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Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean that is the favourite

theory among many scientists all over the world. Just because Plato mentioned an empire in the Atlantic Ocean? No! There is considerable circumstancial evidence for a land bridge or a huge island in the Atlantic Ocean. According to Platos report, Atlantis should be situated between Spain, North Africa and Central America. This is exactly where the Canary Islands are and the Atlantic Ridge, one of the worlds most unstable regions. Moreover, this is also the location of the Azores and, further westward, the Caribbean area with its huge and small islands.

picture above: In 1665, the German Jesuite priest Athanasius Kircher created this inverted map of Atlantis. Turning the map results in an image of the Central Atlantic plateau around the Azores. What is unusual about that is that people at that time had only little knowledge about the nature of the sea bed. Were some ancient notes available to the Jesuit priests enabling them to create such a map?

From time immemorial, the Atlantic Ridge from Iceland to South America has been an area of considerable seismic activity. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are nothing extraordinary. The Atlantic Ocean Catastrophes: In 1669, a major part of the notorious pirate island Port Royal sank due to an disastrous earthquake. In 1775, Lisbon, which is on a parallel with the Azores at a latitude of 39 43'/36 55' N, was badly hit by a devastating earthquake killing 60 000 people. Moreover, both the harbour and the docks sank 200 metres to the ground. In 1783, one fifth of the Icelandic population fell victim to a catastrophic earthquake.

In 1811, on the Azores, a volcanic island named Sambrina rose some thousand metres to the surface and sank again shortly after. The islands of Corvi and Flores constantly change their shape and parts of them are swallowed up by the sea. To the best of present knowledge there is an underwater area with deep valleys and high mountains around the Azores and the Canary Islands. Reducing the sea level by 150 metres to the Ice Age level brings about a huge piece of land which, however, does not match the dimensions Plato wrote about. Nevertheless, further westward, in the Caribbean area, a huge land mass comes into existence which perfectly meets Platos records. The Atlantic Ocean Facts: In 1969, by order of Duke University, an expedition to the Aves Ridge in the Caribbean Sea found granite on fifty locations. Usually, granite is found only onshore or where once had been solid ground. In 1898, 750 km north of the Azores, the transatlantic cable broke. On this occasion, rock samples were taken from a depth of 17 000 fathoms. A close examination came to the result that the rock samples consisted of tachylyte, a lava-like substance. Yet this mineral would not emerge unless above sea level and under atmospheric pressure. Moreover, it will decompose after 15 000 years. This means that once there had been mainland. In a depth of up to 1 000 metres, coastal sand was found on the reefs of the Azores. However, it usually only appears on flat beaches. In 1936, the Geological Society of America conducted a study of sunken river canyons in the Atlantic Ocean. It says that rivers on the European, the North African and the American side sank into the continental sockets for up to 300 km in length and 2 km in depth. That means that in the Pleistocene Age, that is when mankind emerged, the sea level underwent a change in depth up to 2 000 metres.

The Atlantic Ridge one of the worlds most nororious regions in terms of seismic activity. Decreasing the sea level by 300 to 400 metres brings about a huge land mass that would perfectly fit Platos descriptions. In Critias, Plato writes:

(...)In the next place, they had fountains, one of cold and another of hot water, in gracious plenty flowing; and they were wonderfully adapted for use by reason of the pleasantness and excellence of their waters. They constructed buildings about them and planted suitable trees, also they made cisterns, some open to the heavens, others roofed over, to be used in winter as warm baths (...) Usually, these warm and cold springs manifest themselves within continental

zones. An example for this is Iceland where people use the warm springs to supply themselves with heat and energy just as Plato put it. Yet the Wrm Ice Age 12 000 years ago is not a suitable candidate to have reduced the sea level along the Atlantic Ridge. Did, then, the catastrophe in the Atlantic Ocean indeed happen? That desaster with its devastating earthquakes and inundations that caused the mid-Atlantic Ridge to sink? Or is it all about an inundation of the Caribbean area with its shallow waters? Also, the point in time when the glaciers melted would perfectly meet the time of the disappearance of Atlantis as has been indicated by Plato. Read the following excerpt from the Critias dialogue: (...)Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe. (...)

A further mystery concerns the migrations of the European eels. These animals spawn in the Sargasso Sea west of the United States of America. The newborn eels start their three years long eastbound migration following the Gulf Stream to the European rivers. Having reached sexual maturity they migrate back to the Sargasso Sea within four months, however leaving the Azores to their left this time. It has been proven that the eels need freshwater to reach maturity but why do they venture on this long journey across the Atlantic Ocean? Could it be that the eels have a genetic memory of a mainland with freshwater in the Atlantic Ocean but cannot find it again because it sank? Is that why they keep on migrating until they reach Europe? Another phenomenon relates to the suicide of the Norwegian lemmings. Every year when their homeland is running short of food, these little rodents start migrating westwards. At the end of their migration they jump into the ocean and continue swimming westwards until they drown. What is it these animals are after in the ocean? Are they following a basic instinct driving them into the ocean? Are they looking for a land that offered them plenty of food a long time ago? Was this land Atlantis, located in the Atlantic Ocean according to Plato?

