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Also in the Assassins Creed series

Renaissance Brotherhood


Assassins Creed The Secret Crusade




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Assassins Creed@ The Secret Crusade Prolo%ue Part One Part T2o Part Three Part Aour E&ilo%ue Dra;atis Personae Ac'no2led%e;ents


The ;aEestic shi& crea'ed and %roanedH its sails ri&&led( :at 2ith 2ind. Da$s :ro; land( it s&lit the ocean to2ards the %reat cit$ in the 2est( carr$in% &recious car%o@ a ;an < a ;an the cre2 'ne2 onl$ as the 9aster. He 2as a;on% the; no2( alone on the :orecastle dec'( 2here he had lo2ered the co2l o: his ro#es to let hi;sel: #e lashed #$ seas&ra$( si&&in% at it 2ith his :ace in the 2ind. Once a da$ he did this. He a&&eared :ro; his ca#in to &ace the dec'( chose a s&ot to %aIe out at sea( then returned #elo2. So;eti;es he stood on the :orecastle( so;eti;es on the GuarterFdec'. Al2a$s he stared out at the 2hiteFcrested sea. E8er$ da$ the cre2 2atched hi;. The$ 2or'ed( callin% to one another on dec' and in the ri%%in%( each 2ith a Eo# to do( 2hile all the ti;e stealin% %lances at the solitar$( &ensi8e :i%ure. And the$ 2ondered( What 'ind o: ;an 2as heJ What 'ind o: ;an 2as in their ;idstJ Aurti8el$ the$ studied hi; no2 as he ste&&ed a2a$ :ro; the dec' railin%s and &ulled u& his hood. He stood there a ;o;ent 2ith his head #o2ed( his ar;s han%in% loosel$ at his sides( and the cre2 2atched hi;. Perha&s a :e2 o: the; e8en &aled as he strode alon% the dec' &ast the; and #ac' to his ca#in. And 2hen the door shut #ehind hi;( each ;an :ound that he had #een holdin% his #reath. Inside( the Assassin returned to his des' and sat( &ourin% a #ea'er o: 2ine #e:ore reachin% :or a #oo' and &ullin% it to2ards hi;. Then o&enin% it. Be%innin% to read.


Part One 4
47 ?une 4+10
9a::eo and I re;ain at 9as$a: and 2ill sta$ here :or the ti;e #ein%. At least until one or t2o < ho2 shall I &ut thisJ < uncertainties are resol8ed. In the ;eanti;e 2e re;ain at the #ehest o: the 9aster( AltaKr I#nFLaAhad. Arustratin% as it is to surrender do;inion o: our o2n &aths in this 2a$( es&eciall$ to the leader o: the Order( 2ho in his old a%e 2ields a;#i%uit$ 2ith the sa;e ruthless &recision he once 2ielded s2ord and #lade( I at least #ene:it :ro; #ein% &ri8$ to his stories. 9a::eo( ho2e8er( has no such ad8anta%e and has %ro2n restless. !nderstanda#l$ so. He tires o: 9as$a:. He disli'es tra8ersin% the stee& slo&es #et2een the Assassins :ortress and the 8illa%e #elo2( and the ;ountainous terrain holds little a&&eal :or hi;. He is a Polo( he sa$s( and a:ter siD ;onths here the 2anderlust is li'e the call o: a 8olu&tuous 2o;an to hi;( &ersuasi8e and te;&tin% and not to #e i%nored. He lon%s to :ill the sails 2ith 2ind and set o:: :or ne2 lands( sho2 9as$a: his #ac'. His i;&atience is a 8eDation I could li8e 2ithout( Guite :ran'l$. AltaKr is on the cus& o: an announce;entH I can :eel it. So( toda$ I declared( L9a::eo( I; %oin% to tell $ou a stor$. The ;anners o: the ;an. Are 2e reall$ 'inJ I #e%in to dou#t it. Aor instead o: %reetin% this ne2s 2ith the enthusias; it so clearl$ 2arranted( I could ha8e s2orn I heard hi; si%h ,or &erha&s I should %i8e hi; the #ene:it o: the dou#t@ &erha&s he 2as si;&l$ out o: #reath in the hot sun-( #e:ore de;andin% o: ;e( LBe:ore $ou do( NiccolM( 2ould $ou ;ind tellin% ;e( 2hat it is a#outJ in rather eDas&erated tones. I as' $ou. Ne8ertheless@ LThat is a 8er$ %ood Guestion( #rother( I said( and %a8e the ;atter so;e thou%ht as 2e ;ade our 2a$ u& the dreaded slo&e. A#o8e us the citadel loo;ed dar'l$ on the &ro;ontor$( as i: it had #een he2n :ro; the 8er$ li;estone itsel:. Id decided I 2anted the &er:ect settin% to tell ;$ tale( and there 2as no2here ;ore a&&osite than the 9as$a: :ortress. An i;&osin% castle o: ;an$ turrets( surrounded #$ shi;;erin% ri8ers( it &resided o8er the #ustlin% 8illa%e #elo2( the settle;ent a hi%h &oint 2ithin the Orontes Valle$. An oasis o: &eace. A &aradise. LI 2ould sa$ that its a#out 'no2led%e( I decided at last. LAssasseen( as $ou 'no2( re&resents N%uardianO in Ara#ic < the Assassins are the %uardians o: the secrets( and the secrets the$ %uard are o: 'no2led%e( so( $es P no dou#t I sounded 8er$ &leased 2ith ;$sel: LP its a#out 'no2led%e. LThen I; a:raid I ha8e an a&&oint;ent. LOhJ LCertainl$ I 2ould 2elco;e a di8ersion :ro; ;$ studies( NiccolM. Ho2e8er( an eDtension o: the; I dont desire. I %rinned. LSurel$ $ou 2ant to hear the tales I8e #een told #$ the 9aster. LThat all de&ends. 3our &itch ;a'es the; sound less than in8i%oratin%. 3ou 'no2 $ou sa$ ;$ tastes run to the #loodthirst$ 2hen it co;es to $our storiesJ L3es. 9a::eo %a8e a hal:Fs;ile. LWell( $oure ri%ht( the$ do. LThen $ou shall ha8e that( too. These are( a:ter all( the tales o: the %reat AltaKr I#nF LaAhad. This is his li:e stor$( #rother. Belie8e ;e( there is no shorta%e o: e8ent( and ;uch o: it( $oull #e ha&&$ to note( :eaturin% #loodshed. B$ no2 2e had ;ade our 2a$ u& the #ar#ican to the outer &art o: the :ortress. We &assed #eneath the arch and throu%h the %uard station( cli;#in% a%ain as 2e headed to2ards the inner castle. Ahead o: us 2as the to2er in 2hich AltaKr had his Guarters. Aor 2ee's I had #een 8isitin% hi; there( s&endin% countless hours #$ hi;( ra&t( as he sat 2ith his hands clas&ed and his el#o2s on the rests o: his tall chair( tellin% his

stories( his old e$es #arel$ 8isi#le #eneath his co2l. And increasin%l$ I had co;e to realiIe that I 2as #ein% told these stories :or a &ur&ose. That :or so;e reason $et un:atho;a#le to ;e( I had #een chosen to hear the;. When not tellin% his stories( AltaKr #rooded a;on% his #oo's and ;e;ories( so;eti;es %aIin% :or lon% hours :ro; the 2indo2 o: his to2er. He 2ould #e there no2( I thou%ht( and hoo'ed a thu;# under the #and o: ;$ ca& and shi:ted it #ac'( shadin% ;$ e$es to loo' u& at the to2er( seein% nothin% #ut sunF#leached stone. LWe8e an audience 2ith hi;J 9a::eo interru&ted ;$ thou%hts. LNo( not toda$( I re&lied( instead &ointin% at a to2er to our ri%ht. LWere %oin% u& there P 9a::eo :ro2ned. The de:ensi8e to2er 2as one o: the hi%hest in the citadel( and 2as reached #$ a series o: 8erti%inous ladders( ;ost o: 2hich loo'ed in need o: re&air. But I 2as insistent( and I tuc'ed ;$ tunic into ;$ #elt then led 9a::eo u& to the :irst le8el( then to the neDt and :inall$ to the to&. Aro; there 2e loo'ed across the countr$side. 9iles and ;iles o: cra%%$ terrain. Ri8ers li'e 8eins. Clusters o: settle;ents. We loo'ed o8er 9as$a:@ :ro; the :ortress to the #uildin%s and ;ar'ets o: the s&ra2lin% 8illa%e #elo2( the 2ooden stoc'ade o: the outer curtain and sta#lin%. LHo2 hi%h are 2eJ as'ed 9a::eo( loo'in% a little %reen( no dou#t conscious o: #ein% #u::eted #$ the 2ind and that the %round no2 loo'ed a lon%( lon% 2a$ a2a$. LO8er t2o hundred and :i:t$ :eet( I told hi;. LHi%h enou%h to &ut the Assassins out o: ran%e o: ene;$ archers < #ut a#le to rain arro2s and ;ore do2n u&on the;. I sho2ed hi; the o&enin%s surroundin% us on all sides. LAro; the ;achicolations here the$ could launch roc's or oil o8er their :oe( usin% these P Wooden &lat:or;s Eutted out into s&ace and 2e ;o8ed o8er to one no2( holdin% on to u&ri%ht su&&orts either side and leanin% out into the air to loo' do2n. Directl$ #elo2 us( the to2er :ell a2a$ to the cli:: ed%e. Belo2 that the shi;;erin% ri8er. The #lood drainin% :ro; his :ace( 9a::eo ste&&ed #ac' on to the sa:et$ o: the to2er :loor. I lau%hed( doin% the sa;e ,and secretl$ %lad to( :eelin% a little %idd$ and sic' ;$sel:( truth #e told-. LAnd 2h$ is it $ou8e #rou%ht us u& hereJ as'ed 9a::eo. LThis is 2here ;$ stor$ #e%ins( I said. LIn ;ore 2a$s than one. Aor it 2as :ro; here that the loo'out :irst sa2 the in8adin% :orce. LThe in8adin% :orceJ L3es. Salah Aldins ar;$. He ca;e to la$ sie%e to 9as$a:( to de:eat the Assassins. Ei%ht$ $ears a%o( a #ri%ht da$ in Au%ust. A da$ 8er$ ;uch li'e toda$ P

Airst( the loo'out sa2 the #irds. An ar;$ on the ;o8e attracts sca8en%ers. O: the 2in%ed 8ariet$( ;ainl$( 2hich s2oo& u&on 2hate8er scra&s are le:t #ehind@ :ood( 2aste and carcasses( #oth horse and hu;an. NeDt he sa2 the dust. And then a 8ast( dar' stain that a&&eared on the horiIon( slo2l$ #eetlin% :or2ard( en%ul:in% e8er$thin% in si%ht. An ar;$ inha#its( disru&ts and destro$s the landsca&eH it is a %iant( hun%r$ #east that consu;es e8er$thin% in its &ath and in ;ost cases < as Salah Aldin 2as 2ell a2are < the ;ere si%ht o: it 2as enou%h to ;o8e the ene;$ to surrender. Not this ti;e( thou%h. Not 2hen his ene;ies 2ere the Assassins. Aor the ca;&ai%n the Saracen leader had raised a ;odest :orce o: ten thousand in:antr$( ca8alr$ and :ollo2ers. With the; he &lanned to crush the Assassins( 2ho had alread$ ;ade t2o atte;&ts on his li:e and 2ould surel$ not :ail a third ti;e. Intendin% to ta'e the :i%ht to their door he had #rou%ht his ar;$ into the An<Nusa$ri$ah ;ountains and to the Assassins nine citadels there. 9essa%es had reached 9as$a: that Salah Aldins ;en had #een &lunderin% the countr$side( #ut that none o: the :orts had :allen. That Salah Aldin 2as on his 2a$ to 9as$a:( intent on conGuerin% it and clai;in% the head o: the Assassin leader( Al 9uali;. Salah Aldin 2as re%arded as a te;&erate and :airF;inded leader( #ut he 2as as an%ered #$ the Assassins as he 2as unner8ed #$ the;. Accordin% to re&orts( his uncle( Shiha# Aldin( 2as ad8isin% hi; to o::er a &eace a%ree;ent. Ha8e the Assassins 2ith the;( not a%ainst the;( 2as Shiha#s reasonin%. But the 8en%e:ul Sultan 2ould not #e ;o8ed( and so it 2as that his ar;$ cra2led to2ards 9as$a: on a #ri%ht Au%ust da$ in 440>( and a loo'out in the citadels de:ensi8e to2er sa2 the :loc's o: #irds( the %reat clouds o: dust and the #lac' stain on the horiIon( and he raised a horn to his li&s and sounded the alar;. Stoc'&ilin% su&&lies( the to2ns&eo&le ;o8ed into the sa:et$ o: the citadel( thron%in% the court$ards( :aces etched 2ith :ear( #ut ;an$ o: the; settin% u& stalls to continue tradin%. The Assassins( ;ean2hile( #e%an :orti:$in% the castle( &re&arin% to ;eet the ar;$( 2atchin% the stain s&read across the #eauti:ul %reen landsca&e( the %reat #east :eedin% on the land( coloniIin% the horiIon. The$ heard the horns and dru;s and c$;#als. And soon the$ could ;a'e out the :i%ures as the$ ;aterialiIed :ro; the heat haIe@ thousands o: the;( the$ sa2. The in:antr$@ s&ear;en( Ea8elin;en and archers( Ar;enians( Nu#ians and Ara#s. The$ sa2 ca8alr$@ Ara#s( Tur's and 9a;elu's( carr$in% sa#re( ;ace( lance and lon%s2ord( so;e 2earin% chain;ail( so;e leather ar;our. The$ sa2 the litters o: the no#le2o;en( the hol$ ;en and the disorderl$ :ollo2ers at the rear@ the :a;ilies( children and sla8es. The$ 2atched as the in8adin% 2arriors reached the outer curtain and set it a#laIe( the sta#les too( the horns still #larin%( c$;#als crashin%. Inside the citadel( the 2o;en o: the 8illa%e #e%an 2ee&in%. The$ eD&ected their ho;es to #e neDt under the torch. But the #uildin%s 2ere le:t untouched( and instead the ar;$ ca;e to a halt in the 8illa%e( &a$in% little re%ard to the castle < so it see;ed. The$ sent no en8o$( no ;essa%eH the$ si;&l$ ;ade ca;&. 9ost o: their tents 2ere #lac'( #ut in the ;iddle o: the enca;&;ent 2as a cluster o: lar%er &a8ilions( the Guarters o: the %reat Sultan Salah Aldin and his closest %enerals. There( e;#roidered :la%s :lutteredH the ti&s o: the tent &oles 2ere %ilded &o;e%ranates( and the &a8ilion co8ers 2ere o: colour:ul sil'. In the citadel the Assassins ;ulled o8er their tactics. Would Salah Aldin assault the :ortress or tr$ to star8e the; outJ As ni%ht :ell the$ had their ans2er. Belo2 the; the ar;$ #e%an 2or' asse;#lin% its sie%e en%ines. Aires #urned lon% into the ni%ht. The sound o: sa2in% and ha;;erin% rose to the ears o: those ;annin% the citadel

ra;&arts( and to the 9asters to2er( 2here Al 9uali; called an asse;#l$ o: his 9aster Assassins. LSalah Aldin has #een deli8ered to us( said Aahee; alFSa$:( a 9aster Assassin. LThis is an o&&ortunit$ not to #e ;issed. Al 9uali; thou%ht. He loo'ed :ro; the to2er 2indo2( thin'in% o: the colour:ul &a8ilion in 2hich Salah Aldin no2 sat &lottin% his do2n:all < and that o: the Assassins. He thou%ht o: the %reat Sultans ar;$ and ho2 it had laid 2aste to the countr$side. Ho2 the Sultan 2as ;ore than ca&a#le o: raisin% an e8en lar%er :orce should his ca;&ai%n :ail. Salah Aldin had ;atchless ;i%ht( he reasoned. But the Assassins( the$ had %uile. LWith Salah Aldin dead( the Saracen ar;ies 2ill cru;#le( said Aahee;. But Al 9uali; 2as sha'in% his head. LI thin' not. Shiha# 2ill ta'e his &lace. LHe is hal: the leader Salah Aldin is. LThen he 2ould #e less e::ecti8e in re&ellin% the Christians( countered Al 9uali;( shar&l$. He tired so;eti;es o: Aahee;s ha2'li'e 2a$s. LDo 2e 2ish to :ind oursel8es at their ;erc$J Do 2e 2ish to :ind oursel8es their un2illin% allies a%ainst the SultanJ We are the Assassins( Aahee;. Our intent is our o2n. We #elon% to no one. A silence :ell o8er the s2eetFscented roo;. LSalah Aldin is as 2ar$ o: us as 2e are o: hi;( said Al 9uali;( a:ter re:lection. LWe should see to it that he is ;ade e8en ;ore 2ar$. The neDt ;ornin% the Saracens &ushed a ra; and sie%e to2er u& the ;ain slo&e( and as Tur'ish horseFarchers ;ade &asses( sho2erin% the citadel 2ith arro2s( the$ attac'ed the outer 2alls 2ith their sie%e en%ines( under constant :ire :ro; Assassin archers and 2ith roc's and oil &ourin% :ro; the de:ensi8e to2ers. Villa%ers Eoined the #attle( &eltin% the ene;$ 2ith roc's :ro; the ra;&arts( dousin% the :ires( 2hile at the ;ain %ates( #ra8e Assassins ;ade sorties throu%h the 2ic'et doors( :i%htin% #ac' in:antr$ tr$in% to #urn the; do2n. The da$ ended 2ith ;an$ dead on #oth sides( the Saracens retreatin% do2n the hill( li%htin% their :ires :or the ni%ht( re&airin% their sie%e en%ines( asse;#lin% ;ore. That ni%ht( there 2as a %reat co;;otion in the enca;&;ent( and in the ;ornin% the #ri%htl$ coloured &a8ilion #elon% to the %reat Salah Aldin 2as ta'en do2n( and he le:t( ta'in% a s;all #od$%uard :orce 2ith hi;. Shortl$ a:ter that( his uncle( Shiha# Aldin( ascended the slo&e to address the 9aster o: the Assassins.

LHis 9aEest$ Salah Aldin has recei8ed $our ;essa%e( and than's $ou ;ost %raciousl$ :or it( called the en8o$. LHe has #usiness else2here and has le:t( 2ith instructions :or His EDcellenc$ Shiha# Aldin to enter into tal's. The en8o$ stood #$ Shiha#s stallion( cu&&in% a hand to his ;outh to call u& to the 9aster and his %enerals( 2ho 2ere asse;#led in the de:ensi8e to2er. A s;all :orce had cli;#ed the hill( t2o hundred ;en or so and a litter set do2n #$ Nu#ians( no ;ore than a #od$%uard :or Shiha#( 2ho re;ained on horse#ac'. On his :ace 2as a serene eD&ression( as thou%h he 2ere not undul$ concerned a#out the outco;e o: the tal's. He 2ore 2ide 2hite trousers( 8est and red t2isted sash. Inset into his lar%e( #lindin%F2hite tur#an 2as a %litterin% Ee2el. That Ee2el 2ould ha8e an illustrious na;e( thou%ht Al 9uali;( %aIin% do2n u&on hi; :ro; the to& o: the to2er. It 2ould #e called the Star o: so;ethin% or the Rose o: so;ethin%. The Saracens 2ere so :ond o: na;in% their #au#les. LDo #e%in( called Al 9uali;( thin'in%( Business else2here( 2ith a s;ile( his ;ind %oin% #ac' Eust a :e2 hours to 2hen an Assassin had co;e to his cha;#ers( raisin% hi; :ro; slu;#er and callin% hi; to the throne roo;. L!;ar( 2elco;e( Al 9uali; had said( 2ra&&in% his ro#es around hi;sel:( :eelin% the earl$F;ornin% chill in his #ones. L9aster( !;ar had re&lied( his 8oice lo2 and his head #ent. L3ou8e co;e to tell ;e o: $our ;issionJ Al 9uali; said to hi;. He lit an oil la;& on a chain then :ound his chair( settlin% into it. Shado2s :litted across the :loor. !;ar nodded. There 2as #lood on his slee8e( noticed Al 9uali;. LWas our a%ents in:or;ation correctJ L3es( 9aster. I ;ade ;$ 2a$ into their enca;&;ent and( Eust as 2e 2ere told( the %aud$ &a8ilion 2as a deco$. Salah Aldins tent 2as near#$( a ;uch less cons&icuous acco;;odation. Al 9uali; s;iled. LEDcellent( eDcellent. And ho2 2ere $ou a#le to identi:$ itJ LIt 2as &rotected( Eust as our s&$ said it 2ould #e( 2ith chal' and cinders scattered on the &eri;eter so ;$ ste&s 2ould #e heard. LBut the$ 2ere notJ LNo( 9aster( and I 2as a#le to enter the Sultans tent and lea8e the :eather as instructed. LAnd the letterJ LPinned #$ da%%er to his &allet. LAnd thenJ LI cre&t :ro; his tent P LAndJ There 2as a &ause. LThe Sultan a2o'e and raised the alar;. I 2as onl$ Eust a#le to esca&e 2ith ;$ li:e. Al 9uali; indicated !;ars #loodFstained slee8e. LAnd thatJ LI 2as :orced to cut a throat in order to ;a'e %ood ;$ esca&e( 9aster. LA %uardJ as'ed Al 9uali;( ho&e:ull$. !;ar shoo' his head sadl$. LHe 2ore the tur#an and 8est o: a no#le;an. At 2hich Al 9uali; closed tired and sorro2:ul e$es. LThere 2as no other o&tionJ LI acted rashl$( 9aster. LBut other2ise $our ;ission 2as a successJ L3es( 9aster. LThen 2e shall see 2hat trans&ires( he said. What trans&ired 2as the eDit o: Salah Aldin and the 8isit :ro; Shiha#. And standin% tall in his to2er( Al 9uali; had allo2ed hi;sel: to #elie8e that the Assassins had &re8ailed. That his &lan had 2or'ed. Their ;essa%e had 2arned the Sultan that he

should a#andon his ca;&ai%n a%ainst the Assassins( :or the neDt da%%er 2ould not #e &inned to his &allet #ut to his %enitals. Si;&l$ #$ #ein% a#le to lea8e it the$ had sho2n the ;onarch ho2 8ulnera#le he reall$ 2asH ho2 his %reat :orce counted :or nothin% 2hen a lone Assassin could out2it his deco$s and %uards and steal so easil$ into his tent as he sle&t. And &erha&s Salah Aldin 2as :onder o: his %enitals than he 2as o: &ursuin% a lon% and costl$ 2ar o: attrition a%ainst an ene;$ 2hose interests onl$ rarel$ ca;e into con:lict 2ith his o2n. Aor he had %one. LHis 9aEest$ Salah Aldin acce&ts $our o::er o: &eace( said the en8o$. On the to2er( Al 9uali; shared an a;used %lance 2ith !;ar( 2ho stood #$ his side. Aurther alon% 2as Aahee;. His ;outh 2as set. LHa8e 2e his assurance that our sect can o&erate 2ithout :urther hostilities( and no :urther inter:erence in our acti8itiesJ as'ed Al 9uali;. LAs lon% as interests allo2( $ou ha8e that assurance. LThen I acce&t His 9aEest$s o::er( called Al 9uali;( &leased. L3ou ;a$ re;o8e $our ;en :ro; 9as$a:. Perha&s $ou 2ould #e %ood enou%h to re&air our stoc'ade #e:ore $ou lea8e. At that Shiha# loo'ed shar&l$ u& at the to2er( and e8en :ro; the %reat hei%ht Al 9uali; sa2 an%er :lash in his e$es. Shiha# leaned :ro; his stallion to s&ea' to the en8o$( 2ho listened( noddin%( then cu&&ed his hand to his ;outh to address those in the to2er once ;ore. LDurin% the deli8er$ o: the ;essa%e( one o: Salah Aldins trusted %enerals 2as 'illed. His 9aEest$ reGuires re&aration. The head o: the cul&rit. The s;ile slid :ro; Al 9uali;s :ace. At his side( !;ar tensed. There 2as silence. ?ust the snortin% o: the horses. Birdson%. All 2aited to hear Al 9uali;s res&onse. L3ou ;a$ tell the Sultan that I reEect that de;and. Shiha# shru%%ed. He leaned o8er to s&ea' to the en8o$( 2ho in turn addressed Al 9uali;. LHis EDcellenc$ 2ishes to in:or; $ou that unless $ou a%ree to the de;and a :orce 2ill re;ain here at 9as$a:( and that our &atience is %reater than $our store o: su&&lies. Would $ou ha8e the &eace a%ree;ent count :or nothin%J Would $ou allo2 $our 8illa%ers and $our ;en to star8eJ All :or the head o: one AssassinJ His EDcellenc$ dearl$ ho&es not. LI 2ill %o( hissed !;ar to Al 9uali;. LThe ;ista'e 2as ;ine. It is onl$ ri%ht I should &a$ :or it. Al 9uali; i%nored hi;. LI 2ill not %i8e u& the li:e o: one o: ;$ ;en( he called to the en8o$. LThen His EDcellenc$ re%rets $our decision and as's that $ou #ear 2itness to a ;atter no2 in need o: resolution. We ha8e disco8ered the eDistence o: a s&$ in our ca;&( and he ;ust #e eDecuted. Al 9uali; cau%ht his #reath as the Saracens dra%%ed the Assassin a%ent :ro; the litter. A:ter hi; ca;e an eDecutioners #loc' that t2o Nu#ians &laced on the %round in :ront o: Shiha#s stallion. The s&$s na;e 2as Ah;ad. He had #een #eaten. His head < #attered( #ruised and #loodFstained < lolled on his chest as he 2as ;anhandled to the #loc'( dra%%ed on his 'nees and dra&ed o8er it( throat u&. The eDecutioner ste&&ed :or2ard@ a Tur' carr$in% a %lintin% sci;itar that he %rounded( &lacin% #oth hands on the Ee2elled hilt. The t2o Nu#ians held Ah;ads ar;sH he %roaned a little( the sound risin% to the stunned Assassins hi%h in the de:ensi8e to2er. LLet $our ;an ta'e his &lace and his li:e 2ill #e s&ared( the &eace treat$ honoured( called the en8o$. LI: not he dies( the sie%e #e%ins and $our &eo&le star8e.

Suddenl$ Shiha# raised his head to shout( LDo $ou 2ant that on $our conscience( !;ar I#nFLaAhadJ As one the Assassins cau%ht their #reath. Ah;ad had tal'ed. !nder torture( o: course. But he had tal'ed. Al 9uali;s shoulders slu;&ed. !;ar 2as #eside hi;sel:. LLet ;e %o( he ur%ed Al 9uali;. L9aster( &lease. Belo2 the; the eDecutioner &lanted his :eet 2ide. T2oFhanded( he raised the s2ord a#o8e his head. Ah;ad &ulled :ee#l$ at the hands that &inned hi;. His throat 2as taut( o::ered :or the #lade. The &ro;ontor$ 2as silent #ut :or his 2hi;&erin%. L3our last chance( Assassin( called Shiha#. The #lade shone. L9aster( &leaded !;ar( Llet ;e %o. Al 9uali; nodded. LSto&Q shouted !;ar. He ;o8ed to a &lat:or; o: the to2er( callin% do2n to Shiha#. LI a; !;ar I#nFLaAhad. It is ;$ li:e $ou should ta'e. There 2as a ri&&le o: eDcite;ent a;on% the ran's o: Saracens. Shiha# s;iled( nodded. He indicated to the eDecutioner( 2ho stood do2n( %roundin% his s2ord once ;ore. LVer$ 2ell( he said to !;ar. LCo;e( ta'e $our &lace on the #loc'. !;ar turned to Al 9uali;( 2ho raised his head to loo' at hi; 2ith redFri;;ed e$es. L9aster( said !;ar( LI as' $ou one :inal :a8our. That $ou see to the care o: AltaKr. Acce&t hi; as $our no8ice. Al 9uali; nodded. LO: course( !;ar( he said. LO: course. There 2as a hush across the citadel as !;ar cli;#ed do2n the ladders o: the to2er( then too' the slo&e throu%h the #ar#ican( under the arch and to the ;ain %ate. At the 2ic'et %ate a sentr$ ca;e :or2ard to o&en it( and he #ent to %o throu%h. A shout ca;e :ro; #ehind hi;@ LAather. The sound o: runnin% :eet. He &aused. LAather. He heard the distress in his sons 8oice and sGueeIed his e$es shut a%ainst tears as he ste&&ed out o: the %ate. The sentr$ closed it #ehind hi;. The$ &ulled Ah;ad :ro; the #loc' and !;ar tried to %i8e hi; a reassurin% loo'( #ut Ah;ad could not ;eet his %aIe as he 2as hauled a2a$ and du;&ed outside the 2ic'et %ate. It o&ened and he 2as dra%%ed in. It closed a%ain #ehind hi;. Ar;s too' hold o: !;ar. He 2as &ulled to the #loc'( s&read as Ah;ad had #een. He o::ered his throat and 2atched as the eDecutioner to2ered a#o8e hi;. Be$ond the eDecutioner the s'$. LAather( he heard :ro; the citadel( as the %lea;in% #lade ca;e slicin% do2n. T2o da$s later( under co8er o: dar'ness( Ah;ad le:t the :ortress. The :ollo2in% ;ornin% 2hen his disa&&earance 2as disco8ered there 2ere those 2ho 2ondered ho2 he could #ear to lea8e his son alone < his ;other ha8in% died o: the :e8er t2o $ears &re8iousl$ < 2hile others said the sha;e 2as too ;uch :or hi;( that that 2as 2h$ he had #een :orced to lea8e. The truth 2as a di::erent ;atter alto%ether.

+* ?une 4+10
This ;ornin% I a2o'e 2ith 9a::eo sha'in% ;$ shoulder < not es&eciall$ %entl$( I should add. Ho2e8er( his insistence 2as &ro;&ted #$ an interest in ;$ stor$. Aor that at least I should #e %rate:ul. LSoJ he said. LSo 2hatJ I: I sounded slee&$( 2ell( thats #ecause I 2as. LSo 2hat ha&&ened to Ah;adJ LThat I 2as to disco8er at a later date( #rother. LSo tell ;e. As I &ulled ;$sel: to a sittin% &osition in ;$ #ed I %a8e the ;atter so;e thou%ht. LI thin' it #est that I tell $ou the stories Eust as the$ 2ere told to ;e( I said at last. LAltaKr( a%ein% thou%h he is( is Guite the teller o: tales. I #elie8e I shall adhere to his narrati8e. And 2hat I related to $ou $esterda$ :or;ed the #ul' o: our 8er$ :irst ;eetin% to%ether. An e&isode that too' &lace 2hen he 2as Eust ele8en $ears old. LTrau;atic :or an$ child( re:lected 9a::eo. LWhat o: his ;otherJ LDied in child#irth. LAltaKr an or&han at ele8enJ LIndeed. LWhat ha&&ened to hi;J LWell( $ou 'no2 2hat ha&&ened. He sits u& in his to2er and < LNo( I ;ean 2hat ha&&ened to hi; neDtJ LThat also 2ill ha8e to 2ait( #rother. The neDt ti;e I sa2 AltaKr he had ;o8ed the :ocus o: his narrati8e :or2ard #$ :i:teen $ears( to a da$ that :ound hi; cree&in% throu%h the dar'( dri&&in% cataco;#s #eneath ?erusale; P The $ear 2as 4474( ;ore than three $ears since Salah Aldin and his Saracens had ca&tured ?erusale;. In res&onse the Christians had %nashed their teeth( sta;&ed their :eet( and taDed their &eo&le in order to :und the Third Crusade < and once ;ore ;en in chain;ail had ;arched u&on the Hol$ Land and laid sie%e to its cities. En%lands "in% Richard( the one the$ called the Lionheart < as cruel as he 2as coura%eous < had recentl$ reca&tured Acre( #ut his %reatest desire 2as to reFta'e ?erusale;( a hol$ site. And no2here in ?erusale; 2as ;ore sacred than the Te;&le 9ount and the ruins o: the Te;&le o: Solo;on < to2ards 2hich AltaKr( 9ali' and "adar cre&t. The$ ;o8ed :ast #ut stealthil$( clin%in% to the sides o: the tunnels( their so:t #oots #arel$ distur#in% the sand. AltaKr 2ent ahead( 9ali' and "adar a :e2 &aces #ehind( all 2ith senses tuned to their surroundin%s( their &ulses Guic'enin% as the$ ca;e closer to the 9ount. The cataco;#s 2ere thousands o: $ears old and loo'ed e8er$ da$ o: itH AltaKr could see sand and dust tric'lin% :ro; unstead$ 2ooden su&&orts( 2hile under:oot the %round 2as so:t( the sand 2et 2ith the 2ater that dri&&ed steadil$ :ro; o8erhead < so;e 'ind o: near#$ 2atercourse. The air 2as thic' 2ith the s;ell o: sul&hur :ro; the #itu;enFsoa'ed lanterns that lined the tunnel 2alls. AltaKr 2as the :irst to hear the &riest. O: course he 2as. He 2as the leader( the 9aster AssassinH his s'ills 2ere %reater( his senses shar&er. He sto&&ed. He touched his ear( then held u& his hand( and all three #eca;e still( li'e 2raiths in the &assa%e. When he %lanced #ac'( the$ 2ere a2aitin% his neDt co;;and. "adars e$es %lea;ed 2ith antici&ationH 9ali's 2ere 2atch:ul and :lint$. All three held their #reath. Around the; the 2ater dri&&ed( and AltaKr listened intentl$ to the &riests ;u;#lin%s. The :alse Christian &iet$ o: a Te;&lar. No2 AltaKr &laced his hands #ehind his #ac' and :lic'ed his 2rist to en%a%e his

#lade( :eelin% the :a;iliar &ull on the rin% ;echanis; he 2ore on his little :in%er. He 'e&t his #lade in %ood order so that the noise it ;ade 2hen it released 2as al;ost inaudi#le < he ti;ed it to the 2ater dro&lets Eust to #e sure. Dri& P dri& P snic'. He #rou%ht his ar;s :or2ard and the #lade at his le:t hand %littered in the :lic'erin% torchli%ht( thirst$ :or #lood. NeDt AltaKr :lattened hi;sel: to the tunnel 2all and ;o8ed :or2ard stealthil$( roundin% a sli%ht #end until he could see the &riest 'neelin% in the tunnel. He 2ore the ro#es o: a Te;&lar( 2hich could onl$ ;ean there 2ere ;ore ahead( &ro#a#l$ 2ithin the ruins o: the Te;&le. In search o: their treasure( no dou#t. His heart Guic'ened. It 2as Eust as hed thou%ht. That the cit$ 2as under Salah Aldins control 2asnt %oin% to sto& the ;en o: the red cross. The$( too( had #usiness at the 9ount. What #usinessJ AltaKr intended to :ind out( #ut :irst P Airst there 2as the &riest to ta'e care o:. Crouched lo2( he ;o8ed #ehind the 'neelin% ;an( 2ho &ra$ed on( una2are o: deaths &roDi;it$. Shi:tin% his 2ei%ht to his :ront :oot and #endin% at the 'nee sli%htl$( AltaKr raised the #lade( his hand #ent #ac'( read$ to stri'e. LWaitQ hissed 9ali' :ro; #ehind hi;. LThere ;ust #e another 2a$ P This one need not die. AltaKr i%nored hi;. In one :luid ;o8e;ent he %ras&ed the &riests shoulder 2ith his ri%ht hand and 2ith his le:t Ea;;ed the &oint o: the #lade into the #ac' o: his nec'( slicin% #et2een the s'ull and the :irst 8erte#ra o: the #ac'#one( se8erin% his s&ine. The &riest had no ti;e to screa;@ death 2as al;ost instantaneous. Al;ost. His #od$ Eer'ed and tautened #ut AltaKr held hi; :ir;( :eelin% his li:e e## a2a$ as he held hi; 2ith one :in%er on his carotid arter$. Slo2l$( the #od$ relaDed and AltaKr allo2ed it to cru;&le silentl$ to the %round 2here it la$( a s&readin% &ool o: #lood #lotted #$ the sand. It had #een Guic'( soundless. But as AltaKr retracted the #lade he sa2 the 2a$ 9ali' loo'ed at hi; and the accusation in his e$es. It 2as all that he could do to su&&ress a sneer at 9ali's 2ea'ness. 9ali's #rother( "adar( on the other hand( 2as e8en no2 loo'in% do2n at the &riests #od$ 2ith a ;iDture o: 2onder;ent and a2e. LAn eDcellent 'ill( he said #reathlessl$. LAortune :a8ours $our #lade. LNot :ortune( #oasted AltaKr( Ls'ill. Watch a 2hile lon%er and $ou ;i%ht learn so;ethin%. As he said it he 2atched 9ali' care:ull$( seein% the Assassins e$es :lare an%ril$( Eealous( no dou#t( at the res&ect "adar a::orded AltaKr. Sure enou%h( 9ali' turned on his #rother. LIndeed. Hell teach $ou ho2 to disre%ard e8er$thin% the 9aster tau%ht us. AltaKr sneered once ;ore. LAnd ho2 2ould $ou ha8e done itJ LI 2ould not ha8e dra2n attention to us. I 2ould not ha8e ta'en the li:e o: an innocent. AltaKr si%hed. LIt ;atters not ho2 2e co;&lete our tas'( onl$ that its done. LBut that is not the 2a$ P started 9ali'. AltaKr :iDed hi; 2ith a stare. L9$ 2a$ is #etter. Aor a ;o;ent or so the t2o ;en %lared at one another. E8en in the dan'( cold and dri&&in% tunnel( AltaKr could see in 9ali's e$es the insolence( the resent;ent. He 2ould need to #e care:ul o: that( he 'ne2. It see;ed that $oun% 9ali' 2as an ene;$ in 2aitin%. But i: he had desi%ns on usur&in% AltaKr( 9ali' e8identl$ decided that no2 2as not the ri%ht ;o;ent to ;a'e his stand. LI 2ill scout ahead( he said. LTr$ not to dishonour us :urther. An$ &unish;ent :or that &articular insu#ordination 2ould ha8e to 2ait( decided

AltaKr( as 9ali' le:t( headin% u& the tunnel in the direction o: the Te;&le. "adar 2atched hi; %o( then turned to AltaKr. LWhat is our ;issionJ he as'ed. L9$ #rother 2ould sa$ nothin% to ;e( onl$ that I should #e honoured to ha8e #een in8ited. AltaKr re%arded the enthusiastic $oun% &u&. LThe 9aster #elie8es the Te;&lars ha8e :ound so;ethin% #eneath the Te;&le 9ount. LTreasureJ %ushed "adar. LI do not 'no2. All that ;atters is the 9aster considers it i;&ortant( else he 2ould not ha8e as'ed ;e to retrie8e it. "adar nodded and( at a 2a8e o: the hand :ro; AltaKr( darted o:: to Eoin his #rother( lea8in% AltaKr alone in the tunnel. He loo'ed do2n( &onderin%( at the #od$ o: the &riest( a halo o: #lood on the sand around the head. 9ali' ;i%ht ha8e #een ri%ht. There had #een other 2a$s o: silencin% the &riest < he hadnt had to die. But AltaKr had 'illed hi; #ecause P Because he could. Because he 2as AltaKr I#nFLaAhad( #orn o: an Assassin :ather. The ;ost s'illed o: all those in the Order. A 9aster Assassin. He set o::( co;in% to a series o: &its( ;ist :loatin% in their de&ths( and lea&ed easil$ to the :irst cross#ea;( lithel$ landin% and crouchin% catli'e( #reathin% steadil$( enEo$in% his o2n &o2er and athleticis;. He Eu;&ed to the neDt and to the neDt( then ca;e to 2here 9ali' and "adar stood 2aitin% :or hi;. But rather than ac'no2led%e the; he ran &ast( the sound o: his :eet li'e a 2his&er on the %round( #arel$ distur#in% the sand. Ahead o: hi; 2as a tall ladder and he too' it at a run( sca;&erin% u& Guic'l$ and Guietl$( onl$ slo2in% 2hen he reached the 8er$ to&( 2here he sto&&ed( listenin% and sni::in% the air. NeDt( 8er$ slo2l$( he raised his head to see an ele8ated cha;#er( and there( as hed eD&ected( stood a %uard 2ith his #ac' to hi;( 2earin% the out:it o: a Te;&lar@ &added %a;#eson Eac'et( le%%in%s( chain;ail( s2ord at his hi&. AltaKr( silent and still( studied hi; :or a ;o;ent( ta'in% note o: his &osture( the di& o: his shoulders. ood. He 2as tired and distracted. Silencin% hi; 2ould #e eas$. Slo2l$ AltaKr &ulled hi;sel: to the %round 2here he crouched :or a ;o;ent( stead$in% his #reathin% and 2atchin% the Te;&lar care:ull$( #e:ore ;o8in% u& #ehind hi;( strai%htenin% and raisin% his hands@ his le:t a cla2H his ri%ht read$ to reach and silence the %uard. Then he struc'( sna&&in% his 2rist to en%a%e the #lade( 2hich s&ran% :or2ard in the sa;e instant that he ra;;ed it into the %uards s&ine( reachin% 2ith his ri%ht hand to s;other the ;ans screa;. Aor a second the$ stood in a ;aca#re e;#race( AltaKr :eelin% the tic'le o: his 8icti;s :inal ;u::led shout #eneath his hand. Then the %uard 2as cru;&lin% and AltaKr lo2ered hi; %entl$ to the %round( stoo&in% to #rush his e$elids closed. He had #een &unished se8erel$ :or his :ailure as a loo'out( AltaKr thou%ht %ri;l$( as he strai%htened :ro; the cor&se and ;o8ed o::( Eoinin% 9ali' and "adar as the$ cre&t #eneath the arch that had #een so &oorl$ %uarded. Once throu%h( the$ :ound the;sel8es on an u&&er le8el o: a 8ast cha;#er( and :or a ;o;ent AltaKr stood ta'in% it in( :eelin% suddenl$ o8era2ed. This 2as the ruin o: the :a#led Solo;ons Te;&le( said to ha8e #een #uilt in 7>* BC #$ "in% Solo;on. I: AltaKr 2as correct the$ no2 stood o8erloo'in% the Te;&les %reater house( its Hol$ Place. Earl$ 2ritin%s s&o'e o: the Hol$ Place as ha8in% its 2alls lined 2ith cedar( car8ed cheru#i;( &al; trees and o&en :lo2ers e;#ossed 2ith %old( #ut the Te;&le 2as no2 a shado2 o: its :or;er sel:. one 2ere the ornate 2ood( the cheru#i; and the %old :inishin% < to 2here( AltaKr could onl$ %uess( thou%h he had little dou#t the Te;&lars had had a hand in it. 3et e8en stri&&ed o: its %ildin% it 2as still a &lace o: re8erence( and des&ite hi;sel:( AltaKr :ound hi;sel: :illed 2ith 2onder to see it.

Behind hi; his t2o co;&anions 2ere e8en ;ore a2estruc'. LThere < that ;ust #e the Ar'( said 9ali'( &ointin% across the cha;#er. LThe Ar' o: the Co8enant( %as&ed "adar( seein% it too. AltaKr had reco8ered( and %lanced o8er to see the t2o ;en standin% li'e a &air o: :oolish ;erchants daIIled at the si%ht o: shin$ #au#les. Ar' o: the Co8enantJ LDont #e sill$( he chided. LTheres no such thin%. Its Eust a stor$. Loo'in% o8er( thou%h( he 2as less sure. Certainl$ the #oD had all the &ro&erties o: the :a#led Ar'. It 2as Eust as the &ro&hets had al2a$s descri#ed@ &lated entirel$ 2ith %old( a %olden co8er adorned 2ith cheru#i;( and rin%s :or insertin% the &oles that 2ould #e used to carr$ it. And there 2as so;ethin% a#out it( AltaKr realiIed. It had an aura P He tore his e$es a2a$ :ro; it. 9ore i;&ortant ;atters needed his attention( na;el$ the ;en 2ho had Eust entered on the lo2er le8el( their #oots crunchin% on 2hat had once #een :irF#oard :loorin% #ut 2as no2 #are stone. Te;&lars( their leader alread$ #ar'in% orders. LI 2ant it throu%h the %ate #e:ore sunrise( he told the;( re:errin% no dou#t to the Ar'. LThe sooner 2e &ossess it( the sooner 2e can turn our attention to those Eac'als at 9as$a:. He s&o'e 2ith a Arench accent( and as he ca;e into the li%ht( the$ sa2 his distincti8e ca&e < that o: the Te;&lar rand 9aster. LRo#ert de Sa#le( said AltaKr. LHis li:e is ;ine. 9ali' rounded on hi; an%ril$. LNo. We 2ere as'ed to retrie8e the treasure and deal 2ith Ro#ert onl$ i: necessar$. AltaKr( tired o: 9ali's constant de:iance( turned on hi;. LHe stands #et2een us and it( he hissed an%ril$. LId sa$ its necessar$. LDiscretion( AltaKr( ur%ed 9ali'. L3ou ;ean co2ardice. That ;an is our %reatest ene;$ < and here 2e ha8e a chance to #e rid o: hi;. Still 9ali' ar%ued@ L3ou ha8e alread$ #ro'en t2o tenets o: our Creed. No2 $ou 2ould #rea' the third. Do not co;&ro;ise the Brotherhood. Ainall$ AltaKr sna&&ed@ LI a; $our su&erior < in #oth title and a#ilit$. 3ou should 'no2 #etter than to Guestion ;e. And 2ith that he turned( cli;#in% Guic'l$ do2n the :irst ladder to a lo2er #alcon$( then to the :loor 2here he strode con:identl$ to2ards the %rou& o: 'ni%hts. The$ sa2 hi; co;in% and turned to :ace hi;( their hands on the hilts o: their s2ords( their Ea2s set. AltaKr 'ne2 that the$ 2ould #e 2atchin% hi;( 2atchin% the Assassin as he %lided across the :loor to2ards the;( his :ace hidden #$ his co2l( his ro#es and red sash :lo2in% a#out hi;( the s2ord at his hi& and the hilts o: his short s2ords sho2in% o8er his ri%ht shoulder. He 'ne2 the :ear the$ 2ould #e :eelin%. And he in turn 2atched the;( ;entall$ assessin% each ;an@ 2hich o: the; 2as a ri%htFhanded s2ords;an( 2hich :ou%ht 2ith his le:tH 2ho 2as #uilt :or s&eed and 2ho 2ould #e stron%est( &a$in% &articular attention to their leader. Ro#ert de Sa#le 2as the lar%est o: the;( the ;ost &o2er:ul. His head 2as sha8ed( and etched into his :ace 2ere $ears o: eD&erience( e8er$ one o: 2hich had contri#uted to his le%end( that o: a 'ni%ht as :a;ed :or his s'ill 2ith a s2ord as he 2as :or his cruelt$ and ruthlessness < and this AltaKr 'ne2 a#o8e all@ that o: the ;en &resent he 2as #$ :ar the ;ost dan%erousH he had to #e neutraliIed :irst. He heard 9ali' and "adar dro& :ro; the ladders and %lanced #ehind to see the; :ollo2in% his lead( "adar s2allo2in%( ner8ous( 9ali's e$es :lashin% his disa&&ro8al. The Te;&lars tensed :urther at the si%ht o: t2o ;ore Assassins( the nu;#ers ;ore e8en no2. Aour o: the; surrounded de Sa#le( each ;an alert( the air thic' 2ith :ear and sus&ense. LHold( Te;&lars( called AltaKr( 2hen he 2as close enou%h to the :i8e 'ni%hts. He

addressed de Sa#le( 2ho stood 2ith a thin s;ile u&on his li&s( his hands han%in% at his sides. Not li'e his co;&anions( read$ :or co;#at( #ut relaDed( as thou%h the &resence o: the three Assassins 2as o: little si%ni:icance to hi;. AltaKr 2ould ;a'e hi; &a$ :or his arro%ance. L3ou are not the onl$ ones 2ith #usiness here( he added. The t2o ;en 2ei%hed each other u&. AltaKr ;o8ed his ri%ht hand( as thou%h read$ to %ras& the hilt o: the s2ord at his #elt( 2antin% to 'ee& de Sa#les attention there 2hen in :act death 2ould snic' s;oothl$ :ro; the le:t. 3es( he decided. Aeint 2ith the ri%ht( stri'e 2ith the le:t. Dis&atch Ro#ert de Sa#le 2ith the #lade and his ;en 2ould :lee( lea8in% the Assassins to retrie8e the treasure. All 2ould tal' o: AltaKrs %reat 8ictor$ o8er the Te;&lar rand 9aster. 9ali' < that co2ard < 2ould #e silenced( his #rother 2onderstruc' a:resh( and on their return to 9as$a: the ;e;#ers o: the Order 2ould 8enerate AltaKrH Al 9uali; 2ould honour hi; &ersonall$ and AltaKrs &ath to the &osition o: 9aster 2ould #e assured. AltaKr loo'ed into the e$es o: his o&&onent. I;&erce&ti#l$ he :leDed his le:t hand( testin% the tension o: the #lade ;echanis;. He 2as read$. LAnd 2hat is it $ou 2antJ as'ed de Sa#le( 2ith that sa;e unconcerned s;ile. LBlood( said AltaKr si;&l$( and struc'. With inhu;an s&eed he lea&ed at de Sa#le( :lic'in% the #lade at the sa;e ;o;ent( :eintin% 2ith his ri%ht hand and stri'in%( as :ast and as deadl$ as a co#ra( 2ith his le:t. But the Te;&lar rand 9aster 2as Guic'er and ;ore cunnin% than he had antici&ated. He cau%ht the Assassin ;idFattac'( see;in%l$ 2ith ease( so that AltaKr 2as sto&&ed in his trac's( una#le to ;o8e and suddenl$ < horri:$in%l$ < hel&less. And in that ;o;ent AltaKr realiIed he had ;ade a %ra8e ;ista'e. A :atal ;ista'e. In that ;o;ent he 'ne2 that it 2as not de Sa#le 2ho 2as arro%ant@ it 2as hi;sel:. All o: a sudden he no lon%er :elt li'e AltaKr the 9aster Assassin. He :elt li'e a 2ea' and :ee#le child. Worse( a #ra%%in% child. He stru%%led and :ound he could #arel$ ;o8e( de Sa#le holdin% hi; easil$. He :elt a shar& sta# o: sha;e( thin'in% o: 9ali' and "adar seein% hi; #rou%ht lo2. De Sa#les hand sGueeIed his throat( and he :ound hi;sel: %as&in% :or #reath as the Te;&lar &ushed his :ace :or2ard at hi;. A 8ein in his :orehead thro##ed. L3ou 'no2 not the thin%s in 2hich $ou ;eddle( Assassin. I s&are $ou onl$ that $ou ;a$ return to $our 9aster and deli8er a ;essa%e@ the Hol$ Land is lost to hi; and his. He should :lee no2( 2hile he has the chance. Sta$ and all o: $ou 2ill die. AltaKr cho'ed and s&luttered( the ed%e o: his 8ision #e%innin% to :ade( :i%htin% unconsciousness as de Sa#le t2isted hi; as easil$ as thou%h handlin% a ne2#orn and tossed hi; to2ards the #ac' 2all o: the cha;#er. AltaKr crashed throu%h the ancient stone and into the 8esti#ule on the other side 2here he la$ stunned :or a ;o;ent( hearin% #ea;s :all and the hu%e &illars o: the cha;#er crash in. He loo'ed u& < and sa2 that his entrance to the Te;&le 2as #loc'ed. Aro; the other side he heard shouts( de Sa#le cr$in%( L9en. To ar;s. "ill the AssassinsQ He scra;#led to his :eet and dashed to the ru##le( tr$in% to :ind a 2a$ throu%h. With sha;e and hel&lessness #urnin% hi;( he heard the cries o: 9ali' and "adar( their screa;s as the$ died( and :inall$( his head lo2( he turned and #e%an to ;a'e his 2a$ out o: the Te;&le :or the Eourne$ to 9as$a: < there to #rin% the 9aster the ne2s. The ne2s that he had :ailed. That he( the %reat AltaKr( had #rou%ht dishonour u&on hi;sel: and u&on the Order. When he :inall$ e;er%ed :ro; the #o2els o: the Te;&le 9ount it 2as into #ri%ht sunshine and a ?erusale; that tee;ed 2ith li:e. But AltaKr had ne8er :elt so alone.

AltaKr arri8ed at 9as$a: a:ter an eDhaustin% :i8eFda$ ride( durin% 2hich hed had ;ore than enou%h ti;e to re:lect u&on his :ailure. And thus it 2as 2ith the hea8iest o: hearts that he arri8ed at the %ates( 2as allo2ed in #$ the %uard and ;ade his 2a$ to the sta#les. Dis;ountin% and :eelin% his 'notted ;uscles relaD at last( he handed his horse to the sta#le #o$ then sto&&ed #$ the 2ell to ta'e so;e 2ater( si&&in% it at :irst( then %ul&in% and( last( s&lashin% it o8er hi;sel:( %rate:ull$ ru##in% the dirt :ro; his :ace. He still :elt the %ri;e o: the Eourne$ u&on his #od$( thou%h. His ro#es hun% hea8$ and :ilth$ and he loo'ed :or2ard to 2ashin% in the shi;;erin% 2aters o: 9as$a:( hidden a2a$ in an alco8e o: the cli:: :ace. All he cra8ed no2 2as solitude. As he ;ade his 2a$ throu%h the outs'irts o: the 8illa%e( his %aIe 2as dra2n u&2ards < &ast the sta#le huts and #ustlin% ;ar'et to the 2indin% &aths that led to the ra;&arts o: the Assassins :ortress. Here 2as 2here the Order trained and li8ed under the co;;and o: Al 9uali;( 2hose Guarters stood in the centre o: the citadels B$Iantine to2ers. He 2as o:ten to #e seen starin% :ro; the 2indo2 o: his to2er( lost in thou%ht( and AltaKr &ictured hi; there no2( %aIin% do2n u&on the 8illa%e. The sa;e 8illa%e that #ustled 2ith li:e( #ri%ht 2ith sunshine and loud 2ith #usiness. To 2hich( ten da$s a%o( AltaKr( lea8in% :or ?erusale; 2ith 9ali' and "adar( had &lanned to return as a triu;&hant hero. Ne8er < not in his dar'est i;a%inin%s < had he :oreseen :ailure( and $et P An Assassin hailed hi; as he ;ade his 2a$ across the sunFda&&led ;ar'et&lace( and he &ulled hi;sel: to%ether( &ushin% #ac' his shoulders and holdin% u& his head( tr$in% to su;;on :ro; 2ithin the %reat Assassin 2ho had le:t 9as$a:( rather than the e;&t$Fhanded :ool 2ho had returned. It 2as Rau:( and AltaKrs heart san' :urther < i: that 2ere &ossi#le( 2hich he sincerel$ dou#ted. O: all the &eo&le to %reet hi; on his return it 2ould ha8e to #e Rau:( 2ho 2orshi&&ed AltaKr li'e a %od. It loo'ed as thou%h the $oun%er ;an had #een 2aitin% :ro; hi;( 2ilin% a2a$ the ti;e #$ a 2alled :ountain. Indeed( he #ounded u& no2 2ith 2ide and ea%er e$es( o#li8ious to the ni;#us o: :ailure that AltaKr :elt around hi;sel:. LAltaKr < $ou8e returned. He 2as #ea;in%( as &leased as a &u&&$ to see hi;. AltaKr nodded slo2l$. He 2atched as #ehind Rau: an elderl$ ;erchant re:reshed hi;sel: at the :ountainhead then %reeted a $oun%er 2o;an( 2ho arri8ed carr$in% a 8ase decorated 2ith %aIelles. She &laced it on the lo2 2all surroundin% the 2aterhole and the$ #e%an to tal'( the 2o;an eDcited( %esticulatin%. AltaKr en8ied the;. He en8ied the; #oth. LIt is %ood to see $oure unhar;ed( continued Rau:. LI trust $our ;ission 2as a successJ AltaKr i%nored the Guestion( still 2atchin% those at the :ountain. He 2as :indin% it di::icult to ;eet Rau:s e$e. LIs the 9aster in his to2erJ he as'ed at last( tearin% his %aIe a2a$. L3es( $es. Rau: 2as sGuintin% as thou%h to di8ine so;eho2 2hat 2as 2ron% 2ith hi;. LBuried in his #oo's( as al2a$s. No dou#t he eD&ects $ou. L9$ than's( #rother. And 2ith that he le:t Rau: and the chatterin% 8illa%e :ol' at the :ountainhead and #e%an to ;a'e his 2a$ &ast the co8ered stalls and ha$ carts and #enches( o8er the &a8in%( until the dr$ and dust$ %round slo&ed shar&l$ u&2ards( the &arched %rass #rittle in the sunshine( all &aths leadin% to the castle. Ne8er had he :elt so ;uch in its shado2( and he :ound hi;sel: clenchin% his :ists as he crossed the &lateau and 2as %reeted #$ the %uards at the :ortress a&&roach( their hands on the hilts o: their s2ords( their e$es 2atch:ul.

No2 he reached the %rand arch2a$ that led to the #ar#ican( and once ;ore his heart san' as he sa2 a :i%ure he reco%niIed 2ithin@ A##as. A##as stood #eneath a torch that chased a2a$ 2hat little dar' there 2as 2ithin the arch. He 2as leanin% a%ainst the rou%h dar' stone( #areFheaded( his ar;s :olded and his s2ord at his hi&. AltaKr sto&&ed( and :or a ;o;ent or so the t2o ;en re%arded each other as 8illa%ers ;o8ed around the;( o#li8ious o: the old en;it$ #loo;in% a:resh #et2een the t2o Assassins. Once the$ had called each other #rother. But that ti;e 2as lon% &ast. A##as s;iled slo2l$( ;oc'in%l$. LAh. He returns at last. He loo'ed &ointedl$ o8er AltaKrs shoulder. LWhere are the othersJ Did $ou ride ahead( ho&in% to #e the :irst one #ac'J I 'no2 $ou are loath to share the %lor$. AltaKr did not ans2er. LSilence is Eust another :or; o: assent( added A##as( still tr$in% to %oad hi; < and doin% it 2ith all the cunnin% o: an adolescent. LHa8e $ou nothin% #etter to doJ si%hed AltaKr. LI #rin% 2ord :ro; the 9aster. He 2aits :or $ou in the li#rar$( said A##as. He ushered AltaKr &ast. LBest hurr$. No dou#t $oure ea%er to &ut $our ton%ue to his #oot. LAnother 2ord( retorted AltaKr( Land Ill &ut ;$ #lade to $our throat. A##as re&lied( LThere 2ill #e &lent$ o: ti;e :or that later( #rother. AltaKr shouldered &ast hi; and continued to the court$ard and trainin% sGuare( and then to the door2a$ to Al 9uali;s to2er. uards;en #o2ed their heads to hi;( a::ordin% hi; the res&ect a 9aster Assassin ri%ht:ull$ co;;anded( and he ac'no2led%ed the; 'no2in% that soon < as lon% as it too' 2ord to s&read < their res&ect 2ould #e a ;e;or$. But :irst he had to deli8er the terri#le ne2s to Al 9uali;( and he ;ade his 2a$ u& the ste&s o: the to2er to2ards the 9asters cha;#er. Here the roo; 2as 2ar;( the air hea8$ 2ith its custo;ar$ s2eet scent. Dust danced in sha:ts o: li%ht :ro; the %reat 2indo2 at the :ar end( 2here the 9aster stood( his hands clas&ed #ehind his #ac'. His ;aster. His ;entor. A ;an he 8enerated a#o8e all others. Who; he had :ailed. In a corner the 9asters carrier &i%eons cooed Guietl$ in their ca%e and around hi; 2ere his #oo's and ;anuscri&ts( thousands o: $ears o: Assassin literature and learnin%( either on shel8es or stac'ed in totterin%( dust$ &iles. His su;&tuous ro#es :lo2ed a#out hi;( his lon% hair la$ o8er his shoulders( and he 2as( as usual( conte;&lati8e. L9aster( said AltaKr( #rea'in% the thic' silence. He lo2ered his head. Wordless( Al 9uali; turned and ;o8ed to2ards his des'( scrolls littered the :loor #eneath it. He re%arded AltaKr 2ith one shar&( :lint$ e$e. His ;outh( hidden 2ithin his %re$F2hite #eard( #etra$ed no e;otion until at last he s&o'e( #ec'onin% to his &u&il. LCo;e :or2ard. Tell ;e o: $our ;ission. I trust $ou ha8e reco8ered the Te;&lar treasure P AltaKr :elt a tric'le o: &ers&iration ;a'e its 2a$ :ro; his :orehead and do2n his :ace. LThere 2as so;e trou#le( 9aster. Ro#ert de Sa#le 2as not alone. Al 9uali; 2a8ed a2a$ the notion. LWhen does our 2or' e8er %o as eD&ectedJ Its our a#ilit$ to ada&t that ;a'es us 2ho 2e are. LThis ti;e( it 2as not enou%h. Al 9uali; too' a ;o;ent to a#sor# AltaKrs 2ords. He ;o8ed :ro; #ehind his des'( and 2hen he neDt s&o'e( his 8oice 2as shar&. LWhat do $ou ;eanJ AltaKr :ound hi;sel: ha8in% to :orce out the 2ords. LI ha8e :ailed $ou. LThe treasureJ LLost to us. The at;os&here in the roo; chan%ed. It see;ed to tense and crac'le as thou%h

#rittle( and there 2as a &ause #e:ore Al 9uali; s&o'e a%ain. LAnd Ro#ertJ LEsca&ed. The 2ord :ell li'e a stone in the dar'enin% s&ace. No2 Al 9uali; ca;e closer to AltaKr. His one e$e 2as #ri%ht 2ith an%er( his 8oice #arel$ restrained( his :ur$ :illin% the roo;. LI send $ou < ;$ #est ;an < to co;&lete a ;ission ;ore i;&ortant than an$ that has co;e #e:ore and $ou return to ;e 2ith nothin% #ut a&olo%ies and eDcusesJ LI did < LDo not s&ea'. His 8oice 2as a 2hi&crac'. LNot another 2ord. This is not 2hat I eD&ected. Well need to ;ount another :orce so < LI s2ear to $ou Ill :ind hi; < Ill %o and P #e%an AltaKr( 2ho 2as alread$ des&erate to ;eet de Sa#le a%ain. This ti;e the outco;e 2ould #e 8er$ di::erent. No2 Al 9uali; 2as loo'in% a#out hi;sel:( as thou%h onl$ Eust recallin% that 2hen AltaKr had le:t 9as$a: he had done so 2ith t2o co;&anions. LWhere are 9ali' and "adarJ he de;anded. A second #ead o: s2eat ;ade its 2a$ :ro; AltaKrs te;&le as he re&lied( LDead. LNo( ca;e a 8oice :ro; #ehind the;( Lnot dead. Al 9uali; and AltaKr turned to see a %host.


9ali' stood at the entrance to the 9asters cha;#er < stood s2a$in%( a 2ounded( eDhausted( #loodFsoa'ed :i%ure. His onceF2hite ro#es 2ere strea'ed 2ith %ore( ;ost o: it around his le:t ar;( 2hich loo'ed #adl$ 2ounded( dan%lin% uselessl$ at his side and crusted 2ith #lac'ened( dried #lood. As he ;o8ed into the roo; his inEured shoulder di&&ed( and he ho##led sli%htl$. But i: his #od$ 2as da;a%ed( then his s&irit 2as surel$ not@ his e$es #urned #ri%htl$ 2ith an%er and hatred < hatred that he turned on AltaKr 2ith a %lare so intense that it 2as all AltaKr could do not to shrin' a2a$. LI still li8e( at least( %ro2led 9ali'( his #loodshot e$es #ri;;in% 2ith :ur$ as he stared at AltaKr. He too' short( ra%%ed #reaths. His #ared teeth 2ere #lood$. LAnd $our #rotherJ as'ed Al 9uali;. 9ali' shoo' his head. L one. Aor a #eat his e$es dro&&ed to the stone :loor. Then( 2ith a sudden #urst o: an%r$ ener%$( he raised his head( narro2ed his e$es and raised a tre;#lin% :in%er to &oint at AltaKr. LBecause o: $ou( he hissed. LRo#ert thre2 ;e :ro; the roo;. AltaKrs eDcuses sounded :ee#le( e8en to his o2n ears < es&eciall$ to his o2n ears. LThere 2as no 2a$ #ac'. Nothin% I could do < LBecause $ou 2ould not heed ;$ 2arnin%( shouted 9ali'( his 8oice hoarse. LAll o: this could ha8e #een a8oided. And ;$ #rother P ;$ #rother 2ould still #e ali8e. 3our arro%ance nearl$ cost us 8ictor$ toda$. LNearl$J said Al 9uali;( care:ull$. Cal;in%( 9ali' nodded( the %host o: a s;ile on his li&s < a s;ile directed at AltaKr( :or e8en no2 he 2as #ec'onin% another Assassin( 2ho ca;e :or2ard #earin% a #oD on a %ilt tra$. LI ha8e 2hat $our :a8ourite :ailed to :ind( said 9ali'. His 8oice 2as strained and he 2as 2ea'( #ut nothin% 2as %oin% to sour his ;o;ent o: triu;&h o8er AltaKr. AltaKr :elt his 2orld :allin% a2a$ :ro; hi; as the Assassin set do2n the tra$ on Al 9uali;s des'. The #oD 2as co8ered 2ith ancient runes and there 2as so;ethin% a#out it < an aura. Inside it( surel$( 2as the treasure. It had to #e. The treasure that AltaKr had #een una#le to reco8er. Al 9uali;s %ood e$e 2as 2ide and %lea;in%. His li&s 2ere &arted( his ton%ue dartin% :ro; his ;outh. He 2as entranced #$ the si%ht o: the #oD and the thou%ht o: 2hat 2as inside. Suddenl$ there ca;e an u&roar :ro; outside. Screa;s. Runnin% :eet. The un;ista'a#le rin% o: clashin% steel. LIt see;s I8e returned 2ith ;ore than the treasure( re:lected 9ali'( as a ;essen%er crashed into the cha;#er( :or%ettin% all &rotocol as he #reathlessl$ eDclai;ed( L9aster( 2e are under attac'. Ro#ert de Sa#le la$s sie%e to the 9as$a: 8illa%e. Al 9uali; 2as snatched :ro; his re8erie( in the ;ood to :ace de Sa#le. LSo he see's a #attle( does heJ Ver$ 2ell. Ill not den$ hi;. o. In:or; the others. The :ortress ;ust #e &re&ared. No2 he turned his attention to AltaKr( and his e$es #laIed as he said( LAs :or $ou( AltaKr( our discussion 2ill ha8e to 2ait. 3ou ;ust ;a'e :or the 8illa%e. Destro$ these in8aders. Dri8e the; :ro; our ho;e. LIt 2ill #e done( said AltaKr( 2ho could not hel& #ut #e relie8ed at this sudden turn o: e8ents. So;eho2 the attac' on the 8illa%e 2as &re:era#le to ha8in% to endure ;ore o: this hu;iliation. He had dis%raced hi;sel: in ?erusale;. No2 he had the chance to ;a'e a;ends. He 8aulted :ro; the landin% #ehind the 9asters cha;#er to the s;ooth stone :loor and dashed :ro; the to2er. As he ran across the trainin% $ard and throu%h the ;ain %ates( he 2ondered 2hether #ein% 'illed no2 ;i%ht &ro8ide the esca&e he desired. Would that #e a %ood deathJ A &roud and no#le deathJ

Enou%h to eDonerate hi;J He dre2 his s2ord. The sounds o: #attle 2ere closer no2. He could see Assassins and Te;&lars :i%htin% on the u&land at the :oot o: the castle( 2hile :urther do2n the hill 8illa%ers 2ere scatterin% under the :orce o: the assault( #odies alread$ litterin% the slo&es. Then he 2as under attac'. A Te;&lar 'ni%ht rushed hi;( snarlin%( and AltaKr t2isted( lettin% his instincts ta'e o8er( raisin% his s2ord to ;eet the Christian( 2ho #ore do2n u&on hi; :ast and hard( his #roads2ord sla;;in% into AltaKrs #lade 2ith a clash o: steel. But AltaKr 2as #raced( :eet &lanted 2ide a&art( the line o: his #od$ &er:ect( and the Te;&lars attac' #arel$ ;o8ed hi;. He s2e&t aside the others s2ord( usin% the 2ei%ht o: the hu%e #roads2ord a%ainst the 'ni%ht( 2hose ar; :lailed uselessl$ :or a #lin' that AltaKr used to ste& :or2ard and &lun%e his #lade into the ;ans sto;ach. The Te;&lar had co;e at hi; con:ident o: an eas$ 'ill. Eas$( li'e the 8illa%ers he had alread$ slau%htered. Hed #een 2ron%. With the steel in his %ut he cou%hed #lood and his e$es 2ere 2ide 2ith &ain and sur&rise as AltaKr $an'ed the #lade u&2ard( #isectin% his torso. He :ell a2a$( his intestines s&illin% to the dust. No2 AltaKr 2as :i%htin% 2ith &ure 8eno;( 8entin% all o: his :rustration in his s2ord #lo2s( as thou%h he ;i%ht &a$ :or his cri;es 2ith the #lood o: his ene;ies. The neDt Te;&lar traded #lo2s( tr$in% to resist as AltaKr &ushed hi; #ac'( his &osture instantl$ chan%in% :ro; attac' to de:ence( and then into des&erate de:ence( so that e8en as he &arried( he 2as 2hi;&erin% in eD&ectation o: his o2n death. AltaKr :einted( 2heeled( and his #lade :lashed across the Christians throat( 2hich o&ened( sheetin% #lood do2n the :ront o: his uni:or;( stainin% it as red as the cross on his chest. He san' to his 'nees then :ell :or2ard( Eust as another soldier rushed AltaKr( sunli%ht %lintin% :ro; his raised s2ord. AltaKr ste&&ed aside and #uried his steel dee& in the ;ans #ac' so that( :or a second( his entire #od$ tautened( the #lade &rotrudin% :ro; his chest&late( his ;outh o&en in a silent screa; as AltaKr lo2ered hi; to the %round and retrie8ed his s2ord. T2o soldiers attac'ed to%ether( thin'in% &erha&s that their nu;#ers 2ould o8er2hel; AltaKr. The$ rec'oned 2ithout his an%er. He :ou%ht not 2ith his usual cold indi::erence( #ut 2ith :ire in his #ell$. The :ire o: a 2arrior 2ho cared nothin% :or his o2n sa:et$. The ;ost dan%erous 2arrior o: all. Around hi; he sa2 ;ore cor&ses o: 8illa%ers( &ut to the s2ord #$ the attac'in% Te;&lars( and his an%er #losso;ed( his s2ord #lo2s #eco;in% e8en ;ore 8icious. T2o ;ore soldiers :ell #eneath his #lade and he le:t the; t2itchin% in the dirt. But no2 ;ore and ;ore 'ni%hts 2ere a&&earin%( 8illa%ers and Assassins ali'e 2ere rushin% u& the slo&e( and AltaKr sa2 A##as co;;andin% the; to return to the castle. LPress the attac' on the heathen :ortress( cried a 'ni%ht in res&onse. He 2as runnin% u& the hill to2ards AltaKr( his s2ord s2in%in% as he s2i&ed at a :leein% 2o;an. LLet us #rin% the :i%ht to the Assassin < AltaKr sla;;ed his s2ord into the throat o: the Christian( 2hose last 2ord 2as a %ur%le. But #ehind the esca&in% 8illa%ers and Assassins ca;e ;ore Te;&lars( and AltaKr hesitated on the slo&e( 2onderin% i: no2 2as the ;o;ent to ta'e his :inal stand < die de:endin% his &eo&le and esca&e his &rison o: sha;e. But no. There 2as no honour in a 2aste:ul death( he 'ne2( and he Eoined those retreatin% to the :ortress( arri8in% as the %ates 2ere closin%. Then he turned to loo' out on the scene o: carna%e outside( the #eaut$ o: 9as$a: sullied #$ the #loodied #odies o: the 8illa%ers( the soldiers and the Assassins. He loo'ed do2n at hi;sel:. His ro#es 2ere s&lashed 2ith Te;&lar #lood #ut he hi;sel: 2as unhar;ed. LAltaKrQ The cr$ &ierced his thou%hts. Rau: a%ain. LCo;e.

He :elt 2ear$ all o: a sudden. LWhere are 2e %oin%J LWe ha8e a sur&rise :or our %uests. ?ust do as I do. It should #eco;e clear soon enou%h P Rau: 2as &ointin% hi%h a#o8e the; to the ra;&arts o: the :ortress. AltaKr sheathed his s2ord and :ollo2ed hi; u& a series o: ladders to the to2er su;;it 2here the Assassin leaders 2ere %athered( Al 9uali; a;on% the;. Crossin% the :loor( he loo'ed to the 9aster( 2ho i%nored hi;( his ;outh set. Then Rau: 2as indicatin% one o: three 2ooden &lat:or;s Euttin% out into the air( #iddin% hi; to ta'e his &lace on it. He did so( ta'in% a dee& #reath #e:ore he 2al'ed care:ull$ to the ed%e. And no2 he stood at the to& o: 9as$a:( a#le to loo' do2n u&on the 8alle$. He :elt air rushin% around hi;H his ro#e :luttered in the 2ind and he sa2 :loc's o: #irds %lidin% and s2oo&in% on 2ar; &oc'ets o: air. He :elt %idd$ 2ith the hei%ht $et #reathless 2ith the s&ectacle@ the rollin% hills o: the countr$side( cast in lush %reenH the shi;;erin% 2ater o: the ri8erH #odies( no2 s&ec's on the slo&es. And Te;&lars. The in8adin% ar;$ had %athered on the u&land in :ront o: a 2atchto2er( close to the %ates o: the :ortress. At their head 2as Ro#ert de Sa#le( 2ho no2 ste&&ed :or2ard( loo'in% u& to the ra;&arts 2here the Assassins stood( and addressed Al 9uali;. LHereticQ he roared. LReturn 2hat $ou ha8e stolen :ro; ;e. The treasure. AltaKrs ;ind dri:ted ;o;entaril$ to the #oD on Al 9uali;s des'. It had see;ed to %lo2 P L3ou8e no clai; to it( Ro#ert( re&lied the 9aster( his 8oice echoin% across the 8alle$. LTa'e $oursel: :ro; here #e:ore I; :orced to thin $our ran's :urther. L3ou &la$ a dan%erous %a;e( re&lied de Sa#le. LI assure $ou this is no %a;e. LSo #e it( ca;e the re&l$. So;ethin% a#out the tone o: his 8oice < AltaKr didnt li'e it. Sure enou%h( de Sa#le turned to one o: his ;en. LBrin% :or2ard the hosta%e. Aro; a;on% their ran's the$ dra%%ed the Assassin. He 2as #ound and %a%%ed and he 2rithed a%ainst his #onds as he 2as hauled rou%hl$ to the :ront o: the asse;#l$. His ;u::led cries rose to 2here AltaKr stood on the &lat:or;. Then( 2ithout cere;on$( de Sa#le nodded to a soldier 2ho stood near#$. He $an'ed the Assassins hair so that his throat 2as eD&osed and s2e&t his #lade across it( o&enin% it( then let the #od$ :all to the %rass. The Assassins( 2atchin%( cau%ht their #reath. De Sa#le ;o8ed and stood near the #od$( restin% one :oot on the d$in% ;ans #ac' 2ith his ar;s :olded li'e a triu;&hant %ladiator. There 2as ;ur;ur o: dis%ust a;on% the Assassins as he called u& to Al 9uali;( L3our 8illa%e lies in ruins and $our stores are hardl$ endless. Ho2 lon% #e:ore $our :ortress cru;#les :ro; 2ithinJ Ho2 disci&lined 2ill $our ;en re;ain 2hen the 2ells run dr$ and their :ood is %oneJ He could hardl$ 'ee& the %loatin% note :ro; his 8oice. But in re&l$ Al 9uali; 2as cal;@ L9$ ;en do not :ear death( Ro#ert. The$ 2elco;e it < and the re2ards it #rin%s. L ood( called de Sa#le. LThen the$ shall ha8e it all around. He 2as ri%ht( o: course. The Te;&lars could la$ sie%e to 9as$a: and &re8ent the Assassins recei8in% su&&lies. Ho2 lon% could the$ last #e:ore the$ 2ere so 2ea'ened that de Sa#le could sa:el$ attac'J T2o 2ee'sJ A ;onthJ AltaKr could onl$ ho&e that 2hate8er &lan Al 9uali; had in ;ind 2as enou%h to #rea' the deadloc'. As i: readin% his thou%hts( Rau: 2his&ered to hi;( :ro; a &lat:or; to his le:t( LAollo2 ;e. And do so 2ithout hesitation. A third Assassin stood :urther across. The$ 2ere hidden :ro; de Sa#le and his ;en. Loo'in% do2n( AltaKr sa2 strate%icall$ &laced ;ounds o: ha$( enou%h to #rea' a :all. He 2as #e%innin% to understand 2hat Rau: had in ;ind. The$ 2ere to Eu;&( undetected

#$ the Te;&lars. But 2h$J His ro#e :la&&ed at his 'nees. The sound 2as co;:ortin%( li'e 2a8es or rain. He loo'ed do2n and steadied his #reathin%. He :ocused. He 2ent to a &lace 2ithin hi;sel:. He heard Al 9uali; and de Sa#le tradin% 2ords #ut he 2as no lon%er listenin%( thin'in% onl$ o: the Eu;&( co;&osin% hi;sel: :or it. He closed his e$es. He :elt a %reat cal;( a &eace 2ithin. LNo2( said Rau:( 2ho lea&ed( :ollo2ed #$ the other Assassin. NeDt( AltaKr. He Eu;&ed. Ti;e colla&sed as he :ell( his ar;s outstretched. With his #od$ relaDed and arcin% %race:ull$ throu%h the air( he 'ne2 that he had achie8ed a 'ind o: &er:ection < it 2as as thou%h he 2as detached :ro; hi;sel:. And then he landed &er:ectl$( a ha$stac' #rea'in% his :all. Rau: too. Not so the third Assassin( 2hose le% sna&&ed on i;&act. I;;ediatel$ the ;an screa;ed and Rau: ;o8ed o8er to Guieten hi;( not 2antin% the Te;&lars to hear@ :or the su#ter:u%e to 2or'( the 'ni%hts needed to #elie8e that the three ;en had lea&ed to their death. Rau: turned to AltaKr. LIll sta$ #ehind and attend to hi;. 3oull ha8e to %o ahead 2ithout us. The ro&es there 2ill #rin% $ou to the tra&. Release it < rain death u&on our ene;ies. O: course. AltaKr understood no2. Brie:l$ he 2ondered ho2 the Assassins had #een a#le to set a tra& 2ithout hi; 'no2in%. Ho2 ;an$ other :acets o: the Brotherhood re;ained a secret to hi;J Ni;#l$ he ;ade his 2a$ alon% the ro&es across the chas;( dou#lin% #ac' across the %or%e and to the cli:: :ace #ehind the 2atchto2er. He cli;#ed on instinct. Aast and lithe( :eelin% the ;uscles in his ar;s sin% as he scaled the sheer 2alls hi%her and hi%her until he reached the to& o: the 2atchto2er. There #eneath the #oards o: the u&&er le8el he :ound the tra& ri%%ed and read$ to #e s&run%@ hea8$ %reased lo%s( stoc'&iled and stac'ed on a tilted &lat:or;. Silentl$ he ;o8ed to the ed%e( loo'in% o8er to see the asse;#led ran's o: the Te;&lar 'ni%hts( scores o: the; 2ith their #ac's to hi;. Here also 2ere the ro&es holdin% the tra& in &lace. He dre2 his s2ord( and :or the :irst ti;e in da$s( he s;iled.

