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Carlos Bettencourt da Silva

Instituto Superior Técnico,
Pav. Mecânica I, 1o andar/esq./LASEF,
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

Ricardo José Nuno dos Reis

Instituto Superior Técnico,
Pav. Mecânica I, 1o andar/esq./LASEF,
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

José Carlos Fernandes Pereira

Instituto Superior Técnico,
Pav. Mecânica I, 1o andar/esq./LASEF,
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

ABSTRACT 2002 and Westerweel et al. 2005), where the scale of these
The differences between the production and dissipa- small scale motions is of the order of the Taylor micro-scale.
tion of enstrophy and scalar gradient across the turbu- A novel way to investigate the mechanisms of turbu-
lent/nonturbulent (T/NT) interface are analysed using a lent entrainment consists in analysing the interface enve-
direct numerical simulation of a turbulent plane jet with lope: a thin, highly convoluted surface layer that divides
Reλ ≈ 120 and Sc = 0.7. Statistics of all the terms of the flow into its turbulent and nonturbulent (irrotational)
the transport equations of the enstrophy and square of the zones. Once the interface is defined, statistics in relation
scalar gradient are computed in relation to the T/NT in- to this interface can be obtained which are very different to
terface. It is shown that the entrainment process starts the ”classical” statistics found in turbulent flows dominated
with the amplification of the viscous/molecular diffusion of by a turbulent/nonturbulent interface. This procedure has
enstrophy/square of the scalar gradient, is followed the am- been used by Bisset et al. (1998,2002), Westerweel et al.
plification of the advection and finally, is controlled by the (2002,2005) and Hunt et al. (2006).
production and viscous/molecular dissipation terms, that The process of entrainment of a passive scalar field is also
dominate throughout the turbulent zone. The topology of of much interest in this context. The mechanisms of pro-
the vortices near the T/NT interface is analysed. It is shown duction and dissipation of a passive scalar field have been
that in a region very close to the interface ((y −yI )/H < 0.1) studied extensively and much is known about their differ-
these vortices are preferentially aligned with the line tangent ences in comparison with the velocity field (see e.g. Ruetsch
to the interface. and Maxey, 1992). However, in the context of turbulent
entrainment not much is know about the dynamics of a pas-
sive scalar field and, to the Author’s knowledge a systematic
INTRODUCTION study of the entrainment mechanism in relation to the T/NT
The mechanism of turbulent entrainment takes place interface is still lacking.
in a sharp interface region separating turbulent and non- The goal of the present work is to analyse detailed dy-
turbulent flow which is present in many turbulent flows such namics of the enstrophy, and square of scalar gradient across
as wakes, shear layers and jets. this turbulent/non-turbulent (T/NT) interface. The two
In the classical description of the entrainment mecha- next sections detail the DNS used for this purpose and the
nism the the most important role is played by the largest procedure used to defined the T/NT interface. The re-
flow vortices, originated by the growth of instabilities dur- sults presented here concern the terms of the enstrophy, and
ing the transition to turbulence in mixing layers, jets and square of scalar gradients across this interface, as well as the
wakes (Townsend, 1976). The entrainment mechanism was shape of the large scale vortices in its vicinity.
thus seen as a large scale engulfment controlled by these
Recently it has been shown that, contrary to the classical DIRECT NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF TURBULENT
view, the mechanism of turbulent entrainment, what ever PLANE JETS
that might be, is mainly controlled by relatively small scales, A turbulent plane jet direct numerical simulation (DNS)
as a process designated by ”nibbling” (see Mathew and Basu, was used in the present work to study the turbulent-
nonturbulent interface. The numerical algorithm uses
pseudo-spectral schemes for spatial discretization and a 3rd
order Runge-Kutta scheme for temporal advancement. The
same code was used recently by the authors in DNS of tur- 3
bulent plane jets as described in da Silva and Pereira (2004).
The present simulations include the computation of an ad-
vected or passive scalar field with Schmidt number Sc = 0.7, 2
and the resolution is about 26 million grid points. The sim-
ulation was fully dealiased using the 3/2 rule.
The scenario of transition to turbulence is very similar
to the one described in previous numerical simulations e.g.
Stanley et al. (2002), da Silva and Métais (2002), and da

