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^l0 10YZ |^U1|Z lY||^Zl0Y |^l ^Y||l0Y 1Z |^^|0l^^^l|Z ZX0^Z JEANNE D ARC L||||3|l0Z 2012 1|YX0Z 7

tu r/u|oiu trs lroxrs ^vu,vors
tcuoxc/r|cu,us, otis 14/10/2012
-u/rou,r tr r,coic,uc -u|u
Ic|u |uruiuvvcu vu ,us ,i/rori ,iu tc
3i3/|c trs ,r t|t/c |u,,rvc otc ^i,u|c.
Itc ou,-r-i,rvc 3i3/|c, rcu ouvuuri
trv iotc|u ,r tc ,u0iotcr,u -ui tr r-
,coic,ui-r rruvu, ur,r|tui trv iotc-
|u tcu Mixu/r |cut/u-r, rvcs uvurctu-
xtcu vrucu |uoitr, rcu rcc0r-r
otcus ltu/cus urc tcus ou,rutitrs
tcu. Mu| ,us rtuv -ui ruviiutcu|uoitr
ru, Ic|u Mcoxcu-Muotcu-cu r
crc|u ror tc rr0io,u-
iotc|u tcu 0r|cu trs otrv -u-
|u |uruiuvvcu -ui r-r|vr tc
rruvror ou,,ucvtus tc.
Ju ruiiu trs /roxrs uvu-
,vors u//u -ui ci ,i-rs r-
,coic,uci tcu c,|/cu ,us
,|/rouv ,r tis uc -u|rs ,iu
tc r,xr|r,u tcus.
- 0/,u |uruiuvvcu:
|u|u |uruiuvvcu ,i/r-
outr rctr ,r tis ci-c,r-
vrirs tv rcctv;
- I. |uruiuvvcu: Lrv cuv riu ci rc-
ctrs. 0r/ vu rrtr cti tu cvc,utu
tv rcctv otc 3i3/|c r|vui r/uotu.
Ju ,cvu r/uotu, c/u t u//u cvc,utu
r|vui u/r0ivu. |cori-u, urc r,c-
oic,ui-r urcr, rv 0u r0r/u rctr
vu -utr,cro uv0rcus ,iu rcc-
o|u, x|s trv urur -urciv otci-
xr|v. ^rc tu itu/i-u r,,uu rtuv
c/cuvrc cti urrxuv uutc| ci rcc-
trs. 0,s -ui r, -ui r Ic|u rv 0r-
/u,r vu rotiuocu,r otrv rcco|u -ui
vc,|cti, tr/i-u, tc rr-
- I. Muotcu-cu: |,0u
,i/ro urc trv r/ruu
tcu ouvuio0r,utcs, trs
ci-c,rvrius tcu Mixu/r.
0i rcctrs rr0uvuv. Ju
ruiiu -ui tc r,,cviu tcus
rv tu|vr or t|rctu. Au
cxi ,cvc ,i/u,r, r|,uotr
-ui -c//rtc| |/ci. |ui tu ruiiu -ui tu
r,,cviu tcus rruv -ui rcuv...
- I. |uruiuvvcu: Mrou urc trv iotc-
|u tcu Mixu/r |cut/u-r rcoru0rou
vu r trv iotc|u ,ius ,r,u/rs rric-
cu trs |//uus, rcu or 3uoi-u or,r|u
trs ,iu tu Lr-uvrou, rtuv u,votr.
|tu r-|vrou urc trv ci-c,rvriu trs
Ic|us, tvtus tu rv r ur/iu
tcu Mixu/r uv 0r/cuv vu uvuo-u/r-
cu,r tc rur/0cv -ui r-r|vci uruvtr-
ouv 0rti-u. Itr ouvrxriu r Ic|u ,|/ror
-ui ,r -urcicus u//cus uv0rcus -ui
vc,|cti tc rcorruou,r tc 0r,u trs
rcco|us. |ui ,u/iotu , rvuv tcrc
rcu rv tc,u|cvtui rcici r|vui ci
- 0. |uruiuvvcu: Itc or,r|c rcu ,i/utr
,iu trv ^,|u Jiuu otc 3i3/|c ous, ou,-
-ivr0r-u rc/u. Iuvrirtcrc|rou cti otc
,rcs rcu urc rui| rr,u|v -u0r /i-
otcu,rvvu, r,ivr rc/r,cs, ,utr-r
n LnM0Il0l|^O0I I0O|A hAhA|0Ahh0 IJ^ |l^lIl^ JnI ILIXhI AhA|h0IhI Mll^ ll^ J0 blbll0 JnI K|MMLh0 IJ0 A||A|0
- I. |uruiuvvcu: |cori-u 0r
cti uutcs r|vui c -u/utrcs tcrcs vu
,u0u|vris iotc|u |ii-u ,iu tu Lr-
-uvrou, rcu r|vui u,votr ,iu tcv rc/u
- /. |u/ivtrru: |cirs oxroris r|xuv ci
|uooitrs ,r tcus ltu/cus;
- I. |uruiuvvcu: ||xuv rc/u -u/rs
oxroris -ui urrxuv -ui rc//rs rri,u-
- ^. |utoi,uvr: |ciu uotrictrtu rc-
ti,utr rriooctrc; Mu r|otr r,coic-
,ucs r vu ,urtr 3i3/|u;
- I. |uruiuvvcu: Luo-c/r rtror.
- /. Lr,crcu/cu: ^utc r|vui tc rtc
ous 3i3/|c;
- I. |uruiuvvcu: Mui. n r,coic,u-
|u -ui r ou,,ur 3i3/|cu r|vui uc tr-
/r|s iucrti-u ru,,utu. Mc,|cti
uv r|oui r,coic,ucs ocu 3,u|vri uu-
0c,rtu vu ou,rrirroui -ui ouv r-
,coic,ucs otr r ocu. Ju, -ui
uutc tc 3i3/|c r|xr rc//u r,coic,u-
i-u otcixr|u: r-uvu rruvu -ui c tc-
rcs ,u|,utcs rtuv ouv vu r3uu ,u|
rc//u ,i-u rrctu. 0,s uruxri
otc 3i3/|c -uti rcu rtuv ,u,i-c: trv rr-
|cc trs ou,,urs x0r-u tcoc
rc/u ,rou otc -/|,u tcu 3i3/|cu rcu tu
rxuou -ui r, r |iu ,r tc ruutc ,cu.
^utc rtuv -uti ,cvui-c rcu rv ou,-
3u|vri otc xc trs r,coic,u|us.
0,s 0r cti r r,coic,u|u r|vui
-uti ric uvutc -ui ,rou otr r ,i uutc
,r tu3uri ric rc/u.
- ^. |utoi,uvr: Ju rcu r-outr tc
rtc ous 3i3/|c, o-rrtrotr vu ,urtr
-ui -urcic u//c;
ouvcxcia orn oc/. 8
": , ,eeteg,t ee: :, te:et
vu vco oiXo ckIvqoc uno qcto oto oyo-
XcIo u c nputoouXIu tou ku0qyqtq tq oyo-
Xq u kupIou MupIvou !uvvou. Ivui o oiXo
kutouoq kui tu nuioi nou ouctcyouv nu-
pukoXou0ov nupXXqXu 0cupqtik kui npuktik
u0qutu uno tov ccioikcucvo cknuiocutq
kpio NIko Tuvouokq.
otvcycro orq oc1. 8
o, ci.,

oa, cviv.o
4s lvouv oi cuxcs
oas... naarisornra
8uoiikos|Ocimum basilicum:
Lixvri tcus vrui-cus rcvc-ru/cus.
^vc|,ri trv crr. bcr0u otrv uuvutr
,vr,r, ,r/u,xc/|u, u,xcs, u/urs, rvtri-rs iutuuxrs -ui
tu,ruvio,c trs -ci/ius. ||vui xvruti-c -ui -uturc/r,u |c-
vc-ci/c, u/uu, Muut|u -ui |uc/c,r,u
8ucpiuvu|Valeriana officinalis:
||vui rr,ioti-c, urvti-c -ui u,xc/uti-c
utc. Lixvri uurv|rs, vruu, u,xcs, r,i-
-uv|rs, vruuo0rvriu, rcvc-ru/c, -ucu-
rs tcu otc,uxicu. ^vu/uti-u: |uturc/r,u
trv uurv|u -ui 3r/tivri trv rcictrtu tcu
urvcu. |xri u,xc/uti-rs -ui rr,ioti-rs iictrtrs -ui -utru-
vuri trv urrrvtuor, tis vruoris, tc vrui-c uo0,u, trv
rri/r|u -ui trv tuxu-u|u. 0rr|tui xroi,r or rrirt-
oris u0|tius, urrtuors, -c/i-v, ru,uti-v rcvv, r,i-
-uv|us, rcvccvtcu -ui uo,rvccius. |cocxr! 0i ,r,u/rs
coris 3u/riuvus rc-u/cuv -u-ciu0ro|u.
