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f' ^ ^ -


Arthur Carter, Jr. was returned from a hi^ly successful mission work in Bela Horizonte, Brazil for medical treatment and surgery. Doctors have advised him
to remain in the States for "two or three years."

Being in good health at the present

time, he has led in starting 'Second

Christian Church* in the property of

Louisville Bible College. Attendance is

running between 40 and 50 and the group is in the process of buying property on
which to build. Bro. Carter indicated that

the new church will emphasize missions,

and that a 'Faith-Promise Mission Re

vival* was scheduled for Sept. 26-29,

1965, under the leadership of Dick and
Mrs. Sarah Robison, fellow Brazil mis sionaries on furlough.

Bro. Carter is also teaching missions at Louisville Bible College and recruiting
men and women for the work in Brazil,

Address: 4208 Naomi Drive., Louisville,

Ky. 40219.



the first service

of Second Christian church, Loulsvlile, Ky., which began meeting in the Louisville Bible Coilege
Chapel, June 27, 1965. Art Carter (far left), on medicai furlough from Brazil, is leading in this

5 R

Y/S..E I
January 1965

r-' r,


Arthur Carter, Sr,,']4208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucky-

(./ii-jshian Friends,

^ig, as we meet from night to night. It is a pleasure to work with these good

Let us ]abor together in His world wide vineyard gathering in many more lost soijls in 196^j than were brought into the fold in this past year of 6U* I am writing this letter_frpm Mauckport,,_Indiana.>- where we_are jjL revival.jid._th ^ e Inland Christian Church. God is blessing us with a fine spiritual awaken-

Once again God gives unto us the challenge of another year of service.

iis lan folk and their minister ViTayne Duyan. ISy greatest task is to keep from
pounds during this meeting for they sure feed a preacher in this ^ t h a t we are already booked for several mission-reidlval meetings

wT-i+o wriT.e

cl: ur V^+v ^ ^^ture, however, if you would want us to come and work with your madp^ contact us as soon as possible, so that arrangements can be
available or call us for spring meetings and speaking dates, so feel free to
Smith wrote that everything is going fine in Belo Horisonte. +7^ accepted Christ and baptized. A teaching program is being

eroun TQ


with the-i-r^ ^ iiirch in the Pai Tomas area is becoming much stronger. The church Tomas arpa 'ithes and offerings are purchasing a building lot in the Pai
th^s anH +v ^ on constructing a chapel for their mission chui'ch. All
"ill only be 3 years old the first Sunday in


^omes. Youth groups are continuing to grow, and the women's

forward with their calling program and Bible Study.

porefo^ Hifgospel
Christttas^a rto were sent by
3adles eronn sr^ Vv of Christ. Marv

familv -It, 'v1\'

day we started in an empty store hall with only my

^leLings, victories, and the

11 ' ^he ohtirches that sent in special gifts to make jvt' bikes, which

f/iirj.stiar] Ohurc,h-the dolls that were sent by a Adult Class of the Utioa Chui-ch

with joy arid Be-kv

were so haow tvf

it never is a >''

girls. Very seldom we are home for Christmas and

for your Icve arid idndres

us, so that voii brethern Mok.

everything. They were almost beside themselves

^he girls on the mission field, that is why they

Santa is coming tomorrow. Thank you all

are ir'oludi^^a

says, "Ijriforcp+ahl'e^>- '

^iTich j.cve for
miss and W

aS wa^won payers. Tof

which one of our sisters in Christ wrote to intimate and close relationship with our Brazilian

brethern in Belo and they miss us. Tfe

Brazil. Accordir^ ho'His

richest way. Witl^

I have faith in Tori

realize just how much I miss and love you all.

da Gllva, she is 60 years old, our fii^t convert and voodoo cult called Macumba. She ^^e eternally in ny heart and
I will see you all once again in
always. May God bless you all in the
one day^ wait^vxth ^

1 God's 1=-" i-f- i.r; Br-ttZjj and do pray blessings on them.

Pray for them dnd ijs, as we a].l to serve God faitlifally.
Lord bless each of you
Thank von for 7^ .^. . l. ,

In Clii-J hiaii love,

,'a'h .p, MnTl.r^7tr (^ni't'.er



Mr/lrs. Charles Bush, Salem

Ityland Chr. Ch., Mauckport Christian Church, Richland Crusader's Class, Reel Ave. Chr. Ch., Vincennes Jr. High Class, Chr. Ch.

Zoah Christian Church, Scottsburg $ 50*00 Thelma Ridgway, Louisville John Sweeney, Campellsburg 10.00 Anonymous, Louisville



100.00 Young Adult Class, Shively 73.00 Chr. Ch., Louisville 50.00

lyndon Chr. Ch., Louisville

$ 20.00 50.00 25.00


Corinth Chr. Worker's Circle

First Chr. Ch., Boonville

Bethel Chr. Oh., Doolittle Mills


10.00 Women's Council, So. Jefferson

M/M Ted Kestler, Louisville

Chr. Ch. Valley Station



Mrs. Vergie Shreve, Richland

10.00 Flora Heights Chr. Ch#,

Pleasant Ridge, Ch. of Ch., Rising Sun Walnut Grove Chr. Ch.,
Bright Chr. Ch., Lawrenceburg Florence Rickenbaugh, Uniontown
Jesse C. Vaughn, Madison

Mrs. Madge Crook, English Richard jy^rers. Bluffton

1.00 Young Adult Class, Shively 8.00 Chr. Ch., Louisville


H.H. Vaughn, Louisville Thomas Omer, Horse Cave


25.00 50.00 25.00


M/M Crockett &m/M Hosapple, Orleans26.00

Homebuilders Class, Bethany Chr

82.26 8.00

Four Mile Run Chr. Ch.,

Tulip St. Chr. Ch., Mitchell First Ch. of Ch., Highland

Ch. of Ch., Aurora


Miss. Society^ Youngstown Minerva Pk. Ch. t)f Ch. Worthington Marvin Nikolaus, Mt. Gilead



28i75 50.00

Guy Wanless, Brilliant Ch. of Christ, Russellville First Chr. Ch*, Columbiana
Palestine Ch* of Chi

75.00 15*00 50.00

30.73 50.00

First Chr. Chi, Odon First Chr. Ch*, Hamraorid


ii'Mr.<?v,.vnrior3 CJass, Moiitgomeiy loutb Churoh, First Chr. Ch., Odon


Hollansburg Ch. of Christ, Utica


Ripley Ch. of Ch., Big Prairie

Marlboro Chr. Ch., Alliance

Hilliard Ch. of Ch., Plain City Norton Ch. of Ch., V/hitehall


I;0.C0 ll^.oc

Sal.em Bushtor, charlestown First Chr. r;h., jollet

Faithful. Foi lovj^ar:;


5.00 65.00 50.00



Women's Union, Community Chr. Ch., Ft. T^uderdal.e 6O.CO Central Chr. Ch., Ft. I^udei'tiale 10.00

Central Oh, of Ch., Gering

Ch. of Ohmj Mina^are


First Chr. Ch., Covington

Laurel Ave. Ch. of Christ,


Ch. of Ch. r;irc3.e, iJinatare M/M Claude Smit.h, Mlnahax


20.00 10.00


Virgin3.a Beach First Chr. Ch., Covington




Pinecrest Chr. Ch., Johriaoi, cit.y



Chr. Ch., Padmi City



Corinth CF,'o^

jp,r/v Way lie

Vut.w;lr^ (ionnf.-il


THE fUiUTER WEVJST.ETTER First Church of Christ

2)420 Lincoln Street

Hi gliland, Indd.arla W. H. Eckroth,

TJ .S. P0STAGE"'"PAID llaimaond, Indiana

Permit No. 1216

Non~Profit Organ.

Return Requested

3tev:art Heights Cassville, Mo

- John W. Oglesby


C A ;<TS R
forwarding AGENT:


February 1S6$


Arthur. Carter, Sr., i;20S Natnii Drive, Loid-sville, Kentucl<y

Bear ClTirlstian Friends,

This month marks the 3rd anniversary of the Church of Christ (Christian) in Eelo Horizonte, M.G., Brazil, This month will make 3 years from the first day we

started to preach the goepel in this capital city of 800,000 population I can
remember it clearly, as we opened the doors to the little store hall that lord's

Cay morning in February of 19^2, Much has happened since that time. We hav^

telieyable ways. The Church grew rapidly, as we labored in the streets and "byvrays eachd^g of Jesus, and many came to know His, as Lord and Master. We praise the or or all victories won and successes made and for the way He touched the heai'tf' 1c and the building at home of tothe aidmost us in the purchasing a centrally located of one beautiful and modern church plants onccmpr anj"^ niission field. The church has continued to grow through'^ut this period ox
buiL^ a chapel for the mission church that she has already stax't 9

ne hospitals, but God has been good to us and has blest His work in Bel# in un-

hard and trying times there on. the mission field and kere at home in^

church v

and has organized programs of teaching-Youth-Iadies-Stu^y

'-IT tithers and givers supports herself and is P^"


+-4.^4.^ year period. The Belo church also supports one of our Pi'eacher

raH-iV 0^ * triii Jr;


still launching out into the desp with it's ^ew program, which will reach at least i of workers the state's Pray the Lord will continue to bloss this work-the and
tremendous city of opportunity.

Children's Home, beside the planting of this other New Test-


as to when and if we will be able to return to^ ^rj.Bd, thru this Newsletter plus speaking to chmv-lies, as I travej. ^veryone. 1 year As I printed in sick our September Newsletter, a meis^ J'^'dUest/jjTig to ij year leave, during which npr

, ^

"lea^pd to n"^+. ^ 4.

of tHV'ro.?

oheoked and l3.-i,ted throughOy at 3 to h month intervals. At the end

their findings will be examined and then we will be

so that \heseTests

suggested that we remain

qnpalHro-^H^ cti'ijroh and present speaking dates or revivals.

our work, then please feel free to contact us foi

gen ^in their support these last fev/ months and we ask that they continue with us, lor while we are here in the states-we are endeavoring to raise enough money to V the 4.1. ! : States-we endeavoring to raise mcney uu xinish the dOTTn-i+.''.>nr of r^P the +V, -r ^ .... , to . J.\__ JV,4. on nn our rtlTT xinish dormitory Fara Bible are Institute and pay off enougn the debt

thank all of our faithful supporters, who are standing behind us, as we serve the Lord in Brazil. Some churches have been sort of negli-

printing eq-^pment, which stands at a little more than $6,C00.C0. Any special offer^ or gifjS you can send would help erase this debt and put gospel less^^ns into he hands of millions of Brazilians. Anything you can do to help would be greatly
appreciated. May God bless each of you with many victui'ies for His Son, thru all of 196^> Remember us daily in your prayers
In Christian Love,
Art Sc. Marlene Carter



$39.00 'A'illiam & Jean Sf r^scn, Oorydon 5.00

Clii'istian Churchy Richland

Church of Christ, Orrville


25.00 25-00

Tidies Aid, Aurora Ch. of Christ LawrerAoeturg


Loyal sTomen's Class. Ch. of Christ

Cljxlstian Church, Kent Zoali Christian Church, Kuni-Join-Tjs Class, Mt Carmel Ch.