Later the Assassins 2ere asse;#led in the court$ard( still sa8ourin% their triu;&h. The lo%s had tu;#led :ro; the 2atchto2er and into the 'ni%hts #elo2( ;ost o: 2ho; 2ere crushed #$ the :irst 2a8e( 2hile others 2ere cau%ht in a second load stac'ed #ehind the :irst. ?ust ;o;ents #e:ore( the$ had #een assured o: 8ictor$. Then their #odies had #een &u;;elled( li;#s sna&&in%( the entire :orce in disarra$( Ro#ert de Sa#le alread$ orderin% his ;en #ac' as the Assassins archers &ressed ho;e their ad8anta%e and rained arro2s do2n u&on the;. No2( thou%h( Al 9uali; co;;anded a hush o8er the %athered Assassins( indicatin% to AltaKr to Eoin hi; on the rostru; #$ the entrance to his to2er. His e$es 2ere hard( and as AltaKr too' his &lace( Al 9uali; #ec'oned t2o %uards to ta'e their &lace at either side o: hi;. Silence re&laced the con%ratulations. AltaKr( 2ith his #ac' to the Assassins( :elt all e$es on hi;. B$ no2 the$ 2ould 'no2 2hat had ha&&ened in ?erusale;H 9ali' and A##as 2ould ha8e seen to that. AltaKrs e::orts in #attle( then s&rin%in% the tra& < the$ 2ould count :or nothin% no2. All he could ho&e 2as that Al 9uali; 2ould sho2 ;erc$. L3ou did 2ell to dri8e Ro#ert :ro; here( said the 9aster( and it 2as 2ith a ;easure o: &ride that he said it. Enou%h :or AltaKr to ho&e that he ;i%ht #e :or%i8enH that his actions since ?erusale; had redee;ed hi;. LHis :orce is #ro'en( continued Al 9uali;. LIt shall #e a lon% 2hile #e:ore he trou#les us a%ain. Tell ;e( do $ou 'no2 2h$ it is $ou 2ere success:ulJ AltaKr said nothin%( heart ha;;erin%. L3ou 2ere success:ul #ecause $ou listened( &ressed Al 9uali;. LHad $ou listened in Solo;ons Te;&le( AltaKr( all o: this 2ould ha8e #een a8oided. His ar; descri#ed a circle( ;eant to ta'e in the court$ard and all that la$ #e$ond( 2here e8en no2 the cor&ses o: Assassins( o: Te;&lars and 8illa%ers 2ere #ein% cleared a2a$. LI did as I 2as as'ed( said AltaKr( tr$in% to choose his 2ords care:ull$( #ut :ailin%. LNoQ sna&&ed the 9aster. His e$es #laIed. L3ou did as $ou &leased. 9ali' has told ;e o: the arro%ance $ou dis&la$ed. 3our disre%ard :or our 2a$s. The t2o %uards on either side o: AltaKr ste&&ed :or2ard and too' his ar;s. His ;uscles tensed. He #raced hi;sel: a%ainst the; #ut did not stru%%le. LWhat are $ou doin%J he said 2aril$. The colour rose in Al 9uali;s chee's. LThere are rules. We are nothin% i: 2e do not a#ide #$ the Assassins Creed. Three si;&le tenets( 2hich $ou see; to :or%et. I 2ill re;ind $ou. Airst and :ore;ost@ sta$ $our #lade P It 2as to #e a lecture. AltaKr relaDed( una#le to 'ee& the note o: resi%nation :ro; his 8oice as he :inished Al 9uali;s sentence. LP :ro; the :lesh o: an innocent. I 'no2. The crac' o: Al 9uali;s &al; across AltaKrs :ace echoed :ro; the stone o: the court$ard. AltaKr :elt his chee' #urn. LAnd sta$ $our ton%ue unless I %i8e $ou lea8e to use it( roared Al 9uali;. LI: $ou are so :a;iliar 2ith this tenet( 2h$ did $ou 'ill the old ;an inside the Te;&leJ He 2as innocent. He did not need to die. AltaKr said nothin%. What could he sa$J I acted rashl$J "illin% the old ;an 2as an act o: arro%anceJ L3our insolence 'no2s no #ounds( #ello2ed Al 9uali;. L9a'e hu;#le $our heart( child( or I s2ear Ill tear it :ro; $ou 2ith ;$ o2n hands. He &aused( his shoulders risin% and :allin% as he too' hold o: his an%er. LThe second tenet is that 2hich %i8es us stren%th( he continued. LHide in &lain si%ht. Let the &eo&le ;as' $ou so that $ou #eco;e one 2ith the cro2d. Do $ou re;e;#erJ Because( as I hear it( $ou chose to eD&ose $oursel:( dra2in% attention #e:ore $oud struc'. Still AltaKr said nothin%. He :elt the sha;e sGuat in his %ut.

LThe third and :inal tenet( added Al 9uali;( Lthe 2orst o: all $our #etra$als@ ne8er co;&ro;ise the Brotherhood. Its ;eanin% should #e o#8ious. 3our actions ;ust ne8er #rin% har; u&on us < direct or indirect. 3et $our sel:ish act #eneath ?erusale; &laced us all in dan%er. Worse still( $ou #rou%ht the ene;$ to our ho;e. E8er$ ;an 2e8e lost toda$ 2as lost #ecause o: $ou. AltaKr had #een una#le to loo' at the 9aster. His head had re;ained on one side( still s;artin% :ro; the sla&. But as he heard Al 9uali; dra2 his da%%er he loo'ed at last. LI a; sorr$. Trul$( I a;( said Al 9uali;. LBut I cannot a#ide a traitor. No. Not that. Not a traitors death. His e$es 2idened as the$ 2ent to the #lade in the 9asters hand < the hand that had %uided hi; since hi; childhood. LI a; not a traitor( he ;ana%ed. L3our actions indicate other2ise. And so $ou lea8e ;e no choice. Al 9uali; dre2 #ac' his da%%er. LPeace #e u&on $ou( AltaKr( he said( and &lun%ed it into AltaKrs sto;ach.


And it 2as. Aor a :e2 &recious ;o;ents 2hen he 2as dead( AltaKr 2as at &eace. Then P then he 2as co;in% round( %raduall$ reco8erin% a sense o: hi;sel: and o: 2here he 2as. He 2as on his :eet. Ho2 could he #e on his :eetJ Was this death( the a:terli:eJ Was he in ParadiseJ I: so( it loo'ed 8er$ ;uch li'e Al 9uali;s Guarters. Not onl$ that( #ut Al 9uali; 2as &resent. Standin% o8er hi;( in :act( 2atchin% hi; 2ith an unreada#le %aIe. LI; ali8eJ AltaKrs hands 2ent to 2here the 'ni:e had #een dri8en into his sto;ach. He eD&ected to :ind a ra%%ed hole and :eel 2et #lood #ut there 2as nothin%. No 2ound( no #lood. E8en thou%h hed seen it. Aelt it. Hed :elt the &ain P Hadnt heJ LBut I sa2 $ou sta# ;e( he ;ana%ed( L:elt deaths e;#race. Al 9uali; 2as inscruta#le in return. L3ou sa2 2hat I 2anted $ou to see. And then $ou sle&t the slee& o: the dead. The 2o;#. That $ou ;i%ht a2a'e and #e re#orn. AltaKr shoo' a :o% a2a$ :ro; his ;ind. LTo 2hat endJ LDo $ou re;e;#er( AltaKr( 2hat it is the Assassins :i%ht :orJ Still tr$in% to readEust( he re&lied( LPeace( in all thin%s. L3es. In all thin%s. It is not enou%h to end the 8iolence one ;an co;;its u&on another. It re:ers to &eace 2ithin as 2ell. 3ou cannot ha8e one 2ithout the other. LSo it is said. Al 9uali; shoo' his head( chee's colourin% a%ain as his 8oice rose. LSo it is. But $ou( ;$ son( ha8e not :ound inner &eace. It ;ani:ests in u%l$ 2a$s. 3ou are arro%ant and o8erFcon:ident. 3ou lac' sel:Fcontrol and 2isdo;. LThen 2hat is to #eco;e o: ;eJ LI should 'ill $ou :or the &ain $ou8e #rou%ht u&on us. 9ali' thin's its onl$ :air < $our li:e in eDchan%e :or that o: his #rother. Al 9uali; &aused to allo2 AltaKr to understand the :ull si%ni:icance o: the ;o;ent. LBut this 2ould #e a 2aste o: ;$ ti;e and $our talents. AltaKr allo2ed hi;sel: to relaD a little ;ore. He 2as to #e s&ared. He could redee; hi;sel:. L3ou ha8e #een stri&&ed o: $our &ossessions( continued Al 9uali;. L3our ran' as 2ell. 3ou are a no8ice < a child < once ;ore. As $ou 2ere on the da$ $ou :irst Eoined the Order. I a; o::erin% $ou a chance o: rede;&tion. 3oull earn $our 2a$ #ac' into the Brotherhood. O: course. LI assu;e that $ou ha8e so;ethin% &lanned. LAirst $ou ;ust &ro8e to ;e $ou re;e;#er ho2 to #e an Assassin. A true Assassin( said Al 9uali;. LSo $ou 2ould ha8e ;e ta'e a li:eJ as'ed AltaKr( 'no2in% his :or:eit 2ould #e :ar ;ore ri%orous. LNo. Not $et( at least. Aor no2 $ou are to #eco;e a student once a%ain. L LThere is no need :or this. I a; a 9aster Assassin. L3ou 2ere a 9aster Assassin. Others trac'ed $our tar%ets :or $ou. But no ;ore. Aro; toda$ on( $ou 2ill trac' the; $oursel:. LI: that is 2hat $ou 2ish. LIt is. LThen tell ;e 2hat it is that I ;ust do. LI hold here a list. Nine na;es adorn it. Nine ;en 2ho need to die. The$ are &la%ueF #rin%ers. WarF;a'ers. Their &o2er and in:luence corru&t the land < and ensure the Crusades continue. 3ou 2ill :ind the;. "ill the;. In doin% so $oull so2 the seeds o: &eace( #oth :or the re%ion and :or $oursel:. In this 2a$( $ou ;a$ #e redee;ed. AltaKr too' a lon%( dee& #reath. This he could do. This he 2anted < needed < to do. LNine li8es in eDchan%e :or ;ine( he said care:ull$.

Al 9uali; s;iled. LA ;ost %enerous o::er( I thin'. Ha8e $ou an$ GuestionsJ LWhere shall I #e%inJ LRide :or Da;ascus. See' out the #lac'F;ar'et ;erchant na;ed Ta;ir. Let hi; #e the :irst to :all. Al 9uali; ;o8ed to his ca%e o: carrier &i%eons( too' one and cu&&ed it %entl$ in his &al;. LBe sure to 8isit the cit$s Assassin Bureau 2hen $ou arri8e. Ill dis&atch a #ird to in:or; the ra:iG o: $our arri8al. S&ea' 2ith hi;. 3oull :ind he has ;uch to o::er. He o&ened his hand and the #ird disa&&eared throu%h the 2indo2( as thou%h snu::ed out. LI: $ou #elie8e it #est( said AltaKr. LI do. Besides( $ou cannot #e%in $our ;ission 2ithout his consent. Altair #ridled. LWhat nonsense is thisJ I dont need his &er;ission. Its a 2aste o: ti;e. LIts the &rice $ou &a$ :or the ;ista'es $ou8e ;ade( sna&&ed the 9aster. L3ou ans2er not onl$ to ;e #ut to all o: the Brotherhood no2. LSo #e it( conceded AltaKr( a:ter a &ause lon% enou%h to co;;unicate his dis&leasure. L o( then( said Al 9uali;. LPro8e that $ou are not $et lost to us. He &aused( then reached :or so;ethin% :ro; #eneath his des' that he &ushed across to AltaKr. LTa'e it( he said. ladl$( AltaKr reached :or his #lade( #uc'lin% the #race to his 2rist and loo&in% the release o8er his little :in%er. He tested the ;echanis;( :eelin% li'e an Assassin once ;ore.


AltaKr ;ade his 2a$ throu%h the &al;s and &ast the sta#les and traders outside the cit$ 2alls until he ca;e to the hu%e( i;&osin% %ates o: Da;ascus. He 'ne2 the cit$ 2ell. The #i%%est and holiest in S$ria( it had #een ho;e to t2o o: his tar%ets the &re8ious $ear. He cast his %aIe u& to the surroundin% 2all and its ra;&arts. He could hear the li:e inside. It 2as as thou%h the stone hu;;ed 2ith it. Airst( to ;a'e his 2a$ in. The success o: his ;ission de&ended on his a#ilit$ to ;o8e anon$;ousl$ thou%h the s&ra2lin% streets. A challen%e :ro; the %uards 2ouldnt #e the #est start. He dis;ounted and tethered his horse( stud$in% the %ates( 2here Saracen %uards stood 2atch. He 2ould ha8e to tr$ another 2a$( and that 2as ;ore easil$ considered than achie8ed( :or Da;ascus 2as :a;ousl$ secure( its 2alls < he %aIed u& once ;ore( :eelin% s;all < 2ere too hi%h and too sheer to #e scaled :ro; the outside. Then he sa2 a %rou& o: scholars( and s;iled. Salah Aldin had encoura%ed the learned ;en to 8isit Da;ascus :or stud$ < there 2ere ;an$ ;adrasahs throu%hout the cit$ < and as such the$ enEo$ed s&ecial &ri8ile%es and 2ere allo2ed to 2ander unhindered. He ;o8ed o8er and Eoined the;( assu;in% his ;ost &ious stance( and 2ith the; dri:ted easil$ &ast the %uards( lea8in% the desert #ehind as he entered the %reat cit$. Inside( he 'e&t his head do2n( ;o8in% :ast #ut care:ull$ throu%h the streets( reachin% a ;inaret. He cast a s2i:t loo' around #e:ore lea&in% to a sill( &ullin% hi;sel: u&( :indin% ;ore handholds in the hot stone and cli;#in% hi%her and hi%her. He :ound his old s'ills co;in% #ac' to hi;( thou%h he 2asnt ;o8in% as Guic'l$ or as surel$ as he once had. He :elt the; returnin%. No < rea2a'enin%. And 2ith the; the old :eelin% o: eDhilaration. Then he 2as at the 8er$ ti& o: the ;inaret and there he sGuatted. A #ird o: &re$ hi%h a#o8e the cit$( loo'in% around hi;sel:( seein% the do;ed ;osGues and &ointed ;inarets that interru&ted an une8en sea o: roo:to&s. He sa2 ;ar'et&laces( court$ards and shrines( as 2ell as the to2er that ;ar'ed the &osition o: the Assassins Bureau. A%ain( a sense o: eDaltation &assed throu%h hi;. Hed :or%otten ho2 #eauti:ul cities loo'ed :ro; such a hei%ht. Hed :or%otten ho2 he :elt( loo'in% do2n u&on the; :ro; their hi%hest &oints. In those ;o;ents he :elt released. Al 9uali; had #een ri%ht. Aor $ears no2( AltaKrs tar%ets had #een located :or hi;. He 2ould #e told 2here to %o and 2hen( his Eo# to 'ill( nothin% ;ore( nothin% less. He hadnt realiIed it #ut he had ;issed the thrill o: 2hat it reall$ ;eant to #e an Assassin( 2hich 2asnt #loodshed and death@ it 2as 2hat 2as to #e :ound inside. He cra##ed :or2ard a little( loo'in% do2n into the narro2 streets. The &eo&le 2ere #ein% called to &ra$er and the cro2ds 2ere thinnin%. He scanned the cano&ies and roo:to&s( loo'in% :or a so:t landin%( then sa2 a ha$ cart. AiDin% his e$es on it( ta'in% dee& #reaths( he stood( :eelin% the #reeIe( hearin% #ells. Then he too' a ste& :or2ard( tu;#lin% %race:ull$ and hittin% his tar%et. Not as so:t as he had ho&ed( &erha&s( #ut sa:er than ris'in% a landin% on a :ra$in% cano&$( 2hich 2as lia#le to tear and de&osit hi; in a hea& on the stall #elo2. He listened( 2aitin% until the street 2as Guieter( then scra;#led :ro; the cart and #e%an to ;a'e his 2a$ to the Bureau. He reached it :ro; the roo:( dro&&in% into a shaded 8esti#ule in 2hich tin'led a :ountain( &lants deadenin% the sounds :ro; outside. It 2as i: he had ste&&ed into another 2orld. He %athered hi;sel: and 2ent inside. The leader loun%ed #ehind a counter. He stood as the Assassin entered. LAltaKr. It is %ood to see $ou. And in one &iece. L3ou as 2ell( :riend. AltaKr e$ed the ;an( not ;uch li'in% 2hat he sa2. Aor one thin%( he had an insolent( ironic ;anner. There 2as no dou#t( also( that he had #een in:or;ed o: AltaKrs recent P di::iculties < and( #$ the loo' o: hi;( &lanned to ;a'e the

;ost o: the te;&orar$ &o2er the situation a::orded hi;. Sure enou%h( 2hen he neDt s&o'e it 2as 2ith a #arel$ dis%uised s;ir'. LI a; sorr$ :or $our trou#les. LThin' nothin% o: it. The leader assu;ed a loo' o: counter:eit concern. LA :e2 o: $our #rothers 2ere here earlier P So. That 2as ho2 he 2as so 2ell in:or;ed( thou%ht AltaKr. LI: $oud heard the thin%s the$ said( the leader continued airil$( LI; certain $oud ha8e slain the; 2here the$ stood. LIts Guite all ri%ht( said AltaKr. The leader %rinned. L3es( $ou8e ne8er #een one :or the Creed( ha8e $ouJ LIs that allJ AltaKr :ound hi;sel: lon%in% to sla& o:: the insolent do%s s;ile. Either that or use his #lade to len%then it P LI; sorr$( said the leader( reddenin%( Lso;eti;es I :or%et ;$sel:. What #usiness #rin%s $ou to Da;ascusJ He strai%htened a little( re;e;#erin% his &lace at last. LA ;an na;ed Ta;ir( said AltaKr. LAl 9uali; ta'es issue 2ith the 2or' he does and I a; ;eant to end it. Tell ;e 2here to :ind hi;. L3ou 2ill ha8e to trac' hi;. AltaKr #ridled. LBut that sort o: 2or' is #est le:t :or P He sto&&ed hi;sel:( re;e;#erin% Al 9uali;s orders. He 2as to #e a no8ice a%ain. Conduct his o2n in8esti%ations. Aind the tar%et. Per:or; the 'ill. He nodded( acce&tin% his tas'. The leader continued@ LSearch the cit$. Deter;ine 2hat Ta;irs &lannin% and 2here he 2or's. Pre&aration ;a'es the 8ictor. LAll ri%ht( #ut 2hat can $ou tell ;e o: hi;J as'ed AltaKr. LHe ;a'es his li8in% as a #lac'F;ar'et ;erchant( so the sou' district should #e $our destination. LI assu;e $ou 2ant ;e to return to $ou 2hen this is done. LCo;e #ac' to ;e. Ill %i8e $ou Al 9uali;s ;ar'er. And $oull %i8e us Ta;irs li:e. LAs $ou 2ish. lad to #e a2a$ :ro; the stulti:$in% Bureau( AltaKr ;ade his 2a$ to the roo:to&s. Once a%ain( he inhaled the cit$ as he sto&&ed to %aIe into a narro2 street #elo2. A li%ht #reeIe ri&&led cano&ies. Wo;en ;illed around a stall sellin% &olished oil la;&s( chatterin% 2ildl$( and not :ar a2a$ t2o ;en stood ar%uin%. O8er 2hat( AltaKr couldnt hear. He turned his attention to the #uildin% o&&osite( then a2a$ o8er the roo:to&s. Aro; there he could see the Pasha 9osGue and the site o: the Aor;al ardens in the south #ut 2hat he needed to locate 2as the P He sa2 it( the hu%e Sou' alFSilaah < 2here( accordin% to the leader( he could #e%in to learn a#out Ta;ir. The leader 'ne2 ;ore than he 2as re8ealin%( o: course( #ut 2as under strict instructions not to tell AltaKr. He understood that@ the Lno8ice had to learn the hard 2a$. He too' t2o ste&s #ac'( shoo' the tension :ro; his ar;s( dre2 a dee& #reath( then Eu;&ed. Sa:el$ across( he crouched :or a ;o;ent( listenin% to the chatter :ro; the lane #elo2. He 2atched a %rou& o: %uards as the$ &assed( leadin% an ass 2ith a cart that sa%%ed #eneath the 2ei%ht o: ;an$ stac'ed cas's. L9a'e 2a$( the %uards 2ere sa$in%( sho8in% citiIens :ro; their &ath. L9a'e 2a$ :or 2e co;e 2ith su&&lies #ound :or the ViIiers Palace. His EDcellenc$ A#ul NuGoud is to thro2 another o: his &arties. Those citiIens 2ho 2ere sho8ed aside hid sco2ls o: dis&leasure. AltaKr 2atched the soldiers &ass #elo2 hi;. He had heard the na;e( A#ul NuGoud@ the one the$ called the 9erchant "in% o: Da;ascus. The cas's. AltaKr ;i%ht ha8e #een ;ista'en( #ut the$ loo'ed as thou%h the$ contained 2ine.

No ;atter. AltaKrs #usiness la$ else2here. He strai%htened and set o:: at a Eo%( #arel$ &ausin% :or the lea& to the neDt #uildin% and then the neDt( :eelin% a :resh sur%e o: &o2er and stren%th 2ith each Eu;&. Bac' to doin% 2hat he 'ne2. Seen :ro; a#o8e( the sou' 2as li'e ra%%ed hole that had #een &unched into the cit$s roo:to&s so it 2as eas$ to :ind. The #i%%est tradin% centre in Da;ascus( it la$ in the centre o: the cit$s Poor District in the northFeast and 2as #ordered on all sides #$ #uildin%s o: ;ud and ti;#er < Da;ascus turned into a s2a;& 2hen it rained < and 2as a &atch2or' o: carts( stands and ;erchants ta#les. S2eet scents rose to AltaKr on his &erch hi%h a#o8e@ &er:u;es and oils( s&ices and &astries. E8er$2here custo;ers( ;erchants and traders 2ere chatterin% or ;o8in% Guic'l$ throu%h the cro2ds. The cit$s &eo&le either stood and tal'ed or hurried :ro; one &lace to the neDt. There 2as no inF #et2een( it see;ed < not here( an$2a$. He 2atched the; :or a 2hile( then cla;#ered :ro; the roo:to& and( #lendin% into the cro2ds( listened. Listenin% :or one 2ord. LTa;ir. The three ;erchants 2ere huddled in the shade( tal'in% Guietl$ #ut 2ith all 'inds o: 2ild hand ;o8e;ents. It 2as the$ 2ho had said the na;e( and AltaKr sidled o8er to2ards the;( turnin% his #ac' and hearin% Al 9uali;s tutela%e in his head as he did so@ LNe8er ;a'e e$e contact( al2a$s loo' occu&ied( sta$ relaDed. LHes called another ;eetin%( heard AltaKr( una#le to &lace 2hich o: the ;en 2as s&ea'in%. Who 2as the Lhe the$ ;entionedJ Ta;ir( &resu;a#l$. AltaKr listened( ;a'in% a ;ental note o: the ;eetin% &lace. LWhat is it this ti;eJ Another 2arnin%J Another eDecutionJ LNo. He has 2or' :or us. LWhich ;eans 2e 2ont #e &aid. LHes a#andoned the 2a$s o: the ;erchant %uild. Does as he &leases no2 P The$ #e%an discussin% a lar%e deal < the #i%%est e8er( said one( in hushed tones < 2hen suddenl$ the$ sto&&ed. Not :ar a2a$ an orator 2ith a closeFtri;;ed #lac' #eard had ta'en his &lace at his stand( and 2as no2 starin% at the ;erchants 2ith dar'( hooded e$es. Threatenin% e$es. AltaKr stole a %lance :ro; #eneath his co2l. The three ;en had %one &ale. One scu::ed at the dirt 2ith his sandalH the other t2o dri:ted a2a$( as thou%h suddenl$ re;e;#erin% an i;&ortant tas' at hand. Their ;eetin% 2as at an end. The orator. One o: Ta;irs ;en( &erha&s. E8identl$ the #lac'F;ar'eteer ruled the sou' 2ith a :ir; hand. AltaKr dri:ted o8er as the ;an #e%an to s&ea'( dru;;in% u& an audience. LNone 'no2s Ta;ir #etter than I( he announced loudl$. LCo;e close. Hear the tale I ha8e to tell. O: a ;erchant &rince 2ithout &eer P ?ust the tale AltaKr 2anted to hear. He dri:ted closer( a#le to &la$ the &art o: an interested o#ser8er. The ;ar'et s2irled around hi;. LIt 2as Eust #e:ore Hattin( continued the s&ea'er. LThe Saracens 2ere lo2 on :ood( and in des&erate need o: resu&&l$. But there 2as no relie: in si%ht. Ta;ir dro8e a cara8an in those da$s #et2een Da;ascus and ?erusale;. But recent #usiness had #een &oor. It see;ed there 2ere none in ?erusale; 2ho 2anted 2hat he had@ :ruits and 8e%eta#les :ro; near#$ :ar;s. And so Ta;ir le:t( ridin% north and 2onderin% 2hat 2ould #eco;e o: his su&&lies. Soon the$ 2ould surel$ s&oil. That should ha8e #een the end o: this tale and the &oor ;ans li:e P But Aate intended other2ise. LAs Ta;ir dro8e his cara8an north( he ca;e across the Saracen leader and his star8in% ;en. 9ost :ortunate :or the; #oth < each ha8in% so;ethin% the other 2anted. LSo Ta;ir %a8e the ;an his :ood. And 2hen the #attle 2as :inished( the Saracen leader sa2 to it that the ;erchant 2as re&aid a thousand ti;es. LSo;e sa$( 2ere it not :or Ta;ir( Salah Aldins ;en 2ould ha8e turned on hi;. It

could #e that 2e 2on the #attle #ecause o: that ;an P He :inished his s&eech and let his audience dri:t a2a$. On his :ace 2as a thin s;ile as he ste&&ed a2a$ :ro; the stand and ;o8ed into the ;ar'et. O::( &erha&s( to another stand to ;a'e the sa;e s&eech eDaltin% Ta;ir. AltaKr :ollo2ed( 'ee&in% a sa:e distance( once a%ain hearin% his tutors 2ords in his head@ LPut o#stacles #et2een $oursel: and $our Guarr$. Ne8er #e :ound #$ a #ac'2ards %lance. These s'ills@ AltaKr enEo$ed the :eelin% the$ #rou%ht as the$ returned to hi;. He li'ed #ein% a#le to shut out the cla;our o: the da$ and :ocus on his Guarr$. Then( a#ru&tl$( he sto&&ed. Ahead o: hi; the orator had #u;&ed into a 2o;an carr$in% a 8ase( 2hich had s;ashed. She #e%an re;onstratin% 2ith hi;( her hand out de;andin% &a$;ent( #ut he curled a cruel li& and dre2 #ac' his hand to stri'e her. AltaKr :ound hi;sel: tensin%( #ut she co2ered a2a$ and he sneered( lo2erin% his hand( 2al'in% on( 'ic'in% #its o: #ro'en &ot as he 2ent. AltaKr ;o8ed on( &ast the 2o;an( 2ho no2 crouched in the sand( 2ee&in% and cursin% and reachin% :or the shards o: her 8ase. No2 the orator turned o:: the street and AltaKr :ollo2ed. The$ 2ere in a narro2( al;ost e;&t$ lane( dar' ;ud 2alls &ressin% in on the;. A shortcut( &resu;a#l$( to the neDt stand. AltaKr %lanced #ehind hi;( then too' a :e2 Guic' ste&s :or2ard( %ras&ed the s&ea'er #$ the shoulder( s&un hi; around and Ea;;ed the ti&s o: his :in%ers #eneath his ri#ca%e. Instantl$ the orator 2as dou#led u&( stu;#lin% #ac' and %as&in% :or #reath( his ;outh 2or'in% li'e that o: a %rounded :ish. AltaKr shot a loo' to ;a'e sure there 2ere no 2itnesses( then ste&&ed :or2ard( &i8oted on one :oot and 'ic'ed the orator in the throat. He :ell #ac' ;essil$( his tha2# t2isted around his le%s. No2 his hands 2ent to 2here AltaKr had 'ic'ed hi; and he rolled in the dust. S;ilin%( AltaKr ;o8ed :or2ard. Eas$( he thou%ht. It had #een too P The orator ;o8ed 2ith the s&eed o: a co#ra. He shot u& and 'ic'ed out( catchin% AltaKr sGuare in the chest. Sur&rised( the Assassin sta%%ered #ac' as the other ca;e :or2ard( ;outh set and :ists s2in%in%. He had a %lea; in his e$e( 'no2in% hed roc'ed AltaKr( 2ho dod%ed one :lailin% &unch onl$ to realiIe it 2as a :eint as the orator cau%ht hi; across the Ea2 2ith his other :ist. AltaKr al;ost :ell( tastin% #lood and cursin% hi;sel:. He had underesti;ated his o&&onent. A no8ice ;ista'e. The orator loo'ed :ranticall$ around hi;sel: as thou%h see'in% the #est esca&e route. AltaKr shoo' the &ain :ro; his :ace and ca;e :or2ard( holdin% his :ists hi%h and catchin% the orator on the te;&le #e:ore he could ;o8e o::. Aor so;e ;o;ents the t2o traded #lo2s in the alle$. The orator 2as s;aller and :aster( and cau%ht AltaKr hi%h on the #rid%e o: his nose. The Assassin stu;#led( #lin'in% a2a$ tears that s&lit his 8ision. Sensin% 8ictor$( the orator ca;e :or2ard( thro2in% 2ild &unches. AltaKr ste&&ed to the side( 2ent lo2 and s2e&t the orators :eet :ro; #eneath hi;( sendin% hi; crashin% to the sand( the #reath 2hooshin% out o: hi; as he landed on his #ac'. AltaKr s&un and dro&&ed( sin'in% his 'nee directl$ into the s&ea'ers %roin. He 2as %rati:ied to hear an a%oniIed #ar' in res&onse( then stood( his shoulders risin% and :allin% hea8il$ as he collected hi;sel:. The orator 2rithed soundlessl$ in the dirt( ;outh 2ide in a silent screa;( his hands at his crotch. When he ;ana%ed a %reat %as&in% #reath( AltaKr sGuatted( #rin%in% his :ace close to hi;. L3ou see; to 'no2 Guite a #it a#out Ta;ir( he hissed. LTell ;e 2hat hes &lannin%. LI 'no2 onl$ the stories I tell( %roaned the s&ea'er. LNothin% ;ore. AltaKr scoo&ed u& a hand:ul o: dirt and let it tric'le throu%h his :in%ers. LA &it$. Theres no reason to let $ou li8e i: $ou8e nothin% to o::er in return. LWait. Wait. The orator held u& a tre;#lin% hand. LThere is one thin% P LContinue. LHe is &reoccu&ied as o: late. He o8ersees the &roduction o: ;an$( ;an$ 2ea&ons

P LWhat o: itJ The$re ;eant :or Salah Aldin &resu;a#l$. This does not hel& ;e < 2hich ;eans it does not hel& $ou P AltaKr reached P LNo. Sto&. Listen. The orators e$es rolled and s2eat &o&&ed on his #ro2. LNot Salah Aldin. The$re :or so;eone else. The crests these ar;s #ear( the$re di::erent. !n:a;iliar. It see;s Ta;ir su&&orts another P #ut I 'no2 not 2ho. AltaKr nodded. LIs that allJ he as'ed. L3es. 3es. I8e told $ou e8er$thin% I 'no2. LThen its ti;e :or $ou to rest. LNo( #e%an the orator( #ut there 2as a snic' that sounded as loud as the #rea'in% o: croc'er$ in the alle$ as AltaKr released his #lade then dro8e it throu%h the orators sternu;( holdin% the d$in% ;an as he shuddered( &inned #$ the #lade( #lood :oa;in% :ro; the corners o: his ;outh and his e$es %laIin%. A Guic' death. A clean death. AltaKr laid hi; on the sand( reached to close his e$es( then stood. His #lade slid #ac' into &lace( and he &ushed the #od$ #ehind a stac' o: stin'in% #arrels( then turned and le:t the alle$.


LAltaKr. Welco;e. Welco;e. The leader s;ir'ed as he 2al'ed in( and AltaKr re%arded hi; :or a ;o;ent( seein% hi; shrin' a little under his %aIe. Did he carr$ the s;ell o: deathJ Perha&s the Bureau leader had detected it u&on hi;. LI8e done as $ou as'ed. No2 %i8e ;e the ;ar'er. LAirst thin%s :irst. Tell ;e 2hat $ou 'no2. Aresh :ro; ta'in% a li:e( AltaKr re:lected that it 2ould #e a s;all ;atter to add to his da$s tall$. He itched to &ut the ;an in his &lace. But no. He had to &la$ his &art( no ;atter ho2 ;uch o: a charade he thou%ht it 2as. LTa;ir rules the Sou' alFSilaah( he said( thin'in% o: the ;erchants tal'in% in hushed tones( the :ear on their :aces 2hen the$ s&otted Ta;irs orator. LHe ;a'es his :ortune sellin% ar;s and ar;our( and is su&&orted #$ ;an$ in this endea8our@ #lac's;iths( traders( :inanciers. Hes the ;ain death dealer in the land. The other nodded( hearin% nothin% he didnt alread$ 'no2. LAnd ha8e $ou de8ised a 2a$ to rid us o: this #li%htJ he as'ed su&erciliousl$. LA ;eetin% is #ein% arran%ed at Sou' alFSilaah to discuss an i;&ortant sale. The$ sa$ its the lar%est deal Ta;ir has e8er ;ade. Hell #e distracted 2ith his 2or'. Thats 2hen Ill stri'e. L3our &lan see;s solid enou%h. I %i8e $ou lea8e to %o. He reached #elo2 his des' and retrie8ed Al 9uali;s ;ar'er. A :eather :ro; one o: the 9asters #elo8ed #irds. He &laced it on the des' #et2een the;. LLet Al 9uali;s 2ill #e done( he said( as AltaKr too' the ;ar'er( sto2in% it care:ull$ 2ithin his ro#e. Soon a:ter sunrise he le:t the Bureau and ;ade his 2a$ #ac' to the Sou' alFSilaah. When he arri8ed at the ;ar'et all e$es see;ed to #e on a sun'en cere;onial court$ard in its centre. He soon sa2 2h$@ there stood the ;erchant Ta;ir. With t2o %lo2erin% #od$%uards at his rear( he co;;anded the court$ard( to2erin% o8er a tre;#lin% ;an 2ho stood #e:ore hi;. He 2ore a cheGuered tur#an( s;art tunic and le% 2ra&&in%s. His teeth 2ere #ared #eneath a dar' ;oustache. As AltaKr ;ade his 2a$ round the outside o: the cro2d he 'e&t an e$e on 2hat 2as ha&&enin%. Traders had ;o8ed :ro; #ehind their stalls to see too. The Da;ascus that either hurried #et2een destinations or stood lost in con8ersation had co;e to a te;&orar$ standstill. LI: $oud Eust ha8e a loo' P said the ;an crin%in% #e:ore Ta;ir. LI8e no interest in $our calculations( sna&&ed Ta;ir. LThe nu;#ers chan%e nothin%. 3our ;en ha8e :ailed to :ill the order < 2hich ;eans I ha8e :ailed ;$ client. Client( thou%ht AltaKr. Who ;i%ht that #eJ The ;erchant s2allo2ed. His e$es 2ent to the cro2d loo'in% :or sal8ation. He :ound none there. The ;ar'et %uards stood 2ith #lan' eD&ressions and unseein% e$es 2hile the s&ectators si;&l$ stared( a%o%. AltaKr 2as sic'ened #$ the;( all o: the;@ the 8ultures 2atchin%( the %uards 2ho did nothin%. But ;ost o: all Ta;ir. LWe need ;ore ti;e( &leaded the ;erchant. Perha&s he realiIed that his onl$ chance la$ in &ersuadin% Ta;ir to #e ;erci:ul. LThat is the eDcuse o: a laI$ or inco;&etent ;an( returned the #lac'F;ar'eteer. LWhich are $ouJ LNeither( res&onded the ;erchant( 2rin%in% his hands. LWhat I see sa$s other2ise( said Ta;ir. He raised a :oot to a lo2 2all and leaned on his 'nee. LNo2( tell ;e( 2hat do $ou intend to do to sol8e this &ro#le; o: oursJ These 2ea&ons are needed no2. LI see no solution( sta;;ered the ;erchant. LThe ;en 2or' da$ and ni%ht. But $our P client reGuires so ;uch. And the destination P It is a di::icult route.

LWould that $ou could &roduce 2ea&ons 2ith the sa;e s'ill as $ou &roduce eDcuses( lau%hed Ta;ir. Pla$in% to the cro2d( he 2as re2arded #$ a chuc'le < #orn ;ore o: :ear than the Gualit$ o: his hu;our. LI ha8e done all I can( insisted the older ;an. Pers&iration 2as :lo2in% :reel$ :ro; the head#and o: his tur#an and his %re$ #eard Gui8ered. LIt is not enou%h. LThen &erha&s $ou as' too ;uch( tried the ;erchant. It 2as a :oolhard$ %a;#it. The cro2dF&leasin% s;ile slid :ro; Ta;irs :ace and he turned cold e$es on the old ;an. LToo ;uchJ he said( a ne2 chill in his 8oice. LI %a8e $ou e8er$thin%. Without ;e $ou 2ould still #e char;in% ser&ents :or coin. All I as'ed in return 2as that $ou :ill the orders I #rin% $ou. And $ou sa$ I as' too ;uchJ He dre2 his da%%er( the #lade 2in'in%. Those 2atchin% shi:ted unco;:orta#l$. AltaKr loo'ed at the %uards( 2ho stood 2ith their ar;s :olded( sa#res in their #elts( :aces eD&ressionless. No#od$ in the sou' dared ;o8eH it 2as as thou%h a s&ell had #een cast on the; all. A :ri%htened sound esca&ed the ;erchant. He dro&&ed to his 'nees( holdin% his clas&ed hands alo:t in su&&lication. His :ace 2as etched 2ith &leadin%H his e$es %lea;ed 2ith tears. Ta;ir loo'ed do2n at hi;( a &athetic creature 'neelin% #e:ore hi;( and s&at. The trader #lin'ed &hle%; :ro; his e$es. L3ou dare slander ;eJ roared Ta;ir. LPeace( Ta;ir( 2hi;&ered the old ;an. LI ;eant no insult. LThen $ou should ha8e 'e&t $our ;outh shut( snarled Ta;ir. AltaKr could see the #loodlust in his e$es and 'ne2 eDactl$ 2hat 2as %oin% to ha&&en. Sure enou%h( Ta;ir slashed at the ;erchant 2ith the ti& o: his da%%er( o&enin% a sa%%in% hole in his tunic that 2as i;;ediatel$ stained red. The ;erchant :ell #ac' to his heels 2ith a 'eenin% screech that cut throu%h the ;ar'et&lace. LNoQ Sto&Q he sGuealed. LSto&J Eeered Ta;ir. LI; Eust %ettin% started. He ste&&ed :or2ard( dro8e his da%%er dee& into the ;ans sto;ach and thrust hi; to the %round 2here he screa;ed li'e an ani;al as Ta;ir sta##ed hi; a%ain. L3ou ca;e into ;$ sou'( he shouted. Sta#. LStood #e:ore ;$ ;en. Sta#. A :ourth ti;e. The sound li'e ;eat #ein% tenderiIed. The old ;an 2as still screa;in%. LAnd dared to insult ;eJ Sta#. He &unctuated e8er$ 2ord 2ith a thrust o: his da%%er. L3ou ;ust learn $our &lace. But no2 the ;erchant had sto&&ed screa;in%. No2 he 2as nothin% #ut a #attered( #lood$ cor&se s&ra2led in the court$ard( his head at an odd an%le. One o: Ta;irs #od$%uards ste&&ed :or2ard to ;o8e the #od$. LNo( said Ta;ir( out o: #reath. He 2i&ed his #eard 2ith the #ac' o: his hand. LLea8e it. He turned to address the cro2d. LLet this #e a lesson to the rest o: $ou. Thin' t2ice #e:ore $ou tell ;e so;ethin% cannot #e done. No2 %et #ac' to 2or'. Lea8in% the old ;ans #od$ 2here it 2as < an interested do% alread$ #e%innin% to sni:: around it < the s&ectators resu;ed their da$( acti8it$ in the sou' %raduall$ #uildin% u& so that in a :e2 short ;o;ents it 2as as thou%h nothin% had ha&&ened. As thou%h the old ;an 2as :or%otten. Not #$ AltaKr( thou%h. He :ound hi;sel: unclenchin% his :ists( lettin% out a lon%( slo2 #reath( controllin% and harnessin% his an%er. He #o2ed his head sli%htl$( e$es hidden #$ his co2l( and stole throu%h the cro2d a:ter Ta;ir( 2ho 2as 2al'in% throu%h the ;ar'et( his t2o #od$%uards not :ar #ehind. Co;in% closer to hi;( AltaKr o8erheard hi;

tal'in% to the traders( each o: 2ho; stared at hi; 2ith 2ide( terri:ied e$es( a%reein% :iercel$ 2ith e8er$thin% the$ 2ere told. LI cant sell this( sna&&ed Ta;ir. L9elt it do2n and tr$ a%ain. And i: it co;es out Eust as &oorl$ itll #e $ou 2ho %ets ;elted do2n neDt. Wide e$es. Nod( nod( nod. LI dont understand 2hat $ou do all da$. 3our stall is :illed 2ith %oods. 3our &urse should #e :illed 2ith coin. Wh$ cant $ou sell these thin%sJ It isnt di::icult. Perha&s( $ou are not tr$in% hard enou%h. Do $ou reGuire ;oti8ationJ The trader 2as noddin% #e:ore he realiIed 2hat 2as #ein% as'ed and s2i:tl$ a;ended it to an eGuall$ e;&hatic sha'e. Ta;ir ;o8ed on. The cro2ds s2irled around hi;. His #od$%uards P No2( 2as this an o&&ortunit$J With the entire ;ar'et terri:ied o: Ta;ir( his ;en had relaDed their %uard. The$ had re;ained #ehind at another stall( 2here the$ 2ere de;andin% %oods to %i8e as %i:ts to their 2i8es. Ta;ir had :resh 8icti;s to terroriIe. And no2 AltaKr sli&&ed #et2een hi; and the t2o #od$%uards. He tensed( :elt the resistance :ro; his #lade ;echanis; on his little :in%er. Ta;ir had his #ac' to hi;( insultin% $et another stallholder. L3ou #e%%ed ;e :or this &osition. S2ore none could do as 2ell as $ou. I should < AltaKr ste&&ed :or2ard( and < snic' < his #lade s&ran% out as he s2e&t one ar; round Ta;ir and used the other to dri8e the 2ea&on dee&. Ta;ir ;ade a stran%ulated sound #ut did not screa;( and :or a second he 2rithed( #e:ore %oin% li;&. O8er his shoulder( AltaKr ;et the 2ide e$es o: the terri:ied stallholder and sa2 the ;an 2restlin% 2ith 2hat to do@ raise the alar; or P The trader turned his #ac' and ;o8ed a2a$. AltaKr lo2ered Ta;ir to the %round #et2een t2o stalls( out o: si%ht o: the #od$%uards( 2ho re;ained o#li8ious. Ta;irs e$es :luttered. LBe at &eace( said AltaKr( %entl$. L3oull &a$ :or this( Assassin( ras&ed Ta;ir. A :ine line o: #lood ran :ro; his nose. L3ou and all $our 'ind. LIt see;s $oure the one 2ho &a$s no2( ;$ :riend. 3oull not &ro:it :ro; su::erin% an$ lon%er. Ta;ir %a8e a harsh( shallo2 lau%h. L3ou thin' ;e so;e &ett$ deathFdealer( suc'lin% at the #reast o: 2arJ A stran%e tar%et( &erha&sJ Wh$ ;e( 2hen so ;an$ others do the sa;eJ L3ou #elie8e $oursel: di::erent( thenJ as'ed AltaKr. LOh( #ut I a;( :or I ser8e a :ar no#ler cause than ;ere &ro:it. ?ust li'e ;$ #rothers P LBrothersJ A%ain Ta;ir chuc'led 2ea'l$. LAh P he thin's I act alone. I a; #ut a &iece. A ;an 2ith a &art to &la$. 3oull co;e to 'no2 the others soon enou%h. The$ 2ont ta'e 'indl$ to 2hat $ou8e done. L ood. I loo' :or2ard to endin% their li8es as 2ell. LSuch &ride. It 2ill destro$ $ou( child( said Ta;ir. And he &assed. LPeo&le ha8e to die :or thin%s to chan%e( intoned AltaKr( closin% the ;ans e$es. He too' Al 9uali;s :eather :ro; 2ithin his ro#es and stained it 2ith the #lood o: Ta;ir( cast a last loo' at the #od$%uards( then ;o8ed o::( disa&&earin% into the cro2ds. He 2as alread$ a %host 2hen he heard the cr$ %o u& #ehind hi;.

Ta;ir( the :irst o: the nine@ Al 9uali; had #een Guietl$ satis:ied( loo'in% :ro; the #loodF stained :eather on his des' to AltaKr and &raisin% hi;( #e:ore %i8in% hi; his neDt underta'in%. Altair had #o2ed his head in assent and le:t the 9aster. And the neDt da$ he had %athered his su&&lies and set o:: once ;ore( this ti;e :or Acre < a cit$ held as ti%htl$ #$ the Crusaders as Da;ascus 2as #$ Salah Aldins ;en. A cit$ 2ounded #$ 2ar. Acre had #een hardF2on. The Christians had reta'en it a:ter a &rolon%ed and #lood$ sie%e lastin% al;ost t2o $ears. AltaKr had &la$ed his &art( hel&in% to sto& the cit$s 2ater su&&l$ #ein% &oisoned #$ the Te;&lars. He had #een una#le to do an$thin% a#out the &oisonin% that did occur( thou%h@ cor&ses in the 2ater had s&read disease to 9usli; and Christian ali'e < #oth inside and outside the cit$ 2alls. Su&&lies had run dr$( and thousands had si;&l$ star8ed to death. Then ;ore Crusaders had arri8ed to construct ;ore ;achines( and their attac's had &unched holes in the cit$ 2alls. The Saracens had :ou%ht #ac' :or lon% enou%h to re&air the #reaches( until Richard the Lionhearts ar;$ si;&l$ 2ore the 9usli;s do2n and the$ o::ered surrender. The Crusaders had ;o8ed in to clai; the cit$ and ta'e its %arrison hosta%e. Ne%otiations #et2een Salah Aldin and Richard :or the release o: the hosta%es had co;;enced( the :iner &oints o: 2hich had #een ;uddied #$ a disa%ree;ent #et2een Richard and the Arench;an Conrad de 9ont:errat( 2ho 2as un2illin% to hand o8er hosta%es ta'en #$ Arench :orces. Conrad had returned to T$reH Richard 2as on his 2a$ to ?a::a 2here his troo&s 2ould ;eet those o: Salah Aldin. And le:t in char%e 2as Conrads #rother( Willia;. Willia; de 9ont:errat had ordered the 9usli; hosta%es &ut to death. Al;ost three thousand 2ere #eheaded. And so it 2as that AltaKr :ound hi;sel: conductin% his in8esti%ations in a cit$ scarred #$ its recent histor$@ o: sie%e( disease( star8ation( cruelt$ and #loodshed. A cit$ 2hose residents 'ne2 su::erin% all too 2ell( 2hose e$es hid sorro2 and 2hose shoulders 2ere stoo&ed 2ith sadness. In the &oor areas he encountered the 2orst o: the su::erin%. Bodies 2ra&&ed in ;uslin lined the streets( 2hile drun'enness and 8iolence 2as ri:e in the &orts. The onl$ area o: the cit$ not to ree' o: des&air and death 2as the Chain District( 2here the Crusaders 2ere #ased < 2here Richard had his citadel and Willia; his Guarters. Aro; there the Crusaders had &ronounced Acre the ca&ital o: the "in%do; o: ?erusale;( and had used it to stoc'&ile su&&lies #e:ore Richard had set o:: on the ;arch to ?a::a( lea8in% Willia; in char%e. So :ar his rei%n had si;&l$ eDacer#ated the cit$s &ro#le;s( 2hich 2ere all too e8ident < and &ressed in on AltaKr as he ;ade his 2a$ throu%h the streets. He 2as %rate:ul to co;&lete his in8esti%ations and ;a'e his 2a$ to the Assassins Bureau. There the leader( ?a#al( sat cooin% %entl$ to a &i%eon he held. He loo'ed u& as AltaKr entered the roo;. LAh( AltaKr( he said &leasantl$. LA little #ird told ;e $oud #e &a$in% a 8isit P He s;iled at his o2n Eo'e( then o&ened his hands to set the &i%eon :ree. Instead it ;erel$ ali%hted on the counter 2here it &u::ed out its chest :eathers and #e%an 2al'in% to and :ro as thou%h ;ountin% an a8ian %uard. ?a#al 2atched it 2ith a;used e$es( then adEusted hi;sel: on his seat to re%ard his 8isitor. LAnd 2ho is the &oor un:ortunate that Al 9uali; has chosen to taste $our #lade( AltaKrJ he as'ed. LAl 9uali; has ordered the eDecution o: arnier de Na&louse. ?a#al started. LThe rand 9aster o: the "ni%hts Hos&italierJ Slo2l$ AltaKr nodded. LIndeed. And I ha8e alread$ deter;ined 2hen and ho2 to stri'e. LShare $our 'no2led%e 2ith ;e( then. ?a#al loo'ed i;&ressed( and 2ith %ood

reason. AltaKr #e%an@ LHe li8es and 2or's 2ithin his Orders hos&ital( northF2est o: here. Ru;ours s&ea' o: atrocities co;;itted 2ithin its 2alls. As AltaKr told hi; 2hat he 'ne2( ?a#al nodded thou%ht:ull$( considerin% his 2ords and as'in% at len%th( LWhat is $our &lanJ L arnier 'ee&s ;ainl$ to his Guarters inside the hos&ital( thou%h he lea8es occasionall$ to ins&ect his &atients. Its 2hen he ;a'es his rounds that I 2ill stri'e. LIts clear $ou8e %i8en this so;e thou%ht. I %i8e $ou lea8e to %o. And 2ith that he handed AltaKr Al 9uali;s ;ar'er. LRe;o8e this stain :ro; Acre( AltaKr. Perha&s it 2ill hel& cleanse $our o2n. AltaKr too' the ;ar'er( :iDed ?a#al 2ith a #ale:ul loo' < 2as e8er$ Assassin to #e ;ade a2are o: his sha;eJ < then le:t( ;a'in% his 2a$ across the cit$s roo:to&s until he had si%ht o: the hos&ital. There he sto&&ed( catchin% his #reath and %atherin% his thou%hts as he loo'ed do2n u&on it. AltaKr had %i8en ?a#al a truncated 8ersion o: his :indin%sH he had hidden his true :eelin%s o: dis%ust :ro; the Bureau leader. Hed learned that de Na&louse 2as rand 9aster o: the Order o: the "ni%hts Hos&italier. Ori%inall$ :ounded in ?erusale; < their ai; to &ro8ide care :or ailin% &il%ri;s < the "ni%hts had a #ase in one o: Acres ;ost de&ri8ed areas. And there( accordin% to 2hat AltaKr had learned( de Na&louse 2as doin% an$thin% #ut &ro8idin% care. In the Hos&italier district he had o8erheard t2o ;e;#ers o: the Order tal'in% a#out ho2 the rand 9aster 2as turnin% ordinar$ citiIens a2a$ :ro; the hos&ital( and the &eo&le 2ere close to 8iolence #ecause o: it. One had said that he :eared a re&eat o: a scandal that had ta'en &lace at T$re. LWhat scandalJ his :riend had as'ed. The ;an had leaned in close to his co;&anion to :inish and AltaKr had #een :orced to listen hard. L arnier once called that cit$ ho;e( the ;an had said( L#ut he 2as eDiled. Its said he 2as eD&eri;entin% on its citiIens. His co;&anion had loo'ed a little sic'. LWhat sort o: eD&eri;entsJ LI dont 'no2 the details( #ut I 2orr$ P Has he #e%un a%ainJ Is that 2h$ he loc's hi;sel: a2a$ in the Hos&italier :ortressJ Later( AltaKr had read a scroll that he had &ic'&oc'eted :ro; an associate o: de Na&louse. The Hos&italier had no intention o: healin% his &atients( he read. Su&&lied 2ith su#Eects :ro; ?erusale;( he 2as conductin% tests < tests :or so;e un'no2n ;aster < ai;ed at inducin% certain states in his su#Eects. And Ta;ir < the recentl$ deceased Ta;ir < had #een char%ed 2ith :indin% ar;s :or the o&eration. One &articular &hrase in the letter cau%ht his e$e@ We should endea8our to reclai; 2hat has #een ta'en :ro; us. What did that ;eanJ PuIIlin% o8er it( he continued his enGuiries. The rand 9aster allo2ed L;ad;en to 2ander the %rounds o: the hos&ital( he heard( and he disco8ered the ti;es at 2hich the archers co8erin% the 2al'2a$s a#o8e the hos&ital le:t their &ostsH he learned that de Na&louse li'ed to ;a'e his rounds 2ithout a #od$%uard and that onl$ ;on's 2ere allo2ed &assa%e. Then( ha8in% all the in:or;ation he needed( AltaKr had 8isited ?a#al to collect Al 9uali;s ;ar'er.

No2 he ;o8ed around the outside o: a #uildin% adEacent to the Hos&italiers :ortress. As he had eD&ected( there 2as a %uard( an archer( and AltaKr 2atched as he &aced the 2al'2a$( e8er$ no2 and then castin% his %aIe into the court$ard #elo2( #ut ;ainl$ %aIin% across the roo:line. AltaKr loo'ed at the sun. It should #e a#out no2( he thou%ht( s;ilin% to hi;sel: as( sure enou%h( the archer ;o8ed to a ladder and let hi;sel: do2n. AltaKr sta$ed lo2. He lea&ed :ro; the roo: to the 2al'2a$ and Guietl$ scuttled alon% until he 2as a#le to &eer o8er the ed%e and into the court$ard #elo2. SheerF2alled in dull( %re$( :or#iddin% stone( a 2ell stood in its centre( #ut it 2as other2ise #are( Guite unli'e the ornatel$ decorated #uildin%s usuall$ to #e :ound in Acre. There( se8eral %uards 2ere 2earin% the Guilted #lac' coats o: the Hos&italier 'ni%hts( the 2hite cross on the chest( and there 2as also a %rou& o: ;on's. 9o8in% a;on% the; 2ere 2hat loo'ed li'e &atients( #are:oot and shirtless. Poor 2retches 2ho ;illed ai;lessl$ a#out( their eD&ressions #lan'( their e$es %laIed. AltaKr :ro2ned. E8en 2ith the 2al'2a$ un%uarded it 2as i;&ossi#le to dro& into the court$ard unseen. He ;o8ed to the entrance 2all o: the hos&ital( so that he 2as a#le to loo' into the street outside. On stone &ainted 2hite #$ the sun( ailin% cit$:ol' and their :a;ilies #e%%ed the %uards to #e allo2ed inside. Others 2hose ;inds had %one 2andered a;on% the thron%( castin% their ar;s into the air( shoutin% %i##erish and o#scenities. And there < Altair s;iled to see the; < 2as a %rou& o: scholars. The$ 2ere ;o8in% throu%h the cro2d as i: it 2asnt there( heedless o: the su::erin% and tu;ult around the;. The$ see;ed to #e %oin% in the direction o: the hos&ital. Ta'in% ad8anta%e o: the disorder( AltaKr lo2ered hi;sel: into the street unnoticed( Eoined the ran's o: the scholars and lo2ered his head to concentrate his %aIe on his shu::lin% :eet. E8er$ no2 and then he ris'ed a surre&titious %lance to chec' their #earin%s and( as hed ho&ed( the$ 2ere headin% to2ards the hos&ital 2here the %uards stood aside( ad;ittin% the; to the court$ard. AltaKr 2rin'led his nose. Where the street had held the scent o: the cit$( o: #a'in% and &er:u;es and s&ices( in here 2as the stench o: su::erin%( o: death and hu;an 2aste. Aro; so;e2here < throu%h a set o: closed doors < there ca;e a series o: &ained cries( then lo2 ;oanin%. That 2ould #e the ;ain hos&ital( he thou%ht. He 2as &ro8ed correct 2hen( suddenl$( the doors 2ere :lun% o&en and a &atient careered ;adl$ into the court$ard. LNoQ Hel&Q Hel& ;eQ he screa;ed. His :ace 2as contorted 2ith :ear( his e$es 2ide. LHel& ;e( &leaseQ 3ou ;ust hel& ;eQ A:ter hi; ca;e a %uard. He had a laI$ e$e( as thou%h the ;uscles in his e$elid had once #een cut. He ran a:ter the esca&in% craI$ ;an( catchin% hi;. Then( Eoined #$ another %uard( he #e%an &unchin% and 'ic'in% hi; until the craI$ ;an 2as su#dued and on his 'nees. AltaKr 2atched. He :elt his Ea2 ti%hten and his :ists clench as the %uards #eat the ;an( other &atients ;o8in% :or2ard to %et an i;&ro8ed 8ie2 o: the s&ectacle( 2atchin% 2ith :aces that re%istered onl$ ;ild interest( s2a$in% sli%htl$. L9erc$Q ho2led the craI$ ;an( as the #lo2s rained do2n on hi;. LI #e% ;erc$. No ;oreQ He sto&&ed. Suddenl$ his &ain 2as :or%otten as the doors to the hos&ital s2un% o&en and there stood a ;an 2ho could onl$ #e arnier de Na&louse. He 2as shorter than AltaKr had eD&ected. He 2as #eardless and had closeFcro&&ed 2hite hair( sun'en e$es and a cruel( do2nturned ;outh( 2hich %a8e hi; a cada8erous loo'. The 2hite cross o: the Hos&italier 2as on his ar;s and he 2ore a cruci:iD around his nec' < #ut 2hate8er od he 2orshi&&ed had deserted hi;( AltaKr sa2. Aor he also 2ore an a&ron. A dirt$( #loodFstained a&ron.

No2 he loo'ed dar'l$ at the craI$ ;an &rostrate #e:ore hi;( held #$ LaI$ E$e and the other %uard( LaI$ E$e raisin% his :ist to &unch hi; a%ain. LEnou%h( ;$ child( ordered de Na&louse. LI as'ed $ou to retrie8e the &atient( not to 'ill hi;. LaI$ E$e lo2ered his :ist reluctantl$ as de Na&louse ca;e :or2ard( closer to the craI$ ;an( 2ho ;oaned and &ulled a2a$( li'e a s'ittish ani;al. De Na&louse s;iled( the hardness %one. LThere( there( he said to the craI$ ;an( al;ost tenderl$. LE8er$thin% 2ill #e all ri%ht. i8e ;e $our hand. The craI$ ;an shoo' his head. LNo < noQ Dont touch ;e. Not a%ain P De Na&louse :urro2ed his #ro2( as thou%h sli%htl$ hurt #$ the ;ans reaction to hi;. LCast out this :ear( else I cannot hel& $ou( he said e8enl$. LHel& ;eJ Li'e $ou hel&ed the othersJ 3ou too' their souls. But not ;ine. No. 3oull not ha8e ;ine. Ne8er( ne8er( ne8er P Not ;ine not ;ine not ;ine not ;ine P The so:tness 2as %one as de Na&louse sla&&ed the craI$ ;an. LTa'e hold o: $oursel:( he snarled. His sun'en e$es :lared and the others head droo&ed. LDo $ou thin' this %i8es ;e &leasureJ Do $ou thin' I 2ant to hurt $ouJ But $ou lea8e ;e no choice P Suddenl$ the craI$ ;an had &ulled a2a$ :ro; the t2o %uards and tried to run into the 2atchin% cro2d. LE8er$ 'ind 2ord ;atched #$ the #ac' o: his hand P he screeched( &assin% close to AltaKr as the t2o %uards rushed a:ter hi;. LAll lies and dece&tion. He 2ont #e content until all #o2 #e:ore hi;. LaI$ E$e cau%ht hi;( dra%%ed hi; #ac' #e:ore de Na&louse( 2here he 2hi;&ered under the rand 9asters cold %aIe. L3ou should not ha8e done that( said de Na&louse( slo2l$( then to LaI$ E$e( LReturn hi; to his Guarters. Ill #e alon% once I8e attended to the others. L3ou cant 'ee& ;e hereQ shouted the craI$ ;an. LIll esca&e a%ain. De Na&louse sto&&ed. LNo( $ou 2ont( he said e8enl$( then turned to LaI$ E$e. LBrea' his le%s. Both o: the;. LaI$ E$e %rinned as the craI$ ;an tried to &ull a2a$. Then there 2ere t2o sic'enin% crac's( li'e 'indlin% #ein% sna&&ed( as the hu%e 'ni%ht sta;&ed :irst on one le%( then the other. The 8icti; screa;ed( and AltaKr :ound hi;sel: ;o8in% :or2ard( una#le to contain hi;sel:( seethin% at the 2anton cruelt$. Then the ;o;ent had %one@ the ;an had lost consciousness < the &ain( no dou#t( too ;uch to #ear < and the t2o %uards 2ere dra%%in% hi; a2a$. De Na&louse 2atched hi;. The s$;&athetic loo' had returned to his :ace. LI a; so sorr$( child( he said( al;ost to hi;sel:( #e:ore turnin% on the cro2d. LHa8e $ou &eo&le nothin% #etter to doJ he #ar'ed( and stared dar'l$ at the ;on's and &atients( 2ho slo2l$ dri:ted a2a$. As AltaKr turned his #ac' to Eoin the; he sa2 de Na&louse scannin% the thron% care:ull$( as thou%h loo'in% :or one 2ho ;i%ht ha8e #een sent to 'ill hi;. ood( thou%ht AltaKr( hearin% the door to the hos&ital close as the rand 9aster le:t the court$ard. Let hi; #e a:raid. Let hi; :eel a little o: 2hat he in:licts on others. The i;a%e 2ar;ed hi; as he Eoined the scholars( 2ho 2ere ;o8in% throu%h a second door. This one led into the ;ain 2ard( 2here stra2 ;attin% did little to hide the ree' o: su::erin% and hu;an 2aste. AltaKr :ound hi;sel: tr$in% not to %a%( noticin% se8eral o: the scholars ;o8e the :a#ric o: their ro#es to their noses to #loc' it out. Aro; in here ca;e the ;oanin% and AltaKr sa2 hos&ital #eds that contained ;en 2ho %roaned and occasionall$ cried out 2ith &ain. "ee&in% his head #ent( he &eered out :ro; #eneath his co2l( seein% de Na&louse a&&roach a #ed in 2hich an e;aciated ;an la$ restrained #$ leather #indin%s. LAnd ho2 are $ou :eelin%J de Na&louse as'ed hi;. In &ain( the &atient 2heeIed( LWhat ha8e $ou done P to ;eJ

LAh( $es. The &ain. It hurts at :irst( I 2ont lie. A s;all &rice to &a$. In ti;e $oull a%ree. The ;an tried to li:t his head :ro; the #ed. L3oure P a ;onster P De Na&louse s;iled indul%entl$. LI8e #een called 2orse. He ;o8ed &ast a 2ooden ca%e that enclosed another #ed( &eerin% in at the P no( not a &atient( AltaKr realiIed. These &oor 2retches 2ere su#Eects. The$ 2ere eD&eri;ents. A%ain he :ou%ht to control his an%er. He %lanced around. 9ost o: the %uards had con%re%ated at the other end o: the 2ard. ?ust as in the court$ard( se8eral disoriented &atients 2ere stu;#lin% a#out( and he sa2 the sa;e cluster o: ;on's( 2ho see;ed to han% on de Na&louses e8er$ utterance 2hile re;ainin% at a res&ect:ul distance( tal'in% a;on% the;sel8es as the rand 9aster ;ade his rounds. I: he 2as %oin% to do it < and he 2as %oin% to do it < then it had to #e soon. But then de Na&louse ;o8ed o8er to another #ed( s;ilin% at the ;an 2ho la$ there. LThe$ sa$ $ou can 2al' no2( he said 'indl$. LI;&ressi8e. The ;an loo'ed con:used. LBeen P so lon%. Al;ost :or%ot P ho2. De Na&louse loo'ed &leased < %enuinel$ &leased. Bea;in%( he said( LThats 2onder:ul. LI dont P understand. Wh$ did $ou hel& ;eJ LBecause no one else 2ould( ans2ered de Na&louse( ;o8in% on. LI o2e $ou ;$ li:e( said the ;an in the neDt #ed. LI a; $ours to co;;and. Than' $ou. Than' $ou :or :reein% ;e. LThan' $ou :or lettin% ;e( re&lied de Na&louse. AltaKr :altered a ;o;ent. Was he 2ron%J Was de Na&louse not a ;onsterJ Then Eust as Guic'l$ he cast his dou#ts a2a$( thin'in% instead o: the craI$ ;ans shrie's o: a%on$ as the$ had sna&&ed his le%s( the li:eless &atients roa;in% the hos&ital. I: there 2ere indeed eDa;&les o: healin% here( then surel$ the$ 2ere outnu;#ered #$ the acts o: #ar#aris;. No2 de Na&louse had reached the :inal #ed in the 2ard. In ;o;ents he 2ould lea8e and AltaKrs chance 2ould #e %one. Resol8ed( the Assassin cast a loo' #ehind hi;@ the %uards 2ere still occu&ied at the end o: the hall. He ;o8ed out o: the asse;#l$ o: scholars( co;in% u& #ehind de Na&louse as the rand 9aster #ent to his &atient. AltaKrs #lade s&ran% :orth and he ra;;ed it ho;e( reachin% :or de Na&louse and sti:lin% his cr$ as he arched his #ac' in &ain. Al;ost %entl$( the Assassin lo2ered the s'e2ered doctor to the :loor. LLet %o $our #urden( he 2his&ered. De Na&louse #lin'ed and loo'ed u& at hi; < into the :ace o: his Assassin. But there 2as no :ear in those d$in% e$es@ 2hat AltaKr sa2 2as concern. LAh P Ill rest no2( $esJ he said. LThe endless drea; calls to ;e. But #e:ore I close ;$ e$es( I ;ust 'no2 < 2hat 2ill #eco;e o: ;$ childrenJ ChildrenJ L3ou ;ean the &eo&le ;ade to su::er $our cruel eD&eri;entsJ AltaKr couldnt 'ee& the dis%ust :ro; his 8oice. LThe$ll #e :ree no2 to return to their ho;es. De Na&louse lau%hed dril$. LHo;esJ What ho;esJ The se2ersJ The #rothelsJ The &risons 2e dra%%ed the; :ro;J L3ou too' these &eo&le a%ainst their 2ill( said AltaKr. L3es. What little 2ill there 2as :or the; to ha8e( %as&ed de Na&louse. LAre $ou reall$ so naK8eJ Do $ou a&&ease a cr$in% child si;&l$ #ecause he 2ailsJ NBut I 2ant to &la$ 2ith :ire( Aather.O What 2ould $ou sa$J NAs $ou 2ishOJ Ah P #ut then $oud ans2er :or his #urns. LThese are not children( said AltaKr( 2antin% to understand the d$in% ;an( L#ut ;en and 2o;en :ull %ro2n. LIn #od$( &erha&s. But not in ;ind. Which is the 8er$ da;a%e I sou%ht to re&air. I ad;it( 2ithout the arte:act < 2hich $ou stole :ro; us < ;$ &ro%ress 2as slo2ed. But there are her#s. 9iDtures and eDtracts. 9$ %uards are &roo: o: this. The$ 2ere ;ad;en

#e:ore I :ound and :reed the; :ro; the &risons o: their ;inds. And( 2ith ;$ death( ;ad;en 2ill the$ #e a%ain P L3ou trul$ #elie8e $ou 2ere hel&in% the;J De Na&louse s;iled( the li%ht #e%innin% to lea8e his e$es. LIts not 2hat I #elie8e. Its 2hat I 'no2. He died. AltaKr lo2ered his head to the stone and reached :or Al 9uali;s :eather( #rushin% it 2ith #lood. LDeath #e not un'ind( he 2his&ered. In the sa;e ;o;ent( a cr$ 2ent u& :ro; the near#$ ;on's. AltaKr strai%htened :ro; the #od$ and sa2 %uards lu;#erin% do2n the 2ard to2ards hi;. As the$ dre2 their s2ords he lea&ed u& and ran( headin% to2ards a :ar door( 2hich( he :er8entl$ ho&ed( led to the court$ard. It o&ened and he 2as &leased to see the court$ard #e:ore hi;. He 2as less &leased to see LaI$ E$e( 2ho #arrelled throu%h the o&en door( his #roads2ord dra2n P AltaKr dre2 his o2n s2ord and( 2ith the #lade at one ar;( his s2ord in the other hand( ;et LaI$ E$e 2ith a clash o: steel. Aor a second the t2o ;en 2ere nose to nose( and AltaKr could see u& close the scarred s'in o: the 'ni%hts e$e. Then LaI$ E$e &ushed a2a$( i;;ediatel$ sta##in% :or2ard( ;eetin% AltaKrs s2ord #ut readEustin% so Guic'l$ that AltaKr al;ost ;issed the de:ence. The Assassin danced a2a$( 2antin% to &ut s&ace #et2een hi; and LaI$ E$e( 2ho 2as a #etter s2ords;an than he had antici&ated. He 2as #i%( too. The tendons o: his nec' stood out( de8elo&ed :ro; $ears o: 2ieldin% the hu%e #roads2ord. Aro; #ehind hi; Altair heard the other %uards arri8in%( then sto&&in% at a si%nal :ro; LaI$ E$e. LI 2ant hi;( %ro2led the %iant 'ni%ht. He 2as arro%ant( o8erFcon:ident. AltaKr s;iled( sa8ourin% the iron$. Then he ca;e :or2ard( his #lade s2ee&in% u&. rinnin%( LaI$ E$e de:lected the #lo2 and 2as %runtin% as AltaKr s'i&&ed to his le:t( co;in% at LaI$ E$e :ro; the other side < the side o: his da;a%ed e$e( his 2ea' s&ot < and slashin% at his nec'. The 'ni%hts throat o&ened and #lood &oured :ro; the 2ound as he san' to his 'nees. Aro; #ehind AltaKr there 2as a sur&rised cr$ so he started runnin%( crashin% throu%h a collection o: craI$ ;en( 2ho had %athered to 2atch( then s&rintin% across the court$ard( &ast the 2ell and under the arch into Acre. He sto&&ed( scannin% the roo:line. NeDt he 2as 8aultin% a stall( the an%r$ ;erchant sha'in% his :ist as he scaled a 2all #ehind hi; and too' to the roo:s. Runnin%( Eu;&in%( he le:t the ni%ht;are hos&ital #ehind hi; and ;elted into the cit$ still ;ullin% o8er de Na&louses last 2ords. The arte:act he had s&o'en o:. Brie:l$ AltaKr thou%ht o: the #oD on Al 9uali;s des'( #ut no. What &ossi#le connection 2ould the Hos&italier ha8e 2ith thatJ But i: not that( then 2hatJ

L arnier de Na&louse is dead( he had told Al 9uali;( da$s later. LEDcellent. The 9aster had nodded a&&ro8in%l$. LWe could not ha8e ho&ed :or a ;ore a%reea#le outco;e. LAnd $et P started AltaKr. LWhat is itJ LThe doctor insisted his 2or' 2as no#le( said AltaKr. LAnd( loo'in% #ac'( o: those 2ho 2ere su&&osedl$ his ca&ti8es( ;an$ see;ed %rate:ul to hi;. Not all o: the;( #ut enou%h to ;a'e ;e 2onder P Ho2 did he ;ana%e to turn ene;$ into :riendJ Al 9uali; had chuc'led. LLeaders 2ill al2a$s :ind 2a$s to ;a'e others o#e$ the;. And that is 2hat ;a'es the; leaders. When 2ords :ail( the$ turn to coin. When that 2ont do( the$ resort to #aser thin%s@ #ri#es( threats and other t$&es o: tric'er$. There are &lants( AltaKr < her#s :ro; distant lands < that can cause a ;an to ta'e lea8e o: his senses. So %reat are the &leasures the$ #rin% that ;en ;a$ e8en #eco;e ensla8ed #$ the;. AltaKr nodded( thin'in% o: the %laIed &atients. The craI$ ;an. L3ou thin' these ;en 2ere dru%%ed( thenJ PoisonedJ L3es( i: it trul$ 2as as $ou descri#e it( Al 9uali; said. LOur ene;ies ha8e accused ;e o: the sa;e. Then he had %i8en AltaKr his neDt tas'( and AltaKr had 2ondered 2h$ the 9aster s;iled 2hen he told hi; to co;&lete his enGuiries then re&ort to the Assassins Bureau ra:iG in ?erusale;. No2( 2al'in% into the Bureau( he 'ne2 2h$. It 2as #ecause it a;used hi; to thin' o: AltaKr once ;ore crossin% &aths 2ith 9ali'. The Assassin stood u& :ro; #ehind the des' as AltaKr entered. Aor a ;o;ent the t2o re%arded each other( neither hidin% his disdain. Then( slo2l$( 9ali' turned( sho2in% AltaKr 2here his ar; had once #een. AltaKr #lanched. O: course. Da;a%ed in the :i%ht 2ith de Sa#les ;en( the #est sur%eons in 9as$a: had #een una#le to sa8e 9ali's le:t ar; < and so had #een :orced to a;&utate. 9ali' s;iled the #itters2eet s;ile o: 8ictor$ that had co;e at too hi%h a &rice( and AltaKr re;e;#ered hi;sel:. He re;e;#ered that he had no #usiness treatin% 9ali' 2ith an$thin% #ut hu;ilit$ and res&ect. He #o2ed his head to ac'no2led%e the other ;ans losses. His #rother. His ar;. His status. LSa:et$ and &eace( 9ali'( he said at last. L3our &resence here de&ri8es ;e o: #oth( s&at 9ali'. He( ho2e8er( had &lent$ o: #usiness treatin% AltaKr 2ith disdain < and e8identl$ intended to do so. LWhat do $ou 2antJ LAl 9uali; has as'ed < LThat $ou &er:or; so;e tas' in an e::ort to redee; $oursel:J sneered 9ali'. LSo. Out 2ith it. What ha8e $ou learnedJ LThis is 2hat I 'no2( ans2ered AltaKr. LThe tar%et is Talal( 2ho tra::ics in hu;an li8es( 'idna&&in% ?erusale;s citiIens and sellin% the; into sla8er$. His #ase is a 2arehouse located inside the #ar#ican north o: here. As 2e s&ea'( he &re&ares a cara8an :or tra8el. Ill stri'e 2hile hes ins&ectin% his stoc'. I: I can a8oid his ;en( Talal hi;sel: should &ro8e little challen%e. 9ali' curled his li&. L NLittle challen%eOJ Listen to $ou. Such arro%ance. Silentl$ AltaKr re#u'ed hi;sel:. 9ali' 2as ri%ht. He thou%ht o: the orator in Da;ascus 2ho; he had ;isEud%ed and 2ho had al;ost #ested hi;. LAre 2e :inishedJ he as'ed( sho2in% none o: his thou%hts to 9ali'. LAre $ou satis:ied 2ith 2hat I8e learnedJ LNo( said 9ali'( handin% AltaKr the :eather( L#ut it 2ill ha8e to do.

