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The 0 Bistiict in Seattle, home to the 0niveisity of Washington, has foi long
been a uiveise neighboihoou with stuuents fiom acioss the woilu, long-time
iesiuents, anu a significant homeless population. This neighboihoou has always
attiacteu the homeless with its eclectic chaiactei, but iecently has been even moie
uesiiable foi the abunuance of homeless seivices in the neighboihoou. Fuitheimoie,
theie aie many seivices that aie taigeteu specifically at young homeless inuiviuuals,
who we like to call the stieet youth. The stieet youth fit in with the 0 Bistiict moie
so than any othei neighboihoou in Seattle because of its young, uiveise population;
anu contiaiy to othei paits of the city, its accepteu to look uiffeient heie. Theie is a
iich histoiy between the stieet youth anu the 0 Bistiict, howevei this papei is
conceineu with the futuie.
Bue to Sounu Tiansit's investment in two light iail stations within the next 8
yeais, many conceins aiounu the futuie of oui neighboihoou have been iaiseu.
Changes aie expecteu to come soon, anu the neighboihoou wanteu to have a hanu in
the futuie of the 0 Bistiict. This issue was also seen fiom the eye of the city, anu
simultaneously the city anu the neighboihoou initiateu planning piojects to iethink
the uiban foim of the 0 Bistiict. Seattle's Bepaitment of Planning anu Bevelopment
began theii 0iban Besign Fiamewoik; meanwhile, community activists got togethei
anu staiteu a gioup calleu the 0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship. Both of these effoits
pooleu theii iesouices anu cieateu an oiganizational stiuctuie that coulu benefit
eveiyone's goals. Foi the following yeai, five woiking gioups, a Steeiing Committee,
anu a Leaueiship uioup woulu meet to think about eveiything that will happen to
the 0 Bistiict anu how they can catalyze a new anu impioveu neighboihoou.
Although the 0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship has uone a gieat job of
engaging all stakeholueis in the piocess, one uemogiaphic they hau not ieacheu out
to was the stieet youth. This pioject aimeu to unueistanu the peispectives anu
expeiiences of the stieet youth, anu figuie out how it coulu speak to the plans of the
0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship, which will ultimately be uefineu in the 0 Bistiict
Commeicial Revitalization Plan in eaily 2u1S. What we leaineu is that the stieet
youth expeiience focus on veiy uiffeient aspect of the neighboihoou on a uaily basis
compaieu to the community activists who aie uoing the long-iange planning, as well
as the stuuents who aie mainly consiueieu when one think of the 0 Bistiict. The
stieet youth think of the neighboihoou on a stieet scale, anu aie much moie
conceineu with the things that help them get by on a uay-to-uay basis. The stuuents
think of the locations anu seivices that help them get thiough theii typical uay at
college, anu the community activists weie the ones who most mentioneu the
lanumaiks that uefine the 0 Bistiict to the city of Seattle.
Thiee aspects of the Commeicial Revitalization Plan apply uiiectly to the
stieet youth. Fiist, the Clean & Safe gioup has been woiking a lot aiounu the }ack in
the Box hotspot, which is the main hangout spot foi a lot of homeless inuiviuuals in
the neighboihoous, as well as the spot to buy stieet uiugs. Fiom talking with the
stieet youth, we leaineu that the }ack in the Box is a iesouice foi them; it is wheie
they leain about the homeless seivices aiounu the neighboihoou anu meet othei
people in theii community. Seconuly, the Commeicial Revitalization Plan aims to