Silva and Pereira (2004), and is characterised by the emer-
gence of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices, both at the upper and 0
lower shear layers, which is followed by the appearance of
pairs of streamwise vortices connecting each two consecutive
pairs of Kelvin-Helmholtz rollers. The self-similar regime is -1
obtained at about T /Tref ≈ 20 and at this stage the Taylor
based Reynolds number is about Reλ ≈ 120 across the shear
Figure 1 (a) and (b) show contours of vorticity norm and
passive scalar in a (x, y) plane at the self-similar regime. The
lower limit of the contours shown is equal to CΩ H/U1 = 0.7
and Cθ = 0.1 for the vorticity norm and passive scalar, re- -3
spectively. This allows to see the shape of the interface in
-2 -1 0 1
both cases. As can be seen the shape of the interface is highly y/H (a)
convoluted and its shape is very similar to the one found in
previous numerical studies (Bisset et al., 2002). Moreover,
there is a reasonable similarity between the interfaces de-
fined using either the vorticity norm or the passive scalar, 3
in agreement with previous studies (Bisset et al., 1998).
Figure 2 shows the mean streamwise velocity profile for
the plane jet DNS compared with experimental results from
Gutmark and Wygnansky (1976), Ramparian and Chan-
drasekhara (1985), Thomas and Prakash (1991) and the
direct numerical simulations from Stanley et al. (2002), da
Silva and Métais (2002), and da Silva and Pereira (2004). 1
A similar comparison was made for all the components of
the Reynolds stress tensor (not shown). The agreement be-

tween the results from the present DNS results and all the 0
data available is very good.
The spatial 3D energy and scalar variance spectra show
a region of −5/3 region followed by a smooth decay at high
wave numbers. The product of maximum resolved wave-
number to the Kolmogorov micro-scale as Batchelor micro-
scales is kmax η ≈ 1.4, and kmax ηB ≈ 1.3, where η and ηB
are the Kolmogorov and Batchelor micro-scales, respectively. -2
Finally, figure 3 shows probability density functions (PDFs)
of passive scalar across the jet shear layer. The PDFs are of
a non-marching type, which is consistent with several exper- -3
imental and numerical works e.g. Rogers and Moser (1994), -2 -1 0 1
and Karasso and Mungal (1996). y/H (b)
The results above show that the present DNS is well re-
solved, both at the large and small scales of motion, and
Figure 1: Contours of vorticity modulus (a) and passive
representative of a turbulent plane jet.
scalar (b) at a (x, y) plane from the present turbulent plane
jet DNS.
INTERFACE the interface envelope we used a similar procedure as de-
The T/NT interface can be defined either using the vor- scribed in previous works e.g. Bisset et al. (1998,2002) and
ticity norm as in Bisset et al. (2002) or using a scalar Westerweel et al. (2002,2005). It consists in the following
or concentration field as in Westerweel et al. (2002,2005). steps: (i) detection of the surface envelope using the com-
Both methods were used with similar results in the present puted vorticity norm or the passive scalar and the detection
work, with CΩ H/U1 = 0.7 for the vorticity (as in Bisset et threshold, (ii) remotion of ”ambient fluid” that appears as
al., 2002)), and Cθ = 0.1 for the scalar. ”holes” in the jet, (iii) computation of the ”interface statis-
In order to make statistics in relation to the location of tics” i.e. statistics in relation to the relative position of the
vection, enstrophy production, enstrophy viscous diffusion,
and enstrophy viscous dissipation, respectively.
1 Gutmark 1976
In a similar way one can define and equation for the
Ramparian 1985 evolution of the square of the scalar gradient 21 Gi Gi , where
Stanley 2001 ∂θ
Gi = ∂x is the scalar gradient. This equation reads,
0.8 da Silva 2002 j
da Silva 2004

