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Results UsingResultsModeInfo/QueryLecture UsingResultsModeInfoQuery.


Using Results Mode Info/Query

The model can be queried to view specific result values on the model.
Several options available:

Model Max/Min View Max/Min Dynamic Query Measures and Annotations of Measures

View Max Displayed

Model Max Displayed


Dynamic Query

Displaying Maximum and Minimum Values You can display the maximum and minimum values of the solution based on either the view orientation or the model. These values are based on the specific quantity(s) that you configured. Click Info > View Max or Info > View Min to display the maximum or minimum value that exists for the current model view. Note that if you rotate your model, move it, or change its size, you need to select the View Max or View Min command again. You can also view the maximum and minimum quantities for the model as a whole. Note that if Mechanica does not display a value, you need to rotate your model to determine where the value lies. Using Dynamic Query

Additionally, you can query specific values in the results window by performing a dynamic query. By dynamically querying your result, you can simply cursor over the areas of interest and note how the value changes in the dialog box. If you click the model, the a query tag is displayed, indicating the value at that point.

Measures and Annotations of Measures You can use Info > Measures to view the measure values of a model that is currently active in the result window. The Measures dialog box appears after you select the Measures command. You can then select one or more measures and click Create Annotation. An annotation will appear for each selected measure with a leader line attached to the model at the point where the value of each measure occurred. Note that this command is only available for the model, fringe, and vector plots, and you can only view the measures of a single load set.

UsingResultsModeInfo/QueryDemonstration UsingResultsModeInfoQuery_demo.mp4 UsingResultsModeInfo/QueryProcedure

Procedure: Using Results Mode Info/Query

Query a model to determine the von Mises stresses at different points of interest. query query.prt

Task 1. Open a results set.

1. Click Applications > Mechanica Results. 2. Click Open Results . 3. Select query.rwd and click OK.

Task 2. Determine the position of the model's maximum and minimum von Mises stresses.
1. Click Info > Model Max. 2. Click Info > Model Min.

These values should match those displayed in the results window legend.

Task 3. Determine the position of the maximum and minimum von Mises stresses for a specific model orientation.

1. Click Saved View List 2. Click Info > View Max. 3. Click Info > View Min.

and select QUERY from the list.

Notice that the position of these stresses is specific to the model's orientation. The values you see on the screen may differ slightly from these images, if your Pro/ENGINEER window is set to a different size or you have zoomed in or out on the model.

Task 4. Use Dynamic Query to interrogate the model.

1. Click Reorient View

to return to default orientation.

Notice that the view max/min values are removed from display.

2. Click Info > Dynamic Query. 3. Select several locations on the model to determine the stress.

Notice that the Query dialog box dynamically displays values as you move the mouse over the model.

4. Click Close in the query dialog box.

Task 5. Add the location to the Query dialog box.

1. Click Info > Clear All Query Tags > Yes. 2. Click Info > Location in Dynamic Query. 3. Click Info > Dynamic Query. 4. Cursor over the model and notice that the Query dialog box has added the location.

Task 6. Add an annotation containing the values of the max_stress_prin measure.

1. Click Close in the query dialog box. 2. Click Info > Measures. 3. Select max_stress_prin from the list of measures and click Create Annotation > Close. 4. Close the results window without saving it.

This completes the procedure.

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