't be able to answer any of the other questions you will eventually have. EditTips If you decide to use the library to find reference materials, ask a librarian fo r help. Before starting with the index, you may want to look at the introduction for a r eference book (if there is one). An introduction will usually tell you the kind of material covered in that book. It can also be a clue as to what the book's bi ases are-- things that you might not be able to tell from looking at one or two entries. For example, the book may only cover things from a Western point of vie w. Take advantage of bibliographies. A good reference book will have bibliographies for its entries. Use the materials mentioned in the bibliography to further you r research. How to Install Solar Power at Your Home Edited by SFRSolar, MA, Nita, Maluniu and 1 other 0 Article Edit Discuss Are you considering installing solar panels at your home? If so, great idea. It will ultimately save you tens of thousands of dollars, reduce you carbon footpri nt and increase the value of your home. Read on to learn the basic process to ga in residential solar power EditSteps

1Research. Some basic research can help you decide if you're ready to install so lar. How much electricity do you use? Do you have a good roof for solar? What is the typical cost of solar? Would some kind of solar financing make sense for yo u? 2Site Evaluation. A solar energy consultant will visit your home to see if solar is right for you and will answer questions. They'll present a detailed proposal for a customized system based on your roof and electricity needs. 3Review Proposals. It's a good idea to get more than one proposal but too many c an often be confusing. 4Sign rebate and contract paperwork - Once you've selected a solar company, you' ll sign a contract and pay a deposit. You'll also need to sign rebate and utilit y paperwork, although the solar company will take care of the processing. 5Install System - Depending on the time of year, it will be 1 or 2 months before your system is built. The actual installation will take only 1-3 days. 6Get permission from appropriate authorities. This may include permission from y our county or city building department. Your local utility may also need to get involved. Many solar companies can handle this step for you Familiarize yourself with the different types of eating disorders. The three mai n eating disorders Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder a re described throughout this article. Eating disorders fall into two DSM-IV cate gories (psychiatric categorization), with Anorexia Nervosa in one and Bulimia Ne rvosa in the other category, although overlap between both often occurs. It's im portant to be aware that there are other types of eating disorders too and if yo u have any difficult or unhappy relationship with food, speak with someone in th e medical or therapy profession who can help to identify your particular problem .[1] Many people have struggled with eating disorders. You do not have to be one of t hem. Learn to feel better about yourself. Reading this article can truly help. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by not eating and excessive weight loss. For people with anorexia, the desire to lose weight becomes an all -consuming obsession. It has three main characteristics: The inability or refusa l to have a healthy body weight, the fear of gaining weight, and a distorted bod y image.[2] People with Bulimia Nervosa have recurrent binge eating obsessions and then use various purging methods, such as vomiting or laxative abuse in order to keep the mselves from gaining weight as a result of binge eating.[3] Binge Eating disorder is when a person impulsively eats uncontrollably. Unlike b ulimia, people with a binge eating disorder do not purge afterwards, although th ey may diet sporadically because of guilt or self-hatred or shame. [4] 2Learn about the factors that cause or contribute to eating disorders. There are a number of possible causes behind eating disorders and the causes may include neurobiological and hereditary factors, low self-esteem, high anxiety, the desir e to be perfect, the constant need to please people around the sufferer, trouble d relationships, sexual or physical abuse, family conflict or the inability to e xpress emotions. 3Consider donating to organizations working towards helping those with eating di sorders. There are many organizations working to improve the knowledge of eating disorders and to help those suffering from such disorders. If you know someone or are caring for someone suffering from an eating disorder, making a donation c an help to fight against eating disorders by improving the services offered and the dissemination of knowledge.[5] There are no tough questions in an interview it just seems that way if you're ill p repared. Rather than leaving yourself open to tough questions, do your research and practice beforehand so that nothing can sneak up on you. Here is how to prep

