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Easy Persian Lesson 2 - The Alphabet, Long V owels

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Persian Lesson 2 The Alphabet, Long Vowels

By Hassan H. 24 Comments

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Asif Syal Jul 16, 4:45 AM nabila salam,, i amjust wondering where is the ''ye'' in word ''hafteh gozashteh''?? anyway thanks for the lessons,,i hope you will reply as soon as possible Jul 14, 12:28 AM Tahir Salaam, everybody. Your approach to teach Persian really works, Hassan. It helps anybody to learn Persian as easy as silk. We wish you all the best. Jul 13, 7:50 PM ariane alana Salaam. I can't believe how much work and time and effort that you have given for providing free lesson to the world. I have just started learning Farsi and I... Jul 13, 7:47 AM

Lesson 2 (Welcome back!)

Before beginning lesson two, I think its necessary to mention that each lesson is the continuation of the previous one. Consequently, you may find yourself unable to understand the new lessons perfectly if you ignore the previous lessons. So, I strongly recommend that you study the lessons step by step without skipping any of them. Im sure you will make great progress in near future if you follow the instructions. In the case you followed the instructions as you are being told and still found it difficult to learn, then you would have the right to angrily blame me for wasting your time and I would certainly shut down this site forever! Its a deal! Ok. How was lesson one? Was everything clear? If not, please let me know. Your suggestions will certainly improve the quality of this site to help you get most out of these pages. Last week, we learned many things, such as short vowels, three big letters along with their small forms, the correct pronunciation of the letters and so on. We also learned how to write these letters. Do you remember those letters? Perfect! Now try to review them before we proceed. Today, we are going to learn long vowels with the help of the same letters. Then, you will be able to pronounce each letter with six vowels (sounds, as used more frequent in Persian). From now on, make the habit of pronouncing each letter with these six vowels. If this is correctly done, you will become unbelievably fluent in learning and pronouncing the letters. Ready? Lets begin! As you know, we have three long vowels in Persian. Although we can put some signs on or under the letters as we did it with the short vowels, I am trying to avoid doing this with the long vowels here. Therefore, we are not going to put some symbols on or under the letters. We can find these long vowels by detecting some letters. This will make it easier. If you remember, I told you that all big letters come at the end of the words and may stand

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Easy Persian Lesson 2 - The Alphabet, Long V owels

either attached or separated from other letters with only one exception. Today, we will see that exception.

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Look at this letter.

This is the big letter A in Persian, which unlike all other big letters

comes at the beginning of the words only. Do you still remember the big letter B and P? As you remember, they come at the end of the words and may stand either attached or separated

from other letters. But, here, the big letter letters. It stands separated only.

(the only exception) does not attach to other

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The pronunciation of this letter is not so difficult. It has only one pronunciation, and does not accept any other short and long vowels. You have to pronounce it as /a:/ in arm.

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In one word, this is the big letter A in Persian and pronounced as /a:/ in arm. About Easy Persian Contact Hassan Links Privacy Statement Is that clear? If you need to know how the big letter listen. Ok. is pronounced in Persian, click here to Site Map

Long A

This one is the small letter a in Persian. It may appear anywhere in words: beginning, middle, and in the end. This letter can accept all six main vowels, including short and long vowels. Now that we are familiar with the long vowel /a:/ in Persian, we are ready to learn two other long vowels. Those are /i:/ as in see. And /u:/ as in two.

Each and every content throughout this site including all lessons, all poetry explanations, and all personal stories are copyrighted to easypersian. Any kind of reproducing the contents of this site without the written permission from the webmaster is strictly forbidden. Easy Persian 2001 - 2013

This is the big letter Y in Persian. Only this letter can be pronounced as /i:/ sound. /i:/ as in see. Note: like all other big letters, this comes at the end of the words and may stand either attached or separated. This can be pronounced as /i:/ Mostly when it is attached to other letters.

This one is the small letter y in Persian. Like all other small letters, it comes at the beginning or middle of the words and accepts all six vowels. The last one is the long sound /u:/. As I told you before, some Persian letters have only one form. That is to say, their small and big forms are equal.

This letter is one of them. two.

This is the only letter that may be pronounced as /u:/. /u:/ as in

I guess you may find these explanations a little bit confusing. Nevertheless, this is the only way to explain the long vowels. I am now trying to make it easier to understand through writing.

As you remember, this is B in Persian:

. Last week, we learned how to pronounce this

letter with short vowels: vowels too.

. Toady we will pronounce it with the long


this is pronounced as /ba:/ in barter.

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Easy Persian Lesson 2 - The Alphabet, Long V owels


this is pronounced as /bi:/ in beat.


this one is pronounced as /bu:/ in boot.

Now, try to pronounce

with the help of these three long vowels. You will say:

. Need help? Click here to listen.

Big B

Well done! Was it really difficult? Now, we pronounce the letter vowels. Ready? Dont forget to read from right to left.

with the help of six main

All B
From now on, we should pronounce each letter with these six sounds. Now its your turn.

This is p in Persian. Try to pronounce it with the six vowels. You will say:

. Great job! If you need help, click here to listen.

All P


this isT in Persian. Try to pronounce it with the six vowels. You will say:

. Still need help? Click here.

