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ELSEVIER Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223

A stable isotope study of fossil mammal remains from the

Paglicci cave, southern Italy, 13 to 33 ka BP:
palaeoclimatological considerations
Antonio Delgado Huertas a,b, Paola Iacumin b,c, Antonio Longinelli b,*
a Estaci6n Experimental del Zaidln, CSIC, Prof. Albareda, 1, 18008 Granada, Spain
b Universit~ di Trieste, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via E. Weiss, 6, 34127 Trieste, Italy
c UniversitJ Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6, Laboratoire de BiogJochimie Isotopique, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France

Received 10 September 1996; accepted 18 April 1997


A set of 102 samples of fossil skeletal remains of mammals from a sediment sequence from the Paglicci cave in southern
Italy, was studied for the oxygen isotopic composition of bone and tooth phosphate. The samples belong to Cervus elaphus,
Bos primigenius and Equus caballus and come from various levels of a succession spanning about 33 to 13 ka BP
(calibrated 14C ages). On the basis of X-ray diffraction studies on every sample, most of them show no evidence of
recrystallisation and may thus be considered reliable for isotopic study. 8mOp values range from 16.8%o to 20.5%0
(V-SMOW). Cervus and Bos samples show trends in their isotopic values that are similar to each other. The 6 r o t w
calculated from their ~ t8Op values, using previously established equations, form sections of a climatic curve that agree quite
well with the palaeoclimatological curve obtained from the GRIP ice core, despite minor differences in the timing and
intensity of some climatic events. Despite the relatively low latitude of the area and its central position in the Mediterranean
basin, we may conclude that major climatic changes left their signature on the isotopic composition of the samples studied.
© 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: stable isotopes; phosphate; biogenic apatite; palaeoclimatology

1. Introduction high-elevation tropical ice caps (Guilderson et al.,

1994) provided insights into climate changes mainly
Recent climatic and environmental variations can at high latitudes. However, quantitative data on con-
be evaluated by means of high-resolution proxy cli- tinental areas with temperate or warm climates (low
mate records. Isotopic, chemical and physical analy- and middle latitudes) are relatively scarce. Longinelli
ses of ice cores from polar areas (Dansgaard et al., and Peretti Padalino (1980) and Longinelli (1984)
1993; Kapsner et al., 1995) and, recently, from suggested the possibility of carrying out quantitative
palaeoclimatological investigations on land by study-
ing the oxygen isotopic composition of phosphate
from fossil mammal bones and teeth and relating
* Corresponding author. E-maih these values to the ~ t S o of environmental water.

0009-2541/97/$17.00 ~ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 4 1 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 0 6 6 - 1
212 A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223

According to the results obtained by several authors

(e.g. Koch et al., 1989; Ayliffe et al., 1992; Bryant et
al., 1994; Sanchez Chillon et al., 1994; Iacumin et
al., 1996) the use of isotope analyses on fossil bones
and teeth for quantitative interpretations of palaeocli-
matological and palaeohydrological conditions in
continental areas may be used extensively, at least in
the case of well preserved skeletal remains which did
not undergo taphonomic and diagenetic changes. This
study is a further contribution in this direction, its l
aim being the achievement of quantitative palaeocli- a5o30 ' 16°00 '

matological information on the last glacial and post- 42o(](] '-

glacial time at mid-latitude in a continental area. The

study was carried out on a set of fossils (102 mam-
mal bone and tooth samples) ranging in age between
about 33 ka and 13 ka BP (calibrated ~4C ages) and
coming from the excavations carried out by archae-
ologists in the Paglicci cave.

