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- 886 821 S-separators Flex separation systems,

Cleaning systemsfor h6avyfuel oil9'


EPC60 controller

-.t,'- 3


Flex slslem components ior S-sparalors 821-886.

s sepa,aros canbears b,sedtoct@n Mter oits

S and P Flex separation systems systemscombiAlfa Laval'sS and P Flexseparation Iow sludgeoutput and low ne the highefiiciency, separators operatingcost of Alfa La\,alcentrifugal possibilities with a flexiblescope of supply.Extensive for the separation systemlayoutand assemblymake roomandanyoil sepait possible to suitanyengine rationapplication. systemsfeature In addition,S and P Flexseparation which enablesthe intuiti the new EPC60 controller, and alarms.The ve navigation of menus,parameters construction EPC60 controller alsohasa modular and replacment. for easy l/O board_addition concept hcludedin tl|e S and P Flexseparahon P 805-886 and ssparators arg all S-separators 605-636. Thesecan be combinedin mixedship module. sets,evenwithina singlecustomer-specified

Application: S-soparators S-separators are basedon Alcaptchnology, adjustthe oil/water which meansthey automatically in the clean interphase basedon the watercontent partjcularly them suitable This makes oil orJtlet. for separating heavytuel oils with varyingdensity, thoughthoy can be usedto cleanall of the following: up to 1010 kg/m3 r Heavy fueloilswithdensities andviscosities up to 700 csvso"c (higher viscosities upon requost) r Lubricating oib I Distillates r Lighter oils diesel are desjgnedfor automaticoperation S-separators engine roomsat seaand in periodically unmanned powerstations ashore. in automated

Sc.! of 3upply TheS and P Fbx sepemlion concpt provicles a lvidemngeof 8ltmativs for S-sparators. Depending on the ned,an as a separalor S-spsrstor can be supplied and ancilbies,as a customer-sped'fied module, or as part of a comprehensive psckage lncluding swicsandorderspecrfl c documentalion. S Fl6)(sFtm {t*ock componit8) in th form An S-separator wilh ancillanes provides of optimlzed blockcomponefits fdl sayoverthe useof spsc.Thb allo^6 li]r localmodularizallon or do-it-yourself

Module exampl



FLE]X iIODUL OUADFUPLE $in soa6lG, h61@andpunp6

S Fl6r(modul63 A compact$sepaEior module can b .builtlo a cusbmr-spcrfied configution skidsand froma widenge of modulsr machine blocks,Mulli-modulea areposslbl,as wllas mbd modules includlng oneor more$spsEtors srd/or tatP-separstors for the slmulbnous meft of clllfercnl typsof mineral oils.All Flexmoduls arolactorytesladto ensurc iaslerstart-upand commbgoning. Feaurs and benffta f Snan@ffi, hlghnad ity Thosmallspamtor andthe modulat naturof the s!,nounding cornponents allo / easl instalhdon andnodbleposilioninoin the enoine room. a Alcaptechnology A $atertarsducr in lhe dean oil outlet automali:elt adjuststho dl/ walsrIntr prfoF pharto maximiz spsrelion a Highsepa/-ation etlhiency An oplimized dsignefisures lhe besl poGsible separalion efficincy fromlhe ard disc stack botrd a Cerr'.jnsldot grelly TheCedrishootdischarge sys1em rcducssludge \iolumes. fts h(ed dischage gde ios gentlyto oeoss ths ports,lhreby metaldischarge liminaling a CenttiLocJr TheCnlrilockbo/vliockings]tmuss norFthrcaded snaprlng. a lighlwEight, r.r.sgr Ihis pre!nts by allowing esy rmo\lwitrout a sldg*ammef. a Long sel-vic ktervds Wer{revntngfuafu rcs likeCnnjshoot ard Cnuilockrcducethe consumplion of spareprtsandallo^,darmdmaimsnanclo b prformd lessoftn. Itts rcducsopidting costs,

a hsy operatlon d sryicfa Remote confrolendnonftodng or Buscommunlcalion, Thene$/EPC80 conlrollor is designd Uling Ethemt for'0a19{utbn' slertgendstops,as Flo(syslms and moddesbasedon canbe oprated and wellas intuitive menumMgaton.lnfoF 9spr6lors remotely fromth confol malion6boutparemoters andalams supervised ar cnbe 6sily eccssd, rryhich simplifieg room,A varielyot alarmtunclions bothoprs$on andtroubleshootlng. ar'ailable a3 slandard, andextE l/o TheEPC60 al6ohass modular coft boardscan be adcled to th EPC60 lastertroubl' conlroller in orcbrto enhanc its opa-+ struction thatnabls ljng and nonitoringcapabllldes. shooling nd l/O boardreplacement,

