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Circular Motion is the motion of an object along a circular path.

. Uniform Circular Motion is a condition where an object moving along a circular path with constant velocity. A. Period and Frequency: - these are physical quantities used to described both circular/rotational motion Period (T) the time it takes for a body to make one complete revolution.
T = 1 f

- it is expressed in sec.; min; etc. Frequency the number of revolutions completed by the objects in a given time.
f = 1 T

- it is expressed in revolutions per second (rpm) or rev/min or rev/year Example: A bicycle wheel was turning 5 revolutions in one minute. - the frequency therefore is 5 rpm or 5 revolutions per minute B. Resolving Circular Motion in Horizontal Circle: 1. The Speed: - it can be computed if the frequency and radius of the circular path is known. The radius is equal in length from the center. Deriving its formula: We learned that V =
d , but the displacement undergone by an object t

moving in a circular path is equal to the circumference of the circle, thus d D 2r V = = = but t = T
t t t 1 2r so: V = but T = f T
V = 2r 1 = f


V = 2 rf

- the speed computed by this formula is both instantaneous and average speed since the motion of the object is uniform. 2. Centripetal force and centripetal acceleration: Centripetal force the force that tends to pull the object towards its center of rotation or revolution. An object moving in uniform circular motion has a constant speed, yet this does not mean that it has a constant velocity. The velocity of the body is continuously changing since it changes direction continuously. At any point in a curved path, the velocity is in a direction tangent to the circular path. Since the velocity is changing, the object is accelerating. From the second law, we learned that when an object is accelerating there is a net force that acts on it to keep in motion. But where does this force act in what direction? In our experience, if we let go the string, we observed that the object will fly out due to its inertia. This shows that the string exerts a force on the object and is directed towards the center of rotation. This is known as the centripetal force or central force. However, to keep the object

moving in constant speed, the force act on it constantly. What then is the magnitude of this acceleration and force? Deriving the equation for acceleration: In kinematics, we learned that acceleration is a = directed to the center, hence: a c =
V t V . However, we learned that the acceleration t

and force are directed to the center thus we call it now as central acceleration, that its, acceleration Let us now consider its motion along the circular path: Vh B V d -Va

In the figure, we can see that the vector triangle with sides VA, VB, and V is similar to the space triangle with sides OA, OB and d. The magnitudes of both VA and VB are V, since the object is moving with constant speed while the magnitude of OA and OB is r or the radii of the circle. The corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional thus:
V d = V r

, so; V =

Vd r

r A r -Va OA VB OB

Moreover, d is the chord that joins A and B which is the arc that was covered by the object in moving from A to B which can be denoted as V t. Thus we can find its instantaneous acceleration which demonstrates that A and B are very close. As such we O can say that the chord and the arc are equal. Hence: d= V t. Substituting this to the above equation we have; V (Vt ) V 2 t V = V = r r But the acceleration of the object is a c =
V , t

V 2 t V to this, we have; substituting , simplifying this we obtained: ac = r t

ac =

V2 r

Deriving the equation for central force: On the other hand, the magnitude of the centripetal force that keeps the body in motion can be obtained from the second law of motion: F = ma 2 Since this force is directed towards the center we have: Fc = mac, but ac =

, we have:

Fc =

mV 2 r

In Newtons Third law of motion, we learned that force always acts in pairs. There must be another force that balances the centripetal force. If we are going to cut the string or release the string as the object is spinned, we observed that it moved in a straight line. Thus there is a force which tends to throw the object away from its center of rotation or revolution. This is called the centrifugal force. Its magnitude is equal to the centripetal force but acts in opposite direction. Sample Problems:

1. Kenneth Ann wa playing with her foot jump. As she played, she observed that the ball, with a mass of 2g makes 30 revolutions every 6 sec. Determine: a. its period and frequency b. if the length of the cord that supports the ball is 80 cm. long, what is its speed? c. how much force is acting on the ball to keep it in uniform circular motion?

2. A mass of 0.5 kg is whirled in a horizontal circle of radius 1.75 m. If it makes 15 revolutions in 15 sec. Find its: a. constant speed b. constant acceleration c. central force

3. A 1200 kg car rounds a rotunda on a smooth level road with a radius of 54 m. at a speed of 15 m/s. Determine if the car will be able to make the turn if the concrete road is dry and the coefficient of static friction is 0.6.

