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To my Beloved, Emma Watson

A Love Poem by Steven Truong

My dear Emma, our love is bisected, As our social classes are divided. Though I must keep this love from being spread, For they will think somethings wrong with my head. Finally, you will soon meet the right boy, While I still remain your simple toy.

Steven Truong Period 5 Honors English II Ms. Hollingsworth February 17th, 2012 Our Invisible Thread My dearest, Emma, everything that I do always relates to you, is the motto of my life as I long for my love Emma Watson. However, despite my efforts to one day attain her, she has already found her lover, Baron Johnny Simmons. Regardless of my Emmas affair with another man, I still long for her passionately as I know in the near future, it is possible for us to be together one day. Between our souls is an invisible thread that binds us together regardless of where we are, as God sees us to be together one day. The fact that my love breathes is the only reason why I live and breathe, and why I have the heart to write this to express my affection for her. As of right now, I am on a distant quest from our great mother land of England to conquer the eastern territories of the world, and also to spread the word of our holy father. Every infidel I kill is for her name and for the glory of god as her face in my mind is the glory that god gives me. I am blessed to even know of my dear Emma as there is nothing in this world that can possibly severe the invisible thread that exists between Emma and me. During my long journey in the east, I think about her night and day as her face is the first thing I see when I arise from my sleep, and the last thing I see before I sleep. Although I am a strong and noble knight of the Crusades, the very thought of my love for her makes my heart beat like the sound of an Arabian drum in battle, and turns me from a great knight to a weak and submissive boy. The power of my love for the baroness is stronger than any force on this earth. Despite my strong empathy towards my love, the Baron Simmons is the only obstacle that stands between us. Oh how I envy that lucky man. Perhaps once I find the Holy Grail in honor of Emma Watson

shall I impress my lady and finally be with her. That man, that wretched man is what intensifies my determination in attaining my love. I would sacrifice anything and everything that I have in order to be in the position of the baron. However, I am sure that I am more suitable of a man than that baron. Hence, shall I not be with her soon? I must keep this love a secret for now though. Only my sister knows of the invisible thread between Emma and me. Though, my sister chides me for being too optimistic of the chances of Emma and I being together as she had said many times before, Look at you, you havent even talked to the lady, and yet you believe God has determined for you two to be together? How absurd! It is time to move on my brother. There are many other young broads that would love to be with you! How foolish of my sister to challenge the authority of our heavenly father. As if I have become a lunatic! My current physical health is waning as I become frail from the lost of appetite. Although a knight needs to be fit and healthy through hearty meals, love is all I need to be strong as my love for Emma triumphs over my senses and strengthens my body and mind during my quest. Once I attain my darling, I will perhaps gain my appetite again and feast! But for now, love is what satisfies my hunger, though my hunger for Emma is insatiable until I attain her. Finally, in spite of all the hardships and complications between our love, Emma will always remain in my mind and heart no matter what happens. Once I return from the Holy Crusades and possibly bring back the Holy Grail, I will return to England with great valor and pride that was all due to my strong love for Emma. And even though Baron Johnny Simmons has already taken he hand, I will be relentless in one day achieving her hand and vow to love and honor her regardless of what is to unfold later on in my life. In the end, if I were to fail and perish in my quest in the east and not return, may someone find this piece of writing and carry it to my dear love Emma Watson, and tell her I loved her very much. All that I ask for is to be with Emma, my true love and my soul mate. So for as long as Emma and I live, the thread between us will remain, constantly decreasing in length and pulling us closer towards our true

destiny as we are meant to be together. If one of us were to die, then the Fates have cut our thread and thus, we were never meant to be- proving me to be foolish, as said by my sister. But whether it is meant to be or not, I will always love my dear Emma Watson.

-The knight Steven perishes on his voyage back from a naval attack by the Muslims. Emma never receives this writing of the knight. Though it will be found in 2012 as an artifact and symbolizes the old tradition of courtly love.

Rules of Courtly Love

1. Marriage should not be a deterrent to love. 2. Love cannot exist in the individual who cannot be jealous. 3. A double love cannot obligate an individual. 4. Love constantly waxes and wanes. 5. That which is not given freely by the object of one's love loses its savor. 6. It is necessary for a male to reach the age of maturity in order to love. 7. A lover must observe a two-year widowhood after his beloved's death. 8. Only the most urgent circumstances should deprive one of love. 9. Only the insistence of love can motivate one to love. 10. Love cannot coexist with avarice. 11. A lover should not love anyone who would be an embarrassing marriage choice. 12. True love excludes all from its embrace but the beloved. 13. Public revelation of love is deadly to love in most instances. 14. The value of love is commensurate with its difficulty of attainment. 15. The presence of one's beloved causes palpitation of the heart. 16. The sight of one's beloved causes palpitations of the heart. 17. A new love brings an old one to a finish. 18. Good character is the one real requirement for worthiness of love. 19. When love grows faint its demise is usually certain. 20. Apprehension is the constant companion of true love. 21. Love is reinforced by jealousy.

22. Suspicion of the beloved generates jealousy and therefore intensifies love. 23. Eating and sleeping diminish greatly when one is aggravated by love. 24. The lover's every deed is performed with the thought of his beloved in mind. 25. Unless it please his beloved, no act or thought is worthy to the lover. 26. Love is powerless to hold anything from love. 27. There is no such thing as too much of the pleasure of one's beloved. 28. Presumption on the part of the beloved causes suspicion in the lover. 29. Aggravation of excessive passion does not usually afflict the true lover. 30. Thought of the beloved never leaves the true lover. 31. Two men may love one woman or two women one man.

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