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N o v e m bE en r g i n eS e trr, u c t u r a l




A DIRECT METHOD %y J. W. H*King, MSc., Assuc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.1.Struct.E.
ABSTRACT Thepaper presents a direct method of obtaining ordinates for plotting the Influence Lines for a Support Reaction, or Bending Moment or Shear Force a t a point, using any of the current methods of analysis of Continuous Beams, but 'avoiding on the one hand the necessity of calculating such ordinates from numerous solutions with the unit point load disposed a t different pointsonthebeam, and on the other the inaccuracy inherent in the laboratory method using splines or the like, unless considerable care is taken, and accurate methods of measurement are used. I n brief, the method is to calculate the Moment effect of unit displacement, or unit rotation at a support, or at two supports, and thence to calculate the end rotations of the various spans, and so the deflection curve,which will betheInfluenceLinerequired. I n the examples given, Moment Distribution is used to obtain the Moment effect of the unit movements, from which the end rotations are then derived. As an alternative,agraphicalmethod of solution, using Characteristic Points, is given, wherein the end rotations are obtained directly without reference to the end moments in the spans. Examples are given forcases of Influence Lines for Moment at a support, or within a span, Reaction at a support, or Shear Force within a span. The Paper is accompanied by 8 diagrams, appertaining to the solutions for a particular Continuous Bcam of four sparis, having spans of difkrent lengths and stiffncsses, and one end built in. PAPER The presentcurrentmethods of determiningInfluence Lines for Bending Moment, Shear Force, Support Reactions, etc., for Continuous Beams of more than two simply supported spans, involve either laborious plotting from numerousdiagrams drawn for a number of a laboratorymethod, which dispositions of theunit pointload,or whilst simple in theory, is not easy to carry out accurately in practice, at short notice, except in a laboratory. The methodheresubmitted needs one short calculation to get the whole Influence Line for a support reaction or a support moment. The Influence Line for moment or shear force at a point in a span is determined from notmore than two support moments, or reactions

Influence Lines f o r Continuous Beam8


at all supports to oneside of the point in question, the former in general being the more convenient. In generalprinciple,themethod embodies the idea used inthe laboratory method, wherein unit rotation applied to the two ends of a beam broken a t a point will give the influence line for moment at that point, aqd unitvertical movement of a support will give the influence line for reaction at that support, but replaces experiment by calculation. motions at a support,has a moment The application of the above unit effect which can be calculated for the whole span, very simply, by any of the standard methods, Moment Distribution, or Characteristic Points being the most convenient as a rule, according toone's preference for arithmetical or graphical methods. The former method has been widely published of late, and proof of the latter very simple method, as used later in the text, has been given by the author elsewhere.l From these moments, the deflection curve for the beam is simply obtained, this being the required influence line. The method of obtaining the deflection ,curve from end moments is via the end rotations. These are connected by the well known formulae, which give for an unloadedspan AB, having +ve (hogging) moments at the ends of Ma and Mb, and no relative settlement of the ends,

8 is +ve downwards from left to right.Wherethere is no relative b followsfrom 8a as deflection of or applied moment at a support, O b ( 2 M a M b ) = - 8a (2Mb Ma). This can then be used to find &, 8d, etc., in the same way. This is particularly usefulfor the Moment Influence Lines. The deflection curve for any span follows simply from the known fact that if unit rotation is applied to one end of a built-in beam, the resulting curve is the influence line for moment at that point, whence it follows that the deflection of any point K in a span AB where AK = a, KB = b, and AB = L, will be & X b2a/L due to slope a t A, and & X - a2b/L due to slope at B. If the span L is divided into say six equal parts, the deflections due to 8a at points 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, and 5/6 L a (25, 32, 27, 16, and 5)/216. The resulting curve from A will thus be L . B is as Fig. 1. Since the above figures are standard and apply for all spans, they can be worked out once for all a t whatever intervals are deemed convenient. Where a support has been deflected, this effect must be added to give the complete deflection curve, as, is done in the example below on a support reaction (Example 1). In such cases a discontinuity will be noticed in the slopes on either side of a support, as worked out from the moments alone. After this preamble, themethodcan be mosteasily explained by carrying out the working of several examples, on a given beam. The

7. W . H. King, " Bending Moments in Continuous Beams," Conmete and Constluctwnai Enginckring, vol. 34, p . 265 (MY, 1939).