10.00 10.00

Beechwold Ch. of Christ, Colunbus lliss . Society, Four Mile Run Chr.
Youngs town


i?iist Christian Church of Hessville,

IlaiuHond Yminut Grove Chr. Church Cariipbellsburg

Tulip St. Ch. of chz-ist, Mitchell Ladies Aid, Ch. of Christ, Aurora First Ch. of Christ, Highland Church of Christ, Aurora

28.75 10.00 50.CO 20.OQ



First Chr. Chr., Columbiana Ripley Ch. of Christ, Shreve Marlboro Chr. Church, Alliance Church of Christ, Palestine Church of Christ, Utica Norton Ch. of Christ, ViTiitehall

5.CO 50 .CO 5.00



Billiard Ch. of Christ,

Plain City



Eugene Hetzel, St. louis

ILLII^CIS Red Brush Ch, of Christ Louisville

60. oc

Young .-.dult Class, Shively Chr. Ch.,

Flora Heights Chr. Ch., Louisville j

I^^idon Chr. Church, Louisville First Chr. Ch., Y/estpoint


.iTonien s Council, Shively Chr. Ch., Louisville 10.00

Clifton Chr. Church, LouisV-llle

Thelma B.idgvr6y, Louisvi.lle


30.UO 25.00 25.00

2?' CO


Bushton Chr. Church, Charleston Faithful Follower's Class,

Mt. Auburn

25. CO 50.00
30.00 25.00

First Chr. Church, Joliet



Central Oh. of Christ, Gering

Church of Christ, Minatare

10.00 20.00

Pinecrest Chr* Ch.,

Johnson City H. M. Robinette, Erwin

First Chi". Ch., Covington

5.00 1.25
Women's Miss. Society, First Chi' Covington
NORTH CAROLINA L'x-.iiuijXiwi Corinth Ch. of Ch.rj^st. Ruj'al Hall



o n-crai onr. Cn., Ft- Lauderdale 10.00



c largeo us

If you

for each change of address. You can save us money by notifying us


to move, please send us your change of address. The Post Office

of your new address.

THE CARTER NEWSLETTER First Church of Christ


2U2C Lincoln Street Highland, Indiana W. H. Eckroth, Minister

Return Requested

HaiTjnond, Indiana Permit No. 1216 Non-profit Organ.

Stewart Heights Cassville, Mo

John W. Oglesby

(Church of Christ Mission)
Volume 4 Number 1

February 1965

Art Carter Editor


Brazil is a gigantic nation of 80 million souls with the highest rate

of population explosion in the world.

This land still remains in false teach

ing and in the darkness of wicked

ness, since Romanism, Voodooism,

and African spiritism runs rank through the country. This vast land
(almost one-half of the South Ameri can continent) still stands as a chal

Continued tests are being run every three to four months on Art's glandular and metabolism condition to see how his body is functioning and
if medication is needed. These tests must be carried out over the one to

lenge to win for Christ during 1965.

The Lord's work has made many
victories and inroads in Brazil in the

last few years, but much remains to

be done. The church in Belo was

one-and-a-half year sick leave as the doctors requested. The second series of tests are now being studied.

started in a small hall just three

years ago this month. Praise God for

all the victories which have taken

place and for all the progress in this newly developed area of Brazil from a store hall with just the family to a centralized city comer lot to
one of the most modern church plants

We have had the pleasure of being in revivals with the Hyland and Beth any Christian Churches in Indiana and the Lyndon Christian Church in Kentucky.

Missionary Conference in Anapolis, Brazil Most all the mission

on foreign field to a strong church of living and dedicated souls work ing to plant their own mission church through their labors, tithes and offer ings.
There still remains several dozen

aries attended this fine spiritual and educational gathering. Bro. Paul Lanham and family continued on to Belo to hold a few evangelistic meetings.

heavily populated strategic cities throughout Brazil just waiting for the entire Gospel to be preached and taught to their people. Doors are open and hearts are waiting to hear God's message. This is the land to evangelize today not tomorrow! Now, during 1965, is the day of salvation for the souls in Brazil! Will you help? Will you send? Will you go?

The Church in Belo Horizonte is

purchasing a church lot for the build ing of a chapel for their new mission
work in the area of Cabana Pai
* it *

Bro. Bob Smith wrote and said

that about 20 more souls have been

Churches wanting us for mission

baptized into Christ teaching pro grams are continuing in the homes and the church program is steadily moving forward.
We want to thank all who helped make Christmas a very nice and won derful day for the entire Carter family.

speaking dates or revivals please

contact us through our forwarding




Taking care of the poor and needy is the task of the church, plus the jobof caring for the widows and is a known fact that on almost all foreign fields there exist multitudes of poor and needy souls. This fact produces one of the biggest problems for all missionaries. How must we meet the problem do our Christian duty? How must we go about helping these people? Coming right out in the open in the name of the church and giving them food, clothing, money, etc. produces in most cases people, who are interested in material gain only, whom we call "rice Christians." When this happens to a church, the church is all the way or almost destroyed. Our task is to solve the need under which many poor, widows and orphans live without making them "rice Christians." Giving away food and clothing is a fine way to fill a church building with 500 to 1,000 people, but it will not bring them one inch closer to Christ and will do nothing to save their souls. However, we must help those in need. The church in Belo takes care of this problem through the church. The deaconesses visit all those who are destitute, investigating to see if the need is true and if the people are trying to help themselves. When all the information is given and we know who the needy are and what they
need, the church comes to their aid in any possible way. This is the New Testament plan of answering the benevolent problem without filling the church building with a bunch of unconverted members who are there only for the material gain. The deaconess not only investigates those who request aid, but also

callson lost families, reading to them God's Word, inviting them to cottage
meetings and services. The church knows her task and comes to the aid of

the widows, the homeless, and the destitute. What is pure and undefiled religion: to visit and help care for the orphans and widows in their afflic tion and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the
world. James 1:27.


Hack row: Debbie, Cindy, Pam; Froni row: Becky, Kathy.
All of our boys were girls and what a bunch of girlsi All five of them have different apes, faces, and personalities. Some of them were born here in the States and some in Brazil; and how they have grown over the many years of ser
vice on the mission field. Debbie was two and now she is 11 Pammie was one

and now 10. Ouring the years of service in Brazil we have been blessed with

three more little girls: Cindy, eight; Kachy, six; and Becky, four. They suffered much sickness during our term in the Amazon Valley and have had many other
occurrences throughout the years; such as broken bones and concussions. God has used them in many ways to win the lost and to help us in His work. He has blessed them with strong bodies, good health, and with many friends and loved

It is our daily prayer that God will give us the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit with which to rear these daughters to know Him, love Him, and serve Ilim with their entire lives. We thank God most humbly and gratefully for these little girls and truly consecrate and entrust them into His hands to glorify and

Brazilian Light is a Quarterly publication giving information concerning the work of the Church of
Christ Mission, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, Arthur Carter, Jr., Editor. Church of Christ
Mission is a mission set up for the propagating of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Brazil and receives its support from gifts and offerings from congregations and individuals affiliated with the Churches

of Christ / Christian Churches. Financial agent for the Church of Christ Mission is Arthur Carter, Sr.,
4208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40219, who receives no remuneration for his services. Ownership and management of Brazilian Light belong to Church of Christ Mission. Stateside

editorial, publishing and mailing duties have been delegated to Mission Services Association, Box

968, Joliet, Illinois 60434, Mrs. Ardis Leeper, Editorial Manager. Subscription rate is $1.00 per year,
applied from yearly contribution.

URAZILIAN LIGHT is published quarterly in February, May, August and November for the Church of Christ Mission, Belo Horizonte, Mlnas Gerais, Brazil b>- XUssion Services, 509 West Jefferson, Joliet, Illinois. Second Class Postage paid at Joliet, Illinois. Return Postage Guaranteed. Box 968, Joliet, Illinois


C '-x V



ART CARTER FAMILY, Missionaries,

Arthur Carter, Sr., it208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucliy

March, 196$
Dear Ohristian Friends,

We are going to send it on to you in this newsletter, as it came to us.

Belo, Feb. 8, 1P65
Dear Art,

V/e have just heard once again from the mission field, Belo Horizonte Brazil.

We have really had a time with rain. This year it started raining in Septeiol*c.:'

ed hard with a lot of wind, when we went up to Cabana we could not get all the way
' iroiigh. The wind had taken the roof off the school and left it out in the road.

stopped for over a few days at a time. Last Thursday afternoon it rain

Aweek ago yesterday was pretty nice, hadn't rained for a couple of days and we ad 102 in Bible School, Last week from Thursday on it rained. We expected al~
there were 72. We are on Day-light Saving Time. It is s-Dxjx dark after ? in the morning and is still light-at 7:30 at night. The people an seem to adjust, so they are late at eveiything.

Qn un ay bub won't allow them to cross the hi^way alone, so they hint&d that if v ' ""
them and take them home, then they could come. Several athers

Our "p.V.B.S." didn't come out as we expected it would. Bfeny bring their kids

Wp ftY ^

extra hours to get caught up in their studies or to get a little ahead.

euro^ned. I don't think I wrote about it. The first da.T


rrn+Vft-r. ' A f

Spiiitists, out we may be able to do something with them.

/I -

dies, with but the theyfamily, came to neighbors, V.B.S. I went out at noon and talked towith the x>rayer and etc. The mother been
baptisms foiward to a you goodhave yearIn a there are so and manyare of looking dark backgi-oimd that so many sti-oiig there in the U.S.A. The Coi-i-espondaiioe Com'se is

from Way out past the tracks bringing 3 little gn.vls. Monday

as much time as possible in Promoting it.

tVn'cs will booster save them on the We feel that T>nis wiix be a big for the the first Churchinstalluient of Christ here andi>ayinent. we are going to put in
^ season which always takes its toll of weak Christians.

bands of a printer, so many copies can be made. This week I saw

For those who have been clriristians for only a short time, the appeal of
. aancing, singing and genera]. hi3.arity of CARMVAL is as strong as that of offer-

S!lr ^ ^ confirmed tobacco to one whostrength is thinking of giving it up. of ^ay lor these new aXooholic, clriristdaiio or hhat they might have to resist the appeal
the world to them.

