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DNB Dec. 2011 Recall Questions with all options and Answers
Posted by Dr.MoonGarg on December 11, 2011

I am going to post all question here 1. Mc radiological sign of increased ict in children a. Widening of suture ANS b. Erosion of sella tursika c. Widening of optic canal d. Silver beaten appearcnce.

2. nyhus groin hernia classification, 3A a. Indirect hernia with widened superficial ring b. Femoral hernia c. Direct hernia d. !! 3. definative rx of adenomyosis? A-hystrectomy ANS


4. constant band H I M Z ANS 5. cottons grading for. 1.subglottic stenosis 2.laryngeal carcinoma 3.superior nerve palsy 4.vocal cord misuse 6. iris pearls syphilis



7. false positive cases increased?? A. High senstivity

B. High Specificity C.High prevelance

D. 8. ds nt involved in integrated ds survilence protect? typhoid tb cholera herpes zoster 9. snow storm appearance on U/S h mole

10. Malignant hyperthermia: ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1)

11. Not a dimorphic fungus: a.histoplasma b.coccidiodides c.cryptococcus d.blastomyces 12. all of these occur in caffeine withdrawal except hallucination depression headache 13. in gout tophi are not seen in

bone skin nasal cartilage synovium 14. Mees lines appear after an episode of poisoning with arsenic

15. pseudolymphoma caused by a/e penicillin dapsone Thiazide

16. The CCR5 high resistance to HIV infection.

17. pain in fibroids present with all except? Hyaline

red degeneration leiomyoma 18. Hrct is used in a/e interstitial lung disease lung abscess miliary tb sarcoidosis 19. nicotine withdrawal causes all except

1. depressed mood 2.weight gain 3. tachycardia 4. anxiety

20. a oxidation FFA occure in?

golgi er mito.

21. tumr lysis synd true is A- hypokalmia B-hyponatremia C-hyypercalcemia D- noned

22. Pure Beta Particle emittor? i 131 P 32 23. 52)q- mc retroprtnl sarcoma? A-leiomyosarcoma B-liposarcoma 24. Griseingers sign lateral sinus thrombosis

25. Anesthetic of choice in Day care anesthesia? Propofol

26. placenta formed by? Frondosum+Dec basalis leve+dec basalis fromdosum+dec capsularis frondosum+dec parietalis 27. MR + LAD + ASD ostium secundum ostium primum floppy mitral valve tga 28. Testis involvd bt nt epidydimis

syphilis gonorrhoea

29. hennebert sign? meinners

acoustic 30. vitamin require for cystein and methaonine metabolism? 31. glycogen phosphorylase ? thiamine monoho tetrahydrofolate. flavin mononuleotide ? 32. A 40 yrs Lady wit Pheochromocytoma. Most Specific symptom is? paroxys hypertension

33. Complete wouund healing takes 1. 3 weeks 2. 6 months 3. one yr 4? 34. endometrial cancer is associated with all except leiomyoma endometrial hyperplasia dysgerminoma granulosa cell tumor 35. we prefer dobutamine in place of dopamine in case of shock markd less arrhythmia less renal vasodilatation more coronary constriction all of these. 36. cofactor involve in sulphur conaining amino acid metabolism Folic acid biotin B1 37. generation time lepra? 8-10 days

10-12days 38. not used fot treatment of endometriosis ocp aromatase inhib.s progestins estrogens 39. impotent qoud hoc? impotent to one female only 40. androgen binding protein is secreted by: pituitary liver sertoli cells leydig cells 41. craniosacral spinal nerves 1. sympath post gangliaonic fibers 2. sympath pre gangliaonic fibers 3. parasympath post gangliaonic fibers 4. parasympath pre gangliaonic fibers 42. BENZOIC ACID DETOXIFICATION? GLUCORONIC ACID 43. in renal osteodystrophy skeletal abnormality is due to ? decreased conversn 25 to 1,25 D 44. Tuning fork a. 256 Hz b. 512 c. 1024 d.2048 45- parathyroid devlops from? A- brachial cyst B- b cleft C- b pouch D-b arch 46-periphrl and centrl chemorcptr respond to? A-incrs ph b- incrs oxygen C- incrs co2 D- decrs o2 47. which of the following gives positive test with both weil felix n ox19 a. b. scrub typus c. endemic typus d. none of the above 48. how to indentify gonorrhea a. by the growth on macconkey medium

b. by the growth at 37 c c. by the fermentation of glucose 49 all are capsulated except a.klebsiela pneumonia b.haemophilus influenzae c. bacillus anthracis d. escheichia coli.. 50 .not a type of epiphysis traction atavistic friction pressure 51.. thanatology death snakes poison fingerprints 52.Fish tailing in STAB WOUND a)Single edged knife b)Double edged knife c)Bayonet d) 53.Which of the following is seen in Horners syndrome: A)Anhidrosis B)Blepharitis C)Cheilitis D) 54.Which of the following is a Flexor of Abdomen: a)Psoas b)Piriformis c)Pectoralis major/minor d)external oblique abdominis 55.Missing cases are detected by: a)Active surveillance b)Passive surveillance c)Sentinel surveillance d) 56.clavipectoral fascia is not pierced by a.medial pectoral nerve b.lateral pectoral n c. cephalic ve d. 57.microtubule formation inhibited by vincristine 58.Food poisoning in canned food cause by:

a)Staphylococcus b)Salmonella c)Clostridium botulinum d)Bacillus cereus(aureus in exam) 59. .Boundaries of Epiploic foremen A/e: a)Caudate process of liver b)Inferior venacava c)Free border of lesser omentum d)4th part of Duodenum 60.Anaphylactic shock- epinephrine given by Intravenous route Oral Subcutaneous Intramusular 61. Physiological Antagonism a)Heparin-Protamine b)Prostacycline-Thrombaxone c)Adrenaline-Phenoxybenzamine d)Physiostigmine-Acetylcholine 62.Annexin V is associated with a)Necrosis b)Apoptosis c) atherosclerosis d)inflammation 63.Dobutamine is preferred than dopamine because It causes less arrythmia It causes less renal vasodilatation It causes less coronary vasoconstriction All the above 64.Sin of Gomorrah a)Oral coitus b)Anal coitus c)Lesbianism d)Bestiality 65.Kuppuswamy scale takes into consideration A/E: a.Education status of b.Occupational status of c.Living conditions d.Percapita Income 66.Long acting insulin a)Insulin glargine b)Insulin Lispro c) insulin aspart d)

