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About R.P. Reiu Consulting

Ryan P. Reiu
Executive Consultant to ulobal Companies anu
Leauing Consulting 0iganizations
RP Reid
Consulting, LLC
CusLomer ArchlLecLure | 1ransformauon Leadershlp | Plgh erformance Consulung

1he sLausucs on C8M lmplemenLauon fallure are
overwhelmlng. SLudles conslsLenLly reporL LhaL over
half (and up Lo 72) of all C8M programs wlll fall Lo
meeL sLakeholder expecLauons
. Cne of Lhe prlmary
reasons for Lhls dlsmal Lrack record ls LhaL
sLakeholders across buslness and l1 oen acL as lf
C8M ls someLhlng LhaL can be purchased and
lnsLalled. 1hough eecuve cusLomer relauonshlp
managemenL ls enabled by Lechnology, lL ls much
more Lhan LhaL. lL ls a buslness capablllLy LhaL
organlzes people, processes, and Lechnology Lo drlve
cusLomer-focused buslness value. 1o be eecuve,
C8M Lransformauon requlres Lhe allgnmenL of all
cusLomer Louch polnLs and enabllng funcuons across
Lhe enLerprlse.
ln order Lo galn Lhe cross-funcuonal commlLmenL
and engagemenL necessary for success, leaders need
Lo be able Lo clearly dene whaL a C8M capablllLy
means for Lhe enLerprlse, whaL Langlble buslness
value lL wlll dellver, and how Leams, buslness
processes, and supporung Lechnologles wlll be
organlzed Lo enable Lhe capablllLy. Addluonally, Lhey
need Lo be able Lo aruculaLe Lhls ln a way LhaL ls
compelllng for boLh senlor leadershlp and employees
on Lhe fronL llne.
uesplLe Lhese lmplemenLauon challenges, mosL C8M
lnluauves go llve. Powever, when Lhey fall Lo meeL
expecLauons, Lhey do so wlLh lncreased cosL and
frusLrauon. 1lmellne exLenslons have an obvlous
budgeL lmpacL, buL Lhe opporLunlLy cosL of losL
beneLs LhaL were promlsed by Lhe buslness case can
be even more slgnlcanL and ls oen
overlooked. Addluonally, remedlauon pro[ecLs may
requlre more eorL Lhan Lhe orlglnal
lmplemenLauons dld, and bolL-on enhancemenLs can
be dlculL Lo supporL. MosL lmporLanLly, lf Lhe
About R.P. Reiu Consulting
Ryan P. Reiu
Executive Consultant to ulobal Companies anu
Leauing Consulting 0iganizations
This yeai $ billion
will be spent on
CRN initiatives.
0vei half will fail.
How will you ensure success?