Yours in Christ,
Bob and Fern Smith

that a missionaiy has to toiidergo if he wanhs bo serve his Lord on the foreign mission

f^'^rtar-tfee^'ff-J.^.ti-he3:ps--you to understand-t.he woi*k-andrprobleiES

and sinus, but they say that it is not too serious. l*wo of the gi.i'ls liad swollen glands in the bhroat and their iiiobher had a bad cold, however, all is well at the present time. Arb did have to can'':e'1. l.asU Jinii3ay's speaking engaxtt^morit with the Mt
Carmel Christian Chijrch in Indiat<a. The weather has been i-a.}pr bad these last few days causing damage in the house as water leaked inj? on some of the fiu'niture. There was not too much damage to rueuhj.on.

We are all fine here at home. Art is still bothered with the low Blood sugar

Please remeiriber to conbinue to pray and supjiort us and the work as you have done so faithfully in the past. ViTibhout you folk contiu^ially behind us this work could not be done. We thank the L^rd foi- yon aiui jusy He richly bless each of you, as you
strive to serve thro\igh Hi.s church.

In Christian Love,
Art and Marlene Carter


Please send the colored slides back after using them.

Thank you very much.




Richland Chr. Ch,, Richland Bethel Chr. Ch#, Doolittle Mills First Chr. Ch., Odon Zoah Chr. Ch., Scottsburg

M/M Jessee Vaughn, Madison

Florence Rickenbaugh, Uniontown Gh. of Ch., Ladies Aid, Aurora First Ch. of Chr., Highland
Ch. of Chr., Aurora Hessville Church, Hammond

$39.00 Lake Mount Ch. of Ch., Rogers $ 32.00 7.00 Miss. Society, Four Mile Run, 50.00 5.CO Youngs tovm 90.00 V/in-A-Couple Class, Four Mile Run,


Bright Chr. Ch., Lawrenceburg iiO.OO First Chr. Ch., Columbiana Walnut Grove Chr. Ch., Campbellshurg 10.20 Ch. of Ch., Russelville
20.00 Ripley Ch. of Ch., Shreve
Ch. of Ch Palestine

6.00 Miss. Society, Brilliant 10.00 Marlboro Chr. C., Alliance ^0.00 Ch. of Ch., Utica

Youngs town


20 .CO


50.00 50.00 30.00 5.00 15.3c


Thelma Ridgway, Louisville lyndon Chr. Ch., Louisville

Young Adult Class, Shively Woodlawn Chr. Ch., Campbellsville ViTomen's Council, Shively
Ladies Aid, Brodhead

1^.00 25.00 25.00 31.75

10.00 10.00

Red Brush Ch. of Ch., Louisville Forrest Gaston, Salem Faithful Follower's Class,
Mb. Auburn


Intermediate Class, Mb. A^uburn

Bushton Chr. Ch*, Charlestown

Flora Heights Chr. Ch.,


Chr. Ch., Lfeinnesville



12.25 CYH, First Chr. Ch.> Jackson



Central Ch. of Ch., Gering

Ch. of Ch., Minatare

Christian Circle, Minatare


10.00 Laurel Ave. Ch. of Ch., Va. Beach 100.00 30.00 First Chr. Ch., Covington 20.00

Pinecrest Chr, Ch., Johnson City


Corinth Ch. of Ch^. ?/alnut Cove



Chr. B'.ii:i.derB Class, Central Chr^ Ch.

Ft. Laudei-dale 10.00



2I4.20 Lincoln Street Highland, Indiana )4C322 W. H. Eckroth, Mirjister

Return Requested

Hammond, Indiana Permit No. 1216 Non-Profit Organ.

Stewart Heights Cassville, Mo

-'i"' John W. Oglesby


Dear Ohristian Friends,

April, 1P65


FORWARDING AGENT: Arthur Carter, Sr., I[2C8 Nacmi Drive, Louisville, Kentuclcy*

minister of the First Church of Christ, Highland,. Indiana; I was hospitalized for
one week for seiz'jres I had, as a result of the scar tissue from the operation of
' ^ "to spend another two weeks almost bedfast here at home, ^ very, powerful medicine, which is to control nQr-conditicn. The result

j.etter rea<^ for printing and mailing, which is done by Bro. VVillard Eckroth,

A lot has happened since our last newsletter. Just after getting the March

manf-rnt, j

been the canceling of several speaking dates, 3 revivals, and aobivities due tc the fact that driving permission has been taken away about 3 months. It does take a good period of time for the boqy tv"^ adjust
since it is so strong. I have been able to start speaking the

TimoV +rri-,v? be hf^ir r' . timp" wc ereafp^T -p-i soTilq ma-ir f ^

saddpr^H^^ 'Tork here near to home, where Marlene can drive me from time to time,

midie of M., mouir'-a-iT

our folk

street^ +v nD.elrtTtVar thiirVpT r^^ #+v

oV-p =

TT '

cancel these meetings and speaking dates for I know how abided v/ork this throws on the churches and ministers. It could ncx, understanding and continued support at this uncsrta.i^ constant prayers, that God will strengthen us and lead us into service to glorify and praise His holy name and that many lost
come in Belo Horizonte, Central Brazil, and are beginning to

the Church.

winds begin to blow through the hills and also up and dowii the It sort of works on a scheduleit first rains (LSiial.iy. "Winds begin to blow and the people start hunting up theiiT sweaters. The real cool weather doesn't start unt.i.1 tha Jiine, July and part of August, however, it does get cool up in tha^^

ready need of arrtv" ^ cf ministr^r Zffv!

rost;or ^ivn

d^r P S IT

7 loarjy

blowing rain does affect the chui^ch attendance for mai^y

^rom the on church This sort o.t persons in the homes our services. cottage meeting n.ight-i',
new souls are added to His kingdom and



Problem of time on the air is yet to be overcome, plus


f'-^llovfers of Christ. The Bible Stuc^y Gorrespondeiioe to help do the paper work and followup woi-k, which tliis >T evangelistic church work must c-onti:iue,

taught the way more perfectly, plus their de.tim- ,

threrotr"' f : We are trj^ing to get this work really off and Slv:^^^rd-much has been done by the power of the Gospel Sc. ^ x-emair^s-let me say that we haven't even scratched the Belo. This is one .f or probabl^^ the best location
in all Bi-azil. The non-.lnstrmental

to open a mission work in another area. At

into Rpir f

ar-5p5 ^'v^mgelistio work. They are hoping to have over ICO mssionZl he uremendous ^ need before 1970. I can'tAll see denominations why our people and pi-eachei-s don t in Gouth America. are tui'ning in that

Sao Paulo) have decided it is are sending over 6 families

where th*?. gospel has never been preached in it's fullness. Flease someone explain

Gixectioin, she has had the world's greatest population explosion and still we send dozens of families to small areas of the size of our smallest statesspend fortunes printing for 8 millior: people and nothing for printing for 80 million people-spend fortunes 7/here the gospel has been preached for 50 to 60 yeai'S and nothing this to me for I can't understand it or justify it as to God's V/ill and Word. May ^he Lard forgive us for the manner in which we go about full\illing His last and great
j.he family is fineJust for a bunch cf birthdays; Mai'lene had to celebrate her

added year during ny nospital stay, however, we v/ere all at home when it came time to get trgether for Debbie's birthday. Hardly a month goes by that it isn't someone's day, tut it is good to be home again with the family. T^iank you folk for your cards
and during iry hospital stay and we hope that you all will continue to remem
ber us in your prayers and support, especially at this time of extra problems,
decisions, and burdens. May the Lord richly bless each cf you as you strive to serve the risen and
glorified Lord.

In Christian Love,
Art & Marlene Carter



Homebiiilders Class, Bethany Chr. Ch. |20,00 S^j.gar Creek Chr. Ch., Campbellsburg ^0.00 Christian Ohurchj Richland 38.50 Ladies Aid^ Ch. of Christ, Aurora 10.00

Chr. Ch., Brilliant

Norton Ch. of Ch., Columbus


Saltillo Chr. Ch., Campbellsburg Max Hudelson, Greens Fork Florei.ce Kickenbaugh, Uniontown
Mrs. Madge Crook, English

50.00 5*00 5-00


Ch. of Christ, Russeliville Ripley Ch. of Ch., Shreve

l500 5*00

Minerva Pk. Ch. of Chjrist, Worthington JO.CO Missionary Society, Four Mile Run

Wiii-A-Oouple Class, Chr. Ch., English 90.00 Bright Chr. Ch., Lawrenceburg 20.00
Tulip St, Cl'iT. Ch.j Mitchell First Gtir. Church of Hessville,

Chr. Ch., Youngstown


Inter. Class, Lawshe Ch. of Christ, Seaman 8.00

31.00 30.00

Marlboro Chr. Ch-, Alliance

Columbiana Chr. Ch., Colunbiana


Pleasant Ridge Ch. cf Christ,

Rising S^jn

Ch. of Christ, Utica Ch. of Christ, Palestine Norton Ch. of Christ, Colmnbus

^0,C0 12.57 IC.CO

Lake Mount Ch. of Christ, Rogers 10.CO


First Ch. of Christ, Highland

Church of Christ, A^orora
First Chr. Ch., Odon

25. CO

Clifton Heights, r.hjT, Ch.,Louisville

First Chr. Church, Joliet Bushtcn Chr. Ch., Chsrlestcn


Women's Cour.cil, Chr. Ch., (Shively),

Young Ad'Olt Class, Shively Chr. Ch.,

Thelma Ridgway, Louisville

25.00 iiO.CO

Faithful Followers Class,

Mt. Auburn


Red Brush Ch. of Chi'ist, Louisville, First Chr. Ch., Salem


lyndon OYx. Ch., Louisville

D.F. Millerj Louisville

25.00 25.00

Southeast Chr. Ch., Louisville

Flora Heights Chj?. Ch., Louisville



First Chri Ch., Covingt-on Women's Missionary



Chr. Ch., Covington



Central Ch. of Christ, Gering

oh. of Christ, Minatare


Chr. Builder's


Ft. Lauderdale
101N3AS "" "


Corinth Ch. of Christ, V^alrxut Cove



Anonymous, Council Grove



Pinecrest Chr. Ch., Jwbnson City

Ch. of Chj'ist, Marceline



First Church of Christ


2)420 Lincoln Street

Highland, Indiana

V*r. H. Eckroth, Minister

Hammond, Indiana Permit No. 1215 Non-profit Organ.

