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Shofia, Maya. 2010. Pengaruh Pemberian Air Seduhan Daun Sirih (Piper betle L.) terhadap Kadar SGOT dan SGPT Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus Norvegicus) yang diinduksi Parasetamol. Tugas Akhir, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pembimbing: (1) Djoni Djunaedi. (2) Irma Suswati.

Latar Belakang : Parasetamol adalah obat antipiretik yang dijual bebas di pasaran. Obat tersebut sering dikonsumsi dalam dosis berlebihan sehingga menyebabkan kenaikan kadar SGOT & SGPT. Efek toksik parasetamol terkait dengan sebuah metabolit alkilasi minor NAPQI dan radikal bebas ion superoksida. Tanaman yang mempunyai potensi besar sebagai antioksidan adalah daun sirih. Kandungan minyak atsiri dalam daun sirih diharapkan mampu menetralisir radikal bebas tersebut. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian air seduhan daun sirih terhadap kadar SGOT & SGPT tikus yang diinduksi parasetamol. Metode : Menggunakan eksperimental murni, dengan rancangan post test randomized control design. Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok I (kontrol negatif), kelompok II (kontrol positif) diberi parasetamol 500mg/ekor/hari selama 2 hari, dan tiga kelompok lainnya diberikan air seduhan daun sirih dengan dosis: 0,312; 1,56; 3,12 mg/ekor/hari selama 14 hari dengan 5 kali ulangan. Dianalisis dengan oneway ANOVA, uji korelasi dan uji regresi. Hasil penelitian dan diskusi : Hasil analisis SGOT (r = -0,926) (r2=0,857) dan SGPT (r = -0,913) (r2=0,833), artinya kenaikan dosis air seduhan menyebabkan penurunan nilai SGOT & SGPT. Pengaruh air seduhan daun sirih bermakna menurunkan kadar SGOT & SGPT (oneway ANOVA p < 0,01), uji korelasi (sig=0,000), uji regresi linier (p < 0,01) artinya ada hubungan antara dosis air seduhan daun sirih terhadap kadar SGOT & SGPT. Kesimpulan : Air seduhan daun sirih dapat menurunkan kadar SGOT & SGPT tikus putih jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol. Kata kunci: Daun Sirih, SGOT, SGPT, Parasetamol


Shofia, Maya. 2010. 2010. The Effect of Water Steeping Piper betle Leaf on levels of SGOT and SGPT in White Male Rat (Rattus norvegicus) induced by Paracetamol. Final Project, Medical Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Malang. Advisors: (1) Djoni Djunaedi (2) Irma Suswati. Introduction : Paracetamol is an antipyretic drugs that sold freely in the market and often consumed in an excessive dose causing increased levels of SGOT and SGPT. Toxic effects of paracetamol is associated with a minor alkylating metabolite NAPQI and superoxide free radicals ion. Plants that have great potential as an antioxidant such as betle leaf. The essential oil in the betle leaf is expected to neutralize these free radicals. Objective : This study was aimed to determine the effect of betle leaf steeping water on the level of SGOT and SGPT in the rats induced by paracetamol. Method & Sample : This study was true experimental, using post test randomized control design. The sample was divided into 5 groups. Group I (negative control), group II (positive control) were given paracetamol 500mg/body weight/day for 2 days, and three other groups was given betle leaves steeping water with a dose: 0.312, 1.56, 3.12 mg / body weight /day for 14 days with 5 replicates. Analyzed using Oneway ANOVA, correlation and regression test. Result & discussion : The result of SGOT analysis (r = -0.926) (r2 = 0.857) and SGPT (r = -0.913) (r2 = 0.833), that meant an increasing in dose of steeping water that showed a decreasing in SGOT & SGPT level. Effect of betle leaf steeping water significantly reduced the levels of SGOT and SGPT (Oneway ANOVA p <0.01), correlation tests (sig = 0.000), linear regression test (p <0.01) meant there was relationship between doses of betle leaf steeping water and SGOT/SGPT level. Conclusion : Betle leaf steeping water showed an effect to reduce the levels of SGOT and SGPT in white male rat induced by paracetamol. Keyword: Piper betle leaf, SGOT, SGPT, Paracetamol

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