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Abortion is necessity

1. Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before it is viable.


First Point - To control the human population 1. Religion reason 2. Environmental Concern 3. Over Population

Second Point - Medical issues/reasons 1. Danger to mother 2. Disability baby

Third Point - Raped Case 1. Negative images can arrive 2. To prevent the victims life in danger 3. Trauma of dead


Abortion is not a murder it is necessity.

In this world, sometimes women really need this abortion because financial they cant able to grow up a child. So to overcome this problem, most of the women undergo this treatment. Other than that, some of the women also choose to have abortion because they are not emotionally prepared to give a birth to a baby. Well, abortion defines as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before it is viable. Abortion, when induced in accordance with the local law, is among the safest procedures in medicine. However, unsafe abortions (those performed by persons without proper training or outside of a medical environment) result in approximately 70 thousand deaths and 5 million disabilities per year globally each year, with 20 million of those performed unsafely. Life begins at conception which forms an unborn child (or "fetus"). Abortion is an intentional violent act that kills an unborn baby, without any anaesthesia, the baby is dismembered, torn apart, and vacuumed out of the mother.

Firstly, abortion is necessity because it can able to control the human population on this world. Historically, human population has been increase especially in countries such as China, Iran and India. So government of countries that has been mentioned has been implemented by limiting the birth rate ever year and also has been undertake as a response to facts such as religion reasons and environmental concern. For example in India, governments limited the birth rate for a family which a married couple can only have two children.Goverment has been offering incentives for families that accepted for sterilization. Additionally India was the first country to take measure for family planning which is in

1951.Similarry, population system in China is one-child policy in which with having more than one child is discourage. Those who didnt follow this policy can be fined. Besides that, abortion also undertaken due to some medical issues or reasons on both mother and the baby. Sometime pregnancy can bring a lot of danger and can put the mothers life in risk. So to overcome this major problem, most of women prefer to have abortion rather than taking the risk. Let say if a women older than 40 become pregnant, for the first time there is the risk that the child can be mongoloid. Mongoloid children tend to be handicapped and need to live in institutions. So to overcome this problem abortion can be the best solution. Other than that, young women who going to give birth have a slightly higher risk of preeclampsia, a dangerous pregnancy condition that causes high blood pressure and protein in the urine, than women in their middle 20s and early 30s. This is largely due to the fact that women in their early 20s are most likely to be having their first baby, which is a risk factor for the condition. Doctors are unsure why some women get preeclampsia, and the condition is a serious one. It can lead to a slowdown of fatal growth and preterm delivery. So abortion can be a best solution. Besides that, mother who practice alcohol which should not be taken, has the high risk to born a baby with a disability or a genetic abnormality absorption. Although a few medications, such as medicines used for epilepsy, are associated with increased risks for certain birth defects, most commonly prescribed drugs are not associated with a significant risk of birth defects.

Thirdly, rape and abortion are much in the news and media now days. When a woman has been raped she will feel guilt, sadness and depression. Victims usually feel dirty. So in this case, if a mother does not wish to have a child and she was forcefully to have a child against her will then the mother have the all the rites to have abortion. A woman whos been raped

may afraid to give birth to a child because she fear that the baby will look like or remind her the attacker. When she think or look at her baby negative thoughts or images can be rises. She may think that her child will grow up as a criminal like the father. So to avoid all this, women can undergo abortion.

In the Nutshell, I will say that this abortion is necessary in this world. Abortion not encourages to take place but women has made their choice for hundred years, due to several reasons. Abortion is already acceptable in United States and several European countries. But still in some part of Asia, people disagree with this position. Most of them talks about religion, that children are view as a gift from the God and also about several moral issues .So, I conclude that abortion is not a murder. It is necessity.


Abortion: Murder or Necessity by MhizBoss, November 2012 Retrieved from

The Advantage Of Abortion by Fern Hill, Retrieved from

Pregnancy At Different Ages: 20s,30s and 40s by American Baby, Retrieved from

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