The Structural Engineer, November 1945

chosen beam ABCDE, is freely supported at A, B, C, and D, and built in at E. Details of the spans are as follows :
Span AB Span BC Span CD Span DE Length L, Length L, = 3L, Length L, = 3L, Length L, = 2L, Stiffness K, Stiffness K, = 2K,/3 Stiffness K, = 2K,/3 Stiffness K, = 3K,/4

Moment Distribution willbeusedfor kxamples tofind Reactions at A and B ( R a and Rb), and Moments a t B and C (Mb and MC),and these results will be used to obtain the influence lines for shear force at a point P in span AB and a point Q in span BC, and also the influence iine for moment a t Q. The Characteristic Points method will then be used for R b and Mb, the construction being given in detail.

Examble I .

T o Find

the Influence Line

for R h .

For convenience, as is usual with the Moment Distribution Method, the moment convention will be altered to one calling all clockwise moments -he. Using this convention we then get ea = (2M - Mb)/6K, and O b = (2Mb - Ma)/6K1, etc., instead of those quoted earlier. The end moments induced in spans AB and BC, due to unit upward movement of B, rotation being prevented a t B and C, are, at A = 0, at B = 3K,/L, and - 6K,/L,, and at C - 6K,/L,. The two last are equal to - 4K1/3L,. The work then proceeds as follows :

Influence U n e e f o r

Continuous Beams



3.000 -0.883


--le333 -0.784 431

IC1 -1.333 0.000 0.0; - -392 863 862 431

0-000 0 ~ 0 0 0

- 228


203 051

101 101

- 101 - 203
101 051

- 228 - 114

- 027

- 024 - 012

- 012

- 024

- 017 --- 014




- 003 - 001

- 001 - 003

- 003




1 869


-862 -862 -258 -034 ~367 -so86



0620 -*310

- a714


The various values of 8 are worked out from the moments as follows : - 1 -859K1- - 310 2 X 1.859 - ,620. Span AB. 8a = : 8b = 6K1. I ; , -CiL, L1 L 1 (- 2 x 1 4 5 9 462j K 2.856 -714. x L=--.--* Span BC, Ob = 6 X 2K1/3 Ll 4L1 L, - 1.724 1 '859 - 0.135 - '034 . -- - - . etc.,the full ec = 4L1 L1 .4Ll list of values being given in the above table. If theordinates of the deflection curve are nowworked out for intervals of one-sixth of each span, using the coefficients given above, and referring to the slope values as th at the left hand end of each span, r a t the right hand end, we get the following table. and O