Exercise: 1. A 0.6 kg bob is attached to a string 0.8 m long. If it is swung in a circular manner at 4 rev/sec. What is the tension on the string? 2. A10 cm radius bowling ball rolls down a 15 m alley. How many revolutions does it make? 3. A 2 kg mass is attached to 1.1 m long string and is swung around in a circular path parallel to the horizontal. If it makes a complete circle in 0.8 sec. a. What is centripetal acceleration? b. What is the tension on the string? 4. A boy whirls a 0.2 kg yo-yo over his head. The string is 0.8 m long and the yo-yo makes one complete revolution every second. What is the tension in the string? If the boy increases the speed to two revolutions per second, what is the new tension? 5. The moon is about 3.6 x 10 8 m from the earth and it takes 27.3 days to circle the earth. What is the period? What is the centripetal acceleration of the moon? 6. A record has a diameter of 30.48 cm. It rotates at the rate of 33.33 rev/min. Determine the distance measured along the arc that a point on the rim of the record has moved? 7. What is the maximum speed that a skater can round a curve of 24 m radius on a concrete pavement if the coefficient of friction between the rollers of the skater and the pavement is 0.15? 8. A 1.5 g coin rests on the edge of a 0.3 m long laser CD. The CD rotate so that the speed of the coin is 0.62 m/s. Calculate the: a. central acceleration of the coin. b. centripetal force c. minimum coefficient of friction that will keep the coin from slipping. 9. A 0.2 kg metal ball is tied to a string 0.6m long. If the breaking strength is 66.74N, determine: a. the maximum speed with which the stone can be whirled in a horizontal circle. b. the magnitude of the acceleration of the stone when the string is at its breaking point. 10. A 1453 kg car rounds a curve of 122 m radius at a speed of 48 km/h. How large must be the force of friction between the tires and the pavement to prevent the car from skidding? 11. The earths mass is 5.98 x 1024 kg and its average distance from the sun is 1.5 x 108 km. What centripetal force is required to keep it moving in a circular orbit around the sun? 12. A motorcycle and its rider weighing 120 kg rounds a curve of 80 m radius at 22 m/s. a. the force of friction required for the cyclist to go around the curve at this speed. b. if the cyclist will be able to turn successfully if the coefficient of friction is 0.65. c. the angle at which the motorcycle and the rider will learn over to avoid skidding.

C. Banking on curves: - is a method of increasing the reaction force of the road by letting it points towards the center of curvature of the road.

- this component will provide the needed additional centripetal force to keep the car moving in a circle. Let us see how this happens: Fy = cos FN FN The road is banked at a certain angle . The car on the banked road is acted by the following forces: the weight (W) of the car which is acting downward, the reaction force of the road represented by FN, acting upward on the car perpendicular to the road with its two components, Fx and Fy. Fx which is the horizontal component is directed towards the center of the circle. Thus, Fx furnishes the centripetal force. Hence Fc = FX
mv 2 = sin FN r

Fx = sin FN

The weight of the car is represented by the vertical component of the reaction force. Thus this furnishes the weight. So we have: W = FY Mg = cos FN

If we are going to get the ratios of these equations, we will obtain:

Fc F = X W FY mv 2 V2 r = sin FN r = Tan , g mg cos FN

Simplifying this we have: Tan =

V2 V2 or = Tan 1 gr gr

This shows that the proper banking angle is directly proportional to the square of the velocity and inversely proportional to the radius of the curve. Sample Problems: 1. In a race car competition, a car can negotiate the 60.0 m radius curve at a maximum speed of 150 km/h. At what angle should the curved be banked?

2. A 1500 kg race car rounds a 50 m radius curve at a constant speed of 70 km/h. If the road is banked at an angle of 150, will a friction force be required and what is its magnitude?

3. In a NASCAR competition, a car can negotiate the 60 m radius curved at a maximum speed of 120 km/h. At what angle should the curved be banked?

4. A road 10.0 m wide is curved to a radius of 60.0 m. How much higher is the outer edge if it were banked so cars can safely run even at 44 km/h.

