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Student Subject Class Date Mark


Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

Unit 1 The Cell

1. Match each kingdom with its definition: Animal Kingdom Plant Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Monera Kingdom Protista Kingdom a. Organisms in this kingdom are multicellular and they produce their own food. b. Organisms in this kingdom dont produce their own food and they dont move from one place to another. c. Organisms in this kingdom dont produce their own food but they can move from one place to another. d. Organisms in this kingdom are unicellular. Their cells have a very basic structure. e. Organisms in this kingdom are unicellular. Some of these organisms can produce their own food.

2. Complete the sentences and write the letter in the picture: a. A ____________ is the basic unit of life. b. Cells that perform the same function group together and form ____________. c. Tissues that perform the same function form ____________. The stomach, the heart and the kidneys are examples of these. d. Organs that work together form ____________. For example, the oesophagus, the stomach, the small and the large intestine form the human digestive system. Different systems form organisms.

3. Write the words in the correct column: Cat Yeast Sunflower Amoeba Bacteria Mould Animal Kingdom ____________ ____________ Plant Kingdom ____________ ____________ Fungi Kingdom ____________ ____________


Algae Apple tree Protista Kingdom ____________ ____________

Monera Kingdom ____________ ____________

4. Read the definitions and write the names. Then write the letters in the cell. a. This part of the cell is composed of water. ____________ b. This part controls the cell. ____________ c. This part is the ____________ skin of the cell.

5. Read the sentences and write True or False: a. Animal cells have a cell wall. ___________ b. Chlorophyll is a green substance that is used in photosynthesis. ___________ c. Multicellular organisms have only one cell. ___________ d. Animal cells can move and change shape. ___________ e. Organisms in the Animal Kingdom cant move from one place to another. ___________ 6. Answer the questions: a. What two types of organisms are there? __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ b. How can microorganisms be for us? _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ c. What four types of germs are there? _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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