AltaKr nodded. He loo'ed at 2here 9ali's slee8e hun% loose and 2as a#out to sa$ so;ethin% #e:ore he realiIed that no 2ords 2ould atone :or his :ailures. He had cost 9ali' too ;uch e8er to ho&e :or :or%i8eness :ro; hi;. Instead( he turned and le:t the Bureau. Another tar%et 2as to :eel the 'iss o: his #lade.


Shortl$ a:ter2ards AltaKr 2as stealin% into the 2arehouse 2here the shi&;ent 2as #ein% &re&ared( loo'in% around and not li'in% 2hat he :ound. There 2ere no %uards. No acol$tes. He too' t2o ste&s :or2ard( then sto&&ed. No. What 2as he thin'in%J E8er$thin% a#out the 2arehouse 2as 2ron%. He 2as a#out to s&in and lea8e 2hen suddenl$ the door 2as shut and there 2as the un;ista'a#le sound o: a #olt sla;;in% ho;e. He cursed and dre2 his s2ord. He cre&t :or2ard( his senses %raduall$ adEustin% to the %loo;( the da;&( the s;ell o: the torches and P So;ethin% else. A li8estoc' s;ell that AltaKr thou%ht 2as ;ore hu;an than ani;al. 9ea%re :la;es :ro; the torches thre2 li%ht on 2alls that ran dar' and slic'( and :ro; so;e2here ca;e a dri&Fdri& o: 2ater. The neDt sound he heard 2as a lo2 ;oan. E$es slo2l$ adEustin%( he ed%ed :or2ard( seein% crates and #arrels and then P a ca%e. He ;o8ed closer < and al;ost recoiled at 2hat he sa2. A ;an 2as inside it. A &athetic( shi8erin% ;an( 2ho sat 2ith his le%s &ulled to his chest and re%arded AltaKr 2ith &lainti8e( 2ater$ e$es. He raised one tre;#lin% hand. LHel& ;e( he said. Then( :ro; #ehind( AltaKr heard another sound and 2heeled to see a second ;an. He 2as sus&ended :ro; the 2all( his 2rists and an'les shac'led. His head lolled on his chest and dirt$ hair hun% o8er his :ace( #ut his li&s a&&eared to #e ;o8in% as thou%h in &ra$er. AltaKr ;o8ed to2ards hi;. Then( hearin% another 8oice :ro; his :eet( he loo'ed do2n to see an iron %rille set into the :la%stones o: the 2arehouse :loor. Peerin% :ro; it 2as the :ri%htened :ace o: $et another sla8e( his #on$ :in%ers reachin% throu%h the #ars( a&&ealin% to AltaKr. Be$ond hi; in the &it the Assassin sa2 ;ore dar' :or;s( heard slitherin% and ;ore 8oices. Aor a ;o;ent it 2as as thou%h the roo; 2as :illed 2ith the &leadin% o: those i;&risoned. LHel& ;e( hel& ;e. An insistent( #eseechin% sound that ;ade hi; 2ant to co8er his ears. !ntil( suddenl$( he heard a louder 8oice@ L3ou should not ha8e co;e here( Assassin. Talal( surel$. AltaKr s2un% in the direction o: the noise( seein% the shado2s shi:t in a #alcon$ a#o8e hi;. Bo2;enJ He tensed( crouchin%( his s2ord read$( o::erin% the s;allest tar%et &ossi#le. But i: Talal 2anted hi; dead( hed #e dead #$ no2. Hed 2al'ed strai%ht into the sla8e traders tra& < the ;ista'e o: a :ool( o: a no8ice < #ut it had not $et #een :ull$ s&run%. LBut $ou are not the 'ind to listen( ;oc'ed Talal( Llest $ou co;&ro;ise $our Brotherhood. Altair cre&t :or2ard( still tr$in% to &lace Talal. He 2as a#o8e( that ;uch 2as certain. But 2hereJ LDid $ou thin' Id re;ain i%norant o: $our &resenceJ continued the dise;#odied 8oice( 2ith a chuc'le. L3ou 2ere 'no2n to ;e the ;o;ent $ou entered this cit$( such is ;$ reach. Aro; #elo2 he heard so##in% and %lanced do2n to see ;ore #ars( ;ore dirt$( tearF strea'ed :aces starin% at hi; :ro; the %loo;. LHel& ;e P Sa8e ;e P Here there 2ere ;ore ca%es( ;ore sla8es( ;en and 2o;en no2@ #e%%ars( &rostitutes( drun'ards and ;ad;en. LHel& ;e. Hel& ;e. LSo there are sla8es here( called AltaKr( L#ut 2here are the sla8ersJ Talal i%nored hi;. LBehold ;$ 2or' in all its %lor$( he announced( and ;ore li%hts

:lared on( re8ealin% ;ore :ri%htened and #eseechin% :aces. Ahead o: AltaKr a second %ate slid o&en( ad;ittin% hi; to another roo;. He cli;#ed a :li%ht o: ste&s and 2al'ed into a lar%e s&ace 2ith a %aller$ runnin% alon% all sides a#o8e hi;. There he sa2 shado2$ :i%ures and adEusted the %ri& on his s2ord. LWhat no2( sla8erJ he called. Talal 2as tr$in% to :ri%hten hi;. So;e thin%s :ri%htened AltaKr( it 2as true < #ut nothin% the sla8e ;aster 2as ca&a#le o:( that ;uch he 'ne2. LDo not call ;e that( cried Talal. LI onl$ 2ish to hel& the;. As I ;$sel: 2as hel&ed. Altair could still hear the lo2 ;oans o: the sla8es :ro; the cha;#er #ehind. He dou#ted 2hether the$d consider it hel&. L3ou do no 'indness i;&risonin% the; li'e this( he called into the dar'ness. Still Talal re;ained hidden. LI;&risonin% the;J I 'ee& the; sa:e( &re&arin% the; :or the Eourne$ that lies ahead. LWhat Eourne$J sco::ed AltaKr. LIt is a li:e o: ser8itude. L3ou 'no2 nothin%. It 2as :oll$ to #rin% $ou here. To thin' that $ou ;i%ht see and understand. LI understand 2ell enou%h. 3ou lac' the coura%e to :ace ;e( choosin% to hide a;on% the shado2s. Enou%h tal'. Sho2 $oursel:. LAh P So $ou 2ant to see the ;an 2ho called $ou hereJ AltaKr heard ;o8e;ent in the %aller$. L3ou did not call ;e here( he shouted. LI ca;e on ;$ o2n. Lau%hter echoed :ro; the #alconies a#o8e hi;. LDid $ouJ sco::ed Talal. LWho un#arred the doorJ Cleared the &athJ Did $ou raise $our #lade a%ainst a sin%le ;an o: ;ine( h;;J No. All this I did :or $ou. So;ethin% ;o8ed on the ceilin% a#o8e the %aller$( thro2in% a &atch o: li%ht on to the stone :loor. LSte& into the li%ht( then( called Talal :ro; a#o8e( Land I 2ill %rant $ou one :inal :a8our. A%ain( AltaKr told hi;sel: that i: Talal 2anted hi; dead his archers 2ould ha8e :illed hi; 2ith arro2s #$ no2( and he ste&&ed into the li%ht. As he did so( ;as'ed ;en a&&eared :ro; the shado2s o: the %aller$( Eu;&in% do2n and noiselessl$ surroundin% hi;. The$ re%arded hi; 2ith dis&assionate e$es( their s2ords han%in% #$ their sides( their chests risin% and :allin%. AltaKr s2allo2ed. There 2ere siD o: the;. LLittle challen%e the$ 2ere not. Then there ca;e :ootste&s :ro; a#o8e and he loo'ed to the %aller$ 2here Talal had ;o8ed out o: the hal:Fli%ht and no2 stood %aIin% do2n at hi;. He 2ore a stri&ed tunic and a thic' #elt. O8er his shoulder 2as a #o2. LNo2 I stand #e:ore $ou( he said( s&readin% his hands( s;ilin% as thou%h 2ar;l$ 2elco;in% a %uest to his household. LWhat is it $ou desireJ LCo;e do2n here. Altair indicated 2ith his s2ord. LLet us settle this 2ith honour. LWh$ ;ust it al2a$s co;e to 8iolenceJ re&lied Talal( soundin% al;ost disa&&ointed in AltaKr( #e:ore addin%( LIt see;s I cannot hel& $ou( Assassin( :or $ou do not 2ish to hel& $oursel:. And I cannot allo2 ;$ 2or' to #e threatened. 3ou lea8e ;e no choice@ $ou ;ust die. He 2a8ed to his ;en. Who li:ted their s2ords. Then attac'ed. AltaKr %runted and :ound hi;sel: :endin% o:: t2o at once( &ushin% the; #ac'( then strai%ht a2a$ turnin% his attention to a third. The others 2aited their turn@ their strate%$( he Guic'l$ realiIed( 2as to co;e at hi; t2o at a ti;e. He could handle that. He %ra##ed one( &leased to see his e$es 2iden in shoc' a#o8e his ;as'( then thre2 hi; #ac'2ards into a :i:th ;an( the &air o: the; s;ashin%

into a sca::old that disinte%rated around the;. AltaKr &ressed ho;e his ad8anta%e and( sta##in% 2ith his s2ord&oint( heard a screa; and a death rattle :ro; the ;an s&ra2led on the stone. His assailants reasse;#led( %lancin% at one another as the$ slo2l$ circled hi;. He turned 2ith the;( s2ord held out( s;ilin%( al;ost enEo$in% hi;sel: no2. Ai8e o: the;( trained( ;as'ed 'illers( a%ainst a lone Assassin. The$ had thou%ht hi; eas$ &re$. He could see it in their :aces. One s'ir;ish later and the$ 2erent Guite so certain. He chose one. An old tric' tau%ht to hi; #$ Al 9uali; :or 2hen :acin% ;ulti&le o&&onents. AltaKr 8er$ deli#eratel$ :iDed his %aIe on a %uard directl$ in :ront o: hi; P Dont i%nore the others #ut ho;e in on one. 9a'e hi; $our tar%et. Let hi; 'no2 hes $our tar%et. He s;iled. The %uard 2hi;&ered. Then :inish hi;. Li'e a sna'e( AltaKr struc'( co;in% at the %uard( 2ho 2as too slo2 to react < 2ho stared do2n at AltaKrs #lade as it thrust into his chest( then %roaned as he san' to his 'nees. With a tearin% o: ;eat( AltaKr 2ithdre2 his s2ord( then turned his attention to the neDt ;an. Choose one o: $our o&&onentsP The %uard loo'ed terri:ied( not li'e a 'iller no2( as his s2ord #e%an tre;#lin%. He shouted so;ethin% in a dialect AltaKr didnt understand( then ca;e :or2ard ;essil$( ho&in% to #rin% the #attle to AltaKr( 2ho sideste&&ed( slashin% at the ;ans sto;ach( %rati:ied to see %listenin% insides s&ill :ro; the 2ound. Aro; a#o8e Talals 8oice caEoled his ;en to attac' e8en as another :ell and the t2o re;ainin% attac'ed at once. The$ didnt loo' so inti;idatin% no2( ;as's or not. The$ loo'ed li'e 2hat the$ 2ere@ :ri%htened ;en a#out to die. AltaKr too' another do2n( #lood :ountainin% :ro; a slashed nec'. The last turned and ran( ho&in% to :ind shelter in the %aller$. But AltaKr sheathed his s2ord( &al;ed a &air o: thro2in% 'ni8es( 2hich s&un( %litterin% < one( t2o < into the esca&in% ;ans #ac' so that he :ell :ro; the ladder. Esca&in% no ;ore. AltaKr heard runnin% :ootste&s :ro; a#o8e. Talal ;a'in% his esca&e. Bendin% to retrie8e his 'ni8es( he too' the ladder hi;sel:( reachin% the second le8el Eust in ti;e to see Talal scra;#le u& a second series o: ste&s to the roo:. The Assassin 2ent a:ter hi;( arri8in% throu%h a hatch in the to& o: the 2arehouse and onl$ Eust Eer'in% his head #ac' in ti;e as an arro2 s;ac'ed( Gui8erin%( into the 2ood #eside hi;. He sa2 the #o2;an on a :ar roo:to&( alread$ :ittin% a second sha:t( and &ulled hi;sel: :ro; the hatch( rollin% :or2ard on the roo:to& and tossin% t2o 'ni8es( still 2et 2ith the #lood o: their &re8ious 8icti;. The archer screa;ed and :ell( one 'ni:e &rotrudin% :ro; his nec'( the other in his chest. Aurther across( AltaKr sa2 Talal dartin% across a #rid%e #et2een housin% then Eu;&in% to a sca::old and shi;;$in% do2n into the street. There( he craned his nec'( sa2 AltaKr alread$ :ollo2in% hi;( and set o:: at a run. AltaKr 2as alread$ %ainin%. He 2as Guic' and( unli'e Talal( he 2asnt constantl$ loo'in% o8er his shoulder to see i: he 2as #ein% :ollo2ed. Which ;eant he 2asnt #arrellin% into unsus&ectin% &edestrians as Talal 2as@ 2o;en 2ho screeched and re&ri;anded hi;( ;en 2ho s2ore and sho8ed hi; #ac'. All this slo2ed his &ro%ress throu%h the streets and ;ar'ets( so that soon he had sGuandered his lead( and 2hen he turned his head AltaKr could see the 2hites o: his e$es. LAlee no2( Talal screa;ed o8er his shoulder( L2hile $ou still can. 9$ %uards 2ill #e here soon. AltaKr chuc'led. "e&t runnin%.

L i8e u& this chase and Ill let $ou li8e( screeched Talal. AltaKr said nothin%. "e&t u& his &ursuit. Ni;#l$( he 2o8e throu%h the cro2ds( hurdlin% the %oods that Talal &ulled #ehind hi;sel: to slo2 his &ursuer. AltaKr 2as %ainin% on Talal no2( the chase al;ost done. Ahead o: hi; Talal turned his head once ;ore( sa2 that the %a& 2as closin% and tried a&&ealin% to AltaKr a%ain. LHold $our %round and hear ;e out( he #ello2ed( des&eration in his 8oice. LPerha&s 2e can ;a'e a deal. AltaKr said nothin%( Eust 2atched as Talal turned a%ain. The sla8e trader 2as no2 a#out to collide 2ith a 2o;an 2hose :ace 2as hidden #$ se8eral :las's. Neither o: the; 2as loo'in% 2here the$ 2ere %oin%. LI8e done nothin% to $ou( shouted Talal( :or%ettin%( &resu;a#l$( that Eust ;inutes a%o he had sent siD ;en to 'ill AltaKr. LWh$ do $ou &ersist in chasin% < The #reath le:t his #od$ in a 2hoosh( there 2as a tan%le o: ar;s and le%s and Talal crashed to the sand alon% 2ith the :las' 2o;an( 2hose 2ares s;ashed around the;. Talal tried scra;#lin% to his :eet #ut 2as too slo2 and AltaKr 2as u&on hi;. Snic'. As soon as his %reed$ #lade a&&eared he had sun' it into the ;an( and 2as 'neelin% #eside hi;( #lood alread$ %ushin% :ro; Talals nose and ;outh. At their side( the :las' 2o;an dra%%ed hersel: to her :eet( redF:aced and indi%nant( a#out to let :l$ at Talal. On seein% AltaKr and his #lade( not to ;ention the #lood lea'in% :ro; Talal( she chan%ed her ;ind and dashed o:: 2ailin%. Others %a8e the; a 2ide #erth( sensin% so;ethin% 2as a;iss. In ?erusale;( a cit$ accusto;ed to con:lict( the inha#itants &re:erred not to stand and stare at 8iolence :or :ear o: #eco;in% &art o: it. AltaKr leaned close to Talal. L3ou8e no2here to run no2( he said. LShare $our secrets 2ith ;e. L9$ &art is &la$ed( Assassin( res&onded Talal. LThe Brotherhood is not so 2ea' that ;$ death 2ill sto& its 2or'. AltaKrs ;ind :lashed #ac' to Ta;ir. He( too( had s&o'en o: others as he died. He( too( had ;entioned #rothers. LWhat BrotherhoodJ he &ressed. Talal ;ana%ed a s;ile. LAl 9uali; is not the onl$ one 2ith desi%ns u&on the Hol$ Land. And thats all $oull ha8e :ro; ;e. LThen 2e are :inished. Be% :or%i8eness :ro; $our od. LThere is no od( Assassin. Talal lau%hed 2ea'l$. LAnd i: there e8er 2as( hes lon% a#andoned us. Lon% a#andoned the ;en and 2o;en I too' into ;$ ar;s. LWhat do $ou ;eanJ LBe%%ars. Whores. Addicts. Le&ers. Do the$ stri'e $ou as &ro&er sla8esJ !n:it :or e8en the ;ost ;enial tas's. No P I too' the; not to sell( #ut to sa8e. And $et $oud 'ill us all. Aor no other reason than it 2as as'ed o: $ou. LNo( said AltaKr( con:used no2. L3ou &ro:it :ro; the 2ar. Aro; li8es lost and #ro'en. L3ou 2ould thin' that( i%norant as $ou are. Wall o:: $our ;ind( ehJ The$ sa$ its 2hat $our 'ind does #est. Do $ou see the iron$ in all thisJ AltaKr stared at hi;. It 2as Eust as it had #een 2ith de Na&louse. The d$in% ;ans 2ords threatened to su#8ert e8er$thin% AltaKr 'ne2 o: his tar%et < or thou%ht he 'ne2( at least. LNo( not $et( it see;s. Talal allo2ed hi;sel: one :inal s;ile at AltaKrs e8ident con:usion. LBut $ou 2ill. And( 2ith that( he died. AltaKr reached to close his e$es( ;ur;urin%( LI; sorr$( #e:ore #rushin% his ;ar'er 2ith #lood( then standin% and losin% hi;sel: in the cro2ds( Talals cor&se stainin% the sand #ehind hi;.

AltaKr 2ould ;a'e ca;& at 2ells( 2aterholes or :ountains on his tra8elsH an$2here there 2as 2ater and shade :ro; &al;s( 2here he could rest and his ;ount %raIe on the %rass( untethered. It 2as o:ten the onl$ &atch o: %reen as :ar as the e$e could see so there 2as little chance o: his horse 2anderin% o::. That ni%ht he :ound a :ountain that had #een 2alled and arched to &re8ent the desert s2allo2in% the &recious 2ater s&ot( and he dran' 2ell. Then he la$ do2n in its shelter( listenin% to dri&&in% :ro; the other side o: the rou%hFhe2n stone and thin'in% o: the li:e e##in% a2a$ :ro; Talal. His thou%hts 2ent e8en :urther #ac'( to the cor&ses in his &ast. A li:e &unctuated #$ death. As a $oun% #o$ he had :irst encountered it durin% the sie%e. Assassin and Saracen and( o: course( his o2n :ather( thou%h ;erci:ull$ he had #een s&ared the si%ht o: that. He had heard it( thou%h( heard the s2ord :all( :ollo2ed #$ a so:t thu;&( and hed darted to2ards the 2ic'et %ate( 2antin% to Eoin his :ather( 2hen hands had %ri&&ed hi;. He had sGuir;ed( screa;in%( LLet ;e %oQ Let ;e %oQ LNo( child. And AltaKr sa2 that it 2as Ah;ad( the a%ent 2hose li:e AltaKrs :ather had traded :or his o2n. And AltaKr stared at hi;( e$es #urnin% 2ith hatred( not carin% that Ah;ad had #een deli8ered :ro; his ordeal #attered and #lood$ and #arel$ a#le to stand( his soul scarred 2ith the sha;e o: ha8in% succu;#ed to the Saracens interro%ation. Carin% onl$ that his :ather had %i8en hi;sel: u& to die and P LIts $our :aultQ he had screa;ed( t2istin% and &ullin% a2a$ :ro; Ah;ad( 2ho stood 2ith his head #o2ed( a#sor#in% the #o$s 2ords as i: the$ 2ere &unches. LIts $our :ault( AltaKr had s&at a%ain( then sat on the #rittle %rass( #ur$in% his head in his hands( 2antin% to shut out the 2orld. A :e2 ste&s a2a$( Ah;ad( eDhausted and #eaten( had :olded to the %round also. Outside the citadel 2alls( the Saracens de&arted( lea8in% the headless #od$ o: AltaKrs :ather #ehind :or the Assassins to retrie8e. Lea8in% 2ounds that 2ould ne8er heal. Aor the ti;e #ein% AltaKr had sta$ed in the Guarters he had shared 2ith his :ather( 2ith their 2alls o: %re$ stone( rushes on the :loor( a si;&le des' #et2een t2o &allets( one lar%er( one s;aller. Hed ;o8ed #eds@ he had sle&t in the lar%er one( so that he could s;ell his :athers s;ell( and he had i;a%ined hi; so;eti;es( in the roo;( sittin% readin% at the des'( scratchin% a2a$ at a roll o: &arch;ent( or returnin% late at ni%ht to chide AltaKr :or still #ein% a2a'e( then snu::in% out his candle #e:ore retirin%. I;a%inin%s 2ere all he had no2( the or&han AltaKr. Those and his ;e;ories. Al 9uali; had said he 2ould #e called in due course( 2hen arran%e;ents had #een ;ade :or his :uture. In the ;eanti;e( the 9aster had said( i: AltaKr needed an$thin%( he should co;e to hi; as his ;entor. Ah;ad( ;ean2hile( had #een su::erin% :ro; a :e8er. So;e ni%hts his ra8in%s 2ere heard throu%hout the citadel. Occasionall$ he screa;ed as i: in &ain( at other ti;es li'e a ;an deran%ed. One ni%ht he 2as shoutin% one 2ord o8er and o8er a%ain. AltaKr had &ulled hi;sel: :ro; his #ed and %one to his 2indo2( thin'in% that 2hat he heard 2as his :athers na;e. It 2as. L!;ar. Hearin% it 2as li'e #ein% sla&&ed. L!;ar. The shrie' see;ed to echo in the e;&t$ court$ard #elo2. L!;ar. No( not e;&t$. Peerin% ;ore closel$( AltaKr could ;a'e out the :i%ure o: a child o: a#out his a%e( 2ho stood li'e a sentinel in the so:t earl$F;ornin% ;ist that ri&&led across the trainin% $ard. It 2as A##as. AltaKr #arel$ 'ne2 hi;( Eust that he 2as A##as So:ian( the son o: Ah;ad So:ian. The #o$ had stood listenin% to his :athers de;ented ra8in%s( &erha&s o::erin% silent &ra$ers :or hi;( and AltaKr had 2atched hi; :or a :e2 heart#eats( :indin% so;ethin% to ad;ire in his silent 8i%il. Then he had let his curtain dro& and returned to his #ed( &uttin% his hands o8er his ears so that he could no lon%er

hear Ah;ad callin% his :athers na;e. He had tried to #reathe in his :athers scent and realiIed that it 2as :adin%. The$ said that Ah;ads :e8er had a#ated the neDt da$( and that he had returned to his Guarters( al#eit a #ro'en ;an. AltaKr had heard that he la$ on his #ed attended to #$ A##as. That he had lain that 2a$ :or t2o da$s. The neDt ni%ht AltaKr 2as a2o'en #$ a sound in his roo; and la$ #lin'in%( hearin% so;e#od$ ;o8in% a#out( :eet that 2ent to the des'. A candle 2as &ut do2n that thre2 shado2s on the stone 2all. It 2as his :ather( he thou%ht( still hal: aslee&. His :ather had co;e #ac' :or hi;( and he sat u&( s;ilin%( read$ to 2elco;e hi; ho;e and #e chided #$ hi; :or #ein% a2a'e. At last he had 2o'en :ro; a terri#le drea; in 2hich his :ather had died and le:t hi; alone. But the ;an in his roo; 2as not his :ather. It 2as Ah;ad. Ah;ad 2as standin% at the door( e;aciated 2ithin his 2hite ro#e( his :ace a &ale ;as'. He 2ore a :ara2a$( al;ost &eace:ul eD&ression( and he s;iled a little as AltaKr sat u&( as thou%h he didnt 2ant to :ri%hten the #o$. His e$es( thou%h( 2ere sun'en dar' hollo2s as i: &ain had #urned the li:e :ro; 2ithin hi;. And in his hand he held a da%%er. LI; sorr$( he said( and the$ 2ere the onl$ 2ords he s&o'e( his last 2ords( #ecause neDt he dre2 the 'ni:e across his throat( o&enin% a %a&in% red ;outh in his o2n nec'. Blood s2e&t do2n his ro#eH #u##les o: it :or;ed at the 2ound on his nec'. The da%%er dro&&ed 2ith a clun' to the :loor and he s;iled as he slid to his 'nees( his %aIe :iDed on AltaKr( 2ho sat ri%id 2ith :ear( una#le to ta'e his e$es :ro; Ah;ad as the #lood &oured :ro; hi;( drainin% out o: hi;. No2 the d$in% ;an lolled #ac' on his heels( at last #rea'in% that %hastl$ stare as his head dro&&ed to the side( #ut he 2as &re8ented :ro; :allin% #ac'2ards #$ the door. And :or so;e heart#eats that 2as ho2 he re;ained( a &enitent ;an( 'neelin%. Then at last he :ell :or2ard. AltaKr had no idea ho2 lon% he sat there( 2ee&in% so:tl$ and listenin% to Ah;ads #lood s&readin% thic'l$ across the stone. At last he :ound the coura%e to ste& out o: #ed( ta'in% the candle and care:ull$ s'irtin% the #leedin% horror that la$ on the :loor. He &ulled his door o&en( 2hi;&erin% as it ;ade contact 2ith Ah;ads :oot. Outside the roo; at last( he ran. The candle snu::ed out #ut he didnt care. He ran until he reached Al 9uali;. L3ou ;ust ne8er tell an$one o: this( Al 9uali; had said( the neDt da$. AltaKr had #een %i8en a 2ar; s&iced drin'( then s&ent the rest o: the ni%ht in the 9asters cha;#ers( 2here he had sle&t soundl$. The 9aster hi;sel: had #een else2here( attendin% to Ah;ads #od$. So it had &ro8ed the neDt da$( 2hen Al 9uali; returned to hi;( ta'in% a seat #$ his #ed. LWe shall tell the Order that Ah;ad le:t under co8er o: dar'ness( he said. LThe$ ;a$ dra2 their o2n conclusions. We cannot allo2 A##as to #e tainted 2ith the sha;e o: his :athers suicide. What Ah;ad has done is dishonoura#le. His dis%race 2ould s&read to his 'in. LBut 2hat o: A##as( 9asterJ said AltaKr. LWill he #e told the truthJ LNo( ;$ child. LBut he should at least 'no2 that his :ather is < LNo( ;$ child( re&eated Al 9uali;( his 8oice risin%. LA##as 2ill #e told #$ no one( includin% $ou. To;orro2 I shall announce that $ou are #oth to #eco;e no8ices in the Order( that $ou are to #e #rothers in all #ut #lood. 3ou 2ill share Guarters. 3ou 2ill train and stud$ and dine to%ether. As #rothers. 3ou 2ill loo' a:ter each other. See no har; co;es to the other( either &h$sical or #$ other ;eans. Do I ;a'e ;$sel: clearJ L3es( 9aster. Later that da$ AltaKr 2as installed in Guarters 2ith A##as. A ;ea%re roo;@ t2o &allets( rush ;attin%( a s;all des'. Neither #o$ li'ed it #ut A##as said he 2ould #e

lea8in% shortl$( 2hen his :ather returned. At ni%ht he 2as :it:ul and so;eti;es called out in his slee&( 2hile in the neDt #ed AltaKr la$ a2a'e( a:raid to slee& in case the ni%ht;ares o: Ah;ad uncoiled the;sel8es and ca;e to hi;. The$ did. Ah;ad had co;e to hi; at ni%ht e8er since. He ca;e 2ith a da%%er that %lea;ed in the dancin% candleli%ht. Slo2l$ he dre2 the #lade across his o2n throat( %rinnin% as he did so. AltaKr a2o'e. The desert 2as cool and still around hi;. The &al; trees rustled sli%htl$ in a #reeIe and the 2ater dri&Fdri&&ed #ehind hi;. He &assed a hand across his #ro2 and realiIed he had #een s2eatin%. He laid his head do2n a%ain( ho&in% to slee& at least until li%ht.


Part T2o 4>

L3ou8e done 2ell( said Al 9uali;( the :ollo2in% da$. LThree o: the nine lie dead( and :or this $ou ha8e ;$ than's. His s;ile :aded. LBut do not thin' to rest u&on $our laurels. 3our 2or' has Eust #e%un. LI a; $ours to co;;and( 9aster( said AltaKr( sole;nl$. He 2as eDhausted #ut %rate:ul that he 2as #e%innin% to redee; hi;sel: in Al 9uali;s e$es. Certainl$ he had seen a chan%e in the %uards. Where #e:ore the$ had loo'ed at hi; 2ith disdain( no2 the$ %a8e hi; %rud%in% res&ect. Word o: his success had reached the;( no dou#t. Al 9uali;( also( had a2arded hi; the #e%innin%s o: a s;ile and indicated :or hi; to sit. Sit. The 9aster continued@ L"in% Richard( e;#oldened #$ his 8ictor$ at Acre( &re&ares to ;o8e south( to2ards ?erusale;. Salah Aldin is surel$ a2are o: this( and so he %athers his ;en #e:ore the #ro'en citadel o: Arsu:. AltaKr thou%ht o: Salah Aldin and tensed. His ;ind 2ent #ac' to that da$( the Saracens at the %ates o: the :ortress P LWould $ou ha8e ;e 'ill the; #oth( thenJ he said( relishin% the &ossi#ilit$ o: &uttin% the Saracen leader to his #lade. LEnd their 2ar #e:ore it #e%ins in earnestJ LNo( sna&&ed Al 9uali;( stud$in% hi; so care:ull$ that AltaKr :elt as thou%h his thou%hts 2ere #ein% read. LTo do so 2ould scatter their :orces < and su#Eect the real; to the #loodlust o: ten thousand ai;less 2arriors. It 2ill #e ;an$ da$s #e:ore the$ ;eet( and 2hile the$ ;arch( the$ do not :i%ht. 3ou ;ust concern $oursel: 2ith a ;ore i;;ediate threat@ the ;en 2ho &retend to %o8ern in their a#sence. AltaKr nodded. He &ut a2a$ his 8isions o: re8en%e to #e ins&ected another da$. L i8e ;e na;es and Ill %i8e $ou #lood. LSo I 2ill. A#ul NuGoud( the 2ealthiest ;an in Da;ascus. 9aEd Addin( re%ent o: ?erusale;. Willia; de 9ont:errat( lie%e lord o: Acre. He 'ne2 the na;es( o: course. Each o: the cities #ore its leaders &ernicious i;&rint. LWhat are their cri;esJ as'ed AltaKr. He 2ondered i:( li'e the others( there 2ould #e ;ore to these cri;es than ;et the e$e. Al 9uali; s&read his hands. L reed. Arro%ance. The slau%hter o: innocents. Wal' a;on% the &eo&le o: their cities. 3oull learn the secrets o: their sins. Do not dou#t that these ;en are o#stacles to the &eace 2e see'. LThen the$ 2ill die( said AltaKr( o#edientl$. LReturn to ;e as each ;an :alls that 2e ;i%ht #etter understand their intentions( ordered Al 9uali;( Land( AltaKr( ta'e care. 3our recent 2or' has li'el$ attracted the attention o: the %uards. The$ll #e ;ore sus&icious than the$8e #een in the &ast. So it a&&eared. Aor( da$s later( 2hen AltaKr strode into the Bureau at Acre( ?a#al %reeted hi; 2ith LWord has s&read o: $our deeds( AltaKr. He nodded. LIt see;s $ou are sincere in $our desire to redee; $oursel:. LI do 2hat I can. LAnd so;eti;es $ou do it 2ell. I assu;e it is 2or' that reunites usJ L3es. Willia; de 9ont:errat is ;$ tar%et. LThen the Chain District is $our destination P But #e on $our toes. That section o: the cit$ is ho;e to "in% Richards &ersonal Guarters( and it is under hea8$ 2atch. LWhat can $ou tell ;e o: the ;an hi;sel:J LWillia; has #een na;ed re%ent 2hile the "in% conducts his 2ar. The &eo&le see it as a stran%e choice( %i8en the histor$ #et2een Richard and Willia;s son( Conrad. But I thin' Richard rather cle8er :or it. LCle8er ho2J

?a#al s;iled. LRichard and Conrad do not see e$e to e$e on ;ost ;atters. Thou%h the$ are ci8il enou%h in &u#lic( there are 2his&ers that each intends e8il u&on the other. And then there 2as the #usiness 2ith Acres ca&tured Saracens P ?a#al shoo' his head. LIn its 2a'e( Conrad has returned to T$re( and Richard has co;&elled Willia; to re;ain here as his %uest. L3ou ;ean his hosta%eJ as'ed AltaKr. He 2as inclined to a%ree 2ith ?a#al. It did indeed loo' li'e a 2ise ;o8e on Richards &art. LWhate8er $ou call it( Willia;s &resence should 'ee& Conrad in line. LWhere 2ould $ou su%%est I #e%in ;$ searchJ ?a#al thou%ht. LRichards citadel( southF2est o: here P Or( rather( the ;ar'et in :ront o: it. LVer$ 2ell. I 2ont distur# $ou an$ :urther. LIts no trou#le( said ?a#al( 2ho 2ent #ac' to his #irds( cooin% %entl$ at the;. He 2as a ;an un#urdened #$ ;an$ 2orries( thou%ht AltaKr. Aor that at least( he en8ied hi;.


?a#al 2as ri%ht( thou%ht AltaKr( as he ;ade his 2a$ throu%h hot( cro2ded streets tan%$ 2ith sea air( to the citadel ;ar'et. There 2ere ;an$ ;ore %uards a#out( &erha&s dou#le the nu;#er since his last 8isit. So;e 2ore the colours o: the Crusaders( and 2ere in :ull ar;our. Ho2e8er( i: he 'ne2 one thin% a#out soldiers it 2as that the$ li'ed to %ossi&( and the ;ore there 2ere( the ;ore indiscreet the$ 2ere li'el$ to #e. He too' a &lace on a #ench( and sat as thou%h to ad;ire the %rand citadel 2ith its :lutterin% &ennants( or as i: si;&l$ to 2atch the da$ %o #$. Not :ar a2a$ an entertainer tried to dru; u& trade( then shru%%ed and #e%an an$2a$( tossin% coloured #alls into the air. AltaKr &retended to 2atch hi; #ut 2as listenin% to a con8ersation ta'in% &lace o8er the 2a$( a cou&le o: Crusaders chatterin% li'e 2asher2o;en a#out Willia;s s2ord s'ills. As Altair 2atched( a soldiers e$e 2as cau%ht #$ a :riar( a tall ;an in #ro2n hooded ro#es( 2ho 2as si%nallin% discreetl$ to hi;. The soldier nodded al;ost i;&erce&ti#l$( #ade his :riend %ood#$e and ;o8ed across the ;ar'et. Watchin% :ro; #eneath his co2l( AltaKr stood and :ollo2ed as the t2o ;en ;et and ;o8ed a2a$ :ro; the hustle and #ustle to tal'H AltaKr &ositioned hi;sel: close #$( strainin% to hear as the :riar s&o'e. LPerha&s it 2as un2ise to e;#race Willia;. He is old and thin's too ;uch o: hi;sel:. The soldier &ursed his li&s. LHis ar;$ is lar%e. Well ha8e need o: the;. Aor no2( Ill %o and 8isit the other #rothers. 9a'e sure the$ ha8e e8er$thin% the$ need. LA$e. The$ ;ust not :all( a%reed the :riar. LAear not. The 9aster has a &lan. E8en no2 he &re&ares a 2a$ to turn our losses to his ad8anta%e( should it co;e to that. 9asterJ AltaKr 2ondered. BrothersJ ?ust 2ho did these ;en ans2er toJ Acre had ;ore la$ers than an onion. LWhat does he intendJ as'ed the :riar. LThe less $ou 'no2( the #etter. ?ust do as $ou8e #een instructed. Deli8er this letter to the 9aster. He &assed it to the :riar and AltaKr s;iled( alread$ :leDin% his :in%erti&s. He stood :ro; the #ench and :ollo2ed. One li:t later the scroll 2as his( and he sat once a%ain to read it. R


Wor' continues in the Chain District o: Acre thou%h 2e are concerned a#out Willia;s a#ilit$ to see this throu%h to the end. He ta'es his duties a #it too seriousl$( and the &eo&le ;a$ reEect hi; 2hen the ti;e co;es. Without the aid o: the treasure( 2e can ill a::ord an u&risin%( lest it recall the "in% :ro; the :ield. And then $our &lan 2ill #e :or nothin%. We cannot reclai; 2hats #een stolen unless the t2o sides are united. Perha&s $ou ;i%ht &re&are another to ta'e his &lace < si;&l$ as a &recaution. We 2orr$ that our ;an in the har#our 2ill #eco;e increasin%l$ unsta#le. Alread$ he tal's o: distancin% hi;sel:. And this ;eans 2e cannot rel$ on hi; should Willia; :all. Let us 'no2 2hat $ou intend that 2e ;i%ht eDecute it. We re;ain e8er :aith:ul to the cause.

R He :olded the letter and &ushed it into his ro#es. So;ethin% to sho2 Al 9uali;( &erha&s. Then a%ain( ;a$#e not. So :ar AltaKr :elt Al 9uali; had #een less than o&en 2ith hi; re%ardin% his tar%ets. Perha&s this 2as &art o: his test. Perha&s. A %rou& o: ser8ants hurried &ast. The Eu%%ler Eu%%ledH he had a #i%%er cro2d no2. Not :ar a2a$ a s&ea'er had ta'en u& &osition in the shade o: a tree and 2as tal'in% a%ainst "in% Richard. NeDt AltaKrs attention 2as arrested #$ a $oun% ;an 2ith a closeFtri;;ed #lac' #eard 2ho see;ed to #e a&&ealin% to citiIens as the$ &assed( at the sa;e ti;e 'ee&in% an e$e on a &air o: cit$ %uards stationed a short distance a2a$. LWillia; de 9ont:errat cares nothin% :or the &eo&le o: Acre( he 2as sa$in%. AltaKr

loitered to listen( care:ul not to catch his e$e. LWhile 2e star8e( the ;en inside his 'ee& 2ant :or nothin%. The$ %ro2 :at u&on the :ruits o: our la#our. He #rou%ht us here to re#uild( he said. But no2( :ar :ro; ho;e( and the %race o: our 'in%( his true &lan #eco;es a&&arent. He steals our sons( sendin% the; into #attle a%ainst a sa8a%e ene;$. Their deaths are all #ut %uaranteed. Our dau%hters are ta'en to ser8ice his soldiers( ro##ed o: their 8irtue. And he co;&ensates us 2ith lies and e;&t$ &ro;ises o: a #etter ;orro2 < o: a land #lessed #$ od. What o: no2J What o: toda$J Ho2 ;uch lon%er ;ust 2e %o 2ithoutJ Is this trul$ the 2or' o: od < or o: a sel:ish ;an 2ho see's to conGuer allJ Rise u&( &eo&le o: Acre. ?oin us in our &rotest. LBe Guiet( called a 2o;an &asserF#$( %esturin% in the direction o: %uards 2ho 2ere &eerin% alon% the street( &erha&s a2are that ra##leFrousin% 2as a:oot. L3oure a :ool( a%reed another( harshl$. He turned a2a$ 2ith a dis;issi8e 2a8e o: the hand. No#od$ in Acre 2anted to 2itness Willia;s an%er( or so it see;ed. L3our 2ords 2ill see $ou han%ed( 2his&ered another( 2ho slun' a2a$. AltaKr 2atched as the re#el cast a 2ar$ %lance( then ste&&ed into the cro2d and Eoined another ;an there. LHo2 ;an$ ha8e $ou called to our causeJ he as'ed. LI :ear the$ are all too a:raid( ans2ered his co;&anion. LNone 2ould heed the call. LWe ;ust 'ee& tr$in%. Aind another ;ar'et. Another sGuare. We ;ust not #e silenced. With a :inal #ac'2ards %lance at the soldiers( the$ ;o8ed o::. AltaKr 2atched the; %o( satis:ied he had disco8ered all that he needed to 'no2 a#out Willia; de 9ont:errat. He too' a :inal loo' at the citadel( to2erin% o8er the ;ar'et&lace( the #lac' #eatin% heart o: Acre. In there( so;e2here( 2as his tar%et( he thou%ht( and 2ith Willia; dead( the &eo&le o: Acre 2ould 'no2 less t$rann$( less :ear. The sooner that ha&&ened( the #etter. It 2as ti;e to re8isit ?a#al. The Bureau leader 2as( as e8er( in a Eo8ial ;ood. His e$es t2in'led as he %reeted AltaKr. LI8e done as I 2as as'ed( said AltaKr. LI8e ar;ed ;$sel: 2ith 'no2led%e. I 'no2 2hat I ;ust do to reach 9ont:errat. LS&ea'( then( and I 2ill Eud%e. LWillia;s host is lar%e and ;an$ ;en call hi; ;aster. But he is not 2ithout ene;ies. He and "in% Richard do not see e$e to e$e. ?a#al raised an e$e#ro2. LIts true. The$8e ne8er #een close. LThis 2or's to ;$ ad8anta%e. Richards 8isit has u&set hi;. Once the "in% has le:t( Willia; 2ill retreat into his :ortress to #rood. Hell #e distracted. That is 2hen I 2ill stri'e. L3oure sure o: thisJ LAs sure as I can #e. And i: thin%s chan%e( Ill ada&t. LThen I %i8e $ou lea8e to %o. End the li:e o: de 9ont:errat that 2e ;a$ call this cit$ :ree. ?a#al handed hi; the :eather. LIll return 2hen the deeds #een done( ans2ered AltaKr.

AltaKr returned to the citadel( eD&ectin% it to #e Eust as he had le:t it. But there 2as so;ethin% di::erent no2 < so;ethin% he detected as he 2o8e throu%h the streets and ca;e closer to it. It 2as in the air. EDcite;ent. ED&ectation. He heard %ossi& concernin% Richards 8isit. He 2as in the :ortress no2( the citiIens said( holdin% tal's 2ith de 9ont:errat. A&&arentl$ the "in% 2as :urious 2ith hi; o8er his treat;ent o: the three thousand held hosta%e 2hen the Crusaders had reta'en the cit$. Des&ite hi;sel:( AltaKr :elt a thrill. Richard the Lionhearts re&utation ca;e #e:ore hi;. His #ra8er$. His cruelt$. So to see hi; in the :lesh P He ;o8ed throu%h the ;ar'et&lace. The cro2ds 2ere thic'er no2 as 2ord s&read that Richard had arri8ed. Acres citiIens( 2hate8er their o&inions o: the En%lish "in%( 2anted to see hi;. LHe co;es( 2his&ered a 2o;an near#$. AltaKr :elt hi;sel: carried #$ the cro2d( and :or al;ost the :irst ti;e since enterin% the cit$ he 2as a#le to hold u& his head. The cro2ds 2ere his dis%uise and( an$2a$( the %uards 2ere too occu&ied 2ith the "in%s i;;inent arri8al to ta'e an$ interest in hi;. No2 the ;o# sur%ed :or2ard( ta'in% AltaKr 2ith it. He allo2ed hi;sel: to #e enclosed #$ #odies and carried to2ards the decorated stone %ates( 2here the :la%s o: the Crusaders :luttered in the #reeIe( as thou%h the$( too( 2ere 'een to see Richard. At the %ates( the soldiers 2arned the cro2ds to ;o8e #ac' and those at the :ront #e%an callin% :or those at the rear to sto& &ushin% :or2ard. Still ;ore citiIens arri8ed( thou%h( sur%in% to2ards the raised area in :ront o: the ;ain %ates. 9ore %uards :or;ed a shield around the entrance. So;e had their hands on the hilts o: their s2ords. Others #randished &i'es ;enacin%l$( snarlin%( LBac' 2ith $ou( at the seethin%( co;&lainin% cro2d. Suddenl$ there 2as a %reat co;;otion :ro; the :ortress %ates( 2hich( %rindin%( rose. AltaKr craned his nec' to see( :irst hearin% the cli&Fclo& o: horses hoo:s( then seein% the hel;ets o: the "in%s #od$%uards. NeDt the cro2d 2as 'neelin%( AltaKr :ollo2in% suit( thou%h his e$es 2ere :iDed on the arri8al o: the "in%. Richard the Lionheart sat on a s&lendid stallion adorned 2ith his li8er$( his shoulders #ac' and his chin hi%h. His :ace 2as 2orn( as thou%h carr$in% the i;&rint o: e8er$ #attle( e8er$ desert crossed( and his e$es 2ere 2ear$ #ut #ri%ht. Around hi; 2as his #od$%uard( also on their horses( and 2al'in% at his side another ;an( this one( AltaKr realiIed :ro; the cro2ds ;ur;urin%s( Willia; de 9ont:errat. He 2as older than the "in%( and lac'ed his #ul' and &o2er( #ut there 2as a litheness a#out hi;H AltaKr could see he ;i%ht 2ell #e a s'illed s2ords;an. There 2as a loo' o: dis&leasure a#out hi; as he 2al'ed #$ the side o: the "in%( s;all in his shado2 and heedless o: the cro2ds surroundin% the;. Lost in his o2n thou%hts. LP three thousand souls( Willia;( the "in% 2as sa$in%( loud enou%h :or the entire ;ar'et&lace to hear. LI 2as told the$ 2ould #e held as &risoners < and used to #arter :or the release o: our ;en. LThe Saracens 2ould not ha8e honoured their side o: the #ar%ain( re&lied de 9ont:errat. L3ou 'no2 this to #e true. I did $ou a :a8our. The Lionheart roared. LOh( $es. A %reat :a8our( indeed. No2 our ene;ies 2ill #e that ;uch stron%er in their con8ictions. Ai%ht that ;uch harder. The$ sto&&ed. LI 'no2 our ene;$ 2ell( said de 9ont:errat. LThe$ 2ill not #e e;#oldened #ut :illed 2ith :ear. Richard loo'ed at hi; disdain:ull$. LTell ;e( ho2 is it $ou 'no2 the intentions o: our ene;$ so 2ellJ 3ou( 2ho :orsa'e the :ield o: #attle to &la$ at &olitics. De 9ont:errat s2allo2ed. LI did 2hat 2as ri%ht. What 2as Eust. L3ou s2ore an oath to u&hold the 2or' o: od( Willia;. But that is not 2hat I see here. No. I see a ;an 2hos tra;&led it.

De 9ont:errat loo'ed Gueas$. Then( s2ee&in% an ar; around hi;( as i: to re;ind the "in% that their su#Eects 2ere 2ithin earshot( he said( L3our 2ords are ;ost un'ind( ;$ lie%e. I had ho&ed to earn $our trust #$ no2. L3ou are Acres re%ent( Willia;( set to rule in ;$ stead. Ho2 ;uch ;ore trust is reGuiredJ Perha&s $oud li'e ;$ cro2n. L3ou ;iss the &oint( said 9ont:errat. Not 2antin% to lose :ace #e:ore the cro2d he added( LBut then a%ain( $ou al2a$s do P Richard %lo2ered. L9uch as Id li'e to 2aste ;$ da$ tradin% 2ords 2ith $ou( I8e a 2ar to :i%ht. Well continue this another ti;e. LDo not let ;e dela$ $ou( then( said de 9ont:errat( &olitel$( L3our race. Richard a::orded de 9ont:errat one last :urious stare < a stare to re;ind a re#ellious underlin% o: eDactl$ 2ho 2ore the cro2n < then le:t( his ;en :allin% in #ehind hi;. The cro2d #e%an to %et to their :eet and de 9ont:errat turned to sa$ so;ethin% to one o: his %uards. AltaKr strained to hear. LI :ear there 2ill #e no &lace :or ;en li'e hi; in the Ne2 World. Send 2ord that I 2ish to s&ea' 2ith the troo&s. We ;ust ensure e8er$one is doin% their &art. Warn the; that an$ ne%li%ence 2ill #e se8erel$ &unished. I; in no ;ood to #e tri:led 2ith toda$. Then he turned to the rest o: his ;en. LAollo2 ;e. Suddenl$ there 2as a %reat sur%e to2ards the :ortress( not Eust o: de 9ont:errats %uards #ut o: traders ho&in% to :ind custo; inside. AltaKr Eoined the;( #u::eted #$ their hessian sac's #ut sta$in% in the crush and Eust sGueeIin% throu%h the %ates #e:ore the %uards;en too' control and sla;;ed the; shut. Inside( traders 2ere #ein% herded #$ irritated soldiers to2ards a court$ard( there to dis&la$ their 2ares( no dou#t. But AltaKr could see de 9ont:errat ;a'in% his 2a$ alon% the lo2er #aile$ and to2ards the inner curtain. He duc'ed to one side and sGueeIed into a %a& #et2een the 2all and an inner #uildin%( holdin% his #reath( hal: eD&ectin% to hear a shout :ro; a shar&Fe$ed %uard 2ho had seen hi; sli& a2a$. There 2as none. He loo'ed u&2ards( and 2as &leased to see handholds in the sandstone sur:ace o: the #uildin%. He #e%an to cli;#. Archer. O: course. Hed #een so &leased to elude the sentries do2n #elo2 that AltaKr had :or%otten to consider those a#o8e. He stole another loo' o8er the ed%e o: the roo:( 2aitin% :or the ;an to turn his #ac'. He needed hi; in the ;iddle o: the roo:. Didnt 2ant hi; :allin% into the :ortress and raisin% the alar;. When the %uard reached the ri%ht s&ot( AltaKr struc'( the thro2in% 'ni:e %litterin% in the sun( then #ur$in% itsel: in the sentr$s #ac'. He %runted and :ell( than':ull$ not o8er the ed%e( and AltaKr &ulled hi;sel: u& to the roo:( crouchin% lo2 and ;a'in% his 2a$ across( one e$e on another archer :urther across the co;&ound( read$ to di8e out o: 8ie2 i: he turned. Belo2 hi; de 9ont:errat 2as ;a'in% his 2a$ across the :ortress( shoutin% orders and insults at all 2ho dared #e in his 8icinit$. Altair ca;e u&on the neDt archer. A 'ni:e thro2 later( the ;an la$ s&ra2led dead on the roo:. AltaKr %lanced do2n at hi; as he &assed( 'ee&in% lo2( seein% the #od$ cease to t2itch. A third archer. AltaKr dis&osed o: hi;. No2 he controlled the roo:H he had an esca&e route :or 2hen the deed 2as done. All that re;ained 2as to do it. Belo2 hi;( de 9ont:errat &assed throu%h a set o: inner %ates and AltaKr 2atched hi; u&#raid the %uard :or so;e ;inor in:raction as he did so. Then he 2as ;o8in% into the court$ard o: a 'ee&( a 'ind o: inner sanctu; :or hi;( &erha&s. AltaKr shado2ed hi; :ro; the 2al'2a$ a#o8e. He 'e&t out o: si%ht #ut no#od$ loo'ed u&2ards. The$ had no need to < or so the$ thou%ht. No2 de 9ont:errat too' his &lace #ehind a ta#le at one side o: the court$ard. L9en( he 2as sa$in%( L%ather round. Heed 2ell ;$ 2ords. The$ too' &ositions around hi; and AltaKr sa2 that( thou%h the$ 2ore the sa;e

uni:or;( the$ 2ere di::erent :ro; those stationed in the outer curtain. These 2ere ;ore %riIIled and loo'ed #attleFhardened. I: AltaKr 2as ri%ht( the$ 2ould #e de 9ont:errats &ersonal :orce. He 2asnt %oin% to ;a'e the ;ista'e o: thin'in% the; Llittle challen%e a%ain. In the court$ard( de 9ont:errat continued( LI co;e :ro; s&ea'in% 2ith the "in%( and the ne2s is %ri;. We stand accused o: :ailin% in our duties. He does not reco%niIe the 8alue o: our contri#utions to the cause. LAor sha;e( said one o: the ;en. LHe 'no2s nothin%( s&at another. LPeace. Peace. Hold $our ton%ues( ad;onished de 9ont:errat. LA$e( he s&ea's :alsel$( #ut his 2ords are not 2ithout so;e ;erit. To tour these %rounds( it is eas$ to :ind :ault. To see i;&er:ection. I :ear 2e ha8e %ro2n slac' and laI$. A#o8e hi;( AltaKr allo2ed hi;sel: a s;ile. The ;ethod o: his entrance 2as testa;ent to ho2 slac' and laI$ de 9ont:errats ;en had #eco;e. And as :or his hal:F aslee& archers P LWh$ do $ou sa$ thisJ as'ed one o: de 9ont:errats ;en. The$ #ristled( all o: the;. AltaKr used the sudden eru&tion o: noise as co8er to cra# to one side( 2antin% to &osition hi;sel: a#o8e his Guarr$( 8er$( 8er$ care:ull$ ;o8in% around the court$ard 2alls. No2 he could see 2hat ;ost o: the ;en #elo2 did not. Aro; a door at the o&&osite end o: the court$ard ;ore %uards had a&&eared dra%%in% t2o ;en. The$ 2ore the out:its o: Crusaders #ut 2ere &risoners. LI see the 2a$ $ou train( de 9ont:errat 2as shoutin% do2n #elo2. L3ou lac' con8iction and :ocus. 3ou %ossi& and %a;#le. Tas's set to $ou are le:t un:ul:illed or &oorl$ &er:or;ed. This ends toda$. I 2ill not su::er :urther de%radation at Richards hands. Whether or not $ou see it < and $ou should < this is $our :ault. 3ou8e #rou%ht sha;e u&on us all. S'ill and dedication are 2hat 2on us Acre. And the$ 2ill #e reGuired to 'ee& it. I ha8e #een too lenient( it see;s. But no ;ore. 3ou 2ill train harder and ;ore o:ten. I: this ;eans ;issin% ;eals( ;issin% slee& < so #e it. And should $ou :ail in these tas's( $ou 2ill learn the true ;eanin% o: disci&line P Brin% the; :or2ard. AltaKr had reached his &osition 2ithout #ein% s&otted. He 2as close enou%h no2 to loo' do2n on de 9ont:errats #aldin% head and see the :lec's o: s&ittle :l$ :ro; his ;outh as he shouted at his ;en. I: one o: those #elo2 2as to loo' u& :or an$ reason he ;i%ht #e s&otted( #ut all attention 2as no2 on the area in :ront o: de 9ont:errats ta#le( 2here the soldiers had #een dra%%ed #e:ore hi;( :ri%htened and sha;eF:aced. LI: I ;ust ;a'e eDa;&les o: so;e o: $ou to ensure o#edience( announced de 9ont:errat( Lso #e it( and he turned to the ca&ti8es. LThe t2o o: $ou stand accused o: 2horin% and drin'in% 2hile on dut$. What sa$ $ou to these char%esJ Throu%h 2et ;ouths the$ ;u;#led &leas and a&olo%ies. De 9ont:errat sco2led at the;. Then( 2ith a 2a8e o: his hand( he ordered their eDecution. Their throats 2ere cut and the$ s&ent their last ;o;ents 2atchin% their o2n #lood %ush on to the stone o: the court$ard. De 9ont:errat %aIed at the;( %ur%lin% and :la&&in% on the %round( li'e d$in% :ish. LDisre%ard :or dut$ is in:ectious( he said( al;ost sadl$. LIt shall #e rooted out and destro$ed. In this 2a$( 2e ;a$ &re8ent its s&read. A; I understoodJ L3es( ;$ lord( ca;e the ;ur;ured re&l$. L ood( %ood( he said. LReturn to $our duties( then( :illed 2ith a ne2 sense o: &ur&ose. Sta$ stron%( sta$ :ocused < and 2e 2ill triu;&h. Aalter( and $ou 2ill Eoin these ;en. Be sure o: it. Dis;issed. He 2a8ed the; out o: his si%ht( 2hich cheered AltaKr. Out o: si%ht 2as 2here he 2anted the ;en( too. He 2atched as de 9ont:errat #e%an si:tin% throu%h &a&ers on the ta#le( hissin% 2ith eDas&eration( his illFte;&er clearl$ not eDhausted. AltaKr cre&t

:or2ard( as close as he dared to the ed%e o: the roo:. He sa2 the t2o #odies( #lood still s&readin%. Aurther a2a$( ;ost o: the ;en see;ed either to ha8e con%re%ated at the entrance to the 'ee& or 2ere lea8in% :or the outer curtain( no dou#t 'een to &ut as ;uch distance #et2een the;sel8es and de 9ont:errat as &ossi#le. Belo2 hi; de 9ont:errat tutted in dis&leasure( still rattlin% throu%h the &a&ers( una#le to :ind 2hat he 2as loo'in% :or. He %roaned as a 2ad o: the; slid :ro; the ta#le to the %round. A#out to call :or assistance he thou%ht #etter o: it and #ent to retrie8e the;. Perha&s he heard the snic' o: AltaKrs #lade in the s&litFsecond #et2een AltaKr lea&in% :ro; the 2al'2a$ a#o8e and e;#eddin% it in his nec'. Then the Assassin 2as straddlin% the Acre leaders #od$( his hand o8er his ;outh so as not alert others in the court$ard. He had Eust ;o;ents( he 'ne2( 2his&erin%( LRest no2. 3our sche;es are at an end. LWhat do $ou 'no2 o: ;$ 2or'J croa'ed de 9ont:errat. LI 'no2 that $ou 2ere %oin% to ;urder Richard < and clai; Acre :or $our son( Conrad. LAor ConradJ 9$ son is an arse( un:it to lead his host( let alone a 'in%do;. And RichardJ He is no #etter( #linded as he is #$ :aith in the insu#stantial. Acre does not #elon% to either o: the;. LThen to 2ho;J LThe cit$ #elon%s to its &eo&le. AltaKr :ou%ht the no2F:a;iliar sense o: his 2orld ta'in% an uneD&ected lurch. LHo2 can $ou clai; to s&ea' :or the citiIensJ he said. L3ou stole their :ood. Disci&lined the; 2ithout ;erc$. Aorced the; into ser8ice under $ou. LE8er$thin% I did( I did to &re&are the; :or the Ne2 World( re&lied de 9ont:errat( as thou%h such thin%s should #e o#8ious to AltaKr. LStole their :oodJ No. I too' &ossession so that( 2hen the lean ti;es ca;e( it ;i%ht #e rationed &ro&erl$. Loo' around. 9$ district is 2ithout cri;e < sa8e that co;;itted #$ $ou and $our il'. And as :or conscri&tionJ The$ 2ere not #ein% trained to :i%ht. The$ 2ere #ein% tau%ht the ;erits o: order and disci&line. These thin%s are hardl$ e8il. LNo ;atter ho2 no#le $ou #elie8e $our intentions( $our acts 2ere cruel and cannot continue( said AltaKr( thou%h he :elt less certain than he sounded. LWell see ho2 s2eet the$ are( said de 9ont:errat( :adin% :ast( Lthe :ruits o: $our la#ours. 3ou do not :ree the cities( as $ou #elie8e( #ut da;n the;. And in the end( $oull ha8e onl$ $oursel: to #la;e. 3ou 2ho s&ea' o: %ood intentions P But he ne8er :inished LIn death( 2e are all ;ade eGuals( said AltaKr( stainin% the :eather. He scaled the 2all #ehind hi; and 2as on the 2al'2a$( dartin% across to the outer curtain. Then a2a$. As i: he had ne8er #een there.

AltaKr :elt 2ear$ o: the tas'. Tired and increasin%l$ 8eDed. Each lon% ride eDhausted hi; :urther #ut he 2as co;;anded to 8isit Al 9uali; a:ter e8er$ 'ill. And on each occasion the 9aster 2as eni%;atic( de;andin% details :ro; hi; $et holdin% so ;uch #ac'. So it 2ould &ro8e on the neDt occasion the$ ;et. LWord has reached ;e o: $our success( Al 9uali; said. L3ou8e ;$ %ratitude < and that o: the real;. Areein% these cities :ro; their corru&t leaders 2ill no dou#t &ro;ote the cause o: &eace. LCan $ou reall$ #e so sureJ as'ed AltaKr. Aor his o2n &art( he 2as sure o: less and less. LThe ;eans #$ 2hich ;en rule are re:lected in their &eo&le. As $ou cleanse the cities o: corru&tion( $ou heal the hearts and ;inds o: those 2ho li8e 2ithin. LOur ene;ies 2ould disa%ree( said AltaKr( his ;ind %oin% to those 2hose e$es he had closed. LWhat do $ou ;eanJ LEach ;an I8e slain has said stran%e 2ords to ;e. The$ are 2ithout re%ret. E8en in death( the$ see; con:ident o: their success. Thou%h the$ do not ad;it it directl$( there is a tie that #inds the;. I a; sure o: it. Al 9uali; re%arded hi; care:ull$. LThere is a di::erence( AltaKr( #et2een 2hat 2e are told to #e true and 2hat 2e see to #e true. 9ost ;en do not #other to ;a'e the distinction. It is si;&ler that 2a$. But as an Assassin( it is $our nature to notice. To Guestion. LThen 2hat is it that connects these ;enJ &ressed AltaKr. The 9aster had the ans2ers( he 2as sure o: it. All o: the;. LAh. But as an Assassin it is also $our dut$ to still these thou%hts and trust in $our ;aster. Aor there can #e no true &eace 2ithout order. And order reGuires authorit$. AltaKr could not 'ee& the eDas&eration :ro; his 8oice. L3ou s&ea' in circles( 9aster. 3ou co;;end ;e :or #ein% a2are and then as' ;e not to #e. Which is itJ LThe Guestion 2ill #e ans2ered 2hen $ou no lon%er need to as' it( res&onded Al 9uali;( ;$steriousl$. AltaKr could see he 2as %ettin% no2here. LI assu;e $ou called ;e here :or ;ore than a lecture( he said. L3es( said Al 9uali;( and directed hi; to Da;ascus once ;ore. The one the$ called A#ul NuGoud. He 2as to #e the neDt to die. Airst( thou%h( there 2as the i;&ertinent Bureau leader to ne%otiate P LAltaKr( ;$ :riend. Welco;e. Welco;e. Whose li:e do $ou co;e to collect toda$J AltaKr :ro2ned to see the Da;ascus Bureau leader( insolent as e8er( #ut not enou%h so to 2arrant his :ur$. It 2as Guite a talent the ;an had :or Eud%in% it so 2ell. Perha&s i: he had #een a#le to &ut his s'ills to #etter use( he 2ouldnt #e s&endin% his da$s #ehind a des' in the Bureau. One da$ AltaKr ;i%ht re;ind hi; o: that :act. In the ;eanti;e( he had 2or' to do. A ne2 tar%et. LHis na;e is A#ul NuGoud( he said. LWhat can $ou tell ;e a#out hi;J LOh( the 9erchant "in% o: Da;ascus( eDclai;ed the leader( 8isi#l$ i;&ressed. LRichest ;an in the cit$. Suite eDcitin%. Suite dan%erous. I en8$ $ou( AltaKr. Well P not the #it 2here $ou 2ere #eaten and stri&&ed o: $our ran' P But I en8$ e8er$thin% else. Oh P eDce&t :or the terri#le thin%s the other Assassins sa$ a#out $ou. But( $es( aside :ro; the :ailure and the hatred < $es( aside :ro; those thin%s < I en8$ $ou 8er$ ;uch P AltaKr i;a%ined ho2 his nec' 2ould loo' 2ith a #lade stic'in% :ro; it. LI do not care 2hat the others thin' or sa$( he said. LI a; here to do a Eo#. So I as' a%ain@ 2hat can $ou tell ;e a#out the 9erchant "in%J LOnl$ that he ;ust #e a 8er$ #ad ;an i: Al 9uali; has sent $ou to see hi;. He 'ee&s to his o2n 'ind( 2ra&&ed in the :iner$ o: this cit$s no#le district. A #us$ ;an <

al2a$s u& to so;ethin%. I; sure i: $ou s&end so;e ti;e a;on% his t$&e $oull learn all $ou need to 'no2 a#out hi;. Which 2as eDactl$ 2hat AltaKr did( %oin% to the O;a$$ad 9osGue and Sou' SarouEa( as 2ell as Salah Aldins citadel( 2here he learned that A#ul NuGoud 2as hated #$ the local &o&ulace( that he 2as corru&t and had #een e;#eIIlin% &u#lic ;one$( ;uch o: 2hich had #een di8erted to ?erusale; in &a$;ents to Willia; de 9ont:errat. ,AltaKr s;iled %ri;l$ a#out that.Passin% the 9adrasah alF"allasah he ca;e u&on scholars tal'in%( and ho&ed he ;i%ht hear so;ethin% o: A#ul NuGoud. The$ 2erent tal'in% a#out hi; #ut AltaKr hun% a#out an$2a$( &er&leDed #$ their s&eeches. LCitiIens. Brin% :orth $our 2ritin%s( the :irst 2as sa$in%. LPlace the; in the &ile #e:ore ;e. To 'ee& an$ is a sin. "no2 and e;#race the truth o: ;$ 2ords. Aree $oursel8es :ro; the lies and corru&tion o: the &ast. Althou%h hed #een a#out to ;o8e on( AltaKr continued to lin%er. There 2as so;ethin% a#out that. Aree $oursel8es :ro; the lies and corru&tion o: the &ast. Could it ha8e so;ethin% to do 2ith the Lne2 order he 'e&t hearin% a#outJ Another scholar 2as tal'in% no2@ LI: $ou trul$ 8alue &eace < i: $ou trul$ 2ish to see an end to 2ar < %i8e u& $our #oo's( $our scrolls( $our ;anuscri&ts( :or the$ :eed the :la;es o: i%norance and hate. AltaKr had heard enou%h < and he didnt li'e 2hat he had heard. i8e u& $our #oo's. Wh$J He &ut it out o: his ;ind( ho2e8er( continuin% to learn a#out the 9erchant "in%. NuGoud rarel$ le:t his cha;#ers( he heard. Ho2e8er( he 2ould that 8er$ e8enin% to attend a &art$ he 2as hostin% < held( ;an$ said( ;erel$ to ru# his &ersonal 2ealth in the noses o: the citiIenr$. He had e8en ordered 2ine < in contra8ention o: his :aith < :or the e8ent. I: it 2as to #e an$thin% li'e his &re8ious &arties then that 2as 2hen AltaKr 2ould stri'e. He had heard o: a sca::old le:t outside the #alcon$ o: A#ul NuGouds Guarters. It 2as( he decided( a &er:ect ti;e to %o to a &art$.

The :esti8ities 2ere alread$ in :ull s2in% as AltaKr ;ade his 2a$ around the &alace court$ard( :eelin% cons&icuous in his ro#es. The$ see;ed dirt$ and sha##$ co;&ared to the out:its o: the %uests. 9ost 2ore :iner$( their ro#es intricatel$ e;#roidered 2ith eD&ensi8e threads( and unli'e the ;aEorit$ o: Da;ascus residents( the$ loo'ed health$ and 2ell :ed( tal'in% loudl$ o8er the ;usic( lau%hin% e8en ;ore loudl$. Certainl$ there 2as no shorta%e o: re:resh;ents. Ser8ants ;o8ed throu%h the %uests o::erin% #read( oli8es and delicacies on %olden tra$s. AltaKr loo'ed around. The dancers 2ere the onl$ 2o;en &resent@ siD or se8en o: the;( %$ratin% slo2l$ to the sounds o: alud and re#ec &la$ed #$ ;usicians stationed #elo2 a %rand #alcon$. The Assassins %aIe tra8elled u& to 2here a %uard stood 2ith his ar;s :olded( loo'in% out dis&assionatel$ o8er the :ri8olities. This 2as A#uls &erch( decided AltaKr. Indeed( as he 2atched( the te;&o o: the ;usic see;ed to increase( the alud all #ut dro2ned #$ hea8$ dru;;in% that #e%an to eDcite the &art$%oers( a sense o: antici&ation #uildin%. The dancin% %irls 2ere :orced into :aster ;o8e;ents and 2ere %listenin% 2ith &ers&iration #elo2 their sheer sil' out:its as around the; %uests raised their hands( cheerin% the dru;s on to a crescendo that #uilt and #uilt until the 8er$ air see;ed to 8i#rate < and suddenl$ he 2as there a#o8e the;@ A#ul NuGoud. AltaKr had o8erheard lurid descri&tions o: the ;ans a&&earance. O: his cor&ulence < he 2as as #i% as three nor;al ;en( the$ said < the shin$ trin'ets he al2a$s 2ore( his %aud$ ro#es and #eEe2elled tur#an( ;ost o: 2hich AltaKr had dis;issed as the eDa%%erations o: a resent:ul &o&ulace. But he 2as a%o% to disco8er that the %ossi& had understated the ;an. His %irth( Ee2eller$ and ro#es 2ere #i%%er and ;ore %arish than an$thin% AltaKr could ha8e i;a%ined. He 2atched as NuGoud stood( continuin% to che2 2hate8er ;eal he had #een enEo$in%( %rease %listenin% around his ;outh. And as he strode the len%th o: the #alcon$ %aIin% do2n on his %uests( the s'in #elo2 his chin undulatin% as he :inished his :ood( his ro#e :ell o&en to eD&ose his #are chest( a hu%e eD&anse o: :lesh %listenin% 2ith s2eat. Suddenl$ he cla&&ed his hands. The ;usic sto&&ed( con8ersation ended. LWelco;e. Welco;e( he announced. LThan' $ou all :or Eoinin% ;e this e8enin%. Please( eat( drin'. EnEo$ the &leasures I ha8e to o::er. With that he s2e&t his hand and the :ountain in the court$ards centre s&ran% to li:e( %ushin% 2ith 2hat Altair :irst thou%ht 2as coloured 2ater. Then ca;e an unsee;l$ dash( and he realiIed 2hat it 2as@ the 2ine shi&;ent hed heard a#out. Here it 2as. As he 2atched( t2o ;en a&&roached the :ountain( di&&ed their %o#lets into the :oa;in% liGuid( then toasted one another #e:ore hurr$in% o::. 9ore %uests arri8ed( di&&in% their %o#lets( 2hile ser8ants stood dis&ensin% cu&s to those 2ho 2anted the;. It 2as as i: the 9erchant "in% 2anted e8er$ sin%le one o: his %uests to su& :ro; the :ountain( and he 2aited until the sta;&ede had receded #e:ore continuin%. LI trust e8er$thin% is to $our satis:actionJ he as'ed( 2ith a raised e$e#ro2. Indeed it 2as. o#lets 2ere raised and there 2as a roar o: a&&ro8al( the %uests ton%ues loosenin% s2i:tl$ under the in:luence o: the 2ine. L ood( %ood. NuGoud %rinned( to re8eal #its o: :ood &lastered to his teeth. LIt &leases ;e to see $ou so ha&&$. Aor these are dar' da$s( ;$ :riends( and 2e ;ust enEo$ this #ount$ 2hile 2e still can. Close to AltaKr( the toastin% ;en returned :ro; a second 8isit to the 2ine :ountain and 2ere %ul&in% :ro; their :illed %o#lets( sti:lin% %i%%les as NuGoud continued@ LWar threatens to consu;e us all. Salah Aldin #ra8el$ :i%hts :or 2hat he #elie8es in( and $ou are al2a$s there to su&&ort hi; 2ithout Guestion. It is $our %enerosit$ that allo2s his ca;&ai%n to continue. AltaKr noticed( thou%h he 2as al;ost certainl$ the onl$ one o: those in the court$ard to do so( that the %alleries alon% on one side 2ere #e%innin% to :ill 2ith %uards. He

loo'ed closer. Archers. Near#$ the ;en 2ere still %ul&in% their 2ine( as NuGoud #e%an to s&ea' a%ain. LSo I &ro&ose a toast( then( he said. LTo $ou( ;$ dear :riends( 2ho ha8e #rou%ht us to 2here 2e are toda$. 9a$ $ou #e %i8en e8er$thin% $ou deser8e. LTo $our health( ca;e the cr$( as the &art$%oers dran' :reel$ :ro; their cu&s. LSuch 'indness( NuGoud 2as sa$in% a#o8e the;. LI didnt thin' it in $ou. 3ou( 2ho ha8e #een so Guic' to Eud%e ;e( and so cruell$. Sensin% a chan%e in hi; the cro2d ;ur;ured its con:usion. LOh( do not :ei%n i%norance. Do $ou ta'e ;e :or a :oolJ That I ha8e not heard the 2ords $ou 2his&er #ehind ;$ #ac'J Well( I ha8e. And I :ear I can ne8er :or%et. But this is not 2h$ I called $ou here toni%ht. No. I 2ish to s&ea' ;ore o: this 2ar < and $our &art in it. L3ou %i8e u& $our coin( Guic' as can #e( 'no2in% all too 2ell it #u$s the deaths o: thousands. 3ou dont e8en 'no2 2h$ 2e :i%ht. The sanctit$ o: the Hol$ Land( $oull sa$. Or the e8il inclination o: our ene;ies. But these are lies $ou tell $oursel8es. LNo. All this su::erin% is #orn o: :ear and hate. It #others $ou that the$ are di::erent. ?ust as it #others $ou that I a; di::erent. AltaKrs %aIe 2ent to the archers in the %alleries. Aeelin% a t2in%e o: disGuiet he ;o8ed to his side to ins&ect the %alleries on the other side o: the court$ard. There( too( the #o2;en had lined u&. He s2un% round. It 2as the sa;e #ehind the;. The$ 2ere not dra2in% their #o2s. Not $et( an$2a$. But( i: AltaKr 2as ri%ht( the ;o;ent 2ouldnt #e lon% in co;in%. And 2hen it did the$ had the 2hole court$ard co8ered. He ;o8ed closer to one o: the surroundin% 2alls. Not :ar a2a$( a ;an #e%an s&lutterin% and cou%hin%( settin% his co;&anion o:: in ;ore :its o: lau%hter. LCo;&assion. 9erc$. Tolerance( continued NuGoud( :ro; the #alcon$. LThese 2ords ;ean nothin% to an$ o: $ou. The$ ;ean nothin% to those in:idel in8aders 2ho ra8a%e our land in search o: %old and %lor$. And so I sa$ enou%h. I8e &led%ed ;$sel: to another cause. One that 2ill #rin% a#out a Ne2 World < in 2hich all &eo&le ;i%ht li8e side #$ side in &eace. He &aused. AltaKr 2atched the archers tense. The$ 2ere a#out to o&en :ire. He &ressed hi;sel: a%ainst the 2all. The ;an 2as still cou%hin%. He 2as #ent dou#le no2( his :ace red. His co;&anion 2ent :ro; loo'in% concerned to cou%hin% also. LA &it$ none o: $ou 2ill li8e to see it( :inished NuGoud. 9ore %uests #e%an to s&lutter. So;e 2ere holdin% their sto;achs. O: course( thou%ht Altair. Poison. Around hi; so;e %uests had :allen to their 'nees. He sa2 a cor&ulent ;an in %olden ro#es :rothin%( his e$es rollin% u& in their soc'ets as he lurched to the %round and la$ d$in%. The archers had readied their #o2s no2. At least hal: o: the &art$%oers 2ere in the death throes( #ut there 2ere &lent$ 2ho had not su&&ed the 2ine and 2ere scra;#lin% :or the eDits. L"ill an$one 2ho tries to esca&e( ordered the 9erchant "in%( and his archers o&ened :ire. Lea8in% the carna%e #ehind( AltaKr scaled the 2all to the #alcon$ and cre&t u& #ehind NuGoud. There 2as a %uard at his side( and AltaKr dis&atched hi; 2ith a slash o: his #lade. The ;an :ell( t2istin%( his throat o&enin%( s&ra$in% #lood across the tiles o: the #alcon$. NuGoud s&un to see Altair and his eD&ression chan%ed. Watchin% the ;assacre in the &art$ #elo2( he had #een s;ilin%( enEo$in% the sho2. No2( AltaKr 2as %rati:ied to see( he :elt onl$ :ear. Then &ain( as AltaKr san' the #lade into his nec' a#o8e the cla8icle. LWh$ ha8e $ou done thisJ %as&ed the hu%e ;an( sin'in% to the s;ooth stone o: his #alcon$. L3ou stole ;one$ :ro; those $ou clai; to lead( AltaKr told hi;. LSent it a2a$ :or so;e un'no2n &ur&ose. I 2ant to 'no2 2here its %one and 2h$.

