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Date : 17 May 2010 Day : Monday Ma $ : 80 marks Du at!"# : 1 hour 30 minutes

1 OMS 2 Writing papers 1 Graph Paper

Write your name, c ass and register num!er in the spaces pro"ided at the top o# this page and on any separate $riting paper used% Se&t!"# A &ns$er all the 'uestions% Shade your ans$ers in the OMS pro"ided% Se&t!"# ' &ns$er all the 'uestions Write your ans$ers in the spaces pro"ided% Se&t!"# C &ns$er all the 'uestions Write your ans$ers in the $riting papers pro"ided% (and in Section ) separate y


*he num!er o# marks is gi"en in !rackets + , at the end o# each 'uestion or part 'uestion% & copy o# the Periodic *a! e is printed on the ast page% &ppro"ed ca cu ators may !e used #or this paper% Name ") Sette : Ms P"u L! M!# Name ") *ette : Ms T+e esa ,"+

.......................................................................... T+!s /uest!"# 0a0e &"#s!sts ") 11 0 !#te2 0a3es4 !#&lu2!#3 t+e &"5e 0a3e6 Se&t!"# A (20 ma $s) &ns$er all the 'uestions in this section% 1% Which 'uantity identi#ies an e ement&. /. ). 0. 2% &tomic num!er Mass num!er *ota num!er o# neutrons in an atom o# the e ement *ota num!er o# "a ence e ectrons in an atom o# the e ement

Which diagram sho$s a mi1ture o# compounds-

A 3%


&n atom o# e ement X has a proton num!er 13 and a nuc eon num!er o# 27% Which sym!o is correct #or the !"# o# X $hen it oses 3 e ectrons&.
27 13 37 27 3+














Which o# the #o o$ing chemica #ormu a has the greatest num!er o# nitrogen atoms in it&. /. ). 0. 3e45O2.3 5a5O3 45(2.35 45(2.2SO2


Which o# the #o o$ing sets o# partic es ha"e the same num!er o# e ectrons&. /. ). 0. (7, (, (8 /r 7, 97, ) 7 5e, O27, :i8 )a28, S27, ;8 2


/ased on the in#ormation on the su!7atomic partic es present, $hich o# the #o o$ing pairs o# atoms !e ong to the same Group in the Periodic *a! eAt"m I II III I* &. /. ). 0. Nu&le"# #um7e 12 20 32 3= Num7e ") ele&t "#s 7 13 16 18

&toms I and II &toms II and III &toms I and III &toms II and I*


Which o# the #o o$ing sho$s the e ectronic structures o# three meta s W, X and Y&. /. ). 0. W 2 2% 2 2% = 2% 8% 1 X 2% 7 2% 8% 1 2% 8 2% 8% 7 Y 2% 8% = 2% 8% 3 2% 8% 7 2% 8% 8% 2


*he diagram sho$s the arrangement o# e ectrons in the outermost she s o# the atoms in the compound Y82%

Which pair o# e ements cou d !e Y and 8&. /. ). 0. Y ca cium car!on su phur o1ygen 8 # uorine su phur hydrogen ch orine 3


? ements T and W react to #orm an ionic compound o# #ormu a T2W% What cou d !e the proton num!ers o# T and W&. /. ). 0. T 3 = 8 12 W 8 8 1= 1>


*he structures o# #our mo ecu es are dra$n !e o$%




What are the chemica #ormu as #or the mo ecu es&. /. ). 0. 11% I )(2 )(2 )O2 )O2 II (2O )O2 O2 (2O III )O2 (2O (2O )(2 I* O2 O2 )(2 O2

9n $hich o# the #o o$ing is the appearance o# !u!! es a sign o# a chemica change&. /. ). 0. Production o# car!on dio1ide $hen di ute hydroch oric acid to imestone 4ca cium car!onate. Gases !u!! ing out o# mudsprings When a can o# #i@@y drink is opened When $ater is heated


When so id mercury o1ide is heated, it #orms i'uid mercury and o1ygen% mercury o1ide mercury 8 o1ygen What can !e deduced #rom this in#ormation&. /. ). 0uring the heating o# mercury o1ide, a three states o# matter e1ist% Mercury o1ide is a mi1ture% Mercury o1ide me ts $hen heated% 4

0. 13%

*he composition o# mercury o1ide "aries during heating%

9n $hich su!stance are the partic es packed c ose to each other and are a! e to s ide past each other&. /. ). 0. copper rod sugar so ution hydrogen gas sa t crysta s


Su!stances in gaseous state ha"e no #i1ed shape and "o ume !ecause AAAAAAAAA% &. /. ). 0. they ha"e !igger "o ume% the gas partic es are ighter% the partic es o# a gas are a! e to mo"e #ree y and random y% they are ess dense than $hen they are in the so id and i'uid state%


