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EXAMPLES FROM YS/YDS 1One of ................. has to take the responsibility for setting up the experiment.

A) their B) him C) us D) your E) me (YS 1991) I spent the ...... summer working to save money for my school fees. A) rest B) every C) most D) whole E) all (YS 1991) We can, if you agree, watch the sunset .......... time when Jane and Mary are free, too. A) other B) another C) rather D) such E) certain (YS 1991) I have bought ........ new shirt which matches .......... jacket I bought last week. A) some/a B) the/a C) a/the D) some/the E) an/some fOYS 1992) 14- No one knows exactly how people learn a language although a great deal of research has been carried out on the subject. A) nsanlarn nasl dil rendii konusunda aratrma yapanlarn hibiri konuyu tam olarak bilmemektedir. B) nsanlarn dil renme becerileri konusunda pek ok aratrma yaplmtr, ancak hi kimsenin konuyla ilgili kesin bir yargs bulunmamaktadr. C) nsanlarn nasl dil rendii tam olarak bilinmedii iin aratrmalarn ou bu konu zerine yaplmaktadr. D) Hi kimsenin, insanlarn nasl dil rendii konusunda yaplan aratrmalardan haberi yok. E) Konuyla ilgili birok aratrma yaplmasna ramen, hi kimse insanlarn nasl dil rendiini kesin olarak bilmiyor. (YS 1996) 15- ......... car is out of order, so they want to come with us in ......... . A) Their/ours B) His/my C) Hers/theirs D) Her/your E) They/yours (YS 1997) 16- I don't like to go to the cinema twice on ......... day. A) such B) same C) the other D) the same E) many (rs 1997) 17He was an extremely entertaining speaker, so we all enjoyed .... even more than we had expected to. A) ourselves B) us C) himself D) themselves E) them (YS 1998}




5- We have already filled in ............... application forms but Mary is still trying to complete ......... . A) my/her B) ours/his C) her/your D) our/hers E) us /theirs (YS 1992) 6You can take ........... of these two elective courses; they are .......... very interesting. A) both/either B) both/all C) either/both D) one/either E) neither/all (YS 1992) ........... of the candidates ......... an opportunity to discuss his point of view. A) All/wants B) Each/wants C) Every/want D) Whole/want E) Many/wants (YS 1992) Could you lend me ........... more? I've spent ........ money you gave me yesterday. A) any/some B) some/the C) the/the D) /some E) some/ (YS 1993) I am so lonely and bored in this town; ......... ever invites me ......... . A) nobody/anywhere B) no one/nowhere C) anyone/nowhere D) anybody/somewhere E) everyone/anywhere (YS 1993) Don't blame ........... for keeping you waiting. It was entirely .......... . fault. A) ours/his B) mine/their C) her/them D) him/my E) them/ours fys 1994)


18- John has told me that one of ........ articles and two of ........ have been accepted for publication in the journal. A) theirs/her B) mine/their C) your/my D) his/yours E) hers/ours fYS 1998) 19- Our side won, but only because ...... on the other team was playing at all well. A) some B) anybody C) everyone D) someone E) nobody (YS 1998) 20- Though the cloakroom was very crowded, she managed to find ...... coat fairly quickly, but it took me a long time to find ...... . A) theirs/our B) his/its C) our/us D) her/mine E) hers/theirs (YDS 1999) 21- He turned down the offer on grounds of health, but I think there were ...... reasons behind his decision. A) any B) another C) such D) some other E) any other (YDS 1999) 22........ bicycles are all red, ....... is the only blue one. A) Theirs/yours B) Others/his C) Ours/hers D) The other/mine E) Your/him (YDS 2000)




11- Your bicycle goes much faster than ........... because it's a lot lighter. A) mine B) him C) us D) their E) our (YS 1995) 12I had to pay ........ for these shoes than I expected to. A) the most B) far more C) very much D) too many E) fewer (YS 1995) I can remember the main plot of the novel but almost ........ of the details. A) none B) anything C) little D) less E) all (YS 1995)

23- If Clara says she won't lend you ...... calculator, then I'll lend you ...... A) hers/ours B) his/me C) her/mine D) their/him E) your/his (YDS 2001) EXAMPLES FROM YS/YDS ANSWER KEY l.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.D ll.A 12.B 13.A 14. E 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.E 20.D 21.D 22.D 23.C


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