2. Geography and geomorphology of the area


In the southeasternmost section of Italy (41°39'N,

15°37'E) at the southwestern edge of the Gargano Fig. 1. Geographic position of the cave studied.
promontory (Fig. 1) the Paglicci cave is located at
about 100 m.a.s.l. The maximum elevation of the
promontory, running in a west-east direction for tion close to -6%0 (V-SMOW; unpublished data).
some 60 km, is close to 1000 m.a.s.l. The fossil The environmental conditions change rapidly with
record from the cave and a nearby shelter shows that elevation so that, on the most elevated section of the
they were almost continuously occupied by hominids Gargano promontory, the mean annual temperatures
from about 200 ka to 13 ka (Mezzena and Palma di are about 4°C lower (11 _ I°C) and precipitation is
Cesnola, 1967; Borgognini et al., 1980; Palma di considerably greater (1000 to 1250 mm/year).
Cesnola, 1992). The fossil skeletal material (food
refuse) left by humans provides a long though in-
complete record of palaeoclimatological data through 3. Materials and methods
phosphate isotope (618Op) values.
The elevation of the promontory may complicate The cave is about 60 m long and the sedimentary
things, introducing a further variable in the recon- deposit reaches its maximum thickness (over 8 m) in
struction of palaeoenvironmental conditions. The the first section of the cave, where the archaeological
same consideration applies to the presence of two excavations were carded out on an area of about 140
streams flowing down not far from the cave (Fig. 1) by 160 cm. The 8 m of sediments were divided into
from an elevation of about 500 m and joining a third 26 different levels, each one being in turn subdivided
larger stream which flows from NW to SE along the into various sub-levels. 29 Iac determinations were
edge of the S. Severo-Foggia plain. This plain is carded out on levels containing a measurable char-
part of a warm-temperate area (mean annual temper- coal residue a n d / o r combusted bones.
ature about 15 _+ I°C with precipitations lower than Colleagues of the University of Florence supplied
500 m m / y e a r with a mean oxygen isotopic composi- us with a first set of bone and tooth fragments
A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223 213

157 C. elaphus
Most of the measured bones show no evidence of
recrystallization, their crystallinity index ranging be-
tween zero and 0.15. However, in a few cases
changes of the X-ray curve suggest a beginning of a
recrystallization process (Fig. 2) which, however,
3; 3; 3'1 2r9 2'7 2J5
according to the isotopic results, probably affected
the bone isotopic composition at a very low level.
A portion of each sample, after mechanical clean-
ing, was finely ground in an agate mortar, the amount
154C. elaphus of material varying from a few hundred milligrams
CI = 0.38
in the case of enamel or dentine to 2 or 3 g for bone.
In the case of enamel the powder portion is represen-
tative of the whole tooth. For the measurement of the

Table 1
Age of the stratigraphic levels
3'5 3; ;~ 2'9 2'7 2; Stratig. level Conv. J4C age (BP) a Cal. 14Cage (BP) ~
Ditfr~fionangle(20) 2b 11,440 ± 180 13,355
Fig. 2. Examples of X-ray diffraction patterns obtained from 4 11,950 ± 190 13,955
bones of C. elaphus from the same stratigraphic level; despite the 5 13,590 ± 200 16,290
beginning of recrystallizadon shown by sample No. 154 and the 6 14,270 ± 230 17,105
relatively large difference between the CI values the isotopic 7 14,820 ± 210 17,730
results are quite close to one another: No. 157 C I = O ; 5J8Op 9 15,270 ~ 220 18,200
+ 19.0; sample No. 154 CI = 0.38; 81SOp + 18.5. 10 15,320 5:250 18,245
14b 16,310 ± 350 19,205
15b 16,400 ± 200 19,302
belonging to the Cervus elaphus, Bos primigenius 16a 16,450 5:190 19,365
and Equus caballus :species. The samples seem to be 16b7 17,100 5:300 20,255
fairly well preserved, showing no evidence of disso- 16c2 17,200 5:300 20,405
lution or recrystallization under an optical micro- 17a 17,900 5:300 21,360
scope. X-ray diffraction was carried out on all the 17e 19,600 5:300 23,190
18bl 20,160:1:160 23,836
samples studied to check for the possibility of recrys- 18b2 20,200 ± 350 23,884
tallization processes. The measure of the crystallinity 19a 20,730 _+290 24,480
index (CI) can be a way to estimate the diagenetic 20b 21,260 ± 340 25,095
changes in archaeological and palaeontological bone 20c 22,200 ± 200 26,107
phosphate. It is defined as follows by Person et al. 20e-d 22,630 ± 390 26,650
21a 23,040 ± 380 27,130
(1995): 21b 23,470 5:370 27,600
CI = E{ H[202], H[300], H [ 1 1 2 ] } / H [ 2 1 1 ] 21c 24,2105:300 28,415
21 d 24,720 ± 420 28,965
The height ( H ) is the difference between the 22b 26,800 ± 300 31,243
mean value at the top of each peak and the mean 22f4 28,300 ± 400 32,844
value of the ' valley' separating it from the preceding 23a 28,100 ± 400 32,633
24al 29,300 5:600 33,898
peak (Fig. 2b). The height of the highest peak [211]
24b2 34,000 ± 800 38,690
is measured from the baseline taken between 20 ° and
38 ° 2 0. Samples with a larger crystal size or with a Values from: Azzi et al. (1973, 1974, 1977); Evin et al. (1979);
more ordered crystal structure, have peaks with Palma di Cesnola (1992)).
higher intensities and more sharply defined. Crystal- b The calibrated 14C ages were calculated according to Bard et al.
(1993) and Stuiver and Reimer (1993). The following equation
lographic changes could indicate variations of the was used in the case of conv. 14C ages of 19,000 to 35,000 (BP):
pristine ~18Op values, as suggested by Shemesh Cal. age = - 5 . 8 5 x 10 -6 (14C age) 2 + 1.39(14C age)-- 1807
(1990), Ayliffe et al. (1994) and Bryant (1995). (Stuiver and Reimer (1993), according to E. Bard (pers. commun.).
214 A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223