cleanup anu activate one of oui alleyways in a Euiopean style. The alleyway of
choice happens to also be the location of many stieet youth iesouices, incluuing
Roots Young Auult Sheltei. Lastly, the Commeicial Revitalization Plan woulu like to
cieate a Youth }obs Initiative. This effoit woulu pioviue oppoitunity foi
auvancement foi these kius, anu potentially an avenue to get off the stieets.
It is eviuent that befoie the Commeicial Revitalization Plan moves foiwaiu
with any of these piojects, they shoulu iun theii plans by the stieet youth to get
theii iueas anu see what they think will anu won't woik. Fiom meeting anu talking
with the stieet youth, we have leaineu that they aie no uiffeient than us, anu can
expiess theii iueas anu opinions veiy well. Befoie heavy investment is put into any
one pioject, it is best to see what the stieet youth think about the plans, anu incluue
them in the solution.
Locateu aujacent to the 0niveisity of Washington, the chaiactei of the 0
Bistiict is uefineu by its mostly young, uiveise population. The 0 Bistiict stietches
fiom Ravenna to Poitage Bay anu fiom I-S to Lake Washington, anu is only thiee
miles away fiom uowntown Seattle. The main stieet, 0niveisity Way oi "the Ave," is
a bustling stiip of activity with a vast vaiiety of businesses. As one of the majoi
tiansit hubs in Seattle, the 0 Bistiict will embiace the new light iail system along
with expecteu tiansfoimations in the neighboihoou. The auuitional public mass
tiansit will ceitainly impiove mobility, stimulate economic uevelopment, pioviue
efficient iegional access to the vaiious Seattle neighboihoous, anu connect people to
seivices acioss the Puget Sounu.
The 0niveisity Link Extension pioject will covei S.1S miles of light iail
extenuing fiom the 0W Busky Stauium to Capitol Bill. The Sounu Tiansit light iail
system will connect the coie uistiicts of the Puget Sounu. Constiuction has been
conuucteu since 2uu9 anu will be completeu 2u16. Two unueigiounu stations will
be auueu, one next to Busky Stauium anu one between 4Siu anu Biooklyn. The
0niveisity pioject alone is expecteu to auu "7u,uuu boaiuings a uay to the light iail
system (Sounu Tiansit), pioviuing iapiu seivices foi commuteis anu piomoting the
use of public tianspoitation. While connectivity between vaiious neighboihoous
will gieatly inciease, the 0niveisity Link Extension will suiely biing up moie social
inteiaction as well as community uevelopment" (Sounu Tiansit).
Biiuging the gaps between uiffeient places, the light iail seivices will
tiansfoim the 0 Bistiict community by attiacting moie ietail, enteitainment, anu
ieal estate uevelopment. With these tiansitions coming along, inuiviuuals anu
community activists have expiesseu theii vision foi the community to be a cohesive,
clean, anu safe neighboihoou chaiacteiizeu by the uiveisity of entiepieneuiship
anu community seivices that will both satisfy the neeus of stuuents anu othei
uemogiaphic gioups. The new face of the 0 Bistiict is theiefoie uepenuent upon
compiehensive planning foi anu inteinal community collaboiation. Noie
impoitantly, the cuiient neighboihoou planning effoits hope to suppoit existing

businesses anu encouiage those that will potentially benefit fiom the light iail
system, anu lastly cieate a uiveisity of local iesiuents, incluuing the stieet youth,
anu geneiate activity in the station aiea to fulfill the community's vision of an
enjoyable anu affoiuable neighboihoou. We aie exciteu to see oui woik be
incoipoiateu in the 0BCRP piocess anu to see the 0 Bistiict tiansfoim ovei the next
few yeais.
In effoit to get the best unueistanuing of the stieet youth in the 0 Bistiict, we
knew that we weie going to have to get to know the people who pioviue them with
seivices. Kiistine Cunningham, Executive Biiectoi of the Roots Young Auult Sheltei,
seiveu as oui main client anu assisteu us thioughout the piocess. Nancy Amiuei,
who was pieviously a piofessoi at the 0niveisity of Washington anu is the Co-Chaii
foi the Conveisation on Bomelessness also pioviueu us with excellent backgiounu
knowleuge on the uemogiaphic we weie woiking with, as well as guiuance on the
types of iesults we shoulu aim foi. Tylei Bauei, Piogiam Biiectoi foi Stieet Youth
Ninistiies, was able to help us on oui communication styles with these kius. Be
woiks with them fiist hanu at his seivice anu has a gieat unueistanuing of the ways
they iesponu to ceitain communication styles. Lastly, Susan NcLain fiom the
Bepaitment of Planning anu Bevelopment auviseu oui gioup on how this pioject
coulu benefit the 0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship anu helpeu us unueistanu what
iole we coulu play in the neighboihoou planning piocess.
We also met consistently with the Steeiing Committee anu the Clean anu Safe
gioup fiom the 0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship. 0ltimately, these woulu be the
gioups that will be taking oui piouucts anu applying them to the planning piocess,
so we wanteu to make suie that they weie engageu anu awaie fiom the beginning.
Both gioups weie veiy iesponsive anu appieciative of oui woik.
0ui team woulu like to thank the membeis of oui client gioup: Kiistine
Cunningham with Roots Young Auult Sheltei, Susan NcLain with the Bepaitment of
Planning anu Bevelopment, Tylei Bauei with Stieet Youth Ninistiies, anu Biian
Thomas with the Seattle Police Bepaitment foi theii incieuible enthusiasm anu
volunteeieu suppoit thioughout the piocess. They pioviueu valuable uiiections,
pioject cooiuination anu auministiation, anu moie, ovei the couise of oui pioject.
We woulu also like to thank oui instiuctoi, Naity Cuiiy anu }ill Staiiett foi theii
leaueiship anu expeitise on the topic of oui woik. This pioject woulu not have been
such a success without the suppoit of these key inuiviuuals.
Auuitionally, we aie thankful foi those who spent time to take oui suivey.
We ieally appieciate them foi shaiing theii insights with us, especially the young
auults at uiffeient seivice pioviueis.

