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MOTION OF PARTICLES AND RIGID BODIES 1. Four identical rods eac! o" #ass # and len$t!

l are %oined to "or# a ri$id s&uare "ra#e. T!e "ra#e lies in t!e '( )lane *it! its centre at t!e ori$in and t!e sides )arallel to t!e ' and ( a'es. Its #o#ent o" inertia a+out ,a- t!e '.a'is is /01 #l2 ,+- t!e 3.a'is is 401 #l2 ,c- an a'is )arallel to t!e 3.a'is and )assin$ t!rou$! a corner is 1501 #l2 ,d- one side is 60/ #l2 /. A +od( is in e&uili+riu# under t!e in"luence o" a nu#+er o" "orces. Eac! "orce !as a di""erent line o" action. T!e #ini#u# nu#+er o" "orces re&uired is ,a- / i" t!eir lines o" action )ass t!rou$! t!e centre o" #ass o" t!e +od( ,+- 1 i" t!eir lines o" action are not )arallel ,c- 1 i" t!eir lines o" action are )arallel ,d- 4 i" t!eir lines o" action are )arallel and all t!e "orces !a7e t!e sa#e #a$nitude 1. A uni"or# rod 8e)t 7erticall( on t!e $round "alls "ro# rest. Its "oot does not sli) on t!e $round ,a- No )art o" t!e rod can !a7e acceleration $reater t!an $ in an( )osition ,+- At an( one )osition o" t!e rod di""erent )oints on it !a7e di""erent acceleration ,c- An( one )articular )oint on t!e rod !as di""erent acceleration at di""erent )ositions o" t!e rod ,d- T!e #a'i#u# acceleration o" an( )oint on t!e rod at an( )osition is 1.6 $ 4. A #an standin$ on a )lat"or# !olds *ei$!ts in !is outstretc!ed ar#s. T!e s(ste# rotates "reel( a+out a central 7ertical a'is. I" !e no* dra*s t!e *ei$!ts in*ards close to !is +od( ,a- t!e an$ular 7elocit( o" t!e s(ste# *ill increases ,+- t!e an$ular #o#entu# o" t!e s(ste# *ill decreases ,c- t!e 8inetic ener$( o" t!e s(ste# *ill increase ,d- !e *ill !a7e to e')end so#e ener$( to dra* t!e *ei$!ts in 6. A constant e'ternal tor&ue 9 acts "or a 7er( +rie" )eriod :t on a rotatin$ s(ste# !a7in$ #o#ent o" inertia I.

,a- T!e an$ular #o#entu# o" t!e s(ste# *ill c!an$e +( 9 :t. ,+- T!e an$ular 7elocit( o" t!e s(ste# *ill c!an$e +( ,c- I" t!e s(ste# *as initiall( at rest it *ill ac&uire rotational 8inetic ener$(

,d- T!e 8inetic ener$( o" t!e s(ste# *ill c!an$e +( ;. A solid s)!ere rolls *it!out sli))in$ on a rou$! !ori3ontal "loor #o7in$ *it! a s)eed 7. It #a8es an elastic collision *it! a s#oot! 7ertical *all. A"ter i#)act ,a- it *ill #o7e *it! a s)eed 7 initiall( ,+- its #otion *ill +e rollin$ *it!out sli))in$ ,c- its #otion *ill +e rollin$ *it! sli))in$ initiall( and its rotational #otion *ill sto) #o#entaril( at so#e instant ,d- its #otion *ill +e rollin$ *it!out sli))in$ onl( a"ter so#e ti#e <. In t!e "i$ure t!e disc D does not sli) on t!e sur"ace S. T!e )ulle( P !as #ass and t!e strin$ does not sli) on it. T!e strin$ is *ound around t!e disc

,a- t!e acceleration o" t!e +loc8 B is dou+le t!e acceleration o" t!e centre o" D ,+- t!e "orce o" "riction e'erted +( D on S acts to t!e le"t ,c- t!e !ori3ontal and t!e 7ertical sections o" t!e strin$ !a7e t!e sa#e tension ,d- t!e su# o" t!e 8inetic ener$ies o" D and B is less t!an t!e loss in t!e )otential ener$( o" B as it #o7es do*n

