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HEAD NURSES EVALUATION Direction: Please fill the needed information as required by the item below.

Mark a check on the space provided as necessary. Name of the head nurse: Most Recent Area of Assignment (choose one): Emergency Room Out-patient Department Intensive Care Unit Name of the staff nurse to be evaluated: Direction: Given below is a list of adjectives that describes a staff nurse with regards to their performance. An honest and sincere response will be of great help in attaining the objectives of this research in improving the quality nursing care. Read carefully each item and put a check (\/) on one of the boxes that corresponds to your answer. Scale 1 Adjective rating Never criteria Doesnt perform the nursing/health care activities (0 out of 10 occasions) Performed few of the nursing/health activities (4 out of 10 occasions) Performed some of the nursing/health care activities (7 out of 10 occasions) Performed nursing/health care activities completely (10 out of 10 occasions) 2 3 4 Pedia Ward Medical-Surgical Ward



Every time

Core competencies

In assessing the learning needs of the client the staff nurses: 1. Obtain learning information by means of interview and observation. 2. Validate data collected to effectively evaluate patients' learning needs. 3. Analyze pertinent information and

accomplish patient's records appropriately. 4. Identify priority needs based on the data collected. 5. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to provide teaching and support regarding transfer, discharge, and referral to client and family. In developing health education plan for the client, the staff nurses: 1. Believe that identifying learning needs on behavior change for wellness, healthy lifestyle or management of health involves the client, significant other and the resources they have 2. Understand that social, cultural, political, economic, educational and religious factors should be considered in developing health education plan 3. Know that a health educational plan should be composed of attainable goals. 4. Formulate a health education plan which is client-centered. 5. Assess and anticipate the client's needs in developing a health education plan. In implementing the health education plan, the staff nurses: 1. Consider the client and family's preparedness before any procedure. 2. Utilize the appropriate strategies that maximize opportunities for behavior for wellness/ healthy lifestyle. 3. Understand that a conducive learning situation in terms of time and place should be provided. 4. Believe that nonverbal act is an effective nursing implementation when performing therapeutic communication. 5. Monitor the client and family's feedback to health education.

In implementing the health education plan, the staff nurses: 1. Develop information educational materials appropriate to the level of the client. 2. Apply health education principles in the development of info education materials. 3. Construct a client based learning material. 4. Consider different approaches and techniques in developing informational materials. 5. Prioritize learning materials that would address topics and concerns that are of importance and needs immediate discussion. In implementing the health education plan, the staff nurses: 1. Make use of evaluation parameters. 2. Evaluate effectiveness of intervention by means of a specific criterion. 3. Allow client to express feedback regarding the health education. 4. Revise health education plan based on clients responses. 5. Properly document outcome of care.

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