Opdonelqulpment wih lhe folloi,riBqripmeitl Fle(s@aEtionsystams ba6edon $3palols canb coanplrnntd (hclucid \rsions) I S'tarler in module I Heater I Hatr conIrolboardInEPC60 controllr I Spaceheating I Addltmd thsmometers MhElion snsorkit I Fodpump . suppliedloo6e . Mountsd on a separte sKcl . IncoapoEted intoa module . fu a pumpmodrio (multidepumpskds mounted togehed I Flowregulsling Bystam r SLdge rcmold kit I Sludgeouiet butterfyvalw kjt indbalors ,r Prcssule r Bod vahesfor Pl r Ndle vEi,/es r SIam shut-off vai,s kI pressuE I Ajr rducr vave fof mullipl fioduls, I Hpo arrangornenl t|alrcross-connctbn including I Emeency sgfetyshutloMr I Remot morilodngandconld r SFrEtorlifiingtool

punp opuona Fed


openrins wate' intet ,

orsplacemql wetq in

soh6matlcdhgm _ 3 Trnp|dulransnlttor

5 6 8

13 Fl6s[r6 lrsmmlttef- \/lEtar

P.6surs trsisrnltlr - dl

1oPnaiislic shut-ofi\l'

15 Sludqronolrl kit


qda|n layorn

Clean oil outlat

lnlet for untEated oil Oll rtum


Optlonal 12

\i/htr odlt

Slrdgo outlet vsllblock, vwter Solrold

2. Hdq 3. T.npsatultrarF.nittr 4 ft5s! t'ansmlttr, oil conbord A ft'eumalicat'y Z PressutraNmilter,ol 9. Pndmstiaatly contollod '10.Rsgdaung ldvs

aalr 13,Prsure lrnsmittr,

Ops'adng prl.clpl q/stembsdon sn An S and P Fo( sparation aubrnal,cay ry the EPC s-sepalabr 821-886 is oprated to lhe cfrrcct temperaoil, healed 60 contoller,lJntreated whlchis dtivnby iu|e, is fud conlinud.istlo the sepaEtor, an lchc rnotorvG a frictiondutch and blt. whichis Thesoparator bo!|/|is $(ed al th top ol a spindle, composlt spdngs. supportd b'ybarings and spcial accumulale opfaton,sparald sludgeand$reter Durlng dscharged by at tire bowlperiphery and8rs lntimltEntly q6tern. the high-prcclsion Cntishootdischerg is basdon theAlcappdnciple, Thesparato/s operalion whichmeans the separator automaliclv adjuslsto the is ndod, A wetorlransmtutEof the oil, No gravilycf,sc resigtmeasurcs capacGtlve ducerin lhe cleanorloutet and srgnals cianges to the EI 60 conholler anc the EPC60 eilheropens Dpendlng on the watercontnt, th6 walrthrough the bovtd ctsthe dralnvalveor e)qrls pthq A pstentd chslgs portsdudngsludgedBcharg, fubsdsotsitslfto movethe waterlroln the bol ,l whllea parirEdisc punps a/vay tho dean oil. paEme{ers vltalprocess te monDuing normal operalibn, areIndicatd itored.these pdameteF,as wdl as alarms, led mossges on the LCDdisplsy by|d

manvalarmtunclions, TheEPCm contollerDloMds tank levd includlng alarms for lor,/oil prererro,highsludge (ifthe optonalduqe remor'al aM power kt is inclucld) for a vibretion areavallable iallurc. Addfonal functlons vibralion sonsoris fitled, alarmwheniie oolional

SparadonPorb|nance Standad (SPS) Thflow rateson the backof tfrs banetsho , the recommncld ce@dtlssbr S-seoatslors maxjmum Alfat3val cansupdy 821-886.Anmati\ly, with lhe maine sseparalors821-886in sccordance SPS(CWA 15375). Pedormanc Slanderd, Sepreton a sepamtorc sbjlity Theaimof SleSPSis lo sslablish pardcles havy hard, abrashr'o from ful olt9, to rmo\ ' socletes,it prcvid$ a rliable Veriffed by classificalion and methodof valueling cornpaingthe seperalion perfonnance of ditbrcit fuel oil separators.
sdblc/ AdIE]@EWfiM p&rdc/B ted AfuI}E lo ,sry

se@anon 6nww.

CnfiShoot Instgad clischarg of E slidingbo/vlbotiom,the Cnlrishoot ' q6lrn batursa tled dischrge tl|5t floGs st its slicle doesaway dge.Thisinc.ases dlscharg aco.iracy:|nd with metal-to-metal u/r.