67.Fixative used for bone histopathology? a. 10% formalin b. Normal saline c. Rectified spirit d. Nothing 68.Predominant site of erythropoises during 6th month of gestation a)Yolk sac b)Liver c)Bone marrow d)Thymus 69. chylomichrons protein core+ a. triglyceride only b. triglyceride+ cholesterol c.triglyceride+ cholesterol+phopholipid 70.vit a not seen in a.sunflower seed b.egg c.milk d.tomato 71. strict aerobic bacteria a. staph aureus b. E.coli c.strep pneumonae d. 72.during ejaculation , sperms are released from : a.epididymis b.vas deferens c.testes d.prostate 73.lower 1/4 of vagina is formed by : a.urogenital sinus b.paramesonephric duct c,mesonephric duc d.mullerian duct 74.pyridoxin is formed from: a.histidine b.tryptophan c.tyrosine d.alanine 75.prostate contain a. only glandular tissue b. glandular tissue covered with transitional epith. c. glandular tissue+fibromuscular d.

76- mc site of endometriosis? A- vagina B-ovary C- bladder D-rectum 77.Inheritance of Familial Hypercholesterolemia? a.AD? b.AR c.X LINKED 78- incidence of schizophrenia A-0:5% B-1% C-1:5% D-2% 79.Treatment for squamous cell carcinoma stage T3N0M0 a.Maxillectomy b.Radiotherapy c.Maxillectomy+Radiotherapy ? d.Maxillectomy+chemotherapy 80. drug deposited between which structures in spinal a. dura n arachnoid b. pia n arachnoid

81. what are the complications of epidural anesthesia a/e a. headache b. hypotension c. d.ic 82. in spinal anesthesia which fibres affected earliest a. sensory b. sympathetic pregangliac c. motor 83. painless loss of vision all except a. papilloedema b. papillitis c. angle closure glaucoma 84. chronic steroid use causes a. open angle glaucoma b. conjuctival papillomatis c. uveitis

85. doc in anterior uveitis a. oral steroids b. topical steroids c. topical antibiotics 86. drug used in divergent squint a. mydriatics b. miotics 87.recurrent abortions tests to be done a/e. a.parental cytogenetics b.thyriod profile c.apla syndrome d.torch infectin screening

88.hus all except a.hemolytic anemai. b.renal failue. c.cns prob d. thrombositosis

89.palpable petechie not seen in a.giant cell arteritis b. hsp c. wegner granulomatosis d.mixed cryoglobuminemia

90.Paraneoplastic syndrome not seen in Renal cell cancer: A)Acanthosis nigricans B)Amyloidosis c. polycythemia d. 91.nt used in lepra reactions a.chloroquin b.rifampicin c.clofazimine d.thalidomide 92. atypical pneumonia a/e a. klebsiella b. adeno virus

c. chlamydia d.

93. parkinsonism a/e a. rest tremor b. rigidity c. preserved postural refluxex

94. syndrome x all except a. hyperglycemia b, hypoinsulinemia

95.Most commonly associated with Cancer Cervix: A)HPV 16 B)HPV 32) C) D)

96.roomy nasal cavities vd crust formation and woody hard external nose.. a rhinoscleroma b rhinosporidiosis c atrophic rhinitis?

97.about vitamin deficiency in short bowel syndrome a. vit k b. vit b12 c. vit a d. vit d 98. best investigation to detect pneumoperitoneum a. plain xray abd. erect b. plain x ray abd supine c. usg d. ???? 99. a patient has bronchiectasis development of nephrotic syndrome in this patient will be suggestive of a. sle b. cystic fibrosis c.amyloidosis

100.Most common site of Felon: a)Index finger b)Ring finger

c)Little finger d)Thumb

101.oa doesnt involve hip ankle?? cervical region

102.normal anion gap acidosis seen in lactic acidosis keto acidosis metabolic acidosis hyperchloremic acidosis

103.pseudolymphoma seen in thiazides penicillin dapsone sulfonamides 104.mid tracheostomy done over a.1 n 2 ring b.3 n 4 c.5 n 6 d.7 n 8th 105.complete mole 46xx

46xy 46xxy 46xxx 106.Na in low osmolar ORSmMol/L a)45 B)75 c)90 d)60 107.ORS should be discarded after: a)4hrs b)6hrs

c)12hrs d)24hrs

108.potassium on heart n muscle exert effect due to its presence in.. intracullaular extra cellular intravascular

extravascular? 109. Unwinding of DNA by: a.dna polymerase b.rna polymerase c.helicase d.ligase 110. blind loop syndrome cause which vit def?? vit b12

111. indicator for fecal contamination of water 1. e coli 2 coryne diptheri 3psedomona 4? 112. Rifampicin not used in t/t of mengicocal meningitis 113.rifampicin used in prophylaxsis of MM 114.pseudolymphoma a/e

Penicillin 115. serotonin formed from tryptophan 116. most common cause of perinatal mortality in twin pregnancy? single fetal demise IUGR

preterm twin-twin transfusion syndrome

117. chylomichrons protein core+ 1. triglyceride only 2. triglyceride+ cholesterol 3.triglyceride+ cholesterol+phopholipid

118. Janani suraksha yojana a. Tetanus immunization b. Institutional deliveries c. Iron supplementation d.antenatal care

119. Not used in hypertensive emergency Fenoldopam Nitroglycerin Nitropruside clonidine

120. not a/w acquired immunodeficency ? *hypogamma globulinnemia *anergy *elevated p24 Ag *positive mitogen assay 121. OX19 is for e pidemic typhus

122. wt gain in normal pregnancy 10 to 12 kg 123. first sign of multiple sclerosis int ophthalmoplegia?