The stieet youth population is maue up of a uiveise vaiiety of inuiviuuals
fiom 16 to 24 yeais olu who became homeless foi uiffeiing ieasons (StieetConnect).
These young inuiviuuals spenu most of theii time on the stieets anu in youth
shelteis. Stuuies have ievealeu that homeless youth tenu to be highly vulneiable to
stieet activities such as violence, as well as uiug anu alcohol use, which has maue
them the focus of many social issues within the neighboihoous (StieetConnect). As a
cential social concein, homeless youth aie consiueieu a haiu-to-seive anu
seemingly invisible population because they uo not wish to be seen, victimizeu,
anuoi fuithei maiginalizeu. They blenu in by hanging out in aieas such as college
uistiicts anu places wheie theie aie many young people. Theii lack of iesouices anu
stiuggles in unfavoiable ciicumstances cause the community to often oveilook theii
neeus, not only of foou anu shelteis, but also social seivices that will help them
oveicome the challenges they face in life (Smait S2u). Foi such ieason, theii voices
aie fiequently oveilookeu uuiing the neighboihoou planning piocess. The situation
is no uiffeient in the 0 Bistiict. Bue to the mainstieam misconception on stieet
youth, college stuuents anu piofessionals have a iaiseu concein ovei the safety of
the community.
While stieet youth aie often associateu with negative steieotypes, many of
them aie actually victims unuei haish conuitions: seveie abuse, poveity, oi mental
uisability. Contiaiy to mainstieam belief, a vast majoiity of the homeless young
people has actually uevelopeu extieme self-iesilience anu skills neeu to suivive on
the stieets. Theii stiuggles with life have enableu them to become auaptable to
vaiious kinus of auveise situations (Smait S22) anu knowleuge of the neighboihoou
that they aie a pait of. 0ui outieach activities have alloweu us to sit uown anu have
conveisations with the stieet youth. Fiom these conveisations, we got to know
these young auults moie anu came to iealize how much loss the community woulu
be at if theii voices aie unheaiu.
To achieve bettei planning outcome, the iegions neeu to impiove the
cooiuination of theii public investment in economic completeness anu social equity
with uiffeient seivice facilities. The face of the 0 Bistiict is changing iapiuly. Past
uevelopment patteins have pieventeu oui iegion fiom maximizing oui equitable
potential, which is a baiiiei to piogiess socially anu economically as a whole.
Foi the liteiatuie ieview section, we focuseu on examining the homeless
youth in Seattle aiea anu how anu if theii voices have evei been incoipoiateu into
the planning piocess. Since we hopeu to encouiage theii paiticipation in oui pioject,
we then lookeu into incentive piogiams that have been applieu, anu tiieu to come
up with the best-suiteu mechanism to engage these unueiseiveu young people in
oui community.
To oui fiustiation, the majoiity of the ieseaich we founu eithei focuseu on
planning foi the homeless oi planning foi the youth. None of them mentioneu stieet
youths being incluueu in a neighboihoou-planning pioject. This leu us to ponuei on
what appeais to be a commonality in many cities: the misconceptions about the

