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Evaluator: Taylor Hartley Zoe Klimasewski Monday 7pm-8pm Fall 20 !

"ne #our$ on%e a week$ &or 2 weeks Present Level of Performance: Zoe is an ener'eti%$ out'oin' individual( )#e is %urrently * years old$ loves to swim and so%iali+es wit# everyone around #er( )#e en,oys divin' &or rin's and playin' a variety o& 'ames in t#e pool( Zoe and - meet every Monday in t#e )./0 1ortland pool( )#e is dropped o&& at t#e lo%ker room to me and we 2e'in our #our to'et#er( T#e &irst two weeks wit# Zoe - was a2le to assess #er swimmin' a2ilities 2y usin' t#e 3dapted 34uati%s 1#e%klist( To assess Zoe - #ad #er per&orm a variety o& tasks in t#e pool( -& s#e was a2le to per&orm &or e5ample 2lowin' 2u22les$ t#en - was a2le to %#e%k it o&& and move on t#rou'# t#e %#e%klist wit# more di&&i%ult skills( 3&ter workin' wit# Zoe &or a %ouple o& weeks and assessin' #er a2ility level$ it 2e%ame %lear to me t#at s#e is very %om&orta2le in t#e pool( )#e does many skills well( Zoe is a2le to ,ump in t#e pool &ully su2mer'in' #er 2ody 2ut needs en%oura'ement at &irst to 'et in t#e water( Zoe is very %om&orta2le puttin' #er entire #ead underwater 2ut %annot put ,ust #er &a%e in( )#e %an swim t#e entire widt# o& t#e pool wit#out 'ettin' tired 2ut is very easily distra%ted w#en doin' so( Zoe is a2le to dive into t#e pool on #er knee 2ut &eels un%om&orta2le w#en standin' up( )#e also %an rotate #er ri'#t arm all t#e way around w#en per&ormin' t#e &ront %rawl$ #owever$ #er le&t arm #as not developed t#e ran'e o& motion yet to do t#is( 6#en asked 2y t#e instru%tor Zoe does not usually know w#at instru%tions were 'iven( 7uttin' an emp#asis on listenin' and payin' attention will #elp #er to understand( 6#en Zoe does #ear instru%tions or spe%i&i% %ues &or skills s#e easily %an repeat t#em 2a%k and understands movement %on%epts( Zoe would #ave a lot o& su%%ess in a 'eneral p#ysi%al edu%ation %lass( )#e is ener'eti%$ en,oys learnin'$ and is not a&raid to try new t#in's( )#e #as t#e a2ility to keep up in t#e psy%#omotor domain( 3&ter wat%#in' #er - %an tell t#at s#e developmentally on tra%k &or #er psy%#omotor movements( )#e will 2e a2le to keep up &or t#e most part wit# skills and o2,e%tives o& ot#er students( )#e loves to so%iali+e and respe%ts all students around #er( )#e knows w#at #er responsi2ilities are 2ut needs to 2e reminded sometimes( 3&&e%tively$ Zoe does very well( )#e needs re&o%usin' and reminders 2ut &ittin' into 'eneral 7E would not 2e a pro2lem( T#e en%oura'ement o& #er ot#er %lassmates and t#e e5amples t#ey %an set &or #er will #elp to en%oura'e Zoe to stay on task( 3&ter a &ew weeks in t#e pool Zoe s#owed me t#at s#e is a very 2ri'#t * year old( 6#enever - ask 4uestions a2out skills t#at we #ave learned Zoe %an name %ues and e5plain to me w#y we must do somet#in' a %ertain way( 3'ain$ &o%usin' and 'ettin' Zoe to listen is t#e tou'# part( 8ewards and repeatin' will #elp 'ain t#e most su%%ess &or Zoe( Long-Term Goals and Short-Term Objectives:

Psychomotor Long-Term Goal: In the pool at the end of the semester, the student will swim the front
crawl using proper arm rotation and breathing technique without taking a break or becoming distracted two widths of the pool.

i. At the end of the 6th class, the student will have gained a larger range of motion in her left arm when rotating her arms during a front crawl progression. ii. n the side of the pool, the student will !e a!le to show the teacher three !reathes with her face in the water and turning her head to the side when she needs to !reathe. iii. Across the width of the pool, the student will swim there and !ac" without !ecoming distracted or stopping to tal" to those around her. #itness Long-Term Goal: At the end of the semester, the student will !e a!le to swim two widths of the pool consecutively without ta"ing a !rea". i. $uring the lesson, the student will swim across the pool once without needing to ta"e !rea". ii. %n the pool the student will !e a!le to maintain a consistent flutter "ic" while using a "ic"!oard to go the width of the pool two times with no !rea". iii. &hort-Term !'ective (ognitive Long-Term Goal: When learning directions, the student will listen carefully and repeat what
was said when asked by the teacher as a check for understanding.

i. ii. iii.

%n the pool, the student will name two cues of the front crawl when as"ed !y the teacher. )hen diving, the student will descri!e when it is important to "eep her hands together over her head. At the end of directions, the student will !e a!le to tell me what the activity we are doing is called.

Affective*+ehavior Long-Term Goal: During the swim lesson, the student will work together and
encourage the other classmate when learning new tasks.

i. ii. iii. Health Considerations:

Throughout each class, the student will encourage her classmates to "eep swimming and "eep up. At the end of each class, the student will help the instructor pic" of the e,uipment that was used and put it !ac" where it !elongs. Throughout each class, the student will respect the instructor and not spea" when directions are !eing given.