Return Requested

John Vif. Oglesby Stewart Heights Cassville, Mo.




May, 1?65


Arthur Carter, Sr., U208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucky-

Dear Christian Friends:

Easter is over and it seems that summer is really on the way. It is certainly a relief to the bad snovuy weather, during the first part of the year. ?/armer
weather here-cooler weather on the Brazilian mission field. This month is just

the-^egi-nning of^ cold windy weather in Belo Horiaonte.

The girls are-really pleased -

that they can be out riding their bikes and playing. School vacation is just around the corner and they can hardly wait for the day to arrive. They are already lined up for V.B.S. and Christian Service Camp, plus visiting their grandparents.
News from the field: All is well and going strong with another preaching point opened in the Belo Horizonte area with the" average attendance of $0. Plans are in the making for another meeting place, since some of the church members are moving
into another area. Rain and children diseases have hurt the church attendance,, how

ever, the people still hold forth coming from several miles awaymany by foot. Inflation has shot up tremendously in the past few months and the goveiuaraent has placed a control on the American dollar, so it cannot increase mthivalue. Thus the cost of everything has increased for the missionary and his work. Bibles for

example did cost approximately 23 to 2^0 each, but new they are 80^ a piece. The

government is still in a difficult position, since the revolution that througli out the Communists. The econony and political picture of Brazil is still so uncertain and new, that much remains to be worked out. AXiy grants or loans from the USA to
Brazil does make it very hard financially on the missionary and his evangelistic
efforts, since he tries to stretch his funds as far as they can go#

The church in Belo has been fortunate these last few weeks to have several of

our missionaries from the Amazon Valley and the couritay's capital Bi'asilia holding

will hold a three night preaching rally. The church also was pri-vlleged in hearing tvfo other Brazilian ministers expound the Word. They are planning to call one of
our Brazilian ministers to serve as assistant minister with Bro. Bob Smith, since
the work in Belo has grown and expanded so rapidly.


Bro. Bill Loft spoke one evening and David Bayless and Stan Wholenhaus

The family is well and enjoying their stay here in the states. Art is doing just fine, speaking to churches nearby and presenting the Brazilian work to various churches. He must go back to the doctor to increase or decrease his medication and maybe take another examination or test. Much is yet to be decided and maiiy decisions are to be made, as soon as possible, as to our service in the Lord's Kingdom. We ask your prayers and support, during these uncertain days and times of decision. It was good to be here at home on Mother's Day. Marlene's folks were down here from northern Indiana and n^r folks were here, so it was a very pleasant day and a day of thanksgiving and gratefulness to God for all His blessings of family and love, which mean so much, especially when you are separated for many years. We do
hope to get around to seeing all you folk before too longjust as soon as some
decisions are made and plans are worked out.

May the Lord richly bless each" of ybii and use you in His service of winning the

In Clu'istian Love,

Art & Marlene Carter




North Madnson Chr. Oh., Madison Jr. Class, Kent Chr. Ch., Kent Bethel Chr. Ch., Eoolittle Mills Christian Church, Richland Zoah Chr. Ch., Scottsburg Crusader's Bible Class, Vincennes Ladies Aid, Ch. of Christ, Aurora f^land Chr. Ch., Mauckport

^ 71.71

Thelma Ridgway, Louisville



Women's Council, Okolona Chr. Ch.,

7.00 30.00

Ladies Aid, Missionary Society,

Brodhead 10.00

50.00 2^.00
10.00 100.00

Mt. Carmel Chr. Ch., Campbellsburg Walnut Grove Chr. Ch., Campbellsburg Hortiebuilder's Class, MontgomeryTulip St. Chr. Ch., Mitchell Florence E. Rickenbaugh, Uniontown Foster's Ridge Chr. Ch., Uniontown Bright Chr. Ch., Lawrenceburg Brow-nstcwn Chr. Ch., Brownstown Hessville Chr. Ch., Hammond First Ch. of Christ, Highland Church of Christ, Aurora Mt. Carmel Chr. Ch., Trafalgar First Chr. Ch., Odon

Young Adult Class, Shivery Chr. Ch., Louisville 25.CO P/omen's Council, Shively Chr. Ch.,
Louisville 10.00

Women's Council, Flora Heights Chr. Ch.,



28.75 5.00 5.00

20.00 200.00

Flora Heights Chr. Ch., Louisville 90.00 Hester Skaggs, Louisville 10.00

Addie Jacobs Class, Louisville South Jefferson, Valley Station


7*52 I8.OO


Ladies Class, Ch. of Christ,


20.00 100.00

ChTirch of Christ, Gering Church of Christ, Minatare

10.00 10.00 20.00


Church of Christ, Hilliard


Church of Christ, Mss. Department,


Junior Dept., First Chr. Chui^ch

First Chr. Ch., Columbiana Church of Christ, Russellville Church of Christ, Utica Lake Mount Ch. of Christ, Rogers Ripley Ch. of Christ, Shreve
Chr. Ch., Marlborn Church of Christ, Palestine Norton Chr. Ch., Odon

50.00 15.00 50.CO


Lansing 35 *00 Red Brush Ch. of Christ, Louisville3it.13 Mr. & Mrs. Forest Gaston, Salem 500

Bushton Chr. Ch., Charleston First Chr. Ch., Joliet

Faithful Follower's Class Mt. Auburn DELAWARE

50.00 25*00



Church of Christ, Ocean View



Church of Christ, Norfolk First Chr. Ch., Covington



Christian Builder's Class,

Ft. Lauderdale


Corinth Ch. of Olirjsh, Vfanuuh Cove


Pinecrest Ohv. Cii., Johnson Oity


THE CARTER NE'jVSI^ETTER F.i.rst Churoh of Christ


2U20 Lincoln Street

Highland, Indiana ?/. H. Ecl-roth, Minister Return Requested

Hammond, Indiana Permit No. 1216 Non-profit Or^an.

" jonn W. Ogleaby .Stewart Heights Cassville, Mo


lJlav28 6S

(Church of Christ Mission)
Volume 4 - Number 2

May 1965

Art Carter Editor



S9'o HorlKontv'

Life expectancy in Brazil is approximately 40 years of age and

today a city of nearly one million, steadily increasing, and only 68
years of age. Belo Horizonte, capital city of the state of Minas Gerais

Missionaries lo 800,000 People

we are laboring in the most rapidly growing country in the world. Population explosion in the last census was three percent the world's largest. Time is ripe life is short eternity is long, so we must labor while it is yet called today. Belo is an example of Brazil

(which is larger than East and West Germany combined) with population well over 10million, is the center of tremendous evangelistic opportunities

and the focal point of our effort. There isn't any area more advantageous,
as far as the work of radio-correspondence, Bible study courses are con cerned. The field is completely unlimited in church planting and in the printed ministery; however, the laborers are very few in this great land
and this rapidly growing capital of Belo Horizonte. Denominationalism is


making a great surge forward in all the South American countries, with Brazil as it's main target. The denom inations are beginning to flood the land with missionaries who preach and teach part of the Gospel or cloud the truth from the people's eyes. We feel that the people are ready for the message we preach of unity in
Christ strictly on the Word of Truth. They are ready for the Restoration message; however, we do not have

give Christ their all and go into all the world bearing His message, to
come over in to Brazil Belo Horizon te

andhelpus to evangelize this land and these people, that God's family might be larger. We plead for more churches to wake up take greater
vision come to our financial aid

enough men to preach it or enough means to print it. We are pleading for more ministers, who are willing to

and help us to solve the great preaching and printing expenses that exist. Help us place Christ into every heart and home of each person in this land called Brazil. Won't you
come and help? Won't you make this possible by your prayers and dollars?


Arl, Kalliy, IJecky, Marleiie, Debbie, Pam and Cindy


is the most wonderful bless


ing that ever happens to one as he is serving the Lord. Many Brazilian families have been won to Christ by Just one person first accepting the Truth, then
another until the entire household

is in the Lord's army. We have many families where every member

is in the Lord's church. Here in

the photo we have a middle-class F'abio Ferreira de Aleimda h'amily family, all of whom belong to Christ except the father.We feel that heis very close to surrendering all to Jesus. He is a very fine man and a good father who knows the Bible very well and is at almost every church service, We have had much prayer and teaching in his home and the entire family is just waiting for his complete surrender to the Lord, The names of each member of the family are Marcus (Mark), Julio (Julius), Ezabethe (Elizabeth), Terezinha (Theresa). Fabio is a
well educated Brazilian who works as an accountant in a bank. He is

much in need of Christ as His Savior it will be the greatest day of all for his family when he comes to Christ. Pray forhim and his family each day.


EACH MORNING at five o'clock the line begins to form at the milk

deposit with all die boys, girls, men and women standing single file up the hill waiting for their turn to purchase as many liters (quarts) of milk
as they can afford. Everything is old-fashioned - people fetch the milk

in pots, pans, buckets, and bottles; however, it is very cheap about

five cents a quart. They charge about one cent more if the milk is delivered
to the house skim cream been for to

make butter. There is never enough milk for everybody. Many children
never know the taste of milk all


through their lives. Only the few

wealthy and the middle class can
buy just a few of the poor ever

' 9^1 have enough money to buy just a


little milk for the baby and never

more. Milk is usually used with a
little coffee and bread for break or heated Milk



WHEN THE GIRLS returned from Brazil they missed their pet dogs
- Tinker and Toy and the puppies. ITiey even had a little black

Becky, Mimi, and Kathy

and white Pekingese pup named Prince, which they adored. Here at home in the States there wasn't any pet around, so chat's all they
talked about all the time. Some good Christian friends of ours, who are members of our home church, have some white poodles and a batch of

little poodle pups, Ollie and Mary had us over one day and the girls about went wild playing with the little fellows. One evening the Truitts brought over a little female puppy for the girls and diey are tickled to death with her. Finding a name forher was a job for Marlene said it had to be French like the pup. No one could chink of anything appropriate, so
we were about to give up - until I thought of a good name for her. The two little girls in the picture are our youngest daughters and are the ones who play all day with the pup. They both want to hold her, pulling her from one to the other saying, "Me!" "No, me!" "No! Me, me!" So I thought, "Why not?" It sounds French, and it certainly is an appropriate name for
her. We call her ^\imi another daughter in the family!
BRAZILIAN LIGHT is published quarterly In February, May, August and November for the Church of Christ Mission, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

by Mission Services, 509 West Jefferson, JoHet, Illinois. Second Class Postage paid at Joliet, Illinois. Return Postage Guaranteed. Box 968, Joliet, Illinois




Jerrionp. Davle
516 H. Wall

Joplin, Missouri



June 196^


FORViTARDIKG AGENT: Arthur Carter, Sr., i|.208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucliy

Dear Christian Friends,

hey sweep up and down the streets and throughout the villages. Many people are J:aken-4aown with-fly^measlesT-andrirariDus-xrther^diseases'"tlircughoTitr-this-xroldr-pei'iodr 0 3 to ii months. This is very bad for the poor who live in shacks, mud huts, canvas tents, under bridges, in doorways, under trees, in the back of trucks or under them. Death takes it's toll for they have little enough money for food, less s elter, clothing and medicines. Life is very short to these people and death is ever haunting and overshadowing them from day to day. Christ is a necessity for

blankets are required at bedtime, since there are no furnaces or heaters in the ouses. Evening rains make things T^orse as it heightens the cold wind blasts, as

Belo is very cool throughout the days and turns cold at night fall. Two or three

Now it's vfinter time in Brazil especially the central and southern parts.