Atlantis on the island of Thera

this view is mainly based upon the theories of the archaeologists Dr Angelos Galanopoulos and Dr Spiridon Marinatos. They claim that the catastrophic volcanic eruption that affected the island of Thera in 1500 BC was in fact the doom of Atlantis.

This eruption tore off a substantial part of the island which then sank in the Aegean Sea. From that point in time the island had the shape of a sickle. Thera is situated north of the island of Crete and southeast of Greece in the Mediterranean Sea. This map elaborated by the Greek seismologist Dr A. Galanopoulos shows the island of Thera. He suggests that the capitol of Atlantis was located in the centre of the crater. The circular walls and channels described in the Atlantis report are clearly depicted. Consider the following excerpt from Platos dialogue: (...)First of all they bridged over the zones of sea which surrounded the ancient metropolis, making a road to and from the royal palace.(...) Scientists have figured out that the explosion of the volcanic eruption equalled the energy of a hundred H-bombs. Adding to Thera those parts of the island that had been torn off and, in addition, taking into account that the Egyptian priests might have made a mistake in their translation into the Greek language in that they translated the Egyptian sign for hundred with thousand leads to the assumption that Thera or Crete would perfectly fit into the story of Atlantis. As far as Thera is concerned, the mistake in the translation would point out the following: the number of inhabitants on Thera would decrease to an imaginable extent the plain mentioned in the Atlantis report would then apply to Thera the legendary fleet would be reduced to a few ships the date would enter a period conceivable to mankind, that is 950 BC Nevertheless, there remains some doubt: the signs for hundred and thousand look so different that they can hardly be confused. The blast and the tidal wave caused by the explosion could could have caused the doom of this advanced civilization. Moreover, the Minoic culture on Crete is equally likely to have been hit by the tidal wave and was thus doomed to perish. Hence, stronger nations were put in a position to subjugate the people of Crete without greater effort.


Being a careful reader of the Greek mythology, I came across the following:

When the citizens of Athens made the goddess Athena their patron goddess, the sea god Poseidon got so upset that he instantly flooded Athens and all its surroundings. Could the catastrophe of Thera be the starting point of that myth? There is no doubt that the tidal wave caused by the volcanic eruption had been powerful enough to flood southern parts of Greece. Is the apocalypse of Thera the starting point of the Flood legends in the Mediterranean area? ATHENE POSEIDON

Comprehensive excavations on the islands of Thera and Crete prove that once there had been a very advanced civilization. Evidence is provided by a unique art collection including coloured glasses, water pipes, modern bathing facilities and remarkably luxurious mansions. Temples such as Knossos Palace have been excavated, reminding of Atlantean descriptions. The island of Crete has been populated since 6000 BC and had its heyday between 2200 and 1450 BC. On Thera, a script had been found that could not be deciphered yet. There is, however, no doubt that the well-known but equally undeciphered Linear A script is based upon that very script. In addition, the script of Linear B was developed on the island of Crete. After World War II, Michael Ventris decoded the Linear B signs and found out that this script was the predecessor of todays Greek language. In his dialogues, Plato also points to the fact that the Greek people had to regain their knowledge including their script again and again. Did Plato use Atlantis to digest Greek history? And could it be that the Atlanteans were in fact the Minoans who suppressed the Greek mainland at that time? Around 1500 BC, the Minoic High Culture on Thera and Crete was ahead of its time but the volcanic eruption led to the doom of the Minoic empire. The tidal waves caused by the explosion and the volcanic ash rain are likely to have inflicted severe difficulties upon the culture. Accordingly, the Minoans were easy prey for the Achaeans who were next to rule over the country.

As is the case with Atlantis, the Minoic culture also maintained a bull cult, therefore bullfights were a familiar sight. In Greek mythology, the reader comes across a section about the Minotaur, a creature with a human body but a bull's head that was held prisoner on the island of Crete. Every year, human sacrifices were made to the Minotaur. The Greek hero Theseus finally killed the beast. The record of the labyrinth is probably an allusion to Knossos Palace with its winding passages.

It is common knowledge that the Minoans were a powerful trading nation with their influence spread over the whole Mediterranean area. Imagine the following situation: After the volcanic eruption, the Egyptians, somewhat limited in their power after the volcanic eruption, never again heard anything about the Minoans. As a result, they created a nice myth of a superior empire that provoked its own doom by the unbelievable arrogance (the lucrative trade routes and the predominance in the Mediterranean area) of its population. Now this story is passed on by the declining empire of Egypt to the ascendant people of Greece. But not for the myths sake not at all. The story was told in the sense of a warning. That warning was meant to illustrate that excessive power and wealth directly lead to pride. Pride, in turn, results in inattention to the political operations of the surrounding countries. And that was exactly what happened: 100 years leter, Philip II of Macedonia conquered the Greek world the warning had failed.