- do not 2elieve t#ere are any #ealt# %onsiderations or %on%erns &or Zoe( Behavioral Conditions: 6#en Zoe 2e&ore e5%ited or overw#elmed s#e #its #er wrists a'ainst #er ne%k( Monitorin' t#is and stoppin' t#e #a2it is somet#in' t#at #er mot#er wanted me to keep an eye on( - will tra%k it and try to #old #er #ands 2e&ore s#e %an do t#is( -n addition$ s#e #as trou2le &o%usin'( Tellin' #er

to look at you #elps to 'ain &o%us only on you and limit all ot#er distra%tions( T#is works 2est( 6e also #ave a rewards system wit# sti%kers and s#e 'ets a sti%ker every time s#e %an repaeat 2a%k w#at dire%tions - 'ave( Modified !"i#ment: 6e do not use any modi&ied e4uipment in t#e pool( )#e is %apa2le o& usin' all re'ular e4uipment( Teaching Strategies: "ne t#in' t#at - do is make sure we are in t#e same spot in t#e pool everyday( T#e spot we are in is also ri'#t outside o& t#e lo%ker room door so t#ere is no room &or distra%tions( 6e e5it t#e lo%ker room and ,ump into t#e pool ri'#t away( T#e strate'y o& %onsisten%y wit# enterin' t#e pool area #as #elped wit# &o%usin' and %om&ort wit#out 'ettin' overw#elmed( 3not#er tea%#in' strate'y t#at - am tryin' and #as worked so &ar is a rewards system usin' sti%kers( )#e re4uested t#is #ersel& and it works very well( -& s#e #as a 'ood day wit# listenin'$ s#e 'ets to %#oose a sti%ker &rom my %olle%tion( T#is #elps to motivate #er to &o%us on t#e lesson( 3 lot o& rein&or%ement and reminders is anot#er adaptation - #ad to make( - am %onstantly repeatin' mysel& and e5plainin' dire%tions in di&&erent ways to try to 'et #er interested and &o%used( Tellin' #er to keep #er eyes on me w#en - am talkin' is important( $dentif% a #rojected starting date for services along &ith the antici#ated fre!"enc%' location' and d"ration of services and modifications: )ervi%es started )eptem2er *t#( T#e student will re%eive lessons on%e a week &or an #our ea%# week( T#ey will 'o &or 2 weeks( 6e will meet on Mondays &rom 7pm-8pm in t#e )./0 1ortland pool( (ssessments: To measure t#e pro'ress o& t#e students t#ey will 2e assessed everyday at t#e end o& %lass to see w#ere t#eir skill level is( T#is will ,ust 2e a tea%#er visual %#e%k and %#e%klist( -& t#e student is not improvin' week to week t#an - will make sure to modi&y my lessons and pro'ressions( speak to t#e mot#er everyday a&ter our session to'et#er and e5plain w#at we did and w#at Zoe is doin' well( Transition Service: Zoe is already * years old so s#e is 2e'innin' to need a transition plan( - 2elieve t#at Zoe will %ontinue to 2e p#ysi%ally a%tive in t#e ne5t 9 to 0 years( )#e #as so mu%# &un and keeps a positive attitude durin' all a%tivities( )#e also is very open and motivated to try new t#in's( )#e 'ives me su''estions sometimes and is very 4ui%k to tell me w#at s#e likes 2est and #ow mu%# &un s#e is #avin' durin' ea%# lesson( Zoe really en,oys meetin' new people and 2ein' so%ial( )tayin' involved in a%tivities and li&etime sports will 2e easy &or Zoe 2e%ause t#e so%ial aspe%t is so important to #er( )#e meets a lot o& #er &riends stayin' involved and e5plains to me t#at

meetin' new &riends is a lot o& &un( )#e really en,oys swimmin'( Zoe s#ould someday ,oin a lo%al pool and %ontinue to 'et lessons and keep up t#e skills s#e already #as( Her positive attitude will take #er very &ar( T#ere is a 0613 around w#ere s#e lives t#at o&&ers di&&erent a%tivities &or Zoe to parti%ipate in( )#e needs a%tivities t#at are individuali+ed 2ut still wit# ot#ers( For e5ample s#e would do well in a li&e time a%tivity like swimmin' 2e%ause t#ere are ot#ers around &or #er to 'et to know 2ut t#e skills s#e are learnin' are &o%used on #er own improvement( - am unsure i& Zoe would work well under pressure in a more team atmosp#ere ,ust 2e%ause s#e #as trou2le stayin' &o%used &or too lon'( (P Placement )ecision Model: - 2elieve t#at Zoe #as a lot o& potential and %ould 2e in%luded in t#e ma,ority o& :eneral 7#ysi%al Edu%ation( )#e needs reminders and %onstant repetition$ 2ut s#e a&&e%tively will &it in and s#e is a 2ri'#t 'irl t#at understands %on%epts and ideas( )#e may not 2e as advan%ed in psy%#omotor aspe%ts 2ut :eneral 7#ysi%al Edu%ation tea%#ers %an make small modi&i%ations so t#at s#e %an parti%ipate wit# #er %lassmates and 2e su%%ess&ul in %lass( )#e will need a motivator to listen 2ut a'ain a 'eneral 7E tea%#er %an make t#ese small ad,ustments and modi&i%ations easily( S#ecial d"cation' *elated Services' and S"##lementar% (ids+Services C"rrentl% Provided to the St"dent: -n s%#ool Zoe is in a spe%ial edu%ation %lass provides a 2: : ratio$ meanin' 2 students$ tea%#er$ and assistant( )#e also parti%ipates in ;"1E) pro'ram t#at provides #er wit# t#erapies( T#ese are re4uired 2y #er #ome distri%t( Her main servi%e is o%%upational t#erapy(

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