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Sarciar Patel ln:titute of r'echnology

Applrerl Chernistry ll

As',riinrrrtrtt 1 . Corroston

| {li, coMPs;


4'h Feb, 2013

SubmisisonDate : 25tt' Feb, 2013 Max


: 40

1. Answer any 5 of the following

5 x 3 = 15

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vir. viii.

Why do metals undergo corrosion How is rate of corrosion affected by (a) Overvoltage (b) Relative areas of anode
and cathode Steel pipe connected to copper plumbing corrodes. Why?

What is Alclad? Why is it done? Gold does not get corroded due to oxidation. What is meant by passivity?


What is meant by season cracking? Addition of few drops of Platinic Chloride accelerates corrosion of Zn in presence of acid. Explain

2. Answerany5of thefollowing

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

Explain the process of electroplating with the help of a neat diagram Explain differential aeration corrosion with a neat diagram



What are the different constituents of paint? State their function What is cathodic protection? Describe any one method of cathodic protection
Explain electrochemical corrosion in neutral medium with reactions and

Explain how aporopriate design can prevent corrosion

Distinguish between anodic and cathodrc coatings? Explain any one method

of applying metallic coatings

Explain the dlfferent types of atmospheric corrosion with suitable examples

Date ; 05/02 /201.3


e.l. Answer the fotlowing briefly:


fuels( Two points each) (iii) Define calorific vaiue. What are its units? (iv)Define Gross calorific value and Net calorific value. Why is the value of Gross calorific value higher than that of Net calorific value? (v). What is cracking ? Why is it required? (vi) Mention the advantages of catylatic cracking over therrnal cracking( Any four points) (vii)Give two reasons why tetra ethyl lead is not preferred as an anti-knock agent. (viii) Define octane number and cetane number. (ix) What is power alcohol? Mention the advantages and disadvantages of r.ising power alcohol. (x) How is crude petroleum is classified? (xi) How are sulphur compound rernoved from gasoline by Doctor's Method? Explain with reactions. (xii) Why is dibromoethane added ro tetra ethyl lead? (xiii)Distinguish between i) Octane number and cetane number ii) Petrol and Diesel iii)Proximate and ultimate analysis. (xiv) What is a propellant? Give its classification with examples. Q.2 Anslver the follorving

(i) what are the characteristic of good fuer?( Any six points) (ii) Mention advantages and disadvantages of,(i)Solid fuels(ii) Liquid fuels (iii)


(3x5:15) in proximate analysis? Explain the method of analysis

(i) What are the parameters measured

of each palameter?

(2)What are the parameters measured in ultimate analysis? What is the significance of each?
(3) With a neat diagram, explain any one method of obtaining gasoline by catalytic cracking?

(4) Describe the process of refining of petroleum with a suitable diagram. Name the various fractions obtained. Mention their boiling range and approximate hydrocarbon range.
(5) What is meant by Knocking? Write a note on anti-knock agents.
(6) How is sulphur in coal determined?.

(7) What is Biodiesel? Give the reaction of 'Trans esterification'. Mention why it is required. What are the advantages and disadvantages of biodiesel.

(8) Discuss the production of alcohol from molasses by fermentation.(Ref.Engg Chem- Jain
page 997)

(9) Write a note on'Refining of gasoline'.

(10) What is the signitrcance of proximate analysis of coal?


I ) What is the significance

of ultinrate analysis of coal?

Q.3 Solve the fbllowins


molecular r.veight of

(i) A gaseous fuel has the following composition by volume cHa : 35%o,co : r0o/o 6oh' C3Hs : l0%. Calculare the weight of air required for complete combustion.



2g.94) (Ans 7.g75Kg)


(ii) The composition of a fuei gas was found to be - Hz : yyo, I CHa: l6yo,CzHo : 21o/o,Nz: 60/0' Co:22Yn, C9r:.18%,02 : Rest. Calculate the volume of air required for compiete combustion of l0 nir of this gas. (Ans 52.3g mi)

(iii) Calculate the weight of air

= 66Yo,

H: 5'5oh' O :


needed for complete combustion of 1 Kg of coal containing 2.8% , water vapour:6o/o and remaining ash. (Ans 9.217Kg)

(iv) Calculate the weiglit of air needed for complete combustion of 5Kg coal containing C 860 ,H 5.5yo, s :2.5o/o, N : r .5o/o remaining become oxygen. (ans 59.04Kg) (v) A gaseous rue] fas the foilowing composition by volume - Hz: 35.0% cH+: 47.ayo, CzHo : 4oA, CO:6'\Yo, Nz : 8ol0. Calculate the theoretical amount of *, required at27oC and, 740 mm pressure for complete combustion of lm3 of fuel.(Ans 6.904nrjf (vl) Calculate the weight and volume of air needed for complete combustion of l0 Kg of coal coirtaining c : 650/o,H: 4%o, o : 7o/o,N : 3olo, moisture r5yo, andremaining is ash.
(Ans Wt. 86.32Kg,



(vii) Calculate the volume of air required for complete combustion rvith following composition.

of im3 of gaseous


co :

46%- c:Ha

1o/o, CHq

go6, N2 :30%.


60/o, and

remaining is co2. (Ans 2. I 19 mr)

(viii) A gaseous has the following composition by volume Hz : 3A% CH4 : 40o/o. C2H6 :l0oro,, Co :10o2, N2 -5Yo. Calculate volume of aii is r-rsed tbr complete combustio" ;ii;i of fuel assuming air containsZ0o/o by volume of oxygen.
remaining ash. Calculate HCV and NCV (Ans HCV Kcal /Kg) x) (i)

(ix) A sample of coal contain c :




l6.2yo, N : 1.5%,s : 0.3yo and 7l73.B9Kcal/Kg & NCV : 6909.23

gm of coal sample wad Kieldahlised . The ammonia evolved was passed into 50 ml of 0'l N sulphuric acid. The excess acid reqrrired 42 ml of 0.1 N NaoH for ,eutralization. Calculate percentage nitrogen (Ans %N : l.l2)
a sample of coal was taken for carbon and hydrogen estimation by combustion method. The irrcrease in weight of tube containing anhydrous CaCl2 and buib containing KOH was found to be 1.75 gm and 4.56gm respectively. Calculate percentage of carbon and hydrogen. (Ans %C :82.90, %H:12.96)

(ii) l '5 gm of

(xi) 2'5 gm of air dried coal sample was kept in an electric oven for I I lgoc. The weight Further it was kept in a muffle furnace in a crucible with vented lid :*tt^tj"^?.355gm. at v)u +15"c for exactly T ntinutes . The weight of coal reducecl to 2.05gm. It was thel burnt ip a furnace at 950+25uC for half hour. The residue weighed 0.35grn. Determine the proximate analysis results. (Ans % moisture : 5.8, %YM - iL.i%. % Ash : l4% andyaFC : 6g9lo)

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