Present work  
1 1
0.6 ∂ G G
2 i i
∂ GG
2 i i
+ Uj =
∂t ∂xj
0.4 1

∂2 G G
2 i i ∂Gi ∂Gi
−Gi Gj Sij + γ −γ , (2)
∂xj ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj

where γ is the scalar diffusivity. In equation (2) the terms

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
represent, the square of scalar gradient temporal variation,
y/δ0.5 advection, production, molecular diffusion, and molecular
dissipation, respectively.
Figure 2: Mean streamwise velocity profile at the self-similar
regime of the jet compared to several numerical and experi- Classical mean profiles of terms from the enstrophy and
mental results. square of scalar gradient equations
Figure 4 shows mean profiles of the terms from the
T/Tref=20.2 enstrophy transport equation using ”classical” averages as
in da Silva and Pereira (2004). In the irrotational region
y/δθ=0.25 (|y/H| > 1.5 − 1.8), the mean value of all the terms is neg-
2.5 y/δθ=0.50 ligible, as expected. In the turbulent region, on the other
hand, the mean advective and viscous diffusion terms are
y/δθ=1.25 also negligible for all values of y/H, even at the borders of

y/δθ=1.50 the turbulent/non-turbulent region (|y|/H ≈ 1.5 − 1.8), and

the mean enstrophy is dominated by a global balance be-
tween enstrophy production and viscous dissipation. A sim-
ilar (approximate) balance between production/dissipation
is known to take place in isotropic turbulence (even in sta-
tistically non stationary turbulence e.g. decaying isotropic
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
<Uj∂/∂xj(Ω /2)>
Figure 3: Probability density functions (PDFs) of passive 25
<ν ∂2/∂xj∂xj(Ω2/2)>
scalar across the jet shear layer in the self-similar regime. 20 2
<-ν (∂Ωi/∂xj) >
Enstrophy eq. terms

interface yI . It was observed that with these thresholds both
methods lead to very similar results concerning the shape 10

and magnitudes of the vorticity components. 5

The mean profiles of vorticity modulus and each vorticity 0

component are very similar to the ones found by Bisset et -5
al. (1998,2002) and Westerweel et al. (2002,2005) (not -10
shown). In particular, one observes the existence of the well
known peak at the Ωz and |Ωz | vorticities just after the
T/NT interface, inside the turbulent region.

-2 -1 0 1 2
The dynamics of the enstrophy ΩΩ ,
2 i i
where Ωi =
εijk ∂x j is the curl of the velocity field Ui , can be studied
through the analysis of its transport equation, Figure 4: Mean profiles of terms from the enstrophy equation
Ω Ω , in the turbulent plane jet.
2 i i

 The figure 5 shows a similar plot but for the terms of
∂ Ω Ω
2 i i
∂ ΩΩ
2 i i
+ Uj = the square of the scalar gradient transport equation. As can
∂t ∂xj be seen a similar observation can be made for the evolution

∂2 1
Ω Ω ∂Ωi ∂Ωi of the square of the scalar gradient i.e. in the mean, both
2 i i
Ωi Ωj Sij + ν −ν , (1) the advection and molecular dissipation terms are negligible,
∂xj ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
and the mean square of the scalar gradient is dominated by

∂Ui ∂Uj
 an approximate balance between the production and molec-
where Sij = 2 ∂xj
+ ∂xi
is the rate of strain tensor ular dissipation terms.
and ν is the kinematic viscosity. The terms from equation In order to analyse more closely the dynamics of the
(1) stand for enstrophy temporal variation, enstrophy ad- transport of enstrophy and scalar gradient in relation to the
other terms are seen to be playing an important role near
<Uj∂/∂xj(G /2)> the T/NT interface. First, the enstrophy advection is quite
<-GiGjSij> important very close to the interface (y − yI )/H = 0. This
<γ ∂ /∂xj∂xj(G /2)> may seem that the large scale flow structures, which are
2 2
Scalar gradient eq. terms