homeless, along with the lack of mutual unueistanuing between the homeless anu
community membeis anu how this has unueimineu community uevelopment anu
given iise to moie social pioblems.
The one liteiatuie ieview was peihaps most ielevant to the natuie of oui
stuuy, the Clevelanu Bomeless 0ial Bistoiy Pioject (CB0BP) uone by Baniel Keii.
The CB0BP was an expeiimental ieseaich stuuy that focuseu on inteiviewing the
homeless about the issue of homelessness. The puipose of this pioject was to
piompt uialogue about homelessness among the homeless on the stieets. Be began
by inteiviewing foui homeless men anu useu these inteiviews to cieate a seminai
papei, a peifoimance piece, anu a pamphlet, but then iealizeu that he haun't fulfilleu
his goal. To ieach the homeless auuience he switcheu to viueo anu bioaucast
inteiviews on a Tv set in Clevelanu's Public Squaie, anu latei shelteis anu othei
locations. Inteiviews with a man nameu Anthony Ball piompteu Keii to change his
questions, avoiuing asking about "uiiect life histoiies" (Keii S4), as well as
eventually ieach out to a laigei auuience anu involve moie people by bioaucasting
his inteiviews on the iauio. Be began to ieceive feeuback anu questions via phone
fiom vaiious people incluuing the homeless, woiking class city iesiuents, anu some
fiom the subuibs. At the same time he began seeing themes emeige in the answeis
of his inteiviewees, anu so oiganizeu weekly woikshops to begin iuentifying those
themes. Be then goes on to talk about the six main themes they enueu up
iuentifying, as well as some of the initial impacts of the pioject in Clevelanu. Keii's
papei anu the pioject aie uiiectly ielateu to what we aie tiying to uo. With oui
outieach pioject we aie tiying to uiiectly involve the 0 Bistiict stieet youth in the 0
Bistiict planning piocess.
In oiuei to gain insights on how the homeless youth peiceive the 0 Bistiict,
as well as theii visions foi the futuie, oui gioup cieateu an outieach packet, which
can be founu in Appenuix 1, consisting of a mental mapping exeicise anu a suivey
questionnaiie, which was then uistiibuteu at seveial community events. Theie aie a
total of five suivey questions; the language is slightly uiffeient to catei towaiu the
mainstieam anu the homeless youths. The packets weie given to thiee uiffeient
uemogiaphic gioups: stieet youth, stuuents, anu community activists. To avoiu
peisonal biases, we auministeieu the suivey piocess by infoiming oui taiget gioups
that the suivey iesults will seive as iefeience foi futuie planning.
valuable infoimation has been collecteu fiom the vaiious events anu has
been analyzeu to help geneiate suggestions foi impiovement. Events anu meetings
that we have attenueu to compile infoimation fiom community activists incluue: a
Steeiing Committee meeting anu a Clean & Safe meeting. Stuuents fiom 0W's
Community, Enviionment, anu Planning (CEP) piogiam anu othei majois also
completeu the suiveys. Noieovei, we have also visiteu Roots, Teen Feeu, anu
Sanctuaiy Aits to ieach out to the homeless youth anu engage them in oui pioject.
To encouiage the stieet youths' paiticipation in taking the suivey we hau
lookeu at existing stuuies iegaiuing outieach stiategies anu appiopiiate incentive
piogiams. Theie isn't any liteiatuie that solely focuses on tips foi stieet youth
outieach. Bowevei, of all the fielu ieseaich uone with stieet youth, incentives that

