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Writing: Recount

Producing texts WES1.9 Engages in writing texts with the intention of conveying an idea or message.

Term 4 - Week 5

C Sound Achievement Produces texts in order to convey a message. Meaning can be deduced. Writes common words accurately. Sentences make sense and convey meaning. Writes simple sentences. Events are sequenced in order. B High Achievement Produces texts that convey a message clearly. Writes common words accurately. Sentences make sense and convey meaning. Beginning to use words to sequence events eg then.

A Outstanding Achievement Produces texts that convey a message clearly and well. Sentences make sense and convey meaning. Beginning to use compound sentences (ie. clauses joined by and or but) Has a personal comment about the experience. Uses alternative words to sequence events. Eg later, after, next. Begins recount by providing information about who, where and when. Gives good descriptions about places, event etc. Confident, consistent and correct use of basic punctuation and grammar in texts. Uses capitals and full stops accurately Writes in the past tense Uses describing words. Uses alternative words to sequence events. Eg later, after, next. Words are formed and make some sense. Spells 95% of sight words correctly Spells CVC words accurately Uses good approximations for unfamiliar words and is beginning to use known diagraphs. Can form all letters clearly in upper and lower case letters. All letters formed correctly All letters are in their correct line placement. (ie head, body, tail)

E Limited Achievement Is unable to write texts that convey a message. Does not link writing with conveying meaning. Scribble or random letters

D Basic Achievement Produces a form of text but is unclear about the message or has limited ability to convey messages. Message is unclear. Groups letters into words Uses some known words when writing

Grammar and Punctuation WES1.10 Produces simple texts that show the emergence of the grammar and punctuation needed to achieve the purpose of the text.

Unable to use basic grammar and punctuation.

Beginning to use some basic grammar and punctuation. Begins to use capitals and full stops

Satisfactory use of some basic grammar and punctuation used. Uses capitals and full stops most of the time Writes in the past tense. Uses adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate when, where, how etc.

Spelling WES1.11 Begins to use letters to represent known words when spelling.

Unable to write using letters to represent known words.

Some letters represent known words.

More letters represent known words. Uses approximations and some conventional spelling Spells 70% of basic sight words correctly Spells CVC words accurately Can form letters. May still use upper or lower case letters exclusively or partly. Writes from left to right. Most letters formed correctly Uses standard handwriting movements.

More confident and consistent use of basic punctuation and grammar. Uses capitals and full stops accurately Writes in the past tense. Uses adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate when, where, how etc. Beginning to use adjectives Most letters represent known words. Spells 80% of sight words correctly Spells CVC words accurately Uses good approximations for unfamiliar words. Can form most letters in upper and/or lower case letters. All letters are formed correctly. 80% of letters are in their correct line placement. (ie head, body, tail.

Handwriting and Computer WES1.12 Produces most lowercase and upper-case letters and uses computer technology to begin to construct texts.

Unable to form letters

Can form some letters Writes from left to right. Forms 50% of letters correctly.

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