oxygen isotopic composition of apatite-phosphate, out by means of a Finnigan Delta S mass spectrome-
after a preliminary treatment by means of 30% H202, ter, the overall standard deviation of the measure-
100-120 mg of the powdered sample was dissolved ments being, on average, about ___0.2 to ___0.25%0
in 10 M nitric acid and afterwards treated according (1 o'). All the samples were run at least twice and the
to the chemical procedure described by Tudge (1960) reported data are the mean values of consistent re-
and slightly modified by Longinelli (1965) and by suits.
Kolodny et al. (1983). The final product of the
chemical treatment (BiPO 4) was dried overnight at
about 90°C and then heated in vacuo at 450°C 4. Radiocarbon ages
(Karhu and Epstein, 1986) to obtain the BiPO4-/3
form (Mooney-Slater, 1962) without structural water, The 29 radiocarbon ages available for eighteen of
thereby avoiding subsequent rehydration of the sam- the stratigraphic levels of the Paglicci cave sedi-
pies. The samples were reacted with BrF s at 300°C ments are reported in Table 1. However, in order
for 3 h in nickel reaction vessels. After conversion of better to compare our results to previous data we
02 to CO 2, the isotopic measurements were carried also report the 'corrected' ~4C ages (reported in the

Table 2
Cervus elaphus
Sample No. Stratig. level Conv. 14C age Skeletal component ~ 1 8 0 ( p o 3 - ) vs. V-SMOW * ~lSO(mw)
enamel dentine bone
1 2 metatarsus + 18.6 -6.2
5 3a 11,440 metatarsus + 18.9 - 5.9
10 4b 11,950 tibia + 19.2 - 5.6
15 4c tooth ( M / 3 ) + 17.8 + 18.2 -6.5
20 5a metatarsus + 19.4 - 5.4
25 5b 13,950 tooth (upp. molar) + 18.6 + 18.1 -6.2
29 5c metacarpus + 18.5 - 6.2
33 6a 14,270 tooth (upp. molar) + 17.8 + 16.8 - 6.8
46 6d radius + 18.6 - 6.2
49 7a tooth (upp. molar) + 18.1 + 17.0 -6.6
53 7b 14,820 tooth ( M / 3 ) + 18.5 + 17.5 -6.2
60 7c tooth (upp. premolar) + 18.4 -6.3
63 8a metatarsus + 19.4 - 5.4
67 8b metatarsus + 19.1 - 5.7
75 8d II phalanx + 18.4 -6.3
89 10b metatarsus + 18.9 - 5.9
94 10d 15,320 metatarsus + 18.5 - 6.2
104 10e metacarpus + 18.3 -6.4
118 12f tooth ( P / 3 ) + 17.5 + 18.0 -6.7
126 14b 16,310 metatarsus + 18.6 -6.2
142 18b 20,200 metatarsus + 18.9 - 5.9
147 19a 20,730 metacarpus + 19.5 - 5.4
148 19b tooth ( M / 3 ) + 17.7 + 17.3 - 6.9
154 20a ? + 18.5 -6.2
157 20b 21,260 I phalanx + 19.0 -5.8
160 20c 22,200 tooth ( P / 2 ) and mandib. + 16.8 + 17.6 + 17.8 - 7.7
164 20d 22,630 metatarsus + 20.3 - 4.6
168 20e tibia + 20.5 - 4.5
174 21a 23,040 radius + 19.5 -5.4
177 21b 23,470 tibia + 19.0 -5.8
182 22f 28,300 tooth (upp. molar) + 19.5 + 19.2 -5.4

