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Refugees Monster!

On the eve of the Norwegian parliamentary elections the perspectives toward a progressive political era among the Norwegian public as well among the political refugees on the Norwegian lands deployed on waiting lists of an ignorant destiny increase desperately. Tens of inquiries strike the heads of the unwelcomed refugees and demand reasonable manifestations. Would the new rising candidates include on their agendas the critical situation of those refugees who left their homelands forcibly seeking better status? What is their destiny and what is the opportunity of being accepted and merged in the Norwegian community ? What is the chance of improving their former and present social, economical, political and educational conditions they experienced in their countries and in Norway? Would the members of the Royal parliament afford these marginalized refugees a genuine opportunity in order to prove themselves worthy of the Norwegian citizenship after being objectively examined? Is the refugees' civil and judicial register basically taken into consideration in the process of acceptance or refusal where those refugees of crimes clear records on both their homeland and Norwegian land elevate to an appropriate level of approval? Are all of the refugees of various nationalities treated equally on the same foot indifferently to their political background, race ,color ,religion and identity? All of these questions and more disturb the helpless refugees' minds whose piled asylum applications are threatened with rejection. Such fears rise originally from the persistent calls of some parties in the government to intensify the restrictions on the asylum seekers' conditions and alienate them in separate camps almost like acts and circumstances of imprisonment. These parties are not aware of the disadvantages of such severity in managing the issue of the intended refugees since they are depriving Norway of gaining experienced individuals with high education and increasing ambitions to develop new criteria in establishing promising economical standards and enhancing the wheel of creating beneficial enterprises.

Moreover, some candidates present in their political programs firm directions against the unfortunate asylum seekers thus gaining more voices from voters! Though the refugees understand the huge fears of the authorities that as a result influence the Norwegian people, they deny with disappointment the fact of treating them as a devastating monster invading Norway's geography and altering its demography imposing on the Norwegian community a crucial threat due to varieties in ethnicity, beliefs, and origins despite the fact that Norway is well known for its democracy, tolerance, calls for human rights and oppositions against all acts of discrimination and inequality among all humans beings and sexes. Taking into consideration the total area of the Norwegian land that is 385,252 km2 with respect to its population growth percentages, the number of the asylum seekers is inconsiderate and minute eventually it will not inflict a gigantic burden on Norway neither economically nor socially or legally concerning expectations of crimes and unfavorable nasty acts as pictured by some parties. If the authoritative masses shift their hesitant narrow views and replace it to see from a refugee's point of view, they would analyze closely the nature of these asylum seekers with an optimistic, merciful, trustful, and faithful eye in order to impose lighter and wiser judgments on the refugees. Hence, their analysis will be modified positively due to the vivid aspects of individuals regarding their educational levels, experiences, mental and physical qualities and abilities, effective role in the society as well as in the financial development, welfare, and prosperity. Such advantages if properly exploited from the Norwegian authorities and community as a whole and dealt with practically and seriously with quite precision and care will provide excellent unpredictable results. Consequently, this will build a dual confidential relation between the asylum seekers and the government and will maintain these desperate refuge seekers with a sense of relief and internal acceptance toward the other and will develop a mutual benefit between them and the Norwegian mobs they communicate with during their presence on the Norwegian lands. This is the aim of every asylum seeker on the blessed Royal lands of Norway to create such a perfect bound of acquired rights and bounding responsibility that is censored and supervised by fair and just legislations.

Written by Shadi Ghoul

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