are yourself for that moment. EditSteps Interview Help Sample Job Interview Questions and Responses Sample Interview Strengths and Weaknesses Interview Tips and Tricks Before the interview 1Do your research. It will help you whole lot more when being interviewed if you have done your research into the job's background and know what it involves, wh y you are likely to be a good fit and what you are going to be able to bring to the job. Check out the employer's website thoroughly, read any relevant reports and staff information publicly available and know some of the basic facts and fi gures. Do your research first. Do some research about the company and the position you're interviewing for. If possible, talk to someone who has the job and find out what the companies look f or in an employee. Don't lie about who you are, or your motives. Instead, positi on yourself as the ideal candidate and be willing to listen. During the interview, refer to things you've learned about the company. This tel ls the interviewer that you have an interest in the company and understand its m ission, giving you an edge over applicants who simply "walk in". 2Know yourself. Consider your strengths and weaknesses while some firms are steerin g clear of this question, most still raise it as a way to work out if you've con sidered this aspect of yourself. Be aware of the qualities you offer a potential employer. Write down a short lis t and memorize it. Think about how your past experiences have helped you. This is especially import ant for situational interviews that ask you about how you've handled such and su ch an experience before. Don't over-emphasize weaknesses. Most employers want to hear how you've overcome minor weaknesses; few want to learn about major ones, let alone ones you're con tinuing to struggle with. If you have hurdles like not knowing particular softwa re or lacking a specific diploma even though you have generalist degrees, show o penness to being trained as you're working. This can take care of tricky questio ns revolving around things you're supposed to know as part of the job criteria. Look over your resum before the interview. Many question are based on your resume , so be ready to answer them. If you've applied for so many jobs that you have s tarted to take your CV for granted and have forgotten its contents, beware! Both the CV and your memory of its contents should be refreshed regularly, preferabl y with each job application. 3Face the questions before the interview. Before the interview, think about (or write down) all the possible questions you could be asked, and come up with answ ers to them. You can find lists of potential interview questions (including toug h ones) in books or websites on how to do a job interview. Read a few lists and tailor the suggested questions to the background research on the company that yo u've done.

Interview yourself first. Practice asking yourself questions in a mirror. Do what all US Presidents, court witnesses and executives do to prepare for tough questions: Use a role-playing format and ask yourself the same potentially tough questions, giving you the opp ortunity to practice your answers and delivery. Allow yourself practice to work through not only the best answer but one you're most comfortable delivering. Have a friend test you. Give the friend free rein to ask you all sorts of tough questions. Listen to his or her feedback on your responses. 4Think like an interviewer! What "tough" questions would you ask if you were doi ng the interview and how would you like them answered? Doing this can help you t o understand that "tough" is very subjective reasons for feeling questions are toug h can range from lack of knowledge of the subject matter, assuming the worst of the interviewer or not realizing that the question is taking a subtle approach t o asking you hard ethical or moral dilemmas. You might even like to read up on h ow to conduct an interview, to stand in the interviewer's shoes and realize what 's really going on. You only get one first impression, so having the perfect outfit is the key to a successful job interview. If you look the part, your employers will already be i mpressed, and will be more likely to see you as the right candidate for the job. The way you dress for an interview says how precise, neat, and professional you really are. If you want to dress to impress and be hired for the job of your dr eams, read on. EditSteps Have Good Hygiene 1Be as clean as possible. Bad hygiene can ruin the world's best outfit. It's abs olutely crucial for you take time to have a clean and fresh body before you walk into an interview, or your potential employers will think you're sloppy and car eless. Always shower the day of your interview. Even if you're busy before the intervie w, take the time to wash your hair and body as close to the time of the intervie w as you can. Not only will your skin look clean and fresh, but you'll feel bett er because you'll be more refreshed. Wash your hands right before the interview. It's likely that the first thing you 'll do when you walk into the interview is shake hands, so it's important that y our hands are clean, smell nice, and aren't sticky or just plain dirty. 2Smell nice and subtle. Part of good hygiene is smelling great when you walk int o your interview. It's important to smell clean and fresh while not overwhelming your potential employer. Men should avoid heavy cologne or aftershave. Just a light touch will do. Women can wear a bit of perfume or scented lotion, but should avoid wearing anyt hing with an overpowering smell. Try not to put on perfume right before the inte rview, or it may smell too strong. Walk into the interview with fresh breath. Avoid sucking on a mint or chewing gu m during the interview. Be Well-Groomed 1Pay attention to your hair. It's important to show up with clean, well-brushed hair so you look as put-together as possible. Your hair should be dry and you sh ould avoid any excessive hair products. Have a fresh haircut. If your hair is too long or limp-looking, you may appear s loppy or unprofessional. Men should shave off all facial hair. Have a subtle 'do. Men should avoid spiking their hair or gelling it in a distra cting manner, and women should avoid loud hair-clips or other hair accessories a nd wear their hair down. Before your interview, check your shoulders for dandruff, especially if you're w