* The ~180 of meteoric water (~lSOmw) is given only for enamel and bone samples according to the equation reported by D'Angela and
Longinelli (1990).
A. Delgado Huertas et al./ Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223 215

current literature as 'calibrated' a n d / o r 'calendar' in Keigwin and Jones (1994) elaborated by E. Bard,
ages) along with the conventional 14C data. The was used. The equation is as follows:
corrected ages back to 22 ka were calculated accord- Cal. age = - 5 . 8 5 . 1 0 - 6 (14 C age) 2
ing to the method suggested by Bard et al. (1993)
and by Stuiver and Reimer (1993). In the case of + 1.39(14Cage) -- 1807
ages from 19 ka to about 35 ka the equation reported where ~4C age refers to the conventional age. Even

Table 3
Bos primigenius
Sample No. Stratig level Conv. 14C age Skeletal component ~ l S o ( p o 3 - ) vs. V-SMOW * ~180~mw)
enamel dentine bone
2 2 11,440 tooth ( P / 3 ) + 19.2 + 18.3 - 5.6
6 3a tooth ( M / 2 ) + 18.8 + 18.4 -6.0
11 4b 11,950 tooth ( P / 3 ) + 19.8 +20.1 -5.0
16 4c tooth ( M / l ) + 19.7 +20.3 - 5.1
21 5a metatarsus + 18.9 - 5.9
26 5b 13,590 tooth ( M / 1 ) + 19.0 + 19.4 -5.8
30 5c tooth ( M / l ) + 17.4 + 18.6 -7.4
34 6a 14,270 tooth (incisor) + 17.9 + 18.3 -6.9
39 6b tooth ( P / 4 ) + 18.1 + 17.9 - 6.7
50 7a 14,820 metatarsus + 18.9 - 5.9
54 7b metatarsus + 19.0 - 5.8
58 7c tooth ( P / 2 ) + 18.6 + 18.0 - 6.2
68 8b metacarpus + 19.3 - 5.4
73 8c metacarpus + 18.3 - 6.5
76 8d tooth ( M / 3 ) + 18.7 + 18.8 -6.1
86 lOa 15,320 I phalanx + 18.6 - 6.2
95 lOd tooth ( P / 4 ) + 19.3 + 18.7 - 5.5
98 lOeI tibia + 18.5 -6.3
99 lOeII ? + 18.9 -5.9
101 lOeIII metatarsus + 18.4 - 6.4
108 lOeIV tibia + 18.0 - 6.8
110 lla metatarsus +18.1 -6.7
111 11c mandible +18.6 -6.2
116 12e metatarsus + 18.6 - 6.2
119 12f radius + 18.9 - 5.9
121 12g metatarsus + 17.6 - 7.2
123 12, 13, 14 metatarsus + 18.1 -6.7
127 14b 16,310 metatarsus + 18.4 - 6.4
132 15b 16,400 metatarsus + 18.4 -6.4
134 16a 16,450 metacarpus + 18.1 -6.7
137 17b 17,900 metacarpus + 18.7 -6.1
143 18b 20,200 metacarpus + 19.2 -5.6
149 19b 20,730 tooth ( M / l ) and mandib. + 17.6 + 17.8 + 17.6 -7.26
155 20a metacarpus + 18.3 - 6.5
161 20c 22,200 metatarsus + 17.6 - 7.2
165 20d 22,630 metatarsus + 18.6 - 6.2
180 22a metapode + 18.4 -6.4
181 22d ? + 18.1 -6.7
183 22f metacarpus + 17.9 - 6.9
185 23a 28,100 metapode + 18.5 -6.3