124. death sentence by? *chief judicial magistrate *1st class magistrate *2nd class magistrate session and distrcit judge 125. 60 yr old male irritable,lack of interst 3 year low mood ?

Dysthymia 126. QRS duration Greater than 0.16 is due to or seen in first degree block 2nd degree block

CBB SA block 127. Fast breathing in 3 yr old child a)>50 b)>40

c)>30 128. klippel feil synrome 129. Weight of nulliparous uterus

130. vit d is synthesized in keratinocyte granule cell prickle cell melanocyte 131. cofactor for sulfite oxidase 2.Zn 3.Molybdenum 4.iron

132. satiety center ventromedian nucleus

133. m.c cause for acute infantile gastroenteritis rota virus 134. Asteroid bodies..seen in sporotrichosis

135. allens test integretiy of palmar arch 136. increased PT, Normal PTT Factor 7 deficiency

137. Which is not a cause of diarrohea? dm hypercalcemia 138. Inr warfarin

2.5 139. bacteriostatic? streptomycin Ethambutol

Isoniazid 140. Fuch module. dalen fuch nodule: symp ophtlamitis

141. Philadelphia chr? 9:22

142. post staphyloma associated with POSTERIOR STAPHYLOMA IN HIGH MYOPE +22D

143. imatinib MOA bcrl, tyrosine kinase

144. Enters through skin? ? ? Giardia/whip worm? Strongyloids? 145. Cell wall inhibitor cycloserine 146. Cell wall inhibitor

Penicillin 147. regarding fetal breathing movement which is true 1. it should never be absent for more than one hr in utero 2. begins at third trimester and beyond 3 best indicator of fetal hypoxia 4? 148. epistaxisext carotid ligated..which artery?? 149. Chagas ds cruzi 150. Sciznt not found in peripheral film

falciparum vivax

malaria 1- 1.parathyroid devlops from? A- brachial cyst B- b cleft

C- b pouch D-b arch Ans c 2-periphrl and centrl chemorcptr respond to? A-incrs ph b- incrs oxygen C- incrs co2 D- decrs o2 Ans c 3.which of the following gives positive test with both weil felix n ox19 a. b. scrub typus c. endemic typus d. none of the above Ans c to indentify gonorrhea a. by the growth on macconkey medium b. by the growth at 37 c c. by the fermentation of glucose Ans c 5.. all are capsulated except a.klebsiela pneumonia b.haemophilus influenzae c. bacillus anthracis d. escheichia coli.. Ans d 6.not a type of epiphysis traction atavistic c.friction pressure Ans c 7.. thanatology a.death snakes poison fingerprints Ans a 8.Fish tailing in STAB WOUND a)Single edged knife b)Double edged knife c)Bayonet d) 9.Which of the following is seen in Horners syndrome:

A)Anhidrosis B)Blepharitis C)Cheilitis D) Ans a 10.Which of the following is a Flexor of Abdomen: a)Psoas b)Piriformis c)Pectoralis major/minor d)external oblique abdominis 11.Missing cases are detected by: a)Active surveillance b)Passive surveillance c)Sentinel surveillance d) Ans c 12.clavipectoral fascia is not pierced by a.medial pectoral nerve b.lateral pectoral n c. cephalic ve d. Ans a T 13.microtubule formation inhibited by vincristine 14.Food poisoning in canned food cause by: a)Staphylococcus b)Salmonella c)Clostridium botulinum d)Bacillus cereus(aureus in exam) Ans c 15.Alpha oxidation of fatty acid inER Golgi apparatus Mitochondria d.microsomes Ans d 16.Boundaries of Epiploic foremen A/e: a)Caudate process of liver b)Inferior venacava c)Free border of lesser omentum d)4th part of Duodenum Ans d 17.Anaphylactic shock- epinephrine given by

Intravenous route Oral Subcutaneous d.Intramusular Ans d Epinephrine

18.Physiological Antagonism a)Heparin-Protamine b)Prostacycline-Thrombaxone c)Adrenaline-Phenoxybenzamine d)Physiostigmine-Acetylcholine Ans a 19.Annexin V is associated with a)Necrosis b)Apoptosis c) atherosclerosis d)inflammation Ans b 20.Dobutamine is preferred than dopamine because It causes less arrythmia b.It causes less renal vasodilatation It causes less coronary vasoconstriction All the above Ans b 22.Sin of Gomorrah a)Oral coitus b)Anal coitus c)Lesbianism d)Bestiality Ans a 23.Kuppuswamy scale takes into consideration A/E: a.Education status of b.Occupational status of c.Living conditions d.Percapita Income Ans c Park 20th /E page 602 24.Long acting insulin a)Insulin glargine b)Insulin Lispro c) insulin aspart d) Ans a