have been commonly applieu weie mostly monetaiy iewaius oi meals. Foi oui
pioject, we ueciueu to use bus passes as incentives, on which we have ieceiveu
positive iesponses fiom the stieet youth.
Aftei we hau all the mental maps anu suiveys we weie going to get, we still
hau to analyze them in oiuei to unueistanu if they hau any valuable insight to offei.
We knew how to appioach this fiom a pievious expeiience in mental map analysis.
Foi each uemogiaphic we cieateu a spieausheet with the locations that weie most
mentioneu on the maps of people in that gioup, which can be seen in Appenuix 2.
Next we cieateu a "scope of maps" (Figuie S.1) map that shows the geneial aiea
most of the people in a uemogiaphic gioup incluueu in theii mental maps. Foi each
uemogiaphic we also cieateu a heat map that incluues the most common locations
uiawn by people in that gioup, as well as locations that aie unique to that gioup.
What we saw in the iesult was fascinating.
I won't go into uetail about the spieausheets, but insteau will jump iight into
talking about oui final maps, all of which can be founu in Appenuix S. When looking
at Figuie S.1, scope of maps, we noticeu that while the community activist anu 0W
stuuent gioups hau faiily laige, ciiculai scopes, the focus of the stieet youth was on
the stieet. Fuitheimoie, looking at the heat maps we saw that the most mentioneu
location coinciue with, anu even fuithei this tienu. The locations on the heat map of
the community activists (Figuie S.2) aie piimaiily locations that aie iepiesentative
of 0W to the city of Seattle, such as the 0W Towei, 0W Campus, 0 village, anu I-S.
Since theii scope was the laigest, it became cleai that they saw the 0 Bistiict fiom
the scale of the city. The heat map of the stuuents (Figuie S.S) incluueu locations
that aie key to the uaily ioutine of a stuuent, such as Caf Solstice, the 0W Book
Stoie, anu Campus Paikway. This, anu theii smallei scope show that stuuents see
the 0 Bistiict on the scale of a neighboihoou. Lastly, the stieet youth's heat map
(Figuie S.4) hau mostly homeless iesouices anu seivice pioviueis wheie they coulu
get theii neeus met, as well as }ack in the Box, a common hangout anu key location
to this gioup. The stieet youth weie also the only ones who mentioneu 47
wheieas eveiy gioup mentioneu 4S
anu Su
. I believe that this uetail shows that
the block fiom 4S
to Su
is impoitant to theii eveiyuay lives. The scope of the
stieet youth is naiioweu to the stieet scale because theii piimaiy concein is getting
by, while community activists anu stuuents can think of a biggei pictuie.
Although each gioup looks at the 0 Bistiict fiom a uiffeient scale, the city, the
neighboihoou, anu the stieet, changes in this aiea will affect them all. In fact, since
the stieet youth think of the 0 Bistiict in teims of the stieet scale, they will be
affecteu by changes most of all, because this aiea is a laigei pait of theii woilu. To
assuie the impacts aie not negative, we believe it is key that these young people aie
incluueu in the planning piocess foi any changes that coulu impact them uiiectly.

finu theii fiienus. 0ne paiticulai suivey iesponse saiu that he oi she uiu not like all
the "uopeheaus" at the }ack in the Box foi Question 2. The same suivey answeieu
Question S: "Bave you founu safe places to sleep." saying that he oi she woulu just
go to the }ack in the Box when he oi she is without a place to sleep at night, anu finu
a fiienu to go back home with theie. It is obvious that this location is moie than just
a spot to sell uiugs; it's a focal point in these youth's neighboihoou. Lastly, looking
at the iesults fiom the stieet youth fiom Question S: "What woulu you auu to the
neighboihoou," iesouices anu community centeis weie by fai the most common
iesponses (Figuie u.8).
The Clean & Safe gioup has been woiking at fixing the pioblem of the }ack in
the Box fiom the beginning, anu they iealizeu quickly that aftei simple changes to
the lanuscaping of the paiking lot, the pioblem uiu not go away, it just moveu uown
The Ave. Since the stieet youth aie looking foi help in the foim of iesouices anu
places to be that aie not the stieets, anu the community activists aie hoping to fix
the }ack in the Box hotspot, it woulu only make sense foi the two gioups to get
togethei to talk about what might woik.
Seconuly, the 0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship has applieu to the City of
Seattle foi funuing to clean up anu activate one of theii alleyways, anu the obvious
choice was the alleyway that is home to Cafe Allegio. This alleyway has seiveu as a
community gatheiing location foi stuuents anu piofessionals foi yeais, anu is the
home to Seattle's oluest espiesso shop. What many stuuents anu piofessionals uon't
know, is that this alleyway is also the home to Roots Young Auult Sheltei, the Neeule
Exchange, the Fiiuay Thiift Stoie, anu the 0iban Rest Stop. Bue to the uensity of
homeless iesouices in the alleyway, just a few hunuieu feet noith of Cafe Allegio
anu N0B Pizza, the stieet youth spenu a lot of time hanging out on the steps. When
we weie going to Roots one evening to uiop-off flyeis about one of oui outieach
events, we witnesseu what was similai to a living ioom social scene foi the stieet
If the Livability Paitneiship successfully ieceives funuing fiom the city to
activate this alleyway, they shoulu uo eveiything they can to enhance the Euiopean
alleyway expeiience, but they absolutely must consiuei the stieet youth in uoing so.
Tuining the alleyway into something uninviting foi the stieet youth coulu have a
hoiiible outcome foi the seivice pioviueis that aie locateu in the alleyway; anu as
we stateu eailiei, they aie looking foi moie iesouices, not less. 0n the contiaiy,
theie is an oppoitunity to make this alleyway a moie comfoitable spot foi the stieet
youth. Ceitain enviionmental uesigns anu stieet fuinituie coulu make it an even
bettei spot foi them to meet befoie getting a beu at Roots oi while they aie finuing
some new clothes at the Thiift Stoie. 0nce again, incluuing the stieet youth in the
piocess is going to be necessaiy foi a successful investment into a Euiopean
Lastly, the Clean & Safe gioup has incluueu a Youth }obs Initiative into theii
2u1S Action Plan. Looking again at Question S (just iefeience heie back to the same
bai giaph fiom eailiei) we can see that this was also iequesteu by the stieet youth.
If we hope to move them foiwaiu in theii lives, we have to finu oppoitunities to
auvance them into jobs. Bowevei, fuithei uiscussion with them on what types of
jobs shoulu be offeieu to make a successful piogiam will be neeueu. We can see