shorLcomlngs ln Lransformauon leadershlp are noL
addressed, enhancemenL eorLs are [usL as llkely Lo
compound Lhe problem.
ln Lhe long run, Lhe lmpacL of mlssed expecLauons on
leadershlp caplLal may be even more damaglng Lhan
schedule and budgeL overruns. When sLakeholders
don'L feel LhaL Lhe organlzauon can dellver, Lhey are
drawn Lo exLernal polnL soluuons LhaL oen run
counLer Lo sLraLeglc enLerprlse dlrecuon, lncrease Lhe
complexlLy of Lhe capablllLy and vendor landscape,
and requlre addluonal supporL eorL. 1hls pauern
of mlsLrusL and clrcumvenuon can make governance
lmposslble, and lL decreases Lhe eecuveness
of program leaders so LhaL lL becomes more llkely
LhaL poor declslons wlll be made ln Lhe fuLure.
8yan 8eld has fourLeen years of experlence ln
addresslng Lhese lssues and enabllng successful C8M
program lmplemenLauon for leadlng organlzauons ln
eleven counLrles, lncludlng slx of Lhe Clobal 100,
elghL of Lhe lorLune 100, and markeL leaders ln Lhe
food and consumer goods, auLomouve,
Lelecommunlcauons, and pharmaceuucal
lndusLrles. 8yan's cllenLs are C8M, markeung, and
Lechnology execuuves aL Lhe dlrecLor level and above
who need Lo ensure Lhe success of Lhelr C8M
Lransformauon programs. Pe works closely wlLh
Lhem and Lhelr colleagues across Lhe organlzauon Lo
dene and dellver Lransformauonal cusLomer-
focused capablllues.
Comblnlng leadershlp of large Leams and complex
soluuons wlLh hands-on lnvolvemenL ln dellvery
acuvlues and lssue resoluuon, 8yan's experlence
enables hlm Lo apply overall sLraLegles Lo speclc
lssues, and lL provldes an appreclauon for Lhe arL of
Lhe posslble ln shaplng Lhe blg plcLure. ln addluon Lo
servlng cllenLs as an lndependenL consulLanL, he
prevlously worked aL Acxlom as a Lechnlcal execuuve
on a lorLune 3 cllenL accounL and aL AccenLure as a
manager ln Lhe rm's C8M and buslness lnLelllgence
Customer Arcbitecture
C8M SLraLegy & CapablllLy ArchlLecLure
CapablllLy 8equlremenLs & ueslgn
Soluuon, uaLa, & lnLegrauon ArchlLecLure
lauorm & vendor Selecuon
8yan works wlLh C8M, markeung, and Lechnology
execuuves Lo ldenufy cusLomer-focused needs and
opporLunlues as well as Lo dene C8M capablllLy
sLraLegles, road maps, and archlLecLures. Pe also
works wlLh sLakeholders across Lhe organlzauon Lo
allgn on expecLauons and galn Lhe commlLmenL
necessary for successful lmplemenLauon.
Transformation Leadersbip
1echnology Leadershlp & LngagemenL
Covernance & Cperaung Model
1ransformauon MeLhodology &
lmplemenLauon Approach
rogram & ro[ecL Leadershlp
SLakeholder AllgnmenL
vendor erformance ManagemenL
AlLhough each program ls unlque, Lhere are some
fundamenLal challenges LhaL are common Lo many
Lransformauon eorLs. 1hese challenges are oen
Lhe resulL of leadershlp lssues raLher Lhan Lechnlcal
sklll declLs. 8esearchers aL uLreLchL unlverslLy and
M&l arLners assessed Lhe lmporLance of
conLrlbuLors Lo success and fallure ln lmplemenLauon
. Cne of Lhe lnslghLs from Lhe sLudy ls LhaL
Lhe mosL lnuenual facLors were cenLered on
allgnlng execuuve and user sLakeholders around
ob[ecuves, supporL, and adopuon. Cnly one of Lhe
Lop Len crlucal success facLors pro[ecL Leam
compeLence and none of Lhe Lop fallure facLors
were relaLed Lo Lechnlcal lmplemenLauon skllls. 8yan
works wlLh program leadershlp ln boLh l1 and
buslness funcuons Lo address Lhese lssues and

develop eecuve leadershlp of Lransformauon
Higb Performance Consulting
Consulung Lecuveness
racuce ManagemenL
Markeung & 8uslness uevelopmenL
ConsulLanL Advlsory
8yan supporLs Lop-uer consulung organlzauons and
lndlvldual consulLanLs seeklng Lo progress beyond
commodlLy vendor and sLa augmenLauon roles. Pe
helps Lhem lmplemenL pracuces of hlgh-value
consulung, engage cllenLs as execuuve buslness
parLners, and develop eecuve consulung
Leams. 1he resulL ls Lremendous value for cllenLs
Lhrough hlgh quallLy relauonshlps and servlce
Client Testimonials
8yan brlngs wlLh hlm lmmense knowledge of
cusLomer relauonshlp managemenL sysLems,
especlally mulu-channel buslness Lransformauon
lnluauves. Pe undersLands buslness conLexL, and hls
assessmenL of buslness problems resulLs ln wln-wln
scenarlos for all sLakeholders lnvolved ln an lnluauve.
Pe ls exLremely hardworklng, well respecLed by hls
pro[ecL buslness Leam, and dellvers on ume wlLh
greaL expecLauon managemenL across sLakeholders.
Pe ls a perfecL personallLy for crlucal buslness
Lransformauon lnluauves.
notesb keswool, Jltectot, lzet
l'm lncredlbly lmpressed wlLh 8yan and hls
leadershlp durlng Lhe pro[ecL. lL was a Lough place Lo
sLep ln, and Lhe cllenL can be volaule aL umes. Pe dld
a greaL [ob wlLh Lhe relauonshlp, a greaL [ob wlLh Lhe
archlLecLure, and a greaL [ob keeplng Lhe Leams
uellvety execouve, leoJloq coosoluoq tm
8yan ls Lhe glue LhaL holds Lhls pro[ecL LogeLher.
ultectot, bosloess tecbooloqy, lottooe 50
pbotmoceoucol mooofoctotet
Representative Client
Business Intelligence and CRM
Service-Uriented Arcbitecture
8yan served as Lhe lead archlLecL for a $32MM
hosLed cusLomer masLer, markeung, and buslness
lnLelllgence plauorm LhaL lncluded Cul, cusLomer
recognluon, daLa moblllzauon, unlca campalgn
managemenL, and SAS and Cognos buslness
lnLelllgence componenLs. As parL of a mulu-year
program Lo Lransluon from a baLch-orlenLed and
cusLom-coded soluuon, he led Lhe developmenL of
Lhe nexL generauon servlce-orlenLed archlLecLure.
1he archlLecLure developmenL acuvlues lncluded
ldenucauon and prlorluzauon of requlremenLs
based on currenL paln polnLs, cllenL buslness and
Lechnology needs, and lnLernal Lechnology
denluon of Lhe Lo-be soluuon, lnLegrauon, and
Lechnlcal archlLecLures
deslgn of processes for baLch and real-ume daLa
supply chalns
deslgn of servlce-based orchesLrauon of end-Lo-
end processes for daLa Lransformauon and
moblllzauon ln boLh baLch and real-ume
allgnmenL Lo funcuonal use cases and buslness
daLa models for a 60 LerabyLe daLa envlronmenL
lnLegrauon wlLh enLerprlse securlLy and
auLhenucauon mechanlsms
fallover and dlsasLer recovery deslgns
a phased lmplemenLauon approach
8yan also provlded archlLecLural dlrecuon and
governance for soware evaluauon and ongolng

