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w A s H I N G T o N



Amedcan Univetsity Director of Studeat Activities Reporting to the Senior Director, University Center and Student Activities, the ditector of Student Activities leads a dynamic team of professionals in the areas of student leadership development, student media, ftaternitylsorodty life, student organizatioos, student govemalrce, and student activity fee funding. The University Center and Student Activities is charged with leading the development of co-cu::rict lar life at Amedcan University. Through active eflgagement with student leaders, coaching and empowedng the staff, and collaboations with Campus Life and institutional partners, the directot of Student Activities contributes to a culture of leadership and service in the offi.ce and in campus student organizations. The ditector establishes priorities and develops protocols for the recognition of student otgantzatioos, tle allocation and disbursement of activity fees (ovet $1 million), and the election/coaching/training of student leaders. The director aod the activities staff wotk closely with the University Centet operations, scheduling, and ptogmmming team to develop strategic, studeot-centeted events and progtams. Qualifications A Master's degree in Higher Education, College Student Personnel, ot related disciplioe is tequked with a minimum of 7 yearc professional experience in student activities, student ceflters ot closely dated fi.eld. Supervisory expedence with multiple ptofessional staff is rcquLed. Ideal candidates will have an aptitude for and expedence with student-centered systems management, particularly in the areas of fee rnaoagemert and organtzation recognition; sttoflg adminisftative and uritten communicafio1 skills; strollg coaching and team rnanagemeot skills; skills in building partnerships with diverse constituents - students, staff, and faculty; effective strategic planning aad
transfotmatioaal leadetship skills. American Univercity (Aq ir a nationally-recognized institution in !(ashington, DC that consistently ranks among the nation's great uoiversities. The student body is cosmopolitan and globally diverse, with over 11,000 undergraduate and graduate students reptesented by all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 139 counfties. Throughout AU's history, the engagemeot, inclusiveness and diversity of AU's faculty, staff, and students have been hallmarks of the university. AU just taflked #1 on the Pdnceton Review's list of most politically acdve student bodies and AU's Class of 2072 set a flew
school record with 88% of responding graduates completing ofle or more intemships during their

time at the university.

Application and Nomination

Review of applicatioas is on-going and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should

apply on-line to Amedcan University at this site: http://qrww.amedcan edw/ht /How-we-hire.cfor


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FAx, z02-885-t534

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