T.lives andworth is the answer toChrist their as sadtheir'hope existence and of few years Ashort life, however, it only if they have salvation. You can
lelp make this possible fcy supporting this! work with your prayers and money and going forth to those who are lost, bearing the gospel.
News from the fieldi

David Bayless and Stan ^fohxlenhaus held a 2 night evangelistic effort at the church
in Belo Horizonte, as they closed a meeting in Goiania on New Testament printing and on route to Sao Paulo for a revival meeting.

Our new Sunday evening program has started and all going according to order. Everyone is pleased with it and it has helped to solve some of the problems. e have a short choir practice, then at 7ilO everyone meets in the auditorium for
opening exercises, then we divide into 5 classes. At 2 minutes till 8 everyone
fbr"^e entire church.

evening services.

We call it a Christian training hour

We have several personality problems, however, things are straightening up and

we have i; others baptized into Christ in the last few weeks One man in the state

government was very sick with a bleeding ulcer, we had prayer with him in the hospital and the Lord healed him. He and wife are very interested in the church and attending. His mother was one of the It baptized into Christ.
There are several recr^oits from our Bible Colleges who are to visit Brazil this summer during the vacation period maybe some of them will decide to work
here in Belo and be a help to the T/ork.

will rm $80 to ^100 per day. Am trying to get it reduced or some free ads, how
ever, this is very difficult.

Advertisement for our Bible Correspondence course on the air and in papers

The family is fine at the present time. Vacation is here for the girls and they are happy in VBS and locking forward to Christian service camp. They are also counting the days when they can visit vrith their grandparents. We would like to be able to visit with all of you good people, but not hardly able to take real long trip5 . Xt sefiypR that pvpry Trn-r+.h day for pam,was 10 f.hft-la5t--of May and enjoyed celebrating it with a picnic, the 20th of June is our 12th V/edding Anniversary. So it seems that there are several special days in every month.
V/e want to thank you brethern once again for your continued support throughout the years. You all have truly made it possible for us to serve the Lord in Brazil all these years. I\iay your reward be great and your blessings many, as you continue to live for and to serve Him. 1/Ye ask your prayers in our behalf that God may use
us, where He wills and knows best.
In Christian Love,

Art & Marlene Carter


m/m Jesse C. Vaughn, Madison

Christian Church, Richland Kolsapple, Orleans Zoah Christian Church, Scottsburg Carter's Creek Chr. Church, Campbellsburg


$ 2$.00 Ch* of Christ, Salineville

UO.OO Eeechvrood Ch. of Christ, Columbus


$ ^.00

M/m Kenneth Crockett and M/M Daniel

Christian Church, Brilliant



100.00 Ripley Ch. of Christ, Shreve $0.00 Church of Christ, ELllard

Christian Church, Kent Ladies Aid, Church of Christ,

10.00 Lawshe Ch. of Christ, Peebles lake Mount Ch. of Christ, Rogers
10.00 Marlboro Chr. Ch., Alliance

^-OO ii7*C0 Missionaiy Society, Four Mile Run Chr. Ch., 50.00 Youngstown 35.00

8.00 9>00

Hudelson, Greens Fork Tulip St. Church of Christ, ^ Mitchell First Chr. Church, Odon
Bright Chr. Church, Lavn?enceburg First Church of Hessville, Hammond

5.00 Ch. of Ch. of 28.7$ Ch. of 25*00 Norton

Christ, Utica Christ, Columbiana Christ, Palestine Ch. of Christ, IVhitehall

50.00 50#00 iS.hh 10.00


20.00 31.00 ILLINOIS

Walnut Grove Chr, Church, Campbellsburg Homebuilder's Class, Montgomery Ch. of Christ, Aurora

Zoah Chr. Ch., Scottsburg

li^.55 20.00 20,00 50.00

Ch. of Christ, Faithful Follower's,

Mb. Auburn

Red Brush Ch. of Christ, Louisville Bertha Gaston, Salem Bushton Chr. Ch., Charleston First Chr. Ch., Joliet

20.00 5.00 50.00 25-00


Women's Council, Shively Christian Church,

gNTUCKY^ ^ NEBRASK.! Thelma Ridgway, Louisville 60.00 Central Ch. of Christ, Gering 10.00 Mrs. E. J. Wilding, Valley Station 10.00 Ch. of Christ Circle, iiinatare Ch. of Young Adult Class, Shively Chr. Church, Christ, McGrew U-IO Louisville 25.00 Ch. of Christ, Minatare 30.00
Lo^sville 10.00 VIRGINLl

lyndon Chr. Ch,, Louisville Flora Heights Chr. Ch., Louisville Christian Church, Lebanon Jet.

50.00 First Chr. Church, Covington 90.00 W.M.S., First Christian Church, 30*00 Covington


TENNESSEE NORTH CAROLINA 4?inooroDt Ghri Gh, Jolmatjn ^ity - - -5>OQ-0brnUi Ch. uf Ciu'lbl, Wahmi Cove le^rOG

Chr. Builder's Class, Central Chr. Ch.,

Ft. Lauderdale 10.00



First Church of Christ



2I4.2O Lincoln Street

Permit No. 1216

Highland, Indiana
Vif. H. Eckroth, Minister
Return Requested

Non-Profit Organ.

- " John Wo Oglesby Stewart Heights Cassville, Mo.





Arthur Carter, Sr., U208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucky

July, 1965
Dear Christian Friends, Vie write to inform you that the doctors have advised us to stay two to three years here in the states before returning to the mission field* This is to reassure
that nothing-else^ill-arise health wise^We are all

There is a need here in the Louisvilles area for a strong mission-minded church and there are mariy families interested in this project# We would like to use this

three years (which must be, by doctors orders, in the Louisville area) establishing
a new work emphasizing missions. At the present time, we will be meeting in the chapel building of the Louisville Bible College where I will be teaching missions and recruiting men and women for the work in Brazil. Our entire scope of service in building the new church and working with the college will be world wide missions W^e will still be responsible financially and otherwise for the work in Brazil. We

will be representing this work as we have in the past. Your prayerful support will
continue to be sent to the Brazilian field plus the fact that you will be helping time, which must be spent here, will not be wasted. We ask your continued prayers
and si5)port in this new double effort of combined home and foreign missions thiTi the Art Carter family.

establish a new, strong mission-minded church here in the Louisville area; thus our

It seems the Russian flu (so-called) has made quite a dent in the services, since the children have chicken-pox or measles. Over 30 of our people were sick and not able to be present at worship hours. Two were baptized into Christ and there are 2 others to be, as soon as their sickness lets up. One of our boys is leading the youth work and will be good mater ial for evangelist in the near future. Another young man is helping in our church
teaching program and is doing a fine job.

We are having; a revival meeting in Belo Horizonte and many are deciding to serve the Lord. Bro. Gene Smith from Sap Paulo is preaching and eveiyone loves him.
Opportunities are in abundance and the need is great.

V/e have been busy,/ helping other missionaries with many different legal problems. Helping them in their bviying-shipping-customs and many other things that can only be solved here in a large capital city, such as Belo Horizonte. -Reported by Bob Smith

Sunday the 27th of June we started meeting as the Second Christian Church here in Louisville, Kentucty. In the 3 Lord's Days that have passed we vfere blessed by the Lord and the power of His Holy Spirit in the baptizing of 3 ladies and one man
into Christ. One brother in Christ was ordained as Deacon. We are running between

kO and 50 in attendance and the Lord is continuing to lead and bless the work.

Vfe are meeting in the chapel-room of-the Louisville Bible College, and I will be

teaching some at the college, as well as work with this new church (which you folk are helping make possible plus the foreign work), and the traveling to report on the
Brazilian work.

The family is fine. The girls are trying to make the most of their vacation from school - and they certainly did enjoy camp. The younger ones are forgetting their Portuguese, however, the older ones are still doing quite well.
We thank you dear Christian friends for your love, tinderstanding, and kindness in constantly standing behind us with your prayers and support making all this possible for the saving of lost souls and the praising of God's holy name.

May the Lord richly bless each of you as you endeavor to serve Him here at
home and around the world.