earing a dark color. 2Have clean nails. Your employers will notice your hands as soon as you give the m that first handshake, so you should have job-ready fingernails at all times. T he way you take care of your nails can show your employers whether or not you pa y keen attention to detail. Check under your fingernails to avoid dirt. Women should manicure their nails. They can be clear or a subtle shade of pink, but loud colors should be avoided. Men should trim their nails so they have nice, even edges. Dress Appropriately for the Work Culture 1Dress for a professional environment. If you're interviewing for a career in a professional environment, such as business, finance, or anything in a traditiona l office, it's important to look professional so your employers can see you fitt ing in with the people in their company. If you show up dressed too casually for the part, you will stick out like a sore thumb and will look like you're sloppy or don't know how to follow directions. Here are some tips: For men, professional attire includes a dark-colored suit, long-sleeved shirt, f ormal shoes, and a briefcase. For women, professional attire includes a suit, a suit with skirt and pantyhose, and conservative shoes. Remember to know how the people at the company dress--and then kick it up a notc h. It's better to look overdressed than underdressed. If you're really unsure about how to dress, ask the person scheduling the interv iew. 2Dress for a business casual environment. Business casual is defined as being in between professional and casual dress, and it's important to know which jobs re quire business casual dress. Jobs that include working in a site that requires s pecial equipment or that is dirty tend to accept business casual dress. They job s include work in a laboratory, construction site, or lawn care. Here are some t ips for dressing for a business casual environment: For men, cotton or khaki pants and cotton long-sleeved shirts or sweaters are ap propriate. For women, corduroy or khaki pants or skirts, sweaters, and cardigans are approp riate. If you're unsure about whether to dress business casual or professional, err on the side of caution and dress professionally. 3Dress for a casual environment. Some work environments, such as those at a star tup, have more casual dress. You can check the environment by looking at the typ e of company, or even checking the company's website. If you wear a full suit to an interview at a casual company, you will look stodgy and too stuffy to fit in . Here are some tips: For men, a clean and simple pair of khakis and a nice button-down short sleeved shirt will work. For women, a nice top and simple skirt will do. Even if the company dress is casual, you can opt for business casual so you don' t look like you're too relaxed for the interview. For Men 1Have the right top. To give the right impression, men should have a clean, simp le, well-ironed top. Having a top that fits well over the shoulders, is long eno ugh in the sleeves and torso, and is free of stains or wrinkles is the key to su ccess. For a professional environment, wear a solid color suit top, long-sleeved shirt, and matching tie. Avoid a tie that is too goofy or loud and pick a subtle, simp le color, or a quiet pattern. For a business casual environment, try a khaki top, a sweater, or a well-ironed, short sleeved button-down shirt. Your tie should still be professional, but you can pick a more fun color or pattern. For a casual environment, a well-fitting cotton shirt will do, but don't wear yo