CnHLock Corvmtioneliock dngsar6thrcbdandmustb rsnoved \ /ear wllh a sledgohammer. otr !ne, the metd-to-mstal betlleenbowlandlock nngcnladlo 4ensiL bow rcoalror rolacme .

STEPONE: Ilb Cnrisho.{ ds.lralp 6ld6 b ftd d tho 6tE. lhe dlid. co@ th diedE g.

DlritE sprarirn,

A. Ae lcy 61tF dtly lod nd.d L wk snh cstitld( No 3kd!hdBb |E6aY,

tF CstlL@i sdo dngrfr. qn 6nds{r Dolntorl]deF db.ha4a, th .dg. o{ fi sllda@ dowmrd, d@ding

in ady - wihdjl 4ry

Insbadof a convntonal loc* drE, the CfiHLockbowlfustursa non'thrsded snaping, lockingsygtem lhls llght\4igm rir flapqujddyintodace andls 6sly rmc^/d wlth onlyan Allenkey.

STEPTHFEE: b6.k inb @r1jo to cl@ trE pqt6. Atierdi$lEg., th. sldo |lD@ qndy T116 is (kiF lryddlely, wltuJl dt plrg6,

Opmtona prccedures Prsventive maintenance are handldquicklyand simplywith the heh of a compression lool. The snapringof lhe patenled ceniriLock bowl-locking system is norFlhreaded and requiresoflt an Allen ksy to r Mainlsnsnc int lsl . Inspction every Srvice ,lO0OhorOmonths. . Overhsul Swicevry 12000h or 18monlhs. I Service spareskits containall necessary sparepartstor each andtipsfor maintnance srvico . Inspection Kil wilh O-rings and for seals separalor bowl. . . OvehaulKit with partsfor dn\ q6tem,bdt bsrings andpads. Kit, Alsoco ainsan Inspclion ' Supportl(l wlth slralegic spares lor opratlon and majntenanc backup, r TheSystem Manual includs dstailod info.mation in electronic forml or pnnted . lnstallatioo lnstructions. . operatinginstrucuons. ' Alarmsendlroublshooting. ' Sewiceandsparepans. I C,ommissioning andtechnical fromall servics or0evailable Afa La\loffrcqF. including $enup assistanc andadvicon opefatron and marntennce, r Training in all aspectsof oil lrcatment,liesfMatergenelionand coolingis a\arlable. r All srvlces canbe incoForated intospecialt lailoredNonslop packages, Peformance Details areavailab.le from localAllab\,al Thisleaiot conlains datafor Flex syslems andrnodulos basdon S-sprators 421-486.Fordataon lhe oth6rseparators $ithinthe Fler concept,refurto lhe Flo(sparation for S-separators slslem leaflets 805/815 and P-separato.s 605/615, 626/fin.

Max.Recommendd Cspeclv,UhHFO 3S0 osusoc

a -

Meinsuppt voltage Controlvdtag Cofltd air waterprcssure Operating

3-phase, 220V up to 690V 10/1 15/230v 1-phase, T0O/1 50 or 60 Hz Mln5 bai max8 bar Min2 bsr msx 8 bar

s'zE (H8c|lr x w DrH x LENGTH)'

S70x750x1075 s 821/826 s 831/&36 1059x850x1195 1123)(850x1195 s 841,446 12S1 x 1000 x 1325 s 851/456 1,105x1000x1325 s 861/866 s 871/876 1526x1250x1525 s 811886 1713xi250x1525 'Dl?enstr'rs for Fbx s.},//stems are alclucling contolcabinet.

391 kg 447 kS 525 kg 724 kg 893 kg 1246kg 1632 kg

s 8211826 s $1/436 s 841/846 s 851/856 s 861/866 s 8711876 s 881/846

1750x750x.|075 17sOx850x11S5 175Ox850x1195 17mx1000x1325 1766x1m0x1325 1766x1250x1525 1766x1250x1525 Andnensionsand weights areexdrdingpumpandh@ter,

505 kS 585 kg 660 kg 935 kg 110O kg 1490 kg 1865 ks

Cofiiomity complies wi||r Thema* of confomitycor|fms that the equipmnt Europan Econombs Ara (EE!,) directi!s.

= :

4aia Lava r.s.rvcs rhc rlhi io ctidn!,esce. i cal ons w{nour on.r noilicat.n

tlfl b 6it&t at t 6l cod drib to dl tufiks Prs6 visr lnw.dfdavd s

@ dni@rv m ro ffis

@d6r.d o M slb tr imstutr' <fta.

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