* The 8180 of meteoric water (~lSOmw) is given only for enamel and bone samples according to the equation reported by D'Angela and
Longinelli (1990).
216 A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223

though this equation is considered tentative by Bard, Tooth enamel is widely accepted as the most
the calculated calendar ages are consistent with other reliable material for 6 lSOp analyses. The high chem-
information according to Keigwin and Jones (1994) ical stability of enamel, stemming from its miner-
and, at present, they seem to be a reliable means of alogical purity, low solubility and porosity and rela-
calendar chronology. tively large crystal size probably contribute to its
capability to retain a pristine stable-isotope composi-
tion throughout long periods (at least 4.0 Ma and
5. Results and discussion even more according to Ayliffe et al., 1994, Bryant
5.1. Differences between bone, dentine and enamel et al., 1994, Bryant, 1995). However, unlike bone
isotopic results phosphate, tooth phosphate does not renew during
the lifetime of an individual. T h e t$18Op value of
The 6180 of bone and tooth phosphate from deer teeth and bones can then differ in the same specimen
(C. elaphus), cattle (B. primigenius) and horse (E. as a result of individual migration and the timing of
caballus) samples are reported in Tables 2-4, re- tooth enamel formation relative to that of bone phos-
spectively, versus the V-SMOW isotopic standard. phate (Levinson et al., 1987). This is particularly

Table 4
Equus caballus
Sample No. Stratig. level Cony. 14C age Skeletal component ~lSo(PO43-) vs. V-SMOW * ~180(mw)
enamel dentine bone
13 4b 11,950 tooth (P/2) +20.4 +20.2 -3.1
18 4c metapode +19.0 -5.1
28 5b 13,590 tooth (M/3) +19.5 +19.0 -4.4
41 6b 14,270 tooth (M/2) +17.8 +17.7 -6.7
44 6c tibia +18.3 -6.1
47 6d tooth (P/2) +18.8 +18.6 -5.4
56 7b 14,820 metacarpus +18.8 -5.4
61 7c tooth (incisor) +19.2 +19.1 -4.8
70 8b tooth (M/1) +18.9 +19.1 -5.2
74 8c tooth (upp. molar) +18.3 +19.1 -6.1
82 9a 15,270 metapode +19.4 -4.5
84 9d tooth (P/3) +19.2 +18.7 -4.8
87 10a metapode +20.0 -3.7
92 10c tooth (P/2; milk) +19.2 +19.6 -4.8
96 10d 15,320 metapode +19.4 -4.5
103 10elII tooth (P/2) +19.0 +19.2 -5.0
109 10elV tibia +18.9 -5.2
112 llc metacarpus +19.2 -4.8
114 12b metapode +19.6 -4.2
120 12f tooth (M/1) +19.4 +19.9 -4.5
124 12,13, 14 metacarpus +18.8 -5.3
129 14b 16,310 metapode +19.2 -4.8
133 15b 16,400 radius +19.9 -3.8
135 16a 16,450 radius +19.0 -5.0
144 18b 20,200 metacarpus +18.6 -5.6
151 19b 20,730 metapode +18.3 -6.1
158 20b 21,260 metapode +18.3 -6.1
166 20d metapode +17.8 -6.8
170 20e 22,630 I phalanx +18.5 -5.8

