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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD 3144PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313

" 91313 ,31440 ";

13-06-20 In re: RSZ (25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Response by the Requester to Inspect on Judge Alon's May 23, 2013 Decision in re inspection of court file. Judge Esperanza Alon continues to deny access to court records.
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13-06-20 In re: RSZ (25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Response by the Requester to Inspect on Judge Alon's May 23, 2013 Decision in re inspection of court file. [English translation] 13-06-20 In re: RSZ (25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Response by the Requester to Inspect on Judge Alon's May 23, 2013 Decision in re inspection of court file. [Hebrew original]


LINKS: [1] 10-06-01 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Fraudulent Affidavit of Robert Zernik and Consent Letters by Dror Zernik and Uri Zernik [2] 13-04-29 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Notice of false and deliberately misleading April 7, 2013 Request to Add Dror Zernik as Conservator [3] 13-05-22 In re: RSZ (1829-06-10 and 25607-03-13) in the Haifa Magistrate Court Declaration of Joseph Zernik: Judge Esperanza Alon - master of the "mystical secrets of court procedure", or "obstructionist with impunity"?


In the Haifa Magistrate Court 25607-03-13 In re: RSZ Filer: Conservatee's son, Joseph Zernik PO Box 31440, Jerusalem, 91313 Parties (to the best understanding of the Filer): 1. Conservator Robert Zernik, by his counsel Amos Zadika 2. Counsel for the State Attorney, Ministry of Justice 3. Counsel for the State Attorney, Ministry of Welfare
Other Conservatee's Children: 1. Dror Zernik Conservatee's son 2. Uri Zernik Conservatee's son = Response by the Requester to Inspect on Judge Alon's May 23, 2013 Decision in re inspection of court file I, the undersigned, Joseph Zernik, ID no..., knowing that I must say the truth, and that I may be liable for penalties stipulated by law if I do not do so, declare as follows: 1. The undersigned, the Conservatee's son, files herein response on Judge Alon's May 23, 2013 Decision, in instant court file, in re Request to Inspect court file. The decision appears to contradict the Judge Alon's May 2, 2013 Decision in instant court file, also in re Request to Inspect court file. With it, the filer hopes that Judge Alon would straighten the apparent contradictions between the two decisions. 2. According to the Judge Alon May 2, 2013 Decision, in instant court file the Requester is party to the litigation. Therefore, pursuant to the principles of transparency and equality among parties, he is entitled... . Therefore, Judge Alon deems the Requester a party to the litigation in instant court file. 3. The Regulations of the Courts Inspection of Court Files (2003), Regulation 3, says: 3. The Right to Inspect by Parties to Litigation A party to litigation is permitted to inspect a court file, where he is a party, following completion of Notice of Inspection, pursuant to Form No 1, unless he is prohibited bylaw from inspecting the court file.


The Supreme Court Decision in Israeli Civil Rights Association v Minister of Justice (5917/97) also affirms that Regulation. 5. The Judge Alon May 23, 2013 Decision, pertaining to Repeat Request to Inspect Court File says, For response by the Responders and Counsel for the State Attorney by July 7, 2013. In such Decision, Judge Alon treats the Requester to Inspect as if he were not a party to the litigation, pursuant to the above cited Regulation. 6. Therefore, the two above referenced Decisions by Judge Alon appear contradictory. 7. Therefore, Judge Alon is asked to clarify: As of this date, is the filer, Joseph Zernik, the Conservatee's son, a party, or a non-party to instant litigation. Dated: June 18, 2013 [Signed] ________ Joseph Zernik, Conservatee's son


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