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Module 3. Reference
Cornelius Damar Hanung

Learning Objectives

To understand about reference

To be able to correctly use it on making a sentence



Kata yang digunakan sebagai kata ganti yang merujuk pada suatu kata yang muncul sebelum atau sesudah kata ganti tersebut

Including: his, her, their, them, it, which, that, those, etc


Untuk menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat dan ide-ide yang terkandung di dalamnya.

That, it, her, his, dll

Anaphora Cataphora

Merujuk pada sesuatu yang telah disebutkan terdahulu

Merujuk pada sesuatu yang akan disebutkan kemudian


Example 1)

A Hong-Kong woman has been arrested for beating her husband with a high-hilled shoe in public. Her in the previous sentence refers to A Hong-Kong woman that had been mentioned before it.

Example 2)

He said the administration decided to replace the bajaj, which is gasoline-fueled, as it contributed to the citys air pollution. Which It : refers to the gasoline-fueled (after) : refers to the Bajaj (before)

Example 3)

The intelligence heist, that could cause damage to America in excess of that causes by Chinese espionage in nuclear laboratories, involved computer hacking over the past six months That in the previous sentence refers to The intelligence heist.

Thank you for listening

See you another class.

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