^vtrr|-vutui or ,uvu|-rs -utu tr iu-riu trs r,-u,couvrs
-ui tcu 0r/uo,cu -u0s -ui or utc,u rcu ruoxcuv urc rriu
Acvrpolpuvo: liu -c/|tiu, iuciu,
3c,x|tirs, uo0,u -ui ,|rr, rvtri-rs iu-
tuuxrs, ru,utio,cus. Jcvvri trv crr.
Auooos: liu tc u,rtc, tr xc/rotr|vr,
uurv|rs, -u,rrs, rc3rxu, u,u,u/|tiu.
liu rcvcus cvtiv, ru,utio,cus. Iuvi-
otutui or rrirtoris uorr|us -ui iu-
cius, rr|ors otvri tc otc,uxi ,rtu urc
Lukuunros: ||vui xroi,c ,iu tcus iu-
3rti-cus ,iut| rxri urc,/u-ui,i-r uor.
|utr3uri tcv rurtc. |uturucvri tc
3rxu, uo0,u, ,|rr, 3c,x|tirs, tis vru-
u/,|rs -ui tcv rcvc/ui,c. |utu//r/c ,iu
riorvcrs or i,,c|tiu -ui 3c,xi-u. 0tuv
3ucu,r ru-u/urtc, ci ut,c| icv|cuv trv ut,couiu tcu
,ut|cu -ui trv -uvcuv urcrtr urc tc vrcs.
kirn hcc/n, Mnaroou Maalra, 2 uvaolou
Calentula officinalis - ttjt\t1\t+|t,
||j1tt| t+: ;j|1:
|xri uvti/r,,cvris, uvtiorrti-
-rs -ui uvti3u-triiu-rs iictrtrs.
|vioxuri tc uvcocrcirti-c ouotr,u
-ui uvu,vri tcv c,uvio,c. Ir r-
otc urr,u rc-u/r| r|or
rvtcvvri trv -u-/cc|u tcu u|-
,utcs. bcr0u otrv uvti,rtrior trs
,|rrs rvr|vui iuvi-r ,iu /r 3|-
tirs -ui -iocus. |r|ors, uvu -cu-
|ri -c/i-cus
rvtrv -ui
r/-cs otc-
,uxcu. ^rc
tu rrtu/u
trs ,|vrtui
u/cir ,iu r,-
-uu,utu, toi,rr,utu
rvtc,v -ui r,uti-u rc3/r,u-
tu crs r-r,u. ||vui icurti-r -ui
3cr0u otis /ci,ris tcu cuc-
rcirti-cu ouotr,utcs.
||0I0/n !!!
Lrv rrrri vu xroi,crcir|tui otrv
r,-u,couvr icti rc-u/r| ou-
oruoris -ui rvrxc,rvr urc3c/r.
Lavouc/a Mnou/raasn,
2 uvaolou
n Itr3iu r|vui rvu r|cs utcu ,r
rcr/ruor tr bui/|u -ui trv |u-
u,cuur. |rirxri ,iu cuo|u r crc|u
cvc,urtui otr3icr rxri rc//rs
crs ,r,u/utrr ,/u-uvti-r u-
vu,r urc trv uxur. /roi,crci-
r|tui or u-rtrs xrs s rvu//u-
-ti-r ,/u-uvti-r cuo|u urc trv u-
liu uivrs r otr3iu xroi,crcir|tui
rr|ors s ,/u-uvti-c or cr,u-
tu -ui u,u-ru ti-u tou,iu r ,iu vu
0rurruocuv trv -ucuu r ,rvi-u
tcv rcvc otc otc,uxi. Jr/cs ou-
otrvrtui or iu3rti-cus -u0s rv
rrrruri trv ,/u-cr tcu u|,utcs
-ui rv rrirxri uutuv0u-rs.
uooa/avrn 0isovoln
2 uvaolou
0ocv ucuotrxrortcus 3ctuvcu,
tc -civc xu,c,r/i uvurrtui cti rxri
r/us rr,ioti-rs,
uvti/r,,cvris, uvtiorrti-rs -ui
uvti-utuci-rs iictrtrs.
Jc cr,u tcu r|vui -u/c ,iu tc otc-
,uxi, ,iu tcv 3rxu, ,iu tcus rcvcus trs
-ci/ius -ui trs r,,rvccius (rric-
cu) tv ,uvui-v, ,iu tcv /ui,c -ui
,iu trv 3uxvuu. n ric iurc,rvr
iictrtu tcu xu,c,r/icu r|vui r i-u-
vctrtu tcu vu rr,r| tu vruu -ui vu
uvu-cu|ri -ui rr,r| urc tu rvtcvu
rc3/r,utu rcu ,us uruoxc/cuv -u-
0s rr|ors ,us 3cr0uri vu uvti,rt-
r|cu,r uoi-u trv uurv|u. n -utu-
ruuvti-r tcu uor 3cr0uri otrv
uvu-cuior tv ruiiv urc tcus
rcvcus trs ccvtcuius. Jc xu,c,r/i
r|vui ,votc ,iu trv -uturuuvti-r tcu
uor or rr0io,rvrs rrir,|rs r or
or,r|u ,r r-r,utu -u0s -ui ,iu trv
uvu-cuior rcu rcorri ctuv xr-
oi,crcir|tui s -c,rrou.
Itc ,ruvic 3ucu,r 300 ,. xu,c,r-
/i or ,|u -utouc/u ,r -uutc vrc -ui
tc urvcu,r ,iu 15 /rrtu. Icu-
vcu,r -ui |xvcu,r tc r,xu,u otc
vrc tcu ,ruvicu. Jr-cuuri -ui rr-
,r| urc tc otrs. liu /r,,cvrs tv
c0u/,v 3rxcu,r 3u,3u-i or x/iu-
c xu,c,r/i -ui tc tcrc0rtcu,r ,iu /|,r
u ruv tcus. Itc r,u xroi,c-
rcir|tui ,iu trv uvti,rtrior ,c/uv-
orv -ui ,iu tr cvt|u r/-v.
Nivio Malroa, 2 uvaolou
||vui urc tu ric xroi,u u-
,u-ruti-u utu -ui ou,rri-
/u,3uvrtui or rc//cus ouv-
uuo,cus ,iu tr 0rurr|u tcu
Ouoi-c uvti3icti-c -ui urc tu
ric r,io,rvu icurti-u.
||vui ,u/u-ti-c x|s rurvr,rirs, -u0u|ri tcv c,uvio,c
urc tis tc|vrs -ui ,rivri tr xc/rotr|vr tcu u|,utcs.
bcr0u rvuvtiu otcus -c/i-cus tcu ou-ticu, otis rrtrs otr
xc/r, otr xuor -ui trv -uttu|tiu. Lu s uvtiorrti-c -ui
uvti/r,,cvrs or cui-rs /ci,ris, crs -uot|tiu, cu-
i0|tiu, rcotut|tiu (or uiotc ouvuuo,c ,r ^xi//u|u),
otcv ru,utio,c -ui tu u0iti-u tis uo0rvrirs tcu r,utcs
-ui trv rrut|tiu. ||vui r/i,c ,iu vrc/i0cus -ui u,-
,|uor (u,,c otu vru).
Kuvci kuo yiu kuorlrics, lkrcpo, nnurlriu, up0piriku, nc-
rpcs rv vcpv.
Ku0uplci ro ulu.
Xpnon: bucu,r 30 ,. i,utu or 1 /|tc vrc. ^cu tc
urvcu,r vu -uori tc ocuvcu,r -ui r|vcu,r urc rvu
rctri r| ,ror,ri 3uu ,r uric otc,uxi.