* The illSo of meteoric water (~18 OmW) is given only for enamel and bone samples according to the equation reported by Delgado Huertas
et al., 1995.
A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223 217

true for the teeth that mineralise during the weaning Dentine is also considered to be less resistant than
period which records some nursing effects. Recent tooth enamel to diagenesis; almost all the measured
studies showed that the isotopic composition of isotopic differences between these two compounds
phosphate oxygen varies not only between different are within the estimated reproducibility ( + 2 o - =
teeth from the same jaw of modem and fossil ani- + 0.4 to +0.5 per mil) (Fig. 3) In fact, om of 32
mals but even within a single tooth in some mam- teeth measured for both enamel and dentine only 5
malian species, thereby yielding seasonal informa- (about 15%) show A180 values exceeding +0.8 per
tion (Bryant et al., 1996; Fricke and O'Neil, 1996). mil. Taking into account the different behaviour of
These differences may lead to erroneous palaeocti- these two substances as regards their response to
matological interpretations. Bones, when isotopically taphonomic and diagenetic processes, these data seem
well preserved, are therefore to be preferred to teeth to support the overall reliability of the isotopic re-
for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction also because suits obtained. This is probably due either to the
of the long residence time, with respect to seasonal relatively young age of the samples or to the 'pro-
variation, of phosphate molecules in bone which tected' environment inside the cave, a relatively fast
warrants a better statistical meaning of bone samples burial of skeletal remains and a fairly constant tem-
from the climatological point of view. perature.
In the case of horse and wild ox samples there are
no statistically meaningful differences between bone
and tooth 6180. wflues (Tables 3 and 4). On the 5.2. Relationship between 6180p and 61SOw
contrary, the S lgop values of deer teeth are system-
atically ~so-depleted compared to bone values (Ta- A comparison among the isotopic results obtained
ble 2). The only sample for which both tooth and jaw from the three species in terms of palaeoclimatologi-
bone were measured agrees with the general be- cal conditions is possible after conversion of these
haviour. Since diagenetic processes normally affect data to 8 ~80 values of environmental water.
preferentially bones leading to an ~80 depletion, this The oxygen isotopic composition of local envi-
effect cannot refer to post-depositional processes. ronmental water ( 618 Ow) calculated from the 618 Op
The meaning of the observed difference is not clear values is reported in Tables 2-4. This can be done
and may perhaps be: referred to a residence time of according to the isotopic equations suggested by
fawns at a higher elevation. D'Angela and Longinelli (1990) for Cervus and Bos
and by Delgado Huertas et al. (1995) for Equus.
These equations take into account the different
metabolic processes characteristic of each species
and the overall isotopic fractionation of the oxygen
9- taken in. These values may be accepted assuming
t, 8- that: (1) modem deer, cattle and horses take in water
~'7- from grass and leaves and free water as did their
fossil analogues; (2) in the hypothesis of domestica-
.~5- tion of the animals studied (cattle and horses) no
changes in 818Op was caused by human influence.
3- The same results are reported graphically in Fig. 4
2- versus the stratigraphic position o f the relevant sam-
1- ples.
0- One of the problems related to the interpretation
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
of the isotope data from this group of samples is the
A1~:Op(~18Oenamel.818Odentine) different mobility of the various species. In the area
Fig. 3. Histogram repor6ng the frequency distribution of tooth
studied, Cervus may have moved rapidly to areas
samples showing isotopic differences between enamel and dentine with different elevation, Equus may have moved
(A~80 values) subdivided into classes of 0.5 units per mil. over relatively long distances in fiat areas, while Bos
218 A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223

was obviously rather slow in its displacements, and 8b) while they are almost systematically ~80-en-
spending most of the time in a relatively small area. riched in the case of all other samples. This different
One could therefore expect a rather wide range of behaviour is rather difficult to explain: in fact, since
isotopic values from deer and a considerably narrow diagenetic effects tend to deplete samples in ~80, it
one from cattle and horses assuming that the dis- is unlikely that such an effect may have affected deer
placements of horse herds probably took place pref- and cattle samples on discrete levels with only minor
erentially across the plain. effects on horse remains. Moreover, the minor
changes suggested by X-ray diffraction patterns on
5.3. Horse temporal pattern the samples studied make it improbable to ascribe
these differences to post-depositional phosphate-
Despite the previous considerations, it is apparent water oxygen isotope exchange. The interpretation
(Fig. 4) that horse results are very close to deer and that we can suggest at present is that different causes
cattle data for ages older than about 24 ka (strati- may have contributed to these isotopic differences
graphic level 17c) and younger than 18 ka (levels 6 but they seem to be mainly related to a different

