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Why is the main method static

So that it can be invoked without creating an instance of that class

What is the difference between class variable, member variable and automatic(local) variable
class variable is a static variable and does not belong to instance of class but rather shared across all the
member variable belongs to a particular instance of class and can be called from any method of the class
automatic or local variable is created on entry to a method and has only method scope
When are static and non static variables of the class initialized
The static variables are initialized when the class is loadedNon static variables are initialized just before the
constructor is called
When are automatic variable initialized
Automatic variable have to be initialized explicitly
What is a modulo operator %
This operator gives the value which is related to the remainder of a divisione.g x=7%4 gives remainder 3 as
an answer
How is an argument passed in java, by copy or by reference
What is a modulo operator %
This operator gives the value which is related to the remainder of a divisione.g x=7%4 gives remainder 3 as
an answer
What is garbage collection
The runtime system keeps track of the memory that is allocated and is able to determine whether that
memory is still useable. This work is usually done in background by a low-priority thread that is referred to
as garbage collector. When the gc finds memory that is no longer accessible from any live thread it takes
steps to release it back to the heap for reuse
Does System.gc and Runtime.gc() guarantee garbage collection

What are different types of operators in java

Uniary ++, –, +, -, |, ~, ()
Arithmetic *, /, %,+, -
Shift <<, >>, >>>
Comparison =, instanceof, = =,!=Bitwise &, ^, |Short Circuit &&, ||Ternary ?:Assignment =
How does bitwise (~) operator work
It converts all the 1 bits in a binary value to 0s and all the 0 bits to 1s, e.g 11110000 coverts to 00001111
Can shift operators be applied to float types.
No, shift operators can be applied only to integer or long types
What happens to the bits that fall off after shifting
They are discarded
What values of the bits are shifted in after the shift
In case of signed left shift >> the new bits are set to zero
But in case of signed right shift it takes the value of most significant bit before the shift, that is if the
most significant bit before shift is 0 it will introduce 0, else if it is 1, it will introduce 1
What are access modifiers
These public, protected and private, these can be applied to class, variables, constructors and methods.
But if you don�t specify an access modifier then it is considered as Friendly
Can protected or friendly features be accessed from different packages
No when features are friendly or protected they can be accessed from all the classes in that package but
not from classes in another package
How can you access protected features from another package
You can access protected features from other classes by subclassing the that class in another package, but
this cannot be done for friendly features
What are the rules for overriding
Private method can be overridden by private, friendly, protected or public methods
Friendly method can be overridden by friendly, protected or public methods
Protected method can be overridden by protected or public methods
Public method can be overridden by public method
Explain modifier final
Final can be applied to classes, methods and variables and the features cannot be changed. Final class
cannot be subclassed, methods cannot be overridden
Can you change the reference of the final object
No the reference cannot be change, but the data in that object can be changed
Can abstract modifier be applied to a variable
No it is applied only to class and methods
Can abstract class be instantiated
No abstract class cannot be instantiated i.e you cannot create a new object of this class
When does the compiler insist that the class must be abstract
If one or more methods of the class are abstract.
If class inherits one or more abstract methods from the parent abstract class and no implementation is
provided for that method

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