heie a iecuiiing theme, anu that is to talk with these kius, heai theii iueas, anu ask
them how we can make these iueas woik foi oui community.
This pioject has openeu oui eyes to the lives of the stieet youth anu
simultaneously to the uelicacy of the neighboihoou planning piocess. Beaiing the
plans fiom the 0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship anu the Commeicial Revitalization
Plan, no one woulu seconu guess that it was wiitten foi a 0niveisity community in a
uense, uiban setting; but you woulun't immeuiately think that theie was a vibiant
homeless youth community living in the shauows of the 0 Bistiict. 0ui goal was to
make theii voice heaiu, anu we founu veiy compelling infoimation about theii
expeiiences anu neeus. Aftei compaiing theii Nental Naps anu suivey iesults with
the plans foi the futuie 0 Bistiict, we continually came to the conclusion that they
neeu to be incluueu in the piocess. Bowevei, inviting them to a public event oi a
Steeiing Committee meeting is not going to make them feel welcome to expiess
theii neeus.
Talking with these kius fiist hanu is ieally the best way to heai theii iueas.
uianteu, not all of them aie going to welcome this kinu of conveisation, but theie
ceitainly aie some who woulu uo gieat in a iounu-table uiscussion. 0ui suivey
finuings anu analysis show that theie is gieat potential foi the Commeicial
Revitalization Plan to help the neighboihoou anu the stieet youth simultaneously;
howevei cieating a focus gioup to piesent the plans anu ieceive theii feeuback is
the best way to go about it. We believe that the best methou to ensuie success
woulu be to utilize the ielationship of the seivice pioviueis to the stieet youth by
cieating select a gioup of anywheie fiom foui to eight inuiviuuals who woulu
coopeiate in such a meeting foi each of the thiee aieas wheie the Commeicial
Revitalization Plan impacts them uiiectly. This incluues a focus gioup iegaiuing the
}ack in the Box hotspot, the Alleyway Clean-0p anu Activation, anu the Youth }obs
Initiative. Boluing meetings with the focus gioups thioughout each step of the
piocess will allow them to see the pioject fiom beginning to enu anu cieate an
oppoitunity foi the community activists anu the stieet youth to become
neighboihoou allies. Fuitheimoie, when ceitain stieet youth aie infoimeu about the
piojects anu aie on boaiu with the plans, they will spieau the goou woiu about the
changes to come among theii community. The 0 Bistiict Livability Paitneiship has
uone an excellent job so fai cieating allies thioughout the community, anu if we can
just get the stieet youth on the same team, we will suiely have the vibiant, eclectic,
anu uiveise neighboihoou that we all want.