" Deer (C. elaphus)

...o .... Wild ox (B. primigenius)

Horse (E. caballus)





.~,. ., .... ~...~" ~

' / ::

-8 III II lit I I I I I I l l l l l l l l II II IIIIIIIII I I I I I I I l l l i l l l l l l II I I I

Strafigraphic level
Fig. 4. Oxygen isotopic composition of environmental water calculated from the glgOp values according to the equations proposed by
D'Angela and Longinelli (1990) for C. elaphus and B. taurus and by Delgado Huertas et al. (t995) for E. caballus. These values are
reported according to the stratigraphic position of the relevant samples. Some calibrated 14C ages are also reported for a better chronological
framing of the curve.
A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223 219

behaviour of the tl~ee species as a response to stratigraphic sequence (Fig. 4), apart from a few
periods with different mean values of environmental cases (e.g. samples from levels 4c, 6b, and 12f),
humidity. In fact, while normally horses also feed on despite the observed differences between deer tooth
dry grass (heavily enriched in 180), cattle and deer and bone isotopic values (Table 2). The observed
avoid as much as possible dry environments. Arid similarity could suggest that deer generally remained
conditions may also have affected in different ways in areas at relatively low elevation and that there was
the isotopic composiition of the streams crossing the a good similarity between the mean values of water
plain or directly flowing from the promontory. ingested by the specimens of the two species, despite
Owing to the good agreement between the iso- their different behaviour (deer is a browser and wild
topic values of cattle and deer, we will consider only ox a grazer).
B. primigenius and C. elaphus for the following The mean t~8Ow values obtained from these two
discussion. species are reported in Fig. 5 versus the stratigraphic
levels of the relevant samples and the calibrated 14C
5.4. Wild ox and deer temporal patterns ages. The two main features of the reported curve are
the large oscillations between 26,650 and 24,480
The values of/~ 180w calculated from B. primige- years BP and the overall evolution towards ~80-en-
nius and C. elaphus are rather similar along the riched values which is apparent between about 19,300



-5. 1


I =i~O"

-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [ t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Stratigraphic level
Fig. 5. Mean ~ 180 values of environmental water calculated from deer and cattle samples reported according to the stratigraphic position of
the samples. Some calibrated 14C ages are also reported for a better chronological framing of the curve. The mean standard deviation of the
phosphate isotope measurements is about + 0.2 per rail (1 o" ). The slopes of the deer and cattle isotope equations (D'Angela and Longinelli,
1990) are close to unity and, consequently, the mean standard deviation of glsO(H20) values is practically identical to that of phosphate.
220 A. Delgado Huertas et aL / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223

years BP and the top of the sequence. Obviously 5.5. Palaeoclimatological considerations
some of the oscillations of the 6 ~80w values may not
be meaningful also because of the relatively small For palaeoclimatological purposes only the great-
number of samples measured. In addition, the analyt- est t5180, variations and the overall temporal pattern
ical error and the intraspecific variations should be are taken into account.According to the data ob-
considered. Longinelli (1984) and D'Angela and tained, major cooling events took place at about 26
Longinelli (1990), studying groups of specimens of ka and 24.8 ka; similar events are recorded at about
the same species from the same location, quoted 19 ka and 16.5 ka, minor oscillation of the curve
mean standard deviations of the intraspecific values taking place repeatedly at different levels. Several
of about 0.2 to 0.3%~ (1 tr). Therefore, only isotopic episodes of 180 enrichment are also recorded, the
variations equal to or greater than 1 ~ unit could be largest one being shown by deer samples at about
considered representative of climatic changes with 26,650 years BP. As previously pointed out the
reasonable confidence. overall evolution towards 180-enriched values from

331 I iiiiil

-34_35 iiiiiiili!i!ii!
i i l i!

0 -37-
~ -38- .-1

-41- iil i !
'-3 ~"13
-42- •

-43 --4 _~.