All T
All right. This is the end of lesson two. Please remember that the most difficult part of our job is pronouncing the letters with these six vowels, which is the start point of entering into a new language. We wouldnt have this much problem after we learned the letters successfully. From next week, all we have to do is practicing some new letters with these vowels till we complete the letters. So, you may consider todays lesson the most difficult one for weeks to come. Dont forget to check the Lets write and the Useful drills now. Feel tired? Hit me! Click here if you want to write in Persian.

Lesson 2
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Easy Persian Lesson 2 - The Alphabet, Long V owels

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Jennifer says: May 22, 2012 at 6:17 pm
Im a bit confused. Does big letter A stand only alone, or does it come at the beginning of words?

Amer Khan says: February 1, 2013 at 8:49 pm

big A always comes at start. and its pronounce is like (Aa)

RC Joseph says: May 28, 2012 at 10:44 am

Jennifer, Letter A stands alone and comes at the beginning of words only pronounced as a/ in Arm

Maren says: July 12, 2012 at 9:42 pm

When you say at beginning, do you mean in the beginning seen from Left to right (like the big letter L is in the beginning of Left), or from right to left (like sihT). Great site btw!

Preeti says: September 7, 2012 at 7:55 pm

It would be from right to left.

Ajay says: September 2, 2012 at 9:50 am

commendable efforts to make it learn effortlessly

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Easy Persian Lesson 2 - The Alphabet, Long V owels


nicole says: October 5, 2012 at 8:12 pm

hi. im learning farsi for a story im working on (im a writer)and this site is unbelievably helpful i just have one question: how does the little a accept the long vowels, what does it look like with the big y and little y. im confused. thanks for your help.

rik says: October 8, 2012 at 5:06 am

Omg than you so much. Do you also have an application we can download for our phone

Dobbs DeCorsey says: October 19, 2012 at 4:57 am

You should make an app for this website. I wish I ciuld easily take it on the go, but I dont have any 3g on my tablet so when Im in the car theres no way that I can access this website. Really consider making this an app with interactive writing tools.

Antonio Q. says: November 18, 2012 at 9:27 pm

Woow thank you very much! I want to learn farsi since A long time! I was trying to find a farsi teacher here im Mexico City but it is quite expensive! This site is really useful. Thank you verymuch for taking the time helping ppl to learn farsi!

Richard J says: January 1, 2013 at 3:07 pm

This is the big letter Y in Persian. Only this letter can be pronounced as /i:/ sound. /i:/ as in see. There is no i in see or am I missing something here. Downloads would help here so that I can hear the sound.

Luke says: January 1, 2013 at 3:27 pm

He means the i sound, like in Italian, e.g. in the word si, or pizza. That sound is often written in English with two es, like bee, or see, or teeth, or sometimes with ea, like sea, and a couple of other ways too. Of course, English has a lot of irregular spellings (where the same sound is written in different ways, like sea, bee, piece) and irregular pronunciations (where the same letter or group of letters is pronounced in different ways, like the letter i in pizza (/i/), bit (/ /), or price (/a/), to name a few.), so here is the link to the Wikipedia article on the sound he means, with an audio sample (under the picture of the i on the top right of the article): If you need any more help, (Im not an expert at all, but) feel free to e-mail me at, and I will see what I can do. [Note: all of the letters in /s, like /i/, is referring to their transcription (how they are written down) in the IPA, or International Phonetic Alphabet, which you can read more

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Easy Persian Lesson 2 - The Alphabet, Long V owels

about here:


Richard J says: January 1, 2013 at 3:39 pm

Later downloads in lesson helped thanks i think ive mastered it.

Mel says: January 16, 2013 at 3:14 am

So I have gotten up to lesson 11 and Im still a little confused about the short vowels. If Im reading a word how do I know if its going to be e, a or i. Kind of like the word Shoma which is one of the You words. I get that ma is a long vowel But when I learned the character in shoma it was described as Shin. How do I know when Im reading Shoma in persian I dont read it as Shinma or Shima?

HAZ says: January 24, 2013 at 12:15 pm

dear Mel, Shin is the name of the character having the sound sh. Im sure as you go on with the lessons it will be easier to differentiate between reading it has Shoma or Shima, you will get a sense of it, although it seems hard at first.

Despina says: February 22, 2013 at 5:06 pm

Dear Mr Hassan, your lessons are absolutely dettailed with a rare method. The whole project is wonderful. Congratulations. Thank you for this site. yours faithfully Despina Asimakopoulou (Athens-Greece)

wafaa says: April 15, 2013 at 7:20 pm

Hello, I know Arabic and English , Any one could trade ?I could teach you one of these languages and you could teach me Farsi :) My yahoo Regards Wafaa

Amir says: May 23, 2013 at 5:59 am

Hi, I am a native Iranian and living in Iran. I will be happy to help everyone that wants to leering Persian.

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Easy Persian Lesson 2 - The Alphabet, Long V owels

This is my email:


Sarah says: May 28, 2013 at 1:31 am

Wow this is amazing! I look forward to learning Persian through your site. This is perfect! Thank you!

Luis Alfonso says: June 24, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Greetings all and Dear Professor, Thank you for this valuable tool, I am enjoying it immensely!

mohammad says: June 28, 2013 at 4:06 am

good boy:D

Irfan Ali says: June 27, 2013 at 6:28 am

i like the pronunciation of farsi very much

mohammad says: June 28, 2013 at 4:07 am

hi Im iranian add me to teach you persain

Antonio says: June 29, 2013 at 8:16 pm

I dont exactly understand one thing. Do long vowels attach do letters while short vowels dont?

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