NuGoud sco::ed. LLoo' at ;e. 9$ 8er$ nature is an a::ront to the &eo&le I ruled. And these no#le ro#es did little ;ore than ;u::le their shouts o: hate. LSo this is a#out 8en%eance( thenJ as'ed AltaKr. LNo. Not 8en%eance( #ut ;$ conscience. Ho2 could I :inance a 2ar in ser8ice to the sa;e od that calls ;e an a#o;inationJ LI: $ou do not ser8e Salah Aldins cause( then 2hoseJ NuGoud s;iled. LIn ti;e $oull co;e to 'no2 the;. I thin'( &erha&s( $ou alread$ do. PuIIled once a%ain( AltaKr as'ed( LThen 2h$ hideJ And 2h$ these dar' deedsJ LIs it so di::erent :ro; $our o2n 2or'J 3ou ta'e the li8es o: ;en and 2o;en( stron% in the con8iction that their deaths 2ill i;&ro8e the lot o: those le:t #ehind. A ;inor e8il :or a %reater %oodJ We are the sa;e. LNo. AltaKr shoo' his head. LWe are nothin% ali'e. LAh P #ut I see it in $our e$es. 3ou dou#t. The stin' o: death 2as on his #reath as he &ulled AltaKr closer to hi;. L3ou cannot sto& us( he ;ana%ed. LWe 2ill ha8e our Ne2 World P He died( a thin trail o: #lood tric'lin% :ro; his ;outh. LEnEo$ the silence( said AltaKr( and di&&ed his :eather into the 9erchant "in%s #lood. He needed to see Al 9uali;( he decided. The ti;e :or uncertaint$ 2as o8er.


LCo;e( AltaKr. I 2ould ha8e ne2s o: $our &ro%ress( said Al 9uali;. LI8e done as $ou8e as'ed( re&lied the Assassin. L ood. ood. Al 9uali; loo'ed hard hi;. LI sense $our thou%hts are else2here. S&ea' $our ;ind. It 2as true. AltaKr had thou%ht o: little else on the return Eourne$. No2 he had the o&&ortunit$ to %et it o:: his ;ind. LEach ;an I; sent to 'ill s&ea's cr$&tic 2ords to ;e. Each ti;e I co;e to $ou and as' :or ans2ers. Each ti;e $ou %i8e onl$ riddles in eDchan%e. But no ;ore. Al 9uali;s e$e#ro2s shot u& in sur&rise < sur&rise that AltaKr should address hi; in such a 2a$. LWho are $ou to sa$ Nno ;oreOJ AltaKr s2allo2ed( then set his Ea2. LI; the one 2ho does the 'illin%. I: $ou 2ant it to continue( $oull s&ea' strai%ht 2ith ;e :or once. LTread care:ull$( AltaKr. I do not li'e $our tone. LAnd I do not li'e $our dece&tion( re&lied AltaKr( ;ore loudl$ than he had intended. Al 9uali; dar'ened. LI ha8e o::ered $ou a chance to restore $our lost honour. LNot lost( countered AltaKr. LTa'en. B$ $ou. And then $ou sent ;e to :etch it a%ain( li'e so;e da;ned do%. No2 the 9aster dre2 his s2ord( e$es :larin%. LIt see;s Ill need to :ind another. A sha;e. 3ou sho2ed %reat &otential. LI thin' i: $ou had another( $oud ha8e sent hi; lon% a%o( said AltaKr( 2ho 2ondered i: he 2as &ushin% his ;entor too :ar( #ut carried on an$2a$. L3ou said the ans2er to ;$ Guestion 2ould arise 2hen I no lon%er needed to as' it. So I 2ill not as'. I de;and $ou tell ;e 2hat #inds these ;en. He stood &re&ared to :eel the &oint o: Al 9uali;s s2ord( ho&in% onl$ that the 9aster considered hi; too 8alua#le. It 2as a %a;#le( he 'ne2. Al 9uali; see;ed to consider the o&tions also( his s2ord 2a8erin%( li%ht %lancin% o:: the #lade. Then he sheathed it and see;ed to relaD a little. LWhat $ou sa$ is true( he said at last. LThese ;en are connected P #$ a #lood oath not unli'e our o2n. LWho are the$J LNon no#is( Do;ine( non no#is( he said. Not unto us( O Lord. LTe;&lars P said AltaKr. O: course. LNo2 $ou see the true reach o: Ro#ert de Sa#le. LAll o: these ;en < leaders o: cities < co;;anders o: ar;ies P LAll &led%e alle%iance to his cause. LTheir 2or's are not ;eant to #e 8ie2ed on their o2n( are the$J said AltaKr( thin'in%. LBut as a 2hole P What do the$ desireJ LConGuest( re&lied Al 9uali;( si;&l$. LThe$ see' the Hol$ Land < not in the na;e o: od #ut :or the;sel8es. LWhat o: RichardJ Salah AldinJ LAn$ 2ho o&&ose the Te;&lars 2ill #e destro$ed. Be assured the$ ha8e the ;eans to acco;&lish it. LThen the$ ;ust #e sto&&ed( said AltaKr( 2ith resol8e. He :elt as thou%h a %reat 2ei%ht had li:ted :ro; hi;. LThat is 2h$ 2e do our 2or'( AltaKr. To ensure a :uture :ree o: such ;en. LWh$ did $ou hide the truth :ro; ;eJ he as'ed the 9aster. LThat $ou ;i%ht &ierce the 8eil $oursel:. Li'e an$ tas'( 'no2led%e &recedes action. In:or;ation learned is ;ore 8alua#le than in:or;ation %i8en. Besides P $our #eha8iour had not ins&ired in ;e ;uch con:idence. LI see. Altair lo2ered his head. LAltaKr( $our ;ission has not chan%ed( ;erel$ the conteDt 2ithin 2hich $ou &ercei8e

it. LAnd ar;ed 2ith this 'no2led%e( I ;i%ht #etter understand those Te;&lars 2ho re;ain. Al 9uali; nodded. LIs there an$thin% else $ou 2ant to 'no2J AltaKr had sol8ed the ;$ster$ o: the Brotherhood to 2hich his tar%ets had re:erred. But there 2as so;ethin% else P LWhat a#out the treasure 9ali' retrie8ed :ro; Solo;ons Te;&leJ he as'ed. LRo#ert see;ed des&erate to ha8e it #ac'. LIn ti;e( AltaKr( all 2ill #eco;e clear( said Al 9uali;. L?ust as the role o: the Te;&lars has re8ealed itsel: to $ou( so too 2ill the nature o: their treasure. Aor no2( ta'e co;:ort in the :act that it is not in their hands( #ut ours. Aor a ;o;ent AltaKr considered &ressin% hi; on the su#Eect #ut decided a%ainst it. He had #een luc'$ once. He dou#ted it 2ould ha&&en a second ti;e. LI: this is $our desire P he said. LIt is. The at;os&here in the roo; relaDed as AltaKr turned to %o. His neDt destination 2as ?erusale;. LAltaKr < #e:ore $ou %oJ L3esJ LHo2 did $ou 'no2 I 2ouldnt 'ill $ouJ LTruth #e told( 9aster( I didnt.


Stu&id AltaKr. Arro%ant AltaKr. He 2as in trou#le. 9aEd Addin la$ dead at his :eet( the 2ood slo2l$ stainin% 2ith his #lood. At his #ac' 2ere the accused( lashed to sta'es and han%in% :ro; the;( li;& and #lood$. The sGuare 2as e;&t$in% o: s&ectators( #ut not o: 9aEd Addins %uards( 2ho 2ere ad8ancin% on hi;. A&&roachin% the &lat:or;. Be%innin% to cli;# the ste&s at either end 2hile #loc'in% hi; :ro; Eu;&in% at the :ront. With :ierce e$es the$ 2ere slo2l$ he;;in% hi; in( their s2ords raised( and i: the$ :elt :ear it didnt sho2. That their leader had #een &u#licl$ cut do2n #$ an Assassin at ?erusale;s Wailin% Wall %allo2s had not thro2n the; into &anic and disarra$ as AltaKr had ho&ed. It hadnt instilled in the; a ;ortal :ear o: the Assassin 2ho no2 stood #e:ore the;( his #lade dri&&in% 2ith Addins #lood. It had %i8en the; resol8e and a need to eDact re8en%e. Which ;eant that thin%s hadnt %one accordin% to &lan. EDce&t P the :irst o: the %uards darted :or2ard( snarlin%( his Eo# to test AltaKrs ;ettle. The Assassin retreated( &arr$in% the stri'es o: the Saracens #lade( steel rin%in% in the nearFe;&t$ sGuare. The %uard &ressed :or2ard. AltaKr %lanced #ehind to see others ad8ancin% and re&lied 2ith an attac' o: his o2n( :orcin% the Saracen #ac'. One( t2o( thrust. Aorced hurriedl$ to de:end( the %uard tried to s'i& a2a$( al;ost #ac'in% into one o: the #odies han%in% :ro; the sta'es. AltaKr %lanced do2n and sa2 his chance( co;in% :or2ard once a%ain( launchin% a 2ild attac' ai;ed at &anic'in% his o&&onent. Blade ;et #lade and( sure enou%h( the Saracen 2as :orced ;essil$ #ac'2ards and into the &ool o: #lood on the &lat:or; < Eust as AltaKr had intended. He sli&&ed( his :ootin% lost( and :or a second his %uard 2as do2n < enou%h ti;e :or AltaKr to dart inside his s2ord ar;( i;&alin% hi; in the chest. He %ur%led. Died. His #od$ sli&&ed to the 2ood( and AltaKr strai%htened to :ace ;ore attac'ers( seein% dou#t and ;a$#e a little :ear in their e$es no2. The Assassins ;ettle had #een dul$ tested and he had not #een :ound lac'in%. Still( thou%h( the %uards had the ad8anta%e o: nu;#ers( and ;ore( surel$( 2ould #e on their 2a$( alerted #$ the co;;otion. Ne2s o: e8ents at the sGuare 2ould ha8e s&read throu%hout ?erusale;@ that the cit$ re%ent had #een slain on his o2n eDecution sca::oldH that his %uards had set u&on the Assassin res&onsi#le. AltaKr thou%ht o: 9ali's %lee at the ne2s. 3et 9ali' had a&&eared chan%ed 2hen AltaKr had last 8isited the Bureau. It 2asnt as thou%h hed 2elco;ed AltaKr 2ith o&en ar;s #ut( ne8ertheless( o&en hostilit$ had #een re&laced #$ a certain 2eariness( and he had re%arded AltaKr 2ith a :ro2n( not a %lare. LWh$ do $ou trou#le ;e toda$J Hed si%hed. rate:ul not to ha8e to s&ar( AltaKr had told hi; his tar%et@ 9aEd Addin. 9ali' nodded. LSalah Aldins a#sence has le:t the cit$ 2ithout a &ro&er leader( and 9aEd Addin has a&&ointed hi;sel: to &la$ the &art. Aear and inti;idation %et hi; 2hat he 2ants. He has no true clai; to the &osition. LThat ends toda$( AltaKr had said. L3ou s&ea' too readil$. This is not so;e sla8er 2ere discussin%. He rules ?erusale; and is 2ell &rotected #ecause o: it. I su%%est $ou &lan $our attac' care:ull$. et to 'no2 $our &re$. LThat I alread$ ha8e( AltaKr had assured hi;. L9aEd Addin is holdin% a &u#lic eDecution not :ar :ro; here. Its sure to #e 2ell %uarded( #ut nothin% I cant handle. I 'no2 2hat to do. 9ali' sneered. LAnd that is 2h$ $ou re;ain a no8ice in ;$ e$es. 3ou cannot 'no2 an$thin%. Onl$ sus&ect. 3ou ;ust eD&ect to #e 2ron%. To ha8e o8erloo'ed so;ethin%. Antici&ate( AltaKr. Ho2 ;an$ ti;es ;ust I re;ind $ou o: thisJ LAs $ou 2ish. Are 2e doneJ

LNot Guite. There is one ;ore thin%. One o: the ;en to #e eDecuted is a #rother. One o: us. Al 9uali; 2ishes hi; to #e sa8ed. Do not 2orr$ a#out the actual rescue < ;$ ;en 2ill ta'e care o: that. But $ou ;ust ensure 9aEd Addin does not ta'e his li:e. LI 2ont %i8e hi; the chance. As hed le:t( 9ali' had 2arned hi;( LDont :oul this( AltaKr( and AltaKr had ;entall$ sco::ed at the thou%ht as he #e%an the 2al' to the Wailin% Wall.


As he had a&&roached the Wailin% Wall( AltaKr had seen cro2ds #e%innin% to %ather@ ;en( 2o;en( children( do%s( e8en li8estoc'. All 2ere ;a'in% their 2a$ throu%h the surroundin% streets o: the sGuare to2ards the eDecution &laIa. AltaKr Eoined the;( and as he &assed alon% a street that 2as :illin% 2ith ;ore and ;ore ea%er s&ectators headin% in the sa;e direction( he had listened to a to2n crier 2hi&&in% u& enthusias; :or the co;in% attraction < thou%h it hardl$ see;ed necessar$. LTa'e notice( called the crier. L9aEd Addin( ;ost #elo8ed re%ent o: ?erusale;( 2ill attend a &u#lic eDecution at the 2estern ed%e o: Solo;ons Te;&le. All a#le citiIens are reGuested to #e there. Hurr$Q Co;e and 2itness 2hat #eco;es o: our ene;ies. AltaKr had had an idea o: 2hat that ;i%ht #e. He ho&ed he 2ould #e a#le to chan%e the outco;e. uards at the entrance to the sGuare 2ere tr$in% to control the :lo2 o: the cro2d inside( turnin% so;e #ac'( allo2in% others in. AltaKr hun% #ac'( 2atchin% the ;asses edd$ a#out the entrance( #odies &ressin% a%ainst hi; in the street. Children darted throu%h the le%s o: the s&ectators( snea'in% their 2a$ into the &laIa. NeDt he sa2 a 'not o: scholars( the cro2d &artin% to ;a'e 2a$ :or the;( e8en do%s see;in% to sense the re8erence reser8ed :or the hol$ ;en. AltaKr rearran%ed his ro#es( adEusted his co2l( 2aited until the scholars 2ere &assin% and sli&&ed in a;on% the;. As he did so( he :elt a hand tu%%in% at his slee8e and loo'ed do2n to see a %ru##$ child starin% at hi; 2ith GuiIIical e$es. He snarled and( terri:ied( the #o$ darted a2a$. ?ust in ti;e@ the$ had reached the %ates( 2here the %uards &arted to allo2 the scholars throu%h( and AltaKr ca;e u&on the sGuare. There 2ere rou%h stone 2alls on all sides. Alon% the :ar end 2as a raised &lat:or; and on it a series o: sta'es. E;&t$( :or no2( #ut not :or ;uch lon%er. ?erusale;s re%ent( 9aEd Addin 2as 2al'in% out on to the sta%e. At his a&&earance there 2as a sur%e( and a shout 2ent u& :ro; the entrance as the %uards lost control and citiIens ca;e &ourin% in. AltaKr 2as carried :or2ard on the 2a8e( no2 ;uch closer to the rostru; and to the :eared 9aEd Addin( 2ho 2as alread$ stal'in% the sta%e( 2aitin% :or the sGuare to :ill. He 2ore a 2hite tur#an and a lon%( ornatel$ e;#roidered %o2n. He ;o8ed as thou%h he 2as an%r$. As thou%h his te;&er 2as Eust ;o;ents :ro; esca&in% his #od$. It 2as. LSilenceQ I de;and silence( he roared. With the sho2 a#out to start( there 2as a :inal sur%e and Altair 2as carried :or2ard once ;ore. He sa2 %uards stationed #$ the ste&s on either side o: the &lat:or;( t2o at each end. In :ront o: the &lat:or; he sa2 ;ore( to &re8ent the cro2d scra;#lin% on to the sca::old. Cranin% his nec'( he s&otted others around the &eri&her$ o: the sGuare. At least the latter 2ould :ind it di::icult to ;o8e throu%h the cro2d( #ut that still %a8e Eust seconds :or the 'ill and to :end o:: the nearest %uards < the :our at either end o: the &lat:or; at the 8er$ least. 9a$#e those standin% %uard on the %round as 2ell. Could he #etter the; all in that ti;eJ Ten or so lo$al SaracensJ The AltaKr 2ho had attac'ed Ro#ert de Sa#le on the Te;&le 9ount 2ould ha8e had no dou#ts at all. No2( thou%h( he 2as ;ore 2ar$. And he 'ne2 that to atte;&t the 'illin% i;;ediatel$ 2as ;adness. A &lan doo;ed to :ailure. ?ust as hed ;ade u& his ;ind to 2ait( the :our &risoners 2ere led on to the sca::old and to the sta'es 2here the %uards #e%an #indin% the; in &lace. At one end there 2as a 2o;an( dirt$F:aced and 2ee&in%. Beside her stood t2o ;en( dressed in ra%s. And :inall$ the Assassin( his head lollin%( #eaten( o#8iousl$. The cro2d hissed its dis&leasure LPeo&le o: ?erusale;( hear ;e 2ell( shouted 9aEd Addin( his 8oice silencin% the cro2d( 2hich had #eco;e eDcited at the arri8al o: the &risoners. LI stand here toda$ to

deli8er a 2arnin%. He &aused. LThere are ;alcontents a;on% $ou. The$ so2 the seeds o: discontent( ho&in% to lead $ou astra$. The cro2d ;ur;ured( seethin% around AltaKr. Addin continued@ LTell ;e( is this 2hat $ou desireJ To #e ;ired in deceit and sinJ To li8e $our li8es in :earJ LWe do not( screa;ed a s&ectator :ro; #ehind AltaKr. But AltaKrs attention 2as :iDed on the Assassin( a :ello2 ;e;#er o: the Order. As he 2atched( a #lood$ strin% o: sali8a dri&&ed :ro; the ;ans ;outh to the 2ood. He tried to raise his head and AltaKr cau%ht a %li;&se o: his :ace. Ri&e &ur&le #ruises. Then his head lolled once ;ore. 9aEd Addin %rinned a croo'ed %rin. His 2as a :ace not used to s;ilin%. LSo $ou 2ish to ta'e actionJ he as'ed a%reea#l$. The cro2d roared its a&&ro8al. The$ 2ere here to see #loodH the$ 'ne2 the re%ent 2ould not lea8e their thirst unGuenched. L uide us( called a 8oice( as the roar died do2n. L3our de8otion &leases ;e( said Addin( and he turned to the &risoners( indicatin% the; 2ith a s2ee& o: his ar;. LThis e8il ;ust #e &ur%ed. Onl$ then can 2e ho&e to #e redee;ed. Suddenl$ there 2as a distur#ance in :ront o: the &lat:or;( a 8oice cr$in%( LThis is not Eustice. AltaKr sa2 a ;an in ra%s. He 2as shoutin% at 9aEd Addin@ L3ou t2ist the 2ords o: the Pro&het( &eace #e u&on hi;. He had a co;&anion( also clothed in tatters( 2ho 2as si;ilarl$ u&#raidin% the cro2d. LAnd all o: $ou stand idle( co;&licit in this cri;e. AltaKr used the distur#ance to ed%e closer. He needed to cli;# to the &lat:or; at the end 2here the Assassin stood #ound to the sta'e. Couldnt ris' ha8in% hi; used as a #arrier or hosta%e. L od curse $ou all( shouted the :irst ;an < #ut the$ had no su&&orters. Not a;on% the cro2d and certainl$ not a;on% the %uards( 2ho e8en no2 2ere ;o8in% :or2ard. Seein% the; co;e( the t2o hec'lers ;ade a run :or it( &roducin% da%%ers and 2a8in% the; as the$ ;ade a :utile dash to2ards the &lat:or;. One 2as cut do2n #$ an archer. The second :ound hi;sel: &ursued #$ t2o %uards( :ailin% to see a third Saracen 2ho o&ened his sto;ach 2ith his s2ord. The$ la$ d$in% in the dust and 9aEd Addin &ointed at the;. LSee ho2 the e8il o: one ;an s&reads to corru&t anotherJ he shrie'ed. His #lac' #eard Gui8ered 2ith outra%e. LThe$ sou%ht to instil :ear and dou#t 2ithin $ou. But I 2ill 'ee& $ou sa:e. No2 he turned #ac' to the &oor un:ortunates < 2ho ;ust surel$ ha8e #een &ra$in% :or the atte;&t on his li:e to succeed( #ut instead 2atched 2ideFe$ed and terri:ied as he dre2 his s2ord. LHere are :our :illed 2ith sin( called Addin( &ointin% :irst at the 2o;an( then at each one in turn. LThe harlot. The thie:. The %a;#ler. The heretic. Let ods Eud%;ent #e #rou%ht do2n u&on the; all. The heretic. That 2as the Assassin. AltaKr steeled hi;sel: and #e%an to ;o8e closer to the ste&s at the side o: the &lat:or;( one e$e on Addin as he 2al'ed :irst o8er to the 2o;an. The &rostitute. !na#le to ta'e her e$es o:: the s2ord Addin held < al;ost casuall$( han%in% at his side < she #e%an 2ailin% uncontrolla#l$. LTe;&tressQ roared Addin( o8er her so#s. LSuccu#us. Whore. She %oes #$ ;an$ na;es( #ut her sin re;ains the sa;e. She turned her #ac' on the teachin%s o: our Pro&het( &eace #e u&on hi;. De:iled her #od$ to ad8ance her station. Each ;an she touched is :or e8er stained. In res&onse the cro2d #ooed. AltaKr ;o8ed a :e2 ;ore :eet to2ards the rostru; ste&s. He 2atched the %uards and sa2 that their attention 2as on Addin. ood. LPunish her( screa;ed an onloo'er.

Addin had 2hi&&ed the; into a state o: ri%hteous :ur$. LShe ;ust &a$( a%reed another. The 2o;an sto&&ed sni8ellin% to shout at the cro2d #a$in% :or her #lood. LThis ;an s&ea's lies. I a; here toda$ not #ecause I la$ do2n 2ith other ;en( :or I did not. He ;eans to ;urder ;e #ecause I 2ould not lie do2n 2ith hi;. 9aEd Addins e$es :lared. LE8en no2( o::ered rede;&tion( she continues to decei8e. She reEects sal8ation. There is onl$ one 2a$ to deal 2ith this. She had ti;e to screa;( LNo( as his s2ord :lashed and he dro8e it into her sto;ach. In the ;o;ent o: silence that :ollo2ed there 2as the sound o: her #lood s&lashin% to the #oards o: the &lat:or;( #e:ore a collecti8e Looh 2ent u& :ro; the cro2d( 2hich shi:ted as those at the sides and #ac' tried to %et a #etter 8ie2 o: the %utted 2o;an. AltaKr 2as closer to the ste&s no2 #ut the sudden ;o8e;ent o: the cro2d had le:t hi; a little eD&osed. Relie8ed( he 2atched as Addin strode to the neDt 2hi;&erin% &risoner and the s&ectators rolled #ac' a%ain( antici&atin% the neDt 'ill. Addin indicated the ;an( a %a;#ler( he eD&lained. A ;an 2ho could not a#stain :ro; intoDicants and 2a%ers. LAor sha;e( screeched the cro2d. It 2as the$ 2ho 2ere intoDicated( thou%ht AltaKr( sic'ened #$ their #loodlust. LA %a;e o: chance conde;ns ;e to deathJ cried the %a;#ler( one last thro2 o: the dice :or hi;. LSho2 ;e 2here such a thin% is 2ritten. It is not sin that corru&ts our cit$( #ut $ou. LSo $ou 2ould sa$ to the &eo&le it is acce&ta#le to de:$ the 2ill o: our Pro&het( &eace #e u&on hi;J countered Addin. LAnd i: 2e are to i%nore this teachin%( then 2hat o: the othersJ Where does it endJ I sa$ it ends in chaos. And so it cannot #e allo2ed. His #lade %linted in the a:ternoon sun. He dro8e it dee& into the #ell$ o: the %a;#ler( %runtin% as he $an'ed it u&2ards( o&enin% a 8ertical 2ound in the ;ans a#do;en and eD&osin% his entrails. Deli%hted( the cro2d screa;ed in ;oc' dis%ust( alread$ seethin% to the side in order to 8ie2 the neDt 'illin%( ta'in% AltaKr closer to the ste&s. Addin sauntered to the third &risoner( sha'in% #lood :ro; his #lade. LThis ;an( he said( indicatin% the tre;#lin% ca&ti8e( Ltoo' 2hat 2as not his. 9one$ earned throu%h the la#our o: another. It could ha8e #elon%ed to an$ o: $ou. And so $ou ha8e all #een 8iolated. What sa$ $ou to thisJ LIt 2as a sin%le dinar( the accused a&&ealed( i;&lorin% the cro2d :or ;erc$( L:ound on the %round. He s&ea's as thou%h I tres&assed( as thou%h I ri&&ed it :ro; the hands o: another. But the thron% 2as not in a ;erci:ul :ra;e o: ;ind. There 2ere calls :or his #lood( the s&ectators in a :renI$ no2. LToda$ a dinar( shrie'ed Addin( Lto;orro2 a horse. The neDt da$( another ;ans li:e. The o#Eect itsel: is not o: conseGuence. What ;atters is that $ou too' 2hat did not #elon% to $ou. Were I to allo2 such #eha8iour( then others 2ould #elie8e it their ri%ht to ta'e as 2ell. Where 2ould it endJ He ;o8ed in :ront o: the thie:( 2hose :inal &leas 2ere cut short as Addin #uried the #lade in his #ell$. No2 he 2ould turn his attention to the Assassin. AltaKr had to act :ast. He had Eust ;o;ents. Lo2erin% his head( he #e%an to shoulder his 2a$ throu%h the cro2d( care:ul not to a&&ear as thou%h he had an$ &articular intention. Si;&l$ that he 2anted to %et as close to the :ront o: the cro2d as &ossi#le. B$ no2( 9aEd Addin had reached the Assassin and sauntered u& to hi;( %ra##ed his hair and raised his head to sho2 the cro2d. LThis ;an s&reads 8icious lies and &ro&a%anda( he roared 8eno;ousl$. LHe has onl$ ;urder on his ;ind. He &oisons our thou%hts as he &oisons his #lade. Turns #rother a%ainst #rother. Aather a%ainst son. 9ore dan%erous than an$ ene;$ 2e :ace.

He is Assassin. He 2as re2arded 2ith the cro2ds collecti8e inta'e o: #reath. AltaKr had reached the ste&s no2. Around hi; the thron% seethed( eDcita#le s&ectators screa;in% :or the 'illin% #lo2. LDestro$ the un#elie8erQ L"ill hi;Q LSlit his throatQ The Assassin( his head still held #$ Addin( s&o'e@ L"illin% ;e 2ill not ;a'e $ou an$ sa:er. I see the :ear in $our e$es( hear the Gui8er in $our throats. 3ou are a:raid. A:raid #ecause $ou 'no2 our ;essa%e cannot #e silenced. Because $ou 'no2 2e cannot #e sto&&ed. AltaKr 2as at the #otto; o: the ste&s. He stood there as i: atte;&tin% to %et a #etter 8ie2. Others had seen hi; and 2ere doin% the sa;e. The t2o %uards had #een standin% at the to& entranced #$ the action( #ut slo2l$ #eca;e a2are o: 2hat 2as ha&&enin%. One called to the other and the$ ste&&ed do2n and #e%an co;;andin% citiIens to lea8e( e8en as ;ore s&ectators 2ere &ourin% u& the stairs. All 2anted to %et as close as &ossi#le to the eDecution and 2ere Eostlin% and sho8in%( so;e :orced o:: the ste&s( includin% one o: the :urious %uards. AltaKr used the disorder to cli;# hi%her until he stood Eust a :e2 :eet a2a$ :ro; Addin( 2ho had released the Assassins head and 2as &reachin% to the cro2d o: his L#las&he;$. His Ltreacher$. Behind AltaKr the scu::le continued. The t2o %uards 2ere :ull$ occu&ied. Ahead o: hi;( Addin had :inished addressin% the cro2d( 2ho 2ere suita#l$ 2hi&&ed u& and des&erate to see the :inal 'ill. No2 he turned #ac' to the &risoner( #randishin% his s2ord( its #lade alread$ stained red( and ;o8ed to2ards hi; :or the death #lo2. Then( as thou%h alerted #$ so;e hi%her sense( he sto&&ed( turned his head and loo'ed strai%ht at AltaKr. Aor a ;o;ent it 2as as thou%h the sGuare contracted( as thou%h the disorderl$ cro2d( the %uards( the conde;ned ;an and the cor&ses 2ere no lon%er there. And as the$ re%arded one another AltaKr sa2 realisation da2n on Addin that death 2as near. Then AltaKr :lic'ed his rin% :in%er and the #lade s&ran% :orth as he launched hi;sel: :or2ard( dra2in% it #ac'( and sin'in% it into Addin( the entire ;o8e;ent lastin% little lon%er than the #lin' o: an e$e. The cro2d roared and screa;ed( not 'no2in% 2hat to ;a'e o: the sudden turn o: e8ents. Addin #uc'ed and sGuir;ed( #lood &u;&in% :ro; the 2ound in his nec' #ut AltaKr held hi; stead$ 2ith his 'nees( raisin% his #lade. L3our 2or' here is :inished( he told Addin( and tensed( a#out to deli8er the :inal #lo2. Around the; there 2as &ande;oniu;. The %uards 2ere onl$ Eust realiIin% 2hat 2as 2ron% and tr$in% to :i%ht their 2a$ to the &lat:or; throu%h a &anic'ed cro2d. AltaKr needed to :inish this( :ast. But he 2anted to hear 2hat Addin had to sa$. LNo. No. It had onl$ Eust #e%un( said Addin. LTell ;e( 2hat is $our &art in all o: thisJ Do $ou intend to de:end $oursel: as the others ha8e and eD&lain a2a$ $our e8il deedsJ LThe Brotherhood 2anted the cit$. I 2anted &o2er. There 2as P an o&&ortunit$. LAn o&&ortunit$ to ;urder innocents( said AltaKr. He could hear the sound o: runnin% :eet. The &eo&le :leein% the sGuare. LNot so innocent. Dissident 8oices cut dee& as steel. The$ disru&t order. In this( I a%ree 2ith the Brotherhood. L3oud 'ill &eo&le si;&l$ :or #elie8in% di::erentl$ :ro; $ouJ LO: course not P I 'illed the; #ecause I could. Because it 2as :un. Do $ou 'no2 2hat it :eels li'e to deter;ine another ;ans :ateJ And did $ou see the 2a$ the &eo&le cheeredJ The 2a$ the$ :eared ;eJ I 2as li'e a %od. 3oud ha8e done the sa;e i: $ou could. Such P &o2er.

LOnce( &erha&s. But then I learned 2hat #eco;es o: those 2ho li:t the;sel8es a#o8e others. LAnd 2hat is thatJ LHere. Let ;e sho2 $ou. He :inished Addin( then closed the t$rants e$es. Stained the :eather. LE8er$ soul shall taste death( he said. And then he had stood u& to :ace the %uards < Eust as a #ell #e%an tollin%. A Saracen ca;e :l$in% at hi; and he &arried( %runtin%( dri8in% the ;an #ac'. 9ore 2ere scra;#lin% on to the &lat:or;( and he :ound hi;sel: :acin% three at once. One :ell screa;in% #eneath his #lade( another lost his :ootin% on the slic' o: #lood( :ell( and AltaKr :inished hi;. Seein% a %a&( the Assassin Eu;&ed :ro; the sca::old( acti8atin% his #lade and s&earin% a %uard as he landed( the ;ans s2ord s2i&in% at thin air. On the sGuare no2 he sa2 his onl$ esca&e and :ended o:: t2o ;ore attac'ers as he ed%ed to2ards the entrance2a$. He too' a nic' and :elt 2ar; #lood sluice do2n his ar;H then( %ras&in% hold o: a s2ords;an( launched hi; into the &ath o: the second. Both tu;#led( $ellin%( to the dirt. AltaKr darted to2ards the door2a$( arri8in% as a trio o: soldiers ca;e hurr$in% throu%h. He had the sur&rise thou%h( i;&alin% one 2ith his s2ord( slashin% the nec' o: a second 2ith his #lade and sho8in% the t2o 2rithin%( d$in% ;en into the third. Entrance clear( he %lanced #ehind at the &lat:or; to see 9ali's ;en :reein% the Assassin and leadin% hi; a2a$( then dashed out into the lane 2here a :ourth %uard 2aited( co;in% :or2ard 2ith a &i'e( screa;in%. AltaKr Eu;&ed clear( %ras&in% the ed%e o: a 2ooden :ra;e and :li&&in% hi;sel: u& on to the cano&$( :eelin% his ;uscles sin%. Aro; #elo2 there 2as a shout o: :rustration( and as he scra##led u& to the roo:to& he %lanced do2n to see a cluster o: soldiers :ollo2in% hi;. To %i8e the; &ause he 'illed one 2ith a thro2in% 'ni:e( then dashed o:: across the roo:to&s( 2aited until the #ell had sto&&ed rin%in%( and then disa&&eared into the cro2d( listenin% as 2ord s&read throu%hout the cit$@ an Assassin had 'illed the re%ent.

There 2as still so;ethin% AltaKr needed to 'no2( thou%h. And 2ith the last o: the cit$ re%ents dead( no2 2as the ti;e to as' it. He steeled hi;sel: as he 2as ushered once ;ore into Al 9uali;s cha;#ers. LCo;e in( AltaKr. I trust $ou are 2ell restedJ Read$ :or $our re;ainin% trialsJ said the 9aster. LI a;. But Id s&ea' 2ith $ou :irst. I ha8e Guestions P Al 9uali; indicated his disa&&ro8al #$ raisin% his chin and &ursin% his li&s sli%htl$. No dou#t he re;e;#ered the last occasion 2hen AltaKr had &ressed :or ans2ers. So did AltaKr( 2ho had decided to tread ;ore care:ull$ this ti;e( 'een not to see a rea&&earance o: the 9asters #lade. LAs'( then( said Al 9uali;. LIll do ;$ #est to ans2er. AltaKr too' a dee& #reath. LThe 9erchant "in% o: Da;ascus ;urdered the no#les 2ho ruled his cit$. 9aEd Addin in ?erusale; used :ear to :orce his &eo&le into su#;ission. I sus&ect Willia; ;eant to ;urder Richard( and hold Acre 2ith his troo&s. These ;en 2ere ;eant to aid their leaders. Instead the$ chose to #etra$ the;. What I do not understand is 2h$. LIs the ans2er not o#8iousJ The Te;&lars desire control. Each ;an < as $ou8e noted < 2anted to clai; their cities in the Te;&lar na;e that the Te;&lars the;sel8es ;i%ht rule the Hol$ Land and e8entuall$ #e$ond. But the$ cannot succeed in their ;ission. LWh$ is thatJ as'ed AltaKr. LTheir &lans de&end u&on the Te;&lar Treasure P the Piece o: Eden P But 2e hold it no2. And the$ cannot ho&e to achie8e their %oals 2ithout it. O: course( thou%ht AltaKr. This 2as the ite; so ;an$ o: his tar%ets had re:erred to. LWhat is this treasureJ he said. Al 9uali; s;iled( then 2ent to the rear o: his cha;#er( #ent and o&ened a chest. He too' a #oD :ro; it( returned to his des' and &laced it do2n. Altair 'ne2 2hat it 2as 2ithout loo'in%( #ut still :ound his %aIe dra2n to it < no( dra%%ed to it. It 2as the #oD 9ali' had retrie8ed :ro; the Te;&le( and as #e:ore it see;ed to %lo2( to radiate a 'ind o: &o2er. He had 'no2n all alon%( he realiIed( that this 2as the treasure the$ s&o'e o:. His e$es 2ent :ro; the #oD to Al 9uali;( 2ho had #een 2atchin% his reaction. The 9asters :ace #ore an indul%ent eD&ression( as thou%h he had seen ;an$ #eha8e in this 2a$. And that this 2as onl$ the #e%innin%. Aor no2 he reached into the #oD and too' :ro; it a %lo#e( a#out the siIe o: t2o :ists@ a %olden %lo#e 2ith a ;osaic desi%n that see;ed to &ulse 2ith ener%$( so that AltaKr :ound hi;sel: 2onderin% i: his e$es 2ere decei8in% hi;. I: ;a$#e it 2as P ali8e in so;e 2a$. But he 2as distracted. Instead he :elt the %lo#e &ullin% at hi;. LIt is P te;&tation( intoned Al 9uali;. And suddenl$( li'e a candle snu::ed out( the %lo#e sto&&ed &ulsin%. Its aura 2as %one. Its dra2 suddenl$ nonFeDistent. It 2as P Eust a %lo#e a%ain@ an ancient thin%( #eauti:ul in its o2n 2a$ #ut( still( a ;ere trin'et. LIts Eust a &iece o: sil8er P said AltaKr. LLoo' at it( insisted Al 9uali;. LIt shi;;ers :or the #rie:est ;o;ent( #ut theres reall$ nothin% s&ectacular a#out it( said AltaKr. LWhat a; I su&&osed to seeJ LThis N&iece o: sil8erO cast out Ada; and E8e. This is the A&&le. It turned sta8es into sna'es. Parted and closed the Red Sea. Eris used it to start the TroEan War. And 2ith it( a &oor car&enter turned 2ater into 2ine. The A&&le( the Piece o: EdenJ AltaKr loo'ed at it dou#t:ull$. LIt see;s rather &lain :or all the &o2er $ou clai; it has( he said. LHo2 does it 2or'J LHe 2ho holds it co;;ands the hearts and ;inds o: 2hoe8er loo's u&on it <

2hoe8er NtastesO o: it( as the$ sa$. LThen de Na&louses ;en P said AltaKr( thin'in% o: the &oor creatures in the hos&ital. LAn eD&eri;ent. Her#s used to si;ulate its e::ects P To #e read$ :or 2hen the$ held it. AltaKr sa2 it no2. LTalal su&&lied the;. Ta;ir eGui&&ed the;. The$ 2ere &re&arin% :or so;ethin% P But 2hatJ LWar( said Al 9uali;( star'l$. LAnd the others P the ;en 2ho ruled the cities P The$ ;eant to %ather u& their &eo&le. 9a'e the; li'e de Na&louses ;en. LThe &er:ect citiIens. The &er:ect soldiers. A &er:ect 2orld. LRo#ert de Sa#le ;ust ne8er ha8e this #ac'( said AltaKr. LSo lon% as he and his #rothers li8e( the$ 2ill tr$( said Al 9uali;. LThen the$ ;ust #e destro$ed. LWhich is 2hat I8e had $ou doin%( s;iled Al 9uali;. LThere are t2o ;ore Te;&lars 2ho reGuire $our attention( he said. LOne in Acre( 'no2n as Si#rand. One in Da;ascus( called ?u#air. Visit the Bureau leaders. The$ll instruct $ou :urther. LAs $ou 2ish( said AltaKr( #o2in% his head. LBe Guic' a#out it( said Al 9uali;. LNo dou#t Ro#ert de Sa#le is ;ade ner8ous #$ our continued success. His re;ainin% :ollo2ers 2ill do their #est to eD&ose $ou. The$ 'no2 $ou co;e@ the ;an in the 2hite hood. The$ll #e loo'in% :or $ou. LThe$ 2ont :ind ;e. I; #ut a #lade in a cro2d( said AltaKr. Al 9uali; s;iled( &roud once ;ore o: his &u&il.


It 2as Al 9uali; 2ho had tau%ht the; the Creed( the $oun% AltaKr and A##as. The 9aster had :illed their $oun% heads 2ith the tenets o: the Order. E8er$ da$( a:ter a #rea':ast o: :lat #read and dates( stern %o8ernesses had seen to it that the$ 2ere 2ashed and neatl$ dressed. Then( 2ith #oo's clas&ed to their #reasts( the$ had hurried alon% corridors( their sandals sla&&in% on the stone( chattin% eDcitedl$( until the$ reached the door to the 9asters stud$. Here the$ had had a ritual. Both &assed a hand o8er his o2n ;outh to %o :ro; ha&&$ :ace to serious :ace( the :ace the 9aster eD&ected. Then one 2ould 'noc'. Aor so;e reason the$ #oth li'ed to 'noc'( so the$ too' it in turns each da$. Then the$ 2ould 2ait :or the 9aster to in8ite the; in. There( the$ 2ould sit crossFle%%ed on cushions that Al 9uali; had &ro8ided es&eciall$ :or the; < one :or AltaKr( and one :or his #rother( A##as. When the$ :irst #e%an their tutela%e the$ had #een :ri%htened and unsure( o: the;sel8es( o: each other and in &articular o: Al 9uali;( 2ho 2ould tutor the; in the ;ornin% and at e8enin%( 2ith trainin% in the $ard in the a:ternoon and then a%ain at ni%ht. Lon% hours s&ent learnin% the 2a$s o: the Order( 2atchin% the 9aster &ace the stud$( his hands #ehind his #ac'( occasionall$ sto&&in% to ad;onish the; i: he thou%ht the$ 2erent &a$in% attention. The$ #oth :ound Al 9uali;s one e$e disconcertin% and :elt :iDed in &lace #$ it so;eti;es. !ntil one ni%ht A##as had 2his&ered across their roo;( LHe$( AltaKrJ Altair turned to hi;( sur&rised. Neither had done this #e:ore( #e%un tal'in% a:ter the li%hts had #een snu::ed. The$ had lain in silence( each lost in his o2n thou%hts. !ntil that ni%ht. The ;oon 2as :ull and the sheet at their 2indo2 %lo2ed 2hite( li%htin% the roo; a so:t( %re$ hue. A##as 2as l$in% on his side loo'in% across at AltaKr( and 2hen he had the other #o$s attention he &laced a hand o8er one e$e( and said( in an al;ost &er:ect a&&roDi;ation o: Al 9uali;( LWe are nothin% i: 2e do not a#ide #$ the Assassins Creed. AltaKr had dissol8ed into %i%%les and :ro; then the t2o 2ere :riends. Aro; no2 on 2hen Al 9uali; ad;onished the;( it 2as :or the sti:led lau%hter he heard 2hen his #ac' 2as turned. Suddenl$ the %o8ernesses :ound that their char%es 2erent Guite so ;ee' and acGuiescent. And Al 9uali; tau%ht the; the tenets. The tenets that AltaKr 2ould ne%lect later in li:e( at a cost dear to hi;. Al 9uali; told the; that the Assassins 2ere not indiscri;inate 'illers( not as the 2orld at lar%e li'ed to thin'( #ut 2ere tas'ed onl$ 2ith sla$in% the e8il and corru&tH their ;ission 2as to #rin% &eace and sta#ilit$ to the Hol$ Land( to instil in it a code not o: 8iolence and con:lict #ut o: thou%ht and conte;&lation. He tau%ht the; to ;aster their :eelin%s and e;otions( to cloa' their dis&osition and #e a#sor#ed #$ the 2orld a#out the;( so that the$ ;i%ht ;o8e a;on% nor;al &eo&le undetected( a #lan' s&ace( a %host in the cro2d. To the &eo&le( the Assassin ;ust #e a 'ind o: ;a%ic the$ did not understand( he said( #ut that( li'e all ;a%ic( it 2as realit$ #ent to the 2ill o: the Assassin. He tau%ht the; to &rotect the Order at all ti;esH that the Brotherhood 2as L;ore i;&ortant than $ou( AltaKr. It is ;ore i;&ortant than $ou( A##as. It is ;ore i;&ortant than 9as$a: and ;$sel:. Thus( the action o: one Assassin should ne8er call har; u& u&on the Order. The Assassin should ne8er co;&ro;ise the Brotherhood. And thou%h AltaKr 2ould one da$ disre%ard this doctrine( too( it 2as not :or 2ant o: Al 9uali;s tutorin%. He tau%ht the; that ;en had created #oundaries and declared all 2ithin those #oundaries to #e Ltrue and Lreal( #ut in :act the$ 2ere :alse &eri;eters( i;&osed #$ those 2ho 2ould &resu;e to #e leaders. He sho2ed the; that the #ounds o: realit$ 2ere in:initel$ #roader than ;an'inds li;ited i;a%ination 2as a#le to concei8e( and that onl$ the :e2 could see #e$ond those #oundaries < onl$ a :e2 dared

e8en Guestion their eDistence. And the$ 2ere the Assassins. And #ecause the Assassins 2ere a#le to see the 2orld as it trul$ 2as( then to the Assassin e8er$thin% 2as &ossi#le < e8er$thin% 2as &er;itted. E8er$ da$( as AltaKr and A##as learned ;ore and ;ore a#out the Order( the$ also %re2 closer. The$ s&ent al;ost all da$ 2ith one another. Whate8er Al 9uali; tau%ht the;( their o2n da$FtoFda$ realit$ 2as in :act insu#stantial. It consisted o: each other( the %o8ernesses( Al 9uali;s classes and a succession o: co;#at trainers( each 2ith a di::erent s&ecialit$. And :ar :ro; e8er$thin% #ein% &er;itted( 8irtuall$ nothin% 2as. An$ entertain;ent 2as &ro8ided #$ the #o$s the;sel8es( and so the$ s&ent lon% hours tal'in% 2hen the$ should ha8e #een stud$in%. A su#Eect the$ rarel$ discussed 2as their :athers. At :irst A##as had tal'ed onl$ o: Ah;ad returnin% one da$ to 9as$a:( #ut as the ;onths turned into $ears he s&o'e o: it less. AltaKr 2ould see hi; standin% at the 2indo2( 2atchin% o8er the 8alle$ 2ith %litterin% e$es. Then his :riend #e%an to 2ithdra2 and #eco;e less co;;unicati8e. He 2as not so Guic' to s;ile an$ ;ore. Where #e:ore he had s&ent hours tal'in%( no2 he stood at the 2indo2 instead. AltaKr thou%ht@ I: onl$ he 'ne2. A##ass %rie: 2ould :lare and intensi:$( then settle into an ache( Eust as AltaKr had eD&erienced. The :act o: his :athers death hurt hi; e8er$ da$( #ut at least he 'ne2. It 2as the di::erence #et2een a dull ache and a constant sense o: ho&elessness. So one ni%ht( a:ter the candles had #een snu::ed out( he told A##as. With #o2ed head( :i%htin% #ac' the tears( he told A##as that Ah;ad had co;e to his Guarters and there he had ta'en his o2n li:e( #ut that Al 9uali; had decided it #est to hide this :act :ro; the Brotherhood( Lin order to &rotect $ou. But the 9aster hasnt 2itnessed $our $earnin% at :irst hand. I lost ;$ :ather( too( so I 'no2. I 'no2 that the &ain o: it recedes o8er ti;e. B$ tellin% $ou( I ho&e to hel& $ou( ;$ :riend. A##as had si;&l$ #lin'ed in the dar'ness( then turned o8er in his #ed. AltaKr had 2ondered ho2 he had eD&ected A##as to react. TearsJ An%erJ Dis#elie:J He had #een &re&ared :or the; all. E8en to #ar A##as in and &re8ent hi; %oin% to the 9aster. What he hadnt eD&ected 2as this P e;&tiness. This silence.

AltaKr stood on a roo:to& in Da;ascus( loo'in% do2n on his neDt tar%et. The s;ell o: #urnin% sic'ened hi;. The si%ht too. O: #oo's #ein% #urned. AltaKr 2atched the; crin'le( #lac'en and #urn( thin'in% o: his :ather( 2ho 2ould ha8e #een dis%ustedH Al 9uali;( too( 2hen he told hi;. To #urn #oo's 2as an a::ront to the Assassin 2a$. Learnin% is 'no2led%e( and 'no2led%e is :reedo; and &o2er. He 'ne2 that. He had :or%otten it( so;eho2( #ut he 'ne2 it once ;ore. He stood out o: si%ht on the led%e o: the roo: o8erloo'in% the court$ard o: ?u#airs ;adrasah in Da;ascus. S;o'e rose to2ards 2here he stood #ut all o: the attention #elo2 2as :ocused on the :ire( &iles o: #oo's( docu;ents and scrolls at its centre. The :ire and ?u#air alFHa'i;( 2ho stood near#$( #ar'in% orders. All 2ere doin% his #iddin% a&art :ro; one( AltaKr noticed. This scholar stood to the side( %aIin% into the :ire( his eD&ression echoin% AltaKrs thou%hts. ?u#air 2ore leather #oots( a #lac' headcloth and a &er;anent sco2l. AltaKr 2atched hi; care:ull$@ he had learned ;uch a#out hi;. ?u#air 2as the chie: scholar o: Da;ascus #ut in na;e onl$( :or it 2as a ;ost unusual scholar 2ho insisted not on s&readin% learnin% #ut on destro$in% it. In this &ursuit he had enlisted the cit$s acade;ics( 2hose &resence 2as encoura%ed #$ Salah Aldin. And 2h$ 2ere the$ doin% it( collectin% then destro$in% these docu;entsJ In the na;e o: so;e Lne2 2a$ or Lne2 order( 2hich AltaKr had heard a#out #e:ore. EDactl$ 2hat it in8ol8ed 2asnt clear. He 'ne2 2ho 2as #ehind it( thou%h. The Te;&lars( his Guarr$ #ein% one o: the;. LE8er$ sin%le teDt in this cit$ ;ust #e destro$ed. Belo2 hi; ?u#air 2as eDhortin% his ;en 2ith a :anatics Ieal. His scholar hel&ers scurried a#out( laden 2ith ar;:uls o: &a&ers that the$ had carried :ro; so;e2here hidden :ro; AltaKr. The$ 2ere castin% the; into the :la;es( 2hich #loo;ed and %re2 2ith each :resh deli8er$. Aro; the corner o: his e$e he sa2 the distant scholar #eco;in% ;ore and ;ore a%itated( until suddenl$( as thou%h he could no lon%er contain hi;sel:( he s&ran% :or2ard to con:ront ?u#air. L9$ :riend( $ou ;ust not do this( he said( his Eo8ial tone #el$in% his o#8ious distress. L9uch 'no2led%e rests 2ithin these &arch;ents( &ut there #$ our ancestors :or %ood reason. ?u#air sto&&ed( to stare at hi; 2ith na'ed conte;&t. LAnd 2hat reason is thisJ he snarled. LThe$ are #eacons ;eant to %uide us < to sa8e us :ro; the dar'ness that is i%norance( i;&lored the scholar. The :la;es danced tall at his #ac'. Scholars ca;e 2ith ;ore ar;:uls o: #oo's that the$ de&osited on the :ire( so;e castin% ner8ous %lances at 2here ?u#air and the &rotester stood. LNo. ?u#air too' a ste& :or2ard( :orcin% the na$sa$er to retreat a ste&. LThese #its o: &a&er are co8ered 2ith lies. The$ &oison $our ;inds. And so lon% as the$ eDist( $ou cannot ho&e to see the 2orld as it trul$ is. Tr$in% des&eratel$ to #e reasona#le( the scholar still couldnt hide his :rustration. LHo2 can $ou accuse these scrolls o: #ein% 2ea&onsJ The$re tools o: learnin%. L3ou turn to the; :or ans2ers and sal8ation. ?u#air too' another ste& :or2ard( the &rotester another ste& #ac'. L3ou rel$ ;ore u&on the; than u&on $oursel8es. This ;a'es $ou 2ea' and stu&id. 3ou trust in 2ords. Dro&s o: in'. Do $ou e8er sto& to thin' o: 2ho &ut the; thereJ Or 2h$J No. 3ou si;&l$ acce&t their 2ords 2ithout Guestion. And 2hat i: those 2ords s&ea' :alsel$( as the$ o:ten doJ This is dan%erous. The scholar loo'ed con:used. As thou%h so;eone 2as tellin% hi; #lac' 2as 2hite( ni%ht 2as da$. L3ou are 2ron%( he insisted. LThese teDts o::er the %i:t o: 'no2led%e. We need the;. ?u#air dar'ened. L3ou lo8e $our &recious 2ritin%sJ 3oud do an$thin% :or the;J

L3es( $es. O: course. ?u#air s;iled. A cruel s;ile. LThen Eoin the;. Plantin% #oth hands on the scholars chest( ?u#air sho8ed hi; #ac'2ards( hard. Aor a second the scholar 2as ;idFto&&le( his e$es 2ide o&en in sur&rise and his ar;s :la&&in% ;adl$( as thou%h he ho&ed to :l$ clear o: the %reed$ :ire. Then he 2as clai;ed #$ the i;&etus o: the sho8e( :allin% into the :la;es( 2rithin% on a #ed o: searin% heat. He screa;ed and 'ic'ed. His ro#e cau%ht. Aor a ;o;ent he see;ed to #e tr$in% to #eat out the :la;es( the slee8es o: his tunic alread$ ali%ht. Then his shrie's sto&&ed. And contained in the s;o'e risin% to AltaKr 2as the nauseatin% scent o: roastin% hu;an :lesh. He co8ered his nose. In the court$ard #elo2( the scholars did the sa;e. ?u#air addressed the;@ LAn$ ;an 2ho s&ea's as he did is Eust as ;uch a threat. Does an$ other a;on% $ou 2ish to challen%e ;eJ There 2as no re&l$( :ear:ul e$es loo'ed o8er hands held to noses. L ood( said ?u#air. L3our orders are si;&le enou%h. o out into the cit$. Collect an$ re;ainin% 2ritin%s and add the; to the &iles in the streets. When $oure done 2ell send a cart to collect the; that the$ ;a$ #e destro$ed. The scholars le:t. And no2 the court$ard 2as e;&t$. A #eauti:ul ;ar#led area :or e8er tarnished #$ the o#scenit$ o: the :ire. ?u#air &aced around it( %aIin% into the :ire. E8er$ so o:ten he cast a ner8ous %lance around hi;( and a&&eared to #e listenin% care:ull$. But i: he heard an$thin% it 2as the crac'le o: the :ire and the sound o: his o2n #reathin%. He relaDed a little( 2hich ;ade AltaKr s;ile. ?u#air 'ne2 the Assassins 2ere co;in% :or hi;. Thin'in% hi;sel: cle8erer than his eDecutioners hed sent deco$s into the cit$ streets < deco$s 2ith his ;ost trusted #od$%uards( so that the dece&tion should #e co;&lete. AltaKr ;o8ed silentl$ around the roo:to& until he stood directl$ a#o8e the #oo'F#urner. ?u#air thou%ht he 2as sa:e here( loc'ed in his ;adrasah. But he 2asnt. And he had eDecuted his last underlin%( #urned his last #oo'. Snic'. ?u#air loo'ed u& and sa2 the Assassin descendin% to2ards hi;( #lade outstretched. Too late( he tried to dart out o: the 2a$ as the #lade 2as sin'in% into his nec'. With a si%h he cru;&led to the ;ar#le. His e$elids :luttered. LWh$ P 2h$ ha8e $ou done thisJ AltaKr loo'ed o8er to the #lac'ened cor&se o: the scholar in the :ire. With the :lesh #urned a2a$ :ro; his s'ull( it 2as as thou%h he 2as %rinnin%. L9en ;ust #e :ree to do as the$ #elie8e( he told ?u#air. He 2ithdre2 the #lade :ro; the others nec'. Blood dri&&ed to the ;ar#le. LIt is not our ri%ht to &unish one :or thin'in% as he does( no ;atter ho2 ;uch 2e disa%ree. LThen 2hatJ 2heeIed the d$in% ;an. L3ou o: all &eo&le should 'no2 the ans2er. Educate the;. Teach the; ri%ht :ro; 2ron%. It ;ust #e 'no2led%e that :rees the;( not :orce. ?u#air chuc'led. LThe$ do not learn( :iDed in their 2a$s as the$ are. 3ou are naK8e to thin' other2ise. Its an illness( Assassin( :or 2hich there is #ut one cure. L3oure 2ron%. And thats 2h$ $ou ;ust #e &ut to rest. LA; I not unli'e those &recious #oo's $ou see' to sa8eJ A source o: 'no2led%e 2ith 2hich $ou disa%reeJ 3et $oure rather Guic' to steal ;$ li:e. LA s;all sacri:ice to sa8e ;an$. It is necessar$. LIs it not ancient scrolls that ins&ire the CrusadersJ That :ill Salah Aldin and his ;en 2ith a sense o: ri%hteous :ur$J Their teDts endan%er others. Brin% death in their 2a'e. I( too( 2as ;a'in% a s;all sacri:ice. He s;iled. LIt ;atters little no2. 3our deed is done. And so a; I. He died( e$es closin%. AltaKr stood u&. He loo'ed around the court$ard( seein% the #eaut$ and u%liness o: it. Then( hearin% :ootste&s a&&roachin%( he 2as %one. O8er the roo:to&s and into the streets. Blendin% into the cit$. Beco;in% #ut a #lade in the cro2d

P LI ha8e a Guestion :or $ou( said Al 9uali;( 2hen the$ neDt ;et. He had restored AltaKrs :ull status and at last the Assassin 2as a 9aster Assassin once ;ore. Still( it 2as as thou%h his ;entor 2anted to #e sure o: it. Wanted to #e certain that AltaKr had learned. LWhat is the truthJ he as'ed. LWe &lace :aith in oursel8es( re&lied AltaKr( ea%er to &lease hi;( 2antin% to sho2 hi; that he had indeed chan%ed. That his decision to sho2 ;erc$ had #een the ri%ht one. LWe see the 2orld as it reall$ is( and ho&e that one da$ all ;an'ind ;i%ht see the sa;e. LWhat is the 2orld( thenJ LAn illusion( re&lied AltaKr. LOne 2e can either su#;it to < as ;ost do < or transcend. LAnd 2hat is it to transcendJ LTo reco%niIe that la2s arise not :ro; di8init$( #ut reason. I understand no2 that our Creed does not co;;and us to #e :ree. And suddenl$ he reall$ did understand. LIt co;;ands us to #e 2ise. !ntil no2 he had #elie8ed in the Creed #ut 2ithout 'no2in% its true ;eanin%. It 2as a call to interro%ate( to a&&l$ thou%ht and learnin% and reason to all endea8ours. Al 9uali; nodded. LDo $ou see no2 2h$ the Te;&lars are a threatJ LWhereas 2e 2ould dis&el the illusion( the$ 2ould use it to rule. L3es. To resha&e the 2orld in an i;a%e ;ore &leasin% to the;. That is 2h$ I sent $ou to steal their treasure. That is 2h$ I 'ee& it loc'ed a2a$. And that is 2h$ $ou 'ill the;. So lon% as e8en one sur8i8es( so( too( does their desire to create a Ne2 World Order. 3ou ;ust no2 see' out Si#rand. With his death( Ro#ert de Sa#le 2ill at last #e 8ulnera#le. LIt 2ill #e done. LSa:et$ and &eace u&on $ou( Altair.

AltaKr ;ade 2hat he ho&ed 2as a :inal tri& to Acre < #attleFscarred Acre( o8er 2hich hun% the &er;anent &all o: death. There( he carried out his in8esti%ations( then 8isited ?a#al in the Bureau to collect his ;ar'er. At ;ention o: Si#rands na;e( ?a#al nodded sa%el$. LI a; :a;iliar 2ith the ;an. Ne2l$ a&&ointed leader o: the "ni%hts Teutonic( he resides in the Venetian Suarter( and runs Acres &ort. LI8e learned as ;uch < and ;ore. ?a#al raised i;&ressed e$e#ro2s. LContinue then. AltaKr told hi; ho2 Si#rand had co;;andeered the shi&s in the doc's( intendin% to use the; to esta#lish a #loc'ade. But not to &re8ent an attac' #$ Salah Aldin. That 2as the re8ealin% as&ect. Accordin% to 2hat AltaKr had learned( Si#rand &lanned to &re8ent Richards ;en recei8in% su&&lies. It ;ade &er:ect sense. The Te;&lars 2ere #etra$in% their o2n. All 2as #eco;in% clear to hi;( it see;ed@ the nature o: the stolen arte:act( the identit$ o: the Brotherhood #indin% his tar%ets to%ether( e8en their ulti;ate ai;. 3et still P Still there 2as a :eelin% he couldnt sha'e o::. A sense that( e8en no2( uncertaint$ s2irled around hi; li'e earl$F;ornin% ;ist. LSi#rand is said to #e consu;ed #$ :ear < dri8en ;ad #$ the 'no2led%e that his death a&&roaches. He has sealed the doc's district( and no2 hides 2ithin( 2aitin% :or his shi& to arri8e. ?a#al considered. LThis 2ill ;a'e thin%s dan%erous. I 2onder ho2 he learned o: $our ;ission. LThe ;en I8e 'illed < the$ are all connected. Al 9uali; 2arned ;e that 2ord o: ;$ deeds has s&read a;on% the;. LBe on $our %uard( AltaKr( said ?a#al( handin% hi; the :eather. LO: course( ra:iG. But I thin' it 2ill #e to ;$ ad8anta%e. Aear 2ill 2ea'en hi;. He turned to lea8e( and as he did so( ?a#al called hi; #ac'. LAltaKr P L3esJ LI o2e $ou an a&olo%$. LAor 2hatJ LAor dou#tin% $our dedication to our cause. AltaKr thou%ht. LNo. It 2as I 2ho erred. I #elie8ed ;$sel: a#o8e the Creed. 3ou o2e ;e nothin%. LAs $ou 2ish( ;$ :riend. o in sa:et$. AltaKr 2ent to the doc's( sli&&in% throu%h Si#rands cordon as easil$ as #reathin%. Behind hi; rose the 2alls o: Acre( in 8arious states o: disre&airH ahead o: hi;( the har#our 2as :illed 2ith shi&s and &lat:or;s( hul's and 2ooden carcasses. So;e 2ere 2or'in% 8essels( others le:t #ehind :ro; the sie%e. The$ had trans:or;ed the %lea;in% #lue sea into an ocean o: #ro2n :lotsa;. The %re$ stone sunF#leached doc' 2as its o2n cit$. Those 2ho 2or'ed and li8ed there 2ere doc' &eo&le < the$ had the loo' o: doc' &eo&le. The$ had an eas$ ;anner and 2eathered :aces accusto;ed to s;ilin%. Thou%h not toda$. Not under the co;;and o: Si#rand( the rand 9aster o: the "ni%hts Teutonic. Not onl$ had he ordered the area to #e sealed #ut he had :illed it 2ith his %uards. His :ear o: assassination 2as li'e a 8irus that had s&read throu%h his ar;$. rou&s o: soldiers ;o8ed throu%h the doc's 2ith ro8in% e$es. The$ 2ere t2itch$( their hands constantl$ :littin% at the hilts o: their #roads2ords. The$ 2ere ner8ous( s2eatin% under hea8$ chain;ail. Beco;in% a2are o: a co;;otion( AltaKr 2al'ed to2ards it( seein% citiIens and soldiers doin% the sa;e. A 'ni%ht 2as shoutin% at a hol$ ;an. Near#$ his co;&anions 2atched anDiousl$( 2hile doc' 2or'ers and ;erchants had %athered to 8ie2 the s&ectacle.

L3F$ou are ;ista'en( 9aster Si#rand. I 2ould ne8er &ro&ose 8iolence a%ainst an$ ;an < and ;ost certainl$ not a%ainst $ou. So this 2as Si#rand. AltaKr too' note o: the #lac' hair( dee& #ro2 and harsh e$es that see;ed to s&in 2ildl$( li'e those o: a sunF;addened do%. He had ar;ed hi;sel: 2ith e8er$ 2ea&on he could( and his #elts sa%%ed 2ith s2ords( da%%ers and 'ni8es. Across his #ac' 2as his lon%#o2( arro2 Guills &ee'in% o8er his ri%ht shoulder. He loo'ed eDhausted. A ;an unra8ellin%. LSo $ou sa$( he said( sho2erin% the &riest in s&it( Land $et no one here 2ill 8ouch :or $ou. What a; I to ;a'e o: thisJ LIFI li8e a si;&le li:e( ;$ lord( as do all ;en o: the cloth. It is not :or us to call attention to oursel8es. LPerha&s. He closed his e$es. Then the$ sna&&ed o&en. LOr &erha&s the$ do not 'no2 $ou #ecause $ou are not a ;an o: od( #ut an Assassin. And 2ith that he sho8ed the &riest #ac'2ards( the old ;an landin% #adl$( then scra##lin% to his 'nees. LNe8er( he insisted. L3ou 2ear the sa;e ro#es. The hol$ ;an 2as des&erate no2. LI: the$ co8er the;sel8es as 2e do( it is onl$ to instil uncertaint$ and :ear. 3ou ;ust not %i8e in. LAre $ou callin% ;e a co2ardJ shouted Si#rand( his 8oice #rea'in%. LChallen%in% ;$ authorit$J Are $ou( &erha&s( ho&in% to turn ;$ o2n 'ni%hts a%ainst ;eJ LNo. No. IFI dont understand 2h$ $oure dFdoin% this to ;e P I8e done nothin% 2ron%. LI dont recall accusin% $ou o: an$ 2ron%doin%( 2hich ;a'es $our out#urst rather odd. Is it the &resence o: %uilt that co;&els a con:essionJ LBut I con:ess nothin%( said the &riest. LAh. De:iant till the 8er$ end. The &riest loo'ed horri:ied. The ;ore he said( the 2orse it %ot. LWhat do $ou ;eanJ AltaKr 2atched as a succession o: e;otions &assed across the old ;ans :ace@ :ear( con:usion( des&eration( ho&elessness. LWillia; and arnier 2ere too con:ident. And the$ &aid :or this 2ith their li8es. I 2ont ;a'e the sa;e ;ista'e. I: $ou trul$ are a ;an o: od( then surel$ the Creator 2ill &ro8ide :or $ou. Let hi; sta$ ;$ hand. L3ou8e %one ;ad( cried the &riest. He turned to i;&lore the s&ectators( LWill none o: $ou co;e :or2ard to sto& thisJ He is clearl$ &oisoned #$ his o2n :ear < co;&elled to see ene;ies 2here none eDist. His co;&anions shu::led a2'2ardl$ #ut said nothin%. So( too( the citiIens( 2ho %aIed at hi; dis&assionatel$. The &riest 2as no Assassin( the$ could see that( #ut it didnt ;atter 2hat the$ thou%ht. The$ 2ere Eust %lad not to #e the tar%et o: Si#rands :ur$. LIt see;s the &eo&le share ;$ concern( said Si#rand. He dre2 his s2ord. LWhat I do( I do :or Acre. The &riest shrie'ed as Si#rand dro8e the #lade into his %ut( t2isted( then re;o8ed it and 2i&ed it clean. The old ;an 2rithed on the doc'( then died. Si#rands %uards &ic'ed u& his #od$ and tossed it into the 2ater. Si#rand 2atched it %o. LSta$ 8i%ilant( ;en. Re&ort an$ sus&icious acti8it$ to the %uard. I dou#t 2e8e seen the last o: these Assassins. Persistent #astards P No2 %et #ac' to 2or'. AltaKr 2atched as he and t2o #od$%uards ;ade their 2a$ to a ro2in%F#oat. The &riests #od$ #u;&ed a%ainst the hull as it cast o::( then #e%an to :loat throu%h the de#ris in the har#our. AltaKr %aIed out to sea( seein% a #i%%er shi& :urther out. That 2ould #e Si#rands sanctuar$( he thou%ht. His e$es 2ent #ac' to Si#rands s'i::. He could see the 'ni%ht &ullin% hi;sel: u& to scan the 2ater around hi;. Loo'in% :or

Assassins. Al2a$s loo'in% :or the;. As thou%h the$ ;i%ht a&&ear :ro; the 2ater around hi;. Which 2as eDactl$ 2hat he 2as %oin% to do( decided AltaKr( ;o8in% to the nearest hul' and Eu;&in% to it( easil$ tra8ersin% #oats and &lat:or;s until he ca;e close to Si#rands shi&. There he sa2 Si#rand ;a'e his 2a$ u& to the ;ain dec'( e$es ra'in% the 2ater around hi;. AltaKr heard hi; orderin% the %uards to secure the lo2er dec's( then ;o8ed across to a &lat:or; near the shi&. A loo'out sa2 hi; co;in% and 2as a#out to raise his #o2 2hen AltaKr sent hi; a thro2in% 'ni:e( ;entall$ cursin% hi;sel: :or not ha8in% ti;e to &re&are the 'ill. Sure enou%h( instead o: :allin% silentl$ to the 2ood o: the &lat:or;( the sentr$ :ell into the 2ater 2ith a s&lash. AltaKrs e$es :lic'ed to the dec' o: the ;ain shi& 2here Si#rand had heard the s&lash too( and 2as alread$ #e%innin% to &anic. LI 'no2 $oure out there( Assassin( he screeched. He unslun% his #o2. LHo2 lon% do $ou thin' $ou can hideJ I8e a hundred ;en scourin% the doc's. The$ll :ind $ou. And 2hen the$ do( $oull su::er :or $our sins. AltaKr hu%%ed the :ra;e o: the &lat:or;( out o: si%ht. Water la&&ed at its struts. Other2ise( silence. An al;ost %hostl$ Guiet that ;ust ha8e unner8ed Si#rand as ;uch as it &leased AltaKr. LSho2 $oursel:( co2ard( insisted Si#rand. His :ear 2as in his 8oice. LAace ;e and let us #e done 2ith this. All in %ood ti;e( thou%ht AltaKr. Si#rand :ired an arro2 at nothin%( then :itted and :ired another. LOn $our %uard( ;en( shouted Si#rand( to the lo2er dec's. LHes out there so;e2here. Aind hi;. End his li:e. A &ro;otion to 2hoe8er #rin%s ;e the head o: the Assassin. AltaKr lea&ed :ro; the &lat:or; to the shi&( landin% 2ith a sli%ht thu;& that see;ed to resonate around the area o: still 2ater. He 2aited( clin%in% to the hull( hearin% Si#rands &anic'ed shouts :ro; a#o8e. Then he #e%an to cli;#. He 2aited until Si#rands #ac' 2as turned then &ulled hi;sel: on to the dec'( no2 Eust a :e2 :eet a2a$ :ro; the rand 9aster o: the "ni%hts Teutonic( 2ho 2as &ro2lin% the dec'( shoutin% threats to the e;&t$ sea( hurlin% insults and orders at his %uards( 2ho hurried a#out #elo2. Si#rand 2as a dead ;an( thou%ht AltaKr( as he cre&t u& #ehind hi;. He had died as ;uch :ro; his o2n :ear( thou%h he 2as too stu&id to 'no2 it. LPlease P dont do this( he said( as he :olded to the dec' 2ith AltaKrs #lade in his nec'. L3ou are a:raidJ as'ed the Assassin. He 2ithdre2 his #lade. LO: course I a;( said Si#rand( as thou%h addressin% a dolt. AltaKr thou%ht #ac' to Si#rands callousness #e:ore the &riest. LBut $oull #e sa:e no2( he said( Lheld in the ar;s o: $our od P Si#rand %a8e a s;all 2et lau%h. LHa8e ;$ #rothers tau%ht $ou nothin%J I 'no2 2hat 2aits :or ;e. Aor all o: us. LI: not $our od( then 2hatJ LNothin%. Nothin% 2aits. And that is 2hat I :ear. L3ou dont #elie8e( said AltaKr. Was it trueJ Si#rand had no :aithJ No odJ LHo2 could I( %i8en 2hat I 'no2J What I8e seen. Our treasure 2as the &roo:. LProo: o: 2hatJ LThat this li:e is all 2e ha8e. LLin%er a 2hile lon%er( then( &ressed AltaKr( Land tell ;e o: the &art $ou 2ere to &la$. LA #loc'ade #$ sea( Si#rand told hi;( Lto 'ee& the :ool 'in%s and Gueens :ro; sendin% rein:orce;ents. Once 2e P Once 2e P He 2as :adin% :ast no2.

LP conGuered the Hol$ LandJ &ro;&ted AltaKr. Si#rand cou%hed. When he neDt s&o'e( his #ared teeth 2ere coated 2ith #lood. LAreed it( $ou :ool. Aro; the t$rann$ o: :aith. LAreedo;J 3ou 2or'ed to o8erthro2 cities. Control ;ens ;inds. 9urdered an$ 2ho s&o'e a%ainst $ou. LI :ollo2ed ;$ orders( #elie8in% in ;$ cause. Sa;e as $ou. LDo not #e a:raid( said AltaKr( closin% his e$es. LWe are close( AltaKr. Al 9uali; ca;e :ro; #ehind his des'( ;o8in% throu%h a thic' sha:t o: li%ht shinin% throu%h the 2indo2. His &i%eons cooed ha&&il$ in the a:ternoon heat and there 2as that sa;e s2eet scent in the air. 3et des&ite the da$ < and althou%h AltaKr had once a%ain %ained his ran' and( ;ore i;&ortantl$( the 9asters trust < he could not $et :ull$ relaD. LRo#ert de Sa#le is no2 all that stands #et2een us and 8ictor$( continued Al 9uali;. LHis ;outh %i8es the orders. His hand &a$s the %old. With hi; dies the 'no2led%e o: the Te;&lar Treasure and an$ threat it ;i%ht &ose. LI still dont understand ho2 a si;&le #it o: treasure could cause so ;uch chaos( said AltaKr. He had #een ;ullin% o8er Si#rands :inal ;$sterious 2ords. He had #een thin'in% o: the %lo#e < the Piece o: Eden. He had eD&erienced its stran%e dra2 at :irst hand( o: course( #ut surel$ it had ;erel$ the &o2er to daIIle and di8ert. Could it reall$ eDert a hold a#o8e that o: an$ desira#le orna;entJ He had to ad;it to :indin% the idea :anci:ul. Al 9uali; nodded slo2l$( as thou%h readin% his thou%hts. LThe Piece o: Eden is te;&tation %i8en :or;. Loo' at 2hat its done to Ro#ert. Once he had tasted its &o2er( it consu;ed hi;. He sa2 not a dan%erous 2ea&on to #e destro$ed( #ut a tool < one that 2ould hel& hi; realiIe his li:es a;#ition. LHe drea;ed o: &o2er( thenJ L3es and no. He drea;ed < still drea;s < li'e us( o: &eace. LBut this is a ;an 2ho sou%ht to see the Hol$ Land consu;ed #$ 2ar P LNo( AltaKr( cried Al 9uali;. LHo2 can $ou not see 2hen $oure the one 2ho o&ened ;$ e$es to thisJ LWhat do $ou ;eanJ AltaKr 2as &uIIled. LWhat do he and his :ollo2ers 2antJ A 2orld in 2hich all ;en are united. I do not des&ise his %oal. I share it. But I ta'e issue 2ith the ;eans. Peace is so;ethin% to #e learned. To #e understood. To #e e;#raced( #utP LHe 2ould :orce it. AltaKr 2as noddin%. !nderstandin%. LAnd ro# us o: our :ree 2ill in the &rocess( a%reed Al 9uali;. LStran%e P to thin' o: hi; in this 2a$( said AltaKr. LNe8er har#our hate :or $our 8icti;s( Altair. Such thou%hts are &oison and 2ill cloud $our Eud%e;ent. LCould he not #e con8inced( thenJ To end his ;ad GuestJ Al 9uali; shoo' his head slo2l$ and sadl$. LI s&o'e to hi; < in ;$ 2a$ < throu%h $ou. What 2as each 'illin%( i: not a ;essa%eJ But he has chosen to i%nore us. LThen theres onl$ one thin% le:t to do. At last he 2as to hunt de Sa#le. The thou%ht thrilled AltaKr #ut he 2as care:ul to #alance it 2ith notes o: caution. He 2ould not ;a'e the ;ista'e o: underesti;atin% hi; a%ain. Not de Sa#le( or an$#od$. L?erusale; is 2here $ou :aced hi; :irst. Its 2here $oull :ind hi; no2( said Al 9uali;( and released his #ird. L o( Altair. Its ti;e to :inish this. AltaKr le:t( descendin% the stairs to the doors o: the to2er and co;in% out into the court$ard. A##as 2as sittin% on the :ence( and AltaKr :elt his e$es on hi; as he crossed the court$ard. Then he sto&&ed and turned to :ace hi;. Their e$es ;et and AltaKr 2as a#out to sa$ so;ethin% < he 2asnt sure 2hat. But he thou%ht #etter o: it. He had a tas'

ahead o: hi;. Old 2ounds 2ere eDactl$ that@ old 2ounds. !nconsciousl$( ho2e8er( his hand 2ent to his side.