Defln. at AB/6 From81 From& Due to Ab Total -036

AB/3 so46 -046

p _ _ _ _ _ _

2AB/3 5AB/6 AB/2 -039 a023 -007 -092

BC/6 BC/3 -248 e317 -007 .S33

BC/2 2BC/3 5BC/6 -268 -002 -013




p -

-014 167


-072 -833

__ -333



~ 3 3 3 -500



-500 167

-217 -425 -616 -782 -912 1.083 -991

~a022 -013 004

_ _




~~~~~ ~~



-022 -013


The Struct1tra.l E n g h e e r , November


The deflections at supports A, C, D, and E are 0, and a t B, 1.000. These deflections are plotted in Fig. 2, and give a t once the Influence Line for Reaction at B. I t will be noticed that the curve is continuous when plotted, the effect of the deflection at B having wiped outthe discontinuity evident at B and C from a study of the 8 values alone. Example 2. T o Find the Influence Line for Mb What is required eventually for this influence line is the introduction of unit rotation between the ends of spans AB and BC a t B. If this is introduced before theMoment Distribution is carried out, the result eventually is to alter its value, so that it is not convenient to carry out the work in this way. The method adopted is to introduce unit moment clockwise at B, the portion allocated to each span being proportional to the distribution factor for that span, i.e., as $Kl to K, with the necessary carry over moment to C. This last is balanced out, and the result, as seen in the table below is to give the effect on thebeam of unit moment at B. If the beam is now broken at B and equal moments applied to the two portions, of such a value as to cause unit relative rotation of their ends at B, it is clear that these rotations will be inversely as the newly calculated moments a t B. Hence since the two moments sum to unity, we can say at once that the required value of & in span AB is the Mb moment in span BC, and the value of & in span BC is minus the Mb moment i m p a n AB. All other values of 8 are derived from these two, since the deflected curve will be continuous over all supports save B. The working out is then as follows :


_ . _ _ -




. -

0.000 O*OOO



- -059



031 004


-014 -e014


- *007 - -014


. .




0-000 0.564


- 003 0.436




0.436 -0.564


-004 -





4.035 0.017 0.000

0 - 1 1 8 -0.118


0.036 0.150 -0-036-0.036




Linea f o r

Continuoue Beam8

5 3 1

I t will be seen that the values of 8 a t B are the moments reversed, with a minus sign given to the one in span BC. The other values of 8 are then derived as for the following case of &.

ec = (2 X

. l l S . ) - e436 -436) - 118


* 200 ( 4 5 6 4 ) = - X ,564 = ,150, and 754

so on.

The deflection table is thenas follows, all values requiring to be multiplied by L,, the length of the first span.
Defln a t


AB/3 AB12 2AB/3 5AB/6 -027 -055 -082 -016 -065




BC12 ]2BC/3 lSBC/O

Defln. a t

CD/6 CD13 CD/2 2CD/3 5CD/6 DE/6 DE/3 DE12 2DE/3 5DE/6 *C05 a002 - - - ~ - - - -- - - _ - _ _ - _
I .


Due to 81 --.052--.067--.056--.033--.010

.oo8 .oil


Due to

er --.003--.008--.014--.016--.013 - ~ --.055--.076--.070--.049--.023

~ - _ _
.008 -011



The curve is plotted in Fig. 3.

Example 3. T o Find Inflluence Lihe for MC This example contains no new principle, but its solution is necessary for finding shear force and moment influence lines when required for a point Q within BC.


T h e StructuTaE Engineer,

November 1945

Resulting deflections, which need to be multiplied by L,, as before, are tabulated below, the working not being shown.
Defln. at hB/6 AB/3 AB/2 2AB/3 5AB/6 BC/6 Total 1 - . 0 1 ~ - . 0 1 8 ~ - . 0 2 ~ - . 0 ~ ~ ~ - . 0 1 ~-~ 076

1 1 1 I

BC/3 BC/2 2BC/3 5BC/6 -163 -232 -248 -182

These deflections are plotted in Fig. 4, which is the Influence Line for Moment at C.
Example 4. To-findtheInfluence L i n efor R a This may be found directly as for Rb, but for the case where A is a free support, and Mb has already been found, it is evident that R a is = [l-z/LJ - Mb/L,, where z is the distance of the unit load from A, and the terms inthesquare bracket are ignored afterthe first span. The Mb Influence Line can therefore be modified as in Fig. 3, by taking FBE as the baseline. Example 5 . T o f i n d the Influence Line for SF at P. a point in span AB Since this is equal to 1 - R a when the load is to the left of P, and -Ra when the load is to the right of P, Fig. 3 can again be modified b,taking as baseline AGHBE.


Linea for Continuoue Beams


Example 6.

Tof i n d the Influence Line f o r SF at Q , a point in span BC This can be found from the reactions Ra and Rb,as 1 - (Ra Rb), for loads to the left of Q, and - (Ra + Rb) for loads to the right of Q.

In general, for interior spans, it is more convenient to derive it from the end moments and the free span SF influence line. For this case it will be the sum of (MC - Mb)/L,, and the free influence line. If this last is added graphically, by reversing it and treating it as the baseline,we get a diagram as inFig. 5, which clearly needs very little modification to serve fbr any. other point in span BC. The ordinates of the moment part of the curve, obtained by taking one-third of the ordinate difference MC -Mh, since L2=3L,, are as follows, for the same points as have been taken previously, it being unnecessary to multiply by L, in this case.