Icasns kvoravrlvos,
2 uvaolou
Inu0oxopro: |uturuuvti-c
or rvru,cvi-rs rvcx/roris. liu
,r/u,xc/|u, uurv|u, u,xcs, ru -
u oitu tv rvtrv, uorr |u.
liu r,-uu,utu, r/r,rs, u,- -
,utu rvtc,v.
hplouu: nr,ioti-c -ui
xu/u ti-c 3ctuvc rcu -uturc -
/r,u trv urrrvtuor -ui tc
otrs. |vuvu,vri trv -uiu
-ui tc vrui-c ouotr,u.
|piu: liu 3rxu, iuciu, xc/r,
Apukovriu: liu 3c,x|tiu, /r,,cvrs otc,utcs, ,utrs,
/ui,cu, -ui otc,uxcu. (rcocxr otr xror)
Mnaiorono/ou 4vrvla, 2 uvaolou
1)+:st+||s+ - +++)|:)+|+
2et e-e..cct.
liu rc//cus urc r,us, tu /iotcu,rvvu
r|vui r ric ,/u-iu -ui xucu,rvr
,ictr tcu xcvcu.
|ui rcics urc r,us rv rri,rvri vu
r0cuv tu /iotcu,rvvu! 0i rc/ris
otc/|cvtui ,r tu /u,rru rcu
c,cu|vcuv tcus c,cus -ui tu -t|iu!
0i 3it|vrs tv ,u,uiv ,r,|cuv u|u
uvti-r|,rvu rcu ,us rco-u/cuv vu tu
u,cuocu,r! Itu or|tiu otc/|cu,r tc
rvtc ,us, rr|ors ,r uvtuxtru
otc/|iu! ^,cucu,r -uivcuiu cuxu,
,iut| otc/ic,uotr -ui r,r|s ,iu vu ru,r
or ,ictrs -ui ou,-rvtoris!
Itu ocurr ,u-rt, ci curs tv
uv0rv ,r ,r,utu tu -u/u0iu r|vui
utr/r|trs ,rcotu urc tu tu,r|u!
0/ci u,cucuv tci,u ,iu tu
,ictivu turriu!
Otu rcu r,,c3c/cuv, urrcxrs
rc/ux,rs /u,rrrs -cr/rs
rcoru0cuv vu urcoruocuv trv
rcocxr ,us,vu ir-i-rocuv
trv rct|,ror ,us, ,iu vu ,us
rr|ocuv vu u,cuocu,r tu
uvti-r|,rvu rcu rri3u//cuv.
|ui r,r|s, ucu tu u,cuocu,r, tu
|cu,r otcus ,cvr|s ,us, tu uriu
,us, tcus |/cus ,us, tcus ou,,rvr|s ,us!
Jis r,rrs tv /iotcu,rvvv uruxri
,|u ur|otrutr -ivrti-ctrtu ruvtcu!
Av0rci ruvr -ui rxcvtui! biuoti-c|,
ou,3cu/rucvtui tis /|otrs ,r tis urc -
xr oris tv r,rv rcu rxcuv c,u -
vori -ui trxcuv vu u,cuocuv c/c -ui
rriooctru u,u0u. liut|; liut| r|vui
Ir c/r uutr tr ,ictivr ut,couiu rcu
cuoiuoti-u ouv|otutui otrv urr-utu -
vu/or u,u0v iucv turv, c
uv0rcs rxvu tcv uv0rc. 0
uv0rcs u,curi -ui -utuvu -
/vri u,u0u rcu rv tcu xroi -
,rucuv -u0cioti-u otr
3r/t|or trs rcictrtus trs
rs tcu.
Ju /iotcu,rvvu, c,s, 0u
rrrrr vu r|vui ,|u ,ictr
crcu c uv0rcs vu rruvu/u,3uvri tis
ruxrs ,iu ^,urr, ,r|u, |utux|u, rcu r-u -
vr trv rruo,rvr xcviu otc ouvuv0 -
rc tcu -ui rtoi vu rrvcuv tu xcviu
-ui r ^,urr ,rtuu tv uv0rv
vu ruu,rvri vtuvr -ui uvutr!
Mr trv ru-ui|u trs lrvvrors
tcu 0ruv0rcu 0u
rrrrr, c uv0rcs,
vu rotiurtui otc ru, -
,uti-c xu,couvc ,r -
vu ,u trs lrvvrors tcu
/iotcu: c /iotcs ,rv -
vr0r-r -ui u,urror tcv uv -
0 rc -ui ,r tcv rxc,c Jcu, tcu xu| -
ri r/r|u -ui xuu,tcv otr|ri r0i-u -ui
uxi-u. Iu,ruuotr-rtui otc /itc
xiotcu,rvviuti-c turri, u//u rc -
oru0r| vu iuri trv r|otr -ui vu otr -
|ri -ui tc r/cuoic xiotcu,rvviu ti-c
turri. 0 /iotcs rv iu-|vri -ui
rv ti,u tr /itr croiu /i,ctrc urc trv
-u/ctiu,,r vr -ui r/cu,iotr croiu.
0 /iotcs u,uru tcv uv0rc, crcics
-ui uv r|vui uutcs -ui tcu iuo-ri JnM
^ln0|l^, JnM lI0JnJ^, JnM |l|nMn,
JnM |^l0IMn J0 |M0I ll^ J0M
All0 !
|toi -ui c or,rivcs uv0rcs 0u
rrrri vu u,uru -ui vu cvt|ri tcv
ouvuv0rc tcu, vu vciurtui ,iu uutcv
-ui vu tcu ou,ruuotr-rtui ctuv uutcs
tc rxri uvu,-r. Mu ,rv rouxuri ctuv c
,r|tcvus tcu rrvu uo-c/rs oti,,rs,
u//u vu rvr,crcir|tui -ui vu tcv
Mu ,rv rouxuri ctuv rvu rui| rv
rxri vu-uvri tcr,3c/ictcu.
Mu ,rv ,uvuri trv r/utr
ctuv ,|u ,rtru rv rxri vu
tu|ori tc rui| trs.
Mu ,rv /ro,cvr| tcv r/i -
-i,rvc uv0rc rcu ru -
/ruri ,r tr,cvuiu tcu.
|toi tu /iotcu,rvvu,r-tcs urc ,|u
,ictr crcu r -utuvu/ti-r ,us -civ -
v|u t|ri -t|iu, cruri xr,utu ,iu
vu ic,uvvri ,ictrs -ui vu xu|ri
u, 0u ,|vri -ui ,|u r,ru crcu 0u
or,utcctr|tui r ,rvvror ru,rvv ou -
vuio0r,utv crcu c /c,cs tcu lrocu
^,urutr u//r/cus 0u 3ri u/r0ivcus
urcotri-trs rcu ,r u/r0ivr uco|or
otu /iotcu,rvviuti-u lrr 0u
xu|cuv ^l^|n otc ouvuv0rc !
L. Jouyukn, p3 yuvuolou
Tr cvor ro vovotproo;
NuvoupIoutu Xcc ouvq0u otu ikp (kui
cyXu) nuioi yiu vu tu ku0qouyoou-
c kui vu tu yuXupuoouc uotc vu k-
vouv qpco nvo. Hnio yvuotq kui
uvuyvupIoiq opqq vuvoupIou-
to cIvui to qouyo cXuoiko tpu-
youoki nou tpuyouoictui c unu-
Xq kui yuqXq quvq, ouvq0u oc
pcqq uno oikcIu oc uut npoounu
(u,yiuyi,vtuvt kXn).
Ztqv upyuIu XXou ouvq0iuv vu vu-
voupIouv tu pcqq XikvIovtu tu kui tpu-
yououvtu qpcc cXuoIc. Houvq0ciu tou Xi-
kvIciv tu vcoyv, yiu vu tu kutunpu0vouv kui
vu tu unokoiIoouv, qtuv oc cupcIu ypqoq. To XI-
kviou ouvoocuotuv uno yXukc cXuoIc, yvu-
otc u vuvoupIoutu, uukuXqutu q uuku-
Xqoci q kutuuukuXqoci. O Ocokpito
couoc to tpuyooi, vuvopiou tq AXkqvq,
nou to cXcyc otu oIouu nuioi tq, tov HpukXcu
kui tov !qikXcu, kouvuvtu tu cou otqv uonI-
ou, tqv onoIu o vopu tq, o Aqitpuv, cIyc n-
pci Xqupo otqv yq. Oi XXqvc ouyypuqcI
yvupIouv to kutcuvuotiko kui unvutiko uno-
tcXcou nou cyci to XIkviou kui tu vuvoupI-
outu nvu oto vcupiko ootqu tuv nui-
oiuv. Zyctik, o IXtuv ouviot oti otuv knoio
nuioI ouokoXcctui vu koiq0cI, q qtcpu tou
npcnci uvtI yiu qouyIu kui oiunq vu to kouvq-
oci otqv uykuXi tq kui vu to vuvoupIoci.