The ;ornin% a:ter AltaKr had told A##as the truth a#out his :ather( A##as had #een e8en ;ore 2ithdra2n( and nothin% AltaKr said could #rin% hi; out o: that state. The$ ate their #rea':ast in silence( sullenl$ su#;ittin% to the attentions o: their %o8ernesses( then 2ent to Al 9uali;s stud$ and too' their &laces on the :loor. I: Al 9uali; had noticed a di::erence in his t2o char%es( he said nothin%. Perha&s he 2as &ri8atel$ &leased that the #o$s see;ed less easil$ distracted that da$. Perha&s he si;&l$ assu;ed that the$ had :allen out( as $oun% :riends 2ere inclined to do. AltaKr( ho2e8er( sat 2ith t2isted insides and a tortured ;ind. Wh$ had A##as said nothin%J Wh$ hadnt he reacted to 2hat AltaKr had told hi;J He 2as to %et his ans2er later that da$( 2hen the$ 2ent to the trainin% $ard as usual. The$ 2ere to &ractise s2ord to%ether( s&arrin% as al2a$s. But toda$ A##as had decided that he 2anted to use not the s;all 2ooden s2ords the$ nor;all$ s&arred 2ith #ut the shin$ #lades to 2hich the$ &lanned to %raduate. La#i#( their instructor( 2as deli%hted. LEDcellent( eDcellent( he said( cla&&in% his hands to%ether( L#ut( re;e;#er( there is nothin% to #e %ained :ro; dra2in% #lood. Well not trou#le the &h$sicians( i: $ou &lease. This shall #e a test o: restraint and o: cunnin% as ;uch as it is o: s'ill. LCunnin%( said A##as. LThat should suit $ou( AltaKr. 3ou are cunnin% and treacherous. The$ 2ere the :irst 2ords he had s&o'en to AltaKr all da$. And as he said the; he :iDed AltaKr 2ith a loo' o: such conte;&t( such hatred( that AltaKr 'ne2 thin%s 2ould ne8er #e the sa;e #et2een the;. He loo'ed at La#i#( 2antin% to a&&eal( to i;&lore hi; not to allo2 the contest( #ut he 2as ho&&in% ha&&il$ o8er the s;all :ence that surrounded the trainin% Guadran%le( relishin% the &ros&ect o: so;e &ro&er co;#at at last. The$ too' u& &osition( AltaKr s2allo2in%( A##as starin% hard at hi;. LBrother( #e%an AltaKr( L2hat I said last ni%ht( I < LDo not call ;e #rotherQ A##ass shout ran% around the court$ard. And he s&ran% to2ards AltaKr 2ith a :erocit$ the #o$ had ne8er seen in hi; #e:ore. But thou%h his teeth 2ere #ared( AltaKr could see the tears that had :or;ed at the corners o: his e$es. There 2as ;ore to this than si;&le an%er( he 'ne2. LNo( A##as( he called( des&eratel$ de:endin%. He %lanced to his le:t and sa2 the instructors &uIIled loo' < he 2as clearl$ not sure 2hat to ;a'e o: A##ass out#urst or the sudden hostilit$ #et2een the t2o. AltaKr sa2 t2o ;ore Assassins a&&roachin% the trainin% area( e8identl$ ha8in% heard A##ass cr$. Aaces a&&eared in the 2indo2 o: the de:ensi8e to2er #$ the citadel entrance. He 2ondered i: Al 9uali; 2as 2atchin% P A##as Ea##ed :or2ard 2ith his s2ord&oint( :orcin% AltaKr to dod%e to the side. LNo2( A##as P chided La#i#. LHe ;eans to 'ills ;e( 9aster( shouted AltaKr. LDont #e dra;atic( child( said the instructor( thou%h he didnt sound alto%ether con8inced. L3ou could learn :ro; $our #rothers co;;it;ent. LI a; not. A##as attac'ed. LHis. The #o$s 2ords 2ere &unctuated 2ith sa8a%e stri'es o: the s2ord. LBrother. LI told $ou to hel& $ou( shouted AltaKr. LNo( screa;ed A##as. L3ou lied. A%ain he struc' and there 2as a %reat chi;e o: steel. AltaKr :ound hi;sel: thro2n #ac' #$ the :orce( stu;#lin% at the :ence and al;ost :allin% #ac'2ards o8er it. 9ore Assassins had arri8ed. So;e loo'ed concerned( others read$ to #e entertained. LDe:end( AltaKr( de:end( roared La#i#( cla&&in% his hands 2ith %lee. AltaKr thre2 u& his s2ord( returnin% A##ass stri'es and :orcin% hi; into the centre o: the Guadran%le once ;ore.

LI told the truth( he hissed( as the$ ca;e close( the #lades o: their s2ords slidin% a%ainst one another. LI told $ou the truth to end $our su::erin%( Eust as I 2ould ha8e 2anted ;ine endin%. L3ou lied to #rin% sha;e u&on ;e( said A##as( :allin% #ac' and ta'in% u& &osition( crouched( one ar; thro2n #ac' as the$d #een tau%ht( the #lade o: his s2ord Gui8erin%. LNoQ cried AltaKr. He danced #ac' as A##as thrust :or2ard. But 2ith a :lic' o: his 2rist A##as cau%ht AltaKr 2ith his #lade( o&enin% a nic' that #led 2ar; do2n AltaKrs side. He %lanced o8er at La#i# 2ith #eseechin% e$es( #ut his concerns 2ere 2a8ed a2a$. He &laced a hand to his side and ca;e a2a$ 2ith #loodied :in%erti&s that he held out to A##as. LSto& this( A##as( he &leaded. LI s&o'e the truth in the ho&e o: #rin%in% $ou co;:ort. LCo;:ort( said A##as. The #o$ 2as tal'in% to the asse;#led cro2d no2. LTo #rin% ;e co;:ort he tells ;e ;$ :ather 'illed hi;sel:. There 2as a ;o;ent o: shoc'ed silence. AltaKr loo'ed :ro; A##as to those 2ho 2ere no2 2atchin%( una#le to co;&rehend the turn o: e8ents. The secret he had s2orn to 'ee& had #een ;ade &u#lic. He %lanced u& to Al 9uali;s to2er. Sa2 the 9aster standin% there( 2atchin%( his hands #ehind his #ac' and an unreada#le eD&ression on his :ace. LA##as( shouted La#i#( at last seein% so;ethin% 2as a;iss. LAltaKr. But the t2o :i%htin% #o$s i%nored hi;( their s2ords ;eetin% a%ain. AltaKr( in &ain( 2as :orced to de:end. LI thou%ht < he #e%an. L3ou thou%ht $ou 2ould #rin% sha;e u&on ;e( shrie'ed A##as. The tears 2ere :allin% do2n his :ace no2 and he circled AltaKr( then &ushed :or2ard a%ain( s2in%in% his s2ord 2ildl$. AltaKr crouched and :ound s&ace #et2een A##ass ar; and #od$. He struc'( o&enin% a 2ound on A##ass le:t ar; that he ho&ed 2ould at least sto& hi; lon% enou%h :or AltaKr to tr$ to eD&lain < But A##as shrie'ed. And 2ith a :inal 2ar cr$ he lea&ed to2ards AltaKr 2ho duc'ed #eneath his :lailin% #lade( usin% his shoulder to u&set A##ass :or2ard ;o;entu; so that no2 the$ 2ere rollin% in the %round in a ;ess o: dirt and #loodied ro#es. Aor a ;o;ent the$ %ra&&led( then AltaKr :elt a searin% &ain in his side( A##as di%%in% his thu;# into the 2ound and usin% the o&&ortunit$ to t2ist( hea8in% hi;sel: on to& o: AltaKr and &innin% hi; to the %round. Aro; his #elt he &roduced his da%%er and held it to AltaKrs throat. His 2ild e$es 2ere :iDed on AltaKr. The$ still &oured 2ith tears. He #reathed hea8il$ throu%h #ared teeth. LA##asQ ca;e the shout( not :ro; La#i# or an$ o: those 2ho had %athered to 2atch. This ca;e :ro; the 2indo2 o: Al 9uali;. LPut a2a$ the 'ni:e at once( he roared( his 8oice a thundercla& in the court$ard. In res&onse A##as sounded s;all and des&erate. LNot until he ad;its. LAd;its 2hatJ cried AltaKr( stru%%lin% #ut held :ir;. La#i# had cli;#ed o8er the :ence. LNo2( A##as( he said( 2ith &lacatin% &al;s held out. LDo as the 9aster sa$s. LCo;e an$ closer and Ill car8e hi;( %ro2led A##as. The instructor sto&&ed. LHell &ut $ou in the cells :or this( A##as. This is no 2a$ :or the Order to #eha8e. Loo'( there are citiIens here :ro; the 8illa%e. Word 2ill s&read. LI dont care( 2e&t A##as. LHe needs to sa$ it. He needs to sa$ he lied a#out ;$ :ather. LWhat lieJ LHe told ;e ;$ :ather 'illed hi;sel:. That he ca;e to AltaKrs Guarters to sa$ sorr$( then slashed his o2n throat. But he lied. 9$ :ather did not 'ill hi;sel:. He le:t the Brotherhood. That 2as his a&olo%$. No2 tell ;e $ou lied. He Ea##ed the &oint o: the

da%%er into Altairs throat( dra2in% ;ore #lood. LA##as( sto& this( roared Al 9uali; :ro; his to2er. LAltaKr( did $ou lieJ as'ed La#i#. A silence shrouded the trainin% $ard@ all 2aited :or AltaKrs re&l$. He loo'ed u& at A##as. L3es( he said. LI did lie. A##as sat #ac' on his haunches and sGueeIed his e$es shut. Whate8er &ain 2ent throu%h hi; see;ed to rac' his entire #od$( and as he dro&&ed the da%%er 2ith a clan% to the %round o: the Guadran%le( he #e%an 2ee&in%. He 2as still 2ee&in% as La#i# ca;e to hi; and %ra##ed hi; rou%hl$ #$ the ar;( &ullin% hi; to his :eet and deli8erin% hi; to a &air o: %uards( 2ho ca;e hurr$in% u&. 9o;ents later AltaKr 2as also %ra##ed. He( too( 2as ;anhandled to the cells. Later( Al 9uali; decided that a:ter a ;onth in the dun%eons( the$ should resu;e their trainin%. A##ass cri;e 2as dee;ed the ;ore serious o: the t2oH it 2as he 2ho had allo2ed his e;otions :ree rein and #$ doin% so #rou%ht disre&ute to the Order. His &unish;ent 2as that his trainin% #e eDtended :or an eDtra $ear. He 2ould still #e on the trainin% $ard 2ith La#i# 2hen AltaKr 2as ;ade an Assassin. The inEustice increased his hatred o: AltaKr( 2ho slo2l$ ca;e to see A##as as a &athetic( #itter :i%ure. When the citadel 2as attac'ed( it 2as AltaKr 2ho sa8ed the li:e o: Al 9uali; and 2as ele8ated to 9aster Assassin. That da$( A##as s&at in the dirt at AltaKrs :eet #ut AltaKr Eust sneered at hi;. A##as( he decided( 2as as 2ea' and ine::ectual as his :ather had #een. Perha&s( loo'in% #ac'( that 2as ho2 he had :irst #eco;e in:ected #$ arro%ance.


When AltaKr neDt arri8ed at the ?erusale; Bureau( it 2as as a chan%ed ;an. Not that he 2ould ;a'e the ;ista'e o: thin'in% his Eourne$ 2as o8er < that 2ould ha8e #een an error ;ade #$ the old AltaKr. No( he 'ne2 that it 2as Eust #e%innin%. It 2as as thou%h 9ali' sensed it too. There 2as so;ethin% chan%ed a#out the Bureau leader 2hen AltaKr entered. There 2as a ne2 res&ect and accord #et2een the;. LSa:et$ and &eace( AltaKr( he said. L!&on $ou as 2ell( #rother( re&lied AltaKr( and there 2as an uns&o'en ;o;ent #et2een the;. LSee;s Aate has a stran%e 2a$ 2ith thin%s P AltaKr nodded. LSo its true( thenJ Ro#ert de Sa#le is in ?erusale;J LI8e seen the 'ni%hts ;$sel:. 9ali's hand 2ent to his stu;&. Re;inded o: it #$ ;ention o: the Te;&lar. LOnl$ ;is:ortune :ollo2s that ;an. I: hes here( its #ecause he intends ill. I 2ont %i8e hi; the chance to act( said AltaKr. LDo not let 8en%eance cloud $our thou%hts( #rother. We #oth 'no2 no %ood can co;e o: that. AltaKr s;iled. LI ha8e not :or%otten. 3ou ha8e nothin% to :ear. I do not see' re8en%e( #ut 'no2led%e. Once he 2ould ha8e said such a thin% &arrot :ashion( 'no2in% the #elie:s eD&ected o: hi;. No2 he trul$ #elie8ed it. A%ain( 9ali' so;eho2 understood. LTrul$ $ou are not the ;an I once 'ne2( he said. AltaKr nodded. L9$ 2or' has tau%ht ;e ;an$ thin%s. Re8ealed secrets to ;e. But there are still &ieces o: this &uIIle I do not &ossess. LWhat do $ou ;eanJ LAll the ;en I8e laid to rest ha8e 2or'ed to%ether( united #$ this ;an. Ro#ert has desi%ns u&on the land. This ;uch I 'no2 :or certain. But ho2 and 2h$J When and 2hereJ These thin%s re;ain out o: reach. LCrusaders and Saracens 2or'in% to%etherJ 2ondered 9ali'( aloud. LThe$ are none o: these thin%s( #ut so;ethin% else. Te;&lars. LThe Te;&lars are a &art o: the Crusader ar;$( said 9ali'( thou%h the Guestion 2as 2ritten all o8er his :ace@ ho2 could the$ #e "in% Richards ;en i: the$ 2ere sta$in% in ?erusale;J Wal'in% the cit$ streetsJ LOr so the$d li'e "in% Richard to #elie8e( said AltaKr. LNo. Their onl$ alle%iance is to Ro#ert de Sa#le and so;e ;ad idea that the$ 2ill sto& the 2ar. L3ou s&in a stran%e tale. L3ou ha8e no idea( 9ali' P LThen tell ;e. AltaKr #e%an to tell 9ali' 2hat he had learned so :ar. LRo#ert and his Te;&lars 2al' the cit$. The$8e co;e to &a$ their res&ects to 9aEd Addin. The$ll attend his :uneral. Which ;eans so 2ill I. LWhat is this that Te;&lars 2ould attend his :uneralJ LI ha8e $et to di8ine their true intentions( thou%h Ill ha8e a con:ession in ti;e. The citiIens the;sel8es are di8ided. 9an$ call :or their li8es. Still others insist that the$ are here to &arle$. To ;a'e &eace. He thou%ht o: the orator hed Guestioned( 2ho had #een ada;ant that his ;asters 2anted an end to 2ar. De Sa#le( a Christian( 2as attendin% 9aEd Addins :uneral( he a 9usli;. Wasnt that &roo: that the Te;&lars sou%ht a united Hol$ LandJ The citiIens 2ere hostile to the notion o: Te;&lars #ein% &resent in ?erusale;. The Crusader occu&ation 2as still :resh in their ;inds. !nsur&risin%l$ there had #een re&orts o: :i%htin% #rea'in% out #et2een Crusaders and Saracens( 2ho too' eDce&tion to the si%ht

o: 'ni%hts in the streets. The cit$ re;ained uncon8inced #$ the orators 2ho insisted that the$ ca;e in the na;e o: &eace. LPeaceJ said 9ali'( no2. LI told $ou. The others I ha8e slain ha8e said as ;uch to ;e. LThat 2ould ;a'e the; our allies. And $et 2e 'ill the;. L9a'e no ;ista'e( 2e are nothin% li'e these ;en. Thou%h their %oal sounds no#le( the ;eans #$ 2hich the$d achie8e it are not. At least P thats 2hat Al 9uali; told ;e. He i%nored the tin$ 2or; o: dou#t that slithered in the &it o: his sto;ach. LSo 2hat is $our &lanJ LIll attend the :uneral and con:ront Ro#ert. LThe sooner the #etter( a%reed 9ali'( handin% AltaKr the :eather. LAortune :a8our $our #lade( #rother. AltaKr too' the ;ar'er. S2allo2in%( he said( L9ali' P Be:ore I %o( theres so;ethin% I should sa$. LOut 2ith it. LI8e #een a :ool. 9ali' %a8e a dr$ lau%h. LNor;all$ Id ;a'e no ar%u;ent( #ut 2hat is thisJ What are $ou tal'in% a#outJ LAll this ti;e P I ne8er told $ou I 2as sorr$. Too da;ned &roud. 3ou lost $our ar; #ecause o: ;e. Lost "adar. 3ou had e8er$ ri%ht to #e an%r$. LI do not acce&t $our a&olo%$. LI understand. LNo. 3ou dont. I do not acce&t $our a&olo%$( #ecause $ou are not the sa;e ;an 2ho 2ent 2ith ;e into Solo;ons Te;&le( so $ou ha8e nothin% to a&olo%iIe :or. L9ali' P LPerha&s i: I had not #een so en8ious o: $ou( I 2ould not ha8e #een so careless ;$sel:. I a; Eust as ;uch to #la;e. LDont sa$ such thin%s. LWe are one. As 2e share the %lor$ o: our 8ictories( so too should 2e share the &ain o: our de:eat. In this 2a$ 2e %ro2 closer. We %ro2 stron%er. LThan' $ou( #rother. And so it 2as that AltaKr :ound hi;sel: at the ce;eter$( a s;all( unadorned #urial %round( Eoinin% a s&arse cro2d o: Te;&lars and ci8ilians 2ho had %athered around the #urial ;ound o: 9aEd Addin( the erst2hile cit$ re%ent. The #od$ 2ould ha8e #een #athed and shrouded and carried in a &rocession( then #uried on its ri%ht side and the hole :illed( ;e;#ers o: the &rocession addin% dirt to the %ra8e. As AltaKr entered( an i;a; 2as ste&&in% u& to deli8er the :uneral &ra$er and a hush had descended o8er the hol$ %round. 9ost stood 2ith their hands clas&ed in :ront o: the; and their heads #o2ed in res&ect :or the dead( so it 2as an eas$ tas' :or AltaKr to sli& throu%h the cro2d in order to %ain a %ood 8anta%e &oint. To locate his :inal tar%et. He 2ho had set AltaKr on this &ath < 2hose death 2ould #e Eust retri#ution :or the su::erin% he had caused and that 2hich had ha&&ened in his na;e@ Ro#ert de Sa#le. Passin% alon% the ro2s o: ;ourners( AltaKr realiIed it 2as the :irst ti;e that he had e8er :ound hi;sel: at the :uneral o: one o: his tar%ets( and he cast a loo' around to see i: there 2ere an$ %rie8in% ;e;#ers o: the dead ;ans :a;il$ near#$( 2onderin% ho2 he( the 'iller( 2ould :eel to #e con:ronted #$ their %rie:. But i: 9aEd Addin had had close relati8es the$ 2ere either a#sent or 'e&t their sorro2 hidden a;on% the cro2dH there 2as no one at the %ra8eside #ut the i;a; and P A cluster o: Te;&lar 'ni%hts. The$ stood in :ront o: an ornatel$ decorated :ountain set into a tall sandstone 2all( three o: the;( 2earin% ar;our and :ullF:ace hel;ets( e8en the one 2ho stood in :ront o: the other t2o( 2ho also 2ore a ca&e. The distincti8e ca&e o: the Te;&lar rand

9aster. And $et P AltaKr sGuinted( starin% at de Sa#le. The 'ni%ht 2as so;eho2 not as AltaKr re;e;#ered hi;. Had his ;e;or$ &la$ed tric's on hi;J Had Ro#ert de Sa#le ta'en on %reater di;ensions in his head #ecause he had #ested AltaKrJ Certainl$ he see;ed to lac' the stature that AltaKr re;e;#ered. Where( also( 2ere the rest o: his ;enJ No2 the i;a; had #e%un to s&ea'( addressin% the ;ourners@ LWe %ather here to ;ourn the loss o: our #elo8ed 9aEd Addin( ta'en too soon :ro; this 2orld. I 'no2 $ou :eel sorro2 and &ain at his &assin%. But $ou should not. Aor Eust as 2e are all #rou%ht :orth :ro; the 2o;#( so too ;ust 2e all one da$ &ass :ro; this 2orld. It is onl$ natural < li'e the risin% and the settin% o: the sun. Ta'e this ;o;ent to re:lect on his li:e and %i8e than's :or all the %ood he did. "no2 that one da$ $ou 2ill stand 2ith hi; a%ain in Paradise. AltaKr :ou%ht to hid his dis%ust. LThe #elo8ed 9aEd Addin. The sa;e #elo8ed 9aEd Addin 2ho had #een a traitor to the Saracens( 2ho had sou%ht to under;ine trust in the; #$ indiscri;inatel$ eDecutin% the citiIens o: ?erusale;J That #elo8ed 9aEd AddinJ It 2as no 2onder that the cro2d 2as so s&arse( and %rie: so little in e8idence. He 2as a#out as #elo8ed as le&ros$. The i;a; #e%an to lead the ;ourners in &ra$er. LO od( #less 9uha;;ad( his :a;il$( his co;&anions( O ;erci:ul and ;aEestic. O od( ;ore ;aEestic than the$ descri#e( &eace on the Pro&hets( #lessin%s :ro; the od o: the !ni8erse. AltaKrs %aIe 2ent :ro; hi; to de Sa#le and his #od$%uard. A 2in' o: sun cau%ht his e$e and he %lanced u& at the 2all #ehind the trio o: 'ni%hts to the ra;&arts that ran alon% the outside o: the court$ard. Was it a ;o8e;ent hed seenJ Perha&s. EDtra Te;&lar soldiers could easil$ ta'e co8er in the ra;&arts. He %lanced a%ain at the three 'ni%hts < Ro#ert de Sa#le( as i: standin% :or ins&ection( o::erin% hi;sel: as a tar%et. His #uild. Too sli%ht( surel$. The ca&e. It loo'ed too lon%. No. AltaKr decided to a#andon the assassination #ecause there 2as no i%norin% his instinct here. It 2asnt tellin% hi; so;ethin% 2as 2ron%. It 2as sa$in% nothin% 2as ri%ht. He #e%an to ed%e #ac'( Eust as the i;a;s tone chan%ed. LAs $ou 'no2( this ;an 2as ;urdered #$ Assassins. We ha8e tried to trac' his 'iller( #ut it has &ro8ed di::icult. These creatures clin% to the shado2s and run :ro; an$ 2ho 2ould :ace the; :airl$. AltaKr :roIe( 'no2in% no2 that the tra& 2as to #e s&run%. He tried to &ush throu%h the cro2d ;ore Guic'l$. LBut not toda$( he heard the i;a; call( L:or it see;s one stands a;on% us. He ;oc's us 2ith his &resence and ;ust #e ;ade to &a$. Suddenl$ the cro2d around AltaKr o&ened( :or;in% a circle around hi;. He 2heeled( seein% the %ra8eside 2here the i;a; stood &ointin% < at hi;. De Sa#le and his t2o ;en 2ere ;o8in% :or2ard. Around hi; the cro2d loo'ed :ierce( and 2as closin% in to s2a;& hi;( lea8in% hi; no esca&e route. LSeiIe hi;. Brin% hi; :or2ard that ods Eustice ;i%ht #e done( called the i;a;. In one ;o8e;ent AltaKr dre2 his s2ord and eEected his #lade. He re;e;#ered his 9asters 2ords@ Choose one. But there 2as no need. The ;ourners ;i%ht ha8e #een #ra8e and 9aEd Addin #elo8ed( #ut no#od$ 2as &re&ared to shed #lood to a8en%e hi;. Panic'ed( the cro2d #ro'e u&( ;ourners :allin% o8er their ro#es to esca&e( AltaKr usin% the sudden con:usion to dart to one side( #rea'in% the ad8ancin% Te;&lars line o: si%ht. The :irst o: the; Eust had ti;e to re%ister that one ;e;#er o: the cro2d 2as not esca&in%( #ut instead ;o8in% to2ards hi;( #e:ore AltaKrs s2ord 2as throu%h his ;ail and in his %ut and he :ell a2a$.

AltaKr sa2 a door in the 2all o&en and ;ore 'ni%hts co;e &ourin% throu%h. Ai8e at least. At the sa;e ti;e there 2as a hail o: arro2s :ro; a#o8e( and one 'ni%ht 2as s&innin% and :allin%( the sha:t &rotrudin% :ro; his nec'. AltaKrs e$es shot to the ra;&arts 2here he sa2 Te;&lar archers. On this occasion their ai; had :a8oured hi;. He 2as unli'el$ to #e Guite so :ortunate neDt ti;e. The second o: the t2o #od$%uards ca;e :or2ard and he s2i&ed 2ith his #lade( slicin% at the ;ans nec' and sendin% hi; do2n in a s&ra$ o: #lood. He turned to de Sa#le( 2ho ca;e :or2ard s2in%in% his #roads2ord hard enou%h to send AltaKr stu;#lin% #ac'( onl$ Eust a#le to de:lect the #lo2. Suddenl$ there 2ere rein:orce;ents( and he 2as tradin% #lo2s 2ith three other 'ni%hts( all in :ullF:ace hel;ets( and :indin% that he 2as no2 standin% on 9aEd Addins :inal restin% &lace. There 2as no ti;e to enEo$ the ;o;ent( thou%h@ :ro; a#o8e ca;e another hail o: arro2s and( to AltaKrs deli%ht( a second 'ni%ht 2as s&eared( screa;in% as he :ell. The e::ect on the re;ainin% Te;&lars 2as to send the; into disarra$ and the$ scattered a little( less :ri%htened o: AltaKr than the$ 2ere o: their o2n archers( Eust as de Sa#le #e%an screechin% at the #o2;en to sto& :irin% on their o2n ;en. And AltaKr 2as so sur&rised that he al;ost dro&&ed his %uard. What he had heard 2as not the un;ista'a#l$ ;ale Arench tones o: Ro#ert de Sa#le #ut a 8oice that surel$ #elon%ed to a 2o;an. An En%lish 2o;an. Aor a heart#eat he 2as ta'en a#ac' #$ a ;iDture o: #e;use;ent and ad;iration. This P 2o;an( the standFin sent #$ de Sa#le( :ou%ht as #ra8el$ as an$ ;an( and 2ielded a #roads2ord Eust as ade&tl$ as an$ 'ni%ht he had e8er encountered. Who 2as sheJ One o: de Sa#les lieutenantsJ His lo8erJ "ee&in% close to the co8er o: the 2all( AltaKr :elled another o: the 'ni%hts. ?ust one le:t. One ;ore( and de Sa#les standFin. The last Te;&lar had less a&&etite :or the :i%ht than she did( thou%h( and he died( thrashin% on the &oint o: AltaKrs s2ord. ?ust her no2 and the$ traded #lo2s( until at last AltaKr 2as a#le to %et the #etter o: her( slidin% the #lade into her shoulder at the sa;e ti;e as he s2e&t her le%s :ro; #eneath her and she crashed hea8il$ to the %round. Scurr$in% into co8er( he &ulled her 2ith hi; so that the$ 2ere #oth out o: si%ht o: the archers. Then he leaned o8er her. Still 2earin% the hel;et( her chest hea8ed. Blood s&read across her nec' and shoulder #ut she 2ould li8e( thou%ht AltaKr < i: he allo2ed her to( that 2as. LI 2ould see $our e$es #e:ore $ou die( he said. He &ulled o:: the hel;et( and 2as still ta'en a#ac' to #e con:ronted #$ the truth. LI sense $ou eD&ected so;eone else( she said( s;ilin% a little. Her hair 2as hidden #$ the chain;ail coi: she 2ore( #ut AltaKr 2as entranced #$ her e$es. There 2as deter;ination #ehind the;( he sa2( #ut so;ethin% else too. So:tness and li%ht. And he :ound hi;sel: 2onderin% i: her o#8ious s'ills as a 2arrior #elied her true nature. But 2h$ < 2hate8er co;;and o: co;#at she &ossessed < 2ould de Sa#le send this 2o;an in his steadJ What s&ecial a#ilities ;i%ht she ha8eJ He &laced his #lade to her nec'. LWhat sorcer$ is thisJ he as'ed cautiousl$. LWe 'ne2 $oud co;e( she said( still s;ilin%. LRo#ert needed to #e sure hed ha8e ti;e to %et a2a$. LSo he :leesJ LWe cannot den$ $our success. 3ou ha8e laid 2aste our &lans. Airst the treasure < then our ;en. Control o: the Hol$ Land sli&&ed a2a$ P But he sa2 an o&&ortunit$ to reclai; 2hat has #een stolen. To turn $our 8ictories to our ad8anta%e. LAl 9uali; still holds the treasure and 2e8e routed $our ar;$ #e:ore( re&lied AltaKr. LWhate8er Ro#ert &lans( hell :ail a%ain. LAh( she said( L#ut its not Eust Te;&lars $oull contend 2ith no2. AltaKr #ridled. LS&ea' sense( he de;anded. LRo#ert rides :or Arsu: to &lead his case( that Saracen and Crusader unite a%ainst

the Assassins. LThat 2ill ne8er ha&&en. The$ ha8e no reason to. Her s;ile #roadened. LHad( &erha&s. But no2 $ou8e %i8en the; one. Nine( in :act. The #odies $ou8e le:t #ehind < 8icti;s on #oth sides. 3ou8e ;ade the Assassins an ene;$ in co;;on and ensured the annihilation o: $our entire Order. Well done. LNot nine. Ei%ht. LWhat do $ou ;eanJ He re;o8ed his #lade :ro; her nec'. L3ou 2ere not ;$ tar%et. I 2ill not ta'e $our li:e. He stood. L3oure :ree to %o. But do not :ollo2 ;e. LI dont need to( she said( &ullin% hersel: to her :eet and clas&in% one hand to the 2ound at her shoulder. L3oure alread$ too late P LWell see. With a :inal %lance at the ra;&arts( 2here archers 2ere hurr$in% to ne2 &ositions( AltaKr darted o::( lea8in% the ce;eter$ e;&t$( a&art :ro; its cor&ses old and ne2 < and the stran%e( #ra8e and entrancin% 2o;an. LIt 2as a tra&( he eDclai;ed to 9ali'( ;o;ents later( the ti;e it had ta'en hi; to ;a'e his 2a$ :ro; the ce;eter$ to the Bureau( his ;ind 2or'in% :uriousl$ as he did so. LI had heard the :uneral turned to chaos P What ha&&enedJ LRo#ert de Sa#le 2as ne8er there. He sent another in his stead. He 2as eD&ectin% ;e < L3ou ;ust %o to Al 9uali;( said 9ali'( :ir;l$. 3es( thou%ht AltaKr( he should. But there 2as that insistent :eelin% a%ain. The one that told hi; there 2as $et ;ore ;$ster$ to unco8er. And 2h$ did he thin' it so;eho2 in8ol8ed the 9asterJ LTheres no ti;e. She told ;e 2here hes %one. What he &lans. I: I return to 9as$a:( he ;i%ht succeed P And then P I :ear 2ell #e destro$ed. LWe ha8e 'illed ;ost o: his ;en. He cannot ho&e to ;ount a &ro&er attac'. Wait( said 9ali'. LDid $ou sa$ sheJ L3es. It 2as a 2o;an. Stran%e( I 'no2. But thats :or another ti;e. Aor no2 2e ;ust :ocus on Ro#ert. We ;a$ ha8e thinned his ran's( #ut the ;an is cle8er. He %oes to &lead his case to Richard and Salah Aldin. To unite the; a%ainst a co;;on ene;$ P A%ainst us. LSurel$ $ou are ;ista'en. This ;a'es no sense. Those t2o ;en 2ould ne8er < LOh( #ut the$ 2ould. And 2e ha8e oursel8es to #la;e. The ;en I8e 'illed < ;en on #oth sides o: the con:lict P ;en i;&ortant to #oth leaders P Ro#erts &lan ;a$ #e a;#itious( #ut it ;a'es sense. And it could 2or'. LLoo'( #rother( thin%s ha8e chan%ed. 3ou ;ust return to 9as$a:. We cannot act 2ithout the 9asters &er;ission. It could co;&ro;ise the Brotherhood. I thou%ht P I thou%ht $ou had learned this. LSto& hidin% #ehind 2ords( 9ali'. 3ou 2ield the Creed and its tenets li'e a shield. Hes 'ee&in% thin%s :ro; us. I;&ortant thin%s. 3oure the one 2ho told ;e 2e can ne8er 'no2 an$thin%( onl$ sus&ect. Well( I sus&ect this #usiness 2ith the Te;&lars %oes dee&er. When I; done 2ith Ro#ert I 2ill ride :or 9as$a: that 2e ;a$ ha8e ans2ers. But &erha&s $ou could %o no2. LI cannot lea8e the cit$. LThen 2al' a;on% its &eo&le. See' out those 2ho ser8ed the ones I sle2. Learn 2hat $ou can. 3ou call $oursel: &erce&ti8e. Perha&s $oull see so;ethin% I could not. LI dont 'no2 P I ;ust thin' on this. LDo as $ou ;ust( ;$ :riend. But I 2ill ride :or Arsu:. E8er$ ;o;ent I dela$( our ene;$ is one ste& :urther ahead o: ;e. Once ;ore he had #reached the Creed@ un2ittin% or not( he had &ut the Order in dan%er. LBe care:ul( #rother.

LI 2ill. I &ro;ise.


The ar;ies o: Salah Aldin and Richard the Lionheart had ;et at Arsu:( and as he ;ade his 2a$ there AltaKr learned < :ro; the %ossi& he o8erheard at #lac's;iths and 2aterholes alon% the route < that a:ter a series o: ;inor s'ir;ishes the #attle had #e%un that ;ornin%( 2hen Salah Aldins Tur's had launched an attac' on the Crusader ran's. Ridin% to2ards it( a%ainst the :lo2 o: anDious countr$:ol' 2antin% to esca&e the slau%hter( AltaKr sa2 &lu;es o: s;o'e on the horiIon. As he ca;e closer he could ;a'e out the soldiers at 2ar on the distant &lain. "nots o: the;( hu%e( dar' clusters in the distance. He sa2 a lon% #and o: thousands o: ;en( ;o8in% in :ast on horse#ac'( char%in% the ene;$( #ut 2as too :ar a2a$ to see 2hether the char%e 2as Saracen or Crusader. Closer( he could see the 2ooden :ra;es o: 2ar ;achines( at least one on :ire. No2 he could discern the tall 2ooden cruci:iDes o: the Christians( hu%e crosses on 2heeled &lat:or;s that the in:antr$ &ushed :or2ard( and the :la%s o: the Saracens and the Crusaders. The s'$ dar'ened 2ith hails o: arro2s :ro; archers on either side. He sa2 'ni%hts on horse#ac' 2ith &i'es( and &ac's o: Saracen horse;en ;a'in% de8astatin% sorties into the ran's o: the Crusaders. He could hear the dru;;in% o: hoo:s on the &lain( and the constant crash o: Saracen c$;#als( dru;s( %on%s and tru;&ets. He could hear the noise o: the #attle@ the unendin% allFenco;&assin% din o: the shouts o: the li8in%( the screa;s o: the d$in%( the shar& rattle o: steel on steel and the &iti:ul 2hinnies o: 2ounded horses. He #e%an to co;e across riderless ani;als and #odies no2( Saracen and Crusader( s&readea%led in the dirt or sittin% dead a%ainst trees. He reined #ac' his ;ount < Eust in ti;e( #ecause suddenl$ Saracen archers #e%an to a&&ear :ro; the treeline so;e 2a$ ahead o: hi;. He dro&&ed :ro; his horse and rolled :ro; the ;ain trac'( ta'in% co8er #ehind an u&turned cart. There 2ere ;a$#e a hundred o: the; all told. The$ ran across the trac' and into trees on the other side. The$ ;o8ed Guic'l$ and 2ere #ent lo2. The$ ;o8ed as soldiers ;o8e 2hen the$ are stealthil$ ad8ancin% into ene;$Fheld territor$. AltaKr stood and darted into the trees( too( :ollo2in% the #o2;en at a sa:e distance. Aor so;e ;iles he &ursued the;( the sounds o: the #attle( the 8i#rations o: it( %ro2in% stron%er until the$ ca;e u&on a rid%e. No2 the$ 2ere a#o8e the ;ain #attle( 2hich ra%ed #elo2 the;( and :or a ;o;ent the sheer siIe o: it too' his #reath a2a$. E8er$2here < as :ar as the e$e could see < there 2ere ;en( #odies( ;achines and horses. As at the Sie%e o: Acre he :ound hi;sel: in the ;iddle o: a :ierce and sa8a%e con:lict 2ith no side to call his o2n. What he had 2as the Order. What he had 2as a ;ission to &rotect it( to sto& the #east that he had un2ittin%l$ unleashed :ro; tearin% it a&art. All round hi; on the rid%e 2ere #odies( too( as thou%h there had alread$ #een a #attle a short ti;e a%o. And o: course there had@ 2hoe8er held the rid%e had the ad8anta%e o: hei%ht( so it 2as li'el$ to #e sa8a%el$ contested. Sure enou%h( as the$ ca;e u&on it( the Saracens 2ere ;et #$ Crusader in:antr$ and #o2;en and a %reat shout 2ent u& :ro; #oth sides. Salah Aldins ;en had the ele;ent o: sur&rise and so the u&&er hand( and the :irst 2a8e o: their attac' le:t the #odies o: 'ni%hts in their 2a'e( so;e :allin% :ro; the rid%e into the seethin% 2ar #elo2. But as AltaKr crouched and 2atched( the Crusaders ;ana%ed to re%rou& and the co;#at #e%an in earnest. Passin% alon% the rid%e 2as the sa:est 2a$ o: ;o8in% to the rear o: the Crusader lines( 2here Richard the Lionheart 2ould #e stationed. And reachin% hi; 2as the onl$ ho&e he had o: sto&&in% Ro#ert de Sa#le. He ca;e closer to the #attle and #e%an to ;o8e to his le:t( lea8in% a 2ide #erth #et2een hi;sel: and the co;#atants. He ca;e u&on a Crusader 2ho 2as crouched in the under%ro2th( 2atchin% the #attle and 2hi;&erin%( and le:t hi;( runnin% on2ards.

Suddenl$ there 2as a shout and t2o Crusaders ;o8ed into his &ath( their #roads2ords raised. He sto&&ed( crossed his ar;s and reached to his shoulders( dra2in% his s2ord 2ith one hand and :lic'in% a 'ni:e 2ith the other. One o: the scouts 2ent do2n and he ;o8ed to the other and had :elled hi; 2hen he realiIed that the$ 2erent scouts. The$ 2ere sentries. Still o8erloo'in% the #attle he :ound that he 2as on the #ro2 o: a hill. So;e distance a2a$ he could see the standard o: Richard the Lionheart and thou%ht he cau%ht a %li;&se o: the "in% hi;sel:( sittin% astride his distincti8e steed( :la;in% oran%e #eard and hair #ri%ht in the a:ternoon sun. But no2 ;ore rear%uard in:antr$ 2ere arri8in% and he :ound hi;sel: s2a;&ed #$ 'ni%hts( chain;ail rattlin%( their s2ords raised and their e$es :ull o: #attle #eneath their hel;ets. Their tas' 2as to &rotect their lie%eH AltaKrs 2as to reach hi;. Aor lon% ;o;ents the #attle ra%ed. AltaKr danced and ran( so;eti;es car8in% hi;sel: a route( his #lood$ s2ord :lashin%( so;eti;es a#le to ;a'e a lon% dash( co;in% e8er closer to 2here he could no2 see Richard. The "in% 2as in a clearin%. He had dis;ounted( 2ar$ o: the co;;otion a&&roachin%( and his i;;ediate #od$%uard 2ere :or;in% a rin% around hi;( ;a'in% hi; a s;all tar%et. Still :i%htin%( his s2ord still s2in%in%( ;en :allin% at his :eet( his ro#es stained 2ith Crusader #lood( AltaKr #ro'e clear o: an attac' and 2as a#le to dash :or2ards. He sa2 the "in%s lieutenants dra2 their s2ords( e$es :ierce under their hel;ets. He sa2 archers scra##lin% u& to surroundin% #oulders( ho&in% to :ind a lo:t$ &osition in order to &ic' o:: the intruder. LHold a ;o;ent( called AltaKr. ?ust a :e2 :eet a2a$ no2( he loo'ed "in% Richard in the e$es( e8en as his ;en ca;e :or2ard. LIts 2ords I #rin%( not steel. The "in% 2ore his re%al red( at his chest a %oldFe;#roidered lion. He 2as the onl$ ;an a;on% the; not cursed #$ :ear or &anic and he stood utterl$ cal; at the #attles centre. He raised an ar; and his ;en sto&&ed their ad8ance( the #attle d$in% in an instant. AltaKr 2as %rate:ul to see his attac'ers :all #ac' a :e2 &aces( %i8in% hi; roo; at last. He dro&&ed his s2ord ar;. As he cau%ht his #reath( his shoulders rose and :ell hea8il$ and he 'ne2 that all e$es 2ere on hi;. E8er$ s2ord&oint 2as ai;ed at his %utH e8er$ archer had hi; in his si%hts. One 2ord :ro; Richard and he 2ould :all. Instead( Richard said( LO::erin% ter;s o: a surrender( thenJ Its a#out ti;e. LNo. 3ou ;isunderstand( said AltaKr. LIt is Al 9uali; 2ho sends ;e( not Salah Aldin. The "in% dar'ened. LAssassinJ What is the ;eanin% o: thisJ And #e Guic' 2ith it. The ;en &ressed :or2ard a little. The archers tensed. L3ou8e a traitor in $our ;idst( said AltaKr. LAnd he has hired $ou to 'ill ;eJ called the "in%. LCo;e to %loat a#out it #e:ore $ou stri'eJ I 2ont #e ta'en so easil$. LIts not $ou I8e co;e to 'ill. Its hi;. LS&ea'( then( that I ;a$ Eud%e the truth. "in% Richard #ec'oned AltaKr :or2ard. LWho is this traitorJ LRo#ert de Sa#le. Richards e$e#ro2s raised in sur&rise. L9$ lieutenantJ LHe ai;s to #etra$( said AltaKr( e8enl$. He 2as tr$in% to choose his 2ords care:ull$( des&erate not to #e ;isunderstood. Needin% the "in% to #elie8e hi;. LThats not the 2a$ he tells it( said Richard. LHe see's re8en%e a%ainst $our &eo&le :or the ha8oc $ou8e 2rou%ht in Acre. And I a; inclined to su&&ort hi;. So;e o: ;$ #est ;en 2ere ;urdered #$ so;e o: $ours. So < Ro#ert de Sa#le alread$ had the "in%s ear. AltaKr too' a dee& #reath. What he 2as a#out to sa$ could ;ean his i;;ediate death. LIt 2as I 2ho 'illed the;. And :or %ood reason. Richard %lo2ered #ut AltaKr &ressed on@ LHear ;e out. Willia; o:

9ont:errat. He sou%ht to use his soldiers to ta'e Acre #$ :orce. arnier de Na&louse. He 2ould use his s'ills to indoctrinate and control an$ 2ho resisted. Si#rand. He intended to #loc' the &orts( &re8entin% $our 'in%do; :ro; &ro8idin% aid. The$ #etra$ed $ou. And the$ too' their orders :ro; Ro#ert. L3ou eD&ect ;e to #elie8e this outlandish taleJ said the Lionheart. L3ou 'ne2 these ;en #etter than I. Are $ou trul$ sur&rised to learn o: their ill intentionsJ Richard see;ed to thin' :or a ;o;ent( then turned to one o: the ;en standin% at his side( 2ho 2ore a :ullF:ace hel;et. LIs this trueJ he said. The 'ni%ht re;o8ed his hel;et( and this ti;e it reall$ 2as Ro#ert de Sa#le. AltaKr loo'ed at hi; 2ith o&en dis%ust( re;e;#erin% his cri;es. This ;an had sent a 2o;an as his standFin. Aor a heart#eat the t2o stared at one another( the :irst ti;e the$ had ;et since the :i%ht #elo2 the Te;&le 9ount. Still #reathin% hard( AltaKr clenched his :ist. De Sa#le s;ir'ed( his li& curlin%( then turned to Richard. L9$ lie%e P he said( in an eDas&erated tone LP it is an Assassin 2ho stands #e:ore us. These creatures are ;asters o: ;ani&ulation. O: course it isnt true. LI8e no reason to decei8e( sna&&ed AltaKr. LOh( #ut $ou do( sneered de Sa#le. L3oure a:raid o: 2hat 2ill ha&&en to $our little :ortress. Can it 2ithstand the co;#ined ;i%ht o: the Saracen and Crusader ar;iesJ He %rinned( as thou%h alread$ i;a%inin% the :all o: 9as$a:. L9$ concern is :or the &eo&le o: the Hol$ Land( AltaKr countered. LI: I ;ust sacri:ice ;$sel: :or there to #e &eace( so #e it. Richard had #een 2atchin% the; 2ith a #e;used eD&ression. LThis is a stran%e &lace 2e :ind oursel8es in. Each o: $ou accusin% the other P LThere reall$ is no ti;e :or this( said de Sa#le. LI ;ust #e o:: to ;eet 2ith Saladin and enlist his aid. The lon%er 2e dela$( the harder this 2ill #eco;e. He ;ade to ;o8e o::( ho&in%( no dou#t( that the ;atter 2as at an end. LWait( Ro#ert( said Richard. His e$es 2ent :ro; de Sa#le to AltaKr and #ac' a%ain. With a snort o: :rustration( de Sa#le sna&&ed( LWh$J What do $ou intendJ Surel$ $ou do not #elie8e hi;J He indicated AltaKr( 2ho could see in de Sa#les e$es that ;a$#e the "in% had his dou#ts. Perha&s he 2as e8en inclined to #elie8e the 2ord o: the Assassin o8er that o: the Te;&lar. AltaKr held his #reath. LIt is a di::icult decision( re&lied the "in%. Lone I cannot ;a'e alone. I ;ust lea8e it in the hands o: one 2iser than I. LThan' $ou. LNo( Ro#ert( not $ou. LThen 2hoJ LThe Lord. He s;iled( as i: &leased to ha8e co;e to the ri%ht decision. LLet this #e decided #$ co;#at. Surel$ od 2ill side 2ith the one 2hose cause is ri%hteous. AltaKr 2atched Ro#ert care:ull$. He sa2 the loo' that &assed across the Te;&lars :ace( de Sa#le no dou#t recallin% the last ti;e the$ had ;et 2hen he had easil$ #ested AltaKr. AltaKr 2as recallin% the sa;e encounter. He 2as tellin% hi;sel: that he 2as a di::erent 2arrior no2@ last ti;e he had #een handica&&ed #$ arro%ance( 2hich 2as 2h$ he had #een so easil$ de:eated. He 2as tr$in% not to recall the 'ni%hts %reat stren%th. Ho2 he had &ic'ed u& and tossed AltaKr as easil$ as he:tin% a sac' o: 2heat. De Sa#le 2as re;e;#erin% that( thou%h( and he turned to "in% Richard( #o2in% his head in assent. LI: that is 2hat $ou 2ish( he said. LIt is. LSo #e it. To ar;s( Assassin. The "in% and his ri%htFhand ;en stood to one side 2hile the re;ainin% ;e;#ers o:

the #od$%uard :or;ed a rin% around AltaKr and the s;ilin% de Sa#le. !nli'e AltaKr he 2as not alread$ #attle2orn and 2ear$. He 2ore ar;our 2here AltaKr had onl$ a ro#e. He had not su::ered the cuts and #lo2s that AltaKr had recei8ed in his #attle to reach the clearin%. He 'ne2 that( too. As he &ulled on chain;ail %auntlets and one o: the ;en ca;e :or2ard to hel& hi; 2ith his hel;et( he 'ne2 that he had the ad8anta%e in e8er$ 2a$. LSo( he said( tauntin%( L2e :ace each other once ;ore. Let us ho&e $ou &ro8e ;ore o: a challen%e this ti;e. LI a; not the ;an $ou :aced inside the Te;&le( said AltaKr( raisin% his s2ord. The thunder o: the %reat #attle o: Arsu: see;ed distant no2H his 2orld had shrun' to Eust this circle. ?ust hi; and de Sa#le. L3ou loo' the sa;e to ;e( said de Sa#le. He raised his s2ord to address AltaKr. In re&l$ the Assassin did the sa;e. The$ stood( Ro#ert de Sa#le 2ith his 2ei%ht adEusted to his #ac' :oot( e8identl$ eD&ectin% AltaKr to co;e :or2ard :irst. But the Assassin clai;ed the :irst sur&rise o: the duel( re;ainin% un;o8ed( 2aitin% instead :or de Sa#les attac'. LA&&earances can decei8e( he said. LTrue. True( said de Sa#le( 2ith a 2r$ s;ile and( in the 8er$ neDt second( struc'( and cho&&ed hard 2ith his s2ord. The Assassin #loc'ed. The :orce o: de Sa#les stri'e al;ost 'noc'ed the s2ord :ro; his hand( #ut he &arried and s'i&&ed to the side( tr$in% to :ind a 2a$ inside de Sa#les %uards. The Te;&lars #roads2ord 2as three ti;es the 2ei%ht o: his #lade( and thou%h 'ni%hts 2ere :a;ed :or their dedication to s2ord trainin% and usuall$ had the stren%th to ;atch( the$ 2ere ne8ertheless slo2er. De Sa#le could #e ;ore de8astatin% in his attac'( #ut he could ne8er #e as :ast. That 2as ho2 AltaKr could #eat hi;. His ;ista'e #e:ore had #een to allo2 de Sa#le to use his ad8anta%es. His stren%th no2 2as to den$ hi; the;. Still con:ident( de Sa#le &ressed :or2ard. LSoon this 2ill #e o8er and 9as$a: 2ill :all( he ;uttered( so close 2ith the ;i%ht$ #lade that AltaKr heard it 2histle &ast his ear. L9$ #rothers are stron%er than $ou thin'( he re&lied. Their steel clashed once ;ore. LWell 'no2 the truth o: that soon enou%h( %rinned de Sa#le. But AltaKr danced. He de:ended and &arried and de:lected( cuttin% nic's in de Sa#le( o&enin% %ashes in the ;ail( landin% t2o or three stunnin% #lo2s on the 'ni%hts hel;et. Then de Sa#le 2as #ac'in% a2a$ to %ather his stren%th( &erha&s realiIin% no2 that AltaKr 2ouldnt #e the eas$ 'ill he had assu;ed. LOh( he said. LSo the child has learned to use a #lade. LI8e had a lot o: &ractice. 3our ;en sa2 to that. LThe$ 2ere sacri:iced in ser8ice to a hi%her cause. LAs 2ill $ou #e. De Sa#le lea&ed :or2ard( 2ieldin% the %reat s2ord and al;ost 'noc'in% AltaKrs #lade :ro; his hand. But the Assassin #ent and t2isted in one eas$ ;o8e;ent ra;;in% #ac' 2ith the hilt o: his 2ea&on so that de Sa#le 2as sent stu;#lin% #ac'( :allin% o8er his o2n :eet. The 2ind ca;e out o: hi; and he 2as onl$ Eust &re8ented :ro; :allin% to the dust #$ the 'ni%hts :or;in% the rin%( 2ho ri%hted hi; so that he stood there( #ristlin% 2ith :ur$ and #reathin% hea8il$. LThe ti;e :or %a;es is endedQ he #ello2ed( as thou%h sa$in% it loudl$ ;i%ht so;eho2 ;a'e it co;e true( and he s&ran% :or2ard( #ut 2ith no deadl$ %race no2. With nothin% ;ore deadl$ than #lind ho&e. LIt ended lon% a%o( said AltaKr. He :elt a %reat cal;ness( 'no2in% no2 that he 2as &ure < &ure Assassin. That he 2as to de:eat Ro#ert de Sa#le 2ith thou%ht as ;uch as ;i%ht. And as de Sa#le &ressed :or2ard once ;ore( his attac' ;ore ra%%ed this ti;e( ;ore des&erate( AltaKr easil$ :ended hi; o::.

LI do not 'no2 2here $our stren%th co;es :ro; P %as&ed de Sa#le. LSo;e tric'. Or is it dru%sJ LIt is as $our 'in% said. Ri%hteousness 2ill al2a$s triu;&h o8er %reed. L9$ cause is ri%hteousQ cried de Sa#le( %runtin% no2 as he li:ted his s2ord( al;ost &ain:ull$ slo2l$. AltaKr sa2 the :aces o: his ;en. Could see the; 2aitin% :or hi; to deli8er the 'illin% #lo2. Which he did. Dri8in% his s2ord strai%ht throu%h the centre o: the red cross de Sa#le 2ore( &artin% the 'ni%hts ;ail and &iercin% his chest.


De Sa#le %as&ed. His e$es 2idened and his ;outh dro&&ed o&en( hands %oin% to the #lade that i;&aled hi;( e8en as AltaKr 2ithdre2 it. A red stain s&read across his tunic( and he sta%%ered( then san' to his 'nees. His s2ord dro&&ed and his ar;s dan%led. Strai%ht a2a$ AltaKrs e$es 2ent to the ;en :or;in% a rin% around the;. He 2as hal: eD&ectin% the; to attac' at the si%ht o: the Te;&lar rand 9aster d$in%. But the$ re;ained still. Past the; AltaKr sa2 "in% Richard( his chin tilted as thou%h the turn o: e8ents had done little ;ore than &iGue his curiosit$. No2 AltaKr #ent to de Sa#le( cradlin% hi; 2ith one ar; and la$in% hi; on the %round. LIts done( then( he told hi;. L3our sche;es < li'e $ou < are &ut to rest. In res&onse( de Sa#le chortled dril$. L3ou 'no2 nothin% o: sche;es( he said. L3oure #ut a &u&&et. He #etra$ed $ou( #o$. ?ust as he #etra$ed ;e. LS&ea' sense( Te;&lar( hissed AltaKr( Lor not at all. He stole a loo' at the ;en o: the rin%. The$ re;ained i;&assi8e. LNine ;en he sent $ou to 'ill( $esJ said de Sa#le. LThe nine 2ho %uarded the Treasures secret. It 2as al2a$s nine 2ho had that tas'( the res&onsi#ilit$ handed do2n throu%h %enerations o: Te;&lars. Al;ost a hundred $ears a%o( the "ni%hts Te;&lar had :or;ed and ;ade the Te;&le 9ount their #ase. The$ had co;e to%ether to &rotect those ;a'in% the &il%ri;a%e to the holiest o: holies and li8ed their li8es as 2arrior ;on's < or so the$ ;aintained. But( as all #ut the ;ost %ulli#le 'ne2( the Te;&lars had ;ore on their ;inds than hel&less &il%ri;s. In :act( the$ 2ere searchin% :or treasure and hol$ relics 2ithin the Te;&le o: Solo;on. Nine( al2a$s( 2ere tas'ed 2ith :indin% it( and nine had :inall$ done so@ de Sa#le( Ta;ir( de Na&louse( Talal( de 9ont:errat( 9aEd Addin( ?u#air( Si#rand( A#ul NuGoud. The nine 2ho 'ne2. The nine 8icti;s. LWhat o: itJ said AltaKr care:ull$. Thou%ht:ull$. LIt 2asnt nine 2ho :ound the Treasure( Assassin( s;iled de Sa#le. The li:e :orce 2as see&in% :ast :ro; hi; no2. LNot nine #ut ten. LA tenthJ None ;a$ li8e 2ho carr$ the secret. i8e ;e his na;e. LOh( #ut $ou 'no2 hi; 2ell. And I dou#t 8er$ ;uch $oud ta'e his li:e as 2illin%l$ as $ou8e ta'en ;ine. LWhoJ as'ed AltaKr( #ut he alread$ 'ne2. He understood 2hat it 2as no2 that had #een #otherin% hi;. The one ;$ster$ that had eluded hi;. LIt is $our ;aster( said de Sa#le. LAl 9uali;. LBut he is not a Te;&lar( said AltaKr( still not 2antin% to #elie8e. Thou%h he 'ne2 in his heart it 2as true. Al 9uali;( 2ho had raised hi; al;ost as his o2n son. Who had trained and tutored hi;. He had also #etra$ed hi;. LDid $ou ne8er 2onder ho2 he 'ne2 so ;uchJ &ressed de Sa#le( as AltaKr :elt his 2orld :allin% a2a$ :ro; hi;. LWhere to :ind us( ho2 ;an$ 2e nu;#ered( 2hat 2e as&ired to attainJ LHe is the 9aster o: the Assassins P &rotested AltaKr( still not 2antin% to #elie8e. 3et P it :elt as thou%h the ;$ster$ 2as :inall$ sol8ed. It 2as true. He al;ost lau%hed. E8er$thin% he 'ne2( it 2as an illusion. LOui. 9aster o: lies( ;ana%ed de Sa#le. L3ou and I Eust t2o ;ore &a2ns in his %rand %a;e. And no2 P 2ith ;$ death( onl$ $ou re;ain. Do $ou thin' hell let $ou li8e < 'no2in% 2hat $ou doJ LI8e no interest in the Treasure( retorted AltaKr. LAh P #ut he does. The onl$ di::erence #et2een $our ;aster and I is that he did not 2ant to share. LNo P LIronic( isnt itJ That I < $our %reatest ene;$ < 'e&t $ou sa:e :ro; har;. But no2 $ou8e ta'en ;$ li:e < and( in the &rocess( ended $our o2n.

AltaKr too' a dee& #reath( still tr$in% to co;&rehend 2hat had ha&&ened. He :elt a rush o: e;otions@ an%er( hurt( loneliness. Then he reached and #rushed de Sa#les e$elids closed. LWe do not al2a$s :ind the thin%s 2e see'( he intoned( and stood( &re&ared to ;eet death i: the Crusaders 2ished. Perha&s e8en ho&in% the$ 2ould. LWell :ou%ht( Assassin( ca;e the cr$ :ro; his ri%ht( and he turned to see Richard stridin% o8er to the rin%( 2hich &arted to allo2 hi; throu%h. LIt see;s od :a8ours $our cause this da$. L od had nothin% to do 2ith it. I 2as the #etter :i%hter. LAh. 3ou ;a$ not #elie8e in hi;( #ut it see;s he #elie8es in $ou. Be:ore $ou %o( I ha8e a Guestion. LAs' it then( said AltaKr. He 2as 8er$ 2ear$ all o: a sudden. He lon%ed to lie in the shade o: a &al;@ to slee&( to disa&&ear. To die( e8en. LWh$J Wh$ tra8el all this 2a$( ris' $our li:e a thousand ti;es( all to 'ill a sin%le ;anJ LHe threatened ;$ #rothers and 2hat 2e stand :or. LAh. Ven%eance( thenJ AltaKr loo'ed do2n at the #od$ o: Ro#ert de Sa#le and realiIed that( no( 8en%eance had not #een on his ;ind 2hen he had 'illed hi;. He had done 2hat he had done :or the Order. He %a8e 8oice to his thou%hts. LNo. Not 8en%eance. ?ustice. That there ;i%ht #e &eace. LThis is 2hat $ou :i%ht :orJ said Richard( e$e#ro2s raised. LPeaceJ Do $ou see the contradictionJ He s2e&t an ar; around the area( a %esture that too' in the #attle still ra%in% #elo2 the;( the #odies scattered a#out the clearin% and( last( the stillF2ar; cor&se o: Ro#ert de Sa#le. LSo;e ;en cannot #e reasoned 2ith. LLi'e that ;ad;an Saladin( si%hed Richard. AltaKr loo'ed at hi;. He sa2 a :air and Eust 'in%. LI thin' hed li'e to see an end to this 2ar as ;uch as $ou 2ould. LSo I8e heard( #ut ne8er seen. LE8en i: he doesnt sa$ it( its 2hat the &eo&le 2ant( AltaKr told hi;. LSaracen and Crusader ali'e. LThe &eo&le 'no2 not 2hat the$ 2ant. Its 2h$ the$ turn to ;en li'e us. LThen it :alls to ;en li'e $ou to do 2hat is ri%ht. Richard snorted. LNonsense. We co;e into the 2orld 'ic'in% and screa;in%. Violent and unsta#le. It is 2hat 2e are. We cannot hel& oursel8es. LNo. We are 2hat 2e choose to #e. Richard s;iled rue:ull$. L3our 'ind P Al2a$s &la$in% 2ith 2ords. LI s&ea' the truth( said AltaKr. LTheres no tric' to #e :ound here. LWell 'no2 soon enou%h. But I :ear $ou cannot ha8e 2hat $ou desire this da$. E8en no2 that heathen Saladin cuts throu%h ;$ ;en and I ;ust attend to the;. But &erha&s( ha8in% seen ho2 8ulnera#le he is( he 2ill reconsider his actions. 3es. In ti;e 2hat $ou see' ;a$ #e &ossi#le. L3ou 2ere no ;ore secure than hi;( said AltaKr. LDo not :or%et that. The ;en $ou le:t #ehind to rule in $our stead did not intend to ser8e $ou :or lon%er than the$ had to. L3es. 3es. I a; 2ell a2are. LThen Ill ta'e ;$ lea8e( said AltaKr. L9$ ;aster and I ha8e ;uch to discuss. It see;s that e8en he is not 2ithout :ault. Richard nodded. LHe is onl$ hu;an. As are 2e all. 3ou as 2ell. LSa:et$ and &eace #e u&on $ou( said AltaKr( and he le:t( his thou%hts %oin% to 9as$a:. Its #eaut$ see;ed tainted #$ 2hat he had learned a#out Al 9uali;. He

needed to ride :or ho;e. He needed to &ut thin%s ri%ht.


9as$a: 2as not as he had le:t it@ that ;uch #eco;e clear :ro; the ;o;ent he arri8ed at the sta#les. The horses &a2ed and 2hinnied #ut there 2ere no sta#le lads to see to the; or to ta'e AltaKrs ;ount. He ran throu%h the o&en ;ain %ates and into the court$ard( 2here he 2as struc' #$ the silence( the co;&lete a#sence not Eust o: sound #ut o: at;os&here. Here the sun stru%%led to shine( %i8in% the 8illa%e a %re$( o8ercast tint. Birds no lon%er san%. The :ountain no lon%er tin'led and there 2as none o: the hu##u# o: e8er$da$ li:e. Stalls 2ere set out #ut there 2ere no 8illa%ers hurr$in% this 2a$ and that( tal'in% eDcitedl$ or #arterin% :or %oods. There 2ere no ani;al sounds. ?ust an eerie P nothin%. He stared u& the hill to2ards the citadel( seein% no one. As e8er( he 2ondered i: Al 9uali; 2as in his to2er( loo'in% do2n u&on hi;. Could he see hi;J Then his e$e 2as cau%ht #$ a lone :i%ure ;a'in% his 2a$ to2ards hi;. A 8illa%er. LWhats ha&&ened hereJ AltaKr de;anded o: hi;. LWhere is e8er$oneJ L one to see the 9aster( said the citiIen. It sounded li'e a chant. Li'e a ;antra. His e$es 2ere %lass$( and a ro&e o: drool hun% :ro; his ;outh. AltaKr had seen that loo' #e:ore. He had seen it on the :aces o: those in thrall to arnier de Na&louse. The craI$ ;en < or so he had thou%ht at the ti;e. The$ had had that e;&t$( %laIed loo'. LWas it the Te;&larsJ said AltaKr. LDid the$ attac' a%ainJ LThe$ 2al' the &ath( re&lied the 8illa%er. LWhat &athJ What are $ou tal'in% a#outJ LTo2ards the li%ht( intoned the ;an. His 8oice had ta'en on a sin%son% Gualit$. LS&ea' sense( de;anded AltaKr. LThere is onl$ 2hat the 9aster sho2s us. This is the truth. L3ou8e lost $our ;ind( s&at AltaKr. L3ou( too( 2ill 2al' the &ath or $ou 2ill &erish. So the 9aster co;;ands. Al 9uali;( thou%ht AltaKr. So it 2as true. It 2as all true. He had #een #etra$ed. Nothin% 2as true. LWhat has he done to $ouJ he said to the 8illa%er. LPraise #e to the 9aster( :or he has led us to the li%ht P AltaKr ran on( lea8in% the ;an #ehind( a solitar$ :i%ure in the deserted ;ar'et&lace. He ran u& the slo&es( co;in% to the u&land( and there :ound a %rou& o: Assassins 2aitin% :or hi;( their s2ords dra2n. He dre2 his o2n( 'no2in% he could not use it. Not to 'ill an$2a$. These Assassins( thou%h the$ ;eant to 'ill hi;( had #een #rain2ashed into doin% it. "illin% the; 2ould #reach one o: the tenets. He 2as 2ear$ o: #rea'in% the Creed. He 2as ne8er %oin% to do it a%ain. But P With dead e$es the$ closed in on hi;. Were the$ in a trance li'e the othersJ Would their ;o8e;ents #e Eust as slu%%ishJ He di&&ed his shoulder and char%ed the;( 'noc'in% the :irst one do2n. Another %ra##ed at hi;( #ut he cau%ht hold o: the Assassins ro#e( too' a #unch o: it in his :ist and s2un% hi;( 'noc'in% do2n t2o ;ore o: his attac'ers to ;a'e a %a& that he 2as a#le to run throu%h. Then( :ro; a#o8e( he heard his na;e #ein% called. 9ali' 2as standin% on the &ro;ontor$ #$ the :ortress a&&roach. With hi; 2ere ?a#al o: Acre and t2o ;ore Assassins he didnt reco%niIe. He :ound hi;sel: stud$in% the;. Had the$( too( #een #rain2ashedJ Dru%%edJ Whate8er it 2as that Al 9uali; 2as doin%J But no. 9ali' 2as 2a8in% his %ood ar;( and thou%h AltaKr had ne8er concei8ed o: a da$ 2hen he ;i%ht #e &leased to see 9ali'( here it 2as. LAltaKr. !& here. L3ou &ic'ed a :ine ti;e to arri8e( %rinned AltaKr. LSo it see;s. L uard $oursel: 2ell( :riend( AltaKr told hi;. LAl 9uali; has #etra$ed us. He 2as

&re&ared :or dis#elie:( e8en an%er :ro; 9ali'( 2ho trusted and re8ered Al 9uali; and de:erred to hi; in all ;atters. But 9ali' ;erel$ nodded sadl$. LBetra$ed his Te;&lar allies as 2ell( he said. LHo2 do $ou 'no2J LA:ter 2e s&o'e I returned to the ruins #eneath Solo;ons Te;&le. Ro#ert had 'e&t a Eournal. Ailled its &a%es 2ith re8elations. What I read there #ro'e ;$ heart P But it also o&ened ;$ e$es. 3ou 2ere ri%ht( AltaKr. All alon% our ;aster has used us. We 2ere not ;eant to sa8e the Hol$ Land( #ut deli8er it to hi;. He ;ust #e sto&&ed. LBe care:ul( 9ali'( 2arned AltaKr. LWhat hes done to the others hell do to us( %i8en the chance. 3ou ;ust sta$ :ar :ro; hi;. LWhat 2ould $ou &ro&oseJ 9$ #lade ar; is still stron% and ;$ ;en re;ain ;$ o2n. It 2ould #e a ;ista'e not to use us. LDistract these thralls( then. Assault the :ortress :ro; #ehind. I: $ou can dra2 their attention a2a$ :ro; ;e( I ;i%ht reach Al 9uali;. LI 2ill do as $ou as'. LThe ;en 2e :ace < their ;inds are not their o2n. I: $ou can a8oid 'illin% the; P L3es. Thou%h he has #etra$ed the tenets o: the Creed( it does not ;ean 2e ;ust as 2ell. Ill do 2hat I can. LIts all I as'( said AltaKr. 9ali' turned to lea8e hi;. LSa:et$ and &eace( ;$ :riend( said Altair. 9ali' s;iled 2r$l$. L3our &resence here 2ill deli8er us #oth. AltaKr dashed alon% the #ar#ican to the ;ain court$ard and no2 he disco8ered 2h$ there had #een no 8illa%ers in the ;ar'et&lace. The$ 2ere all here( cro2ded into the court$ard( :illin% it. The 2hole 8illa%e surel$. The$ ;illed around ai;lessl$( as thou%h #arel$ a#le to li:t their heads. As AltaKr 2atched( he sa2 a ;an and a 2o;an collide( and the 2o;an :all( landin% hea8il$ on her #ac'side. Neither ac'no2led%ed it( thou%h. No sur&rise( no &ain( no a&olo%ies or an%r$ 2ords. The ;an sta%%ered a little( then ;o8ed o::. The 2o;an sta$ed seated( i%nored #$ the other 8illa%ers. Cautiousl$( AltaKr ;o8ed throu%h the; to2ards the to2er( struc' #$ the silence( Eust the sound o: dra%%in% :eet and the odd ;ur;ur. LThe 2ill o: the 9aster ;ust #e o#e$ed( he heard. LO Al 9uali;. uide us. Co;;and us. LThe 2orld 2ill #e cleansed. We 2ill #e%in ane2. The ne2 order( he thou%ht( dictated #$ the "ni%hts Te;&lar( $es( #ut one Te;&lar a#o8e all. Al 9uali;. He ca;e into the entrance hall o: the to2er( no %uards there to %reet hi;. ?ust the sa;e sense o: thic'( e;&t$ air. As thou%h an in8isi#le ;ist hun% o8er the entire co;&leD. Loo'in% u& he sa2 that a 2rou%htFiron %ate 2as o&en. The %ate that led to the court$ard and %ardens at the rear o: the to2er. Wis&s o: li%ht see;ed to han% in the air #$ the &ortal( as thou%h #ec'onin% hi; on2ards( and he hesitated( 'no2in% that to %o throu%h 2as to &la$ into Al 9uali;s hands. Thou%h( surel$( i: the 9aster 2anted hi; dead( hed alread$ #e dead. He dre2 his s2ord and ascended the stairs( realiIin% that hed instincti8el$ thou%ht o: Al 9uali; as Lthe 9aster 2hen he 2as no lon%er AltaKrs ;aster. He had ceased to #e his ;aster the ;o;ent AltaKr had disco8ered that Al 9uali; 2as a Te;&lar. He 2as the ene;$ no2. He sto&&ed at the door2a$ to the %arden. Too' a dee& #reath. What la$ on the other side he had no idea( #ut there 2as onl$ one 2a$ to :ind out.