In Christian Love,

Art & Marlene Carter



First Ch. of Christ, Highland Florence Rickenbaugh, Uniontown

Bethel Ghr. Ch., Doolittle mis $ 10,00 H. Wanless, Brilliant $ 75.00 Zoah Chr. Oh., Scottsburg 50.00 Mss. Scoiety, Four ILle Run Church, Christian Church, Richland 35-00 Youngstown 5 *00 Crusader*s Class, Vincennes UO.OO Minerva Pk. Ch. of Christ, Worthington Charles Threkeld, Vincennes 10.00 Worthington 3O.OO Ladies Aid, Ch. of Christ, Aurora 10.00 B. Kinner, Miamisburg _ 12.85 Homebuilder's Class, Bethany Chr. Ch., Lawshe Ch. of Christ, Peebles 8.00 Montgomeiy 10.00 Ch. of Christ, Hilliard 160.00 First Chr. Ch., Petersburg 18.02 First Chr. Ch., Colunibiana 50.00

Bright Chr. Ch., Laiffrenceburg

Tulip St. Chr. Ch., Mitchell First Chr. Ch., Odon Pleasant Ridge Ch. of Christ, Rising Sun First Chr. Ch. of Hessville,

50.00 Ch. of Christ, Utica 5*00 Lake Mount Ch. of Christ, Rogers


20.00 Ripley Ch. of Christ, Big Prairie 28.75 Marlboro Chr. Ch., Alliance 25.00 Ch. of Christ, Russellville
Norton Ch. of Christ, Whitehall Ch. of Christ, Palestine

5*00 55-00 15.00

10.00 13-27


ISax Hudelson, Greens Fork Ch. of Christ, Aurora


Walnut Grove Chr. Ch., Caii5)bellsburg 8.55


Corinth Ch. of Christ, Walnut Cove



Thelma Ridgyray, Louisville

M/M D. p. Mller, Louisville

Young Adult Class, Shively Chr
Louis ville lyndon Chr. Ch., Louisville


U/li Forest Gaston, Salem

Bushton Chr. Ch., Charleston First Chr. Ch., Joliet First Chr. Ch., Salem
Faithful Follower*s Class,
Mt. Auburn

50.00 25.00 53.13

Red Brush Ch. of Christ, Louisville 20-00

25.00 25.00

lyndon Chr. Ch., V.B.S., Louisville 63.60 Ladies Aid, Brodhead Chr. Ch.,
Brodhead 10.00

TYomen's Council, Shively Chr. Ch.,


Flora Heights Chr. Ch., Louisville _90^0


Chr. Ch.j Paden City



Ch. of Christ, llinatare 20.00 Central Ch. of Christ, Gering 10.00 Ch, of Christ, Minatare 5.00 Ch. of Christ Circle, Minatare 5*00 Ladies Class, Ch. of Christ,LlinatarelO.00

Laurel Ave. Ch. of Christ,

Va. Beach


Colonial Place Ch. of Christ,



First Chr. Ch., Covington

M/M Milo Buskirk, Itinatare

Claude Smith, Minatare


Pinecrest Chr. Ch., Johnson City


THE CARTER NEWSLETTER First Church of Christ


2U2O Lincoln Street Highland, Indiana Vif. H. Eckroth, i/Iinister

Return Requested

Hammond, Indiana Permit No. 1216 Non-Profit Organ.

Stewart Heights Cassville, ]!&>

* John W. Oglesby




August, 196^


FdRViTARDIKG AGENT: Arthur Carter, Sr., Ii208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucky-

Dear Christian Tfiencfe"^


The need in each field is very great, thus we express our deepest gratitude for your interest, concern for the lost, and your prayerful support. T/e would like for you to know that you are helping to make this double missionary effort possible. thank the Lord for using us in this wonderful way to proclaim His message and

The Lord is blessing in a great way here at home and in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

The spreading of the gospel, building of New Testament churches and congregations> plus the beginning of a strong mission-minded ch\irch here in the homeland# Let us

serve His Son. May the Lord bless you for your continued faithful si5)port to this

Our older younger people served in the work helping in hand work with the adult
Christians teaching.

A good D.V.B.S. was held at the church in Belo with 50 children attending*

The church building in Belo is being painted at this time in preparation for the marriage of two of our Christian young people.
The sickness seems to have let up and the services are strong once again in Bible School and in all our regular services and teaching periods.

In 1916, there were 123,000 Protestants in Latin America, and in 1937> 1,300,000. Now there are more than 10 millionand may have more Protestants than it has practicing Catholics 4 In Brazil^ the Protestants include a surprisingly high proportion of educators, businessmen and government officials. Most often, however, Protestants find their converts among urban workers who may have been baptized as Catholics but never have practiced their faith.

The famiily is well. The girls are enjoying their vacation from school visit ing with their friends, grandparents, camp, etc. We will have another one for
school this year, Kathy, which will leave Beclgr home all alone.
probably be on triple session school attendance.

The girls will

The Second Christian Church will begin her mission program by a U day faithpromise mission revival September 26-29 with Bro. Richard Robison, missionary to Brazil, as evangelist. The church had him speak one ViTednesday evening in July and received an offering of $U8.00 for the work in Brazil. The church is filing the corporation papers at this time and busy drawing up

the church by-laws. We are at present looking for property for permanent location.
A building program has alreatfy been started for the buying of property and the building-of the first unit-^f a-church plant. -

V/e continue to ask your prayers and support for this double mission effort
of obeying God's Command-"Go ye into All the World-" May He richly reward and bless you as you live daily for Him, telling others
of His love and salvation.

In Christian Love,

Art & Marlene Carter




Ladies Aid, Ch. of Christ, Aurora Christian Church, Richland

10.00 Christian Church, Brilliant 30.00 First Chr. Church, Columbiana

Church of Christ, Russellville

$1^0.00 50.00

Foster's Ridge Sunday School,


First Ch. of Christ, Highland Zoah Christian Church, Scottsburg Tulip Street Chr. Church, Mitchell First Chr. Church, Odon

First Chr. Church of Hessville,


6.60 50.00 50.00 28.75 25.00


Church of Christ, Orrville Marlboro Chr. Church, Alliance Church of Christ, Utica Marlboro Chr. Church, Alliance Lake Mount Ch. of Christ, Rogers
Church of Christ, Palestine

I3O.OO 15.00 50.00 50.00 8.00


Bright Chr. Church, Lawrenceburg Walnut Grove Christian Church,

Campbellsburg First Ch. of Christ, Highland

31.00 ladies Miss. Society, Four Mile Run Chr.

Church, Youngstown Ripley Ch. of Christ, Big Prairie 12.1414. Norton Church of Christ, V/hitehall

5-CO 5*00 10.00

First Christian Church, Radcliff

V/omen's Council, Shively Chr. Church, Louisville 35.20 Louisville 10.00 Iifir. & Mrs. Forest Gaston, Salem 5.00 lyndon Christian Church, Louisville 25.00 Bushton Christian Church, Charleston 60.00 Junior Dept., lyndon Chr. Church, First"Christian Church, Joliet 25*00
Young Adult Class, Shively Chr. Church,

51*00 Red Brush Church of Christ,




25.00 Corinth Ch. of Christ, V/alnut Cove

Church of Christ, Minatare

Central Ch. of Christ, Gering Church of Christ, Sunday School,


20.00 V/omen's Miss. Society, First Chr# Ch.,




1/Vinfried Smith Circle, First Chr. Ch.,




Central Chr. Ch., Ft. Lauderdale


5.00 Chr. Women's Miss. Circle, Stockton


Chr. Builders Class, Central Chr. Church,

Chv,iTohnson City


THE CARTER NEiiVSLETTER First Church of Christ


2l|20 Lincoln Street

Hammond, Indiana Permit No. 1216

Non-Profit Organ.

Highland, Indiana
Return Requested


W. H. Eckroth, Minister

Joto W. telesby Stewart Heights Cassville^ Mo

Bif! IS

(Church of Christ Mission)
Volume 4 Number 3

August 1965

Art Carter Editor


i ili!!

WE WRITE to inform you that the doctors have advised us to stay

We are all fine and well at this time.

two or three years herein the Slates before returning to the mission field. This is to reassure that nothing else will arise healthwise.

There is a need here in the Louisville area for a strong, missionminded church and there are many families interested in this project. We would like to use this three years (which must be, by doctors orders, in the Louisville area) establishing a new work emphasizing missions. At the present time, we will be meeting in the chapel building of the Louis ville Bible College, where I will be teaching missions and recruiting men and women for the work in Brazil. Our entire scope of service in building the new church and working with the college will be world-wide missions. We will still be responsible financially and otherwise for the work in Brazil. We will be representing this work as we have in the past. Your

for no other foundation . . .

prayerful support will continue to be sent to the Brazilian field and you will be helping establish a new, strong, mission-minded church here in the Louisville area. Thus, our time, which must be spent here, will not be wasted. We ask your continued prayers and support in this new
double effort of combined home and

Birthdays are by the dozens it seems. Debbie is now 11 years; Pam is 10 years; Art is 32 years; Kathy is six years; Becky is four years; and Cindy will soon be eight years of age.


missions through the Art

The smaller girls have already forgotten some of their Portuguese while being here. The older girls

Carter family.

have certainly enjoyed camp life and

visiting their grandparents.

The church has already started its building program and is in the process of purchasing property on

which to erect the building in the near future. Our missionary program will be set into full swing after our
Faith-Promise Mission Revival,


seems the Russian flu (sosince the children have

called) has made quite a dent in the


September 26 to 29.

chicken pox or measles. Over 30 of our people were sick and not able to

be present at worship hours.

Two were baptized into Christ

and two others are to be baptized, as

soon as-their sickness lets^usr-One^

of our boys is leading the youth work

Sunday, the 27th of June, we started meeting as the Second Chris tian Church here in Louisville, Ken tucky. In the seven Lord's Days that and will be good material for an evan gelist in the near future. Another young man is helping in our church

teaching program and is doing a fine


have passed we have been blessed by the Lord and the power of His Holy Spirit in the baptizing of three ladies
and one man into Christ. One brother in Christ was ordained as deacon.

We are having a revival meeting

in Belo Horizonte and many are decid ing to serve the Lord. Bro. Gene

We are running between 40 and 50 in attendance and the Lord is continuing

to lead and bless the work.

Smith from Sao Paulo is preaching and everyone loves him. Opportunities
are in abundance and the need is





Robison were

with us for three days and spoke for

our prayer meeting services, receiving $48 in offering for their mission work.
Dick will be called to hold our Faith-

Promise Mission Revival in Septem


We have been busy helping other missionaries with many different legal problems helping them in their buying, shipping, customs, and many otiier things that can only be solved here in a large capital city,
such as Belo Horizonte.



Horizonte lies 376 miles

north of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It

founded and built to serve as


capital of the state of Minas

Gerais. The old capital, Ouro Preto,

was abandoned in 1897. Belo Hori zonte is one of the newest cities of

Brazil. It is one of the best-planned

cities in South America, laid out much

like Washington, D.C. Its skyline is one of the most impressive in the
country. Belo Horizonte is known for

its temperate climate, municipal ser

vices, and its industries, such as textile manufacturing and diamond cutting. Culturally, the city has the University of Minas Gerais, the Public Archive of Minas Gerais, and the Academy of Letters of Minas
Gerais. Its Feira de Amostras is a

Part of the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil

permanent exhibition of state pro


HordL r&i^natk; let tke. eartk r^'oLce,."