=. T*o )articles A and B o" #ass # eac! are %oined +( a ri$id #assless rod o" len$t! l. A )article P o" #ass # #o7in$ *it! a s)eed u nor#al to AB stri8es A and stic8s to it. T!e centre o" #ass o" >A ? B ? P@ s(ste# is C ,a- T!e 7elocit( o" C +e"ore i#)act is u01 ,+- T!e 7elocit( o" C a"ter i#)act is u01 ,c- T!e 7elocit( o" >A ? P@ i##ediatel( a"ter i#)act is u0/ ,d- T!e 7elocit( o" B i##ediatel( a"ter i#)act is 3ero A. T!e densit( o" a rod $raduall( decreases "ro# one end to t!e ot!er. It is )i7oted at an end so t!at it can #o7e a+out a 7ertical a'is t!rou$! t!e )i7ot. A !ori3ontal "orce F is a))lied on t!e "ree end in a direction )er)endicular to t!e rod. T!e &uantities t!at do not de)end on *!ic! end o" t!e rod is )i7oted are ,a- an$ular acceleration ,+- an$ular 7elocit( *!en t!e rod co#)letes one rotation ,c- an$ular #o#entu# *!en t!e rod co#)letes one rotation ,d- tor&ue o" t!e a))lied "orce 15.Consider a *!eel o" a +ic(cle rollin$ on a le7el road at a linear s)eed 7B,"i$ureC D

O B 7B

A ,a- t!e s)eed o" t!e )article A is 3ero ,+- t!e s)eed o" B C and D are all e&ual to 7B ,c- t!e s)eed o" C is / 7B ,d- t!e s)eed o" B is $reater t!an t!e s)eed o" O

11.In rear.*!eel dri7e cars t!e en$ine rotates t!e rear *!eels and t!e "ront *!eels rotate onl( +ecause t!e car #o7es. I" suc! a car accelerates on a !ori3ontal road t!e "riction ,a- on t!e rear *!eels is in t!e "or*ard direction ,+- on t!e "ront *!eels is in t!e +ac8*ard direction ,c- on t!e rear *!eel !as lar$er #a$nitude t!an t!e "riction on t!e "ront *!eel ,d- on t!e car is in t!e +ac8*ard direction 1/.A s)!ere is rolled on a rou$! !ori3ontal sur"ace. It $raduall( slo*s do*n and sto)s. T!e "orce o" "riction tries to ,a- decrease t!e linear 7elocit( ,+- increase t!e an$ular 7elocit( ,c- increase t!e linear #o#entu# ,d- decrease t!e an$ular 7elocit( 11.Fi$ure s!o*s a s#oot! inclined )lane "i'ed in a car acceleratin$ on a !ori3ontal road. T!e an$le o" incline C is related to t!e acceleration as . I" t!e s)!ere is set in )ure rollin$ on t!e incline o" t!e car

,a- it *ill continue )ure rollin$ ,+- it *ill sli) do*n t!e )lane ,c- its linear 7elocit( *ill increase ,d- its linear 7elocit( *ill decrease 14.In an arran$e#ent "our )articles eac! o" #ass / $# are situated at t!e coordinates )oint ,1 / 5- ,1 .1 5- ,5 5 5- and ,.1 1 5-. T!e #o#ent o" inertia o" t!is arran$e#ent a+out t!e D.a'is *ill +e ,a- = units ,+- 1A units ,c- 41 units ,d- 14 units

16.T!e 8inetic ener$( o" rotation o" a )article is 1= Eoule. I" t!e an$ular #o#entu# 7ector coincides *it! t!e a'is o" rotation and t!e #o#ent o" inertia o" t!e )article a+out t!is a'is is 5.51 F$# / t!en its an$ular #o#entu# *ill +e ,a- 5.5; E.sec ,+- 5.; E.sec ,c- 5.55; E.sec ,d- 3ero

1;.T!e *or8 done in rotatin$ a +od( "ro# an$le CG to an$le CH *ill +e ,+- 9,CH . CG,c- 3ero ,d-


1<.A Io.Io is a to( in t!e "or# o" a disc *it! a concentric s!a"t. A strin$ is *ound on t!e s!a"t. I" it is sus)ended "ro# t!e "ree end t!en t!e strin$ un*inds and *inds so t!at t!e Io.Io "alls do*n and rises u) a$ain and a$ain. T!e ratio o" t!e tension in t!e strin$ *!ile descendin$ and ascendin$ is ,a- 1 J / ,+- 1 J 1 ,c- R J RB ,d- RB J R

RB R #$


1=.Moon is re7ol7in$ round t!e eart! as *ell as it is rotatin$ a+out its o*n a'is. T!e ratio o" its an$ular #o#enta in t*o cases *ill +e ,Or+ital radius o" #oon K 1.=/ ' 15= # and radius o" #oon K 1.<4 ' 15; #,a- 1.// ' 15604 1.// ' 15601 ,+- 1.// ' 15601 ,c- 1.// ' 1560/ ,d-