25.Fixative used for bone histopathology? a. 10% formalin b. Normal saline c. Rectified spirit d. Nothing 26.Predominant site of erythropoises during 6th month of gestation a)Yolk sac b)Liver c)Bone marrow d)Thymus Ans. 27.chylomichrons protein core+ a. triglyceride only b. triglyceride+ cholesterol c.triglyceride+ cholesterol+phopholipid Ans c 28.vit a not seen in a.sunflower seed b.egg c.milk d.tomato 29.androgen binding protein is secreted by: a.pituitary b.liver c.sertoli cells d.leydig cells 30.aerobic bacteria related q a. staph aureus b. E.coli c.strep pneumonae d. 31.during ejaculation , sperms are released from : a.epididymis b.vas deferens c.testes d.prostate 32.lower 1/4 of vagina is formed by : a.urogenital sinus b.paramesonephric duct c,mesonephric duc d.mullerian duct 33.pyridoxin is formed from: a.histidine b.tryptophan

c.tyrosine d.alanine 34.prostate contain a. only glandular tissue b. glandular tissue covered with transitional epith. c. glandular tissue+fibromuscular

NOW PAPER 2 1- mc site of endometriosis? A- vagina B-ovary C- bladder D-rectum Ans b 2- tumr lysis synd true is A- hypokalmia B-hyponatremia C-hyypercalcemia D- noned Ans c Ans c 3.Inheritance of Familial Hypercholesterolemia? a.AD? b.AR c.X LINKED Ans a 4- incidence of schizo A-0:5% B-1% C-1:5% D-2% 5.cottons grading for. a.subglottic stenosis b.laryngeal carcinoma c.superior nerve palsy d.vocal cord misuse Ans a 6.Treatment for squamous cell carcinoma stage T3N0M0 a.Maxillectomy b.Radiotherapy c.Maxillectomy+Radiotherapy ? d.Maxillectomy+chemotherapy 7. drug deposited between which structures in spinal a. dura n arachnoid

b. pia n arachnoid 8. what are the complications of epidural anesthesia a/e a. headache b. hypotension c. d.ic Ans b 9. intravenous anesthetic agent for day care surgery a. ketamin b. propofol c. thiopentone Ans b 10. in spinal anesthesia which fibres affected earliest a. sensory b. sympathetic pregangliac c. motor Ans a 11. painless loss of vision all except a. papilloedema b. papillitis c. angle closure glaucoma Ans c 12. chronic steroid use causes a. open angle glaucoma b. conjuctival papillomatis c. uveitis 13. doc in anterior uveitis a. oral steroids b. topical steroids c. topical antibiotics Ans b 14. drug used in divergent squint a. mydriatics b. miotics 15.recurrent abortions tests to be done a/e. a.parental cytogenetics b.thyriod profile c.apla syndrome d.torch infectin screening 16.hus all except a.hemolytic anemai. b.renal failue. c.cns prob d. thrombositosis

Ans d 17.palpable petechie not seen in a.giant cell arteritis b. hsp c. wegner granulomatosis 18.Paraneoplastic syndrome not seen in Renal cell cancer: A)Acanthosis nigricans B)Amyloidosis c. polycythemia d. 19.nt used in lepra reactions a.chloroquin b.rifampicin c.clofazimine d.thalidomide Ans a 20. atypical pneumonia a/e a. klebsiella b. adeno virus c. chlamydia d. Ans a 21. tumour lysis syndrome ass. wit a. hyppercalcemia b. hypokalemia Ans a 22. parkinsonism a/e a. rest tremor b. rigidity c. preserved postural refluxex Ans c 23. syndrome x all except a. hyperglycemia b, hypoinsulinemia Ans b 24. h r c t is ioc of all ex a. sarcoidosis b. miliary tuberculosis c.interstitial fibrosis Ans b 25.Most commonly associated with Cancer Cervix: A)HPV 16 B)HPV 32) C)

D) Ans a 26.roomy nasal cavities vd crust formation and woody hard external nose.. a rhinoscleroma b rhinosporidiosis c atrophic rhinitis Ans c 27.about vitamin deficiency in short bowel syndrome a. vit k b. vit b12 c. vit a d. vit d Ans b 28. best investigation to detect pneumoperitoneum a. plain xray abd. erect b. plain x ray abd supine c. usg d. ???? Ans a 29. a patient has bronchiectasis development of nephrotic syndrome in this patient will be suggestive of a. sle b. cystic fibrosis c.amyloidosis 30.Most common site of Felon: a)Index finger b)Ring finger c)Little finger d)Thumb 31.OA doesnt involve hip ankle cervical region 32.normal anion gap acidosis seen in lactic acidosis keto acidosis metabolic acidosis hyperchloremic acidosis 33.pseudolymphoma seen in thiazides penicillin dapsone sulfonamides 34.mid tracheostomy done over

a.1 n 2 ring b.3 n 4 c.5 n 6 d.7 n 8th 35.Pain in fibroid is due to A/E a)Red degeneration b)Torsion c)Hyaline degeneration d)Torsion 36.complete mole a.46xx 46xy 46xxy 46xxx Ans a 37.Na in low osmolar ORSmMol/L a)45 B)75 c)90 d)60 Ans a 38.ORS should be discarded after: a)4hrs b)6hrs c)12hrs d)24hrs Ans d In March 2006, the World Health Organization recommended a new ORS solution formulation. The newest ORS formula has less glucose and sodium with a total concentration of 245 mOsm/L compared to the previous 311 mOsm/L. The lower concentration allows quicker fluid absorption in the small intestine which decreases the need for intravenous fluids. Therefore there will be less need for hospitalization in the emergency room or on the wards. The new formulation contains: Sodium chloride (NaCl) = 2.6 g Trisodium citrate dihydrate (C6H5Na3O7,2H2O) = 2.9 g Potassium chloride (KCl) = 1.5 g Anhydrous glucose (C6H12O6)= 13.5 g The contents of each packet should be dissolved in 1 litre of clean water. The ORS solution should be discarded after 24 hours. 39.left axis deviation 40,asd tga ostium secundum ostium primum