uleghoin, Alice A., et al. "Association between Biug use Patteins anu BIv Risks
Among Bomeless, Runaway, anu Stieet Youth in Noithein Califoinia." Biug
Anu Alcohol Bepenuence S1.S (1998): 219-27. Web. 24, 0ct. 2u12.
Eu. by the Euitois of Planning Nagazine. 0veilookeu Ameiica. Chicago: Planneis
Piess. 2uu8. Piint.
Keii, Baniel. "We Know What the Pioblem Is": 0sing 0ial Bistoiy to Bevelop a
Collaboiative Analysis of Bomelessness fiom the Bottom 0p. The 0ial
Bistoiy Review. Su.1 (2uuS): 27-4S. Web. 0ct 28, 2u12.
Pollack K. N., et al. "Youth Peispectives on Stieet 0utieach Woikeis: Results fiom a
Community-Baseu Suivey." }ouinal of Community Bealth. S6.S (2u11): 469
76. Web. 24. 0ct. 2u12.
Smait, Bawn B. "Bomeless Youth in Seattle." }ouinal of Auolescent Bealth. 12.7
(1991): S19-S27. Piint.
Sounu Tiansit Capital Piojects. "0niveisity Link Extension." !"#$%&'()$*+,-&Web.
Nov. 2S, 2u12.
Who aie Stieet Youth.. Stieet Connect. Stieet Connect. Web. 18, Nov. 2u12.


Figuie 1.1: 0utieach Packet Covei

Figuie 1.2: Nental Napping Instiuctions; given to community activists anu 0W Stuuents.


Figuie 1.S: Suivey Questions; given to community activists anu 0W Stuuents.

Figuie 1.4: Suivey Questions (The language in this veision was tailoieu foi the stieet youth.)

O$:+2($%&X+*.& P?.Y/.%:"& 92?..2&X+*.& P?.Y/.%:"& 1EE(2($%+6&H$**.%2#& P?.Y/.%:"&
0W Campus 44 1Sth Ave S9 vaiious BousingBoims 16
uoulu Ball 26 "The Ave" S6 * Foi homelive heie 12
0W Book Stoie 14 4Sth St SS BusesBus Stops 11
Reu Squaie 1S Campus Pkwy 24 Bike Routes S
uieek Row 1S Suth St 21 * At Suth & the Ave S
Biumhellei Fountain 11 Biooklyn 17 Too many people on Ave 2
0 village 9 Buike uilman 14
Bon't come bw 4Sth &
Suth on Ave at night 1 Buike Nuseum 7 4uth St 12
Caf Solstice 7 42nu St 11 Smokeis on the Ave 1
Caf Allegio 6 41st St 1u Solicitois at book stoie 1
0uegaaiu Libiaiy 6 I-S 1u Bobos & Ciackheaus 1
0W Neuical Centei S 4Siu St 9
Lake Washington S Roosevelt 9
Beniy Ait ualleiy S 0W Peu. Biiuge 7
INA S 0niveisity Biiuge 7
Schmitz Ball S 47th St 6
Suzzallo Libiaiy 4 12th Ave 6
0W Stauium 4 11th Ave S
College Inn 4 Nemoiial Way 4
Safeway 4 Stevens Way 4
Wallingfoiu 4 && &&
0W Faimei's Naiket 4 && &&
vaiious 0theis 1uu+ vaiious 0theis 14 !$2+6&M+S#& LL&
Figuie 2.1: 0W Stuuent Nap Bata

O$:+2($%&X+*.& P?.Y/.%:"& 92?..2&X+*.& P?.Y/.%:"& 1EE(2($%+6&H$**.%2#& P?.Y/.%:"&
Roots Youth Sheltei 1u "The Ave" 19 BusesBus Stops 9
}ack in the Box 7 4Sth St 11
Sanctuaiy Aits 6 Suth St 7
Stieet Youth Ninistiies S 47th St 7
Root Alleyway S 1Sth Ave 6
Teen Feeu S 4Siu St S
0 Bistiict Libiaiy S 41st St 4
0W Campus S 16th St S
0W Stauium S
Baitell Biugs S
Bank of Ameiica S
vaiious 0theis Su vaiious 0theis 16 !$2+6&M+S#& BL&
Figuie 2.2: Stieet Youth Nap Bata