O IuXqvo ciocpyctui oc Xcntocpcic oyctik
c o,ti uqop otq quoioXoyikq cqyqoq tq cnI-
opuoq tou XikvIouto, uvuqcpovtu yupu-
ktq piotik: Knoiu ctpiu kIvqoq kui
knoio cXuoiko ypuutioo tq
quvq tou (tuv tpoquv), tu onoIu
oyi ovo kutunpu0vouv, uXX kui
tu ouv yiu nvo, cvu ouyypo-
vu uut oqXuvouv kui to quoi-
ko otoi ycIo, oti oikcivtui cuc-
vu npo tqv ouoikq kui tqv yu-
vuotikq. Kui onoio cIvui ikuvo
vu ypqoionoicI kuX ti tcyvc, uu-
to 0u cknuiococi npu noX kuX to
ouu kui tqv quyq.
To vuvopiou cIvui oiyuvo kui ovotovo
tpuyooi , nou tpuyouoov oi qtcpc yiu vu koi -
Ioouv to upo tou. NuvoupIoutu unp youv
oc oXou tou Xuo uno noX nuXi. Iupqvu
tuv vuvoupiotuv cIvui tu oiqopu cniqu -
vqutu , nou Xcyovtui c qpco kui ovo tovo tpo -
no ( vvi-vvi k.t.X.). toi oyqutIotqkuv ikp
noiqutu, nou kpio yupuktqpiotiko tou cIvui
q ckqpuoq tq qtpikq tpuqc po tqtu.
To ncpicyocvo tuv vuvoupiotuv cupttui
uno tqv npocXcuoq tou.
D npo tq cXuoIu tou, tu vuvoupIoutu
nupouoiouv cyXq noikiXIu. AiukpIvovtui o
uut nou cyouv cXuoIu unXq, kui o uut nou
cyouv cXuoIu ncpItcyvq.
Mryoc11o 4mrrot 3
Koiqoou uyycXooi ou,
ouv tov kuXo tov ypovo,
ouv tu nouXi nou kcXuqoov,
otq Xcovi to kXuvu.
Nvi vvi vvi,
Ki onou to novcI vu yivci,
Nvi vvi kui onupyvi
kui yXupo tupI otq Ztvq.
Xu nvc unvuoc to,
Kui Xpiotc ou cqXuc to.
qcc q AvutoXq kovu
Xiouto nuioI,
Kovu to vu q unvqoci.
Koiqoou kui nupyyciXu
Ztqv noXq tu npoiki oou,
Zto IuXut tu poyu oou kui tu oiuuvtik oou.
Koiqoou,ou kopItoi ou,
Kq tyq oou oouXcci
Kui to kuXo oou piiko
OyXqyopu to qcpvci.
Mryoc11o 4mrrot 3
|+/+)|:|+ 1)+ - \;t|+
Auotpiuko uXcintutiotq
4cXi Mnuouykptvcp ku-
tqcpc vu npokuXcoci
nuykooio 0uuuoo c to tpo-
cpo tou Xu uno tq otputo-
oquipu! O 43ypovo uuto unXo
v0puno, kutcppiqc to pckop
tq cXc0cpq ntuoq uno to c-
yuXtcpo qo: 39yX nvu uno
tqv cniqvciu tq yq. Apyik,
cniiotqkc oc iu kqouXu, tqv
onoIu cvu nuXovi ycto qXio
uvcuoc oto ouykckpicvo qo.
Ano ckcI, o 4cXi voic iu nop-
toXu kui otqc oto kcvo!
IpuyutonoIqoc cXc0cpq ntuoq
yiu 4 Xcnt kui 20 ocutcpoXcntu,
kui voic to uXcIntuto kui npoo-
yciu0qkc oto couqo cyovtu nu-
pucIvci otov ucpu yiu cvvi Xcnt.
H tuytqtu tq ntuoq tou cqtu-
oc tu 1.394yX tqv upu! yovtu
npuyutonoiqoci 2.500 Xutu
otqv kupicpu tou uvcqcpc oc ou-
vcvtcuq: Otuv otckoouv ckcI,
otqv kopuqq tou kooou, cviuou
tuncivo. Acv okcqtoouv nXcov
tqv kutppiqq tuv pckop, otc tq
ouXXoyq cniotqovikuv ocooc-
vuv. To ovo nou okcqtoouv
qtuv to vu yupIou nIou uvtuvo.
Kut knoiov tpono cyivc unc-
pv0puno piokpovtu noXX, tu
onoIu tcXik ocv cyuoc. O,ti kui uv
unpyci nIou uno uuto (utuiooo-
Iu, uvuqtqoq opIuv, XutpcIu tq
uopcvuXIvq) uvqkci oti ioiotqtc
ckcIvc nou kivov tqv iotopIu!
Toviu MnuiutonoXou

O NKOI Kv:xoq
voq vqq KXXuq:
Zs yvo/( ao6 tpv otcp
too tc0o tpv toosop
Zs yvo/( ao6
too 6ooo ooo 'oov oscst
ca oop
ao' tt tcsos a
ya!svp, oot6 os0a/vst
tat oot6 (st...
H !tt6tpta 6taa/vst...
Xa/os, a/os Zaoto(/.
_ _ _
A:Xoyoq (coyup:o oc
ncpIoo o:xovo:xqq
- Aynq ot, cym cpoor.
- Epy(cror;
_ _ _
10 ypovuv cIvui to cupu
kui u cyci tuppuvqoci.
Zkcqou vu nci kui otqv
_ _ _
Zrot yovc ot
oqc1m ro "(qv",
orov ouo1 ot
ro "ct (qv"...
Zrq Eurobank 13.000
ctpm, orqv Ucrporm
22.000 ctpm, orqv cqo-
po 12.000 ctpm...
_ _ _
vu nun cyci tcXci-
uoci u0qutikq kui kvci
knoic ncpIcpyc cooXo-
yqoci: Xcci o uuptuXo ti
uuptIc tou, ki ckcIvo
unoXoyIci nooc ctvoic
kui noou Itcp Huv. Ici
cvu nioto kui tou Xcci:
-Htso oo, st!sa.
Mst ao6 tootoo yopyo-
ooo ooo!oytco s to
tootootsott, too aoav-
-10 stvots tat 5 Htso
Hst sva !!o otct6 tat
too !sst:
-Htso oo, st!sa, ao-
tpca tp yova/ta oo, ct6-
tca, s/oa sata, oo66ca
too /!oo oo...
Mst ao6 aotsto ooo!oyt-
co, o oao tott(st to
tootootsott s osotso-
-Tstvov oo, too !sst, op-
yatvs va tvst !!p ta !p-
cts/a, ytat/ oo ya/vst
A1c{ovpo B1oyoq
Uro pyopo uor on rov yo!
|uoti-r lvor
|uoti-r lvor (cystic fibrosis) r u/-
/is lvc-uoti-r vcocs, urctr/r|
tc ric iurc,rvc -/rcvc,i-c vcor-
,u otr /ru-r u/r. |r|rcu 1 otu
2000-2500 ruiiu, r-ti,utui cti ,rvvi-
cuvtui -u0r xcvc otrv |//uu ,r -u-
oti-r |vor, rvtc 4-5% tcu r/r0uo,cu 0rr|tui cti r|-
vui cr|s.
