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Emotional Impairment program Bay-Arenac ISD

Purpose of Activity:


Family Style Learning: Adults and students participate and contribute to group discussions. Reinforces appropriate behaviors for listening and communicating Provides daily information to staff on students feelings/experiences Allows students to talk together at the beginning of the morning, so it decreases disruptions throughout the days

Sitting at Chat Circle is required for earning STAMPS that class period. Sharing at Chat Circle is a choice. Eyes on the speaker, silently listening 3-minute speaking limit Listeners may only ask RELEVANT questions to the speaker they may not comment o This keeps the focus on the speaker & what the speaker said. o If this rule is not established, students will direct the spotlight to themselves by making comments like that reminds me of a time when I etc.. A student may only ask 1 question to a peer. (Johnny cannot ask Jimmy 2 questions)

8:00 AM Students sit in a circle in the Living Room area in the classroom. Each student has an opportunity to share at Chat Circle. 3-minute LIMIT for each student to talk o Timer is set at the beginning of each students turn. o With the sound of the timer, the student must wrap up immediately. o Teacher asks: Does anyone have any questions for _______? o The teacher calls upon the students to ask questions. (2-3 questions usually) o If peers do not have a question to ask, then staff will ask questions. Each student takes turn speaking. When students are finished sharing, teacher and staff briefly share, and students may ask them questions.

Emotional Impairment program Bay-Arenac ISD

Common Issues during Chat Circle

We spend a lot of time modeling and practicing procedures in our classroom. At Chat Circle, it is important to maintain rules and behavior expectations with fairness & consistency. I use the example of the Academy Awards, when the music sounds for celebrity to wrap up with a final word and get off stage. I am strict with 3-minute timer and will cut a student off from talking if needed.

What to do if
Student continues to talk after 3-minute timer sounds
Teacher Ok, thank you for sharing! Now it is time for questions. Student, Wait a minute! Im not finished! Teacher As you know, the timer means its time for questions. You can finish your story with your peers during Social Skills and Choice Time. (NO FURTHER COMMENTS FROM TEACHER that would get you into a power struggle)

Student is displaying rude/disrespectful/immature behavior

Teacher Take a break at your desk for 5 minutes, and then you can join us again if you are ready to be respectful. Student goes to seat, timer is set. Student may rejoin, if student calms down and is demonstrating compliance. If not, the timer is set again.

Several students are not paying attention, being poor listeners

Teacher rewards good listeners with extra tickets and states Thank you for being respectful listeners

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