flapy mitral valve A 4 yrs boy c/o pain around elbow, held in pronation wit extension x ray showed normal record. What s the probable diagnosis? a. Pulled elbow b. Montegia fracture c. Cellulitis d. None of the above?? 40.gastric ca is assocciated with all aexcept a. inactivation of p53 b.over expression of c erb B2ans ..(.involved in breast ca not in gastric) c. overexpression of c met d.activation of ras 41.caffeine withdrawal a. depressed mood b. headache c. hallucination d 42. Antigenic variation is not seen in a.influenza type A b. influenza type B c. influenza type c d. none of the above 43.pnuemocystis prophylaxis needed when CD 24 count a. <200. b. 300 c. 400 d. 500 44.gastric carcinoma is predisposed by deficiency of a.Vit C b.Vit B12 c.Nikel d.Cobalt 45.craniosacral spinal nerves a. sympath post gangliaonic fibers b. sympath pre gangliaonic fibers c. parasympath post gangliaonic fibers d. parasympath pre gangliaonic fibers 46.all of the following need to be looked for recurrent abortions except a. chromosomal anomaly b. hypothyroidisim c. antiphospholipid syndrome

d. torch infections. 47. all of the following are true for severity of mitral stenosis a. atrial fibrillation b. pulsatile liver c. opening snap delayed from S2 d. 52. Vit d synthesised by a. Keratinocytes b. Prickle cells c. Melanocytes d. Granular cells 53. White fibro cartilage present in a/e a. Acetabular labrum b. Intervertebral disc c. Meniscus d. Pinna cartilage 54. Mees line seen in which poisoning? a. Lead b. Mercury c. Arsenic d??? 55. Prostatic ca best diagnosed by a. Prostate specific ag b. Trans urethral ultra sound c. Fnac of prostate gland d.??? 56. Earliest feature of multiple sclerosis a. Internuclear b. Optic neuritis c. Cerebellar ataxia 57. Uterine artery is a branch of a. External iliac artery b. Internal iliac artery c. Aorta 58. Alpha feto protein levels increased in a/e a. Open neural tube defects b. Twin pregnancy c. Down syndrome d. ??? 59. Adding glucose to stored blood cause a. Prevent hemolysis b. Gives nutrition to cells c. Increase acidosis of blood 60. isolation period of Hepatitis A

a. 1 wk b. 2 wks c. 3 wks ans d. 4 wks 61. epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is caused by a.hsv b.adeno c.chlamydia 62. endometrial cancer is associated wid all except a.fibromyoma b.endometrial hyperplasia c.dysgerminoma d.granulosa cel tumor 63. m.c cause for acute infantile gastroenteritis a.adenovirus b.? c.norwalk virus d.rota virus 64. not associated wid aids? a.increased p 24 Ab b.hypogammaglobulinemia c.abnormal mitogen assay d.anergy 65. oxygen effective durin raditherapy a)jus b4 startin b)durin n within microsec of startin c)aft 5 min d)aftr 10 min 66. septal hematoma rx a.incision n drainage b.pack c. antibiotics d. nasal decongestants 67.epistaxis after ligating a.ethmoidal artey b.greater palatine artery c. superior labial artery d.lingual artey 68.vertical transmission of hep B a.25- 30 % b. 40 c. 60 ??? d. 70

69. hep b viruses a.saliva b.milk c. d.stool 70. side effects of isoniazid all except.. a.hepatits b.neuropathy c. vision detoriation. d.?????????? 71. selection bias can be eliminated by a.randomisation b.single blinding c.double blinding d. matching ANS A 72. study of time place person is a. descriptive epidemiology b. analytical epidemiology c. case control study ANS A 73. plastic covers of syringes in which cover? bag b.yellow ANS A 74. schizonts not seen in peripheral smear in which malaria a. p.vivax b. p.falciparum c. p.ovale d.p,malariae ANS B test useful in hydatid disease a. casoni b. schik test c. patch test d.?????/ ANS A 76. MC cause of dysentery in adults a.crypto parvum b.giardia c.strongoloides

d.Entamoeba histolytica 77. in renal osteodystrophy skeletal abnormality is due to a.impaired synthesis of d3 b.hypocalcemia c.hypophosphatemia d.loss of vit d n ca thru dialysis 78. continous cell line not present 4 a.vera b.hep c.wi d.hela 79. The most common retro peritoneal sarcoma a. Lipo sarcoma b. Leomyo sarcoma c. Fibro sarcoma d. Neural sheath sarcoma 80. The weight of nulliparous uterus is a. 30 to 40 gm b. 40 to 60 gm c. 60 to 80 gm d. 80 to 100 gm 81. The ratio of fetal wt n placental wt at term a. 4 : 1 b. 5 : 1 c. 6 : 1 d. 7 : 1 82. Wound healin occurs by a. 1 month b. 6 months c. 1 year d. 6 years 84. Pure beta particle emittor a. Co 60 b. I 131 c. P 32 d. 85. The signs n symptoms of crf seen when the renal function deteriorates by a. >40 % b. > 50 c. >60 d. >70 86. Endemic cretinism is seen when Iodine uptake is less than

a. 5 micro gram b. 25 micro gram c. 50 micro gram d. 75 micro gram 87. Iodine uptake into thyroid gland is an example of a. Primary active transport b. Secondary active transport c. Facilitated diffusion d. Endocytosis

Here is only questions with most appropriate answer

1. lower 1/4rth of vagina develpoes from urogenital sinus 2. appendix of testis is remnant of==========paramesoneric duct

3. cereals are deficient in===============lysine 4. tardy ulnar nerve palsy is seen in=========#lateral condyle of humerus 5. schizonts nt seen in peripheral blood falciparum 6. skin penetration=============strongyloids

7. valgus deformity============tibia fibula laterally in relation to long axis of femur 8. at term ratio of wt of fetus to wt of placnta 6:1 9. wt of uterus in nulliparous women 50-60g 10. parathyroid develop from==========branchial pouches 11. low osmolar ors sodium soncentration 75 12. creatine clarance is used to measure========GFR nt covaerd by actin 14. all are orexins except========?leptin

15. clavipectoral fascia is pierced by all except- lateral pectoral nerve

16. highest ph of secreton=======pancreatic secretion 17. endemic cretins occur at iodine level of === 25mcg/d? 50mcg/d?