Ju ou,rt,utu rtcr,uv|cvtui ,rou otcv rtc xc-
vc trs rs, u//u ,rcr| vu r,uviotcuv -ui u,ctru otrv
ruii-r r/i-|u. Ju ou,rt,utu tcu uvurvruoti-cu ouotr-
,utcs, r|vui c rr|,cvcs 3rxus, c oui,,cs, r uorvciu, -u-
0s -ui ci rruvu/u,3uvc,rvrs /ci,ris tcu 0u-u. 0ocv
ucu otu ,uotrvtri-u ou,rt,utu, iu-|vcu,r tcv urc-
oitio,c, ic,-,rvr -ci/iu, uo-ci/ictrtu -ui ,r,u/u or ,r-
,r0cs /iruu -cruvu ,r rvtcvr -u-co,|u.
|rir/rcv ou,rt,utu r|vui r rc/u u/,u-
r ,ruor rcu rxri c itus, ci rruvu-
/u,3uvc,rvrs /ci,ris tv i,,cr|v,
ci rc/urcrs (rcu oxr,ut|cvtui otr
,utr), uvi-r otrictrtu, 3/u3r tcu uru-
tcs, iu3rtrs, ru,-rut|tiu, rcrtor tcu
c0cu, cotrcrcor. niu,vor trs -u-
oti-rs |vors ru,,utcrcir|tui ,r trv rrtuor tcu i-
tu, tr ,rvrti-r rrtuor -ui tcv r/r,xc otu vrc,vu.
n0rurr|u rcu rrrri vu u-c/cu0cuv tu utc,u rcu ruoxcuv
urc tr vcoc, urctr/r|tui urc uoic0rurr|u -ui uo-ror,
uvti3icti-u -ui uvti,u-rti-u, riorvrc,rvu u,u-u, Dornase
u/u, cu,cvc -ui trv -utu//r/r iutcr.
0i urcrici ,cvr|s -utu tcv rc,rvvrti-c r/r,xc, urc-
3u//cvtui or ,cviiu-r rrtuor ivc-uoti-rs vcocu. 0i ri-
0uvctrtrs vu ,rvvr0r| rui| ,r -uoti-r |vor urc ,cvr|s
c rtivc -u/c-u|i uvr3r-r ,iu urr-
cxr 0ruti-r ruuotuor Jc ,r,u/c
,us to|-c tcu lu-3cu |u,ruvr//r.
|vcs uv0rcu rcu rxri ti,r0r| urc trv
^-ur,|u ^0rvv ,iu trv rcocu tcu
otc r//rvi-c0rutc. |r|ors rxri iu-i0r|
urc tc |uvrriotr,ic |urcu -ui urc tc
t,r,u 0rutcu trs oxc/rs |u/v Jrxvv
tcu ^iotctr/ricu |uvrriotr,|cu.
||vui ,iu 0ruti-r ruuotuor rcu r|xr
uvr3ri ,iu rtr cu tc 1973 urc
uic /c,cus r0crcicus.
Jctr 3r3uiu r|xr urcotr| ,r,u/r /c,c-
-io|u /c, tv rc/iti-v ,r,cvctv
trs rrcxrs.
Ir,ru r|xu,r trv uvutctrtu vu urc-
/uuocu,r trv ,ur tcu ou,,uru x-
|s rur,3uoris crs u,cri or r/ru-
0rcus rc/|trs.
Jc r,c uvr3r-r or iucu ,rr -ui rr-
icxrs trs |//ucs.
0i -iti-rs rcu rrr rtuv 0rti-rs. 0 -c-
o,cs tc u,-u/iuor urc trv rtr oti,-
,r -ui uutc uvr-r otrv iu-riu trs ru-
uotuors urc tc rv0r,c xric-ctr-
,u tv 0rutv.
|-tcs tv -ri,rvv -ui trv uc,r r-
,rvr|u tv r0crciv, r ruuotuor
r|xr vtu0r| ,r trv ,cuoi-r tcu ,r,u-
/cu ,us ,cuoi-couv0rtr I. Juxu-cu
crs -ui tc 1973.
Ju ,r,u/u iotci-u ,r,cvctu rvu//uo-
ocvtuv. Jr-ivvtus urc trv ,u0c/c,|u
,us ,r tcv |cvc -ui ,rou urc ,iu ouv-
tc,r iotci-r iuc,r r|u,r c/u tu
ru0r tcu r//rvi-cu /ucu. 0i rurvci iu-
/c,ci, tu 0ruti-u -cotcu,iu tv r0c-
rciv -ui r rvu//u,r tv ouvuio0r-
,utv -u0s tc u,u iurxctuv r --
,|u r,icu,cuor rvu -/|,u ru,-
,uti-rs ruc|us. 0i 0rutrs rcor/-
,rvci ,rctr tu,cucuouv -ui rctr u-
-uu ou,-|vrors -ui xuus r/r,,uir
tu rcoru tcus.
||u,r tc Muvtr|c ti c/c rruir r-r|vr
trv rrcxr, rcori-ctrtrs trs rriccu
383 r./. -336r./, crs c O|/irrcs
b, tcv rxc,c trs buoi/r|us otrv |//uu
-ui tis rrirtoris tcu, tcus ,r,u/cus ,us
cr/uxr,cus Mi-rtuu, |/urcutu, |c-
/c-ctvr, Mu-u,iuvvr, tcv c/c rcu
rruiuv ci ou,,uxci ,us c/u uutu tu xc-
viu, tc ru0cs tv |//rvv ,iu ,iu |-uir
|//uu -ui trv -u0iror tcu Iuvtu,-
,utcs rcu rv u|otutc ,rxi tctr.
Ju iotci-u -ui -civvi-u ,r,cvctu ou-
vrx|otr-uv ,r trv u,r tcu buoi/iu
00vu, tu brvir/i-u ,rxi -ui trv -u-
tuotcr trs I,uvrs.
0|//rvi-cs /ucs rctr rv rxvu trv lotc-
|u tcu. ||vui 3u0iu xuu,,rvr ,rou otrv
uxr tcu. Mi-c| -ui ,r,u/ci -utuvccuv
tc ,rvu,u rcu ,us |vri tcoc c -uu,-
-icrs coc -ui ci cr/uxr,c| ,us -ui c
ri,cs tcu /ucu ,us. ^//u crs -ui
otrv ruuotuor rtoi -ui otrv ru,,uti-
-r ,us r tc o0rvcs tcu /ucu ,us r r|-
otr -ui r r/r|u ,iu rvu -u/utrc uuic
r|vui uutc rcu /u,rri -ui ,us -uturi.
|ui crs uutu tu ,r,cvctu rxcuv ,u-
tr| rtoi -ui -urciu /c,iu rxcuv ,r|vri
0 ,r,u/cs /c,crcics ^|orcs (625-
560 r./) r|xr rri: rv,rvci 0u rrir-
oc,r, xio,rvci 0u xu0cu,r
0 ,r,u/cs ,us ou,,urus -ui rcirtrs
tv vrctrv xcvv M.|uuvtu-rs
r|xr ,uri : v|-rou, vi-r0r-u, tcutc ,c-
vuxu r, r|,ui ,r,utcs r/r,rs -ui otr-
-c,ui c0ics.
|ui tr/cs c uxi-u,-r/uics b|o,u,-
Ocv r|rr: uv r/rirr c r,u/ics urc tcus
|//rvrs 0u -utu-tcuouv tcv -co,c.
Iola iovln
H tuivIu Step up revolution cIvui
Iu 0cuutikq ouoikoyopcutikq nu-
potuoq c nputuyuviotc to vcu-
po ZON, unXXqXo oc cotiutopio kui
ouvioputq tq oou MOB, kui
tqv M!AY, nXooiu kXqpovoo kui
nu0iuocvq vcupq koncXu c to
yopo. Tu ouo nuioi ouvuvtiovtui tu-
yuIu oo qopc kui otqv tcXcutuIu
tou ouvvtqoq nqyuIvouv uI oc
Iu ck0coq uypuqikq oto Mou-
ocIo Tcyvq tq noXq tou. kcI
ouvcq kti cunpuyutiko: oi nI-
vukc uvtvcquv.. Ipokcitui yiu
iu opoocpq vcuvikq tuivIu nou ou
npotcIvu uvcniqXuktu!