lmplemenLauon pro[ecLs, and he worked wlLh Lhe
cllenL l1 leadershlp Lo allgn Lhe archlLecLure Lo Lhelr
evolvlng l1 sLraLegy.
Business Intelligence and Campaign
Management Implementation
lor a global pharmaceuucal manufacLurer
underLaklng a mulu-year enLerprlse-wlde C8M
Lransformauon, one of Lhe cenLerplece capablllues
was a buslness lnLelllgence and campalgn
managemenL soluuon. 1hls soluuon enabled Lhem Lo
plan, execuLe, and analyze cusLomer-cenLrlc
sLraLegles across all channels. As Lhe lmplemenLauon
lead, 8yan had dlrecL dellvery responslblllLy for $4
mllllon ln soluuon lmplemenLauon revenue, and he
managed a Leam of over 20 onshore and oshore
resources Lo
documenL as-ls and Lo-be process ows and use
cases across Lhe organlzauon based on
sLakeholder lnLervlews, revlews of exlsung
sysLems and documenLauon, and lndusLry leadlng
ellclL, prlorluze, and assess requlremenLs for mulu
-channel campalgn managemenL and buslness
conducL funcuonal deslgn workshops lnvolvlng Lhe
dellvery Leam, cross-funcuonal sLakeholders, and
Lhlrd-parLy vendors
generaLe allgnmenL on prlorlues and
develop and execuLe opuons Lo drlve Lhe pro[ecL
forward ln an envlronmenL of slgnlcanL rlsks and
coordlnaLe soware selecuon Lhrough Lhe 8l
dene Lhe soluuon, lnLegrauon, and lnformauon
archlLecLures for boLh Lransacuonal and daLa
warehouse capablllues
deslgn and lmplemenL Lhe soluuon, leveraglng
oshore and onshore dellvery capablllues
seL up Lhe producuon supporL Leam and provlde
operauonal Lransluon and performance Lunlng
manage change requesLs Lhrough muluple
concurrenL releases, lncludlng lmpacL analysls,
requlremenLs gaLherlng, soluuon archlLecLure,
funcuonal and Lechnlcal deslgn, and
Predictive Marketing
8yan has developed cusLomer-focused predlcuve
markeung capablllues for muluple cllenLs ln conLacL
cenLer, reLall, and web envlronmenLs. 1hese
capablllues are based on declslon englnes LhaL
opumlze oer and messaglng recommendauons
uslng buslness rules as well as real-ume daLa mlnlng
and self-learnlng predlcuve models. 8ecause Lhls
represenLs a shl from producL- and campalgn-
cenLrlc markeung Lo a focus on real-ume cusLomer
lnLeracuons, new approaches Lo markeung sLraLegy
and process are oen requlred. 8yan helped hls
cllenLs deal wlLh quesuons such as
WhaL channels, lncludlng eld sales, lnbound and
ouLbound conLacL cenLers, web porLal, and reLall
ouLleLs, ls Lhe capablllLy mosL approprlaLe for?
Pow are fronL-of-house processes for Lelesales,
servlce, and reLall lmpacLed?
WhaL are Lhe besL ways Lo encourage adopuon
among users and execuuves?
Pow ls a real-ume capablllLy besL coordlnaLed
wlLh Lradluonal markeung acuvlues?
Pow does Lhe capablllLy lnLegraLe wlLh oLher
sLraLeglc markeung lnluauves, such as cusLomer
segmenLauon, cusLomer cohorLs, and nexL besL
WhaL ls Lhe process Lo dene and malnLaln
ellglblllLy and scorlng rules across Lhe declslon
Pow can a real-ume capablllLy be lnLegraLed wlLh
C8M, reporung, and web archlLecLures?