-PSALM 97 :1

IRth. IlailoTtaX



September 28

October 1


Downtown Belo Horizonte



There is nothing like a big birthday party for children. It has been a long time since the girls had the privilege of having their birthday celebration with their grandparents and all their'cousins. The girls have seven cousins all of them boys, except one girl and they really do have a time together gathering around

candies, games, prizes, presents and hats. There are several birthdays every month in the family; so you can certainly see why the girls are always asking whose is next, when is the next party, where are we going to have this or that party? Birthdays are among the big things in their lives. Mailing address:
The Arthur Carters 4208 Naomi Drive

a big cake all filled with lighted candles and happy birthday trimmings. There isn't a bigger treat for them
than ice cream and cake with all the

Louisville, Kentucky 40219

BRAZILIAN LIGHT is published quarterly in February, May, August and November for the Church of Christ Mission, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

by Mission Services, 509 West Jefferson, Joliet, Illinois. Second Class Postage paid at Joliet, Illinois. Return Postage Guaranteed. Box 968, JoHet, Illinois


NOV 63





September, 196?


FORWARDING AGENT: Arthur Carter, Sr., 1^208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentuclgr

Dear Christian Friends,

Sunaner vacation is over and now it is back to school for everyone. The girls were happy- to-^get back-into theharness-,after a^good vaca^fcion t)f viiting-and

enjoyjjig themselves* A lot has happened during this summer period. I will be teaching missions at the Louisville Bible College and also trying to promote a missionary program among the student bocfy. I have been elected President of the Alumni Association and our Campus Conference November 15-16 will be built around "That the ViTorld may know" theme, which will consist of speakers presenting home and
foreign missions.

lUinois and Kentucky during these last few weeks. The church here in Louisville, which meets at the college, is preparing for the Faith-Promise MLssionaiy Revival

^veral revivals booked for October and November. We have been speaking in Ohio,

YiTe have done some traveling presenting the Lord^s work in Brazil and have

Ve just received word that we are grandparents. Selma, our oldest, adopted Brazilian daughter, had a boy on July li;. He is named after his father, who is one of our best preachers and who manages a Bible Book Store, and also me. His name is Anabor Artur Macedo, which pleases me that his middle name is the same as my first name. Both mother and baby are doing fine.
NEy;S-FR0M BRAZIL: ' ~ ^ ^ ~

September 26 to 29* We will be making a canvas calling program September 20 to 2h the area where we are meeting. Bro. Robison, missionary to Brazil, will soon be here to work with us on the revival and missionary program of the church*

For the month of August, 5 confessions were made and U baptized into Christ. "IVe are working hard to reach more of the neighbors in the church area. For some months now a lady who had been a spirit "medium" has been attending services. She finally asked for some special teaching in her home, indicating that she was really
considering accepting Christ, as her Saviour. Several of the men have asked for special leadership classes and others have

told us that they would come if we had them. As eveiyone knows, in the long run, the future of the church in Brazil depends on the Brazilians rather than on mission
aries. V/e have set Monday, September 13 for the first class. We sincerely hope that our men may develop into deacons, elders and preachers.
Teaching is being emphasized in all areas of the church program. The Sunday evening classes for the entire church are being well received. Fern is using the Training for Service book by Sharp for the Youth Group. The younger children have
illustrated lessons and the rest have Bible Study.

YiTinter is about over heiein Belo Horizonte, no more need for sweaters, rain coats, and blankets-for summer is certainly on it's way. are just about sure to
get that lot in Eldorado for a new mission church. Fray for us.

-Reported by Bob Smith

Brethern, in this all out effort to see that the gospel is preached in Brazil and that recruits are taught and sent forth into these fields, and the fact that meanwhile another strong mission minded church is being built here in Louisville, we ask your continued prayers and financial support. Your help is certainly needed that this program may be carried out to the glory of God and to the saving of many lost souls. May the Holy Spirit continue to lead you into fuller service, as we
work together in Brazil and here at home.

ViTe thank you for your love, concern, and interest and pray that God will
continue to bless you abundantly.
In Christian Love,
Art and Jiarlene Carter



$ 35 *00 Hilliard Ch. of Christ, Plain City $ iiO.OO m/m Jesse Vaughn, Madison 25*00 First Chr. Ch., Columbiana 50.00 Mrs. Phyllis Miller, Trafalgar 100.00 Lake Mount Ch. of Christ, Rogers I3.OO I^yland Christian Church, Mauckport 100.00 Marlboro Chr. Ch., Alliance l5C0 Foster*s Ridge Christian Church, 50*00 Ch. of Christ, Utica Uriioiitcwn 12 .U2 Ripley Ch. of Christ, Big Prairie 5*00 Zoah Christian Church, Scottsburg 50.00 Intermediate Class, Lawshe Ch. of Christ,

Christian Church, Richland

Crusader^s Class, Reel Ave. Christian Ch, Seaman Vincennes 25.00 Palestine Ch. of Christ, Palestine


Homebuilder^s Class, Bethany Christian Ch., Norton Ch. of Christ, Wliitehall


1702 10.00

Ladies Aid, Aurora Ch. of Christ,


Bright Chr. Ch., Lawrenceburg

5.00 17omen*s Council, Shively Chr. Church,

20.00 Louisville 10.00

Tulip St. Christian Church, Mitchell

First Chr. Church, Odon

First Chr. Church, Odon

25.00 lyndon Chr. Church, Loiiisville 25.00 Tulip St. Christian Church, Mitchell 28.75 Ladies Aid Miss. Society, Chr. Church, First Chr. Church of Hessville, Brodhead 10.00
Church of Christ, Aurora

25.00 Young Adult Class, Shively Chr. Church, 28.75 Louisville 25.00

156.00 Jr. Group, lyndon Christian Church,

20.00 Louisville 10^99

Zoah Chr. Ch., Scottsburg

Walnut Grove Christian Church,


50.00 Clifton Heights Chr. Ch., Miss. Society, Louisville 25.00

11.6U Dr. Floyd Fish, Louisville



Faithful Followers, Ch. of Christ,

Mt. Auburn

Red Brush Ch. of Christ, Louisville

M/m Forrest Gaston, Salem

Bushton Chr. Church, Charleston First Christian Ch., Joliet First Chr. Church, Salem

Chr. Circle, Ch. of Christ,Itoatare 5.00 30.00 Central Ch. of Christ, Gering 10.00 20.00 Ethel Baker, Gering 15.00
5.00 Ladies Class, Ch. of Christ,


25.00 Church of Christ, Minatare 5.00 Church of Christ, Minatare




25.00 5-00

Laurel Ave. Ch. of Christ,

Virginia Beach

Central Chr. Ch., Ft. Lauderdale

First Chr. Church, Covington


100.00 Chr. Builders Class, Central Chr. Church, 20.00 Ft. Lauderdale 10-00

Pinecrest Chr. Ch., Johnson City


5.00 C.Y.H.,First Ch. of Christ, Jackson 25.96


Ch. of Christ, Millville

25.00 Corinth Chr. Uh., Walnut Cove


THE CARTER NE^VSLETTER First Church of Christ


2ii20 Lincoln Street Highland, Indiana W. H. Eckroth, Minister Return Requested

Hammond, Indiana Permit No. 1216 Nonr-Profit Organ.

.u iv John W. Oglesby
Stewart Heights Cassville, Mo

Hir /S


October, 1965


Arthur Carter, Sr., I4208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucky

Dear Christian Friends,

both tiie^azilian field and here at home. Mission classes are going strong at the
Bible College here in Louisville and the Mission Conference will soon be here*

As the weather begins to grow colder here and warmer in Brazil, vie are busy on

Eugene ^rvin, missionary to the New England states, and Bro. Bill Loft, missionary
to Brazil, will be with us during this annual Conference. Bro. Bob Jones of the

lyndon Church here in Louisville will be holding a workshop on church organization

and also speaking on the work of the local church. Bro. Marvin and Loft will be

speaking on the need of evangelism in their prospective fields. Panel discussions and questioning periods will be given time on the program, where students interested in missions will be given vital information on preparation and work on these fields# e do ask your prayers that God may use this Conference to lead many young souls into the harvest fields, that truly "the World may know".
The Lord did richly bless us here at the Second Chilstian Church during our

revival. I was very sick during the h day meeting, in the hospital twice for sinus
irrigation, however, I was able to be at the last service. Our mamber of $0 faith-

promised to ll^O.OO per We are veiy victories. the v/inning

God for world evangleism for 1966 $1,803.20, which is a little over month. This is besides their tithe to God and Building Fund offerings. grateful to Him for the blessings of service to Him and for all the We were happy for the wedding of one of our young men of the church and of his new wife, who was Just baptized into Christ this month. Our men

here at the "Second Christian Church are praying for God's leading on procuring church property and are very busy searching in the outer areas of Louisville for several acres of gro\md. We hope to have a definite location before Christmas, as far as
where we will be building.

I would like to take a few lines to answer a question often asked as I travel to other churches. No, we do not receive any money as minister of the Second Christ
ian Church, or for teaching missions in the Louisville Bible College. We are still on sick leave and will be for some time, thus we receive our salary from the mission

as usual for a missionary. All service link (all monies except our salary) goes to
the Lord's work in Brazil-none of it is used here with the Second Christian Church

or in any other way. We are still responsible for the work in Belo Horisonte, Bfazil
and other works there in South America, thus we do definitely and most urgently need your financial support, as well as your constant prayers. Our schedule is the teach ing of missions in Louisville Bible College; minister to the Second Christian Church; touring and speaking for the Brazil work and holding revivals in various churches have Just finished several Mission engagements-one revival-and have 2 more revivals
before Novembeir is over.

tc much warmer weather. They have enjoyed traveling around to churches renewing friendships and making maiiy new ones. V/e have certainly appreciated the very kind
hospitality received in each church.

The family is Just fine expecting a veiy cold winter, since they have been used

V/e thank you brethern for your constant concern and help in continuing the Lord's work in Brazil and your prayers for building a strong mission church here in
Louisville, Ky.