Mopo Zpot, 3 ytvooot
O Oc oyoncr
ro Xorpr
H tuivIu O
Oco uyunci
to yuipi cI-
vui q iXi o-
ypuqIu tou
!uvvq Bup-
kq. vo
nciputq, o
onoIo yIvc-
tui nXou-
to cnopo
uvukuXnto -
vtu to yuipi. Zkono tou cIvui vu
unoktqoci ypqutu kui oou, nupu-
Xcnovtu ou tqv oikoycvci tou,
yiu vu tu yupIoci oto tcXo oXu otou
XXqvc kut tq oipkciu tq nu-
votuoq tou 1821. H iotopIu uutq cI-
vui uoiocvq otqv npuyutikq uq
tou !uvvq Bupkq, nou ckiv uno
tu +up kui qtvci otqv PuoIu.
H tuivIu oc okqvo0coIu tou Iivvq
Zupuyoq, cIvui q unoociq ukpiu
uuto nou uvtinpoouncci. TInotu
ocv cIvui ukutop0uto. Ku0u nupu-
Xcnci ti ouokoXIc nou cquvIov-
tui yiu vu oXokXqpu0cI kui ovuoiko
tq cXqu cIvui vu ctuqcpci to cX-
Xqviko otoiycIo oc oXo tov kooo.
Zuykckpicvu, o Ioio o Iivvq Zu-
puyoq cInc: Iiotcouc oti uutq q
tuivIu ovo kuXo 0u kvci otou uv-
0punou kui cioikotcpu otou XXq-
Ou unuXvci tqv quyq tou, uXX kui
0u tou kvci ncpqquvou.
Miu tuivIu nou uyyIci tqv quyq k -
0c XXqvu kui kutuqcpvci vu cIvci
yiu nvtu yupuycvo otq kupoi
u to ovou kui to cpyo tou !uv-
vq Bupkq. vu noX oquvtiko
v0puno, nou nXcqc yiu tqv cXcu-
0cpIu tou kui cIyc tpocpq uynq yiu
tqv 0Xuoou.
H tuivIu cIvui cvu tuIoi, uno to onoIo
kuvcI nopcI vu npci noXX oyi
ovo yiu tov !uvvq Bupkq uXX kui
yiu tqv cXcu0cpIu. ZIyoupu cIvui iu
noX cyXq cnituyIu, nou o ku0cvu
0u tqv 0utui c oiuqopctiko tpono
yiu nvtu.
Ah0O8L|MAJA... Mcpiku oyiu ons ci-
n0nkuv. Ioyiu rou xrcs kui rou oncpu oxcriku c
rnv LIL8L||A (Jns u0nrpius Iolu Xiovl n):
/ee et -.cct. .t.-:et
-et .tt
- ..c.t cec eec .tt - -eccte.
/t :e ec e, e - ..-t.ce-
ec :.. ..c.e -e.
2cect eec e-ete ecect ..c..
|nyus Ocpulos
- --, - cc,.ec-c, - et.-, ce .t,:e
- .t - cccec-c
.tt e cc -tt c- ..c.t.
Lpix Opo
! -.t.t .. :. ! .t:et .. :.
! t:et e,ct :.t .. :.
- cc- .c- . .tt et ..c.e,
' .et t c- ..c.t.
h. Kuuvrukns
Te .e cet.e
1)+:st+||s+ - +++)|:)+|+
Remembrance Day is also known as Poppy day or Armistice Day. It
has been regarded as a memorial day since the end of the First World
War to remember all the people who died in the line of duty. Those
who were members of the armed forces and the innocent people who
have been killed to protect their country. This is a special day for war
remembrance. It is observed on 11th of November to recall the end
of hostilities of World War in 1918.
The common tradition in Canada, South Africa and Great Britain in-
cludes two minutes of silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh
day of the eleventh month as this is the time when the armistice be-
came effective.
This days symbol is the poppy! The remembrance poppy has been
used to commemorate all those soldiers who have died in war. Later
on, it inspired many literary figures and poets.
We speak English
Thanksgiving is celebrated each year on the third Thursday of November in
the United States. Its a traditional celebration full of thankfulness, bless-
ings and remembrance. In English traditions we also celebrate the harvest
For this special celebration, Im thankful for everything my parents offered
me until now. Their love and care their loyalty and benevolence.
I also thank all my professors for the knowledge they have given me, for
their patience and affection!
I would like to thank all my friends and classmates, past and present, for
their support every day and their smiles during good and bad times. They
make me think how lucky I am and for that I thank them.
Lastly but most importantly, I thank God for everything he has offered me!


Thanksgiving 2012 (also called Turkey Day) is a joyous
family festival celebrated in the United States and other
countries with lots of enthusiasm. This is a special holi-
day to express gratitude offered to God for all His bless-
ings, and to the family, loved ones and friends for all their
Traditionally, it has been the day to give thanks for
rich harvests. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in No-
vember in the United States, which is every third
Everybody is thankful for something especially
when it has to do with important matters such
as health, peace, faith, well being,education
and so on. Personally, I am thankful for my
parents and my family, in general, because
they take good care of me and they love me uncon-
ditionally. Moreover, I feel blessed for the good health
that all my family has and because we live in a country
without war and we can enjoy the gifts of Greece such
as the wonderful sea, the hot sun, the amazing islands
and the delicious flavors that we can taste from the local
Furthermore, I am grateful for the strength that God gives
to my family so that they can provide more than is neces-
sary in my life. I am fortunate to have the op-
portunity to travel to other countries and ex-
perience other civilizations and cultures.
Last but not least, I am thankful for the pres-
ence of love in my life, the ability to dream
and set goals for the future.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Le franais comme on laime!
0ciouv tu xcviu rcu ,u0u|vcuv lu//i-u c/ci ,u|, -ui tu r3,u/uv 38 ! 0i
,u0rtrs tcu Cours Spcial 2012-2013 rr,cuv rcoc rrruvci r|vui ,iu tu
Lir/,utu lu//i-v rcu urr-trouv u//u -ui rcoc r,icu,i-c| vi0cuv rtcs
rcu orucuv x|s u,xcs ,rou otr lu//i-r ,/oou.
Tous ensemble cela fait 38 ans que nous tudions le franais! Nous sommes fiers davoir obtenu tous les
diplmes jusquau Sorbonne C1. Chaque anne nous avons eu comme but de russir aux examens en rcom-
pense de notre travail. Heureusement, nos rsultats ont t satisfaisants. Maintenant, cette langue nous appa-
rat diffremment, sans stress : on ntudie pas la troisime recration, on na pas lobligation de faire des de-
voirs la maison, ce qui nous laisse du temps libre pour nous prparer au concours dentre luniversit. Le
cours de franais est donc plus cratif et intressant puisque nous avons la possibilit de surfer sur le net et de
dcouvrir la langue comme elle est. Cest le franais comme on laime!
Antigoni Kalantzakou, Orestis Kompougias, Dimitris Xiradakis, Panagiotis Palimeris
Professeur: Mme Odile Tafflet
On parle Franais
e 26 septembre 2012, Les lves de Sorbonne B1,
sensibiliss limportance de la clbration de la
Journe europenne des Langues, ont cr en classe
de FLE un collage refltant leur intrt pour la question.
0i ,u0rtrs trs 3 ,u,vuo|cu tcu Sorbonne B1 ti,cuv
trv |urui-r n,ru tv l/oov r,icu,vtus
-c/u ,r ,rvu,utu rcu uvuri-vucuv tr or,uo|u trs.
La section de Mme Lontiadou
La section de Mme Fragkakou
La section de Mme Rota
es lves de A2 avec leur professeur P. An-
tonakaki ont ralis des collages locca-
sion de la journe des langues le 26 septembre
GNRATIONS FUTURES / 1| ?|1||||| |||
||||||\| |1| 1f||1| 1 |1||1 |||1
e mercredi 24 oc-
tobre 2012, les
lves de 32 collge,
accompagns des pro-
fesseurs S. Fragkakou
et de M-H Tsialta, ont
pass la matine
lInstitut Franais
dAthnes qui or-
ganisait dans le
cadre de lAnne in-
ternationale de ln-
ergie durable pour
tous des activits de sensibilisation au dveloppe-
ment durable. Ces lves ont eu loccasion de par-
ticiper des ateliers au cours desquels ils ont pu
faire des expriences.
n Itc r/u|oic tcu |c,u,,utcs ^,,rs ,r|us
trs l lu,vuo|cu, ,r urru0uvr -u0r,rtiu trv -.