18. minimum leve of iodine at consumer level===== 15ppm 19. thyroxins are from=======tyrosine 20. carnitine is from lysine 21. White fibrocartilage is found in all except======= pinna

22. alpha oxidation of fatty acids occur in====peroxisomes 23. in chylomicrons proteins are around 24. coenzyme required for sulfite oxidase====== molybdenum 25. tortional strenth of dna is relieved by ===== helicase

26. levels of fructose 1,6 bisphosphonate is maintained by 27. asteroid bodies are seen in 28. which of the following is chemokines ==== leukotriene a4 29.Difference btw c/c active and c/c carrier hepatitis b

30, risk for vertical transmission of hepatitis b 31. coeliac diesease on biopsy which antibody======anti endomysial 32. all of the following are encapsulated except==== e.coli 33. antignic variation seen in all influenza virus type except==== H Influenza C

34. testis are affected bt nt epididymis in==========syphilis 35. characteristic feature of enterococi 36. compliments are formed in 37. no of nuclei found in mature cyst of entamoeba=====4

38. least nephrotoxic aminoglycoside ======doxy

39. drug inhibiting cell wall formation======= pencillin 40. There was qn abt colon polyps and family history==== Peutz jeghers s/d

41. antitubercular drug bacteriostatic======= erythromycin 42. all are amide except 43. drugs used for obesity reduction==== all of the above 44. QRS interval more than 0.16 indicates

45. thanatology study of death 46. bone histology fixative used==== ?nothing 47. fish tail appearance of stab wound is seen in====? Single edged 48. medical etiquette is==== general moral principles in medical practice

49. all of the poisons caused uterine contractions except === arsenic 50. death sentence can b given by ====== Sessions court 51. Selection bias is removed by===== randomization 52 meningococcal meningitis prophylaxis DOC===== rifampicin

53. study time place person description===== ? descriptive 54. high false positive cases indicate==== High sensitivity[ read park for those who think otherwise][besides low prevelance was not even in option] 55. pearls index ===== failure rate/100 women years

56. isolation perod for hepatitis a 57. time period between infection n max infectivity====== generation time 58. in children diarrhoea caused by ===== rota 59. ht in cm/ cube root of body wt==========ponderal index

60. PQLI does nt include=========== income 61. hardness of water

62. all except are vit A sources======???? 63. xerophlalmic child======3 doses of vit a 1 lakh units

64. NRR Of 1 when CPR>60% 65. CAUSE OF FOOD Poisoning by canned food from home===botulinum 66. total demand of iron during pregnancy====1000mg 67. janani suraksha yojana includes=== for promoting institutional deliveries

68. screening is ==== secondary prevention 69. Most important aspect for a screening test=== high sensitivity 70. Prolonged PT N Normal APTT is found in? Ans- Factor 7 deficiency 71. Rifampicin wrong statement- ans was option b- it is used in the treatment of meningococcimea

72, 73. Which Vitamin efficiency is seen in Blind loop Syndrome of Distal Ileum?Ans is VitB12 74. which is true about thymus ====contain epithelial cells which interact with t cells 75. Klippel fiel======B/ shortening of SCM 76. Nerve supply of mandible=== C2-3 77. Definitive treatment of adenomyosis=== hysterectomy 78. MC site of endometriosis=== ovary 79. Mid tracheostomy=== tracheal ring 3&4 80. Othello syndrome

81. Qn on fetal breathing===== should not be absent for 1 hr in last trimester 82. A 40 yrs Lady wit Pheochromocytoma, most characteristic symptom= paroxysmal hypertension 83. Mees lines are seen in=== Arsenic poisoning 84. Showing minimal tolerance to opioid dose==== ?Constipation

85. Felon is seen in==== index finger 86. Iris pearls==== Leprosy

87. Spina ventosa=== TB dactylitis 88.. HRCT not indicated===? Lung abscess/ ? TB

89. Phlyctenular conjunctivitis==== 90. A/c uveitis==== topical steroid 91. Long term use of steroid=== open angle glaucoma 92. Henneberts sign= Menieres disease 93. MCC of ovarian hyperstimulation===????? 94. Renal failure ==== >70 95. Bronciectasis with proteinuria== ? amyloidosis 96. Cause of Renal osteodystrophy in crf=== ????Low phosphorous

97.Not a common cause of diarrhoea======= ?diabetes [snip]. High fibre diet protective in== Colon CA 99. Isotretinoin and beta carotene protects=== Ca colon 100.. Screening of CA colon= ? colonoscopy/ ? flexible sigmoidoscopy

101. Placenta frondosum and decidua basalis 102. Pure beta emmitor- P 32 103.earliest sign of inc ICT- Erosion of dorsum sella 104.Retinoblastoma== B/l

105 Retinoblastoma second most common Ca- Osteosarcoma 106. Stomach Ca all except=== over expression of C-erb 107. Ca stomach assoc.- Vit B12 108. Day care surgery Propofol 109. Deep sea diving- O2 and Nitrogen

110.Haloperidol toxicity=== Akathasia 111. Post staphyloma=== Pathological myopia

112. Not a cause for night blindness=== ?high myopics 113. Dalen Fuchs nodules== symp ophthalmitis 114. Not painful loss of vision== Papillitis 115. Not cause of loss of vision in HTN=== ? papilledema

