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The Twisted Artist For all of our sins you cannot truly engage me, for all that

I have seen has merely enraged me, such things are evident from the first page of mans history, just seeing the sea abruptly rise depicts the end of our sad story. For all stand still, momentarily stunned, when they read how who lead kill those oh so young, these baptised and franchised with their sly smiles and guns, it seems the lucky ones were those incapable of gripping lifes first rung. But we run and run scared from this rat race here on Hell, insolently ignoring the ones who cannot tell, who cannot speak from dehydration brought about by the lack of clean wells, well welcome to the future as foreseen in Orwells worlds. The picture that is being painted is most bleak, thats for sure, but it does not have to remain this way always and forever more, as all that is needed is love and a globally united rapport, and together we can begin to repair and restore.

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