Which o# the #o o$ing descri!es the mo"ement o# the partic es and the #orces o# attraction !et$een them $hen dry ice su! imesMo"ement o# partic es &. /. ). 0. #aster #aster s o$er s o$er 3orces o# attraction !et$een partic es stronger $eaker stronger $eaker


*he #igure !e o$ sho$s the graph o# rate o# di##usion against Baria! e X% Which o# the #o o$ing #actors cou d Baria! e X most ike y !eCate o# di##usion

0 &. /. ). 0. Mo ecu ar mass *ime *emperature Pressure 5

Baria! e X


Mary reads #rom a science !ook a statement that says Dthe me ting point o# pure ice is 0 E) $hereas ice containing disso "ed common sa t 4sodium ch oride. me ts at 72 E)F% What can $e deduce #rom this statement&. /. ). 0. Pure ice is separated #rom sodium ch oride at 72 E)% Sodium ch oride in ice #orms a compound as it has a di##erent me ting point #rom pure ice% Pure sodium ch oride me ts at 72 E)% *he me ting point o# impure ice is o$er than that o# pure ice%


Which o# the #o o$ing !ecomes ess so u! e in $ater at higher temperatures&. /. ). 0. )ar!on dio1ide 9odine crysta s Sugar Water7so u! e ink


Which o# the #o o$ing su!stances &a##"t !e o!tained !y #ractiona disti ation&. /. ). 0. O1ygen #rom i'ui#ied air Petro #rom crude oi O1ygen #rom $ater Wine #rom #ermented grapes


*he diagram !e o$ sho$s a chromatogram a#ter per#orming a chromatography on 3 inks P4 9 and R $ith $ater as the so "ent%
So "ent #ront

Start ine P 9 R

Which one o# the #o o$ing statements is )alse&. 9nk R is inso u! e in $ater 6

/. ). 0.

9nk 9 is made up o# 3 types o# ink 9nk R is a pure su!stance 9nk P and 9 ha"e 1 su!stance in common

Se&t!"# ' (:0 ma $s) &ns$er all the 'uestions in this section% 1% 9n a hot air !a oon, #ue s are !urnt to heat up the air%

3ue /urner

*he hot air contains these gasesG

5itrogen O1ygen &rgon )ar!on dio1ide Water "apour

4a. 5ame a the gases that are made up o# more than one atom% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH%HHHHHHHHHHH%% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4!. 4i. Ising circ es and chemica sym!o s, dra$ the structure o# a mo ecu e o# $ater "apour and a nitrogen mo ecu e in the spaces !e o$% E;am0le:



H e (e ium atom

Wate 5a0"u

N!t "3e# 3as +1,

4ii. State one simi arity !et$een the )" mat!"# o# $ater "apour and nitrogen gas HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4c. State one simi arity in the &"m0"s!t!"# o# the air in the hot air !a oon and sea $ater% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2% 4a. *he #o o$ing diagram sho$s the atomic structure o# an unkno$n e ement, 8%


4i. State $hether the partic e is an atom or an ion% ?1p ain your ans$er% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4ii. 9denti#y e ement 8 using the Periodic *a! e% 8



HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4iii. State the e ectronic con#iguration o# an atom o# e ement 8% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4i". Ising the e ement 8, $rite the chemica #ormu a o# the compound #ormed !et$een 8 and magnesium% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4!. )opper e1ists in the #orm o# 2 isotopes, )u7=3 and )u7=6% *he re ati"e atomic mass o# copper is kno$n to !e =3%=2% )a cu ate the re ati"e a!undance o# !oth isotopes% +1, +1,



)omp ete the ta! e !e o$


C"m0"u#2 4a. 4!. & uminum su #ide 4c. 4d. Magnesium hydro1ide 4e. &mmonium nitrate 2%

C+em!&al )" mula :i/r

Num7e ") eleme#ts

Num7e ") at"ms 2

2 )u) 2 3 3 +2, C!2O 8 5O2 Mn) 2 8 ( 2O 8 8 52 8 O2 )2 8 (2O )O2 3

/a ance the #o o$ing chemica e'uations% (a) (b) (c) (d) C! 8 C!5O3 8 &g () 5a2)O3 8

5a()O3 &g5O3 MnO2


)onstruct !a anced chemica e'uations, inc uding the state sym!o s #or the #o o$ing reactions% 4a. Propane gas, )3(8, !urns in air to produce car!on dio1ide gas and $ater% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4!. 9n a reaction !et$een iron meta and copper 499. su #ate so ution, so id iron disp aces the copper in copper 499. su #ate so ution to produce iron 499. su #ate so ution and so id copper meta % HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