116. Syndrome x all except=== low insulin levels 117. Not a primary prevention=== self breast examination 118. Primary atypical pneumonia all except== Klebsiella 119. Wilms tumor===== metastasis to lungs 120. Seen only in females= retts s/d 121. Traveller with swollen knee and eye finding=== Reiters s/d 122. Maxilla T3= Surgery 123. Freys syndrome==== Auriculo temporal nerve 124. Schirmir test= facial nerve 125. Pyridoxin from===== 126. Serotonin from=== Raphe nucleus 127 HCG max at== 9-11 weeks

128 Amniocentesis=== 12-20 weeks 129 Snow storm appearance== Hydatidiform mole 130 A/c Meningoencephalitis= ? acantamoeba/ ? nageleria 131 Heart involvement= Trichinela spiralis

132. Partial mole- 46 XX

133 47 XXY- Klienfelters 134 Turners s/d all except=== mental retardation is characteristic 135. N. gonorrhoea- ferments glucose producing acid 136. Greseingers sign- lateral sinus thrombosis 137. Cereals are deficient in==== lysine 138. Laser for iridotomy=== ?argon/?Nd yag

139 Familial Hypercholestrolemia= AD 140. Gastrinoma triangle=== gall bladder and cbd 141. For imaging of SDH== CT 142. All except in treatment of a/c pancreatitis- interleukin 10

143. All except in AIDS= hypogammaglobunemia 144. Gamma globulins- plasma cells 145. Androgen binding protein= sertoli cells 146 Semen from= epididymis

147. Cryptosporidium prophylaxis in AIDS- <200 148. MCC of dysentery in adults=== ? entameba 149. Immunoglobulins from=== B cells 150.Tumor lysis s/d all except=== none of these

151.. MC malignant bone tumor== Mets 152. MC retro peritoneal tumor== Liposarcoma 153. Allens test= radial and ulnar artery 154. Superficial palmar arch===extended thumb, distal border

155. Hyperparathyroidism= radial border of middle phalanx

156Nyphus herna 3c===????? Direct 157. Incidence of schizo== 1% 158 Cottons grading= subglottic stenosis 159. strict aerobe===???? 160. Missing cases by- ? sentinel surveillance 161. Iodide transport=== secondary active

162. prostate== fibroglandular 163. Prostate Ca= transrectal USG 164. Vision====??? 165. Meconium aspiration=== MC in post term

166.. Radiotherapy O2== immediately before or after 167. Pseudolymphoma all except===?dapsone 168. Earliest feature of c/c liver failure- Increased PT 169. Most c/c hepatitis==== Hep C

170. Flexor of abdomen=== ?? 171. Physiological antagonism- ?heparin and protamine 172. Not an alkaloid===Neostigmine 173. Resp depression in children== Opiods

174. Not a side effect of epidural== headache 175. Fastest acting antithyroid=== potassium iodide 176. Not affected in OA==== ankle 177. Not seen in severe MS= ?opening snap late

178. Not true abt VSD=== large VSD causes infundibular stenosis

179. ASD with MR murmur and left axis deviation===? 180. Not causing uterine ca=== ? leiomyoma

181. RV infarct all except=== normal JVP 182. Drug not given in hypertensive emergency= Clonidine 183. Drug given in spinal in space between arachanoid and pia 184. All except cause hirsuitism- ?spironolactone/?mifepristone

185. All except abt estrogen- used in treatment of gynacomastia 186. INR in warfarin therapy- controversial, depends on d/s. Both 2.5 and 3.5 is correct. 3.5 is better ans 187. Most imp factor in DVT- immobility 188. Heriditory spherocytosis MC caused by==??spectrin/ ?glycophorin

189. PNH all except====??? 190. Most characteristic of Diabetic pregnancy- Caudal regression s/d 191. Milieu interior: ecf 192. onghrens line(oblique) divides maxillary sinus into superolat & inferomedial zone related to maxillary ca

193: sin of gomorrah: oral coitus. 194: pm luminiscent armillaria 195. Young person with body harm n other features- Borderline personality disorder 196 female with nl breast but no pubic hair- testicular feminization s/d 197 dev in female[tanner staging]=====???? 198 long acting insulin- glargine 199 asteroid body====????

200 difficult itubation all except=== increased thyromental distance

201 patient with liver and renal prob..anaesthesia=== atracurium 202 impotence quaod hoc=== towards a specific female

203 vit d synthesis which layer===? Keratinocytes 204 60 yr old woman with regurgitation of food=== hiatus hernia 205 giant hernia=== para esophageal hernia 206 % of breech at term=== 3% 207 MCC of perinatal mortality in twins? Pre term 208 Kuppuswamy all except== living standards 209. Preterm baby apnea a/e <20sec 210. Woody nose.. Rhinoscleroma

211. Most hepatotoxic- olendralone 212. MC thyroid ca in children- papillary 213. Ors discarde..? 24hrs 214. Pneumo peritoneum ioc. Xray erect? 215. Mantle cell lymphoma not asso CD 23 216. ICD Not is unicef 217. Paraneoplastic syndrome asso wit rcc a/e.. ?Acanthosis nigricans 218Congenital rubella all except- Hydrocephalus

219. Immediate death not seen after RTA- septicaemia 220. FFA transported by- ? albumin 221. HbA1c decreased most by== biguanides 222.Measure of assoc- Relative risk

223. abt paralytic squint true statement=====diplopia

224. Next one was miotics in squint===== convergent 225-Philadelphia chromosome- 9,22

226- Fast breathing in 3 yr old child- ?>30 227-Not seen with HUS- thrombocytosis 228Multiple sclerosis early feature- ?optic neuritis 229. Benzoic acid detoxification-glucoronic acid

230-Communicability of d/s- secondary attack rate 231- Prevelance of pop with 30,000 n 300 cases- 10/thousand 232Addition of glucose to stored blood===hemolysis prevented 233 all except in INH-? visual defect