1A.T!e #o#ent o" inertia o" a solid c(linder o" #ass M len$t! L and radius R a+out t!e dia#eter o" one o" its "aces *ill +e ,+,c- 3ero ,d-


/5.In t!e a+o7e )ro+le# t!e #o#ent o" inertia o" t!e *!eel is

,a- 5./1 F$0#0s2

,+- 5.4; F$0#0s2

,c- 5.A/ F$0#0s2

,d- 5.;A F$0#0s2

/1.A #assless strin$ is *ra))ed round a disc o" #ass M and radius R. Anot!er end is tied to a #ass # *!ic! is initiall( at !ei$!t ! "ro# $round le7el as s!o*n in t!e "i$ure. I" t!e #ass is released t!en its 7elocit( *!ile touc!in$ t!e $round le7el *ill +e





//.A solid c(linder o" #ass / F$ and radius 5./ # is rotatin$ a+out its o*n a'is *it!out "riction *it! an$ular 7elocit( 1 rad0s. A )article o" #ass 5.6 F$ and #o7in$ *it! a 7elocit( o" 6 #0s stri8es t!e c(linder and stic8s to it as s!o*n in. T!e an$ular #o#entu# o" t!e c(linder +e"ore collision *ill +e

1 rad0s 5./#

,a- 5.1/ Eoule0s 1.1/ Eoule0s

,+- 1/ Eoule0s

,c- 1./ Eoule0s


/1.A coc8roac! o" #ass # is #o7in$ on t!e ri# o" a disc *it! 7elocit( L in t!e anticloc8*ise direction. T!e #o#ent o" inertia o" t!e disc a+out its o*n a'is is I and it is rotatin$ in t!e cloc8*ise direction *it! an$ular s)eed M. I" t!e coc8roac! sto)s #o7in$ t!en t!e an$ular s)eed o" t!e disc *ill +e ,+,c,d-


/4.In !(dro$en ato# an electron re7ol7es in a circular )at!. I" t!e radius o" its )at! is 5.61 AN and it #a8es < ' 15OP re7olutions )er second its an$ular #o#entu# a+out )roton is ,a- 11./ ' 15QRP Eoule0sec ,+- 11./ ' 15QRS Eoule0sec ,c- 11./ ' 15QRR Eoule0sec ,d- 11./ ' 15QR2 Eoule0sec

/6.A solid s)!ere rests on a !ori3ontal sur"ace A !ori3ontal i#)ulse is a))lied at !ei$!t ! "ro# t!e centre. T!e s)!ere starts rotatin$ %ust a"ter t!e a))lication o" i#)ulse. T!e ratio MT *ill +e I ! C R

,a- U

,+- /06

,c- V

,d- 106

/;.A nonuni"or# rod !a7in$ #ass )er unit len$t! as W K ' , is constant-. I" its total #ass is M and len$t! l t!e centre o" #ass is at ,a- ' K ,104-l ,+- ' K ,/01-l ,c- ' K ,/06-l ,d- ' K ,101-l

/<.Mo#ent o" inertia o" a solid s)!ere a+out an a'is 7ar(in$ *it! distance ' "ro# its centre is re)resented +( I. T!e $ra)! +et*een I and ' is








/=.I" rotational inertia )ara#eter o" a +od( rollin$ do*n a rou$! inclined )lane ,o" inclination C and !ei$!t !- *it!out sli))in$ is $i7en +( X K t!en t!e ti#e

ta8en +( t!e +od( to reac! t!e +otto# o" t!e inclined )lane is $i7en +(


,d,+/A.I" t!e linear densit( o" t!e rod o" len$t! L startin$ "ro# one end ,' K 5- 7aries as Y K A ? B' t!en its centre o" #ass o" t!e rod *ill +e at ,c-




15.A #assless ro)e is *ra))ed se7eral ti#es on a disc o" #ass M and radius R. T!e ot!er end is tied to a #ass # *!ic! at t!e +e$innin$ is at a !ei$!t o" ! a+o7e t!e $round as s!o*n in t!e "i$ure. Z!en released t!e 7elocit( o" t!e #ass as it touc!es t!e $round is

,a# M




ANSZER FEI 1- B /- BCD 1- BCD 4- ACD 6- ABC ;- CD <- ABD =- ABCD A- D 15ACD



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