^.M. Lr/|u, r Fair Trade Hellas, r |//rvi-r Mr |u-
3rvrti-r 0,uvor rcu otcxruri otrv -uturc/r-
,ror trs txrius or ru,-co,ic rr|rrc, ru, ,u -
tcrc|ror rvu 3i,uti-c or,ivuic |rs iu-
-rius otcus ,u0rtrs rcu ou,,rtrxcuv otc |c-
,u,,u. 0i r0r/cvtrs trs Fair Trade Hellas rc -
0cuv -u0r,rivu tis u|rs ,ius rvu//u-ti-rs -ui |-
-uirs ci-cvc,|us -ui trs urru0uvrs -utuvu/ors.
n -. |. |urtu -ui c -. V. Lambert rucuo|uouv rvu
3i,uti-c rc,u,,u ruuio0rtcrc|rors ,r t|t/c
n oc-c/utu.
Ortcs r0r r Fair Trade Hellas otc oxc/r|c ,us otc
r/u|oic tcu |c,u,,utcs ^,,rs ,r|us ,iu tc
L|-uic |,rcic. Itrv uxr xur-u,r rcu 0u xu-
vu,r tc ,u0r,u. 0,s, ci uv0rci rcu r0uv ,us
r3u/uv otc -/|,u tcu ru,,uti-cu r,rc|cu trs
oc-c/utus -ui tcu rs 0u
rrrrr vu r|vui. ntuv ,|u
rc/u u|u r,rri|u -ui
r/r|cu,r vu uvur-
|c3c/r trs tuiv|us "Les Intouchables"
r otcxc trv ruuio0rtcrc|ror
tv ,u0rtv or 0r,utu -civ-
vi-v urc-/rio,v -ui utoio,cu
-ui or ouvuuo,c ,r tc ,rvu,u tcu
Iu,3cu/|cu trs |urrs ,iu tc
,rvu Mcr,3ic |vu oxc/r|c uvci-
xtc otcv -co,c / Global Education,
tu t|u t,r,utu lu//i-v trs ^lu-r|cu ruu-c/cu-
0rouv trv 3u3ru,rvr tuiv|u 0i A0i-tci.
0i A0i-tci r|vui ,iu tuiv|u -civvi-cu rrirxc,rvcu
3uoio,rvr or u/r0ivr iotc|u. Liuu,ut|rtui otc |u-
|oi tcu or,ru. |ucuoiurtui r iotc|u rvcs ru,-
r/cutcu u//u ruur/r,i-cu uvtu c crc|cs uvu r tcuor
trv ioctrtu -ui cxi tr iu-ior. |utu tr iu-riu tv ou-
vrvtrurv ,iu trv rco/rr rvcs uv0rcu ,iu tr
cvt|u tcu, ,v|ri rvuv Muc-ivc, tcu crc|cu tc
,cvui-c rviurcv rtuv vu urci0r| urc tr 0ror
,iu vu ruri tc rr|c,u uvr,|us. n ou,rricu tcu
-ivr| tc rviurcv tcu rtu,viotr -ui rtoi tcv
rco/u,3uvri c-i,uoti-u -ui u,ctru -uvcvi-u. 0
Muc-ivcs, 3ivcvtus rvuv iucrti-c utoio,c urc
uutcv tcu r,cctr tcu, rv tcu rrtui utoioti-u.
|toi, ,rou uruutr tr oxror r,uo|us, r,icu,cuvtui
-ui ro,c| i/|us. Itc tr/cs urcri-vurtui cti rxcuv
uvu,-r c rvus tcv u//c. Muutcv tcv tcrc, c o-rvc0r-
trs rcoru0r| vu rruori rvu ,rvu,u -utu tv rc-u-
tu/rrv -ui tcu utoio,cu urrvuvti or utc,u
iucrti-u. lrvi-u r|vui ,|u tuiv|u ,r iiu|trc xicu,c
-ui rc/u -u/u o-rvc0rtr,rvr. |ritu,xuvri tc otcxc trs,
r/ur tr ,rtucor tcu uvtiutoioti-cu ,rvu,utcs.
hnvconn Xuipcru, A3 Iukclou
Proj ets de cl asse, B' l yce
Les festivals partout dans le monde
ans le cadre de la prsentation dun Festival con-
tenu dans leur mthode de franais et afin de sen-
sibiliser les lves limportance des festivals pour une
socit, les lves de Madame DELIA ont cherch et
prsent diffrents Festivals qui ont lieu partout dans
le monde. Les rsultats ont t impressionnants !!
ouvcxcia ano rn oc/. 1
- I. |uruiuvvcu: Mui. ^utc rv rtuv u-i-
3s tc rtc 3i3/|c rcu r|xu o-rtr| vu ,u-
. ||xu o-rtr| u//u ru,,utu. ntuv c,s
tcoc u|u r iotc|u tcu Mixu/r -ui tcou rc/-
/u uutu rcu 3r-u,r rcu tc 0rrou ru-c-
/c vu tc -uv. ||xu tcoc u/i-c rcu rtuv -|-
,u vu ruri xu,rvc. ^rc tr oti,,r, /circv,
rcu ,uris rvu 3i3/|c, ocu r|vui ric ru-
-c/c vu rris cti 0u ,u -ui u//c.
- /. Luvu/iu: rrxuv otcixr|u rcu rv
rutr ,iu trv iotc|u tcu Mixu/r -ui tu
,u0utr -utu trv rruvu ,iu tr ou,,u-
r tcu 3i3/|cu;
- I. Muotcu-cu: 0xi ruu rc//u oxr-
ti-u ,r trv iotc|u. |,rvtr/s tuxu|u,
3r-u t| urr,ivr c 0r|cs ,cu. ^utc rcu
3r-u,r rtuv uv0rcus rcu rv tcus rru (r.x. ou,,u0rtrs tcu
otrv ^0rvu) -ui tcus 3r-u,r ,rou urc trv rruvu ,r tr Ic|u.
Ju ric or,uvti-u otcixr|u c,s rtuv uutu urc tu itu/i-u uxr|u.
- I. |uruiuvvcu: Mc,|cti tc 3i3/|c rv 0u r|xr ,utr| uv rv
3|o-u,r tu itu/i-u uxr|u. Ju -c,,utiu rcu r,0rcuou tu ric
ru-c/u vu 3cu,r urcr|x0r-uv tu ric uo-c/u! |ui tc uvt|0rtc:
uutu rcu 0rcuou ric uo-c/c vu 3r0cuv rtuv tr/i-u tu ric
ru-c/u. Lr/ur, rcori-u rv r|otruu rctr cti 0u urrxuv tcou
rc//u otcixr|u ,iu tr ,uxr trs ^,. Jiuus, rcu urcr|xtr-r cti uutr
rtuv ,|u or,uvti-r ,uxr ,iu tcus lr,uvcus crcu ,rou or ,|u ,ru
o-ctouv o rvru tcocus rc//cus |//rvrs -ui urrxuv tcou
rc//u otcixr|u -ui ,utu|rs uv0rv rcu tis r|xuv -utu,uri.
Jc ric ou,-/cvioti-c ur c/u rtuv tu itu/i-u uxr|u! |cori-u
-uv rruvu tcou xcviu -ui rtr cu, (ot uxr|u uutu) r|u
-utu0ror xuir ,r c/rs tis /rrtc,rrirs -utu,r,u,,rvrs u-c-
,u -ui trs ou,rricus tcu. |r|ors rtuv ou,-/cvioti-c cti 3r-
-u,r ,r ruu/rs rtror-uruvtror trv uvu-ior tcu Mixu/r ,r trv
urc,ur tcu, urc tcus ltu/cus. M|u urc tis ric rvtcvrs oti,,rs
rtuv ctuv tu rru,r c/u uutu -ui tu ou,r ot ur/iu tcu Mi-
xu/r, rcu r|xuv ruri or itu/i-u oxc/r|u -ui iu3uouv tis -utu0r-
oris tcu vr-cu ur/cu tcus.
- ^. |utoi,uvr: |u0s 3|o-utr /rrtc,rrirs ,iu ru,,utu rcu
rutr -ui vru otcixr|u rcu rv rutr rs vi0utr;
- I. Muotcu-cu: |x-/uri -ui rxuio0uv0r| rc/u rvtcvu rc/-
/rs crs or c/r tr iu-riu trs rruvus. |xuio0uv0r| rc/u urr-
ruvr, rc/u /|,r -ui ,i-r.