It 2as dar' in the %arden. AltaKr could hear the lo2 #a##le o: a strea; and the soothin% cascade o: a 2ater:all( #ut other2ise the air 2as still. He ca;e to a ;ar#le terrace( the sur:ace s;ooth #eneath his #oots( and he loo'ed around( sGuintin% at the dar'( irre%ular sha&es o: trees and &a8ilions dotted a#out hi;. Suddenl$ he heard a noise :ro; #ehind hi;. The %ate sla;;ed shut and there 2as a clan' as thou%h a #olt had #een thro2n #$ unseen hands. Altair s&un. His e$es 2ent u& and he sa2 Al 9uali; standin% on the #alcon$ o: his li#rar$( loo'in% do2n at hi; on the terrace. He held so;ethin%@ the Treasure ta'en :ro; the Te;&le 9ount( the Piece o: Eden. It %lo2ed 2ith a &o2er that &ainted Al 9uali; a dus'$ oran%e( 2hich intensi:ied as AltaKr 2atched. Suddenl$ the Assassin 2as %ri&&ed #$ an incredi#le &ain. He screa;ed < and :ound that he 2as #ein% raised :ro; the %round( i;&risoned #$ a shi;;erin% cone o: #ri%ht li%ht controlled #$ the outstretched hand o: Al 9uali;( the A&&le &ulsin% li'e a ;uscle :leDin% and tensin%. LWhats ha&&enin%J cried AltaKr( de:enceless in the arte:acts %ras&( &aral$sed #$ it. LSo the student returns( said Al 9uali;( e8enl$. He s&o'e 2ith a 8ictors assurance. LI8e ne8er #een one to run( returned AltaKr( de:iant. Al 9uali; chortled. None o: this < none o: it < see;ed to #other hi;. LNe8er #een one to listen( either( he said. LI still li8e #ecause o: it. AltaKr stru%%led a%ainst his in8isi#le #onds. The A&&le &ulsed in res&onse and the li%ht see;ed to &ress in on hi;( restrictin% hi; e8en ;ore. LWhat 2ill I do 2ith $ouJ Al 9uali; s;iled. LLet ;e %o( snarled AltaKr. He had no thro2in% 'ni8es #ut( :ree o: these shac'les( he could reach the old ;an in Eust a :e2 #ounds. Al 9uali; 2ould ha8e a :e2 last ;o;ents to ad;ire his cli;#in% s'ills #e:ore AltaKr slid his #lade into his %ut. LOh( Altair. I hear the hatred in $our 8oice( said Al 9uali;. LI :eel its heat. Let $ou %oJ That 2ould #e un2ise. LWh$ are $ou doin% thisJ as'ed AltaKr. Al 9uali; see;ed to consider. LI #elie8ed once. Did $ou 'no2 thatJ I thou%ht there 2as a od. A od 2ho lo8ed and loo'ed a:ter us( 2ho sent &ro&hets to %uide and co;:ort us. Who ;ade ;iracles to re;ind us o: his &o2er. LWhat chan%edJ LI :ound &roo:. LProo: o: 2hatJ LThat it is all an illusion. And 2ith a 2a8e o: his hand he released AltaKr :ro; the i;&risonin% li%ht. AltaKr eD&ected to dro&( then realiIed he had ne8er #een sus&ended at all. Con:used( he loo'ed around hi;sel:( sensin% a ne2 chan%e in the at;os&here( a #uildin% o: &ressure he :elt in his eardru;s( li'e the ;o;ents #e:ore a stor;. A#o8e hi; on the li#rar$ #alcon$( Al 9uali; 2as raisin% the A&&le a#o8e his head( intonin% so;ethin%. LCo;e. Destro$ the #etra$er. Send hi; :ro; this 2orld. Suddenl$ :i%ures 2ere a&&earin% around AltaKr( snarlin%( teeth #ared( read$ :or co;#atH :i%ures he reco%niIed #ut :ound hard to &lace at :irst < #ut then did@ the$ 2ere his nine tar%ets( his nine 8icti;s returned :ro; the other li:e to this one. He sa2 arnier de Na&louse( 2ho stood 2earin% his #loodFstained a&ron( a s2ord in his hand( loo'in% at Altair 2ith &it$in% e$es. He sa2 Ta;ir( 2ho held his da%%er( his e$es %lintin% 2ith e8il intent( and Talal( his #o2 o8er his shoulder( s2ord in hand. Willia; de 9ont:errat( 2ho %rinned 2ic'edl$( dre2 his 2ea&on and %rounded it( #idin% his ti;e #e:ore the attac'. A#ul NuGoud and 9aEd Addin 2ere there( ?u#air( Si#rand and( last( Ro#ert de Sa#le. All o: his tar%ets( sent :ro; the 2orld #$ AltaKr and su;;oned #ac' to it #$ Al

9uali; so that the$ ;i%ht ha8e their re8en%e. And the$ attac'ed. 9aEd Addin he 2as &leased to dis&atch :irst( :or a second ti;e. A#ul NuGoud 2as as :at and co;ical in his resurrected :or; as he had #een the :irst ti;e around. He san' to his 'nees on the &oint o: AltaKrs s2ord( #ut instead o: re;ainin% on the %round( he 8anished( lea8in% Eust a distur#ance in the air #ehind hi;( a ri&&le o: disru&ted s&ace. Talal( de 9ont:errat( Si#rand and de Sa#le 2ere the ;ost s'illed :i%hters and( accordin%l$( the$ hun% #ac'( allo2in% the 2ea'er a;on% the; to %o :or2ard :irst in the ho&e o: tirin% AltaKr. The Assassin dashed :ro; the ;ar#le terrace and lea&ed :ro; the rid%e( landin% on a second sGuare o: decorated ;ar#le( this one 2ith a 2ater:all near#$. The tar%ets :ollo2ed hi;. Ta;ir died screa;in% at one( t2o slashes o: AltaKrs s2ord. The Assassin :elt nothin%. No re;orse. Not e8en %rati:ication at seein% the ;en die a deser8ed second death. De Na&louse 8anished as the others had( his throat cut. ?u#air :ell. Talal he %ra##ed( and the t2o %ra&&led #e:ore AltaKr dro8e his s2ord dee& into his sto;ach and he( too( 2as nothin% #ut an a#sence. 9ont:errat 2as neDt to %o. Si#rand :ollo2ed hi;( then de Sa#le( until once ;ore AltaKr 2as alone in the %arden 2ith Al 9uali;. LAace ;e( de;anded AltaKr( catchin% his #reath. The s2eat &oured :ro; hi; #ut he 'ne2 the #attle 2as :ar :ro; o8er. It had onl$ Eust #e%un. LOr are $ou a:raidJ Al 9uali; sco::ed. LI ha8e stood #e:ore a thousand ;en < all o: the; su&erior to $ou. And all o: the; dead < #$ ;$ hand. With a litheness and athleticis; #el$in% his $ears( he Eu;&ed :ro; the #alcon$( landin% in a crouch not :ar a2a$ :ro; AltaKr. He still held the A&&le. He clas&ed it as thou%h he 2as &ro::erin% it to AltaKr and his :ace 2as #athed in its li%ht. LI a; not a:raid( said Al 9uali;. LPro8e it( challen%ed AltaKr( 'no2in% that Al 9uali; 2ould see throu%h his &lo$ < his &lo$ to #rin% the traitor close. But i: he did < and he surel$ did < then he cared nothin%. He 2as ri%ht. He 2as una:raid < una:raid #ecause he had the A&&le( 2hich 2as #urnin% e8en ;ore #ri%htl$. DaIIlin%. The 2hole o: the area 2as lit u&( then Eust as Guic'l$ dar'ened a%ain. As AltaKrs e$es adEusted he sa2 co&ies o: Al 9uali; a&&ear( as thou%h %enerated :ro; 2ithin the #od$ o: the 9aster hi;sel:. He tensed. He 2ondered i: these co&ies( li'e those he had Eust :ou%ht( 2ould #e in:erior( 2ea'er 8ersions o: the ori%inal. LWhat could I &ossi#l$ :earJ Al 9uali; 2as ;oc'in% hi; no2. , ood. Let hi; ;oc'. Let hi; #e careless.- LLoo' at the &o2er I co;;and. The co&ies ca;e to AltaKr( and once a%ain he 2as :i%htin%. Once a%ain the %arden ran% to the chi;es o: crashin% steel < and as the co&ies :ell #eneath AltaKrs #lade the$ 8anished. !ntil he 2as a%ain alone 2ith Al 9uali;. He stood( tr$in% to re%ain his #reath( :eelin% eDhausted no2( then once a%ain he 2as e;#raced #$ the &o2er o: the A&&le( 2hich s&ar'led and thro##ed in Al 9uali;s hand. LHa8e $ou an$ :inal 2ordsJ said Al 9uali;. L3ou lied to ;e( said AltaKr. L3ou called Ro#erts %oal :oul < 2hen all alon% it 2as $ours as 2ell. LI8e ne8er #een ;uch %ood at sharin%( said Al 9uali;( al;ost rue:ul. L3ou 2ont succeed. Others 2ill :ind the stren%th to stand a%ainst $ou. At this Al 9uali; si%hed hea8il$. LAnd that is 2h$( as lon% as ;en ;aintain :ree 2ill( there can #e no &eace. LI 'illed the last ;an 2ho said as ;uch. Al 9uali; lau%hed. LBold 2ords( #o$. But Eust 2ords. LThen let ;e %o. Ill &ut 2ords into action. AltaKrs ;ind 2as racin% no2 as he searched :or so;ethin% to sa$ that 2ould incite

Al 9uali; to carelessness. LTell ;e( 9aster( 2h$ did $ou not ;a'e ;e li'e the other AssassinsJ Wh$ allo2 ;e to retain ;$ ;indJ LWho $ou are and 2hat $ou do are ent2ined too ti%htl$ to%ether. To ro# $ou o: one 2ould ha8e de&ri8ed ;e o: the other. And those Te;&lars had to die. He si%hed. LBut the truth is( I did tr$. In ;$ stud$( 2hen I sho2ed $ou the Treasure P But $ou are not li'e the others. 3ou sa2 throu%h the illusion. AltaKrs ;ind returned to the a:ternoon 2hen Al 9uali; had sho2n hi; the Treasure. He had :elt its lure then( that 2as true( #ut he had resisted te;&tation. He 2ondered i: he 2ould #e a#le to do so inde:initel$. Its insidious &o2ers see;ed to 2or' on all 2ho ca;e into contact 2ith it. E8en Al 9uali;( 2ho; once he had idoliIed( 2ho had #een a :ather to hi;( and had #een a %ood ;an then( :air and Eust and te;&erate( concerned onl$ 2ith the 2ellF#ein% o: the Order and those 2ho ser8ed it < #ut he had #een corru&ted. The %lo2 o: the A&&le cast his :ace in a %hastl$ hue. It had done the sa;e to his soul. LIllusionJ said AltaKr( still thin'in% o: that a:ternoon. Al 9uali; lau%hed. LThats all an$thin%s e8er #een. This Te;&lar Treasure. This Piece o: Eden. This Word o: od. Do $ou understand no2J The Red Sea 2as ne8er &arted. Water ne8er turned to 2ine. It 2as not the ;achinations o: Eris that s&a2ned the TroEan War( #ut this P He held u& the A&&le. LIllusions < all o: the;. LWhat $ou &lan is no less an illusion( insisted AltaKr. LTo :orce ;en to :ollo2 $ou a%ainst their 2ill. LIs it an$ less real than the &hanto;s the Saracens and Crusaders :ollo2 no2J Those cra8en %ods 2ho retreat :ro; this 2orld that ;en ;i%ht slau%hter one another in their na;esJ The$ li8e a;on% an illusion alread$. I; si;&l$ %i8in% the; another. One that de;ands less #lood. LAt least the$ choose these &hanto;s( ar%ued AltaKr. LDo the$J Aside :ro; the occasional con8ert or hereticJ LIt isnt ri%ht( sna&&ed AltaKr. LAh. No2 lo%ic has le:t $ou. In its &lace $ou e;#race e;otion. I a; disa&&ointed. LWhats to #e done( thenJ L3ou 2ill not :ollo2 ;e and I cannot co;&el $ou. LAnd $ou re:use to %i8e u& this e8il sche;e. LIt see;s( then( 2e are at an i;&asse. LNo. We are at an end( said AltaKr( and &erha&s Al 9uali; 2as correct( :or he :ound hi;sel: :i%htin% a 2a8e o: e;otion. O: #etra$al and sadness and so;ethin% he could not Guite &lace at :irst #ut then did. Loneliness. Al 9uali; dre2 his s2ord. LI 2ill ;iss $ou( AltaKr. 3ou 2ere ;$ 8er$ #est student. AltaKr 2atched the $ears :all a2a$ :ro; Al 9uali; as he too' u& &osition( read$in% his s2ord and :orcin% AltaKr to do the sa;e. He s'i&&ed to the side( testin% AltaKrs %uard( and AltaKr realiIed he had ne8er seen hi; ;o8e so Guic'l$. The Al 9uali; he 'ne2 &aced slo2l$( 2al'ed unhurriedl$ across the court$ard( ;ade slo2( s2ee&in% %estures. This one ;o8ed li'e a s2ords;an < 2ho thrust :or2ard( slashin% 2ith his #lade. Then( as AltaKr de:ended( he adEusted the attac' to a Ea#. AltaKr 2as :orced to his toes( his ar; #ent as he s2e&t his #lade #ac' to de:lect Al 9uali;s o::ensi8e. The ;o8e le:t hi; o:: #alance and( 2ith the %uard on his le:t side do2n( Al 9uali; sa2 his chance and ca;e in 2ith a second Guic' s2i&e that ;et its ;ar'. AltaKr 2inced( :eelin% the 2ound on his hi& lea' #lood( #ut dared not loo'. He couldnt ta'e his e$es :ro; Al 9uali; :or one second. O&&osite hi;( Al 9uali; s;iled. A s;ile that said he had tau%ht the $oun% &u& a lesson. He ste&&ed to his side( then :ei%ned an attac'( %oin% :irst one 2a$ then the other( ho&in% to catch AltaKr o:: %uard. Ai%htin% &ain and :ati%ue( AltaKr ca;e :or2ard 2ith an o::ensi8e o: his o2n < ta'in%

Al 9uali; #$ sur&rise( he 2as &leased to see. But thou%h he ;ade contact < he thou%ht he ;ade contact < the 9aster see;ed to slide a2a$ as thou%h trans&ortin%. LBlind( AltaKr( chuc'led Al 9uali;. LBlind is all $ou8e e8er #een. All $oull e8er #e. A%ain( he attac'ed. AltaKr 2as too slo2 to react in ti;e( :eelin% Al 9uali;s #lade slash his ar; and cr$in% out 2ith the &ain. He couldnt ta'e ;uch ;ore o: this. He 2as too tired. He 2as losin% #lood. It 2as as thou%h the ener%$ 2as #ein% slo2l$ drained :ro; hi;. The A&&le( his 2ounds( his eDhaustion@ all 2ere co;#inin% slo2l$ #ut surel$ to cri&&le hi;. I: he couldnt turn the #attle soon he :aced de:eat. But the old ;an 2as lettin% the A&&le ;a'e hi; careless. E8en as he 2as %loatin% AltaKr danced :or2ard and struc' a%ain( his s2ord&oint stri'in% ho;e( dra2in% #lood. Al 9uali; shouted in &ain( trans&orted then rea&&eared( snarlin% and launchin% his neDt o::ensi8e. Aei%nin% an attac' to the le:t he s&un( 2ieldin% his s2ord #ac'hand. Des&eratel$ AltaKr :ended hi; o::( #ut 2as al;ost sent reelin%( and :or so;e ;o;ents the t2o traded #lo2s( the sal8o endin% 2hen Al 9uali; duc'ed( sliced u&2ard and nic'ed AltaKrs chee'( dancin% a2a$ #e:ore the Assassin could res&ond. AltaKr launched a counterFattac' and Al 9uali; trans&orted. But 2hen he rea&&eared( AltaKr noticed he loo'ed ;ore ha%%ard( and 2hen he attac'ed it 2as a little ;ore carelessl$. Less disci&lined. AltaKr ca;e :or2ard slicin% 2ith his #lade( :orcin% the 9aster to trans&ort and ;aterialiIe se8eral :eet a2a$. AltaKr sa2 a ne2 stoo& to his shoulders( and his head 2as hea8$. The A&&le 2as sa&&in% AltaKrs stren%th #ut 2as it doin% the sa;e to its userJ Did Al 9uali; 'no2 itJ Ho2 2ell did the old ;an understand the A&&leJ Its &o2er 2as so %reat that AltaKr dou#ted it 2as &ossi#le e8er to trul$ 'no2 it. So. He had to :orce Al 9uali; to use it and so de&lete his o2n ener%$. With a $ell he lea&ed :or2ard( slashin% at Al 9uali;( 2hose e$es 2ent 2ide 2ith sur&rise at the sudden 8ehe;ence o: AltaKrs a&&roach. He trans&orted a2a$. AltaKr ca;e at hi; the ;o;ent he rea&&eared and Al 9uali;s :ace no2 2ore an%er < :rustration that the rules o: en%a%e;ent had chan%ed( needin% to :ind the s&ace to adEust. He ;aterialiIed :urther a2a$ this ti;e. It 2as 2or'in%@ he loo'ed e8en ;ore tired. But he 2as read$ :or AltaKrs undisci&lined attac'( re2ardin% the Assassin 2ith another #lood$ ar;. Not serious enou%h to sto& hi;( thou%h@ the $oun%er ;an &ushed :or2ard a%ain( :orcin% Al 9uali; to trans&ort. Aor the last ti;e. When he rea&&eared he sta%%ered sli%htl$( and AltaKr could see that he :ound his s2ord hea8ier to hold. As he raised his head to loo' at AltaKr( the Assassin sa2 in his e$es that he 'ne2 the A&&le had #een sa&&in% his stren%th and that AltaKr had noticed. And( as AltaKr en%a%ed his #lade and lea&ed( dri8in% it dee& into Al 9uali; 2ith a roar that 2as &art 8ictor$ and &art %rie:( &erha&s Al 9uali;s :inal thou%hts 2ere o: &ride in his :or;er &u&il. LI;&ossi#le( he %as&ed( as AltaKr 'nelt astride hi;. LThe student does not de:eat the teacher. AltaKr hun% his head( :eelin% tears &ric' his chee's. L3ou ha8e 2on( then. o and clai; $our &riIe. The A&&le had rolled :ro; Al 9uali;s outstretched hand. It sat %lo2in% on the ;ar#le. Waitin%. L3ou held :ire in $our hand( old ;an( said AltaKr. LIt should ha8e #een destro$ed. LDestro$ the onl$ thin% ca&a#le o: endin% the Crusades and creatin% true &eaceJ lau%hed Al 9uali;. LNe8er. LThen I 2ill( said AltaKr. LWell see a#out that( chuc'led Al 9uali;. AltaKr 2as starin% at it( :indin% it di::icult to dra% his %aIe a2a$. entl$ he rested Al 9uali;s head on the stone( the old ;an :adin% :ast no2( stood u& and 2al'ed to2ards

it. He &ic'ed it u&. It 2as as i: it ca;e ali8e in his hand. As thou%h a hu%e #olt o: ener%$ :lo2ed :ro; it that lit the A&&le and tra8elled u& his ar;( ri%ht into his chest. He :elt a %reat s2ellin% that 2as unco;:orta#le at :irst( then :elt li:eF%i8in%( 2ashin% a2a$ the &ain o: #attle( :illin% hi; 2ith &o2er. The A&&le thro##ed and see;ed to &ulse and AltaKr #e%an to see i;a%es. Incredi#le( inco;&rehensi#le i;a%es. He sa2 2hat loo'ed li'e cities( 8ast( %litterin% cities( 2ith to2ers and :ortresses( as thou%h :ro; thousands o: $ears a%o. NeDt he sa2 ;achines and tools( stran%e contra&tions. He understood that the$ #elon%ed in a :uture not $et 2ritten( 2here so;e o: the de8ices #rou%ht &eo&le %reat Eo$ 2hile others ;eant onl$ death and destruction. The rate and intensit$ o: the i;a%es le:t hi; %as&in% :or #reath. Then the A&&le 2as en8elo&ed #$ a corona o: li%ht that s&read out2ards until AltaKr sa2 that he 2as loo'in% at a %lo#e( a hu%e %lo#e( that hun% in the still air o: the %arden( slo2l$ s&innin% and radiatin% 2ar;( %olden li%ht. He 2as entranced #$ it. Enchanted. It 2as a ;a&( he sa2( 2ith stran%e s$;#ols < 2ritin% he didnt understand. Behind hi; he heard Al 9uali; s&ea'in%@ LI a&&lied ;$ heart to 'no2 2isdo;( and to 'no2 ;adness and :oll$. I &ercei8ed that this also 2as a chasin% a:ter 2ind. Aor in ;uch 2isdo; is ;uch %rie: and he that increaseth 'no2led%e increaseth sorro2. No2 9ali' and his ;en rushed into the %arden. With #arel$ a %lance at the #od$ o: Al 9uali;( the$ stood h$&notiIed #$ the A&&le. In the distance AltaKr could hear shoutin%. Whate8er s&ell had #een cast o8er 9as$a: 2as #ro'en. He readied hi;sel: to dash the A&&le a%ainst the stone( still una#le to ta'e his e$es :ro; the s&innin% i;a%e( :indin% it hard to ;a'e his ar; heed the co;;and o: his #rain. LDestro$ itQ called Al 9uali;. LDestro$ it as $ou said $ou 2ouldQ AltaKrs hand tre;#led. His ;uscles re:used to o#e$ the co;;ands o: his #rain. LI P I cant P he said. L3es( $ou can( AltaKr( %as&ed Al 9uali;. L3ou can. But $ou 2ont. With that( he died. AltaKr loo'ed u& :ro; the #od$ o: his ;entor to :ind 9ali' and his ;en %aIin% eD&ectantl$ at hi; < 2aitin% :or leadershi& and %uidance. AltaKr 2as the 9aster no2.

Part Three /6
+/ ?une 4+10
Sittin% in the shade( sa:el$ out o: the de#ilitatin% heat o: the 9as$a: ;ar'et&lace( 9a::eo as'ed ;e( LAl 9uali;s %arden. Is this the sa;e &iece o: land 2here his li#rar$ is situatedJ LIndeed it is. AltaKr decided it a :ittin% s&ot to use :or the care and stora%e o: his 2or' < thousands o: Eournals :illed 2ith Assassin learnin%( 'no2led%e %leaned :ro; the A&&le. LSo he didnt destro$ itJ LDidnt destro$ 2hatJ 9a::eo si%hed. LThe A&&le. LNo. LNot then or not e8erJ LBrother( &lease( dont hurr$ our tale to its conclusion. No( AltaKr did not destro$ the A&&le strai%ht a2a$. Aor one thin% he had to Guell the re#ellion that eru&ted i;;ediatel$ a:ter Al 9uali;s death. LThere 2as a re#ellionJ LIndeed. There 2as a %reat con:usion in the i;;ediate a:ter;ath o: Al 9uali;s death. There 2ere ;an$ in the Order 2ho sta$ed true to Al 9uali;. Either the$ 2ere una2are o: the 9asters treacher$ or the$ re:used to acce&t the truth( #ut to the; AltaKr 2as sta%in% a cou& and had to #e sto&&ed. No dou#t the$ 2ere encoura%ed in this #$ certain 8oices on the :rin%es. LA##asJ I lau%hed. LNo dou#t. Thou%h one can onl$ i;a%ine A##ass internal con:lict surroundin% the turn o: e8ents. His resent;ent o: Al 9uali; 2as as stron% i: not stron%er than his resent;ent o: AltaKr. LAnd AltaKr Guashed the re#ellionJ LCertainl$. And he did so #$ sta$in% true to the Creed( issuin% orders to 9ali' and those he co;;anded that none o: the re#els #e har;ed( that not a sin%le ;an #e 'illed or &unished. A:ter he had su#dued the;( there 2ere no re&risals. Instead he used rhetoric to sho2 the; the 2a$( &ersuadin% the; :irst o: Al 9uali;s %uilt and then o: his o2n suita#ilit$ to lead the Brotherhood. Doin% this( he secured their lo8e( their :aith and lo$alt$. His :irst tas' as the Orders ne2 leader 2as a de;onstration o: the 8er$ &rinci&les he ai;ed to instil. He #rou%ht the Brotherhood #ac' :ro; the #rin' #$ sho2in% it the 2a$. LThat resol8ed( he turned his attention to his Eournal. In it he 2rote his thou%hts a#out the Order( his res&onsi#ilit$ to it( e8en the stran%e 2o;an he had encountered at the ce;eter$. Who had P 9ore than once AltaKr had %one to 2rite the 2ord Nca&ti8atedO( then sto&&ed hi;sel:( chan%in% it instead to NinterestedO hi;. Certainl$ she re;ained in his thou%hts. LChie:l$ he had 2ritten o: the A&&le. He had ta'en to carr$in% it 2ith hi;. At ni%hts 2hen he 2rote in his Eournal it re;ained on a stand #eside hi;( and 2hen he %aIed at it he :elt a con:used ;iD o: e;otions@ an%er that it had corru&ted the one he had thou%ht o: as :ather( 2ho had #een a %reat Assassin and an e8en %reater ;anH :ear o: it( :or he had eD&erienced its &o2er to %i8e and to ta'eH and a2e. L NI: there is %ood to #e :ound in this arte:act( I 2ill disco8er it(O he 2rote( Guill scratchin%. L NBut i: it is onl$ ca&a#le o: ins&irin% e8il and des&air( I ho&e I &ossess the stren%th to destro$ it.O 3es( he told his Eournal( he 2ould destro$ the Piece o: Eden i: it held no %ood :or ;an'ind. Those 2ere the 2ords he 2rote. Ne8ertheless( AltaKr 2ondered ho2 he 2ould

:ind the stren%th to destro$ the A&&le i: and 2hen the ti;e ca;e. The :act 2as that 2hoe8er o2ned it 2ielded enor;ous &o2er( and the Te;&lars 2ould 2ant that &o2er to #elon% to the;. What 2as ;ore( he 2ondered( 2ere the Te;&lars huntin% :or other arte:actsJ Did the$ e8en &ossess the;J A:ter the death o: Ro#ert de Sa#le the$ had consolidated at Acre &ort( he 'ne2. Should he attac' the; thereJ He 2as deter;ined that no one else should e8er &ossess the A&&le( or an$ others li'e it. No#od$ #ut hi;. He ;ulled o8er this in his Guarters( :or too lon% &erha&s( until he #eca;e concerned that he 2as allo2in% the ene;$ ti;e to re%rou&. He called 9ali' and ?a#al to hi;( &lacin% 9ali' in te;&orar$ co;;and o: the Order and in:or;in% ?a#al that the$ 2ere to lead a sGuad ridin% :or Acre &ort at once( to ;ount an o::ensi8e on the Te;&lar stron%hold( 'ill the &lant at the root. The$ le:t shortl$ a:ter2ards( and as the$ did so( AltaKr noticed A##as standin% in a door2a$ at the castle a&&roach( re%ardin% hi; #ale:ull$. Recent e8ents had done nothin% to dull the #lade o: his hatredH it had shar&ened to a 8icious ed%e.


Ni%ht 2as :allin% o8er Acre &ort( the %re$ stone har#our #athed in oran%e( and the last o: the sun &aintin% the sea #lood red as it ;elted into the horiIon. Water la&&ed hard at the #ul2ar's and sea 2alls( and %ulls called :ro; their &erches( #ut other2ise the har#our 2as e;&t$( stran%el$ so. Or P this one 2as at least. As he 2atched o8er it and &uIIled at the a#sence o: Te;&lar soldiers < in ;ar'ed contrast to the last ti;e he had #een there( 2hen Si#rands ;en 2ere all o8er it( li'e :leas on a do% < so;ethin% told AltaKr that an$ industr$ 2as to #e :ound at the other side o: the doc's( and his concern %re2. Hed ta'en too lon% ;a'in% his decision. Was he a#out to &a$ :or thatJ But the har#our 2asnt Guite e;&t$. AltaKr heard the sound o: a&&roachin% :ootste&s and hushed tal'. He held u& a hand and( #ehind hi;( his tea; ca;e to a halt( #eco;in% still shado2s in the dar'. He cre&t alon% the har#our 2all until he could see the;( &leased to note that the$ had ;o8ed a&art. The :irst 2as al;ost directl$ #eneath hi; no2( holdin% u& his torch and &eerin% into the dar' noo's and crannies o: the da;& har#our 2all. AltaKr 2ondered i: his thou%hts 2ere o: ho;e( o: En%land or Arance and the :a;il$ he had there( and he re%retted that the ;an had to die. As he silentl$ lea&ed :ro; the 2all( landin% on hi; and dri8in% the #lade dee&( he 2ished there 2as another 2a$. L9on Dieu( si%hed the %uard( as he died( and AltaKr stood. Ahead( the second soldier ;o8ed alon% the 2et stone o: the doc'( shinin% his tarF dri&&in% torch around hi;sel:( tr$in% to chase a2a$ the shado2s and crin%in% at e8er$ sound. He 2as #e%innin% to tre;#le 2ith :ear no2. The scuttlin% o: a rat ;ade hi; Eu;& and he turned Guic'l$( his torch held alo:t( seein% nothin%. He ;o8ed on( &eerin% into the %loo;( loo'in% #ac' :or his co;&anion P Oh( od( 2here 2as heJ He had #een there a ;o;ent a%o. The t2o o: the; had co;e to the doc' to%ether. No2 there 2as no si%ht o: hi; < no sound o: hi;. The %uard #e%an to sha'e 2ith :ear. He heard a 2hi;&er and realiIed it had co;e :ro; hi;sel:. Then :ro; #ehind ca;e a noise and he 2heeled around Guic'l$( Eust in ti;e to see his death at his heels P Aor a ;o;ent or so AltaKr 'nelt astride the dead %uard( listenin% :or rein:orce;ents. But none ca;e and no2( as he rose to his :eet( he 2as Eoined #$ the other Assassins( dro&&in% :ro; the 2all and co;in% on to the har#our( li'e hi; dressed in 2hite ro#es( &eerin% #lac'Fe$ed :ro; #eneath their co2ls. With hardl$ a sound( the$ s&read out( AltaKr issuin% hushed orders and indicatin% :or the; to ;o8e silentl$ and s2i:tl$ alon% the har#our. Te;&lar %uards ca;e runnin% and 2ere dealt 2ith( AltaKr ;o8in% a;on% the;( lea8in% the :i%ht to his tea; and co;in% to a 2all. Worr$ %na2ed at his %ut@ he had ti;ed the attac' #adl$ < the Te;&lars 2ere alread$ on the ;o8e. A sentr$ tried to sto& hi;( #ut 2ith a slash o: AltaKrs #lade he 2as :allin%( #lood s&urtin% :ro; his o&en nec'. The Assassin used his #od$ as a s&rin%#oard( scra;#lin% to the to& o: the har#our 2all and crouchin% there( loo'in% o8er at the adEacent doc'( then out to sea. His :ears 2ere realiIed. Hed 2aited too lon%. Ahead o: hi;( on a 9editerranean Sea %olden 2ith the d$in% li%ht o: the sun( there 2as a s;all :leet o: Te;&lar shi&s. AltaKr cursed and ;o8ed Guic'l$ alon% the har#our into the heart o: the doc's. Aro; #ehind hi; he could still hear the sounds o: #attle as his ;en 2ere ;et #$ rein:orce;ents. The Te;&lar e8acuation continued #ut he had an idea that the 'e$ to their de&arture ;i%ht #e :ound 2ithin the stron%hold itsel:. Care:ull$( Guic'l$ and silentl$ he ;ade his 2a$ to the :ortress( 2hich loo;ed dar'l$ o8er the doc's( re;orselessl$ dis&osin% o: the :e2 %uards he ca;e across( 2antin% to disru&t the ene;$s esca&e as ;uch as he 2anted to learn o: its intent. Inside( the %re$ stone a#sor#ed the sound o: his :ootste&s. Te;&lars 2ere nota#le :or their a#sence here. The &lace alread$ had an e;&t$ and disused :eel. He cli;#ed

stone stair2a$s until he ca;e to a #alcon$ and there he heard 8oices@ three &eo&le in the ;iddle o: a heated con8ersation. One 8oice in &articular he reco%niIed as he too' u& &osition #ehind a &illar to ea8esdro&. He had 2ondered i: he 2ould e8er hear it a%ain. He had ho&ed he 2ould. It 2as the 2o;an :ro; the %ra8e$ard in ?erusale;H the #ra8e lioness 2ho had acted as de Sa#les standFin. She stood 2ith t2o other Te;&lars and( :ro; her tone( 2as dis&leased. LWhere are ;$ shi&s( soldierJ she sna&&ed. LI 2as told there 2ould #e another :leet o: ei%ht. AltaKr %lanced o8er. The Te;&lar shi&s 2ere silhouetted on the horiIon. LI; sorr$( 9aria( #ut this is the #est 2e could do( re&lied one o: the soldiers. 9aria. AltaKr sa8oured her na;e e8en as he ad;ired the set o: her Ea2( the e$es that shone 2ith li:e and :ire. A%ain he noticed that Gualit$ a#out her < as thou%h she 'e&t ;ost o: her true sel: #ac'. LHo2 do $ou &ro&ose to %et the rest o: us to C$&rusJ she 2as sa$in%. No2( 2h$ 2ould the Te;&lars #e relocatin% to C$&rusJ LBe%%in% $our &ardon( #ut it ;i%ht #e #etter i: $ou sta$ed in Acre( said the soldier. Suddenl$ she 2as 2atch:ul. LWhat is thatJ A threatJ she as'ed. LIts :air 2arnin%( re&lied the 'ni%ht. LAr;and Bouchart is rand 9aster no2 and he doesnt hold $ou in hi%h re%ard. Ar;and Bouchart( noted Altair. So it 2as he 2ho had ste&&ed into de Sa#les shoes. At the centre o: the #alcon$( 9aria 2as #ridlin%. LWh$( $ou insolent P She sto&&ed hersel:. LVer$ 2ell. Ill :ind ;$ o2n 2a$ to Li;assol. L3es( ;ilad$( said the soldier( #o2in%. The$ ;o8ed a2a$( lea8in% 9aria alone on the #alcon$ 2here( AltaKr 2as a;used to hear( she #e%an tal'in% to hersel:. LDa;n P I 2as a sin%le heart#eat :ro; 'ni%hthood. No2 I; little ;ore than a ;ercenar$. He ;o8ed to2ards her. Whate8er he :elt a#out her < and he :elt so;ethin%( o: that ;uch he 2as certain < he needed to s&ea' to her. Hearin% hi; a&&roach( she s&un round and reco%niIed hi; instantl$. LWell( she said( Lits the ;an 2ho s&ared ;$ nec'( #ut stole ;$ li:e. AltaKr had no ti;e to 2onder 2hat she ;eant #ecause 2ith a :lash o: steel( as s2i:t as a li%htnin% #olt( shed dra2n her s2ord and 2as co;in% at hi;( attac'in% hi; 2ith a s&eed( s'ill and coura%e that i;&ressed hi; ane2. She s2a&&ed s2ord hands( s&un to attac' hi; on his 2ea' side( and he had to ;o8e :ast to de:end. She 2as %ood( #etter than so;e o: the ;en in his co;;and( and :or so;e ;o;ents the$ traded #lo2s( the #alcon$ resoundin% to the rin% and clash o: steel( &unctuated #$ her shouts o: e::ort. AltaKr %lanced #ehind to ;a'e sure no rein:orce;ents 2ere arri8in%. But then a%ain( o: course the$ 2ouldnt. Her &eo&le had le:t her #ehind. Clearl$ her closeness to de Sa#le had done her no :a8ours 2ith his re&lace;ent. On the$ :ou%ht. Aor a heart#eat she had hi; 2ith his #ac' to the #alustrade( the dar' sea o8er his shoulder and :or the sa;e heart#eat he 2ondered 2hether she could #est hi; and 2hat a #itter iron$ that ;i%ht #e. But her des&eration to 2in ;ade her careless and AltaKr 2as a#le to co;e :or2ard( e8entuall$ s&innin% and 'ic'in% her :eet :ro; #eneath her( then &ouncin% on her 2ith his #lade held to her throat. LReturned to :inish ;e o::J she said de:iantl$( #ut he could see the :ear in her e$es. LNot Eust $et( he said( thou%h the #lade sta$ed 2here it 2as. LI 2ant in:or;ation. Wh$ are the Te;&lars sailin% to C$&rusJ She %rinned. LIts #een a lon%( dirt$ 2ar( Assassin. E8er$one deser8es res&ite. He :ou%ht a s;ile. LThe ;ore $ou tell ;e( the lon%er $ou li8e. So I as' a%ain( 2h$ the retreat to C$&rusJ

LWhat retreatJ "in% Richard has #ro'ered a truce 2ith Salah Aldin( and $our Order is leaderless( is it notJ Once 2e reco8er the Piece o: Eden( $oull #e the one runnin%. AltaKr nodded( understandin%. "no2in%( too( that there 2as ;uch a#out the Order the Te;&lars &resu;ed to 'no2 #ut did not. The :irst thin% #ein% that the Assassins had a leader( the second that the$ 2ere not in the ha#it o: runnin% :ro; Te;&lars. He stood and &ulled her to her :eet. larin% at hi;( she #rushed hersel: do2n. LThe A&&le is 2ell hidden( he told her( thin'in% that in :act it 2as not. It re;ained in his Guarters. LAltaKr( consider $our o&tions care:ull$. The Te;&lars 2ould &a$ a %reat &rice :or that relic. LThe$ alread$ ha8e( ha8ent the$J said AltaKr( leadin% her a2a$. 9o;ents later( he had %athered 2ith his Assassins( the #attle on the har#our o8er( Acre &ort theirs. A;on% the; 2as ?a#al( 2ho raised his e$e#ro2s at the a&&earance o: 9aria and 2a8ed :or t2o Assassins to ta'e her a2a$ #e:ore he Eoined AltaKr. LWhats ha&&enin% on C$&rus that 2ould concern the Te;&larsJ ;used AltaKr( as the$ strode alon%. He had alread$ decided their neDt destination and there 2as no ti;e to 2aste. LCi8il stri:e( &erha&sJ said ?a#al( &al;s s&read. LTheir e;&eror Isaac Co;nenus &ic'ed a :i%ht 2ith "in% Richard ;an$ ;onths a%o( and no2 he rots in a Te;&lar dun%eon. AltaKr thou%ht. LA &it$. Isaac 2as so easil$ #ent( so 2illin% to ta'e a #ri#e. The$ sto&&ed at the har#our ste&s and 9aria 2as led &ast the;( her chin held hi%h. LThose da$s are &ast( ?a#al 2as sa$in%. LNo2 the Te;&lars o2n the island( &urchased :ro; the "in% :or a &altr$ su;. LThats not the 'ind o: %o8ernance 2e 2ant to encoura%e. Ha8e 2e an$ contacts thereJ as'ed AltaKr. LOne in Li;assol. A ;an na;ed AleDander. LSend hi; a ;essa%e( said AltaKr. LTell hi; to eD&ect ;e 2ithin the 2ee'.

He sailed to C$&rus alone < althou%h not Guite alone. He too' 9aria. He had told ?a#al that he could use her as Te;&lar #ait( #ut he 2rote in his Eournal that he li'ed to ha8e her 2ith hi;H it 2as as si;&le and as co;&licated as that. There had #een too :e2 2o;en in his li:e. Those 2ho shared his #ed had done little ;ore than satis:$ a need( and he had $et to ;eet a 2o;an a#le to stir those :eelin%s :ound a#o8e 2aist hei%ht. Had he ;et her no2J He scratched the Guestion in his Eournal. Arri8in% in Li;assol the$ disco8ered that the Te;&lars had occu&ied the island in earnest. As e8er the &ort 2as soa'ed in the oran%e li%ht o: the sun and the sandstone shone 2ith itH the #lue 2aters %littered and the %ulls 2heelin% and s2oo&in% a#o8e their heads 'e&t u& a constant noise. But e8er$2here there 2ere the red crosses o: the Te;&lars( and 2atch:ul soldiers e$ein% a #e%rud%in% &o&ulace. The$ li8ed under the iron %auntlet o: the Te;&lars no2( their island sold :ro; #eneath the; #$ a 'in% 2hose clai; to it 2as tenuous at #est. 9ost carried on 2ith their li8esH the$ had ;ouths to :eed. A :e2 &luc'$ souls had :or;ed a Resistance( thou%h. It 2as the$ 2ho 2ould #e ;ost s$;&athetic to AltaKrs ;ission( the$ he &lanned to ;eet. He ;ade his 2a$ :ro; his shi& and alon% the doc's. With hi; ca;e 9aria( her hands #ound. Hed ;ade sure she had re;o8ed an$ si%ns identi:$in% her as a Te;&lar Crusader and( to all intent and &ur&oses( she 2as his sla8e. This situation( o: course( an%ered her and she 2asnt slo2 to ;a'e it 'no2n( %ru;#lin% as the$ &assed throu%h the doc's( 2hich 2ere Guieter than eD&ected. AltaKr 2as &ri8atel$ a;used #$ her disco;:ort. LWhat i: I started screa;in%J she said( throu%h %ritted teeth. AltaKr chuc'led. LPeo&le 2ould co8er their ears and carr$ on. The$8e seen an unha&&$ sla8e #e:ore. But 2hat &eo&leJ The doc's 2ere stran%el$ e;&t$( and as the$ ca;e u& into the #ac'Fstreets( the$ :ound the hi%h2a$s deserted too. Suddenl$ a ;an ste&&ed out o: an alle$ in :ront o: the;( 2earin% scru::$ ro#es and a tur#an. Disused #arrels and the s'eletons o: e;&t$ crates la$ a#out( and :ro; so;e2here the$ could hear 2ater dri&&in%. The$ 2ere alone( AltaKr realiIed( Eust as t2o ;ore ;en ste&&ed out o: other alle$s around the;. LThe &ort is o::Fli;its( said the :irst ;an. LSho2 $our :ace. LNothin% under this hood #ut an u%l$ old Assassin( %ro2led AltaKr( and he raised his head to re%ard the ;an. The thu% s;ir'ed( a threat no lon%er( %rinnin%. LAltaKr. LAleDander( said AltaKr( L$ou %ot ;$ ;essa%e. LI assu;ed it 2as a Te;&lar tra&. Who is the 2o;anJ He loo'ed 9aria u& and do2n( a t2in'le in his e$e. LTe;&lar #ait( eD&lained AltaKr. LShe 2as de Sa#les. !n:ortunatel$ shes a #urden. 9aria :iDed hi; 2ith a %aIe@ i: loo's could 'ill( it 2ould ha8e tortured hi; 8iciousl$ :irst. LWe can hold her :or $ou( AltaKr( said AleDander. LWe ha8e a secure sa:eFhouse. She cursed their rotten souls as the$ ;ade their 2a$ to it( such coarse lan%ua%e :or an En%lish 2o;an. AltaKr as'ed AleDander 2h$ there 2ere so :e2 citiIens on the streets. LSuite a %host to2n( ehJ Peo&le are a:raid to lea8e their ho;es :or :ear o: #rea'in% so;e o#scure ne2 la2. AltaKr thou%ht. LThe Te;&lars ha8e ne8er #een interested in %o8ernin% #e:ore. I 2onder 2h$ no2. AleDander 2as noddin%. As the$ 2al'ed( the$ &assed t2o soldiers( 2ho loo'ed at the; sus&iciousl$. AltaKr steeled hi;sel: a%ainst 9aria %i8in% the; a2a$. She didnt( and he 2ondered 2hether it had an$thin% to do 2ith her ha8in% #een a#andoned #$ her

o2n side in Acre. Or &erha&s P No. He &ut that thou%ht out o: his ;ind. The$ reached the sa:eFhouse( a derelict 2arehouse that AleDander had ;ade his #ase. There 2as a storeroo; sealed 2ith a #arred 2ooden door #ut the$ let 9aria re;ain in the o&en :or the ;o;entH AltaKr chec'ed the ro&e at her 2rists( runnin% a :in%er #et2een it and her ar; to ;a'e sure she 2as co;:orta#le. No2 she %a8e hi; a loo' o: 2hat he could onl$ descri#e as a&&reciati8e disdain. LI 2ont assu;e $oure here out o: charit$( said AleDander( 2hen the$ 2ere settled. L9a$ I as' $our &ur&oseJ AltaKr 2anted to act Guic'l$ < he 2anted to ;o8e in on the Te;&lar #ase at once < #ut he o2ed the C$&riot an eD&lanation. LIts a co;&licated stor$( #ut can #e su;;ed u& easil$@ the Te;&lars ha8e access to 'no2led%e and 2ea&ons :ar deadlier than an$one could ha8e i;a%ined. I &lan to chan%e this. One such 2ea&on is in our hands. A de8ice 2ith the a#ilit$ to 2ar& the ;inds o: ;en. I: the Te;&lars &ossess ;ore li'e it( I 2ant to 'no2. 9aria &i&ed u& :ro; #ehind the;@ LAnd 2e can certainl$ trust the Assassins to &ut the A&&le( the Piece o: Eden( to #etter use P AltaKr su&&ressed a s;ile #ut i%nored her( sa$in% to AleDander( LWhere are the Te;&lars holed u& no2J LIn Li;assol Castle( #ut the$re eD&andin% their reach. That had to #e sto&&ed( thou%ht AltaKr. LAnd ho2 do I %et insideJ he as'ed. AleDander told hi; a#out Os;an( a Te;&lar 2hose s$;&athies la$ 2ith the C$&riot Resistance. L"ill the ca&tain o: the %uard( he said. LWith hi; dead its li'el$ Os;an 2ill #e &ro;oted to the &ost. And i: that ha&&ens( 2ell( $ou could 2al' strai%ht in. LIts a start( said AltaKr. As he ;o8ed throu%h the streets o: the cit$ he ;ar8elled at ho2 Guiet it 2as. As he 2al'ed( he thou%ht o: 9aria and the A&&le. He had #rou%ht it 2ith hi;( o: course < it re;ained in the ca#in o: his shi&. Had it #een :oolish( &erha&s( to #rin% the Treasure into such close &roDi;it$ 2ith the ene;$J Onl$ ti;e 2ould tell. At the ;ar'et&lace he located the Te;&lar ca&tain o: the %uard( 2ho had 'indl$ ;ade hi;sel: eas$ to s&ot( 2earin% a red tunic o8er chain;ail and loo'in% as i;&erious as a 'in%. Altair loo'ed around( seein% other %uards in the 8icinit$. He lo2ered his head( dra2in% no attention to hi;sel:( a8oidin% the %aIe o: a %uard 2ho 2atched hi; 2ith narro2ed( sus&icious e$es. When he &assed on( he did so loo'in% :or all the 2orld li'e a scholar. Then( 8er$ care:ull$( he #e%an to 2or' his 2a$ around( ;anoeu8rin% hi;sel: to the rear o: the ca&tain( 2ho stood at the other end o: the lane( #ar'in% orders at his ;en. A&art :ro; the ca&tain and no2 his 'iller( the lane 2as e;&t$. AltaKr too' a thro2in% 'ni:e :ro; the sheath at his shoulder( then( 2ith a :lic' o: his 2rist( set it :ree. The ca&tain san' to the stone 2ith a lon% %roan( and #$ the ti;e the %uards ca;e runnin%( AltaKr had ta'en an adEoinin% alle$ and 2as ;eltin% into the e;&t$ sideFstreets. His tas' :ul:illed( he had no2 to %o in search o: Os;an( Eust as AleDander had instructed. Stealth$ and :ast( he ;ade his 2a$ across the roo:to&s o: the sunF#leached cit$( scuttlin% catli'e across the 2ooden #ea;s( until he :ound hi;sel: o8erloo'in% a court$ard. There #elo2 hi; 2as Os;an. A Te;&lar( he ne8ertheless had Assassin s$;&athies( and AltaKr 2aited until he 2as alone #e:ore lo2erin% hi;sel: into the court$ard. As he did so( Os;an loo'ed :ro; AltaKr to the 2all a#o8e the;( then #ac' a%ain( re%ardin% his 8isitor 2ith a;used e$es. At the 8er$ least he had a hi%h re%ard :or the Assassins stealth. L reetin%s( Os;an( said AltaKr. LAleDander sends his re%ards( and 2ishes $our %rand;other a Eo$ous #irthda$.

Os;an lau%hed. LThe dear lad$( ;a$ she rest in &eace. No2( ho2 ;a$ I hel& $ou( :riendJ LCan $ou tell ;e 2h$ the Te;&lars &urchased C$&rusJ Was it to set u& another eDcheGuerJ LI dont ran' hi%h enou%h to 'no2 :or certain( #ut I ha8e heard tal' o: an archi8e o: so;e 'ind( said Os;an( as he loo'ed le:t( then ri%ht. I: he 2as seen tal'in% to AltaKr he 2ould al;ost certainl$ #e &ut to death in the ;ar'et sGuare. LAn archi8eJ Interestin%. And 2ho is the ran'in% Te;&lar in Li;assolJ LA 'ni%ht na;ed Arederic' the Red. He trains soldiers in Li;assol Castle. A real #rute. AltaKr nodded. LWith the castle %uard dead( 2hat 2ould it ta'e to %et ;e insideJ LAssu;in% I; a&&ointed to his &osition( I could :ind an eDcuse to reduce the castle 2atch :or a short ti;e. Would that 2or'JO LIll ;a'e it( said AltaKr. Thin%s 2ere ;o8in% Guic'l$. LOs;an is ;a'in% the arran%e;ents( he told AleDander later( #ac' at the sa:eFhouse. While hed #een out( 9aria had s&ent ;uch o: the da$ in the storeroo; 2here she had 'e&t AleDander entertained 2ith a strin% o: insults and 2isecrac's( her in:uriation onl$ increasin% 2hen he had as'ed her to re&eat the;( a :an o: her En%lish diction. No2( ho2e8er( she had #een allo2ed out to eat and sat on an unstead$ 2ooden chair( %larin% at AltaKr and AleDander( 2ho sat tal'in%( and shootin% an%r$ %lances at an$ other Resistance ;en 2ho ha&&ened to &ass throu%h. LEDcellent. No2 2hatJ said AleDander. LWe %i8e hi; so;e ti;e( said AltaKr. He turned to 9aria. LHe also told ;e a#out the Te;&lar archi8e. Ha8e $ou heard o: such a thin%J LO: course( said 9aria. LThats 2here 2e 'ee& our under%ar;ents. AltaKr des&aired. Turnin% #ac' to AleDander( he said( LC$&rus 2ould #e a %ood location to sa:e%uard #oth 'no2led%e and 2ea&ons. With the ri%ht strate%$( its an eas$ island to de:end. He stood. Os;an 2ould ha8e had ti;e to clear the castle 2alls #$ no2. It 2as ti;e to in:iltrate the castle.

A short 2hile later he :ound hi;sel: in the court$ard o: Li;assol Castle( read$ :or the in:iltration. Sta$in% in the shado2s( he loo'ed u& at the :or#iddin% stone 2alls( notin% the arches that 2ere %uarded and ti;in% the ;o8e;ents o: the ;en on the ra;&arts. He 2as &leased to note that there 2ere Eust a :e2 ;en@ Os;an had done his 2or' 2ell. The :ortress 2asnt co;&letel$ insecure #ut AltaKr could %et in. And that 2as all he needed. He scaled a 2all to the ra;&arts( then cre&t into the castle. A %uard screa;ed and :ell( one o: AltaKrs thro2in% 'ni8es in his nec'. Another heard the co;;otion and ca;e runnin% alon% the hall2a$( onl$ to ;eet the Assassins #lade. AltaKr lo2ered the %uard to the stone( &laced his :oot to his #ac' and retrie8ed his #lade( 2hich dri&&ed #lood to the :loor. Then he continued ;a'in% his 2a$ throu%h the s&arsel$ inha#ited castle( dis&osin% o: %uards 2hen he sa2 the;. Os;an reall$ had done his Eo# e::icientl$. Not onl$ had there #een :e2er %uards on the 2alls #ut there see;ed to #e an a#sence o: ;en inside as 2ell. AltaKr i%nored the uncertaint$ that :or;ed in his %ut. The t2in%e o: disGuiet. !& and u& he 2ent( :urther and :urther into the castles inner sections until he ca;e to a #alcon$ o8erloo'in% a lar%e court$ard used as a trainin% sGuare. There he sa2 Arederic' the Red( a hu%e( #earded %iant &residin% o8er a duel #et2een t2o o: his ;en. The si%ht o: hi; ;ade AltaKr s;ile. The %enial s&$ Os;an had #een ri%ht. Arederic' the Red 2as indeed a #rute o: a ;an. LNo ;erc$( ;en( he 2as roarin%. LThis is an island o: su&erstitious heathens. Re;e;#er( the$ do not 2ant $ou here( the$ do not li'e $ou( the$ do not understand the true 2isdo; o: $our cause( and the$ are sche;in% at e8er$ turn to cast $ou out. Sta$ on $our %uard( and trust no one. Both in :ull ar;our( the t2o 'ni%hts #attled it out( the sound o: their s2ords rin%in% around the $ard. Sta$in% out o: si%ht on the #alcon$ a#o8e( Altair listened to the Te;&lar leader as he s&urred the; on. LAind the chin's in $our o&&onents ar;our. Stri'e hard. Sa8e $our cele#rations :or the ta8ern. No2 AltaKr stood and too' a ste& u& to the 2all( in &lain si%ht o: the three ;en in the trainin% $ard #elo2. Still the$ re;ained en%rossed in the #attle. He %au%ed the hei%ht :ro; 2here he stood to the stone #elo2( then too' a dee& #reath( stretched out his ar;s and Eu;&ed. With a so:t thu;& he landed directl$ #ehind Arederic' the Red( his 'nees #ent( ar;s out :or #alance. The #earded leader turned as AltaKr strai%htened. E$es #laIin%( he roared( LAn Assassin on C$&rusJ Well( 2ell. Ho2 Guic'l$ $ou 8er;in ada&t. Ill &ut an end to < He ne8er :inished his sentence. AltaKr( 2ho had 2anted to loo' into the Te;&lars e$es #e:ore he deli8ered the 'illin% #lo2( en%a%ed his #lade and sliced his nec' in one ;o8e;ent( the entire action o8er in the #lin' o: an e$e. With a short( stran%ulated sound( Arederic' the Red cru;&led( his nec' a %a&in% red hole and his #lood :loodin% o8er the stone around hi;( trul$ li8in% u& to his na;e. Aor a second his ;en stood silent( their hel;ets ro##in% the; o: an$ e;otion so that AltaKr could onl$ &icture the loo's o: shoc' #ehind the steel. Then the$ reco8ered < and attac'ed. AltaKr dro8e his #lade throu%h the e$e slit o: the :irst. Aro; #ehind the hel;et there 2as an a%oniIed cho'in% noise and #lood lea'ed :ro; the 8isor as the s2ords;an :ell. Then the second o: the t2o duellists struc'( 2ieldin% his #roads2ord ;ore in ho&e than eD&ectation o: :indin% his tar%et. The Assassin sideste&&ed easil$( &al;in% a thro2in% 'ni:e at the sa;e ti;e( then t2istin% and( in a sin%le ;otion( ra;;in% u&2ards 2ith his 'ni:e under the 'ni%hts chest&late. Battle o8er( the three cor&ses settled on the stone( and AltaKr loo'ed around the

$ard catchin% his #reath. The castle( #ein% so li%htl$ &o&ulated( had its ad8anta%es( he thou%ht. He returned to the #alcon$( lettin% hi;sel: out as he had co;e in. On his return Eourne$ the na%%in% 8oice o: dou#t %re2 louder. 9ost o: the #odies he &assed 2ere those he had le:t earlier( still undistur#ed( and there 2ere no sentries at all no2. None. Where 2as e8er$#od$J He %ot his ans2er shortl$ a:ter he had le:t the :ortress and ;ade his 2a$ across the roo:to&s to the sa:eFhouse( alread$ loo'in% :or2ard to restin% and &erha&s so;e 8er#al Eoustin% 2ith 9aria. 9a$#e e8en a little con8ersation 2ith her. All hed #een a#le to %lean :ro; her so :ar 2as that she 2as En%lish( that she had #een de Sa#les ste2ard ,eDactl$ 2hat that ;eant( AltaKr hadnt as'ed- and that she had #eco;e in8ol8ed in the Crusades a:ter an incident at ho;e in En%land. That had intri%ued hi;. He ho&ed to :ind out soon 2hat had ha&&ened to her. Suddenl$ he sa2 s;o'e( a thic' &illar dar'enin% the s'$. And it 2as co;in% :ro; the sa:eFhouse. His heart 2as ha;;erin% as he dre2 closer. He sa2 Crusader soldiers standin% %uard and 'ee&in% #ac' an$one tr$in% to %et near to the #uildin%( 2hich 2as #urnin%. Ain%ers o: :la;e reached :ro; the 2indo2s and the door( dense curls o: #lac' s;o'e cro2nin% the roo:. This 2as 2h$ Arederic's castle has #een so &oorl$ %uarded. AltaKrs :irst thou%ht 2as not :or the sa:et$ o: the Order( AleDander or an$ o: the other Resistance ;en 2ho ;i%ht ha8e #een inside. His :irst thou%ht 2as :or 9aria. Aur$ ri&&ed throu%h hi;. He sna&&ed his 2rist to eEect his #lade. In one ;o8e;ent he had lea&ed do2n :ro; the roo:to& and ;et t2o o: the Te;&lar %uards #elo2. The :irst died shoutin%( the second had ti;e to turn( 2ith 2ide( sur&rised e$es( as AltaKrs #lade o&ened his throat. The shout 2ent u& and ;ore soldiers ca;e runnin%( #ut AltaKr :ou%ht on( des&erate to reach the sa:eFhouse( not 'no2in% 2hether 9aria 2as tra&&ed inside( &erha&s cho'in% to death. Had she #een le:t in the storeroo;J Was she in there no2( &oundin% on the door( %as&in% :or air in the s;o'eF:illed roo;J I: so( he could onl$ #e%in to i;a%ine the terror she ;ust #e :eelin%. 9ore Te;&lar %uards ca;e to hi;( their s2ord&oints ea%er :or #lood. And he :ou%ht on. He #attled the; 2ith thro2in% 'ni8es and s2ord until he 2as eDhausted( the street 2as littered 2ith Te;&lar cor&ses( #leedin% into the dirt( and he 2as rushin% to2ards the no2 s;oulderin% sa:eFhouse( callin% her na;e. L9ariaQ There 2as no ans2er. 9ore Te;&lars 2ere a&&roachin% no2. With a hea8$ heart AltaKr :led to the roo:to&s( there to ta'e stoc' and &lan his neDt ;o8e.

As it turned out( his neDt ;o8e 2as decided :or hi;. Sittin% hi%h in a to2er in the shade o: a #ell( AltaKr had #eco;e a2are o: ;o8e;ent in the streets( 2hich had #een so e;&t$. Peo&le 2ere lea8in% their ho;es. He had no idea 2here the$ 2ere %oin%( #ut decided he 2anted to 'no2. Sure enou%h( 2ith the s;o'e 2as still risin% :ro; the charred re;ains o: the sa:eF house( the Te;&lars 2ere ;o#iliIin%. AltaKr used the roo:s to :ollo2 to2ns&eo&le as the$ ;ade their 2a$ to the sGuare and sa2 the eD&ressions the$ 2ore( o8erheard their con8ersations. Tal' 2as o: re8en%e and re&risals. 9ore than once he heard Ar;and Boucharts na;e. Bouchart had Eust arri8ed on the island( the$ said. He had a :earso;e re&utation. A cruel re&utation. AltaKr 2as a#out to see that re&utation in action( #ut :or the ti;e #ein% he 2as o8erEo$ed to see 9aria in the cro2d( ali8e and unhar;ed. She 2as :lan'ed #$ t2o Te;&lar 'ni%hts in the %atherin% cro2d < their &risoner #$ the loo' o: it( thou%h she 2asnt #ound. Li'e e8er$#od$ else in the sGuare( her attention 2as :iDed on the ste&s o: the cathedral. He 'e&t her in his e$eline( sta$in% out o: si%ht on a roo:to& o8erloo'in% the sGuare( 2atchin% as Os;an too' u& &osition on the ste&s( standin% sli%htl$ to one side( read$ :or the entrance o: Ar;and Bouchart( the ne2 Te;&lar leader( 2ho strode out and Eoined hi;. Li'e de Sa#le #e:ore hi;( Bouchart see;ed to ha8e #een chosen :or his :or;ida#le a&&earance as ;uch as his leadershi& a#ilit$. He 2ore :ull ar;our #ut loo'ed stron% and lithe #eneath it. He 2as hairless 2ith a thic' #ro2 that see;ed to shade his e$es. Sun'en chee's %a8e his :ace a cada8erous loo'. LA :oul ;urder has sha'en ;$ order( he #ello2ed( in a 8oice that co;;anded the 2hole sGuares attention. LDear Arederic' the Red P slain. He( 2ho ser8ed od and the &eo&le o: C$&rus 2ith honour( is &aid tri#ute #$ a ;urderers #lade. Who a;on% $ou 2ill deli8er those res&onsi#le to ;eJ There 2as nothin% :ro; the cro2d #ut the sound o: a2'2ard shu::lin%. Altairs e$es 2ent #ac' to Bouchart( 2ho 2as dar'enin%. LCo2ardsQ he roared. L3ou lea8e ;e no choice #ut to :lush out this 'iller ;$sel:. I here#$ %rant ;$ ;en i;;unit$ until this in8esti%ation is concluded. AltaKr sa2 Os;an shi:t unco;:orta#l$. !suall$ his :ace 2ore a t2in'l$ loo'( #ut not no2. He see;ed 2orried as he ste&&ed :or2ard to s&ea' to the leader. LBouchart( the citiIens are alread$ restless. Perha&s this is not the #est idea. Boucharts :ace 2as turned a2a$ so Os;an ;i%ht not ha8e seen it t2ist into an eD&ression o: terri#le :ur$. Bouchart 2as not accusto;ed to ha8in% his orders Guestioned@ that 2as clear. As to 2hether he considered it insu#ordination or not P In one ;o8e;ent he dre2 his s2ord and ra;;ed it into Os;ans sto;ach. With a shout that echoed around the stunned sGuare( the ca&tain :olded to the stone( cradlin% his #ell$. He 2rithed on the ste&s #rie:l$ until he died( his death rattle dea:enin% in the shoc'ed hush that #lan'eted the cro2d. AltaKr 2inced. He hadnt 'no2n Os;an( o: course( #ut 2hat hed seen o: hi;( hed li'ed. Another %ood ;an had died a needless death. Bouchart reached do2n and 2i&ed his s2ord clean on the ar; o: Os;ans tunic. LI: an$one else o#Eects( I in8ite $ou to ste& :or2ard. The #od$ shi:ted sli%htl$ and one ar; ca;e loose( han%in% o8er the ste&. Os;ans si%htless e$es stared at the s'$. There 2ere no o#Eections. Suddenl$ there 2as a shout :ro; 9aria( 2ho had &ulled :ree o: her t2o ca&tors. She ran to the ste&s and thre2 hersel: to her 'nees in :ront o: the leader. LAr;and Bouchart( she called.

Thou%h he s;iled in reco%nition( it 2as not the s;ile o: :riends ;eetin%. LAh( he sneered( Lan old collea%ue( and he re&laced his s2ord in his #elt. LBouchart( said 9aria( Lan Assassin has co;e to C$&rus. I ;ana%ed to esca&e( #ut he cannot #e :ar #ehind. !& on his &erch( AltaKrs heart san'. Hed ho&ed P No. She 2as a Te;&lar :irst. She al2a$s 2ould #e. Her lo$alt$ 2as to the;. LWh$( 9aria( said Bouchart in hi%h s&irits( Lthat 2ould ;a'e this $our second ;iraculous esca&e :ro; the Assassins( noJ Once 2hen de Sa#le 2as the tar%et( and no2 here on ;$ island. AltaKr 2atched inco;&rehension Eoin &anic on 9arias :ace. LI a; not in lea%ue 2ith the Assassins( Bouchart( she #lurted. LPlease listen. LDe Sa#le 2as a 2ea'F2illed 2retch. Verse se8ent$ o: the :oundin% Te;&lar Rule eD&ressl$ :or#ids consortin% 2ith 2o;en P :or it is throu%h 2o;en that the de8il 2ea8es his stron%est 2e#. De Sa#le i%nored this tenet and &aid 2ith his li:e. LHo2 dare $ouJ she retorted and( des&ite hi;sel:( AltaKr s;iled. An$ :ear 9aria eD&erienced 2as al2a$s shortFli8ed. LTouched a ner8e( did IJ roared Bouchart( enEo$in% hi;sel:. Then( LLoc' her u&. And 2ith that the ;eetin% 2as o8er. Bouchart turned and le:t( lea8in% the %lass$F e$ed #od$ o: Os;an on the ste&s #ehind hi;. 9aria 2as #ound and dra%%ed a2a$. Altairs e$es 2ent :ro; the recedin% :i%ure o: Bouchart to 9aria. He 2as torn( tr$in% to decide on his neDt course o: action. Bouchart 2as close. He ;i%ht not ha8e this chance a%ain. Stri'e at hi; 2hen he least eD&ected it. But then a%ain < 9aria. He let hi;sel: do2n :ro; the roo:to& and :ollo2ed the ;en as the$ led her out o: the Cathedral SGuare( &resu;a#l$ to2ards the %aol. He 'e&t at a sa:e distance. Then( 2hen the$d turned o:: into a Guieter street( he struc'. 9o;ents later the t2o %uards 2ere dead and AltaKr 2as a&&roachin% 9aria 2here she had #een tossed aside( her hands still #ound( stru%%lin% to %et to her :eet. He reached :or her and she Eer'ed a2a$ :ro; hi;. L et $our hands o:: ;e( she sna&&ed. LThe$ consider ;e a traitor( than's to $ou. AltaKr s;iled indul%entl$ < e8en thou%h she had alerted Bouchart to his &resence. LI a; onl$ a con8enient eDcuse :or $our 2rath( 9aria. The Te;&lars are $our real ene;$. She %lo2ered. LI 2ill 'ill $ou 2hen I %et the chance. LI: $ou %et the chance P #ut then $oull ne8er :ind the A&&le( the Piece o: Eden. And 2hich 2ould curr$ ;ore :a8our 2ith the Te;&lars ri%ht no2J 9$ head or that arte:actJ She loo'ed at hi; 2ith narro2ed e$es( seein% that 2hat he said ;ade sense. She see;ed to relaD. Aor the ti;e #ein%. 9uch later the$ ;et AleDander a%ain. His :ace sho2ed his concern as he told AltaKr( LDes&ite his #ra8ado( Bouchart o#8iousl$ too' 9arias 2arnin% seriousl$. At this he shot 9aria a loo' so :urious that( unusuall$( she 2as lost :or 2ords. L9$ sources tell ;e that a:ter destro$in% our sa:eFhouse he i;;ediatel$ sailed :or "$renia. AltaKr :ro2ned. LThats a sha;e. I 2as ho&in% to ;eet hi;. He &lanned to ;eet hi; still. LWhats the :astest route thereJ he as'ed.

The$ tra8elled as a ;on' and his co;&anion( a#le to :ind s&ace in the hold. Occasionall$ cre2 ;e;#ers 2ould descend :ro; the ;ain dec' and curl u& to slee& there( too( :artin% and snu::lin%( &a$in% little attention to the t2o stran%ers. As 9aria sle&t( AltaKr :ound a crate and o&ened his Eournal( #rin%in% the A&&le out :ro; a &ac' he 2ore in his ro#e. Aree o: its s2addlin% it %lo2ed and he 2atched it :or a ;o;ent( then #e%an to 2rite@ LI stru%%le to ;a'e sense o: the A&&le( the Piece o: Eden( its :unction and &ur&ose( #ut I can sa$ 2ith certaint$ that its ori%ins are not di8ine. No P it is a tool P a ;achine o: eDGuisite &recision. What sort o: ;en 2ere the$ 2ho #rou%ht this ;ar8el into the 2orldJ There 2as a noise #ehind hi;. In an instant he had s2e&t u& the A&&le and co8ered it once ;ore( hidin% it 2ithin his ro#e. It 2as 9aria( stirrin% :ro; slee&. He closed his Eournal( ste&&in% o8er the slee&in% #odies o: t2o cre2 ;e;#ers and crossin% the hold to 2here she sat 2ith her #ac' a%ainst a stac' o: 2ooden #oDes( shi8erin% and $a2nin%. She clas&ed her 'nees to her chest( 2atchin% as AltaKr sat on the dec' #eside her. Her e$es 2ere unreada#le. Aor a ;o;ent the$ listened to the crea' o: the shi&( the suc' and sla& o: the sea on the hull. Neither 2as sure i: it 2as da$ or ni%ht( or ho2 lon% the$ had #een sailin%. LHo2 did $ou :ind $oursel: hereJ he as'ed her. LDont $ou re;e;#er( hol$ ;anJ she said archl$. L3ou #rou%ht ;e. She 2his&ered( LI; $our consort. AltaKr cleared his throat. LI ;ean here in the Hol$ Land. In the Crusades. LI should #e at ho;e 2ith a la& :ull o: crochet and one e$e on the %ardenerJ LIsnt that 2hat En%lish 2o;en doJ LNot this one. I; 2hat the$ call the unusual one in ;$ :a;il$. ro2in% u&( I al2a$s &re:erred the #o$s %a;es. Dolls 2erent :or ;e( ;uch to ;$ &arents continued eDas&eration. I used to &ull their heads o::. L3our &arentsJ She lau%hed. L9$ dolls. So( o: course( ;$ &arents did e8er$thin% the$ could to ;a'e ;e less #oisterous( and on ;$ ei%hteenth #irthda$ the$ %a8e ;e a s&ecial &resent. LAnd 2hat 2as itJ LA hus#and. He started. L3oure ;arriedJ LI 2as. His na;e 2as Peter( and he 2as a ;ost &leasant co;&anion( Eust P LWhatJ LWell( that 2as it. ?ust P ;ost &leasant. Nothin% else. LSo( not ;uch use as a &la$;ate. LIn no sense. 9$ ideal hus#and 2ould ha8e e;#raced those as&ects o: ;$ character that ;$ &arents 2anted to eDcise. We 2ould ha8e %one huntin% and ha2'in% to%ether. He 2ould ha8e tutored ;e in s&orts and co;#at and i;#ued ;e 2ith learnin%. But he did none o: those thin%s. We re&aired to his :a;il$ seat( Hallaton Hall( in Leicestershire( 2here as chatelaine I 2as eD&ected to ;ana%e the sta::( o8ersee the runnin% o: the household and( o: course( &roduce heirs. Three at least. T2o #o$s and a %irl( &re:era#l$( in that order. But I :ailed to li8e u& to his eD&ectations as ;isera#l$ as he had :ailed to li8e u& to ;ine. The onl$ thin% I cared :or less than the hierarchies and &olitics o: the sta:: 2as childFrearin% and es&eciall$ the #irth that co;es #e:orehand. A:ter :our $ears o: &re8arication I le:t. Aortunatel$ the Bisho& o: Leicester 2as a close :riend o: the elderl$ Lord Hallaton and he 2as a#le to %rant an annul;ent rather than ris'in% this sill$ i;&etuous %irl cause the :a;il$ :urther e;#arrass;ent. I 2as o: course &ersona non %rata at Hallaton Hall < indeed( in the 2hole o: Leicestershire < and( returnin% ho;e( the situation 2as no #etter. Hallaton had de;anded his #ride &rice

#ac' #ut Aather had alread$ s&ent it. In the end I decided it 2as #est :or e8er$one i: I le:t so I ran a2a$ to the Crusade. LAs a nurseJ LNo( as a soldier. LBut $oure P LAde&t at dis%uisin% ;$sel: as a ;an( $es. Did I ha8e $ou :ooled that da$ in the ce;eter$J LI 'ne2 $ou 2erent de Sa#le( #ut P L3ou didnt antici&ate ;e #ein% a 2o;an. 3ou seeJ 3ears o: #ein% #oisterous :inall$ &aid o::. LAnd de Sa#leJ Was he :ooledJ AltaKr sensed her rue:ul s;ile( rather than seein% it. LI li'ed Ro#ert at :irst( she said so:tl$. LHe certainl$ sa2 ;ore o: ;$ &otential than Peter did. But( o: course( he also sa2 ho2 I ;i%ht #e eD&loited. And it 2asnt lon% #e:ore he 2as doin% so. She si%hed. LIt 2as :ittin% that $ou 'illed hi;( she said. LHe 2as not a %ood ;an and 2as un2orth$ o: 2hate8er :eelin%s I had :or hi;. LDid he %i8e $ou thatJ said AltaKr a:ter a ti;e( indicatin% her hand( the %e; that shone there. She loo'ed at and :ro2ned( al;ost as thou%h she had :or%otten she 2as 2earin% it. L3es. It 2as a %i:t :ro; hi; 2hen he too' ;e under his 2in%. This is all I ha8e le:t o: ;$ ties to the Te;&lars. There 2as an a2'2ard silence. E8entuall$ it 2as #ro'en #$ AltaKr( 2ho said( LDid $ou stud$ &hiloso&h$( 9ariaJ She loo'ed at hi; du#iousl$. LI8e read scra&s P nothin% ;ore. LThe &hiloso&her E;&edocles &reached that all li:e on earth #e%an si;&l$( in rudi;entar$ :or;s@ hands 2ithout ar;s( heads 2ithout #odies( e$es 2ithout :aces. He #elie8ed that all these earl$ :or;s co;#ined( 8er$ %raduall$ o8er ti;e( to create all the 8ariet$ o: li:e 2e see #e:ore us. Interestin%J She all #ut $a2ned. LDo $ou 'no2 ho2 ludicrous that soundsJ LI do P #ut I ta'e co;:ort in the ad8ice o: the &hiloso&her Al "indi@ one ;ust not #e a:raid o: ideas( no ;atter their source. And 2e ;ust ne8er :ear the truth( e8en 2hen it &ains us. LI dont see the &oint o: $our ra;#lin%s. She lau%hed so:tl$( soundin% slee&$ and 2ar;. Perha&s he had ;isEud%ed her. 9a$#e she 2asnt read$ to learn. But Eust then a #ell sounded( the si%n that the$ had doc'ed at "$renia. The$ stood u&. AltaKr tried a%ain. LOnl$ a ;ind :ree o: i;&edi;ent is ca&a#le o: %ras&in% the chaotic #eaut$ o: the 2orld. This is our %reatest asset. LBut is chaos so;ethin% to #e cele#ratedJ Is disorder a 8irtueJ she as'ed( and so;ethin% in hi; li:ted at the Guestion. Perha&s she 2as rece&ti8e to hi%her 'no2led%e( a:ter all. LIt &resents us 2ith challen%es( $es( he said( L#ut :reedo; $ields %reater re2ards than the alternati8e. The order and &eace the Te;&lars see' reGuire ser8ilit$ and i;&rison;ent. LH;( she said. LI 'no2 that :eelin% P He :elt a certain closeness to2ards her as the$ reached the ste&s that led to the u&&er dec' and realiIed it 2as the 8er$ sensation he had #een chasin% al;ost since the$ had ;et. No2 he had it( he li'ed it. He 2anted to 'ee& it. E8en so( he should #e care:ul. Hadnt she alread$ told hi; that she &lanned to 'ill hi;J Her lo$alties to the Te;&lars had #een torn #ut that didnt ;ean she had suddenl$ co;e o8er to the 2a$ o: the Assassin. As :ar as he could tell( her 2a$ 2as the 2a$ o: 9aria. So it 2as to &ro8e.

At the ladder she s;iled and held out her hands and he re%arded the; distrust:ull$. But she couldnt &ossi#l$ cli;# 2ith her hands tied and( an$2a$( the$ 2ere tra8ellin% 2ith &irates@ althou%h &irates 2ere notoriousl$ lo2 on ethics( e8en the$ ;i%ht #e sur&rised #$ a ;on' 2ho 'e&t his co;&anion #ound. The t2o 2ho had #een slee&in% 2ere no2 &ullin% the;sel8es to their :eet( $a2nin%( scratchin% their %roins and castin% loo's across the hold at the &air o: the;. Surre&titiousl$ AltaKr :lic'ed out his #lade and sliced the ro&e at her 2rists. She shot hi; a %rate:ul loo' #e:ore #e%innin% to cli;# the ladder. Then( he heard so;ethin%. A ;ur;ur. He 2as alerted ;ore #$ the tone than 2hat 2as #ein% said. Without ;a'in% it o#8ious( he listened. As hed thou%ht( the t2o &irates 2ere tal'in% a#out the;. LI 'ne2 it 2as hi;( ras&ed one. LI told $ou. AltaKr could :eel their e$es on his #ac'. LIll #et the Te;&lars 2ould &a$ a handso;e re2ard :or those t2o. Silentl$ the Assassin cursed. I: he 2as ri%ht( hed #e needin% his #lade a%ain at an$ ;o;ent P He heard the sound o: sci;itars #ein% dra2n. P no2. AltaKr 2heeled to :ace the t2o ;en as his co;&anion decided to &ursue the Wa$ o: 9aria and launched a #id :or :reedo;( 'ic'in% out 2ith her trailin% :oot and sendin% hi; stu;#lin% a%ainst the side o: the hold( &ain :larin% in his :ace. There 2as &ain inside hi;( too. A di::erent 'ind o: &ain. Then she 2as %one( disa&&earin% into the sGuare o: sunli%ht at the hold door. AltaKr cursed a%ain #ut aloud this ti;e and ri%hted hi;sel: to ;eet the attac'. The :irst &irate %rinned as he ca;e :or2ard( thin'in% no dou#t o: the #ount$ < the 2ine and 2o;en he 2ould #u$ 2hen he had collected it. AltaKr thrust his s2ord throu%h the ;ans sternu; and he sto&&ed %rinnin%( slidin% 2etl$ o:: the #lade. It %a8e the second &ause :or thou%ht and he sto&&ed. His e$es narro2ed and he s2a&&ed his 2ea&on :ro; hand to hand. AltaKr s;iled at hi; and sta;&ed( &leased to see hi; :linch in res&onse. ood( he thou%ht. He li'ed his ;ercenar$ &irates to #e a little scared #e:ore the$ died. And die he did. The &irates e$es rolled u& as AltaKr #uried his #lade in his side then sa2ed Guic'l$ to the :ront( o&enin% a 8ast %ash in his :lan' as he dro&&ed to the dec'( Eoinin% his co;&anion. No2 the Assassin scaled the ladder and then he 2as #lin'in% in the sunli%ht as he :ound hi;sel: on the ;ain dec'( castin% his e$es around in search o: his esca&ee. Pirates( alerted #$ the sudden &resence o: 9aria( ca;e runnin%. A shout 2ent u& as the$ sa2 AltaKr and realiIation da2ned on the;. He dashed across the dec'( duc'in% #eneath ri%%in%( then runnin% ni;#l$ do2n the %an%&lan' and on to "$renia doc's( des&eratel$ loo'in% :or a &lace to hide 2here he could let the threat %o #$. And then( he thou%ht an%ril$( he 2as %oin% to :ind 9aria. This ti;e he 2ouldnt allo2 her to esca&e. He loo'ed around. Another cit$ held #$ the Te;&lars. It t2in'led in the sun. So;eho2 it 2as too #eauti:ul to #e in the hands o: the ene;$.