El "-6

i i i ¸¸i! iilii!
I l I I


Age BP
Fig. 6. Oxygenisotopiccompositionof local meteoricwatercalculatedfromthe ~JSOpvaluescomparedto the isotopiccurveobtainedfrom
the GRIPGreenlandice core
A. Delgado Huertas et al. / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223 221

level 12g to the top of the sequence seems to be in the Mediterranean basin has a slope of 0.39%0 per
particularly meaningful, suggesting an overall cli- °C (Eriksson, 1965, 1966; Hauser et al., 1980). Us-
matic improvement (well documented by means of ing this gradient in the studied area the calculated
many other measurements in a number of papers) difference of the isotopic composition of precipita-
taking place through time despite the repeated oscil- tions between the maximum (at about 26,500 BP)
lations of the environmental conditions. and the minimum (at about 19,000 BP) (2.8%0 in
This pattern is more evident in Fig. 6 where the 180) would correspond to a decrease in the yearly
t~180w values are reported versus the 14C age, the mean air temperature of about 7°C. This temperature
chronological position of each sample being interpo- change seems to be quite a large one. On the basis of
lated from the available 14C ages. Despite the possi- the worldwide gradient (0.7%0 per °C, Dansgaard,
ble errors (uncertainty in the 14C ages and in the 1964) the change would amount to about 4°C. How-
exact stratigraphical position of the samples) the ever, because of the uncertainty in the reliability of
curve described by the 618Ow values between about the calculated slope in the case of Pleistocene envi-
19 ka and 13 ka corresponds fairly well to the known ronmental conditions we are unable to discuss this
sequence of climatic: events as recorded by the iso- point further.
topic curve obtained from the GRIP ice core
(Dansgaard et al., 1993) despite the large latitudinal
difference. This is quite encouraging from the point 6. Conclusions
of view of the palaeoclimatological interpretation of
bone and tooth isotopic data. In fact, despite the The following conclusions can be drawn from the
incompleteness of our curve, the difficulties arising isotopic study carried out on the skeletal remains
from timing correlations and the differential response from the Paglicci cave.
of the various techniques of study to climatic events, 1. Despite the relative weakness of bones in with-
some apparent correlations may be settled. One of standing diagenetic processes, it seems that the
the most important i,; between 19,500 ka and 16,000 samples studied preserved their isotopic composi-
ka where the climatic improvement is apparent, fol- tion fairly well, so that the results obtained and
lowed by a rapid deterioration at 16,500 ka referred the palaeoclimatological considerations based on
to the Oldest Dryas. these values may be considered meaningful.
Chronological correlations among marine, conti- 2. Two of the studied species (Bos and Cervus)
nental and polar environments and climatic events yield similar trends of climatic evolution. From
are always very difficult. the top of the section to level 6 and from level 8b
Moreover, oxygen isotope records of foraminiferal to level 16 (Fig. 4) horses yield heavier isotopic
sequences in the M~:diterranean basin are, unfortu- values. A possible interpretation of this discrep-
nately, either not well detailed in the time period ancy may refer to a different behaviour of the
considered or chronologically not sufficiently de- three species as a response to periods with differ-
fined to allow comparisons with our isotopic curve. ent mean values of environmental humidity.
If we take into account the modem mean isotopic 3. The sections of climatic curve that may be drawn
composition of local meteoric water in the Paglicci according to the reported data agree quite well
area (close to -6%° or slightly heavier) the ~ 180 w with other previously published palaeoclimatolog-
values referred to the coldest episodes are lighter by ical curves based on completely different mea-
about 1.2 to 1.5%o. These values seem acceptable surements and criteria. Minor differences in the
even though they should be partially corrected for timing or intensity of some climatic events may
the isotopic change of Mediterranean sea water be noticed, even though these differences do not
through time, a change that cannot be easily assessed alter the substantial agreement between the differ-
during the studied period. ent studies.
The empirical relationship between the annual 4. The overall change which can be calculated for
mean 6180 of local precipitations and the mean the isotopic composition of local meteoric water
annual air temperature obtained from modem values during the studied period is of about 2.8 per mil.
222 A. Delgado Huertas et a l . / Chemical Geology 141 (1997) 211-223

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