Exercises: 1. If cars are to safely move around a curve of radius 200.0 m at 90.0 km/h, what should be the value of the banking angle if no dependence is to be placed on friction?

2. A curved road with radius of curvature of 75 m is banked at an angle of 120. Estimate the maximum velocity, in km/h, at which a car can safely travel. 3. A racetrack has a radius of 100 m. At what angle must the track be banked if the maximum velocity allowed is 180 km/h? 4. A highway curved has a radius of 300 m. a. At what angle should it be banked for a traffic speed of 100 km/h? b. If the road is not banked, what is the minimum coefficient of friction between the tires and the road? 5. If cars are to safely move around a curve of radius 200.0 m at 90 km/h, what should the value of the banking angle if no dependence is to be placed on friction. D. Resolving Circular Motion in Vertical Circle: 1. Motion of Roller Coaster/Ferris Wheel: Vmin KE = mv2 PE = mgh 2mgr

Speed is decreasing r

Speed is increasing

KE = mv2 PE = 0


When an object rolled in a vertical circle its total energy remain constant (law of conservation of energy) and all of it is kinetic energy which is attained when it is the bottom circle. However, when it is at the top of the circle, its total energy is divided between the kinetic energy and the maximum potential energy relative to the bottom, thus its speed is less there. The motion of the object is circular but not uniform since it goes faster as it moves down (moves with the pull of gravity) and slows down as it goes upward (moves against gravity).

Sample Problem:

1.A ball is being swing at constant energy at the end of an 80 cm string. If the speed at the top of the circle is 3.5 m/s, what is the speed at the bottom?

2. Objects Whirled in Vertical Circle: When an object is whirled in a vertical at the end of a string, the tension of the string varies with the objects position. The centrifugal force (Fc) on the object at any point is the vector sum of the tension on the string and the component of the objects weight (mg) toward the center of the circle when the string is at the angle with the vertical. Thus we say: Fc = T + cos mg or T = Fc cos mg Considering the object at the top of the circle, = 00 and cos =1, thus we have:



mVTOP = mg r

While at the bottom of the circle, = 1800 and cos = -1, so:


mVbottom = + mg r

FcHIGH = THIGH + mg THIGH mg For a constant Speed V, the tension in the string is least at the top of the circle and most at the bottom. Hence the centripetal force acting on the object is great at the top and least when it is below.


FcLOW = TLOW + mg V=k mg Critical Speed: As we learned earlier, a ball whirling changes its speed at different points of its journey. At the top is less than a critical value VHIGH since the string slackens due to earths pull the upper part of the balls path tends to flatten out. Thus, there is a need to determine the magnitude of this critical speed. Since at the highest point THIGH = 0, Thus: THIGH = FcHIGH mg 0 =

0= VHIGH or Vc = Sample Problems: 1. What is the critical speed on the 80 cm string in example no.1 given above(motion of a roller coaster)?

2. An airplane pulls out of a dive in a circular arc whose radius is 1000 m. The speed of the airplane is

a constant 200 m/s. Find the force with which the 80 kg pilot was strapped on his seat?

3. A 0.500 kg bob attached to a 1.50 m chord is swung in a vertical circle. If its speed is 3.00 m/s at the top of the circle, what is the tension of the cord there?

Exercises: 1. A jet aircraft moves in a vertical circle of radius 3.20 km at a constant speed of 255 m/s. The pilot has a mass of 100.00 kg. Determine the force exerted on him by his seat (a) at the top (b) at the bottom of the loop. 2. A stone is tied to a string 50 cm long is whirled in a vertical plane. Find its velocity at the highest point? 3. A 500 g metal ball is whirled in a vertical circle. What is the centripetal force which draws it toward the center of the circle as it passes through the highest point? 4. Find the tension of problem 3 as it passes the lowest point? 5. A pail of water, tied to a rope 1.8 m long, is whirled in a vertical circle. What should be the minimum speed of this pail at its highest point if the water is not to spill from the pail? 6. A 200 g pail contains 1.8 kg of water. The pail is whirled in a vertical circle, using a rope 1.5 m long. If the tension of the rope at the lowest point is 31.6 N, fin the centripetal force which keeps the pail of water on its circular path.


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