Atlantis on Thera the advantage of this simple explanation of the Atlantis mystery lies in the fact that Thera is still accessible. Researchers can visit and examine the whole island. In his reports, however, Plato claims that Atlantis is situated beyond the Pillars of Heracles, that is west of Europe. Also, the Thera theory misses the opposite continent, for the old Egypts surely did not mean Europe or did they?

Atlantis on the Spain and Tartessos - In the south of Spain the

city of Cadiz is located which was called Gades in 300 BC and, prior to that time, Gadeira (the city was part of the powerful commercial empire of the Phoenicians). As a matter of fact, there is nothing unusual to that since many cities were renamed in the course of time. But lets have another look at the Atlantis report: (...)To his twin brother, who was born after him, and obtained as his lot the extremity of the island towards the Pillars of Heracles, facing the country which is now called the region of Gades in that part of the world, he gave the name which in the Hellenic language is Eumelus, in the language of the country which is named after him, Gadeirus (...) It is in this section that the reader gets information about how the city or the region was named after a king of Atlantis, that is Gadeiros.

Another puzzle lies in the origin of the megalith culture. We all know Stonehenge or the alignments of Carnac, bearing witness to that culture. The origin of this culture (ca. 5000 BC) is to be found in the south of Spain where Gadeirus and the lost kingdom of Tartessos are supposed to have been located. The megalith culture was strongly influenced by the northern part of Africa. Were Atlantean refugees the conveyors of culture to that region? That could be possible since, according to the records of North African tribes, the western island kingdom was known as Atarantes or Atlantioi.

The Basque language is a mysterium for many linguists for it is the only language in Western and Central Europe that does not have Indogermanic roots but bears resemblance to American Indian languages originating from North America. So who comes from where? The Basque people from America or the American Indians from Europe? Or do both have their origin inbetween, in the Atlantic Ocean?

The Greek and Egyptian people had flourishing trade relations with Tartessos, the ancient seaport and commercial centre on the southern west coast of Spain, a city that is definitely lost as we know today. Tartessos is assumed to have been located near Gadeira! Under the name of Tharshish, this port was already mentioned in the Bible.

(...) For the king had at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of

Hiram: once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks. So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom.(...)

Herodot (a Greek historian, 5th century BC) mentions a city known as Tartessos, located beyond the Pillars of Hercules. He also points out that the returning Greek seafarers made a bigger profit than any Greek before them. In the south of Spain, 10 000-year-old precious metal mining stocks as well as several colossal buildings have been brought into connection with the Tartessan culture. Some researchers think that Tartessos was actually Atlantis. This Atlantis stretched from the south of Spain to Morocco, i.e. the very region connected with the Tartessan culture. In my opinion, the doom of Tartessos must not necessarily be the result of a catastrophe. Rather, it could have been destroyed by the powerful commercial metropolis of the Carthagians who violently fought their enemies. It could also be that Tartessos was an Atlantean colony unable to survive after Atlantis was lost. However, this theory is valid only in case Atlantis was situated in the Atlantic Ocean. It is equally possible that Atlantis never existed. Maybe the Egyptians simply described an aspiring trading nation like Tartessos that fell victim to its rivals.

But let us draw our attention to an expert in this field: The comparisons drawn below are based upon the research work of the German archaeologist and professor Jensen who explored this topic in great detail.

Plato's Atlantis Atlantis was situated beyond the Pillars of Hercules its dimensions exceeded those of Libya and Asia Minor combined it was a bridge to other islands as well as to the opposite mainland surrounding the ocean that is the actual bearer of the name its empire stretched from Libya to Egypt and to Tyrrhenia in Europe it sank on a single day

Tartessos Tartessos was an island situated in the mouth of Guadalquivir River (beyond the Pillars of Hercules) it was not an island but a trade monopoly people involved in the tin trade with Britain and other islands gave rise to the assumption that Tartessos was a continent Tartessos supplied all nations in the Mediterranean area with metals it vanished because it was conquered and the conquerers did not leave behind any traces of this empire for the later Greek seafarers impenetrable due to political reasons deterrent propaganda by the

it is not possible anymore to sail and explore the ocean thick mud is an obstacle to ships

Carthagians the land was rich in mineral resources the Atlantean empire was equipped with an extensive channel network never witnessed in Europe there were many ancient laws in Atlantis that were supposed to have been established 8 000 years ago The Sierra Morena was one of the richest areas of mineralisation in the ancient world. A considerable channel network branched off from Guadalquivir River as reported by the Greek geographer Strabo Strabos characterization of the Tartessians: they are the most civilized Iberian people. They can write and own ancient books and poems as well. Also, they have laws put into verse which they believe to be 7 000 years of age

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