At least :indin% 9aria caused hi; no di::icult$. Trou#le ca;e to her li'e rats to a shi&s hold. Sure enou%h 2hen AltaKr neDt crossed &aths 2ith her( &irate cor&ses 2ere stre2n at her :eet and three local ;en 2ere standin% near#$( :lic'in% #lood :ro; their s2ords and reco8erin% their #reath a:ter #attle. The$ tensed as AltaKr a&&eared and he held u& his hands in a %esture o: %ood :aith( ta'in% in the scene@ 9aria( the ;en( the dead #odies. Once a%ain( it see;ed( shed had a luc'$ esca&e. LI thou%ht Id seen the last o: $ou( he said to her( ar;s still u&raised. She had a %i:t :or re:usin% to #e sur&rised at an$ turn o: e8ents. LI: onl$ I 2ere so luc'$P He :ro2ned at her( then addressed one o: the C$&riot ;en( the li'el$ leader. LWhat is $our #usiness 2ith this 2o;anJ Are $ou a Te;&lar lac'e$J LNo( sir( sta;;ered the ;an. He stood 2ith his s2ord dra2n and AltaKrs hands 2ere e;&t$( #ut e8en so( the C$&riot 'ne2 a s'illed 2arrior 2hen he sa2 one. LThe &irates attac'ed her and I had to hel&. But I; no lac'e$. I hate the Te;&lars. LI understand. 3oure not alone( re&lied AltaKr. The ;an nodded %rate:ull$( their co;;on &ur&ose esta#lished. L9$ na;e is 9ar'os( sir. Ill hel& in an$ 2a$ I can( i: it ;eans riddin% ;$ countr$ o: these Crusaders. EDcellent( thou%ht AltaKr. LThen I need $ou to 'ee& this 2o;an sa:e until I return. I ha8e to :ind so;eone #e:ore the Te;&lars do. LWell #e at the har#our all da$. Shell #e sa:e here 2ith us( said 9ar'os( and once a%ain 9aria 2as %ru;#lin% as the ;en hauled her a2a$. Shed #e all ri%ht( thou%ht AltaKr( 2atchin% the; %o. Shed s&end the da$ #et2een a cou&le o: #url$ C$&riots( 2atchin% the 2orld %o #$ in "$renia har#our@ there 2ere #etter 2a$s to 2aste a :e2 hours( #ut also :ar 2orse. At least he 'ne2 shed #e sa:e 2hile he ;et 2ith AleDanders Resistance contact( the Barna#as hed #een told a#out. He :ound hi; at the sa:eFhouse( 2hich dou#led as a %rain store. Wal'in% in( Altair had called out cautiousl$( hearin% nothin% #ut the scuttlin% o: ;ice and the distant sounds o: the street. Then a ;an had a&&eared :ro; a;on% the sac's. He had a dar' #eard and 2atch:ul #lac' e$es( and introduced hi;sel: as Barna#as. When AltaKr as'ed hi; i: the sa:eFhouse had an area that could #e used as a cell( he s;iled o#seGuiousl$ and assured hi; that o: course it did( #ut then dithered( %oin% :irst to one door( 2hich he o&ened and closed( and then to a second( throu%h 2hich he &eered #e:ore announcin% that the dr$in% roo; had a #arred area that could #e used as a cell. LI8e #een :ollo2in% Ar;and Bouchart( AltaKr told Barna#as( ;o;ents later( the t2o o: the; no2 sittin% on %rain sac's in the storeroo;. LAh P Bouchart is in "$reniaJ said the Resistance ;an. LHes &ro#a#l$ 8isitin% his &risoners in Bu::a8ento. LIs that a 'ee& near#$J LA castle( $es. It 2as once the residence o: a 2ealth$ C$&riot no#le2o;an( until the Te;&lars seiIed her &ro&ert$. AltaKr :ro2ned at their %reed. LCan $ou ta'e ;e thereJ LWell P I can do ;ore than that. I can %et $ou inside 2ithout the %uards #attin% an e$elid. But $ou ;ust do so;ethin% :or ;e :irst. Aor the Resistance. LA :a;iliar reGuest( said AltaKr. LWhat is itJ LWe ha8e a traitor in our ;idst( said Barna#as( dar'l$. The traitor 2as a ;erchant na;ed ?onas( and a:ter Barna#as had %i8en hi; the necessar$ details AltaKr trac'ed hi; to an a;&hitheatre in the centre o: the cit$. Accordin% to Barna#as( ?onas 2as :eedin% secrets to the Te;&lars. AltaKr 2atched hi; :or a 2hile( ;eetin% other trades;an( loo'in% :or all the 2orld li'e an$ other

#usiness;an. Then( 2hen he turned to %o( the Assassin :ollo2ed hi; :ro; the a;&hitheatre and into the #ac'Fstreets( notin% as the ;erchant slo2l$ #eca;e a2are that he 2as #ein% :ollo2ed. He cast ;ore and ;ore :reGuent %lances #ehind hi; at AltaKr( his e$es 2ilder and ;ore :ri%htened each ti;e. Suddenl$ he #ro'e into a run and AltaKr 2as in &ursuit( deli%hted to see ?onas turn into an alle$2a$. He s&eeded u&( and raced a:ter his Guarr$. The alle$2a$ 2as e;&t$. AltaKr sto&&ed( %lanced #ehind to chec' he 2as not seen( then < snic' < en%a%ed his #lade. He too' t2o ste&s :or2ard so that he 2as le8el 2ith a lar%e( unstead$ &ile o: crates( 2hich 2as teeterin% sli%htl$. He #ent sli%htl$( then dro8e his #lade throu%h a crate. The 2ood s&lintered and there 2as a screa;. The &ile to&&led do2n on to AltaKr( 2ho #raced hi;sel:( al;ost losin% his :ootin%. He sta$ed still( thou%h. And 2hen the 2ood had settled around hi; he relaDed( loo'in% alon% the line o: his outstretched ar;( to 2here ?onas 2as &inned #$ his #lade( #lood slo2l$ s&readin% :ro; the 2ound at his nec'. Still in the crouched &osition hed ado&ted to hide( the ;erchant cut a des&erate( &athetic :i%ure. And thou%h AltaKr 'ne2 he 2as a traitor( and that in:or;ation he %a8e to the Te;&lars had no dou#t #een used to 'ill( ca&ture and torture ;e;#ers o: the Resistance( he &itied hi;( so ;uch so that he re;o8ed the #lade %entl$( sho8in% aside the re;nants o: the #oDes so that he could la$ ?onas do2n and #end to hi;. Blood ooIed :ro; the nec' 2ound. LWhats thisJ 2heeIed ?onas. LAn AssassinJ Does Salah Aldin ha8e his e$es on &oor C$&rus tooJ LThe Assassins ha8e no ties to the Saracen. Our #usiness is our o2n. ?onas cou%hed( re8ealin% #loodied teeth. LWhate8er the case( 2ord o: $our &resence is 2ides&read. The Bull has &ut a #ount$ on $our head P and on the head o: $our :e;ale co;&anion. AltaKr sa2 the li:e #leedin% out o: hi;. LI; 2orth ;ore and ;ore e8er$ da$( he said( and deli8ered the 'illin% #lo2. When he stood u&( it 2as not 2ith the satis:action o: a Eo# 2ell done( #ut 2ith a terri#le sense that so;ethin% 2as a;iss. The Bull ?onas had ;entioned. Whoe8er he 2as( he 2as lo$al to Ar;and Bouchart and he 'ne2 o: AltaKr and 9arias &resence in "$renia. Was that the source o: AltaKrs disGuietJ He too' to the roo:to&s( ;eanin% to :ind 9ar'os and 9aria at once. LWell( 9aria( it see;s theres a he:t$ &rice on #oth our heads( said AltaKr( 2hen hed :ound her. ?ust as hed i;a%ined( she 2as sittin% on a stone #ench #et2een 9ar'os and another Resistance ;an( 2earin% the %lo2erin% loo' to 2hich he 2as #eco;in% accusto;ed. LA &riceJ Da;n Bouchart. He &ro#a#l$ thin's I; $our a&&rentice. LSo;eone called the Bull has dis&atched his ;en to search :or us. 9aria Eu;&ed as thou%h stun%. LThe BullJ So the$ %a8e that Iealot his o2n &arishJ LIs he a :riend o: $oursJ said AltaKr( 2r$l$. LHardl$. His na;e is 9oloch. Hes a &ious #lo2hard 2ith ar;s li'e tree trun's. AltaKr turned to 9ar'os. LDo $ou 'no2 the Resistance sa:eFhouse in the Co;;ons DistrictJ LI 'no2 2here it is( #ut I8e ne8er #een inside. 9ar'os shru%%ed. LI; Eust a :oot soldier :or the Resistance. AltaKr thou%ht( then said( LI cant #e seen 2ith 9aria( so $oull ha8e to ta'e her. "ee& her out o: si%ht( and ;eet ;e there 2hen $oure sa:e. LI 'no2 so;e #ac' alle$s and tunnels. LIt ;a$ ta'e lon%er( #ut 2ell %et her there in one &iece. Se&aratel$ the$ ;ade their 2a$ to the sa:eFhouse( AltaKr arri8in% :irst. Barna#as had s&read out sac's o: %rain and had #een relaDin%( #ut he &ulled hi;sel: to his :eet as

AltaKr entered( sti:lin% a $a2n as thou%h roused :ro; slu;#er. LI Eust had 2ord that so;eone :ound &oor ?onass #od$( he said( 2ith a sneer in his 8oice. LWhat a 2aste( ehJ He #rushed %rain :ro; his ro#es. L3ou 'ne2 hi; #etter than I did( re&lied AltaKr. LI; sure he understood the ris' o: 2or'in% :or #oth sides. He loo'ed at Barna#as care:ull$( ta'in% note o: the croo'ed s;ile he 2ore. AltaKr too' no &leasure :ro; death < an$ death < and he 2as a&t to loo' &oorl$ on those 2ho did( 2hether the$ #e Te;&lar( Assassin or Resistance. On the one hand Barna#as 2as an all$. On the other P I: AltaKr 'ne2 one thin% it 2as to trust his instincts and his instincts 2ere na%%in% hi; no2H Eust a lo2( hushed na%%in%( #ut insistent nonetheless. Barna#as 2as continuin%@ L3es P un:ortunatel$( this has co;&licated thin%s. ?onas 2as a res&ected C$&riot and his death has s&ar'ed riots near the Old Church. The &u#lic is hun%r$ :or re8en%e and the Bull 2ill tell the; $ou 2ere res&onsi#le. 3ou ;a$ lose the su&&ort o: the Resistance. WhatJ AltaKr stared at hi;( hardl$ a#le to #elie8e his ears. That instinct o: his@ it ;o8ed :ro; na%%in% to outri%ht harass;ent. LBut ?onas 2as a traitor to the Resistance. Did the$ not 'no2J LNot enou%h o: the;( I; a:raid( Barna#as ad;itted. LThe Resistance is Guite scattered. LWell( $oull ha8e the chance to tell the; $oursel:( said AltaKr. LSo;e ;en are on their 2a$ to us no2. L3oure #rin%in% &eo&le hereJ Barna#as loo'ed concerned. LPeo&le $ou can trustJ LI; not sure 2ho I can trust ri%ht no2( said AltaKr( L#ut its 2orth the ris'. Ri%ht no2 I need to see these riots :or ;$sel:. LAs :or our #ar%ain( Ill see 2hat I can do a#out %ettin% $ou close to Bouchart. A deals a deal( ehJ said Barna#as. He s;iled a%ain. AltaKr didnt care :or that s;ile. He li'ed it less and less each ti;e he sa2 it.

AltaKr &aid a 8isit to the church and his heart san' at the si%ht o: the unrest. Te;&lar %uards had :or;ed a cordon and 2ere holdin% #ac' ;araudin% citiIens( 2ho had #een &re8ented :ro; ;o8in% out o: the i;;ediate area o: the church and 2ere s;ashin% e8er$thin% in si%ht. Crates and #arrels had #een s&lintered and there 2ere scattered :ires on the streets. Streetside stalls had #een attac'ed and dis;antled( and the s;ell o: tra;&led &roduce ;in%led 2ith the s;o'e. 9en had %athered in %rou&s and 2ere chantin% slo%ans to the #eat o: dru;s and the constant rattle o: c$;#als( tr$in% to %oad the lines o: Te;&lar 'ni%hts( 2ho 2atched the; care:ull$ :ro; #ehind ;a'eshi:t #arriers( o8erturned carts and stalls. E8er$ no2 and then s;all sGuads o: soldiers 2ould ;a'e short( ruthless sorties into the ;o#( dra%%in% out ;en 2ho 'ic'ed and $elled( and either clu##in% the; 2ith the hilts o: their s2ords or thro2in% the; #ehind the #arrier to #e ta'en to the cells < not that their raids did an$thin% to :ri%hten the rioters or da;&en their te;&er. AltaKr 2atched it all :ro; u& hi%h( sGuattin% on the ed%e o: a roo:( shrouded in des&air. So;ethin% had %one 2ron%. So;ethin% had %one terri#l$ 2ron%. And i: the Bull decided to ;a'e an announce;ent na;in% hi; as the 'iller( then thin%s 2ere %oin% to %et e8en 2orse. He ;ade his decision. The Bull had to die. When he arri8ed #ac' at the sa:eFhouse( he loo'ed in 8ain :or Barna#as( 2ho 2as no2here to #e seen. No2 AltaKr 2as certain that he had #een 2ron% to trust hi; and 2as cursin% hi;sel:. Hed listened to his instinct. ?ust not hard enou%h. 9ar'os 2as there( thou%h( as 2as 9aria( 2ho had #een de&osited in the cell( a ;uch sturdier desi%n than the ;a'eshi:t %aol the$ had #een usin% in Li;assol. The door #et2een the dr$in% roo; and the storeroo; 2as o&en so the$ could see her@ she sat #ehind #ars 2ith her #ac' a%ainst the 2all( occasionall$ 'ic'in% her :eet a;on% the rushes s&read out on the :loor and re%ardin% all %oin%sFon 2ith a #ale:ul( sardonic eD&ression. AltaKr 2atched her( ;usin% u&on all the trou#le she had caused. He learned that she( 9ar'os and se8eral other Resistance ;en had arri8ed at the sa:eFhouse to :ind it deserted. Barna#as had #een %one 2hen the$ had %ot there. Ho2 con8enient( thou%ht AltaKr. LWhats %oin% on out thereJ 9ar'os had eDclai;ed. LThe cit$ is in tur;oil. I8e seen riots. LThe &eo&le are &rotestin% the death o: a citiIen( a ;an na;ed ?onas. Ha8e $ou heard o: hi;J L9$ :ather 'ne2 hi; 2ell. He 2as a %ood ;an. Ho2 did he dieJ AltaKrs heart san' e8en :urther( and he :ound hi;sel: a8oidin% 9ar'oss e$es as he re&lied( LBra8el$. Listen( 9ar'os( thin%s ha8e #eco;e co;&licated. Be:ore I :ind Bouchart( I need to eli;inate the Bull and &ut an end to his 8iolence. L3ou8e Guite a taste :or chaos( AltaKr( called 9aria :ro; her cell. He li'ed the 2a$ his na;e sounded in her ;outh. LThe Bull is one ;an res&onsi#le :or the su#Eu%ation o: thousands. Ae2 2ill ;ourn his loss. She shi:ted. LAnd $ou &ro&ose to :l$ into "antara( stin% hi; and eDit unnoticedJ He surrounds hi;sel: 2ith de8oted 2orshi&&ers. Her 8oice echoed in the stone &rison. L"antara P thats to the eastJ said AltaKr( &ic'in% u& on her inad8ertent sli&. L3es( its the #est de:ended P 3oull see :or $oursel:.

AltaKr did indeed see :or hi;sel:. "antara Castle 2as %uarded #$ Crusader soldiers and 9olochs :anatics. Scalin% the 2alls( then ;a'in% his 2a$ across the ra;&arts( he sto&&ed occasionall$ to hear the; tal'in%( %leanin% the odd #it o: in:or;ation a#out the ;an the$ called the Bull. He learned that he 2as a reli%ious Iealot 2ho attracted li'eF ;inded :ollo2ers( :anatics 2ho either 2or'ed as his &ersonal #od$%uard( his ser8ants( or 2ho trod the streets o: "$renia( s&readin% the 2ord. He 2as attached to the Te;&lars. His de8otion to their leader( Bouchart( 2as al;ost as de8out as his reli%ious :aith( and "antara Castle 2as his &ersonal citadel( %i8en to hi;( &resu;a#l$( #$ the Te;&lars. He 2as 'no2n to s&end ;ost o: his ti;e 2orshi&&in% at the castle cha&el. Which 2as 2here AltaKr ho&ed to :ind hi;. 9o8in% throu%h the :ortress he sa2 :anatics as 2ell as %uards. The :anatics loo'ed P 2ell( eDactl$ as he 2ould ha8e eD&ected :anatics to loo'@ Eu;&$( 2ideFe$ed and Iealous. The$ 2ere held in o&en conte;&t #$ the Christian %uards 2ho &atrolled in t2os and clearl$ thou%ht it #eneath the; to #e stationed at the castle. As AltaKr &ressed hi;sel: into a recess t2o 2andered &ast( one co;&lainin% to the other. LWh$ do the Te;&lars tolerate this ;ad;anJ The Bull and his :anatics are ;ore dan%erous than the citiIens o: C$&rus. LThe Te;&lars ha8e their reasons( re&lied the other. LIts ;uch easier :or the; to rule #$ &roD$( $ou see. LI su&&ose so. But ho2 lon% can it lastJ The Bull and the Te;&lars do not eDactl$ see e$e to e$e on ;atters o: :aith. LAh( the less $ou sa$ a#out that the #etter( reEoined the :irst. AltaKr let the; %o &ast( then ;o8ed on( the corridor dar'enin%. 9aria had said the castle 2as 2ell de:ended( and it certainl$ 2as i: $ou had raised an ar;$ and &lanned to stor; its 2alls. Aor a lone Assassin( thou%h( &enetratin% the :ortress #$ stealth 2as an easier tas'. Es&eciall$ 2hen $ou 2ere the 9aster. When $ou 2ere AltaKr. No2 he :ound hi;sel: in a 8ast #anGuetin% hall. At the o&&osite end stood t2o %uards and he too' out t2o thro2in% 'ni8es. He :lic'ed the;@ one( t2o. In ;o;ents the ;en la$ t2itchin% on the stone and AltaKr ste&&ed o8er the;( 'no2in% that he 2as near no2( that 9oloch couldnt #e :ar a2a$. He 2asnt. AltaKr ca;e to 2hat loo'ed li'e a dead end and turned( chec'in% #ehind hi; < 2h$ had this #een %uardedJ Then he sa2 a tra&door. Bendin% to it( he listened( then s;iled. He had :ound the Bull. Ver$ %entl$ he li:ted the tra&door and lo2ered hi;sel: into the roo: #ea;s #elo2. He 2as in the ra:ters o: the castles &lace o: 2orshi&( a lar%e e;&t$ roo; lit #$ the :ire o: a lar%e #raIier near the altar. "neelin% #e:ore the :ire( tendin% it( 2as 9oloch. 9arias descri&tion o: hi; had #een accurate. He 2as a #ear o: a ;an@ #areF headed( droo&in% ;oustache( #areFchested( a&art :ro; a ;edallion( and 2ith the treeF trun' ar;s shed descri#ed. S2eat %listened on hi; as he sto'ed the :ire( chantin% an incantation that sounded as ;uch li'e a %ro2l as it did &ious de8otion. A#sor#ed in his 2or' he didnt ;o8e :ro; the :ire( didnt loo' a2a$ :ro; it( #athin% his :ace in the heat o: the :la;es( o#li8ious to an$thin% else in the roo;( e8en < es&eciall$ < his 'iller. ood. 9oloch loo'ed stron%( easil$ ;ore &o2er:ul than AltaKr( 2ho had no desire to en%a%e hi; in co;#at. Not onl$ did he ha8e the ;uscular ad8anta%e #ut it 2as said that he 2ielded a 2ea&on li'e a ;eteor ha;;er( 2ith a deadl$ 2ei%ht attached to a chain. It 2as said that he used it 2ith un:ailin% accurac$( and 2as ruthless 2ith it. So( no. AltaKr had no desire to en%a%e hi; in co;#at. This 2as to #e a stealth 'ill. Suic'( clean and silent. Noiselessl$( AltaKr ;ade his 2a$ alon% the #ea;s( then dro&&ed silentl$ into the centre o: the roo; #ehind 9oloch. He 2as sli%htl$ :urther a2a$ than he 2ould ha8e

li'ed and he held his #reath( tensin%. I: 9oloch had heard hi; P But no. The #rute 2as still en%rossed 2ith the #raIier. AltaKr too' a :e2 ste&s :or2ard. Silentl$ he en%a%ed the #lade and raised it. Oran%e li%ht danced on the steel. The Bull no2 Eust a heart#eat a2a$ :ro; death. AltaKr di&&ed sli%htl$( his le% ;uscles #unchin%( then launched hi;sel:( #lade a#out to stri'e. He 2as in ;idFair 2hen 9oloch s&un( :ar ;ore Guic'l$ than his siIe should ha8e allo2ed. At the sa;e ti;e he %rinned and AltaKr realiIed that he had 'no2n he 2as there all alon%H that he had ;erel$ let AltaKr co;e close. Then the Assassin 2as in the e;#race o: those hu%e ar;s( raisin% hi; o:: the %round( :eelin% a hand %o to his throat and sGueeIe. Aor a ;o;ent or so he 2as held that 2a$( 9oloch li:tin% hi; oneFhanded into the air as thou%h he 2ere a tro&h$ to #e dis&la$ed on the castle ste&s( and he cho'ed as he stru%%led. His :eet 'ic'ed at thin air and his hands scra##led at 9olochs %auntlet( des&eratel$ tr$in% to loosen the ;onsters %ri&. His 8ision #e%an to cloud( #lac'ness closin% in. He :elt hi;sel: losin% consciousness. Then 9oloch 2as tossin% hi; #ac'2ards and he 2as s&ra2lin% on the cha&el :loor( his head re#oundin% &ain:ull$ o:: a :la%stone( 2onderin% 2h$ he had #een allo2ed to li8e. Because the Bull 2anted ;ore s&ort. He had &roduced his ;eteor ha;;er and( 2ith a sin%le loo&in% s2in% a#o8e his head( launched it at AltaKr( 2ho onl$ Eust ;ana%ed to roll clear as it ca;e s;ashin% do2n( o&enin% a crater in the :la%stone and sho2erin% hi; 2ith stone shards. AltaKr scra;#led to his :eet( daIed( sha'in% his head to clear it. He dre2 his s2ord. Blade in one hand( s2ord in the other. He 2as dartin% to the side as the Bull retrie8ed his ha;;er and launched it a%ain. It crashed into a &illar #eside AltaKr and once a%ain he 2as hit #$ a hail o: stone :ra%;ents. With 9olochs ha;;er uns&ooled( AltaKr had a chance and darted in( Ea##in% 2ith s2ord and #lade. But( :aster than see;ed &ossi#le( 9oloch had retrie8ed the chain and held it t2oFhanded( #loc'in% AltaKrs s2ord( then s2in%in% the ha;;er a%ain and sendin% the Assassin di8in% :or sa:et$ once ;ore. AltaKr thou%ht o: Al 9uali; < the Al 9uali; 2ho had trained hi;( not the traitor he had #eco;e. He thou%ht o: La#i# and o: his other s2ords'ills tutors. He too' a dee& #reath and #ac'ed o::( ste&&in% to the side( circlin% 9oloch. The Bull :ollo2ed hi;( 'no2in% he had the Assassin 2orried. When he s;iled he re8ealed a ;outh:ul o: Ea%%ed( #lac'ened teeth( ;ost 2orn do2n to diseased stu;&s. Aro; the #ac' o: his throat he ;ade a %ro2lin% sound as AltaKr ca;e closer( needin% to coaD 9oloch into thro2in% the ha;;er. The Assassin had an idea. It 2as a %ood idea #ut it had a :la2. It 2ould #e :atal i: he %ot it 2ron%. He needed the Bull to release the ha;;er < #ut e8er$ ti;e that ha&&ened it ca;e dan%erousl$ close to ca8in% in AltaKrs s'ull. It ca;e. Loo&in% throu%h the air. S;ashin% into the stone. AltaKr onl$ Eust lea&ed clear #ut he landed on his :eet and( instead o: ta'in% co8er( dashed to2ards the ha;;er. He ste&&ed on the 2ei%ht and ran u& the taut chain to2ards 9oloch. 9oloch sto&&ed %rinnin%. He had a second to co;&rehend the si%ht o: the a%ile Assassin runnin% u& the ti%htro&e o: his chain #e:ore AltaKrs s2ord sliced throu%h the :ront o: his throat and eDited at the nec'. He ;ade a sound that 2as hal:2a$ #et2een a shout and a cho'e( the s2ord &rotrudin% throu%h his nec' as AltaKr let %o o: the hilt and t2isted to straddle the Bulls shoulders( dri8in% his #lade dee& into the ;ans s&ine. Still the Bull :ou%ht and AltaKr :ound hi;sel: han%in% on :or %ri; li:e. He %ra##ed the chain and dra%%ed it u& to loo& around his 8icti;s nec' 2ith his :ree hand( %runtin% 2ith the e::ort o: &ullin% it hard. 9oloch t2isted and &ushed #ac'2ards and AltaKr sa2 that he 2as #ein% ;anoeu8red to2ards the :ire. He :elt the heat at his #ac' and redou#led his e::orts. The #east 2ould not die. He

s;elt so;ethin% #urnin% < the he; o: his ro#eQ 3ellin% 2ith &ain and e::ort( he &ulled hard on the chain 2ith one hand( di%%in% the #lade dee&er 2ith the other until at last so;ethin% %a8e( so;e last li:e :orce sna&&ed 2ithin 9oloch and AltaKr 2as ridin% his #uc'in% shoulders as the #rute :olded to the :loor 2here he la$( #reathin% hea8il$( s$ru&$ #lood s&readin% across the stone( slo2l$ d$in%. At last his #reathin% sto&&ed. AltaKr hea8ed a hu%e si%h o: relie:. 9oloch 2ould not #e a#le to turn the &eo&le a%ainst the Resistance. His rei%n o: t$rann$ 2as o8er. Ho2e8er( he couldnt hel& #ut 2onder 2hat ;i%ht re&lace it. He 2as to %et his ans2er 8er$ shortl$.


9aria 2as %one. Ta'en #$ Crusaders. While AltaKr had #een #attlin% at "antara Castle( soldiers had attac'ed the sa:eFhouse and( des&ite a #attle( had ;ade o:: 2ith so;e &risoners( 9aria a;on% the;. 9ar'os( one o: the :e2 2ho had esca&ed ca&ture( 2as there to %reet the Assassin( 2orr$ etched into his :ace( :rettin% as he #a##led( LAltaKr( 2e 2ere attac'ed. We tried to :i%ht the; o:: #ut < #ut it 2as no use. He dro&&ed his e$es( sha;eF:aced. Or 2as he :ei%nin% itJ AltaKr loo'ed at the door to the dr$in% roo;. It 2as o&en. Be$ond( the door to the #arred cell hun% o&en too and he &ictured her there( 2atchin% hi; 2ith her al;ond e$es( her #ac' a%ainst the 2all and #oots scu::in% in the rushes stre2n on the stone. He shoo' his head to rid hi;sel: o: the i;a%e. There 2as ;ore at sta'e than his :eelin%s :or the En%lish 2o;an@ he had no #usiness thin'in% o: her #e:ore the concerns o: the Order. But P he had. LI 2anted to sto& the;( 9ar'os 2as sa$in%( L#ut I had to hide. There 2ere too ;an$. AltaKr loo'ed at hi; shar&l$. No2 that he 'ne2 o: Barna#ass du&licit$ he 2as reluctant to trust an$#od$. LThis 2as not $our :ault( he said. LThe Te;&lars are cra:t$. LI8e heard the$ harness the &o2er o: a Dar' Oracle in Bu::a8ento. That ;ust #e ho2 the$ :ound us. Was that soJ AltaKr thou%ht a#out it. Certainl$ the Te;&lars see;ed to 'no2 their e8er$ ;o8e. But ;a$#e that 2as less to do 2ith an oracle and ;ore to do 2ith the :act that the Resistance 2as in:ested 2ith Te;&lar s&ies. LThat is a curious theor$( he said( 2ar$ that 9ar'os ;i%ht #e tr$in% deli#eratel$ to ;islead hi;. LBut I sus&ect it 2as Barna#as 2ho ti&&ed the; o::. 9ar'os started. LBarna#asJ Ho2 can that #eJ The Resistance leader Barna#as 2as eDecuted the da$ #e:ore $ou arri8ed. O: course. AltaKr cursed hi;sel:. There had #een a Barna#as 2ho 2as lo$al to the Resistance #ut the Te;&lars had re&laced hi; 2ith their o2n ;an < a :alse Barna#as. AltaKr thou%ht o: ?onas( eDecuted #$ hi; on the orders o: the s&$( and he ho&ed one da$ to #e a#le to ;a'e reco;&ense :or that. ?onas hadnt deser8ed to die. AltaKr le:t :or the har#our district( :ound 2here the Resistance &risoners 2ere #ein% held and sli&&ed &ast the %uards to disco8er the; huddled in a cra;&ed( :ilth$ cell. LThan' $ou( sir( ;a$ od #less $ou( said one( as AltaKr o&ened the door and allo2ed hi; out. He 2ore the sa;e loo' o: %ratitude as the others. AltaKr hated to thin' 2hat the Te;&lars had &lanned :or the;. He searched the %aol in 8ain :or 9aria P LWas there a 2o;an 2ith $ou 2hen $ou 2ere ta'enJ LA 2o;anJ 3es( until the Bulls son Shali; too' her a2a$ in chains. She didnt %o Guietl$. No( thou%ht AltaKr. oin% Guietl$ 2asnt 9arias st$le. But 2ho 2as this son( Shali;J Would he ta'e o8er the Bulls rei%n o: t$rann$J So it 2as that AltaKr :ound hi;sel: scalin% the 2alls o: the :ortress at Bu::a8ento( ;a'in% his 2a$ into the castle( then do2n2ards into its dar'( da;& and dri&&in% de&ths 2here the stone %listened #lac'l$( 2here the li%hts :ro; :lic'erin% torches #arel$ &enetrated the :or#iddin% dar'ness( 2here e8er$ :ootste& echoed and there 2as the constant dri& o: 2ater. Was this 2here the Te;&lars 'e&t their :a;ous oracleJ He ho&ed so. All he 'ne2 so :ar 2as that the$ 2ere 'ee&in% one ste& ahead o: hi;. Whate8er the$ had in ;ind( he 'ne2 he 2ouldnt li'e it@ he didnt li'e the idea o: the archi8e he 'e&t hearin% a#out( or that the$ 'e&t co;in% so close to crushin% the Resistance. An$thin% he could do to halt their &ro%ress needed to #e done. And i: that ;eant a s&ot o: 2itchFhuntin%( then so #e it.

No2( ed%in% alon% the corridors in the #o2els o: the castle( he :ound hi;sel: co;in% closer to 2hat he assu;ed 2as the dun%eon. Behind hi; la$ the #odies o: t2o %uards he had encountered on his 2a$( #oth 2ith their throats slit( the cor&ses hidden :ro; 8ie2. ?ust as 2ith 9olochs castle( he had #een a#le to 2or' his 2a$ to its heart usin% a ;iDture o: stealth and 'illin%. No2 he heard 8oices( one o: 2hich he reco%niIed i;;ediatel$. It 2as Boucharts. He 2as tal'in% to a ;an on the other side o: a steel %ate &oc';ar'ed 2ith rust. LSo the %irl esca&ed a%ain( did sheJ sna&&ed the Te;&lar. The other ;an 2ore su;&tuous :urFlined ro#es. LOne ;inute she 2as chained u&( the neDt she 2as %one P LDont insult ;e( Shali;. 3our 2ea'ness :or 2o;en is 2ell 'no2n. 3ou let $our %uard do2n and she 2al'ed a2a$. LI 2ill :ind her( rand 9aster. I s2ear it. So this 2as Shali;. AltaKr &aid hi; s&ecial attention( :aintl$ a;used. Nothin% a#out hi; < not his loo's( his #uild and certainl$ not his attire < 2as re;iniscent o: his :ather( 9oloch. LDo it Guic'l$( Bouchart 2as sna&&in%( L#e:ore she leads the Assassin directl$ to the archi8e. Shali; turned to %o( #ut Bouchart sto&&ed hi;. LAnd( Shali;( see that this is deli8ered to AleDander in Li;assol. He handed Shali; a sac' that the other ;an too'( indicatin% his assent. AltaKr :elt his Ea2 clench. So AleDander 2as 2or'in% 2ith the Te;&lars too. The ene;$ see;ed to ha8e a hand in e8er$thin%. No2( thou%h( the t2o ;en had ;o8ed o::( and AltaKr resu;ed his &ro%ress to2ards the Oracles cell. !na#le to &ass throu%h the %ates( he cla;#ered on to a #alcon$ and 2or'ed his 2a$ round the outside o: the :ortress( then do2n2ards a%ain until he ca;e to the dun%eons. 9ore %uards :ell #eneath his #lade. Soon the #odies 2ould #e disco8ered and there 2ould #e a %eneral alert. He needed to ;o8e Guic'l$. Still( it see;ed as thou%h the %uards had enou%h to contend 2ith. He could hear screa;in% and rantin% as he a&&roached 2hat he thou%ht 2ere the dun%eons. As he ca;e to the end o: a tunnel( 2hich o&ened into 2hat loo'ed li'e a %aol area( he realised 2here Bouchart had #een %oin%( #ecause here he 2as a%ain( tal'in% to a %uard. The$ stood on the other side o: a #arred &artition outside a ro2 o: cell doors. Well( thou%ht AltaKr( at least hed :ound his dun%eon. He crouched out o: si%ht in an alco8e in the tunnel. To a #ac'%round o: shrie's( he heard Bouchart as'( LWhats ha&&enin%J LIts that ;ad 2o;an( sir( re&lied the %uard( raisin% his 8oice to #e heard o8er the din. LShes on a ra;&a%e. T2o o: the %uards are inEured. LLet her &la$( s;iled Bouchart. LShe has ser8ed her &ur&ose. 3et a%ain AltaKr :ound the 2a$ #et2een hi;sel: and Bouchart #loc'ed. He 2ould dearl$ ha8e li'ed to :inish this no2( e8en 2ith the %uard &resent@ he thou%ht he could o8er2hel; the ;an :irst( then ta'e Bouchart. But it 2as not to #e. Instead he 2as :orced to 2atch( :rustrated( as Bouchart and the %uard ;o8ed o::( lea8in% the area deserted. He ca;e :ro; out o: his hidin% &lace and 2ent to the &artition( :indin% a loc'ed %ate. DeDtrous :in%ers 2or'ed at the ;echanis;. Then he &assed throu%h( and strode to2ards the door o: the Oracles cell. I: an$thin%( her screa;in% 2as louder and ;ore unsettlin% no2( and AltaKr s2allo2ed. He 2as :ri%htened o: no ;an. But this 2as no ;an. This 2as so;ethin% di::erent alto%ether. He :ound hi;sel: ha8in% to stead$ his ner8es as he 2or'ed on the second loc'. As the door s2un% o&en( 2ith the hi%hF&itched co;&laint o: rustin% hin%es( his heart 2as ha;;erin%. Her cell 2as 8ast( the siIe o: a #anGuetin% hall < a lar%e #anGuetin% hall o8er 2hich hun% the &all o: death and deca$( 2ith ri&&lin% ;ist and 2hat loo'ed li'e &atches o:

:olia%e a;on% the &illars( as thou%h the outside 2as intrudin%( one da$ to clai; it in :ull. As his e$es #eca;e accusto;ed to the %loo; he loo'ed :or her #ut sa2 nothin%( Eust heard her in:ernal screechin%. It ;ade the hairs on his ar;s stand on end and he su&&ressed a shi8er as he trod :urther into her P cellJ This 2as ;ore li'e her lair. Suddenl$ there 2as silence. His senses &ric'ed. He s2a&&ed his s2ord :ro; hand to hand( e$es scannin% the dar'( di;l$ lit roo;. LPa%an #lood( ca;e a 8oice < a Ea%%ed sin%son% 8oice strai%ht :ro; a ni%ht;are. He 2heeled in the direction o: the sound( #ut then it ca;e a%ain and see;ed to ha8e ;o8ed. LI 'no2 $our na;e( sinner( she cac'led( LI 'no2 2h$ $oure here. od %uide ;$ cla2s. od %rant ;e stren%th to sna& $our #ones. AltaKr Eust had ti;e to thin'( Cla2sJ Did she reall$ ha8e < She a&&eared( 2hirlin% li'e a der8ish :ro; the dar'ness( #lac' hair 2hi&&in% a#out her( screa;in% as she ca;e. What she had 2erent Guite cla2s@ the$ 2ere lon%( shar& nails < and Eust as deadl$. He heard their 2histle as the$ sliced in :ront o: his :ace. He Eu;&ed #ac'. Then she 2as crouchin% li'e a cat( loo'in% at hi; and snarlin%. He 2as sur&rised@ he had eD&ected an a%ed crone( #ut this 2o;an P she had no#le loo's. O: course. It 2as the 2o;an Barna#as had told hi; a#out( 2ho had once li8ed in the castle. She 2as $oun% and had #een attracti8e once. But 2hate8er the Te;&lars had done to her( i;&rison;ent had see;in%l$ sent her ;ad. He 'ne2 that 2hen she %rinned( suddenl$ not so no#le as she re8ealed ro2s o: rottin% teeth and a ton%ue that threatened to loll :ro; her ;outh. i%%lin% she struc' once ;ore. The$ :ou%ht( the Oracle attac'in% #lindl$( s2in%in% her nails( slashin% AltaKr se8eral ti;es and dra2in% #lood. He 'e&t his distance( co;in% :or2ard to launch counterF attac's until e8entuall$ he ;ana%ed to o8er2hel; her and &inned her to a &illar. Des&eratel$ he tried to hold her < he 2anted to reason 2ith her < #ut she 2rithed li'e a 2ild ani;al( e8en 2hen he &ushed her to the %round and straddled her( holdin% his #lade to her throat as she thrashed( ;utterin%( L lor$ o: od. I a; his instru;ent. ods eDecutioner. I :ear neither &ain nor death. L3ou 2ere a C$&riot once( AltaKr told her( stru%%lin% to hold her. LA res&ected no#le2o;an. What secrets did $ou tell those de8ilsJ Did she 'no2 that #$ hel&in% the Te;&lars shed #etra$ed her o2n &eo&leJ Did she still ha8e enou%h reason to understand thatJ LNot 2ithout &ur&ose do I deal in ;iser$( she ras&ed( suddenl$ #eco;in% still. LB$ ods co;;and I a; his instru;ent. No( he thou%ht. She didnt. Her ;ind 2as %one. LWhate8er the Te;&lars ha8e done to $ou( ;$ lad$( the$ ha8e done $ou 2ron%( he said. LAor%i8e ;e this. It 2as an act o: ;erc$. He 'illed her( then :led that terri#le &lace. Later( #ac' at the sa:eFhouse( he o&ened his Eournal and 2rote( R
Wh$ do our instincts insist on 8iolenceJ I ha8e studied the interactions #et2een di::erent s&ecies. The innate desire to sur8i8e see;s to de;and the death o: the other. Wh$ can the$ not stand hand in handJ So ;an$ #elie8e the 2orld 2as created throu%h the 2or's o: a di8ine &o2er < #ut I see onl$ the desi%ns o: a ;ad;an( #ent on cele#ratin% death( destruction( and des&eration.

R He ;used also u&on the A&&le@ R

Who 2ere the Ones That Ca;e Be:oreJ What #rou%ht the; hereJ What dro8e the; outJ What o: these arte:actsJ 9essa%es in a #ottleJ Tools le:t #ehind to aid and %uide usJ Or do 2e :i%ht :or control o8er their re:use( %i8in% di8ine &ur&ose and ;eanin% to little ;ore than discarded to$sJ

AltaKr decided to :ollo2 Shali;. No2 the$ 2ere #oth huntin% 9aria( and AltaKr 2anted to ;a'e sure he 2as around i: Shali; :ound her :irst. Not that Shali; 2as loo'in% es&eciall$ hard at the ;o;ent. 9ar'os had told AltaKr that all Shali; had in co;;on 2ith his :ather 2as the :act that he ser8ed the Te;&lars and had a :ierce te;&er. In &lace o: reli%ious :er8our he had a taste :or 2ine and enEo$ed the co;&an$ o: &rostitutes. Aollo2in% hi;( AltaKr sa2 hi; indul%e in #oth. He 'e&t a sa:e distance as Shali; and t2o o: his #od$%uards stal'ed the streets o: "$renia li'e a trio o: little des&ots( an%ril$ u&#raidin% citiIens and ;erchants( a#usin% the;( ta'in% %oods and ;one$ in &re&aration :or a 8isit so;e2here. To a #rothel( it see;ed. AltaKr 2atched as Shali; and his ;en a&&roached a door 2here a drun' 2as &a2in% one o: the local 2hores. Either the ;an 2as too stu&id or too ine#riated to reco%niIe that Shali;s ;ood 2as dar'( #ecause he li:ted his leather :las' in %reetin% to the t$rant( callin%( LRaise a ;u%( Shali;. Shali; did not #rea' stride. He ra;;ed the :lat o: his hand into the drun's :ace so that his head re#ounded o:: the 2all #ehind hi; 2ith a hollo2 clun'. The leather :las' dro&&ed and the ;an slid do2n the 2all to a sittin% &osition( his head lollin%( hair ;attin% 2ith #lood. In the sa;e ;o8e;ent Shali; %ra##ed the &rostitute #$ the ar;. She resisted. LShali;( no. Please dont. But he 2as alread$ dra%%in% her o::( loo'in% #ac' o8er his shoulder and callin% to his t2o co;&anions( LHa8e $our :un( ;en. And round u& so;e 2o;en :or ;e 2hen $oure :inished. AltaKr had seen enou%h. Shali; 2asnt loo'in% :or 9aria( that ;uch 2as certain( and he hi;sel: 2asnt li'el$ to :ind her #$ :ollo2in% Shali; to 2here8er he 2as %oin% 2ith his 2hore@ #ed or a ta8ern( no dou#t. Instead he returned to the ;ar'et district( 2here 9ar'os 2as ai;lessl$ 2anderin% #et2een the stalls( his hands clas&ed #ehind his #ac'( 2aitin% :or ne2s :ro; AltaKr. LI need to %et close to Shali;( he told 9ar'os( 2hen the$d re&aired to the shade( loo'in% :or all the 2orld li'e t2o traders &assin% the ti;e o: da$ out o: the hot sun. LI: he is as stu&id as he is #rash( I ;a$ #e a#le to %et so;e secrets out o: hi;. LS&ea' to one o: the ;on's near the cathedral. 9ar'os chuc'led. LShali;s 2a$2ard li:est$le de;ands :reGuent con:essions. So it 2as that at the cathedral AltaKr :ound a #ench #eneath a :la&&in% cano&$ and sat 2atchin% the 2orld %o #$( 2aitin% until a lone 2hiteFro#ed ;on' &assed hi;( inclinin% his head in %reetin%. AltaKr returned the %esture( then said in a lo2 8oice( so that onl$ the ;on' could hear( LDoes it not trou#le $ou( #rother( to su::er the sins o: such a 8ile ;an as Shali;J The ;on' sto&&ed. Loo'ed one 2a$ then the other. Then at AltaKr. LIt does( he 2his&ered( L#ut to o&&ose hi; 2ould ;ean death. The Te;&lars ha8e too ;uch at sta'e here. L3ou ;ean the archi8eJ said AltaKr. LCan $ou tell ;e 2here it isJ AltaKr had heard a#out this archi8e. Perha&s it held the 'e$ to the Te;&lars acti8ities. But the ;on' 2as sha'in% his head and ;o8in% a2a$ as( suddenl$( a s;all co;;otion eru&ted. It 2as Shali;( AltaKr sa2( 2ith a start. He 2as ;ountin% an orators &lat:or;. He no lon%er had the &rostitute 2ith hi; and he see;ed a %ood deal less drun' than he had #een &re8iousl$. L9en and 2o;en o: C$&rus( he announced( as his audience asse;#led( LAr;and Bouchart sends his #lessin%( #ut 2ith a stern &ro8ision that all 2ho :o;ent disorder 2ith their su&&ort o: the Resistance 2ill #e cau%ht and &unished. Those 2ho see' order and har;on$( and &a$ o#eisance to the Lord throu%h %ood 2or'( 2ill enEo$ Boucharts charit$. No2( let us 2or' to%ether as #rothers to re#uild 2hat hate and an%er ha8e torn do2n.

This 2as ;ost odd( thou%ht AltaKr. Shali; loo'ed rested and :reshF:aced( not ho2 AltaKr 2ould ha8e eD&ected hi; to a&&ear in 8ie2 o: his recent acti8ities. That Shali; had had all the ;a'in%s o: a ;an 2ho &lanned to s&end the rest o: his da$ drin'in% and 2horin%. This oneJ He 2as li'e a di::erent ;an < not Eust in loo's #ut in his ;anner( his #earin% and( Eud%in% #$ the content o: his s&eech( his entire &hiloso&h$. And this Shali; had no #od$%uards 2ith hi; either. This Shali; AltaKr could easil$ o8erco;e( &erha&s in one o: the alle$2a$s o:: a ;ain a8enue o: "$renia. When Shali; ste&&ed do2n :ro; his &lat:or; and ;o8ed o::( lea8in% the cathedral #ehind hi; and ta'in% to the %olden streets( AltaKr :ollo2ed in &ursuit. He 2asnt sure ho2 lon% the$d #een 2al'in% 2hen suddenl$ the %iant St Hilarion Castle 2as loo;in% o8er the; and he sa2 that Shali; 2as headin% inside. Sure enou%h( 2hen he reached the hu%e castle %ates he ste&&ed inside a 2ic'et door( disa&&earin% :ro; si%ht. AltaKr cursed. He had lost his tar%et. Still( the castle 2as a hi8e o: acti8it$( and e8en no2 the doors 2ere o&enin%( #oth %ates s2in%in% #ac' to allo2 a &alanGuin carried #$ :our ;en to co;e out. It 2as clearl$ e;&t$ < the$ 2ere a#le to Eo% alon% Guic'l$ < and AltaKr :ollo2ed the; to the sunFda&&led har#our 2here the$ set do2n their #urden and stood 2aitin%( their ar;s :olded. AltaKr 2aited too. He too' a seat on a lo2 har#our 2all and sat 2ith his el#o2s on his 'nees( 2atchin% the &alanGuin and the 2aitin% ser8ants( the ;erchants and :isher;en( the #eauti:ul shi&s roc'in% %entl$ in the 2ash( hulls 'noc'in% a%ainst the har#our 2all. A %rou& o: :isher;en 2restlin% 2ith a hu%e net sto&&ed suddenl$( loo'ed o8er to one o: the shi&s and %rinned. AltaKr :ollo2ed their %aIe to see a nu;#er o: 2o;en a&&ear in the sheer sil' and chi::on o: courtesans and ;a'e their 2a$ on to the har#our 2ith sel:Fconscious( daint$ ste&s. The :isher;en leered and so;e 2asher2o;en tutted as the 2o;en crossed the doc' 2ith their heads held hi%h( 'no2in% eDactl$ the attention the$ co;;anded. AltaKr 2atched the;. A;on% the; 2as 9aria. She 2as dressed as a courtesan. His heart li:ted to see her. But 2hat 2as she doin%J She had esca&ed Shali;s clutches onl$ to ste& #ac' into dan%er( or so it see;ed. She and the other 2o;en cli;#ed a#oard the &alanGuin. The ser8ants 2aited until the$ 2ere a#oard( then &ic'ed it u& and turned 2ith it( carr$in% it ;uch ;ore slo2l$ than #e:ore( each ;an #ent #eneath its 2ei%ht( headin% out o: the har#our and( i: AltaKr 2as ri%ht( to2ards St Hilarion Castle. Where( no dou#t( Shali; 2as alread$ ru##in% his hands 2ith %lee. AltaKr turned to :ollo2( scalin% the 2all o: a near#$ #uildin%( then ;a'in% his 2a$ across the roo:s( Eu;&in% :ro; one to another( trac'in% the &alanGuin( 2hich 2as #elo2 hi;. As it a&&roached the castle %ates he 2aited( crouchin%. Then( ti;in% his Eu;&( he dro&&ed on to its roo:. Thu;&. The &alanGuin lurched as the ;en #elo2 adEusted to the ne2 2ei%ht. AltaKr had %a;#led on the; #ein% too t$ranniIed e8en to loo' u& < and he had #een ri%ht. The$ ;erel$ shouldered the eDtra 2ei%ht and 2al'ed on. And i: the courtesans inside had noticed( the$ said nothin% either( and the &rocession crossed sa:el$ o8er the castle threshold and ca;e into a court$ard. AltaKr loo'ed around hi;( seein% archers on the ra;&arts. An$ ;o;ent no2 hed #e s&otted. He dro&&ed o:: and hid #ehind a lo2 2all( 2atchin% as 9aria 2as ta'en :ro; the trans&ort and escorted a2a$( lea8in% the court$ard #$ a s;all door. He scra;#led u& to the roo: o: an outhouse. He 2ould ha8e to ;a'e his 2a$ inside the lon% 2a$ round. But one thin% he 'ne2. No2 hed :ound her he 2asnt %oin% to lose her a%ain.

On a 2ide( #a'in%Fhot #alcon$( 9aria 2as ushered in to ;eet the o2ner o: St Hilarion Castle. One o: the;( at least. !n'no2n to AltaKr( Shali; had a t2in #rother( Shahar. It 2as Shahar 2ho; AltaKr had seen deli8erin% the s&eech on charit$( 2hich 2ould ha8e ans2ered the Assassins Guestion as to ho2 a ;an 2ho had s&ent the e8enin% drin'in% and 2horin% could loo' so in8i%orated the neDt da$. 9aria( on the other hand( 2as acGuainted 2ith #oth t2ins and( thou%h the$ 2ere identical( 'ne2 ho2 to di::erentiate the;. O: the t2o Shali; 2as dar'Fe$ed and #ore the loo's o: a ;an 2ith his li:est$leH Shahar see;ed the ;ore $outh:ul o: the t2o. It 2as hi; she a&&roached no2. He turned to :ace her and lit u&( s;ilin%( as she crossed the #alcon$ to2ards hi;( res&lendent in her courtesans out:it( :etchin% enou%h to catch an$ ;ans e$e. LI didnt eD&ect to see $ou a%ain. He leered. LHo2 can I hel& $ou( little :oDJ He 2al'ed &ast her and #ac' into the hall. LI; not here to #e :lattered( sna&&ed 9aria( des&ite a&&earances to the contrar$. LI 2ant ans2ers. She sta$ed at his heels( and 2hen the$ reached the hall( he e$ed her( #e;used $et lecherous. She i%nored his loo'. She needed to hear :or hersel: 2hat AltaKr had told her. LOhJ said Shahar. LIs it true 2hat I ha8e heard( she &ressed( Lthat the Te;&lars 2ish to use the A&&le( the Piece o: Eden( :or illJ Not to enli%hten the &eo&le( #ut to su#due the;J He s;iled indul%entl$ as thou%h eD&lainin% thin%s to an adora#le #ut si;&leF;inded child. LPeo&le are con:used( 9aria. The$ are la;#s #e%%in% to #e led. And thats 2hat 2e o::er@ si;&le li8es( :ree o: 2orr$. LBut our Order 2as created to &rotect the &eo&le( she &ersisted( Lnot to ro# the; o: their li#ert$. Shahar curled his li&. LThe Te;&lars care nothin% :or li#ert$( 9aria. We see' order( nothin% ;ore. He 2as 2al'in% to2ards her. She too' a ste& #ac'. LOrderJ Or ensla8e;entJ His 8oice had ta'en on a dar'er tone as he re&lied( L3ou can call it 2hate8er $ou li'e( ;$ dear P He reached :or her( his intentions < his allFtoo o#8ious intentions < interru&ted onl$ #$ AltaKr #urstin% into the roo;. Shahar 2heeled( eDclai;in%( LAssassinQ He %ra##ed 9aria #$ the shoulders and tossed her to the :loor < she landed &ain:ull$. AltaKr decided he 2ould ;a'e the #ull$ &a$ :or that. L9$ a&olo%ies( Shali;( I let ;$sel: in( he said. Shahar %rinned. LSo $oure loo'in% :or Shali;J I; sure ;$ #rother 2ould #e ha&&$ to Eoin us. Aro; a#o8e there 2as a noise and AltaKr loo'ed u& to a %aller$ 2here Shali; 2as a&&roachin%( s;ilin%. Then t2o %uards ca;e throu%h the o&en door( read$ to &ounce on 9aria 2ho( standin% no2( 2hirled( snatched one %uards s2ord :ro; its sheath and used it a%ainst hi;. He screa;ed and cru;&led Eust as she s&un and( dro&&in% to one 'nee( thrust a%ain( dis&osin% o: the other. In the sa;e ;o;ent Shali; #ounded do2n :ro; the %aller$( landin% in the ;iddle o: the hall neDt to his #rother. AltaKr had a ;o;ent to see the t2o side #$ side( and 2as a;aIed #$ ho2 close in loo's the$ 2ere. NeDt to hi; stood 9aria( her ne2l$ acGuired s2ord dri&&in% 2ith #lood( shoulders hea8in%( the t2o o: the; a%ainst the t2ins. AltaKr :elt his chest :ill 2ith so;ethin% that 2as &artl$ &ride and &artl$ so;ethin% he &re:erred not to na;e. LT2o o: the;( he said( Land t2o o: us. 3et a%ain( ho2e8er( 9aria s&ran% a sur&rise. Instead o: :i%htin% #$ his side she si;&l$ ;ade a conte;&tuous sound and darted throu%h the door le:t o&en #$ the

%uards. AltaKr had a ;o;ent to 2onder 2hether he should :ollo2( and then the #rothers 2ere u&on hi; and he 2as :i%htin% :or his li:e a%ainst the t2o s'illed s2ords;en. The :i%ht 2as lon% and #rutal and the t2ins #e%an con:identl$( sure that the$ 2ould s2i:tl$ o8er2hel; the Assassin. A:ter all( there 2ere t2o o: the; and #oth 2ere ade&t 2ith a #ladeH ri%htl$( the$ eD&ected to 2ear hi; do2n. But AltaKr 2as :i%htin% 2ith a #ell$:ul o: an%er and :rustration. He no lon%er 'ne2 2ho 2as :riend and 2ho :oe. He had #een #etra$ed < ;en 2ho 2ere su&&osed to #e :riends had turned out to #e ene;ies. Those he thou%ht ;i%ht #eco;e :riends < or ;ore than :riends < had s&urned the hand o: :riendshi& he o::ered to the;. He 'ne2 onl$ that he 2as :i%htin% a 2ar in 2hich ;ore 2as at sta'e than he 'ne2( in8ol8in% &o2ers and ideolo%ies he had $et to understand. He had to 'ee& :i%htin%( to 'ee& stru%%lin%( until he reached the end. And 2hen the slain #odies o: the t2ins at last la$ at his :eet( their ar;s and le%s at t2isted( 2ron% an%les( their dead e$es 2ide( he too' no &leasure or %rati:ication in his 8ictor$. He ;erel$ shoo' the #lood :ro; his s2ord( sheathed it and ;ade his 2a$ to the #alcon$. Aro; #ehind hi; he heard ;ore %uards arri8in% as he stood on the #alustrade 2ith his ar;s outstretched. Belo2 hi; 2as a cart and he dro&&ed into it( then disa&&eared into the cit$. Later( 2hen he returned to the sa:eFhouse( 9ar'os 2as there to ;eet hi;( ea%er to hear the tale o: the #rothers de;ise. Around the;( ;e;#ers o: the Resistance 2ere e;#racin%( o8erEo$ed at the ne2s. At last the Resistance could re%ain control o: "$renia. And i: "$renia( then surel$ there 2as ho&e :or the 2hole island. 9ar'os #ea;ed at hi;. LIts ha&&enin%( AltaKr. The &orts are e;&t$in% o: Te;&lar shi&s. "$renia 2ill #e :ree. 9a$#e all o: C$&rus. AltaKr s;iled( encoura%ed #$ the Eo$ in 9ar'oss e$es. LSta$ cautious( he ad8ised. He re;e;#ered that he 2as still no closer to disco8erin% the location o: the archi8e. The Te;&lars de&arture 2as tellin% hi; so;ethin%. LThe$ 2ouldnt lea8e their archi8e unde:ended( he said( Lso it cannot #e here. 9ar'os considered. L9ost o: the shi&s that le:t here 2ere headed #ac' to Li;assol. Could it #e thereJ AltaKr nodded. LThan' $ou( 9ar'os. 3ou ha8e ser8ed the countr$ 2ell. L od s&eed( AltaKr. Later( AltaKr :ound his 2a$ to a shi& that 2ould return hi; to Li;assol. There( he ho&ed to unra8el the ;$ster$ o: the Te;&lars intentions( to root out the truth a#out AleDander. He &ondered on it durin% the crossin%( 2ritin% in his Eournal( R
I re;e;#er ;$ ;o;ent o: 2ea'ness( ;$ con:idence sha'en #$ Al 9uali;s 2ords. He( 2ho had #een li'e a :ather( 2as re8ealed to #e ;$ %reatest ene;$. ?ust the #rie:est :lic'er o: dou#t 2as all he needed to cree& into ;$ ;ind 2ith this de8ice. But I 8anGuished his &hanto;s( restored ;$ sel:Fcon:idence( and sent hi; :ro; this 2orld.

Li;assol 2as ;uch as hed had le:t it( ri:e 2ith Te;&lar ;en and soldiers( a resent:ul &o&ulace carr$in% on as nor;al( discontent on their :aces as the$ continued 2ith their #usiness. Wastin% no ti;e( AltaKr located the ne2 Resistance sa:eFhouse( a disused 2arehouse( and entered it( deter;ined to con:ront AleDander 2ith 2hat he had learned in the con8ersation hed o8erheard #et2een Bouchart and Shali;. But 2hen he entered the #uildin% it 2as AleDander 2ho reacted to hi;. LSta$ #ac'( traitor. 3ou ha8e #etra$ed the Resistance and sold out our cause. Ha8e $ou #een 2or'in% 2ith Bouchart all this ti;eJ AltaKr had #een &re&ared :or a con:rontation 2ith AleDander( &erha&s e8en to ;eet hi; in co;#at( #ut the si%ht o: the Resistance ;an in such a state cal;ed hi;( ;ade hi; thin' that he had ;isinter&reted 2hat he had seen. All the sa;e he sta$ed cautious. LI 2as a#out to as' the sa;e o: $ou( AleDander. I o8erheard Bouchart ;ention $our na;e. He deli8ered a &ac'a%e to $ou( did he notJ With narro2ed e$es( AleDander nodded. The :urniture in the sa:eFhouse 2as s&arse #ut there 2as a lo2 ta#le near#$ and on it the s;all sac' AltaKr had seen handed to Shali; #$ Bouchart in "$renia. L3es( said AleDander( Lthe head o: &oor Barna#as in a #urla& sac'. AltaKr 2al'ed to it. He &ulled the dra2strin% on the sac' and the ;aterial :ell a2a$ to re8eal a deca&itated head( #ut P LThis 2as not the ;an 2ho ;et ;e in "$renia( said AltaKr( starin% sadl$ at the se8ered head. It had #e%un to discolour and e;itted a &o2er:ul( un&leasant s;ell. The e$es 2ere hal: closed( the ;outh han%in% sli%htl$ o&en( the ton%ue 8isi#le inside. LWhatJ said AleDander. LThe real Barna#as had #een ;urdered #e:ore I arri8ed( re&laced #$ a Te;&lar a%ent 2ho did ;uch da;a%e #e:ore he 8anished( said AltaKr. L od hel& us. The Te;&lars ha8e #een eGuall$ #rutal here( 2ith ca&tains roa;in% the ;ar'et( the &orts and Cathedral SGuare arrestin% an$one the$ see :it. LDont des&air( said AltaKr. L"$renia has alread$ sha'en o:: the Te;&lars. We 2ill eD&el the; :ro; Li;assol( too. L3ou ;ust #e care:ul. Te;&lar &ro&a%anda has turned so;e o: ;$ ;en a%ainst $ou( and ;ost others are 2ar$. LThan' $ou :or the 2arnin%. AltaKr conducted a :ruitless search o: the cit$ :or Bouchart( #ut 2hen he returned to share the #ad ne2s 2ith AleDander he :ound the sa:eFhouse e;&t$ eDce&t :or a note. It sat on the ta#le and AltaKr &ic'ed it u&. AleDander 2anted to ;eet hi; in the court$ard o: the castle. So the note said( an$2a$. AltaKr thou%ht. Had he e8er seen AleDanders scri&tJ He didnt thin' so. An$2a$( the Bureau ;an ;i%ht ha8e #een coerced into 2ritin% a note. As he ;ade his 2a$ to the rendeI8ous( all his instincts told hi; that this could #e a tra&( and it 2as 2ith a sin'in% heart that he ca;e across a #od$ in the court$ard 2here the$ 2ere due to ;eet. No( he thou%ht. Strai%ht a2a$ he loo'ed around hi;. The e;&t$ ra;&arts surroundin% the court$ard stared e;&til$ #ac'. Indeed( the 2hole area 2as :ar Guieter than he 2ould ha8e eD&ected. He 'nelt to the #od$( his :ears realiIed as he turned it o8er to see AleDanders li:eless e$es starin% #ac' at hi;. Then :ro; a#o8e hi; ca;e a 8oice and he strai%htened( s&innin% to see a :i%ure on the ra;&arts o8erloo'in% the court$ard. DaIIled #$ the sun he &ut u& a hand to shield his e$es( still una#le to ;a'e out the :ace o: the ;an standin% there. Was it BouchartJ

Whoe8er it 2as( he 2ore the red cross o: the Crusader and stood 2ith his le%s sli%htl$ a&art( his hands on his hi&s( e8er$ inch o: hi; the conGuerin% hero. The 'ni%ht &ointed at AleDanders cor&se. His 8oice 2as ;oc'in%@ LA :riend o: $oursJ AltaKr ho&ed soon to ;a'e the 'ni%ht &a$ :or that scorn. No2 the ;an shi:ted sli%htl$ and AltaKr 2as at last a#le to see hi; clearl$. It 2as the s&$. The one 2ho had called hi;sel: Barna#as in "$renia < 2ho 2as &ro#a#l$ res&onsi#le :or 'illin% the real Barna#as. Another %ood ;an dead. AltaKr ho&ed to ;a'e hi; &a$ :or that too. His :ists clenched and the ;uscles in his Ea2 Eu;&ed. Aor the ti;e #ein%( thou%h( the s&$ had hi; at a disad8anta%e. L3ou( he called u& to hi;. LI didnt catch $our na;e. LWhat did I tell $ou in "$reniaJ chuc'led the 'ni%ht < the s&$. LBarna#as( 2asnt itJ Suddenl$ a %reat shout 2ent u& and AltaKr turned to see a %rou& o: citiIens enter the court$ard. He had #een set u&. The s&$ had &ut out the 2ord a%ainst hi;. No2 he 2as #ein% :ra;ed :or the ;urder o: AleDander( the an%r$ ;o# ha8in% #een ti;ed to arri8e at eDactl$ the ri%ht ;o;ent. It 2as a tra& and he had 2al'ed strai%ht into it( e8en thou%h instinct had told hi; to eDercise caution. Once a%ain he cursed hi;sel:. He loo'ed around. The sandstone 2alls loo;ed o8er hi;. A set o: ste&s led to the ra;&arts #ut there at the to& stood the s&$( %rinnin% :ro; ear to ear( enEo$in% the sho2 that 2as a#out to start in earnest as the citiIens ca;e runnin% to2ards AltaKr( their #lood u&( the need :or re8en%e and Eustice #urnin% in their e$es. LTheres the traitorQ LStrin% hi; u&Q L3oull &a$ :or $our cri;esQ AltaKr stood his %round. His :irst i;&ulse 2as to reach :or his s2ord #ut no@ he could not 'ill an$ citiIen. To do so 2ould #e to destro$ an$ :aith the$ had in the Resistance or the Assassins. All he could do 2as &rotest his innocence. But the$ 2ere not to #e reasoned 2ith. Des&eratel$ he searched :or the ans2er. And :ound it. The A&&le. It 2as as thou%h it 2as callin% to hi;. Suddenl$ he 2as a2are o: it in the &ac' at his #ac' and he #rou%ht it out no2( holdin% it so that it 2as :acin% to2ards the cro2d. He had no idea 2hat he 2as tr$in% to do 2ith it and 2as not sure 2hat 2ould ha&&en. He sensed that the A&&le 2ould o#e$ his co;;andsH that it 2ould understand his intent. But it 2as Eust a sense. A :eelin%. An instinct. And it did. It thro##ed and %lo2ed in his hands. It %a8e out a stran%e dia&hanous li%ht that see;ed to settle around the cro2d( 2hich 2as i;;ediatel$ &aci:ied( :roIen to the s&ot. AltaKr sa2 the Te;&lar s&$ recoil 2ith shoc'. Brie:l$ he :elt allF&o2er:ul( and in that ;o;ent he reco%niIed not onl$ the seducti8e allure o: the A&&le and the %odli'e stren%th it #esto2ed( #ut the terri#le dan%er it &osed < in the hands o: those 2ho 2ould use it :or ill( o: course( #ut also 2ith hi;. E8en he 2as not i;;une to its te;&tation. He used it no2( #ut he &led%ed to hi;sel: that he 2ould ne8er use it a%ain( not :or these &ur&oses an$2a$. Then he 2as addressin% the cro2d. LAr;and Bouchart is the ;an res&onsi#le :or $our ;iser$( he called. LHe hired this ;an to &oison the Resistance a%ainst itsel:. o :ro; this &lace and rall$ $our ;en. C$&rus 2ill #e $ours once a%ain. Aor a ;o;ent or so he 2ondered 2hether or not it had 2or'ed. When he lo2ered the A&&le( 2ould the an%r$ cro2d si;&l$ resu;e their l$nchin%J But lo2er it he did( and the cro2d did not ;o8e u&on hi;. His 2ords had s2a$ed the;. His 2ords had &ersuaded the;. Without :urther cere;on$( the$ turned and ;o8ed out o: the

court$ard( lea8in% as Guic'l$ as the$ had arri8ed( #ut su#dued( &enitent e8en. Once ;ore the court$ard 2as e;&t$ and( :or a :e2 heart#eats( AltaKr loo'ed at the A&&le in his hand( 2atched it :ade( :eelin% in a2e o: it( :ri%htened #$ it( attracted to it. Then he tuc'ed it sa:el$ a2a$ as the s&$ said( LSuite a to$ $ou ha8e there. 9ind i: I #orro2 itJ AltaKr 'ne2 one thin%@ that the Te;&lar 2ould ha8e to ta'e the A&&le :ro; his dead #od$. He dre2 his #lade read$ :or co;#at as the Te;&lar s;iled( antici&atin% the :i%ht ahead( a#out to cli;# do2n :ro; the ra;&arts 2hen P He sto&&ed. And the s;ile slid :ro; his :ace li'e dri&&in% oil. Protrudin% :ro; his chest 2as a #lade. Blood :lo2ered at his 2hite tunic( ;in%lin% 2ith the red o: the cross he 2ore. He loo'ed do2n at hi;sel:( con:used( as i: 2onderin% ho2 the 2ea&on had %ot there. Belo2 hi; in the court$ard AltaKr 2as 2onderin% the sa;e thin%. Then the Te;&lar 2as s2a$in% and AltaKr sa2 a :i%ure #ehind hi;. A :i%ure he reco%niIed@ 9aria. She s;iled( sho8ed the s&$ :or2ard :ro; the court$ard 2all and let hi; tu;#le hea8il$ to the %round #elo2. Standin% there( her s2ord dri&&in% #lood( she %rinned at AltaKr( shoo' it( then re&laced it in her sheath. LSo( she said( L$ou had the A&&le all alon%. He nodded. LAnd no2 $ou see 2hat 'ind o: a 2ea&on it could #e in the 2ron% hands. LI dont 'no2 i: Id call $ours the ri%ht hands. LNo. Suite ri%ht. I 2ill destro$ it P or hide it. !ntil I can :ind the archi8e( I cant sa$. LWell( loo' no :urther( she said. L3oure standin% on it.

?ust then there 2as %reat shout at the entrance2a$ to the court$ard and a %rou& o: Te;&lar soldiers rushed in( e$es dan%erous slits #ehind their 8isors. Aro; a#o8e 9aria called( LThis 2a$ < Guic'l$Q She turned and darted alon% the ra;&arts to a door. AltaKr 2as a#out to :ollo2 2hen the three ;en 2ere u&on hi; and he cursed( ;eetin% the; 2ith a chi;in% o: steel( losin% si%ht o: 9aria $et a%ain. The$ 2ere s'illed and had trained hard < the$ had the nec' ;uscles to &ro8e it < #ut e8en three 'ni%hts 2ere no ;atch :or the Assassin( 2ho danced around the; ni;#l$( cuttin% into the; until all three la$ dead at his :eet. He cast a loo' u&2ards. The ra;&arts 2ere e;&t$. ?ust the dead #od$ o: the Te;&lar s&$ at the to& o: the ste&s and no si%n o: 9aria. He #ounded u& the ste&s( &ausin% Eust a ;o;ent to loo' do2n at the dead ;an. I: the Eo# o: an a%ent 2as to disru&t the ene;$ then this one had done his Eo# 2ellH he had al;ost turned the &eo&le a%ainst the Resistance( deli8erin% the; into the hands o: the Te;&lars < 2ho &lanned not to enli%hten #ut to su#Eu%ate and control the;. AltaKr raced on( reachin% the door at the end. This( then( 2as the entrance to the #uildin% housin% the archi8e. He ste&&ed inside. The door sla;;ed #ehind hi;. He :ound hi;sel: on a 2al'2a$ that ran alon% the 2all o: a ca8ernous sha:t( leadin% do2n2ards. Torches on the 2alls %a8e out a ;ea%re li%ht( castin% dancin% shado2s on the Te;&lar crosses that decorated the 2alls. It 2as Guiet. No( not Guite. Aro; so;e2here :ar #elo2 he could hear shoutin%. uards( &erha&s( alerted to the &resence o: P 9ariaJ Such a :ree s&irit could ne8er ali%n hersel: 2ith Te;&lar ideolo%ies. She 2as a traitor no2. She had co;e o8er to the 2a$ o: the Assassin@ she had slain a Te;&lar and sho2n an Assassin the location o: the archi8e. The$ 2ould 'ill her on the s&ot. Althou%h( o: course( :ro; 2hat he had seen o: her in co;#at that ;i%ht #e easier said than done. He #e%an to descend( runnin% do2n the dar' ste&s( occasionall$ lea&in% %a&s in the cru;#lin% stone2or'( until he reached a cha;#er 2ith a sand$ :loor. Arri8in% to ;eet hi; 2ere three %uards( and he dis&osed o: one 2ith a thro2in% 'ni:e strai%ht a2a$( 2ron%:ooted a second and ra;;ed his s2ord into the ;ans nec'. He thrust the #od$ into the third( 2ho :ell( and as the$ 2rithed on the %round( AltaKr :inished the;. Pro#in% dee&er( he heard rushin% 2ater( and :ound hi;sel: on a #rid%e &assin% #et2een t2o 2ater:alls. The sound 2as enou%h to s;other the noise o: his arri8al :ro; the t2o %uards at the o&&osite end o: the #rid%e. He :elled the; #oth 2ith t2o slashes o: his #lade. He le:t the;( continuin% do2n and into the #o2els o: P the li#rar$. No2 he sa2 shel8es o: #oo's( roo;s :ull o: the;. This 2as it. He 2as here. What hed eD&ected to see he 2asnt sure( #ut there 2ere :e2er #oo' and arte:acts than he had i;a%ined. Did this reall$ constitute the :a;ous archi8e hed heard a#outJ But he had no ti;e to sto& and ins&ect his :ind. He could hear 8oices( the an8il sound o: s2ord stri'es@ t2o co;#atants( one o: 2ho; 2as un;ista'a#l$ :e;ale. Ahead o: hi; a lar%e arch 2as decorated 2ith the Te;&lar cross at its a&eD. He 2ent to it and entered a 8ast cha;#er( 2ith a cere;onial area at its centre rin%ed #$ intricate stone &illars. There( in the ;iddle( 2ere Bouchart and 9aria( :i%htin%. She 2as holdin% the Te;&lar leader o::( #ut onl$ Eust( and e8en as AltaKr entered the cha;#er he struc' her and she tu;#led( $ellin% in &ain( to the stone. Bouchart %a8e her an indi::erent loo'( alread$ turnin% to :ace AltaKr( 2ho had ;ade no sound 2hen he entered the cha;#er. LWitless E;&eror Co;nenus( announced the Te;&lar( conte;&tuous o: the erst2hile C$&riot leader( Lhe 2as a :ool( #ut he 2as our :ool. Aor al;ost a decade 2e

o&erated 2ithout inter:erence on this island. Our archi8e 2as the #estF'e&t secret on C$&rus. !n:ortunatel$( e8en the #estFlaid &lans 2ere not i;;une to Isaacs idioc$. Aor al;ost a decade( thou%ht AltaKr. But then P He too' a ste& :or2ard( loo'in% :ro; Bouchart to 9aria. LHe an%ered "in% Richard and #rou%ht the En%lish a little too close :or co;:ort. Is that itJ When Bouchart ;ade no ;o8e to sto& hi;( he crossed the :loor and #ent to 9aria. He held her :ace( loo'in% :or si%ns o: li:e. Bouchart 2as tal'in%( enEo$in% the sound o: his o2n 8oice. LAortunatel$ 2e 2ere a#le to con8ince Richard to sell the island to us. It 2as the onl$ 2a$ to di8ert his attention. Her e$es :luttered. She %roaned. Ali8e. Breathin% a si%h o: relie:( AltaKr laid her head %entl$ on the stone and strai%htened to :ace Bouchart( 2ho had #een 2atchin% the; 2ith an indul%ent s;ile. LPurchasin% 2hat $ou alread$ controlled P &ro;&ted AltaKr. He understood no2. The Te;&lars had &urchased C$&rus :ro; "in% Richard to sto& their archi8e #ein% disco8ered. Little 2onder that the$ had #een a%%ressi8e in their &ursuit o: hi; 2hen he arri8ed on the island. Bouchart con:ir;ed that he 2as correct. LAnd loo' 2here that has %ot us. E8er since $ou arri8ed and stuc' $our nose into too ;an$ dar' corners( the archi8e hasnt #een sa:e. LI 2ish I could sa$ I; sorr$. But I tend to %et 2hat I 2ant( re&lied AltaKr( soundin% con:ident #ut 'no2in% so;ethin% 2asnt Guite ri%ht. Sure enou%h( Bouchart 2as %rinnin%. LOh( not this ti;e( Assassin. Not no2. Our little detour to "$renia %a8e us Eust enou%h ti;e to dis;antle the archi8e and ;o8e it. O: course. It 2asnt a ;ea%re archi8e hed #een seein% on his 2a$ do2n. It 2as the un2anted re;nants o: one. The$d distracted hi; 2ith the #usiness in "$renia and used the o&&ortunit$ to ;o8e it. L3ou 2erent shi&&in% arte:acts to C$&rus( $ou 2ere shi&&in% the; out( said AltaKr( as it all #eca;e clear. LEDactl$( said Bouchart( 2ith a co;&li;entar$ nod. LBut not e8er$thin% has to %o P I thin' 2ell lea8e $ou here. Bouchart lea&ed :or2ard( Ea##in% 2ith his s2ord( and Altair de:lected. Bouchart 2as read$ and &arried( sustainin% his attac'( and AltaKr 2as :orced on to the #ac' :oot( de:endin% a series o: thrusts and slashes. Bouchart 2as s'illed( that 2as certain. He 2as :ast as 2ell( rel$in% ;ore on %race and :oot2or' than the #rute stren%th ;ost Crusaders #rou%ht to a s2ord:i%ht. But he ca;e :or2ard eD&ectin% to 2in and to 2in Guic'l$. His des&eration to 8anGuish the Assassin rendered hi; o#li8ious to the &h$sical de;ands o: the :i%ht( so that AltaKr de:ended( let hi; co;e( soa'ed u& his attac's( e8er$ no2 and then o::erin% a short attac' o: his o2n( o&enin% 2ounds. A %ash here( a nic' there. Blood #e%an to lea' :ro; #eneath Boucharts chain;ail( 2hich hun% hea8$ on hi;. As AltaKr :ou%ht( he thou%ht o: 9aria and o: those 2ho had died on the orders o: the Te;&lar( #ut he sto&&ed those ;e;ories turnin% into the desire :or 8en%eance. Instead he let the; %i8e hi; resol8e. The s;ile had :allen :ro; Boucharts :ace and( as AltaKr re;ained silent( the Te;&lar rand 9aster 2as %runtin% 2ith the eDertion < that and :rustration. His s2ord s2in%s 2ere less coFordinated and :ailed to ;eet their tar%et. S2eat and #lood &oured :ro; hi;. His teeth 2ere #ared. And AltaKr o&ened ;ore 2ounds( cuttin% hi; on the :orehead so that #lood 2as %ushin% into his e$es and he 2as 2i&in% his %auntlet across his :ace to clear it a2a$. No2 Bouchart could #arel$ li:t the s2ord and 2as #ent o8er( his le%s ru##er$ and his shoulders hea8in% as he :ou%ht :or #reath( sGuintin% throu%h a ;as' o: #lood to :ind the Assassin( seein% onl$ shado2s and sha&es. He 2as a de:eated ;an no2. Which

;eant he 2as a dead ;an. AltaKr didnt to$ 2ith hi;. He 2aited until the dan%er 2as o8er. !ntil he 2as sure that Boucharts 2ea'ness 2as not :ei%ned. Then he ran hi; throu%h. Bouchart dro&&ed to the %round and AltaKr 'nelt #eside hi;. The Te;&lar loo'ed at hi; and AltaKr sa2 res&ect in his e$es. LAh. 3ou are a P a credit to $our Creed( he %as&ed. LAnd $ou ha8e stra$ed :ro; $ours. LNot stra$ed P eD&anded. The 2orld is ;ore co;&licated than ;ost dare ad;it. And i: $ou( Assassin P i: $ou 'ne2 ;ore than ho2 to ;urder( $ou ;i%ht understand this. AltaKr :ro2ned. LSa8e $our lecture on 8irtue :or $oursel:. And die 'no2in% that I 2ill ne8er let the A&&le( the Piece o: Eden( :all into an$ hands #ut ;$ o2n. As he s&o'e o: it( he :elt it 2ar; a%ainst his #ac'( as thou%h it had a2o'en. Bouchart s;iled ironicall$. L"ee& it close( Altair. 3ou 2ill co;e to the sa;e conclusions 2e did P in ti;e P He died. AltaKr reached to close his e$es( Eust as the #uildin% shoo' and he 2as sho2ered 2ith :allin% de#ris. Cannon :ire. The Te;&lars 2ere shellin% the archi8e. It ;ade &er:ect sense. The$ 2anted to lea8e nothin% #ehind. He scra;#led o8er to 9aria and &ulled her to her :eet. Aor a ;o;ent or so the$ loo'ed into one anothers e$es( so;e uns&o'en :eelin% &assin% #et2een the;. Then she tu%%ed at his ar; and 2as leadin% hi; out o: the %rand cha;#er Eust as it 2as sha'en #$ ;ore cannon :ire. AltaKr turned in ti;e to see t2o o: the #eauti:ul &illars cru;&le and :all( %reat sections o: stone s;ashin% to the :loor. Then he 2as :ollo2in% 9aria as she ran( ta'in% the ste&s t2o at a ti;e as the$ cli;#ed #ac' u& the sha:t to the sun'en archi8e. It 2as roc'ed #$ another eD&losion( and ;asonr$ s;ashed into the 2al'2a$( #ut the$ 'e&t runnin%( 'e&t dod%in% until the$ reached the eDit. The ste&s had :allen a2a$ so AltaKr cli;#ed( dra%%in% 9aria u& #ehind hi; to a &lat:or;. The$ &ushed their 2a$ out into the da$ as the shellin% intensi:ied and the #uildin% see;ed to :all in on itsel:( :orcin% the; to Eu;& clear. And there the$ sta$ed :or so;e ti;e( %ul&in% clean air( %lad to #e ali8e. Later( 2hen the Te;&lar shi&s had de&arted( ta'in% the last o: the &recious archi8e 2ith the;( AltaKr and 9aria 2ere 2al'in% in the d$in% li%ht in Li;assol &ort( #oth lost in thou%ht. LE8er$thin% I 2or'ed :or in the Hol$ Land( I no lon%er 2ant( said 9aria( a:ter a lon% &ause. LAnd e8er$thin% I %a8e u& to Eoin the Te;&lars P I 2onder 2here all that 2ent( and i: I should tr$ to :ind it a%ain. LWill $ou return to En%landJ as'ed AltaKr. LNo P I; so :ar :ro; ho;e alread$( Ill continue east. To India( &erha&s. Or until I :all o:: the :ar ed%e o: the 2orld P And $ouJ AltaKr thou%ht( enEo$in% the closeness the$ shared. LAor a lon% ti;e under Al 9uali;( I thou%ht ;$ li:e had reached its li;it( and that ;$ sole dut$ 2as to sho2 others the sa;e &reci&ice I had disco8ered. LI :elt the sa;e once( she a%reed. Aro; his &ac' he too' the A&&le and held it u& :or ins&ection. LAs terri#le as this arte:act is( it contains 2onders P I 2ould li'e to understand it as #est I can. L3ou tread a thin line( AltaKr. He nodded slo2l$. LI 'no2. But I ha8e #een ruined #$ curiosit$( 9aria. I 2ant to ;eet the #est ;inds( eD&lore the li#raries o: the 2orld( and learn all the secrets o: nature and the uni8erse. LAll in one li:eti;eJ Its a little a;#itious P He chuc'led. LWho can sa$J It could #e that one li:e is Eust enou%h.