ur favorite t-shirt. Avoid necklaces or jewelry for any environment. This will make you look too flas hy. 2Have the right pair of pants. The right pair of pants can go a long way in show ing that you will be competent in the work force. Here are some tips: For a professional or business casual environment, your pants should match your suit top or sweater. Make sure your pants are well-ironed and are the right length and size. Your ank les should not peek out under your pants. Avoid wearing jeans, even if you're dressing for a casual work environment. You can wear jeans when you're actually hired. Avoid shorts at all costs. You'll look like you're on vacation instead of a job interview. 3Have the perfect pair of shoes. Your interviewers will notice your feet and the right pair of shoes can make or break your outfit. Here are some tips: Wear shoes that are shiny, clean, and preferably new. Make sure your shoes match the rest of your outfit. For a professional environment, wear shoes that are a solid color, preferably bl ack. Leather business shoes are the safest bet. Have shoes appropriate to the culture. You can wear more casual wingtips to a ca sual interview, but avoid wearing flip flops at all costs. Wear subtle socks. Your socks should be a solid color and preferably dark. They should be high enough to cover your ankles. 4Have the right accessories. For men, accessories should be kept at an absolute minimum. However, the right accessories can add a nice touch to a good outfit. H ere are some tips: Wear a nice gold or silver watch. Make sure it's tasteful and not too flashy. A solid-color leather belt with a silver buckle will tie your outfit together. D on't go beltless. A portfolio or briefcase. Even if you don't need one to give your interviewers w riting samples or any other information, bringing a portfolio or briefcase will show that you're ready for work. You can skip these for a more casual interview, especially if you're interviewing for a position that won't require you to ever use a briefcase. For Women 1Have a fresh face. Your face will be the first thing employers see, so you shou ld look professional, approachable, and fresh. Here are some tips to having a fr esh face: Wear nice and subtle eye makeup. Wear dark eyeliner, subtle eye shadow, and blac k mascara to show your employers that you spend time on your appearance. Wear a subtle shade of lipstick. Avoid wearing too much makeup. Wear just enough makeup to make a pleasant impres sion, but avoid hot pink lipstick, globs of blush, or bright green eye shadow. Y ou should look like you're going to work, not hitting up the clubs. 2Wear the perfect top. The perfect top is an important part of your outfit. Don' t overlook the effect that the right or wrong top can have on your chances of ge tting hired. Here are some tips for having the right look above your waist: For a professional environment, wear a suit top or a coordinated blouse. Your to p should be blue or black. For a business casual or even a casual environment, wear a nice sweater or cardi gan. Do not show cleavage. Unless you're applying for a job where your looks are obvi ously an important factor, minimize the cleavage as much as possible. Your emplo yers will be too busy staring at your chest to listen to what you have to say, a nd you will just look silly and tacky. Even if you're applying to work in casual environment, your assets will not be an asset. Do not wear a see-through shirt. Your potential employers are not interested in getting a peek at your belly button, bra, or chest. Even your bra straps should be covered at all times.

3Wear the perfect skirt or pants. Your bottom should nicely match your top and s hould be clean, ironed, and tasteful. Here are some tips: For a professional environment, wear a matching suit bottom or skirt. For a business casual or casual environment, a cotton or khaki skirt will be acc eptable. No matter what material your skirt is made up, it should be long enough for you to sit comfortably and cover yourself. Avoid awkwardly pulling down your skirt d uring the interview. Wear neutral pantyhose. Avoid fishnets or fun-colored or trendy tights. You will look tacky. Remember that pantyhose can tear easily and bring an extra pair of hose in your purse just in case yours rip on the way to the interview. Nothing w ill distract your interviewers quicker than a giant run in your hose. 4Have killer shoes. The right shoes can tie your outfit together. Your interview ers will notice your feet when you're sitting down, so it's important to have th e right look. Wear a pair of shoes that are one solid color, preferably black. Avoid showing your toes. Have nice reasonably-high heels. Don't wear platforms or stilettos. Make sure yo u're walking in them before you go into the interview. Check that your heels are n't worn down or don't have dirt clinging to the bottom. 5Wear the right accessories. Though you should avoid too many accessories, the r ight ones can catch your interviewer's eye and can tie your outfit together. Her e are some tips: Wear tasteful and subtle jewelry. A quiet silver necklace, ring, or bracelet can help your classy look. Avoid wearing too much jewelry or you'll look weighed do wn or like you're trying to hard to be trendy. Don't wear more than one ring or bracelet. Avoid showing too many piercings. Even if your ears are pierced eight times, jus t one pair of earrings will do. Take out your nose ring if you have one. Bring a simple portfolio or briefcase. Show that you're work-ready even if you d on't need your portfolio that day. For a more casual environment, a nice one-colored purse will do.

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