Example 7 .

Tof i n d the InfZuence'L i n ef o r Moment at Q

For a point Q in span BC, dividing it into portions of length " a " and " b ", the moment is given by (a/L, X MC) (b/L, X Mb), the moment a t Q considering BC as a simply supported span, and the influence line for Mg will clearly be derived from those for Mb, MC,and Mg on a free span. The case plotted in Fig. 6 is for a point such that " a " = 2/3.L,, and the free influence line has again been added graphically, although the only advantage in so doing in this case is a slight saving in addition. The ordinates for the support moment part of the curve will be found to be L, X the following figures for the same points as before :

whilst the free influence line is a triangle, having its apex above point Q at a height of 2/9.L, = 2/3.L,, when it has been inverted so as to serve the baseline in span BC. We will now turn our attention to the graphical method of finding the values of 8, which is done directly, without first finding the support moments.


The Structural

Engineer, November


Graphical Solution f o r 6 by Characteristic Points

This method is rapid, accurate enough for most purposes, and has the advantage that the values of 8 can be derived directly from the diagram, since the slope a t a support is given by the interval between the adjacent Characteristic Point, and the Restraining Moment Diagram (such as plrl, p2r2,etc., in Figs. 7 and S) multiplied by 1/2K for the particular span. Since the slope required is not the true one, but the value of 8 relative to the deflected support line in some cases, the value is found by using the distance pm (with various suffixes, etc.), instead of the usual pc. I t is necessary-to multiply these values by -1 a t the to obtain the right sign for 6. Two left hand end of a span in order examples only will be given, for Mb and Rb.
Construction for 6 values f o r Mb.
(See Fig.7.)

First draw a line ABCDE, marked off so that AB represents l / K l , BC 1/K2, etc. Trisect each bay in points m, m, m2 m2, etc. At m, and m2set off perpendiculars m, rl and m2r2 = -2K1K2/ (K, K,) ; rl and r, are the Characteristic Points for support B, the m points being all others. Starting from a known point on the Restraining Moment Diagram, which will be the final baseline, viz., point A, join to rl, and produce to cut the perpendicular at B in Q. Join Qr2. Join r, r2, cutting BQ in k. Mark off on this line a distance r,i = rlk. *JoinAi, and produce

Influence Lines f o r Continuous Beams


to cut Qrz in S,, which will sthen be a known point on the baseline in span BC. Proceed from this point to obtain a known point in span CD, viz., Ss, and thence to S,, in span DE. There will now be two known points in span DE, viz., S, and m,', which willdefine the complete baseline de for this span. d andS3 define dc, and so on to A. For rotations at supports further in than the second, or where the intersection for the S points is bad, the construction should be modified as follows, where a start has been made fromthe,known point m4' in span ED. The characteristic points at D are m, and me', h being the point corresponding to i. Draw any line m,' R cutting the perpendicular at m, in t, and that at D in R. Join t,h and produce to cut the perpendicular a t ms' in t3'. *JoinRts'. S,' the required known point in span CD is where this intersectsm,'h. The Characteristic Point heights are set as-2K1K,/(K, K,), originally, since by so doing the initial set rotations at B are, for spans AB and BC respectively; &/(K, K,) and -KJ(K, KZ), summing unity, and being inversely as the span stiffnesses. The subsequent construction maintains this discontinuity of unity, so that the final values of pm/2K with the sign adjusted for values at the left hand end of the span, will be those required for 8. For the case of a built-in end support, such as E, the value given to the end characteristic point height originally is -2 X K for that span. A check on Fig. 7 will indicate that the values of 8 derived from the pm heights are sensibly the same as those obtained in Example 2.

Construction for 8 values for Rb. (See Fig. 8 ) In this case, unit upward displacement of B will give characteristic point heights at m, m,' m, and m,' as follows : m,r, = -ml'rl = 2KJL, :m2r2= -m2'r2' = -2KdL, = -2K1/9L1' The construction then follows the lines of that for Mb, and a check on the values of pm/K will indicate that they arematerially the same as the 8 values found in Example1. I n conclusion, the author would emphasize that any currentmethods of analysis may be used to find the 8 values, and that the advantages claimed for themethod just enumerated are simplicity and rapidity, using only knowledge which is fundamental to anyone who has made much study of Theory of Structures, and requiring no rigging up of models, however simple. It is hoped that readers may find it useful.

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