20 2
connected to the most important advection mechanisms in
<-γ (∂Gi/∂xj) >
15 turbulence, are having an active role during the entrain-
10 ment. Secondly, the viscous diffusion, which is associated
5 more with small scale motions, displays a small positive peak
right at the interface. This shows that indeed viscous diffu-
sion acts as a source of enstrophy before other terms begin to
act (notice that the viscous diffusion is even more important
than the enstrophy production during this initial transition
-15 phase).
-20 The mean profiles of the terms from the square of scalar
-25 gradient in relation to the T/NT interface are shown in fig-
-30 ure 8. Here one sees that the advection term, associated with
-2 -1 0 1 2
large scale engulfment, is even more important for the evo-
lution of the scalar gradient than is the similar term in the
enstrophy equation. Indeed, one sees that near the interface
Figure 5: Mean profiles of terms from the scalar gradient the dynamics of the square of scalar gradient is mainly com-
equation 21 Gi Gi , in the turbulent plane jet; manded by this term, which is about two times as big as any
of the remaining terms. As was the case before for the en-
T/NT interface it is instructive to analyse the mean of the
strophy, the molecular diffusion term is the first to manifest
terms from their transport equation across the T/NT inter-
itself when approaching the T/NT interface, which shows
face as described below.
that indeed it is a diffusion process that starts the whole en-
trainment process. The molecular diffusion then decreases
Mean profiles of terms from the enstrophy and square of the level of square of scalar gradient when the other terms
scalar gradient equations in relation to the T/NT interface start to dominate the process. The production and dissipa-
Figure 6 shows several mean profiles as a function of the tion terms attain peaks just after the T/NT interface, and
distance from the T/NT interface. We denote these means then fall in the core of the turbulent region, where, as be-
as <>I to distinguish them from the classical means <>. fore for the enstrophy, the advection and molecular diffusion
The procedure to obtain these means is very similar to the terms are negligible.
one used in reference (2005). The enstrophy Ω2 = Ωi Ωi This suggests that there are indeed big differences be-
and strain S 2 = Sij Sij increase until they reach a plateau tween the process of entrainment of velocity and of a given
at the turbulent region. On the other hand the square of passive scalar. In isotropic turbulence the different dynam-
the scalar gradient G2 = Gi Gi has a very intense peak very ics of the enstrophy and square of scalar gradient have been
close to the T/NT interface before it reaches its turbulent studied extensively since the paper by Ruetsch and Maxey
value. This is the first fact showing that there are indeed (1991).
big differenced between the dynamics of the enstrophy and
scalar gradient during the entrainment process.
<ν ∂ /∂xj∂xj(Ω /2)>I
20 2

15 <-ν (∂Ωi/∂xj) >I
Enstrophy eq. terms

<S2>I 10
<G >I 5

40 0



20 -15


-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4

-0.2 0 0.2 0.4
Figure 7: Mean profiles of terms from the enstrophy trans-
port equation as a function of the distance from the T/NT
Figure 6: Enstrophy, strain and square of the scalar gradient interface (y − yI )/H = 0.
as a function of the distance from the T/NT interface.
The mean profiles of the terms from the enstrophy trans-
port equation are shown in figure 7. Here, the production Topology of the large-scale vortices near the T/NT interface
and viscous dissipation of enstrophy also dominate the tur- As shown before, there are several processes that gov-
bulent flow region, but contrary to the classical means, the ern the entrainment for the velocity and scalar fields. First,
<Uj∂/∂xj(G /2)>I

<γ ∂2/∂xj∂xj(G2/2)>I
Scalar gradient eq. terms

<-γ (∂Gi/∂xj) >I 0.04





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
(y-yI)/H |Cos(Ω^L)|

Figure 8: Mean profiles of terms from the square of the Figure 9: Probability density function (PDF) of the modulus
scalar gradient as a function of the distance from the T/NT ~ and
of the cosine of the angle between the vorticity vector Ω
interface (y − yI )/H = 0. ~
the line L tangent to the T/NT interface. The PDF was
computed using data from a flow region very close to the
the process seems to be initiated by the emergence of vis- interface with (y − yI )/H < 0.1.
cous/molecular diffusion of enstrophy/square of scalar gra-
dient. Immediately afterwords, the advection of enstro- and the dynamics of the enstrophy and square of scalar
phy/square of scalar gradient, supposedly dominated by gradient are dominated entirely by the production and vis-
large scales, takes place. After this the production and dis- cous/molecular dissipation.
sipation overshadow all the other terms, a fact that persists Finally, the topology of the vortices near the T/NT in-
inside the fully turbulent region. terface ((y − yI )/H < 0.1) shows that they are preferentially
It is therefore important to identify the coherent struc- aligned with a line tangent to the interface.
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