Thanking you for your love, concern, and interest and pray that God will bless
you abundantly as you serve His Son.
In Christian Love,
Art & Marlene Carter



First Christian Church, Munster Christian Church, Richland

M/M Jesse C. Vaughn, Madison


Homebuilder's Class, Bethany Chr

50.00 Ladies Mssionary Society, Four Mile Run Chr. Ch., Youngstovm $ 5-00 28.97 25.00 Hilliard Ch. of Christ, Plain City 50.00 Church, Russellville Ch. of Christ, Ripley 30.00

Bright Christian Church,

Christ, Aurora

Minerva Pk. Ch. of Christ, Columbus 30.00

Intermediate Class, Lawshe Ch. of Christ,
Peebles 7.00

Ladies Aid Missionary Society, Church of Tulip St. Church of Christ,



First Christian Church, Columbiana 50*00 10.00 Marlboro Christian Church, Alliance 15-00

Ripley Ch. of Christ, Shreve


Y/alnut Grove Christian Church,

First Christian Church, Odon First Christian Church of Hessville,


10.00 28.75 Lakemount Ch. of Christ, Rogers Four Mile Run Chr. Church, Missionary Society, Youngstown 5 *00 12.25 25.00 Palestine Ch. of Christ, Hollansburgl3.60

Church of Christ, Utica



Zoah Christian Church, Scottsburg

Church of Christ, Aurora

Hilliard Ch. of Christ, Plain City 50.00 50.00 Norton Church of Christ, Y/hitehall 10.00

Pleasant Ridge Christian Church,

Rising Sun

30.00 Pinecrest Chr. Ch., Johnson City



Ladies Missionary Society, Christian

Church, Brodhead

Faithful Follower's Class, Church of 30.00 10.00 Christ, Mt. Auburn


Young Adult Class, Shively Christian Red Brush Church of Christ, Church, Louisville 25.00 Louisville Christian Church, lyndon 2^.00 M/M Forest Gaston, Salem Junior Dept., Chr. Church, lyndon ^hO Bushton Christian Ch., Charleston
D. P. Miller, Louisville 20,00 First Christian Church, Joliet

5.00 50.00 13U.itl

VJ"omen's Council, Shively Chr. Church,


M/M?/. R. Weaver, Valley Station


1^.00 Central Chr. Ch., Ft. lauderdale

20.00 First Chr. Ch., Covington


Church of Christ, Minatare Central Ch. of Christ, Gering Christian Circle, Ch. of Christ,


10.00 W.M.S., First Chr. Ch., Covington



Ch. of Christ, Minatare


5.00 Jr. Class, First Chr. Ch., \Vheatlandl2.00


Ch. of Chr. at Manor Woods, Rockville 7.00 Corinth Ch. of Christ, V/alnut Cove 12.00

THE CARTER NE'JVSLETTER First Church of Christ


2U20 Lincoln Street Highland, Indiana W. H. Eckroth, Mnister Return Requested

Hauanond, Indiana permit No. 1216

Non-Profit Organ.

John W. Oglesby itev/art Heights Cassville, Mo


November, 196^



Arthur Carter, Sr., Ii208 Naomi Drive, Louisville, Kentucky

Dear Christian Friends,

e have been so busy in these past few weeks with the preparing of the Mission Campus Conference5 the closing of the school term and examinations 5 the procuring of church property and setting up of a mission program at the new Second Christian Churchy plus the continued correspondence with Bro. Robert Smith, concerning the Lord's work in Belo Horizonte, Brazil# I have also been away so much in revivals these last three weeks here in Kentucky an^ Indiana. I stilT u^~tB^ucb.~tme~a5 possible speaking on missions to areas within reasonable distance of Louisville, Ky.

The Campus Conference was a great success. Bro. Gene B&rvin, missionary to the New Englattd states, brought a tremendous message on God's work there. Bro. Robert
Jones, minister to the Lyndon Church in Louisville, lead us in a 2 hour work shop on evangelism by the local church, which was the most effective I ever heard. Bro.

Bill Loft, missionary to Brazil, brought the Conference to a close with a powerful
message, which resulted in four young people committing their lives to foreign
mission service.

Praise the Lordl

We were blessed by several others taking Christ as their Saviour and being baptized into Him. Many souls are on the brink of decision for Christ - pray for

The church is going strong penetrating the homes and lives of many of the people who live in this 3 point area. "VVe have started a leadership class tradJiing men for the deaconship and eldership of the church. Six men are now in training.
We are still paying our well over ^100.00 per month rent for a house, Ivhich means money being lost. We are now planning to buy or build a mission home. Your support, financial and prayerful, is asked at this time. Ivfeke a special gift at
this time for the Mission house. Please send i t marked as such.

Reported by Bcb Smith

We are all fine at the present time just a cold or two and a little sinus trouble
The girls are already looking for snow and Santa Claus to appear any day, however, they dcn't care too much for the raking of leaves or the shoveling of snow* Since last newsletter I was happy to be able to be in revival with the brethern at Horse Cave, Ky. and at Kent, Indiana. We thank the Lord for all the victories seen and
yet unseen in these meetings.

We all send our love to you Christian friends for your prayers and support, during this thanksgiving season. Let us all remember what God has given us and return our love to Him with true thanksgiving. May the Lord bless and keep each of
you in His care.

In Christian Love,
Art and Marlene Carter



Christian Church, Richland | First Christian Church, Highland Bethel Christian Church, Doolittle Mills Max Hudelson, Greens Fork Zoah Christian Church, Scottsburg Tulip St. Ch. of Christ, Mitchell Foster's Ridge Christian Church,

UO.OO 50.00

tcyal Vifomen's Class, Church of Christ,

First Chr. Ch., Columbiana


12.^0 Marlborn Christian Church, Alliance 15.00 5*00 Christian Church, Brilliant 150.00 50.00 Loyal Women's Class, Church of Christ,




Church of Christ, Utica


Uniontown 7.50 Church of Christ, Orrville 130.00 Homebuilder's Class, Bethaigr Christian Church of Christ, Russellville 50.00 Church, Montgomery10.00 lake Mount Ch. of Christ, Rogers lit.00 Walnut. Grove Christian Church, Missionary Society, Four Mile Run Chr, Campbellsburg 11.69 5.00 Church, Youngstown Bright Chr. Church, Lawrenceburg 20.00 Church of Christ, Palestine 30.81 First Christian Church, Odon 25.00 Norton Ch. of Christ, Whitehall Church of Christ, Aurora 20.00


Women's Council, Shively Ch. Ch.,


Church of Christ, Minatare

10.00 Central Ch. of Christ, Gering Miss. Society, Corinth Christian Church, Ch. of Christ, Minatare

20.00 10.00


U2.8[( Ladies Glass, Minatare


Ladies Aid Miss. Society, Brodhead 10.00 Chr. Church Circle, Minatare Young Adult Class, Shively Chr. Ch.,


Lyndon Christian Church, Louisville


Jr. Dept., lyndon Chr. Ch., Louisville6.68 First Chr. Ch., Covington


Laurel Ave. Church of Christ

100.00 20.00

Faithful Follower's Class, Mt. Auburn30.00 Pinecrest Chr. Ch., Johnson City
Red Brush Ch. of Christ, Louisville Forest Gaston, Salem 20.00 5,00 NORTH CAROLINA


First^hristi^ Church, Joliet

25.00 Corinth Ch. of Christ. Rural Hall



(Church of Christ Mission)
Volume 4Number 4 November 1965 Art Carter Editor

Saviour Is Bonn .. .

Marlene, Debbie, Cindy, Pam, An, Becky, and Kathy

. mE greet you in the name of the Son of God in remembrance ^ mA/ of His divine birth which means so much to each of us who take

A A Him as our redeemer and Lord. May He, who is able, bless you
with a most joyful and peaceful Christmas in this year of our Lord, 1965.
We, the Art Carter family, remain as His servants striving to serve Him in the following capacities: the building of the Second Christian Church, a new work of four months; teaching missions at Louisville Bible College and recruiting men and women for work in Brazil; touring in behalf of the work in Brazil in one-day services, faith-promise missions, and revivals; and by correspondence and financial support we will be continuing the work in Brazil. Our time, which must be spent here, will not be wasted. We ask your continued prayers and support in this new triple effort of combined home, teaching, and foreign missions through


the Art Carter family. We need your strong financial aid at this time since the work in Brazil is spreading
and there are commitments on each

We at the Louisville Bible Col

lege had a Campus Conference based

on missions. Brother Bill Loft from

hand printing of Christian litera ture preacher-training institute new work evangelism radio preach ing and correspondence courses. Your support is needed that this work may be carried on.

Brazil, Eugene Marvin from the New England states, and Robert Jones, a local minister, were the speakers. Four young people dedicated them selves to foreign mission service
three to Brazil and one to Mexico.

Since the last newsletter I have

held three revivals one at Smith-



Kent, Indiana; and

Horse Cave, Kentucky. We thank God for the victories seen and yet

Dick Robison, missionary to the Amazon Valley, held our FaithPromise Mission Revival with the

Many others have been won to

Christ in Brazil. A class has been

new church promising God to give

started for the training of leaders.

There has been much sickness; how





The services at Second Christian

ever, most is past and the church is strong in theirprogram of evangelism.

Church are now running about 60.

The church is considering the pur
chase of five-an-one-half acres in the

suburbs of south Louisville. Property

should be in the name of the church before Christmas.

The summer is setting in Brazil and the time for evangelism is now.
Brother Tom Crowell, a recruit to

Brazil, is now in Belo looking over the field in ^ich he will be serving
the Lord.

Je have seen his star

in fine east; and are

come +0 Luorskip kim.

.JAxitikuMf 2:2


Brazil is the largest country in South America, and the fifth largest country in the world. About half of the people of South America live in Brazil, which makes a population of
over 80 million. There are mote than

two dozen cities without the preach

ing of New Testament Christianity

io Brazil which have more than half

million to four million people. This

is a tremendous area without the full

gospel of Christ, withmany who have never heard of the Lord's saving

Recife is the third largest city

Recife, Capital City of Pernambuco

in northeastern Brazil. It is city of factories, mills and much wealth,
and which needs the Lord and His

saving power. Ouro Preto, which contains ten million people, is the old capital of
the state of Minas Gerais. It was

very important in the days of libera tion and independence. The entire independence of Brazil from Portugal
is centered around Ouro Preto. In

this city there are over 134 Catholic churches. The gospel is not preached
here and is not to be found. Oh how



They need to hear about God's grace

and salvation.

Old Capital of Minas Gerais

MePpj Clipigimas

ani HariwNew^a??


The girls are just overwhelmed with Halloween for they don*t have this in Brazil. They delight in the costumes, parties and games. There

isn't anything better than to go from

house to house tricking and treating through the night, then coming to gether to see just what they have gathered in their sacks.


^Now you can see why they just

wait for December 25. That

when Santa will come

the time

bringing gifts to all the boys and girls. They said they wouldn't be afraid of him this year, but maybe Becky still will be. They have al ready made out their lists of what they want, but haven't forgotten that
this is celebrated most of all for the

birth of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.

BRAZILIAN LIGHT is published quarterly in February, May, August and November for the Qiurch of Christ Mission, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil by Mission Services, 509 West Jefferson, JoUet, Illinois. Sec<md Class Postage

paid at Joliet, Illinois. Return Postage Guaranteed. Box 968, Joliet, Illinois









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