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Engenharia de Software

Project Scope Statement

Use Cases Specification

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Engenharia de Software

Project Name Discipline Data Authors 1110695 1120354 1120578 1120653

Project Scope Statement LAPR2(Laboratory Project 2) 27/5/2013

Jos Barros Emanuel Salvadinho Marianne Mota Pedro Santos

Revision History Date Version Description Author

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Engenharia de Software

Use Case Diagram

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 1 Open Project

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description

1 Open Project This user case allows choosing a project from a list, and the chosen one becomes active. User Has to exist at less one project to be selected.

Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Open Project 2. The actor selects the project System Actions The System shows the list of projects. The System opens the project, and the project becomes active.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 2 Create a New Project

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description

2 Create New Project The user case is responsible for the initialization of a new project. When the project is created the information is imported from the data files. User

Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Create New Project 2. The actor writes the name to the project. System Actions The System asks for the name to the project. The system validates the name. If already exists a project with the inserted name, the system will throw a message in order to the user write other name for the project. If not, the system creates a new project.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 3 Create a search from scratch

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description

3 Create a sele from scratch Allows the creation of a search, the user choose the units involved, the minimum number of common unit or the minimum number of students per pattern and its presented the hits. User The user has to insert the minimum number of common unit or the minimum number of students per pattern.

Actors Pre-Conditions


Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Create a search from scratch System Actions The System asks for the units involved, the minimum number of common units and the minimum number of students per pattern. When the user inserts the numbers, the system validates them, if the numbers are greater than zero. If not the system will ask for other number, until the user insert a valid number.

2. The user inserts the numbers

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 4 Create a new search from an existing one

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description

4 Create a new search from an existing one The user can edit the parameters of a previews search. User The system has to saved searches.

Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Create a search from an existing one 2. The actor choose the search 3. The actor modify the parameters System Actions The system presents the previous searches. The system shows the search parameters, and enables their modification. The system validates the numbers.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 5 Run a search

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

5 Run a search. Permits to run a search. User . The system needs to have searches.

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Run a search System Actions The system will proceed and execute the search.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 6 See the results in a window

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

6 See the results in a window Permits to view the results in a window. User A search as to been made.

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option See the results in a window System Actions The system will show the result of the search, in a window.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 7 See the results in a HTML file

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description

7 See the results in a HTML file Permits to save and visualize the results in a HTML file. User A search must have been made.

Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option See the results in a HTML file 2. The actor writes the name. System Actions The system asks for the name to give to the HTML file. The system creates the HTML file, with the name given and the search results.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 8 See the results in a CSV file

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description

8 See the results in a CSV file Permits to save and visualize the search results in a CVS file. User . A search must have been made.

Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option See the results in a CVS file 2. The actor writes the name of CVS file. System Actions The system asks for the name to be given to CSV file. The system creates the CVS file with the search results.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 9 Delete a Search

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

9 Delete a search Permits to delete a selected search. User A search must have been made and saved.

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Delete a search 2. The actor chooses the search to be deleted. 3. The actor confirms his decision. System Actions The system shows the saved searches. The system will asks if the actor indeed wants to delete that search. If the actor decides to delete the search, the system will delete the search including the results. If not the system will present the list of searches, in order to the actor choose other search to be deleted.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 10 Delete a project

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

10 Delete a Project Permits to delete a selected Project User A project must have been created and saved.

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Delete a Project 2. The actor chooses the Project to be deleted. 3. The actor confirms his decision. System Actions The system shows the saved Projects. The system will asks if the actor indeed wants to delete that Project. If the actor decides to actually delete the Project, the system will delete the Project including the associated datasets of results. If not the system will present again the list of Projects, in order to the actor choose other to be delete.

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Engenharia de Software

User Case 10 Delete a project

Id of User Case Name of User Case Description Actors Pre-Conditions Post-Conditions

11 Save all. Permits to safe all information. User A project or a search has to been open and/or edited.

Basic Flow of Events Actor Actions 1. The actor selects the option Save all System Actions The system saves all information in a bin file.

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