- ^v. Iiutu3uvr: ^rc trv ci-c,rvriu ous uv rv r|ouotr ror|s 0u
r3,uivr rcs tu r uutr r iotc|u;
- I. Muotcu-cu: Lr vc,|.
- I. |uruiuvvcu: 0utr r,. n Ic|u rur -ui 3r-r rcu rtuv
- ^. Iiutu3uvr: ^v ,i/rocu,r ,iu ruu//r/rs rs -ui rcu,r cti
c Mixu/rs rtuv rvus rus -ui uutc r|vui rvu uvti-ri,rvi-c ,r,cvcs,
uvrutrtu urc tc t| uio0uvc,uotr -ui t| ,u0u,r r,r|s, uutc rv
0u ,ivctuv rctr uvti/rrtc uv rv urrxr rvus u//cs uv0rcs vu
uri ,i uutcv.
- I. Muotcu-cu: |utu/u3u rc/u -u/u tr ,iu,iu ,cu! Jrv rviou
ric rc/u! ^rc rc/u ,i-r, trv r3/rru vu ru|vri tu ru,,utu tcu,
vu t u-cu,ruri -ui vu -/u|ri. liu ,rvu rtuv otrv uxr tc,rr rr-
ir,riu! |otrivu uut| r|ourc tis -/riotrs rctrs v u-cuotrv
iotc|u -ui ,r,u/vcvtus r,u0u 3r3uiu |s rtuv uvutcv c,s
vu xu0r| -urcics, rvu ru/i-ui -ui vu ,rv ,rcr|s vu tc 3ris rcu-
0rvu; n ,iu,iu ,cu ru,r riotrucvtus cti tc rui| trs ri. Lrv
r,u0r rctr cti rr0uvr -ui uutr rtuv r rtr rtror rcu r-u-
vu otc ou,rc/r,iotr -ui |/c tcu 0r|cu ,cu Mixu/r, -. Joi-vr, ctuv
tcv ,viou otrv A,ioou: |u/u, ,iut| rv r0utr vu ,us 3r|-
tr; Mu u,cuv ci ,cvr|s tcu -ui vu ,rv rcuv t| urr,ivr r-r|vcs;.
Mus r|rr cti r-r|vcs ,us rur, r|xr otr|/ri uc ,u,,utu otc Lr,c
trs |uocu ,iu trv ci-c,rvriu ,us u//u r,r|s
rv tu rru,r rctr!
- 0. |uruiuvvcu: |iotrurtr cti ro-r,,rvu
rv tu 3r-utr;
- I. Muotcu-cu: Mui. Itc Lr,c trs |uocu
r-r|vr trv rr|cc rtuv rvus urc tcus rc-
ctrs ,u,,utrus -ui
ruuvior tu ,u,,u-
- |. 0rc|r: |coc
ru-c/r rtuv r r|oc-
cs ous otu itu/i-u
uxr|u otr |cc;
- I. Muotcu-cu: |u-
0c/cu ru-c/r, uv rv
rtuv r Ic|u.
- I. |uruiuvvcu: ntuv rcori-c| u-r/ci -ui s
r,coic,ucs ,rcrou vu rx rco3uor. Mcu r-uvr rvtur-
or cti rc//c| |uoitrs -ui cxi ,cvc, -ui u//ci Lr-uvroici, rru-
vrtrs -ui ,r, rv rxcuv uri t uxr|u trs ci-c,rvrius tcus otr
|cc. rrxuv u-r/ci rcu rv r|xuv uvcixtr| rctr! ^v r,cuv L-
r-uvroiu 0u r0r/u vu ,u0 ,iu tcus rurrcurs ,cu! 0i ltu/c|
rxcuv -utrori ur|otrutu /rrtc,rr otcixr|u. Mr,u/cs c,-cs u/i-
-cu! It ur/iu tcu Mixu/r, uvtuotr|tr, tcus rr,u,r vu cuv tc
u-r/c tcus! liu tcv rutru tcu Mixu/r c u-r/cs rtuv rc/u ,r-
,u/cs! br-u,r tis uitroris ,iu 3|u trs ,rtrus tcu Mixu/r -ui trv
urcir tcus. ||otruuv, -ui tc -utr,uuv, ci ltu/c| cti 0u rr-
,uivr vu 3ri tc rui| trs, vu tcv -uvri |//rvu rc/|tr -ui trs u-
vcuvtuv vu u,ri urc tc vro|. |r|ors tcus ruu-c/cu0cuouv c/cus
ouvrxs! li uutc -ui tcv rriuouv tcv Mixu/r ru-c/u. nruv urc
trv uxr rcu 0u tcv 3cuv -ui uutc u|vrtui urc tu itu/i-u uxr|u.
- /. |u/ivtrru: Ju rcu ,u0utr trv iotc|u rrrri vu r|otr i-u-
- I. Muotcu-cu: Mui, vi0rc/u u/u,rvr! liut| rtuv rc/u
,r,u/c 3ucs vu rx ,urri c/u uutu tu otcixr|u -ui vu ,rv tu
-uvt|rctu! Jc r|xu o-rtr| rc/u -ui ruu rc//rs crs ,iut| rv
rrrrr r,r -urcics urc trv |uoc vu ,uri -uti ,iu tc 0r|c ,cu.
^v r,ur -urcics urc ,us, trv ci-c,rvriu tcu, rv 0u r|xr rctr
trv urccxr trs uvti-ri,rvi-ctrtus cov 0u r,ur. Jc |ic -ui
ruu rc//c| u//ci |uoitrs ,iut| 0u u|vcvtuv cti r|vui ,r tr ,|u
r trv u//r r/ruu uu . Jc cti 0r/ror r Ic|u vu ,uri tc 3i-
3/|c, r crc|u rv r|vui urc trv |uoc, r|vui r,coic,ucs -ui r0r-
/r vu -uvri rruvu, -ui -uturu,r vu 3cu,r tcou otcixr|u -ui
v urcr|cu,r trv iotc|u, uutc rtuv rc/u ,r,u/r rutux|u!
- I. |uruiuvvcu: |ui uutc 3,r-r -ui urc trv |uoc riu. Lr/ur rv
r|vui rvu 3i3/|c ,iu trv |uoc. |,ivr rvu 3i3/|c ,iu c/r trv |//uu!
0X| Ah8|0h0I, IK|A!
ee- e;t -e.t c:;.t : -e
ec :. .t .ecec -ec;
ec ec-.. e. ,tec .t ecec
'.e ece -.ce cec;
ee- e;t;
ec et ee.- ceece. e.t.c.ct
.-et : ..t ce e tee cec
ec .. c t :.t ;c-ece.
/. tt. e.:,.t -t.cec ce ce cec
ee- e;t;
ec . -: cec -eec
/ ce -ee eet cec
ec . ce c.,. ..t
/t ceee .c.e tec-. et eet cec
ee- e;t;
! ec:..t ece .e ece --e
/t .c, ,.c.t e .te
/t e t,e c et
! .c-.t e. t .- ee
ee- e;t;
1ee- e;t !
2 .,.ct tt ec- .t
/t ee ce-e. -e.t
/t :e -c .-t
! ;.. ce .cce cec -
e,ct .t. -:-.t e-e.t
1ee- e;t !
! -e:.ct .t .
ece ..e ..te:e
2 .t.tct ec cc, . ece e.ect
/e. ...t. ct ,: cec -.ece
/t ,ect cte.t -te ce ..,t
1ee- e;t !
2 - te. -ec: c- .ccct
2 ec, c- c-;- cec : ece t
2 ,cec-.. e ee .t t.t
! - c--;. ec:-ec. - -ec.- -
1ee- e;t! 1ee- e;t!
/. ecec -ec et -e, e.t!
n LnM0Il0l|^O0I I0O|A hAhA|0Ahh0 Mll^ ll^ J0 blbll0 JnI
otvcycro on rq oc1. 1
Mc tq Xqq tq ck-
nuIocuoq tou tu
nuioi kutcyovtu
to nputo uotcpi
(oqXuoq tqv nputq
cnIoqq ociu ku-
touoq yiu 0o
18 ctpuv) 0u uvu-
Xouv tov c0cXov-
tiko ku0upioo c-
pou tou u0o
otqv ncpioyq Bo-
touXkiu tou Ici-

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