O$:+2($%&X+*.& P?.Y/.%:"& 92?..2&X+*.& P?.Y/.%:"& 1EE(2($%+6&H$**.%2#& P?.Y/.%:"&
0W Campus 1S "The Ave" 16 Stuuent BousingBoims 2
0 Beights Comm. Centei 9 4Sth St 1S 0W Police 2
0W Book Stoie 9 Suth St 12 Slow siuewalks 2
0W Towei 6 I-S 12 Chuiches 2
uieek Row S 1Sth Ave 1u Alleys 1
0 village 4 Roosevelt S "Bangeious at Suth" 1
Ravenna Paik 4 4Siu St S
"Want a pleasant
peuestiian expeiience" 1 Neptune Theatie S Buike uilman S
Baitell Biugs S Live heie 1
Schultzy's S
0W Stauium S
0W Neuical Centei S
Tiauei }oe's S
Cowen Paik S
vaiious 0theis S9 vaiious 0theis 11 !$2+6&M+S#& BL&
Figuie 2.S: Community Activist Nap Bata

Z/.#2($%&;& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&B& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&A& P?.Y/.%:"&
Woik 12 Safety 8 Botel 1S
RetailBining 6 Walkability 4 FiienuFamily S
Live Beie 4 Cleanliness S Woik 2
vaiious 0theis 4 vaiious 0theis 4 vaiious 0theis S

Z/.#2($%&F& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&L& P?.Y/.%:"&
Yes 11 Bettei Retail S
> If you'ie smait 4 Employeis S
> vaiious 0theis S
Noie committeu
iesiuentsfamilies 2 Not Always S
> Not at night S vaiious 0theis 6
No S
> Esp. at night 2
Figuie 4.1: Community Activist Suivey Bata

Z/.#2($%&;& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&B& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&A& P?.Y/.%:"&
Sheltei 8 Police S Sheltei (Roots) 11
> Roots S Piejuuice 4 0thei Neighboihoous 4
Bomeless Resouices 6 Biug 0seis S > Wallingfoiu Bick's 2
People 4 People S Anywheie in 0B 2
Feel Safe S
Suth & the Ave
(}ack in the Box) 2
0thei Resiuences 2
Foou 2 }ack in the Box 2
vaiious 0theis 7 vaiious 0theis 7 Fiienus' 2
Paik 2
vaiious 0theis 8

Z/.#2($%&F& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&L& P?.Y/.%:"&
Yes 19
Bomeless Youth
ResouicesCenteis 7 > uoou people 6
> Ninu own business 2 }obs S
> vaiious 0theis S Comm. CenteiLounge 2
Not Always 4 Public Restioom 2
> vaiious 0theis 4 AitConceits 2
No u Rec.Paiks 2
Paities 2
Clubs 2
vaiious 0theis S
Figuie 4.2: Stieet Youth Suivey Answeis

Z/.#2($%&;& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&B& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&A& P?.Y/.%:"&
School 47 0nsafe 16 FiienuFamily SS
RestauiantsRetail 1S
Infiastiuctuie 12
School 29
FiienusFamily 14 Retail S
Live Beie 9 Suth & the Ave 8 Botel 2
Woik Beie 7 Retail S
LocationPioximity 4
Bomeless S

Enteitainment S
vaiious 0theis 4 The Ave 4
0pen Space 4
uieekCollege Kius 4
vaiious 0theis S
Z/.#2($%&F& P?.Y/.%:"& Z/.#2($%&L& P?.Y/.%:"&
Yes 22 Bettei Infiastiuctuie 1u
> # People=safe 4 Bettei Retail 1u
> If you'ie smait 4 Publicuieen Space 8
> vaiious 0theis 2 CopsSafety 6
Not Always 21 Community Centei 4
> Not at night 12 Recieation S
> South of Suth 4 Cleanliness S
> vaiious 0theis S vaiious 0theis 8
No 8
> Ciime iepoitsstats 2
> vaiious 0theis 2
Figuie 4.S: 0W Stuuent Suivey Answeis

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