4a. Megan prepared an e1perimenta set7up to separate copper 499. su phate so ution into its constituents%

)opper 499. su phate so ution


*hermometer Water out Water in


4i. 5ame one condition the mi1ture must #u #i in order to !e separated using this techni'ue% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4ii. State one mistake Megan made in the a!o"e set7up HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 4iii. 9n the space !e o$, using to represent 1 mo ecu e o# copper 499. su phate, dra$ the arrangement o# copper 499. su phate partic es in the round !ottom # ask $hen the thermometer sho$s 100o)%




4!. *he a!e !e o$ is #ound on the container o# 27!utano , an organic a coho %

Name ") su7sta#&e: 27!utano Melt!#3 0"!#t: 7116 o) '"!l!#3 0"!#t: 8= o) C+a a&te !st!&s: So u! e in $ater St u&tu al (" mula:


+1, 4i. State the empirica #ormu a o# 27!utano % HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH% 4ii. ?1p ain $hy it is not ad"isa! e to adopt the separation techni'ue in part 4a. a!o"e to separate a mi1ture o# 27!utano and $ater% Suggest a more suita! e method% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH%HHHH% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Se&t!"# C (:0 ma $s) &ns$er all t+ ee 'uestions in this section% 1% 4a. *he ta! e !e o$ sho$s ho$ the temperature o# so id X increases as it is heated% T!me < m!# 0 1 2 3 2 6 = 7 8 > 10 Tem0e atu e < =C 26 22 76 70 7= 80 80 80 80 86 8> % +2,

4i. On the graph paper pro"ided, p ot a graph o# temperature against time 4ii. Ising your graph, state the temperature at $hich #ree y s iding X partic es are in contact $ith X partic es arranged in a regu ar attice% 4iii. Ising the ;inetic Partic e *heory, descri!e the changes in the motion and 12 +3, +1,

arrangement o# partic es in X !et$een the 2h to 8th minute% +2, 4!. ?'ua "o umes o# 2 sugars, g ucose 4)=(12O=. and sucrose 4)12(22O11. are p aced in separate !eakers $ith e'ua "o umes o# $ater% With no stirring, $hich o# the 2 !eakers $i #orm homogeneous so utions $ithin the shortest period o# time- ?1p ain your ans$er% +2,


*he graph !e o$ sho$s the so u!i ity cur"es o# #our di##erent i'uid su!stances A, ', C and D in $ater% S"lu7!l!ty < 3 0e 1003 ") s"l5e#t

Tem0e atu e < "C 4a. /rie# y descri!e ho$ the a!o"e e1periment $as carried out to o!tain the resu ts% 4!. With re#erence to the graph a!o"e 4i. name the su!stance $hich is most so u! e at 60 o)4ii. state the temperature at $hich you $i set your $ashing machine i# you $ant to remo"e a stain o# Su!stance D #rom a piece o# #a!ric $ithin the shortest period o# time% 13 +1, +2,


4iii. state the temperature at $hich Su!stance ' and C ha"e the same so u!i ity% 4i". name the su!stance #or $hich temperature has no e##ect on its so u!i ity% 4". descri!e ho$ the so u!i ity o# the su!stance mentioned in 4i". can !e increased% 4c. 9n a separate e1periment, 1 g o# su!stance C $as added to 100g o# $ater at inter"a s o# 1 minute% *he mass o# su!stance C disso "ed $as then measured% &#ter 8 minutes, no more su!stance C can !e disso "ed% 4i. Sketch the graph o# mass o# su!stance C disso "ed against time% 4ii. ?1p ain $hy a suspension is o!ser"ed a#ter 8 minutes%

+1, +1, +1,

+2, +1,


*he ta! e !e o$ sho$s some in#ormation a!out the so u!i ity o# three so ids% S"l!2 @ L M S"lu7!l!ty !# >ate 9nso u! e So u! e 9nso u! e S"lu7!l!ty !# et+a#"l So u! e 9nso u! e 9nso u! e De&"m0"se u0"# +eat!#3? Jes Jes 5o +10,

0esign an e1periment $ith the minima num!er o# steps to o!tain pure and dry crysta s o# L #rom a mi1ture o# @, L and M6 Jou are gi"en 2 so "ents, ethano and $ater% 4Jou may use on y one or !oth so "ents. Jou are to inc ude the #o o$ing detai sG Systematica y num!ered steps 9dentity o# su!stances used and o!tained at the respecti"e stages 5eat y dra$n and c ear y a!e ed essentia diagrams



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