1o help cllenLs answer Lhese quesuons, 8yan worked
wlLh senlor markeung leadershlp Lo undersLand
markeung prlorlues and challenges. Pe also led
sLakeholder lnLervlews and workshops Lo dene Lhe
role of predlcuve markeung wlLhln Lhe markeung
organlzauon, and Lo dene Lhe relevanL buslness
rules. 1o help drlve Lhese conversauons, he worked
wlLh cllenL counLerparLs Lo develop a sLoryboard LhaL
showed how Lhe capablllLy Lransforms day-Lo-day
markeung acuvlues.
Marketing Analytics Roadmap
As parL of an eorL Lo lmprove end-Lo-end
eecuveness for Lhe cllenL's markeung campalgns,
8yan developed a roadmap whlch recommended and
prlorluzed fuLure capablllues ln buslness lnLelllgence
and analyucs. 1he roadmap lncluded
lndusLry-leadlng pracuces from cllenL markeung
managers and exLernal experLs
a sLoryboard for analysls hlghllghung
lmprovemenLs for sLraLeglc and Lacucal declslon
maklng based on CMC prlorlues and enhanced
daLa avallablllLy
deslgns for lnLeracuve buslness lnLelllgence
dashboards enabllng analysls of relauve
performance and reLurn on markeung acuvlues,
Lhese dashboards crossed markeung channels for
all global markeLs
Field Sales BI Uperations
An lncumbenL lnLegrauon parLner had been engaged
Lo dellver sales eecuveness 8l capablllues Lo nearly
6,000 pharmaceuucal sales represenLauves,
managers, and headquarLers analysLs. 8ecause of
Lhe lnexperlence of Lhe Leam LhaL was assembled,
Lhe cllenL was preparlng Lo Lransluon Lhe work Lo
anoLher consulung rm. 8yan was asked Lo bulld a
Leam and lmplemenL processes LhaL would
reesLabllsh Lhe lncumbenL's posluon wlLh Lhe cllenL.
Pe dld Lhls by
reorganlzlng Lhe Leam and brlnglng on resources
wlLh Lhe rlghL skllls and experlence
denlng processes for managlng daLa quallLy and
reporL dellvery
managlng a mulu-LerabyLe daLa warehouse
lnLegraung muluple daLa sources, lncludlng call
execuuon, ume Lracklng, eld allgnmenLs, and
sales daLa
bulldlng condence ln Lhe analysls by correcung
daLa lnconslsLencles and helplng sales analysLs
and eld sales Leams undersLand and use Lhelr
WlLhln a monLh, 8yan had solldled cllenL condence
ln Lhe Leam enough LhaL Lhey were asked on a non-
compeuuve basls Lo manage sales and markeung 8l
for muluple channels. ln slx monLhs, 8yan had
successfully Lransluoned Lhe role Lo a long-Lerm
lor more lnformauon abouL Lhe ways he helps cllenLs
lmprove Lhelr performance, 8yan can be reached aL
Phone: 312.880.8Llu (7343)
Email: ryan[
1krlgsman, Mlchael. C8M fallure raLes: 2001-
2009." l1 ro[ecL lallures. AugusL 3, 2009. hup://[ecuallures/crm-fallure-
raLes-2001-2009/4967 .
2CaLersels, 8., 8. Pelms, and 8. 8aLenburg.
Lxplorlng Lhe gap beLween Lhe pracucal and
Lheoreucal world of L8 lmplemenLauons: resulLs of
a global survey. roceedlngs of lv lll lnLernauonal
Conference on 8esearch and racucal lssues of
LnLerprlse lnformauon SysLems. 8lo Crande uo
norLe, 8razll, 2010.
CopyrlghL 2012 8.. 8eld Consulung, LLC. All 8lghLs 8eserved
8yan . 8eld
Customer Architecture
C8M SLraLegy & CapablllLy
CapablllLy 8equlremenLs &
Soluuon, uaLa, & lnLegrauon
lauorm & vendor Selecuon

dransormaon Leadership
1echnology Leadershlp &
Covernance & Cperaung Model
1ransformauon MeLhodology &
lmplemenLauon Approach
rogram & ro[ecL Leadershlp
SLakeholder AllgnmenL
vendor erformance

High Perormance Consulng
Consulung Lecuveness
racuce ManagemenL
Markeung & 8uslness
ConsulLanL Advlsory

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