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Chapter 9 Family vales: undoing tribalism Jesus was radically inclusive for his day Israels God was

the God of universe yet they still they had the sense that He was their God only/specifically- they were his chosen people He was the Jewish God despite God being clear that was using them (the Jews) for a reason First century mindset was one therefore of Tribalism- despite Gods challenge to be a light to the Gentiles Eg Ruth Group of people who saw themselves as an extended family Tribalism on steroids They were called to be a Community that was distinct from surrounding nations When God calls people or groups of people there is a tendency to say I am the centre of how God is working - other denominations are fine- but God loves us more- we are therefore more right! What is my tribe? Where do I draw the line around me? Who is in - who is out? Eg denomination, theological position, class, age, stage Story of Israel is my story We can feign unity but our fallen nature wants us to hear there is no church like ours We need to celebrate what God is doing in our church and celebrate what is going on in other churches and denominations Luke 4 Nation waiting for a rescuer Now fulfilled! But wait- isnt this Joseph's son Everybody knows Joseph Either - Looking down their nose at him or proud of Joseph- he is one of our boys! Probable latter as they enjoyed what he said Jesus takes 2 stories from OT A widow and leper- marginalised people in society Stories of blessing God is welcoming Gentiles and people who are broken

Response is Outrage - throw him of a cliff There was a cliff for this purpose! Yet Jesus just walked away! - how? Ironically- the cliff is to far to walk to on the Sabbath Ie would break Torah if Jews took him to the hill Jesus keeps walking! Ie Jesus breaks rules in eyes of the Jews- punishment to be thrown off a cliff And the rule of how far you can walk on the Sabbath stops the Jews carrying out the punishment dictated by the rules!! John 3 :16 Jesus in discussion with a rabbi Whosoever........ Inclusive Believe in Jesus- no religious system A lot of religious systems are not friends of the marginalised eg Koran only way to understand it is to have knowledge of Arabic - exclusive Note list at end of the chapter Any of the people create us versus them mentality Samaritans are the out group to the Jews Tax collector and Pharisee praying together in the temple - thank you I am not like ....... - Tax collector owning his own sin to be commended contrast with Pharisee Need to understand myself as being rescued from my own ditch which allows empathy to be extended to others - their story is my story Take the plank out of your eye Beware of your own judgment thoughts! Confront and replace them with - here is someone who is infinitely precious to God -how can I serve them? Gal 3 There is no Jew, or Greek No longer slave or free Male or female We are all one in Christ

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