234 All except in caffeine withdrawl- ??? 235 All except in nicotine withdrawltachycardia 236 LDH increase in testicular tumor-BULKY 237 Seen in horners=== anhydrosis 238 all except in recurrent abortion- TORCH 239 Sterilization- ans is option b ie abt the age 240 All except in severe UC- pancolitis 241 Source of epistaxis after ligation of ECA== ant ethmoidal art

242 Meliodosis is caused by==== burkholderia pseudomallei 243 Which is most sensitive to atropinesalivary glands 244. Stimulus for peripheral and central chemoreceptors in children ? Increased CO2 245Increased pressure on carotid will lead toDecreased heart rate and decreased peripheral resistance 246. Male with loss of interest,nl sleep=== dysthymia

247. MCC of pyomyositis==== Staph Aureus 248. All except palpable purpura===== Giant cell arteritis

249. First centre activated before skilled voluntary movement==cortical association areas 250. Narcolepsy is d/t lesion in===== hypothalamus 251. Time to reach the triggering velocity===== chronaxie 252. Hyoid bone excised in====== thyroglossal cyst

253. sistrunk operation for===== thyroglossal cyst 254. K ions are most imp in=====intracellular 255. Chlorine content after chlorination=== 256. Qn on panel discussion

257. Odorant/odor receptor present in NEURONS OF OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM 258. All except dimorphic fungi====cryptococcus neoformans 259. Vaginal smear shows budding yeast==== Candida 260. Whiff test is for==== bacterial vaginosis

261. All except topical steroids==== ?hydrocortisone valerate 262. Earliest lesion in tuberous sclerosis=== shagreens patch 263. Fn of otolith organs====? Linear acceleration 264. Imaging MC sinus with osteomas==== Frontal

265. drug inhibiting cell wall formation======= cycloserine 267. Skin test in Hydatid=== Casonis test 268. Not a continous cell line==== WI 38 269 Lung Ca in which cranial irradiation- small cell ca

270 Risk factor for choriocarcinoma- after full term pregnancy

271 MOA of Imatinib- Competitive inhibition of bcr-abl tyrosine kinase 272 Distal Acoustic shadow is seen==== fluid

273 Marker of fetal contamination==== E coli 274. Treatment of choice for septal hematoma incision and drainage 275. CIDOFOVIR respiratory papillomatosis 276. Wooden workers adenocarcinoma 277. Delayed onset polyneuropathy after OP poisoning== 1-4 weeks 278. Not an effect of atropine=== Bradycardia 279. Drug causing hypertrophic pyloric stenosis==? Erythromycin 280. Not a cause of gum hyoertrophy==== ?TB

281. PCR- Taq polymerase 282. All except low high AFP levels=== Trisomy 21 283. OA affects ===== DIP 284. Type 2 cholangiocarcinoma== division of both ducts and not extending outside

285. Chlorination== hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions 286. Best prognosis among breast ca- colloid carcinoma 287. Chromosomes condensed in==== M phase 288. DNA synthesis occurs in==== S phase

289 Hiatal hernia MC complication==== esophagitis/aspiration pneumonia 290. MC virus assoc with Ca cervix- HPV 16 291. Late deceleration all except= maternal hypotension? 292. Erythropoiesis in 6th month==== liver

293 Bacillary angiomatosis=== B. henslae

294. metachromatic granules seen in==== C.diphtherium 295. Hodgkins and NHL differ by======?? Nodal involvement local and generalised 296. Congenital cataract involving visual axis Immediately operate 297. True abt PSGN- deposition of IgG and C3 298. All except about myxoma MC involves right side 299. Position in post dislocation hip==== FADIR

300. Child comes with pronated forearm and nl x-ray==pulled elbow 301. True abt Klumpkes paralysis====== Involves C8 -T1 Q302. A Band- No overlap of actin filaments H band. Q303. time taken for wound healing 6months Q304. T/t is needed in all of the above(pregnancy-asymptomatic bacteriuria, obstructive nephropathy, renal transplant) Q305. Malignant hyperthermia ryanodine receptor Q306. Flexor of abdomen ext. oblique? Q307. Anti-obesity drugs all of the above Q308. Pseudolymphoma is caused by a/e PENICILLIN Q309. PQLI doesnt include per capita income Q310. Abductor of vocal cord post. cricoarytenoid Q311. Freys syndrome auriculotemporal nerve Q312. Hep. B is NOT secreted in STOOL Q313. Not an epiphysis friction epiphysis Q314. Chagas disease agent T.cruzi Q315. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis Adenovirus

Q316. Infantile gastroenteritis Rotavirus Q317. 47XXY Klinefelters syndrome Q 318.ALL CHINDREN WITH SEVERE PEM should get ResoMAL Q 319.Uterine contractions are caused by all except ARSENIC Q320. Androgen binding protein sertoli cell Q321. Genu valgum tibial axis is lateralised compared to femur Q322. Uterine artery is a branch of INTERNAL ILIAC artery q323Innate immunity carbohydrate sequence in cell wall Q324. Fast breathing in a 3yr old >40/min Q325. Parathyroid glands develop from branchial pouch Q326. Dobutamine is preferred to dopamine in shock all of these? less arrhythmia? Q327. CRANIOSACRAL OUTFLOW PARASYMPATHETIC PREGANGLIONIC Q.328 Kidney exposed posteriorly nerve not damaged lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh Q329. RENAL FAILURE WITHOUT OLIGURIA aminoglycoside toxicity Q330. 300 people in a town of 30,000 have a disease, incidence is 10 in 10,000 Q331. lignocaine with adrenaline 1 in 200,000 q332. Impotent quoad hoc impotent to a particular woman Q333. Glycogen phosphorylase Pyridoxal phosphate Q334. Cofactor involved in sulfur containing AA metabolism folic acid q335. Lung ca marker chromogranin Q336. Window period in HIV onset of infection to appearance of antibody

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