L9a$#e. And 2here 2ill $ou %o :irstJ He loo'ed at her( s;ilin%( 'no2in% onl$ that he 2anted her 2ith hi; :or the rest o: his Eourne$. LEast P he said.


Part Aour 6)
41 ?ul$ 4+10
9a::eo has this ha#it o: loo'in% at ;e stran%el$ so;eti;es. Its as thou%h he #elie8es I; not Guite :urnishin% hi; 2ith all the necessar$ in:or;ation. And he has done this se8eral ti;es durin% our stor$tellin% sessions. Whether 2atchin% the 2orld %o #$ in the #us$ ;ar'et o: 9as$a:( enEo$in% the cool drau%hts in the cataco;#s #eneath the citadel or strollin% alon% the ra;&arts( seein% #irds 2heel and di& across the 8alle$s( he loo's at ;e e8er$ no2 and then( as i: to sa$( LWhat is it $oure not tellin% ;e( NiccolMJ Well( the ans2er( o: course( is nothin%( a&art :ro; ;$ lin%erin% sus&icion that the stor$ 2ill e8entuall$ in8ol8e us in so;e 2a$( that I; #ein% told these thin%s :or a reason. Will it in8ol8e the A&&leJ Or &erha&s his EournalsJ Or the codeD( the #oo' into 2hich he has distilled his ;ost si%ni:icant :indin%sJ E8en so( 9a::eo :iDes ;e 2ith the Loo'. LAndJ LAnd 2hat( #rotherJ LDid AltaKr and 9aria %o eastJ L9a::eo( 9aria is the ;other o: Dari;( the %entle;an 2ho in8ited us here. I 2atched as 9a::eo turned his head to the sun and closed his e$es to let it 2ar; his :ace as he a#sor#ed this in:or;ation. I; sure that he 2as tr$in% to reconcile the i;a%e o: the Dari; 2e 'ne2( a ;an in his siDties 2ith the 2eathered :ace to &ro8e it( 2ith so;eone 2ho had a ;other < a ;other li'e 9aria. I let hi; &onder( s;ilin% indul%entl$. ?ust as 9a::eo 2ould &ester ;e 2ith Guestions durin% the tale( so o: course I had &estered the 9aster( al#eit 2ith a %ood deal ;ore de:erence. LWhere is the A&&le no2J I had as'ed hi; once. I: I; honest( I had secretl$ ho&ed that at so;e &oint he 2ould &roduce it. A:ter all( hed s&o'en a#out it in ter;s o: such re8erence( e8en soundin% :ear:ul o: it at ti;es. Naturall$ I had ho&ed to see it :or ;$sel:. Perha&s to understand its allure. Sadl$( this 2as not to #e. He ;et ;$ Guestion 2ith a series o: test$ noises. I should not trou#le ;$sel: 2ith thou%hts o: the A&&le( he had 2arned( 2ith a 2a%%in% :in%er. I should concern ;$sel: 2ith the codeD instead. Aor contained in those &a%es 2ere the secrets o: the A&&le( he said( #ut :ree o: the arte:acts ;ali%n e::ects. The codeD. 3es( I had decided( it 2as the codeD that 2as to &ro8e si%ni:icant in the :uture. Si%ni:icant in ;$ :uture( e8en. But an$2a$@ #ac' in the here and no2( I 2atched 9a::eo ;ull o8er the :act that Dari; 2as the son o: AltaKr and 9ariaH that :ro; ad8ersarial #e%innin%s had :lourished :irst a res&ect #et2een the &air( then attraction( :riendshi&( lo8e and < L9arria%eJ said 9a::eo. LShe and AltaKr 2ere 2edJ LIndeed. So;e t2o $ears a:ter the e8ents I8e descri#ed( the$ 2ere 2ed at Li;assol. The cere;on$ 2as held there as a ;easure o: res&ect to the C$&riots 2ho had o::ered their island as a #ase :or the Assassins( ;a'in% it a 'e$ stron%hold :or the Order. I #elie8e 9ar'os 2as a %uest o: honour( and a so;e2hat ironic toast 2as &ro&osed to the &irates( 2ho had inad8ertentl$ #een res&onsi#le :or introducin% hi; to AltaKr and 9aria. Shortl$ a:ter the 2eddin% the Assassin and his #ride returned to 9as$a:( 2here their son Dari; 2as #orn. LTheir onl$ sonJ LNo. T2o $ears a:ter the #irth o: Dari;( 9aria %a8e #irth to another( Se:( a #rother to Dari;. LAnd 2hat o: hi;J LAll in %ood ti;e( #rother. All in %ood ti;e. Su::ice to sa$ :or no2 that this

re&resented a ;ainl$ &eace:ul and :ruit:ul &eriod :or the 9aster. He tal's o: it little( as thou%h it is too &recious to #rin% out into the li%ht( #ut ;uch o: it is recorded in his codeD. All the ti;e he 2as ;a'in% ne2 disco8eries and 2as in recei&t o: :resh re8elations. LSuch asJ LHe recorded the; in his Eournals. In there $ou can see not onl$ co;&ounds :or ne2 Assassin &oisons( #ut :or ;edicine too. Descri&tions o: achie8e;ents $et to co;e and catastro&hes $et to ha&&enH desi%ns :or ar;our and :or ne2 hidden #lades( includin% one that :ires &roEectiles. He ;used u&on the nature o: :aith and o: hu;anit$s #e%innin%s( :or%ed :ro; chaos( order i;&osed not #$ a su&re;e #ein% #ut #$ ;an. 9a::eo loo'ed shoc'ed. L NAor%ed :ro; chaos( order i;&osed not #$ a su&re;e #ein% PO LThe Assassin Guestions all :iDed :aith( I said( not 2ithout a touch o: &o;&osit$. LE8en his o2n. LHo2 soJ LWell( the 9aster 2rote o: the contradictions and ironies o: the Assassin. Ho2 the$ see' to #rin% a#out &eace $et use 8iolence and ;urder as the ;eans to do it. Ho2 the$ see' to o&en ;ens ;inds $et reGuire o#edience to a ;aster. The Assassin teaches the dan%ers o: #lindl$ #elie8in% in esta#lished :aith #ut reGuires the Orders :ollo2ers to :ollo2 the Creed unGuestionin%l$. LHe 2rote also o: the Ones Who Ca;e Be:ore( the ;e;#ers o: the :irst ci8iliIation( 2ho le:t #ehind the arte:acts hunted #$ #oth Te;&lar and Assassin. LThe A&&le #ein% one o: the;J LEDactl$. A thin% o: i;;ense &o2er. Co;&eted :or #$ the "ni%hts Te;&lar. His eD&eriences in C$&rus had sho2n hi; that the Te;&lars( rather than tr$in% to 2rest control #$ the usual ;eans( had chosen su#ter:u%e :or their strate%$. AltaKr concluded that this( too( should #e the 2a$ o: the Assassin. LNo lon%er should the Order #uild %reat :ortresses and conduct la8ish rituals. These( he decided( 2ere not 2hat ;a'es the Assassin. What ;a'es the Assassin is his adherence to the Creed. That ori%inall$ es&oused #$ Al 9uali;( ironicall$ enou%h. An ideolo%$ that challen%ed esta#lished doctrines. One that encoura%ed acol$tes to reach #e$ond the;sel8es and ;a'e the i;&ossi#le &ossi#le. It 2as these &rinci&les that AltaKr de8elo&ed and too' 2ith hi; in the $ears he s&ent tra8ellin% the Hol$ Land( sta#iliIin% the Order and instillin% in it the 8alues he had learned as an Assassin. Onl$ in Constantino&le did his atte;&ts to &ro;ote the 2a$ o: the Assassin stu;#le. There( in 4+*6( %reat riots 2ere ta'in% &lace as the &eo&le rose u& a%ainst the B$Iantine e;&eror AleDius( and not lon% a:ter that the Crusaders #ro'e throu%h and #e%an a sac' o: the cit$. In the ;idst o: such on%oin% tu;ult( AltaKr 2as una#le to carr$ out his &lans and retreated. It #eca;e one o: his :e2 :ailures durin% that era. LAunn$( 2hen he told ;e that( he %a8e ;e an odd loo'. LBecause our ho;e is in Constantino&leJ LPossi#l$. I shall ha8e to %i8e the ;atter thou%ht at a later date. It ;a$ 2ell #e that our hailin% :ro; Constantino&le and his atte;&t to esta#lish a %uild there are not unrelated P LHis onl$ :ailure( $ou sa$J LIndeed. In all other 2a$s( AltaKr did ;ore to &ro;ote the Order than al;ost an$ leader #e:ore hi;. It 2as onl$ the ascendanc$ o: en%his "han that &re8ented hi; continuin% his 2or'. LHo2 soJ LSo;e :ort$ $ears a%o( AltaKr 2rote o: it in his codeD. Ho2 a dar' tide 2as risin% to the east. An ar;$ o: such siIe and &o2er that all the land 2as ;ade Guic' 2ith 2orr$. LHe 2as tal'in% a#out the 9on%ol E;&ireJ as'ed 9a::eo. LThe rise o: en%his

"hanJ LEDactl$( I said. LDari; 2as in his earl$ t2enties and an acco;&lished #o2;an( and so it 2as that AltaKr too' hi; and 9aria and le:t 9as$a:. LTo con:ront "hanJ LAltaKr sus&ected that en%his "hans &ro%ress ;i%ht ha8e #een hel&ed #$ another arte:act( si;ilar to the A&&le. Perha&s the S2ord. He needed to esta#lish 2hether this 2as the case( as 2ell as to sto& "hans ineDora#le ;arch. LHo2 2as 9as$a: le:tJ LAltaKr &ut 9ali' in char%e in his &lace. He le:t Se: #ehind also( to hel& ta'e care o: a::airs. Se: had a 2i:e and t2o $oun% dau%hters #$ then( Dari; did not( and the$ 2ere %one :or a lon% ti;e. LHo2 lon%J LHe 2as a#sent :or ten $ears( #rother( and 2hen he returned to 9as$a: e8er$thin% there had chan%ed. Nothin% 2ould e8er #e the sa;e a%ain. Do $ou 2ant to hear a#out itJ LPlease continue.


Aro; a distance all loo'ed 2ell 2ith 9as$a:. None o: the; < not AltaKr( 9aria or Dari; < had an$ idea o: 2hat 2as to co;e. AltaKr and 9aria rode a little ahead( side #$ side( as 2as their &re:erence( ha&&$ to #e 2ith one another and &leased to #e 2ithin si%ht o: ho;e( each undulatin% 2ith the slo2( stead$ rh$th; o: their horses. Both rode hi%h and &roud in the saddle des&ite the lon%( arduous Eourne$. The$ ;i%ht ha8e #een ad8ancin% in $ears < #oth 2ere in their ;idFsiDties < #ut it 2ould not do to #e seen slouchin%. Ne8ertheless the$ ca;e slo2l$@ their ;ounts 2ere chosen :or their stren%th and sta;ina( not s&eed( and tethered to each 2as an ass( laden 2ith su&&lies. Behind the; ca;e Dari;( 2ho had inherited the #ri%ht( dancin% e$es o: his ;other( his :athers colourin% and #one structure( and the i;&ulsi8eness o: #oth. He 2ould ha8e li'ed to %allo& ahead and cli;# the slo&es o: the 8illa%e to the citadel to announce his &arents return( #ut instead trotted ;ee'l$ #ehind( res&ectin% his :athers 2ishes :or a ;odest ho;eco;in%. E8er$ no2 and then he s2atted the :lies :ro; his :ace 2ith his cro& and thou%ht that a %allo& 2ould ha8e #een the ;ost e::ecti8e 2a$ to rid hi;sel: o: the;. He 2ondered i: the$ 2ere #ein% 2atched :ro; the s&ires o: the :ortress( :ro; its de:ensi8e to2er. Passin% the sta#les( the$ 2ent throu%h the 2ooden %ates and into the ;ar'et( :indin% it unchan%ed. The$ ca;e into the 8illa%e( 2here children rushed eDcitedl$ around the; callin% :or treats < children too $oun% to 'no2 the 9aster. Older 8illa%ers reco%niIed hi;( thou%h( and AltaKr noticed the; 2atchin% the &art$ care:ull$( not 2ith 2elco;e #ut 2ariness. Aaces 2ere turned a2a$ 2hen he tried to catch their e$e. AnDiet$ #it into his %ut. No2 a :i%ure he 'ne2 2as a&&roachin% the;( ;eetin% the; at the #otto; o: the slo&es to the citadel. S2a;i. An a&&rentice 2hen hed le:t( one o: those 2ho 2as too :ond o: co;#at( not enou%h o: learnin%. He had collected a scar in the inter8enin% ten $ears and it 2rin'led 2hen he s;iled( a #road %rin that 2ent no2here near his e$es. Perha&s he 2as alread$ thin'in% o: the teachin%s he 2ould ha8e to endure 2ith AltaKr( no2 that he had returned. But endure the; he 2ould( thou%ht AltaKr( his %aIe %oin% &ast S2a;i to the castle( 2here a 8ast :la% #earin% the ;ar' o: the Assassins :luttered in the #reeIe. He had decreed that the :la% #e re;o8ed@ the Assassins 2ere dis&osin% o: such e;&t$ e;#le;s. But 9ali' had e8identl$ decided it should :l$. He 2as another 2ho 2ould endure so;e teachin% in the ti;e ahead. LAltaKr( said S2a;i( 2ith a #o2 o: the head( and AltaKr decided to i%nore the ;ans :ailure to address hi; #$ his correct title. Aor the ti;e #ein% at least. LHo2 &leasant it is to see $ou. I trust $our tra8els &ro8ed :ruit:ul. LI sent ;essa%es( said AltaKr( leanin% :or2ard in his saddle. Dari; dre2 u& on the other side o: hi; so that the three :or;ed a line( loo'in% do2n at S2a;i. LWas the Order not told o: ;$ &ro%ressJ S2a;i s;iled o#seGuiousl$. LO: course( o: course. I as'ed ;erel$ out o: courtes$. LI eD&ected to #e ;et #$ Rau:( said AltaKr. LHe is ;ost accusto;ed to ;eetin% ;$ needs. LAh( &oor Rau:. S2a;i &eered at the %round re:lecti8el$. LIs so;ethin% 2ron%J LRau:( I; a:raid is dead o: the :e8er these &ast :e2 $ears. LWh$ 2as I not in:or;edJ At this S2a;i ;erel$ shru%%ed. An insolent shru%( as thou%h he neither 'ne2 nor cared. AltaKr &ursed his li&s( decidin% that so;e#od$ had so;e eD&lainin% to do( e8en i: it 2asnt to #e this cur. LThen let us ;o8e on. I trust our Guarters are &re&aredJ

S2a;i #o2ed his head a%ain. LI; a:raid not( AltaKr. !ntil such ti;e as $ou can #e acco;;odated I ha8e #een as'ed to direct $ou to a residence on the 2estern side o: the :ortress. AltaKr loo'ed :irst at Dari;( 2ho 2as :ro2nin%( then at 9aria( 2ho %aIed at hi; 2ith e$es that said( Be2are. So;ethin% 2as not ri%ht. LVer$ 2ell( said AltaKr( cautiousl$( and the$ dis;ounted. S2a;i %estured to so;e ser8ant #o$s( 2ho ca;e :or2ard to ta'e the horses( and the$ #e%an their ascent to the citadel %ates. There the %uards inclined their heads Guic'l$( as thou%h( li'e the 8illa%ers( the$ 2ere 'een to a8oid AltaKrs e$e( #ut instead o: &roceedin% u& the #ar#ican( S2a;i led the; around the outside o: the inner curtain. AltaKr re%arded the 2alls o: the citadel stretchin% hi%h a#o8e the;( 2antin% to see the heart o: the Order( :eelin% irritation #uild < #ut so;e instinct told hi; to #ide his ti;e. When the$ reached the residence it 2as a lo2 #uildin% sun' into the stone 2ith a short arch at its door2a$ and stairs leadin% do2n to a 8esti#ule. The :urniture 2as s&arse and there 2ere no sta:: to %reet the;. AltaKr 2as used to ;odest acco;;odation < he de;anded it( in :act < #ut here in 9as$a:( as the Assassin 9aster( he eD&ected his acco;;odation to #e in the 9asters to2er or eGui8alent. Bristlin%( he turned( a#out to re;onstrate 2ith S2a;i( 2ho stood in the 8esti#ule 2ith the sa;e o#seGuious %rin on his :ace( 2hen 9aria %ra##ed his ar; and sGueeIed it( sto&&in% hi;. LWhere is Se:J she as'ed S2a;i. She 2as s;ilin% &leasantl$( thou%h AltaKr 'ne2 that she loathed S2a;i. Loathed hi; 2ith e8er$ :i#re in her #od$. LI 2ould li'e Se: sent here at once( &lease. S2a;i loo'ed &ained. LI re%ret that Se: is not here. He has had to tra8el to Ala;ut. LHis :a;il$J LAre acco;&an$in% hi;. 9aria shot a loo' o: concern to AltaKr. LWhat #usiness did ;$ #rother ha8e in Ala;utJ sna&&ed Dari;( e8en ;ore &ut out then his &arents #$ the scant Guarters. LAlas( I do not 'no2( ooIed S2a;i. AltaKr too' a dee& #reath and a&&roached S2a;i. The ;essen%ers scar no lon%er crin'led as the s$co&hantic s;ile slid :ro; his :ace. Perha&s he 2as suddenl$ re;inded that this 2as AltaKr( the 9aster( 2hose s'ill in #attle 2as ;atched onl$ #$ his :ierceness in the classroo;. LIn:or; 9ali' at once that I 2ish to see hi;( %ro2led AltaKr. LTell hi; he has so;e eD&lainin% to do. S2a;i s2allo2ed( 2rin%in% his hands a little theatricall$. L9ali' is in &rison( 9aster. AltaKr started. LIn &risonJ Wh$J LI; not at li#ert$ to sa$( 9aster. A ;eetin% o: the council has #een called :or to;orro2 ;ornin%. LThe 2hatJ LWith 9ali' i;&risoned( a council 2as :or;ed to o8ersee the Order( in accordance 2ith the statutes o: the Brotherhood. This 2as true( #ut e8en so( AltaKr dar'ened. LWith 2ho as its chair;anJ LA##as( re&lied S2a;i. AltaKr loo'ed at 9aria( 2hose e$es sho2ed real concern no2. She reached to ta'e his ar;. LAnd 2hen do I ;eet this councilJ as'ed AltaKr. His 8oice 2as cal;( #el$in% the stor; in his #ell$. LTo;orro2 the council 2ould li'e to hear the tale o: $our Eourne$ and a&&rise $ou o: e8ents at the Order. LAnd a:ter that the council shall #e dissol8ed( said AltaKr( :ir;l$. LTell $our council 2e

shall see the; at sunrise. Tell the; to consult the statutes. The 9aster has returned and 2ishes to resu;e leadershi&. S2a;i #o2ed and le:t. The :a;il$ 2aited until he had %one #e:ore lettin% their true :eelin%s sho2( 2hen AltaKr turned to Dari; and 2ith ur%enc$ in his 8oice told hi;( LRide to Ala;ut( he told hi;. LBrin% Se: #ac' here. Hes needed at once.


The :ollo2in% da$( AltaKr and 9aria 2ere a#out to ;a'e their 2a$ :ro; their residence to the ;ain to2er 2hen the$ 2ere interce&ted #$ S2a;i( 2ho insisted on leadin% the; throu%h the #ar#ican hi;sel:. As the$ s'irted the 2all AltaKr 2ondered 2h$ he couldnt hear the usual noise o: s2ord&la$ and trainin% :ro; the other side. As the$ ca;e into the court$ard he %ot his ans2er. It 2as #ecause there 2as no s2ord&la$ or trainin%. Where once the inner areas o: the citadel had hu;;ed 2ith acti8it$ and li:e( echoin% to the ;etallic chi;e o: s2ord stri'es( the shouts and curses o: the instructors( no2 it la$ al;ost deserted. He loo'ed around hi;( at the to2ers o8erloo'in% the;( seein% #lac' 2indo2s. uards on the ra;&arts stared dis&assionatel$ do2n at the;. The &lace o: enli%hten;ent and trainin% < the cruci#le o: Assassin 'no2led%e he had le:t < had all #ut disa&&eared. Altairs ;ood dar'ened :urther as he 2as a#out to ;a'e his 2a$ to the ;ain to2er #ut S2a;i directed hi; instead to the ste&s that led u& to the de:ence roo;( then into the ;ain hall. There( the council 2as %athered. Ten ;en 2ere seated on o&&osite sides o: a ta#le 2ith A##as at their head( a &air o: e;&t$ chairs :or AltaKr and 9aria@ 2ooden( hi%hF #ac'ed chairs. The$ too' their seats and( :or the :irst ti;e since enterin% the roo;( AltaKr loo'ed at A##as( his old anta%onist. He sa2 so;ethin% in hi; other than 2ea'ness and resent;ent. He sa2 a ri8al. And :or the :irst ti;e since the ni%ht that Ah;ad had co;e to his Guarters and ta'en his o2n li:e( AltaKr no lon%er &itied A##as. AltaKr loo'ed around the rest o: the ta#le. ?ust as hed thou%ht( the ne2 council 2as ;ade u& o: the ;ost 2ea'F;inded and conni8in% ;e;#ers o: the Order. Those AltaKr 2ould ha8e &re:erred to #e cast out. All had Eoined this council( it see;ed( or #een recruited to it #$ A##as. Characteristic o: the; 2as Aari;( S2a;is :ather( 2ho 2atched hi; :ro; #eneath hooded lids( his chin tuc'ed into this chest. His a;&le chest. The$ had %ot :at( thou%ht AltaKr( scorn:ull$. LWelco;e( AltaKr( said A##as. LI; sure I s&ea' :or us all 2hen I sa$ that I a; loo'in% :or2ard to hearin% o: $our eD&loits in the east. 9aria leaned :or2ard to address hi;. LBe:ore 2e sa$ an$thin% o: our tra8els( 2e 2ould li'e so;e ans2ers( &lease( A##as. We le:t 9as$a: in %ood order. It see;s that standards ha8e #een allo2ed to sli&. LWe le:t 9as$a: in %ood orderJ s;iled A##as( thou%h he had not loo'ed at 9aria. He hadnt ta'en his %aIe :ro; AltaKr. The t2o 2ere starin% across the ta#le at each other 2ith o&en hostilit$. LWhen $ou le:t the Brotherhood I see; to recall there #ein% onl$ one 9aster. No2 it a&&ears 2e had t2o. LBe care:ul $our insolence does not cost $ou dear( A##as( 2arned 9aria. L9$ insolenceJ lau%hed A##as. LAltaKr( &lease tell the in:idel that :ro; no2 on she ;a$ not s&ea' unless directl$ addressed #$ a ;e;#er o: the council. With a shout o: an%er( AltaKr rose :ro; his chair( 2hich s'ittered #ac' and tu;#led on the stone. His hand 2as on the hilt o: his s2ord #ut t2o %uards ca;e :or2ard( their s2ords dra2n. L uards( ta'e his 2ea&on( co;;anded A##as. L3ou 2ill #e ;ore co;:orta#le 2ithout it( AltaKr. Are $ou 2earin% $our #ladeJ AltaKr stretched out his ar;s as a %uard ste&&ed :or2ard to ta'e his s2ord. His slee8es :ell a2a$ to re8eal no hidden #lade. LNo2 2e can #e%in( said A##as. LPlease do not 2aste our ti;e :urther. !&date us on $our Guest to neutraliIe "han. LOnl$ once $ou ha8e told ;e 2hat has ha&&ened to 9ali'( %ro2led Altair. A##as shru%%ed and raised his e$e#ro2s as i: to sa$ the$ 2ere at an i;&asse( and o: course the$ 2ere( neither ;an 2illin% to concede( it see;ed. With a %runt o: eDas&eration( AltaKr #e%an his stor$( rather than &rolon% the standFo::. He related his

Eourne$s to Persia( India and 9on%olia( 2here he( 9aria and Dari; had liaised 2ith the Assassin Sulan al( and told o: ho2 the$ had tra8elled to the Xia &ro8ince near#$ to Xin%%in%( 2hich 2as #esie%ed #$ the 9on%olian Ar;$( the s&read o: "hans e;&ire ineDora#le. There( he said( AltaKr and Sulan al had &lanned to in:iltrate the 9on%olian ca;&. It 2as said that "han 2as there( too. LDari; :ound a 8anta%e &oint not :ar :ro; the ca;& and( ar;ed 2ith his #o2( 2ould 2atch o8er Sulan al and ;e as 2e ;ade our 2a$ throu%h the tents. It 2as hea8il$ %uarded and 2e relied on hi; to dis&ose o: an$ %uards 2e alerted or 2ho loo'ed as thou%h the$ ;i%ht raise the alar;. AltaKr %aIed around the ta#le 2ith a challen%in% stare. LAnd he &er:or;ed this dut$ ad;ira#l$. LLi'e :ather( li'e son( said A##as( 2ith ;ore than a hint o: a sneer in his 8oice. LPerha&s not( said AltaKr( e8enl$. LAor in the e8ent it 2as I 2ho 2as res&onsi#le :or al;ost alertin% the 9on%olians to our &resence. LAh( said A##as. LHe is not in:alli#le. LNo#od$ is( A##as( re&lied AltaKr( Lleast o: all ;e( and I allo2ed an ene;$ soldier to co;e u& on ;e. He 2ounded ;e #e:ore Sulan al 2as a#le to 'ill hi;. L ettin% old( AltaKrJ Eeered A##as. LE8er$#od$ is( A##as( re&lied AltaKr. LAnd I 2ould ha8e #een dead i: Sulan al had not ;ana%ed to ta'e ;e :ro; the ca;& and #rin% ;e to sa:et$. His actions sa8ed ;$ li:e. He loo'ed care:ull$ at A##as. LSulan al returned to the ca;&. Airst he :or;ulated a &lan 2ith Dari; to :lush "han :ro; his tent. RealiIin% the dan%er( "han tried to esca&e on horse#ac'( #ut he 2as #rou%ht do2n #$ Sulan al. "han 2as :inished 2ith a shot :ro; Dari;. LHis s'ills as a #o2;an are #e$ond dou#t( s;iled A##as. LI %ather $ou ha8e sent hi; a2a$( &erha&s to Ala;utJ AltaKr #lin'ed. A##as 'ne2 e8er$thin%( it see;ed. LHe has indeed le:t the citadel on ;$ orders. Whether to Ala;ut or not( I 2ill not sa$. LTo see Se: at Ala;ut( &erha&sJ &ressed A##as. He addressed S2a;i. L3ou told the; Se: 2as there( I trustJ LAs instructed( 9aster( re&lied S2a;i. AltaKr :elt so;ethin% 2orse than 2orr$ in his %ut no2. So;ethin% that ;i%ht ha8e #een :ear. He :elt it :ro; 9aria( too@ her :ace 2as dra2n and anDious. LSa$ 2hat $ou ha8e to sa$( A##as( he said. LOr 2hat( AltaKrJ LOr ;$ :irst tas' 2hen I resu;e leadershi& 2ill #e to ha8e $ou thro2n in the dun%eon. LThere to Eoin 9ali'( ;a$#eJ LI dou#t that 9ali' #elon%s in &rison( sna&&ed AltaKr. LO: 2hat cri;e is he accusedJ LA ;urder. A##as s;ir'ed. It 2as as thou%h the 2ord thu;&ed on to the ta#le. L9urder o: 2ho;J as'ed 9aria. And the re&l$ 2hen it ca;e sounded as thou%h it 2as %i8en :ro; :ar( :ar a2a$. LSe:. 9ali' ;urdered $our son. 9arias head dro&&ed into her hands. LNoQ AltaKr heard so;eone sa$( then realiIed his o2n 8oice had s&o'en. LI a; sorr$( AltaKr( said A##as( s&ea'in% as thou%h he 2as recitin% so;ethin% :ro; ;e;or$. LI a; sorr$ that $ou ha8e returned to hear this ;ost tra%ic ne2s( and ;a$ I sa$ that I s&ea' :or all o: those asse;#led 2hen I eDtend ;$ s$;&ath$ to $ou and $our :a;il$. But until certain ;atters are resol8ed it 2ill not #e &ossi#le :or $ou to resu;e leadershi& o: the Order. AltaKr 2as still tr$in% to unra8el the Eu;#le o: e;otion in his head( a2are o: 9aria #eside hi;( so##in%.

LWhatJ he said. Then louder@ LWhatJ L3ou re;ain co;&ro;ised at this &oint( said A##as( Lso I ha8e ta'en the decision that control o: the Order re;ains 2ith the council. AltaKr shoo' 2ith :ur$. LI a; the 9aster o: this Order( A##as. I de;and that leadershi& is returned to ;e( in line 2ith the statutes o: the Brotherhood. The$ decree it #e returned to ;e. He 2as shoutin% no2. LThe$ do not. A##as s;iled. LNot an$ ;ore.


Later( AltaKr and 9aria sat in their residence( huddled to%ether on a stone #ench( silent in the near dar'. The$ had s&ent $ears slee&in% in deserts #ut had ne8er :elt so isolated and alone as the$ did at that ;o;ent. The$ %rie8ed at their lo2l$ circu;stancesH the$ %rie8ed that 9as$a: had #eco;e ne%lected in their a#senceH the$ :retted :or Se:s :a;il$ and Dari;. But ;ost o: all the$ %rie8ed :or Se:. He had #een sta##ed to death in his #ed( the$ said( Eust t2o 2ee's a%oH there had #een no ti;e to send a ;essa%e to AltaKr. The 'ni:e 2as disco8ered in 9ali's Guarters. He had #een heard ar%uin% 2ith Se: earlier that da$ #$ an Assassin. The na;e o: the Assassin 2ho had heard the ar%u;ent( AltaKr had $et to learn( #ut 2hoe8er it 2as had re&orted hearin% Se: and 9ali' ar%uin% o8er the leadershi& o: the Order( 2ith 9ali' clai;in% that he intended to 'ee& it once AltaKr returned. LIt 2as ne2s o: $our return that s&ar'ed the disa%ree;ent( it 2ould see;( A##as had %loated( re8ellin% in AltaKrs ashen loo'( the Guiet 2ee&in% o: 9aria. Se: had #een heard threatenin% to re8eal 9ali's &lans to AltaKr so 9ali' had 'illed hi;. That 2as the theor$. Beside hi;( her head tuc'ed into his chest and her le%s &ulled u&( 9aria so##ed still. AltaKr s;oothed her hair and roc'ed her until she Guietened. Then he 2atched the shado2s cast #$ the :ireli%ht :lic'erin% and dancin% on the $ello2 stone 2all( listenin% to the cric'ets :ro; outside( the occasional crunch o: %uards :ootste&s. A short 2hile later 9aria a2o'e 2ith a Eu;&. He started too < he had #een :allin% aslee& hi;sel:( lulled #$ the lea&in% :la;es. She sat u&( shi8erin%( and &ulled her #lan'et ti%ht round hersel:. LWhat are 2e %oin% to do( ;$ lo8eJ she as'ed. L9ali'( he said si;&l$. He 2as starin% at the 2all 2ith si%htless e$es and s&o'e as thou%h he hadnt heard the Guestion. LWhat o: hi;J LWhen 2e 2ere $oun%er. The assi%n;ent in the Te;&le 9ount. 9$ actions caused hi; %reat &ain. LBut $ou learned( she said. LAnd 9ali' 'ne2 that. Aro; that da$ a ne2 AltaKr 2as #orn( 2ho led the Order into %reatness. AltaKr ;ade a dis#elie8in% sound. L reatnessJ Reall$J LNot no2( ;$ lo8e( she said. L9a$#e not no2 #ut $ou can restore it to ho2 it 2as #e:ore all o: this. 3ou are the onl$ one 2ho can do it. Not A##as. She said his na;e as thou%h she had tasted so;ethin% es&eciall$ un&leasant. LNot so;e council. 3ou. AltaKr. The AltaKr I8e 2atched ser8e the Order :or ;ore than thirt$ $ears. The AltaKr 2ho 2as #orn on that da$. LIt cost 9ali' his #rother( said AltaKr. LHis ar; too. LHe :or%a8e $ou( and has ser8ed as $our trusted lieutenant e8er since the de:eat o: Al 9uali;. LWhat i: it 2as a :aTadeJ said AltaKr( 8oice lo2. He could see his o2n shado2 on the 2all( dar' and :ore#odin%. She Eer'ed a2a$ :ro; hi;. LWhat are $ou sa$in%J LPerha&s 9ali' has nurtured a hatred o: ;e all these $ears( he said. LPerha&s 9ali' has secretl$ co8eted the leadershi& and Se: disco8ered that. L3es( and &erha&s Ill %ro2 2in%s in the ni%ht and :l$( said 9aria. LWho do $ou thin' reall$ nurses a hatred :or $ou( AltaKrJ Its not 9ali'. Its A##as. LThe 'ni:e 2as :ound in 9ali's #ed( said AltaKr. LPut there( o: course( to i;&licate hi;( either #$ A##as or #$ so;eone in his thrall. I 2ouldnt #e at all sur&rised i: S2a;i 2as the ;an res&onsi#le :or it. And 2hat o: this Assassin 2ho heard 9ali' and Se: ar%uin%J When is he to #e &roducedJ When 2e see hi;( do $ou thin' 2ell disco8er that hes an all$ o: A##asJ Perha&s the son o: another

council ;e;#erJ And 2hat o: &oor Rau:J I 2onder i: he reall$ died o: the :e8er. Sha;e on $ou :or dou#tin% 9ali' 2hen all o: this is so o#8iousl$ the 2or' o: A##as. LSha;e on ;eJ he rounded on her( and she &ulled a2a$. Outside( the cric'ets sto&&ed their noise as thou%h to hear the; ar%ue. LSha;e on ;e :or dou#tin% 9ali'J Do I not ha8e &ast eD&erience o: those I lo8e turnin% a%ainst ;e( and :or reasons :ar ;ore :ra%ile than 9ali' hasJ A##as I lo8ed as a #rother and I tried to do ri%ht #$ hi;. Al 9uali; #etra$ed the 2hole order #ut it 2as ;e he had ta'en as a son. Sha;e on ;e :or #ein% sus&iciousJ To #e trustin% is ;$ %reatest do2n:all. Trustin% in the 2ron% &eo&le. He loo'ed hard at her and she narro2ed her e$es. L3ou ;ust destro$ the A&&le( AltaKr( she said. LIts t2istin% $our ;ind. It is one thin% to ha8e a ;ind that is o&en. It is Guite another to ha8e one so o&en that the #irds can shit into it. He loo'ed at her. LI; not sure that thats ho2 I 2ould ha8e &ut it( he said( a sad s;ile :or;in%. LPerha&s not( #ut e8en so. LI need to :ind out( 9aria( he said. LI need to 'no2 :or sure. He 2as a2are that the$ 2ere #ein% 2atched( #ut he 2as an Assassin and he 'ne2 9as$a: #etter than an$one( so it 2as not di::icult :or hi; to lea8e the residence( ;a'e his 2a$ u& the 2all o: the inner curtain and sGuat in the shado2s o: the ra;&arts until the %uards had ;o8ed &ast. He controlled his #reathin%. He 2as still Guic' and a%ile. He could still scale 2alls. But P Perha&s not 2ith the sa;e ease he once had. He 2ould do 2ell to re;e;#er that. The 2ound hed recei8ed in en%his "hans ca;& had slo2ed hi; do2n too. It 2ould #e :oolish to o8eresti;ate his o2n a#ilities and :ind hi;sel: in trou#le #ecause o: it( :lat on his #ac' li'e a d$in% coc'roach( hearin% %uards a&&roach #ecause hed ;isti;ed a Eu;&. He rested a little #e:ore continuin% alon% the ra;&arts( ;a'in% his 2a$ :ro; the 2estern side o: the citadel to the south to2er co;&leD. Sta$in% clear o: %uards alon% the 2a$( he ca;e to the to2er then cli;#ed do2n to the %round. He ;o8ed to the %rain stores( 2here he located a :li%ht o: stone ste&s that led to a series o: 8aulted tunnels #elo2. There he sto&&ed and listened( his #ac' :lat a%ainst the 2all. He could hear 2ater :lo2in% alon% the s;all strea;s that ran throu%h the tunnels. The Orders dun%eons 2ere not :ar a2a$( so rarel$ used that the$ 2ould ha8e #een 'e&t as storeroo;s 2ere it not :or the da;&. AltaKr :ull$ eD&ected 9ali' to #e their onl$ occu&ant. He cre&t :or2ard until he could see the %uard. He 2as sittin% in the tunnel 2ith his #ac' a%ainst a side 2all o: the cell #loc'( head lolled in slee&. He 2as so;e 2a$ :ro; the cells( and didnt e8en ha8e the; in his e$eline( so eDactl$ 2hat he thou%ht he 2as %uardin% 2as hard to sa$. AltaKr :ound hi;sel: si;ultaneousl$ outra%ed and relie8ed at the ;ans slo&&iness. He ;o8ed stealthil$ &ast hi; < and it s2i:tl$ #eca;e clear 2h$ he 2as sittin% so :ar a2a$. It 2as the stin'. O: the three cells( onl$ the ;iddle one 2as :astened and AltaKr 2ent to it. He 2as not sure 2hat he 2as eD&ectin% to see on the other side o: the #ars( #ut he 2as certain o: 2hat he could s;ell( and held a hand o8er his nose. 9ali' 2as curled u& in the rushes that had #een s&read on the stone < and did nothin% to soa' u& the urine. He 2as clothed in ra%s( loo'in% li'e a #e%%ar. He 2as e;aciated and( throu%h his tattered shirt( AltaKr could see the lines o: his ri#s. His chee'#ones 2ere shar& outcro&s on his :aceH his hair 2as lon%( his #eard o8er%ro2n. He had #een in the cell :or :ar lon%er than a ;onth. That ;uch 2as certain. As he %aIed at 9ali'( AltaKrs :ists clenched. He had &lanned to s&ea' to hi; to deter;ine the truth( #ut the truth 2as there on his Euttin% ri#s and tattered clothes. Ho2 lon% had he #een i;&risonedJ Lon% enou%h to send a ;essa%e to AltaKr and 9aria. Ho2 lon% had Se: #een deadJ AltaKr &re:erred not to thin' a#out it. All he 'ne2 2as that

9ali' 2asnt s&endin% another ;o;ent there. When the %uard o&ened his e$es it 2as to see AltaKr standin% o8er hi;. Then( :or hi;( the li%hts 2ent out. When he neDt a2o'e he 2ould :ind hi;sel: loc'ed inside the &issFstin'in% cell( :ruitlessl$ shoutin% :or hel&( 2ith 9ali' and AltaKr lon% %one. LCan $ou 2al'( ;$ :riendJ AltaKr had said. 9ali' had loo'ed at hi; 2ith #lurr$ e$es. All the &ain in those e$es. When he had e8entuall$ :ocused on AltaKr( a loo' o: %ratitude and relie: had co;e to his :ace( so sincere that i: there had #een the sli%htest dou#t in AltaKrs ;ind it 2as #anished at once. LAor $ou( I can 2al'( said 9ali'( and atte;&ted a s;ile. But as the$ ;ade their 2a$ #ac' alon% the tunnel it had soon #eco;e clear that 9ali' did not ha8e the stren%th to 2al'. Instead( AltaKr had ta'en his %ood ar;( #rou%ht it around his shoulders and carried his old :riend to the ladders o: the to2er( then across the ra;&arts( e8entuall$ descendin% the 2all on the 2estern side o: the citadel( a8oidin% %uards alon% the 2a$. At last the$ arri8ed #ac' at the residence. AltaKr loo'ed :irst one 2a$( then the other #e:ore he let hi;sel: in.


The$ laid 9ali' on a &allet and 9aria sat as his side( %i8in% hi; si&s :ro; a #ea'er. LThan' $ou( he %as&ed. His e$es had cleared a little. He &ulled hi;sel: u& in the #ed( see;in% unco;:orta#le 2ith 9arias &roDi;it$( as thou%h he thou%ht it dishonoura#le to #e tended #$ her. LWhat ha&&ened to Se:J as'ed AltaKr. With three o: the; inside it( the roo; 2as s;all. No2 it #eca;e s;aller( see;in% to close in on the;. L9urdered( said 9ali'. LT2o $ears a%o A##as sta%ed his cou&. He had Se: 'illed( then &laced the ;urder 2ea&on in ;$ roo;. Another Assassin s2ore that hed heard Se: and ;e ar%uin%( and A##as #rou%ht the Order to the conclusion that it 2as I 2ho 2as res&onsi#le :or Se:s ;urder. AltaKr and 9aria loo'ed at one another. Aor t2o $ears their son had #een dead. AltaKr :elt ra%e #u##lin% 2ithin hi; and stro8e to control it < to control the i;&ulse to turn( lea8e the roo;( %o to the :ortress and cut A##as( 2atch hi; #e% :or ;erc$ and #leed to death. 9aria &ut a hand to his ar;( :eelin% and sharin% his &ain. LI; sorr$( said 9ali'. LI couldnt send a ;essa%e 2hile I 2as in &rison. Besides( A##as controlled all co;;unications in and out o: the :ortress. No dou#t he has #een #us$ chan%in% other ordinances durin% ;$ i;&rison;ent( :or his o2n #ene:it. LHe has( said AltaKr. LIt see;s he has su&&orters on the council. LI; sorr$( AltaKr( said 9ali'. LI should ha8e antici&ated A##ass &lans. Aor $ears a:ter $our de&arture he 2or'ed to under;ine ;e. I had no idea he had ;ana%ed to co;;and such su&&ort. It 2ould not ha8e ha&&ened to a stron%er leader. It 2ould not ha8e ha&&ened to $ou. LDont trou#le $oursel:. Rest( ;$ :riend( said AltaKr( and he ;otioned to 9aria. In the neDt roo; the t2o o: the; sat@ 9aria on the stone #ench( AltaKr on a hi%hF #ac'ed chair. LDo $ou 'no2 2hat $ou ha8e to doJ said 9aria. LI ha8e to destro$ A##as( said AltaKr. LBut not :or the &ur&oses o: 8en%eance( ;$ lo8e( she insisted( loo'in% dee& into his e$es. LAor the Order. Aor the %ood o: the Brotherhood. To ta'e it #ac' and ;a'e it %reat once ;ore. I: $ou can do that( and i: $ou can let it ta'e &recedence o8er $our o2n thou%hts o: re8en%e( the Order 2ill lo8e $ou as a :ather 2ho sho2s it the true &ath. I: $ou let $oursel: #e #linded #$ an%er and e;otion( ho2 can $ou eD&ect the; to listen 2hen 2hat $ou teach is the other 2a$J L3oure ri%ht( he said( a:ter a &ause. LThen ho2 shall 2e &roceedJ LWe ;ust con:ront A##as. We ;ust dis&ute the accusation ;ade a%ainst our sons ;urderer. The Order 2ill ha8e to acce&t that( and A##as 2ill #e :orced to ans2er :or hi;sel:. LIt 2ill #e the 2ord o: 9ali' a%ainst A##as and his a%ent( 2hoe8er that is. LA 2easel li'e A##asJ His a%ent is e8en less trust2orth$( I should i;a%ine. The Brotherhood 2ill #elie8e $ou( ;$ lo8e. The$ 2ill 2ant to #elie8e $ou. 3ou are the %reat AltaKr. I: $ou can resist $our desire :or re8en%e( i: $ou can ta'e #ac' the Order #$ :air ;eans( not :oul( then the :oundations $ou la$ 2ill #e e8en stron%er. LI shall see hi; no2( said AltaKr( standin%. The$ chec'ed to ;a'e sure that 9ali' 2as aslee&( then le:t( ta'in% a torch. With earl$F;ornin% ;ist s2irlin% at their :eet( the$ 2al'ed :ast around the outside o: the inner curtain and then to the ;ain %ate. Behind the; 2ere the slo&es o: 9as$a:( the 8illa%e e;&t$ and silent( $et to a2a'e :ro; its slu;#er. A slee&$ Assassin %uard loo'ed the; o8er( insolent in his indi::erence( and AltaKr :ound hi;sel: :i%htin% his ra%e( #ut the$ &assed the ;an( cli;#ed the #ar#ican and 2ent into the ;ain court$ard. A #ell sounded.

It 2as not a si%nal AltaKr 'ne2. He raised his torch and loo'ed around( the #ell still rin%in%. Then he sensed ;o8e;ent :ro; 2ithin the to2ers o8erloo'in% the court$ard. 9aria ur%ed hi; on and the$ ca;e to the ste&s leadin% to the dais outside the 9asters to2er. No2 AltaKr turned and sa2 that 2hiteFro#ed Assassins carr$in% :la;in% torches 2ere enterin% the court$ard #ehind the;( su;;oned #$ the #ell( 2hich sto&&ed suddenl$. LI 2ish to see A##as( AltaKr told the %uard at the door to the to2er( his 8oice loud and cal; in the eerie silence. 9aria %lanced #ehind( and at her shar& inta'e o: #reath AltaKr turned. He %as&ed. The Assassins 2ere asse;#lin%. All 2ere loo'in% at hi;sel: and 9aria. Aor a ;o;ent he 2ondered i: the$ 2ere in so;e 'ind o: thrall( #ut no. The A&&le 2as 2ith hi;( sa:el$ tuc'ed into his ro#e( and dor;ant. These ;en 2ere 2aitin%. Aor 2hatJ AltaKr had a :eelin% he 2as soon to :ind that out. No2 the door to the to2er 2as o&enin% and A##as 2as standin% #e:ore the;. AltaKr :elt the A&&le < it 2as al;ost as thou%h a &erson 2ere &roddin% hi; in the #ac'. Perha&s it 2as re;indin% hi; o: its &resence. A##as strode on to the &lat:or;. LPlease eD&lain 2h$ $ou #ro'e into the Orders cells. He 2as addressin% the cro2d as ;uch as AltaKr and 9aria. AltaKr %lanced #ehind hi; and sa2 that the court$ard 2as :ull. The Assassins torches 2ere li'e #alls o: :la;e in the dar'. So A##as ;eant to discredit hi; in :ront o: the Order. But 9aria had #een correct < he 2asnt u& to the tas'. All A##as had achie8ed 2as to accelerate his o2n do2n:all. LI ;eant to esta#lish the truth a#out ;$ son( said AltaKr. LOh( reall$J s;iled A##as. LAre $ou sure it 2asnt to eDact re8en%eJ S2a;i had arri8ed. He cli;#ed the ste&s to the &lat:or;. He 2as holdin% so;ethin% in a #urla& sac' that he handed to A##as( 2ho nodded. AltaKr loo'ed at the sac' 2aril$( his heart ha;;erin%. 9aria too. A##as &eered into the sac' and %a8e a loo' o: ;oc' concern at 2hat he sa2 inside. Then( 2ith a theatrical air( he reached in and &aused :or a ;o;ent to enEo$ the :risson o: antici&ation that ran throu%h the asse;#l$ li'e a shi8er. LPoor 9ali'( he said( and &ulled out a dise;#odied head@ the s'in at the nec' 2as ra%%ed and dri&&in% :resh #lood( the e$e#alls had rolled u&( and the ton%ue &rotruded sli%htl$. LNoQ AltaKr started :or2ard( and A##as ;otioned to the %uards( 2ho rushed :or2ard( %ra##in% AltaKr and 9aria( disar;in% AltaKr and &innin% his hands #ehind his #ac'. A##as dro&&ed the head #ac' into the sac' and tossed it aside. LS2a;i heard $ou and the in:idel &lottin% 9ali's death. What a sha;e 2e could not reach 9ali' in ti;e to &re8ent it. LNoQ shouted AltaKr. LLiesQ I 2ould ne8er ha8e 'illed 9ali'. Pullin% at the %uards 2ho held hi;( he indicated S2a;i. LHes l$in%. LIs the dun%eon %uard l$in%( tooJ said A##as. LThe one 2ho sa2 $ou dra% 9ali' :ro; his cell. Wh$ did $ou not 'ill hi; there and then( AltaKrJ Did $ou 2ant to ;a'e hi; su::erJ Did $our En%lish 2i:e 2ant to ;a'e 8en%e:ul cuts o: her o2nJ AltaKr stru%%led. LBecause I did not 'ill hi;( he shouted( LI learned :ro; hi; that it 2as $ou 2ho ordered the ;urder o: Se:. And suddenl$ he 'ne2. He loo'ed at S2a;i and sa2 his scorn( and 'ne2 that he had 'illed Se:. He :elt the A&&le at his #ac'. With it he could la$ 2aste to the court$ard. "ill e8er$ treacherous do% a;on% the;. The$ 2ould all :eel his :ur$. But no. He had &ro;ised ne8er to use it in an%er. He had &ro;ised 9aria he 2ouldnt allo2 his thou%hts to #e clouded #$ 8en%eance. LIt is $ou 2ho has #ro'en the Creed( AltaKr( said A##as. LNot I. 3ou are un:it to lead the Order. I here#$ assu;e leadershi& ;$sel:.

L3ou cant do that( sco::ed AltaKr. LI can. A##as ca;e do2n :ro; the &lat:or;( reached :or 9aria and &ulled her to hi;. In the sa;e ;o8e;ent he &roduced a da%%er that he held to her throat. She sco2led and stru%%led( cursin% hi;( until he Ea##ed the da%%er at her nec'( dra2in% #lood and cal;in% her. She held AltaKrs %aIe o8er his ar;( sendin% ;essa%es 2ith her e$es( 'no2in% that the A&&le 2ould #e callin% to hi;. She( too( had realiIed that S2a;i had 'illed Se:. ?ust li'e AltaKr she 2ould cra8e retri#ution. Her e$es &leaded 2ith hi; to 'ee& cal;. LWhere is the A&&le( AltaKrJ said A##as. LSho2 ;e( or I shall o&en the in:idel a ne2 ;outh. LDo $ou hear thisJ called AltaKr( o8er his shoulder( to the Assassins. LDo $ou hear ho2 he &lans to ta'e the leadershi&J He 2ants the A&&le not to o&en ;inds #ut to control the;. It 2as searin% his #ac' no2. LTell ;e no2( AltaKr( re&eated A##as. He &rodded harder 2ith the da%%er and AltaKr reco%niIed the 'ni:e. It had #elon%ed to A##ass :ather. It 2as the da%%er Ah;ad had used to cut his o2n throat in AltaKrs roo; a 2hole li:eti;e a%o. And no2 it 2as #ein% held to 9arias. He :ou%ht to control hi;sel:. A##as &ulled 9aria alon% the dais( a&&ealin% to the cro2d@ LDo 2e trust AltaKr 2ith the Piece o: EdenJ he as'ed the;. In return there 2as a nonco;;ittal ;ur;ur. LAltaKr 2ho eDercises his te;&er in &lace o: reasonJ Should he not #e co;&elled to hand it o8er 2ithout recourse to thisJ AltaKr craned to see o8er his shoulder. The Assassins 2ere shi:tin% unco;:orta#l$( tal'in% a;on% the;sel8es( still in shoc' at the turn o: e8ents. His e$es 2ent to the #urla& #a% and then to S2a;i. There 2as #lood on S2a;is ro#es( he noticed( as thou%h hed #een hit #$ a :ine s&ra$ o: it@ 9ali's #lood. And S2a;i 2as %rinnin%( his scar crin'led. AltaKr 2ondered i: he had %rinned 2hen he sta##ed Se:. L3ou can ha8e it( called AltaKr. L3ou can ha8e the A&&le. LNo( AltaKr( cried 9aria. LWhere is itJ as'ed A##as. He re;ained at the end o: the dais. LI ha8e it( said AltaKr. A##as loo'ed concerned. He &ulled 9aria closer to hi;( usin% her as a shield. Blood &oured :ro; 2here hed nic'ed her 2ith the 'ni:e. At a nod :ro; A##as the %uards loosened their %ri& on AltaKr( 2ho reached :or the A&&le( #rin%in% it :ro; 2ithin his ro#e. S2a;i reached :or it. Touched it. And then( 8er$ Guietl$( so that onl$ AltaKr could hear( he said( LI told Se: it 2as $ou 2ho ordered his death. He died #elie8in% his o2n :ather had #etra$ed hi;. The A&&le 2as %lo2in% and Altair had :ailed to control hi;sel:. S2a;i( his hand on the A&&le( suddenl$ tautened( his e$es &o&&in% 2ide. Then his head 2as tiltin% to one side( his #od$ shi:tin% and 2rithin% as thou%h it 2ere o&erated #$ so;e :orce inside. His Ea2s o&ened #ut no 2ords ca;e out. The inside o: his ;outh %lo2ed %old. His ton%ue 2or'ed 2ithin it. Then( co;&elled #$ the A&&le( he ste&&ed a2a$( and all 2atched as his hands 2ent to his :ace and he #e%an to tear at the :lesh there( %ou%in% dee& trenches in it 2ith his :in%ernails. Blood ran :ro; the churned s'in and still he ;auled hi;sel:( as thou%h he 2ere attac'in% dou%h( ri&&in% at the s'in o: his chee' and tearin% a lon% :la& :ro; it( 2renchin% at one ear( until it dan%led :ro; the side o: his :ace. AltaKr :elt the &o2er coursin% throu%h hi;( as thou%h it lea&ed :ro; the A&&le and s&read li'e a disease throu%h his 8eins. As thou%h it :ed o:: his hatred and his need :or re8en%e( then :lo2ed :ro; the A&&le into S2a;i. AltaKr :elt all o: this as an eDGuisite ;iD o: &leasure and &ain that threatened to li:t hi; o:: his :eet < that ;ade his head :eel

as i: it ;i%ht eD&and and eD&lode( the sensation at once 2onder:ul and terri#le. So 2onder:ul and terri#le that he did not hear 9aria screa;in% to hi;. Neither 2as he a2are o: her &ullin% a2a$ :ro; A##as and dashin% do2n the dais to2ards hi;. At the sa;e ti;e S2a;i had &ulled his da%%er :ro; its sheath and 2as usin% it on hi;sel:( cuttin% hi;sel: 2ith 2ild( #road slashes( o&enin% 2ounds on his :ace and #od$( slicin% into hi;sel: as 9aria reached the;( tr$in% des&eratel$ to sto& AltaKr usin% the A&&le. AltaKr had a second to see 2hat 2as %oin% to ha&&en #ut 2as too late to sto& it. He sa2 S2a;is da%%er :lash( and 9aria( her throat eD&osed( suddenl$ s&innin% a2a$ 2ith #lood shootin% :ro; her nec'. She :olded to the 2ood( her ar;s out:lun%. She #reathed once. As #lood s&read Guic'l$ around her( her shoulders hea8ed 2ith a lon%( ra%%ed %as& and one hand t2itched( 'noc'in% at a 2ooden su&&ort on the dais. At the sa;e ti;e( S2a;i :ell a2a$( his s2ord clatterin% to the :loor. The A&&le %lo2ed #ri%htl$ once( then di;;ed. AltaKr dro&&ed to his 'nees #eside 9aria( ta'in% her #$ the shoulder and turnin% her o8er. She loo'ed at hi;. Her e$elids :luttered. LBe stron%( she said. And died. The court$ard 2as silent. All that could #e heard 2as AltaKrs so##in% as he %athered 9aria to hi; and held her( a ;an crushed. He heard A##as callin%( L9en. Ta'e hi;. Then he stood. Throu%h e$es thic' 2ith tears he sa2 Assassins runnin% to2ards the dais. On their :aces 2as :ear. He still held the A&&le. The cro2d 2as in disarra$. 9ost had dra2n their s2ords( e8en thou%h the$ 'ne2 steel 2ould #e useless a%ainst the A&&le( #ut #etter that than :lee. Suddenl$ the ur%e 2as stron%( o8er&o2erin% al;ost( to use the A&&le to destro$ e8er$thin% he could see( includin% hi;sel:( #ecause 9aria 2as dead at his hands and she had #een his li%ht. In one ;o;ent < in one #lindin% :lash o: ra%e < he had destro$ed 2hat he held ;ost dear. The Assassins &aused. Would AltaKr use the A&&leJ He could see the Guestion in their e$es. L et hi;Q screeched A##as( and the$ ca;e :or2ard cautiousl$. Around AltaKr( the Assassins see;ed unsure 2hether to attac' hi; or not( so he ran. LArchersQ screa;ed A##as( and the #o2;en snatched their shots as AltaKr raced out o: the court$ard. Arro2s hailed do2n around hi;( one slicin% his le%. Aro; le:t and ri%ht ;ore Assassins ca;e runnin%( their ro#es :lo2in%( s2ords held. Perha&s no2 the$ understood that AltaKr 2ould not use the A&&le a second ti;e and the$ lea&ed :ro; 2alls and railin%s to Eoin the &ursuit. Aleein%( AltaKr ca;e to the arch and :ound it #loc'ed. He turned( dou#led #ac' and #arrelled throu%h t2o Assassins in &ursuit( one s2in%in% his #lade and o&enin% a 2ound on his ar;. He screa;ed in &ain #ut 'e&t %oin%( 'no2in% the$ could ha8e had hi;H hed sur&rised the; #ut the$ 2ere scared to attac' hi; < or reluctant to do so. He turned a%ain( this ti;e headin% :or the de:ensi8e to2er. In it he could see archers ta'in% ai; and the$ 2ere the #est( he 'ne2. Trained #$ the #est. The$ ne8er ;issed. Not 2ith the a;ount o: ti;e the$ had to ai; and :ire. EDce&t he 'ne2 2hen the$ 2ould :ire. He 'ne2 that it too' the; a heart#eat to :ind their tar%et and a second heart#eat to stead$ and #reathe( then P Aire. He s2er8ed and rolled. A 8olle$ o: arro2s sla;;ed into the %round hed Eust le:t( all #ut one ;issin% hi;. One o: the archers had chec'ed his ai; and the arro2 %raIed AltaKrs chee'. Blood sluiced do2n his :ace as he hit the ladder( sca;&erin% u& it and reachin% the :irst le8el( 2here a sur&rised #o2;an 2as ditherin% o8er 2hether to dra2 his s2ord. AltaKr dra%%ed hi; :ro; his &erch( and he so;ersaulted to the %round #elo2. Hed li8e.

No2 AltaKr scra##led u& the second ladder. He 2as in &ain. He 2as #leedin% hea8il$. He reached the to& o: the to2er :ro; 2hich he had Eu;&ed a li:eti;e a%o( dis%raced then as he 2as no2. He ho##led to the &lat:or; and( as ;en scra;#led to the to& o: the to2er #ehind hi;( he s&read out his ar;s. And dro&&ed.


4* Au%ust 4+10
AltaKr ;eans us to s&read the 2ord o: the Assassin( that is his &lan. And not Eust s&read the 2ord #ut set u& an Order in the 2est. Sha;e on ;e :or ta'in% so lon% to 2or' it out( #ut no2 that I ha8e( all see;s clear@ to us ,s&eci:icall$ to ;e( it see;s-( he is entrustin% the s&irit o: the Brotherhood. He is &assin% the torch to us. We ha8e had 2ord that 2arli'e 9on%ols are a&&roachin% the 8illa%e and he thin's 2e should lea8e #e:ore hostilities co;;ence. 9a::eo( o: course( see;s rather titillated #$ the idea o: 2itnessin% the action and I rather :eel that he 2ould &re:er it i: 2e sta$ed. His :or;er 2anderlustJ All #ut %one. Our roles are re8ersed( it see;s( :or no2 it is I 2ho 2ant to lea8e. Either I a; ;ore co2ardl$ than he is or I ha8e a ;ore realistic idea o: 2ars %ri; realit$( :or I :ind ;$sel: in accord 2ith AltaKr. 9as$a: under sie%e is no &lace :or us. In truth I a; read$ to %o( 2hether the ;araudin% &art$ o: 9on%ols arri8es or not. I lon% :or ho;e( these hot ni%hts. I ;iss ;$ :a;il$@ ;$ 2i:e and ;$ son( 9arco. He 2ill #e three $ears old in a :e2 short ;onths and I a; &ain:ull$ a2are that I ha8e seen so little o: his 8er$ earliest $ears. I ha8e ;issed his :irst ste&s( his :irst 2ords. In short( I :eel that our ti;e in 9as$a: has reached its natural end. 9oreo8er( the 9aster has said that he 2ishes to see us. There is so;ethin% he ;ust %i8e to us( he sa$s( in a cere;on$ he 2ould li'e to conduct 2ith other Assassins &resent. It is so;ethin% that ;ust #e 'e&t sa:e( he sa$s( and out o: the hands o: the ene;$@ the 9on%ols or the Te;&lars. This is 2hat his tales ha8e #een leadin% to( I realiIe( and I ha8e ;$ sus&icions as to 2hat this &recious thin% ;i%ht #e. We shall see. In the ;eanti;e( 9a::eo is i;&atient to hear the rest o: ;$ tale( no2 so close to its conclusion. He &ulled a :ace 2hen I in:or;ed hi; that I &lanned to shi:t the narrati8e :or2ard in ti;e( :ro; the ;o;ent that AltaKr lea&ed :ro; the ra;&arts o: the citadel( a sha;ed and #ro'en ;an( to a &eriod so;e t2ent$ $ears hence and not to 9as$a:( #ut to a s&ot in the desert t2o da$s ride a2a$ P P to an endless &lain at dus'( see;in%l$ e;&t$ a&art :ro; a ;an on a horse leadin% another horse( the second na% laden 2ith Eu%s and #lan'ets. Aro; a distance the rider loo'ed li'e a trades;an 2ith his 2ares( and u& close that 2as eDactl$ 2hat he 2as( s2eatin% under his tur#an@ a 8er$ tired and &ortl$ trades;an na;ed 9u'hlis. So( 2hen 9u'hlis sa2 the 2aterhole in the distance he 'ne2 he had to lie do2n and rest. Hed ho&ed to reach ho;e 2ithout sto&&in% #ut he had no choice@ he 2as eDhausted. So ;an$ ti;es durin% the Eourne$ the rh$th; o: the horse had lulled hi; and he had :elt his chin tuc'in% into his chest( his e$es :lutterin% and closin%. It had #een %ettin% ;ore and ;ore di::icult to resist slee&. Each ti;e the ;otion o: tra8el roc'ed hi; to2ards slee&( a :resh #attle 2as :ou%ht #et2een heart and head. His throat 2as &arched. His ro#e hun% hea8$ a#out hi;. E8er$ #one and ;uscle in his #od$ hu;;ed 2ith :ati%ue. The thou%ht o: 2ettin% his li&s and l$in% do2n 2ith his tha2# &ulled around hi;( :or Eust a :e2 hours( &erha&s( enou%h to restore so;e ener%$ #e:ore resu;in% the Eourne$ ho;e to 9as$a: < 2ell( the thou%ht 2as al;ost too ;uch :or hi;. What %a8e hi; &ause( ho2e8er( 2hat ;ade hi; :ear:ul o: sto&&in% 2as the tal' he had heard < tal' o: #andits a#road( thie8es &re$in% on trades;en( ta'in% their %oods and slittin% their throats( a #and o: #ri%ands led #$ a cutthroat na;ed Aahad( 2hose le%endar$ #rutalit$ 2as ;atched onl$ #$ that o: his son( Ba$has. Ba$has( the$ said( 2ould han% his 8icti;s #$ their :eet #e:ore slicin% the; :ro; throat to #ell$ and lettin% the; die slo2l$( the 2ild do%s :eastin% on their dan%lin% innards. Ba$has 2ould do this( and hed #e lau%hin%.

9u'hlis li'ed his %uts inside his #od$. Neither did he ha8e an$ desire to surrender all his 2orldl$ %oods to #ri%ands. A:ter all( thin%s in 9as$a: 2ere hard and %ettin% harder. The 8illa%ers 2ere :orced to &a$ hi%her and hi%her le8ies to the castle on the &ro;ontor$ < the cost o: &rotectin% the co;;unit$ 2as risin%( the$ 2ere toldH the 9aster 2as ruthless in de;andin% taDes :ro; the &eo&le and 2ould o:ten send &arties o: Assassins do2n the slo&es to :orce the; to &a$. Those 2ho re:used 2ere li'el$ to #e #eaten( then cast out o: the %ates( there to 2ander in the ho&e o: #ein% acce&ted at another settle;ent( or at the ;erc$ o: the #andits 2ho ;ade a ho;e o: the roc'$ &lains surroundin% 9as$a: and see;ed to #eco;e ;ore and ;ore audacious in their raids on tra8ellers. Once( the Assassins < or the threat o: the; at least < had 'e&t the trade routes sa:e. No lon%er( it see;ed. So( to return ho;e &enniless( una#le to &a$ the tithes that A##as de;anded o: the 8illa%e ;erchants and the le8ies he 2anted :ro; the &eo&le( 9u'hlis ;i%ht :ind hi;sel: and his :a;il$ tossed out o: the 8illa%e@ hi;( his 2i:e Aalia and his dau%hter Nada. He 2as thin'in% a#out all o: this as he a&&roached the 2aterhole( still undecided 2hether or not to sto&. A horse 2as standin% #eneath a lar%e :i% tree that s&read o8er the 2aterhole( a hu%e in8itin% cano&$ o: cool shade and shelter. It 2as untethered #ut the #lan'et on its #ac' sho2ed that it #elon%ed to so;eone( &ro#a#l$ a :ello2 tra8eller sto&&in% to drin' the 2ater( re:ill his :las's or( &erha&s( li'e 9u'hlis( la$ do2n his head and rest. E8en so( 9u'hlis 2as ner8ous as he a&&roached the 2aterhole. His horse sensed the &roDi;it$ o: 2ater and snorted a&&reciati8el$( so that he had to rein her #ac' :ro; trottin% u& to the 2ell( 2here he no2 sa2 a :i%ure( curled u& aslee&. He sle&t 2ith his head on his &ac'( his ro#e 2ra&&ed around hi;( his hood &ulled u& and his ar;s crossed o8er his chest. Little o: his :ace 2as 8isi#le( #ut 9u'hlis sa2 #ro2n( 2eathered s'in( 2rin'led and scarred. He 2as an old ;an( in his late se8enties or earl$ ei%hties. Aascinated( 9u'hlis studied the slee&ers :ace < the e$es sna&&ed o&en. 9u'hlis recoiled a little( sur&rised and :ri%htened. The old ;ans e$es 2ere shar& and 2atch:ul. He re;ained a#solutel$ still and 9u'hlis realiIed that( althou%h he hi;sel: 2as ;uch $oun%er( the stran%er 2as not at all inti;idated #$ hi;. LI; sorr$ i: I distur#ed $ou( said 9u'hlis( inclinin% his head( his 8oice 2a8erin% sli%htl$. The stran%er said nothin%( Eust 2atched as 9u'hlis dis;ounted( then led his horse to the 2ell and retrie8ed the leather #uc'et so that the$ could drin'. Aor a ;o;ent or so the onl$ sound 2as the so:t #u;& o: the #uc'et on the 2all o: the 2ell as the 2ater 2as :etched( then the slur&in% as the horse dran'. 9u'hlis dran' too. He si&&ed then %ul&ed( 2ettin% his #eard and 2i&in% his :ace. He :illed his :las's and too' 2ater to the second horse( tetherin% the; #oth. When he loo'ed a%ain at the stran%er he had :allen aslee& once ;ore. All that had chan%ed a#out hi; 2as that he no lon%er la$ 2ith his ar;s crossed. Instead the$ 2ere #$ his head( restin% on the &ac' he 2as usin% as a &illo2. 9u'hlis too' a #lan'et :ro; his o2n &ac'( :ound a s&ot on the other side o: the 2ell( and la$ do2n to slee&. Ho2 ;uch later 2as it that he heard ;o8e;ent and o&ened his e$es #learil$ to see a :i%ure standin% o8er hi;J A :i%ure lit #$ the :irst ra$s o: the ;ornin% sun( his #lac' hair and #eard 2ild and un'e;&t( a %old earrin% in one ear( and %rinnin% a 2ide( e8il %rin. 9u'hlis tried to scra;#le to his :eet #ut the ;an dro&&ed to his haunches( a %litterin% da%%er %oin% to 9u'hliss nec'( so that 9u'hlis 2ent still 2ith :ri%ht( a 2hi;&er esca&in% :ro; his li&s. LI a; Ba$has( said the ;an( still s;ilin%. LI a; the last :ace $ou 2ill e8er see. LNo( #leated 9u'hlis( #ut Ba$has 2as alread$ haulin% hi; to his :eet and no2 the trader sa2 that Ba$has had t2o co;&anions( 2ho 2ere stri&&in% his horses o: his %oods and trans:errin% the; to their o2n #easts. He loo'ed :or the slee&in% old ;an #ut he 2as no lon%er there( althou%h 9u'hlis

could see his horse. Had the$ 'illed hi; alread$J Was he l$in% 2ith his throat slitJ LRo&e( called Ba$has. He still had the da%%er held to 9u'hliss throat as one o: his co;&anions tossed hi; a coil o: ro&e. Li'e Ba$has( he 2ore #lac' and had an un'e;&t #eard( his hair co8ered 2ith a 'e::i$eh. On his #ac' 2as a lon%#o2. The third ;an had lon% hair and no #eard( a 2ide sci;itar at his #elt( and 2as #usil$ rootin% throu%h 9u'hliss &ac's( discardin% un2anted ite;s in the sand. LNo( cried 9u'hlis( seein% a &ainted stone :all to the dirt. It had #een %i8en to hi; #$ his dau%hter as a %oodFluc' %i:t on the da$ he had le:t( and the si%ht o: it tossed to the %round #$ the ro##er 2as too ;uch :or hi;. He &ulled a2a$ :ro; Ba$hass %ri& and rushed to Lon% Hair( 2ho ;o8ed to ;eet hi; 2ith a s;ile( then :elled hi; 2ith a 8icious &unch to the 2ind&i&e. The three ro##ers roared 2ith lau%hter as 9u'hlis 2rithed and cho'ed in the dirt. LWhat is itJ Eeered Lon% Hair( #endin% to hi;. He sa2 2here 9u'hlis 2as loo'in% and &ic'ed u& the stone( readin% the 2ords Nada had &ainted on. L N ood luc'( Pa&a.O Is this itJ Is this 2hats ;a'in% $ou so #ra8e all o: a sudden( Pa&aJ 9u'hlis reached :or the stone( des&erate to ha8e it( #ut Lon% Hair #atted his hand a2a$ 2ith disdain( then ru##ed the stone on his #ac'side < lau%hin% ;ore as 9u'hlis ho2led in outra%e < and tossed it into the 2ell. LPlo&( he ;oc'ed. L3ou P started 9u'hlis. L3ou P LTie his le%s( he heard :ro; #ehind hi;. Ba$has thre2 Lon% Hair the ro&e and ca;e round( dro&&in% to his haunches and &lacin% the ti& o: his 'ni:e close to 9u'hliss e$e#all. LWhere 2ere $ou headin%( Pa&aJ he as'ed. LTo Da;ascus( lied 9u'hlis. Ba$has sliced his chee' 2ith the 'ni:e and he screa;ed in &ain. LWhere 2ere $ou %oin%J he de;anded a%ain. LHis cloth is :ro; 9as$a:( said Lon% Hair( 2ho 2as 2indin% the ro&e around 9u'hliss le%s. L9as$a:( ehJ said Ba$has. LOnce $ou ;i%ht ha8e counted on the Assassins :or su&&ort( #ut no lon%er. Perha&s 2e should &a$ it a 8isit. We ;a$ :ind oursel8es a %rie8in% 2ido2 in need o: co;:ort. What do $ou sa$( Pa&aJ When 2e8e :inished 2ith $ou. No2 Lon% Hair stood and tossed the end o: the ro&e o8er a #ranch o: the :i% tree( haulin% #ac' on it so that 9u'hlis 2as &ulled u&. His 2orld 2ent u&side do2n. He 2hi;&ered as Lon% Hair tied the end o: the ro&e to the 2ell arch( securin% hi; there. No2 Ba$has reached and s&un hi;. He re8ol8ed( seein% the #o2;an standin% so;e :eet a2a$( roc'in% #ac' on his heels 2ith lau%hter. Ba$has and Lon% Hair closer and lau%hin% too. Ba$has #endin% to hi;. Still re8ol8in%( he sa2 the 2all o: the 2ell %o #$( then ca;e round a%ain to see the three ro##ers( Lon% Hair and Ba$has( #ehind the; the third ;an( and < A &air o: le%s a&&eared :ro; the tree #ehind the third ;an. But 9u'hlis 2as still s&innin% and the 2all o: the 2ell 2ent #$ a%ain. He re8ol8ed( slo2in% no2( to the :ront( 2here all three ro##ers 2ere o#li8ious that another ;an 2as a;on% the;( standin% #ehind the;. A ;an 2hose :ace 2as ;ostl$ hidden #eneath the co2l o: the ro#e he 2ore( his head sli%htl$ #o2ed( his ar;s s&read( al;ost as thou%h in su&&lication. The old ;an. LSto&( said the old ;an. Li'e his :ace( his 8oice 2as 2eathered 2ith a%e. All three ro##ers turned to :ace hi;( tensin%( read$ to cut do2n the intruder. And all three #e%an to sni%%er. LWhat is thisJ sco::ed Ba$has. LAn a%ed ;an co;es to sto& our :unJ What do $ou &lan to do( old ;anJ Bore us to death 2ith $our tales o: the old da$sJ Aart at usJ

His t2o co;&anions lau%hed. LCut hi; do2n( said the old ;an( indicatin% 2here 9u'hlis still hun% u&side do2n( s2a$in% on the ro&e. LAt once. LAnd 2h$ 2ould I 2ant to do thatJ as'ed Ba$has. LBecause I sa$ so( ras&ed the old ;an. LAnd 2ho ;i%ht $ou #e to de;and this o: ;eJ The old ;an :lic'ed his hand. Snic'.


The #o2;an reached :or his #o2 #ut in t2o strides AltaKr reached hi;( s2i&in% his #lade in a 2ide arc that o&ened the ;ans nec'( slicin% the #o2 in hal: and shortenin% his headdress 2ith one cut. There 2as a so:t clatter as the #ri%ands #o2 dro&&ed to the %round( :ollo2ed #$ a thu;& as his #od$ Eoined it. AltaKr < 2ho had not 'no2n co;#at :or t2o decades < stood 2ith his shoulders hea8in%( 2atchin% Ba$has and Lon% Hair as their eD&ressions chan%ed :ro; ;oc'in% to 2ar$. At his :eet the #o2;an 2as t2itchin% and %ur%lin%( his #lood #lotted #$ the sand. Without ta'in% his e$es :ro; Ba$has and Lon% Hair( AltaKr dro&&ed to one 'nee and dro8e his #lade into hi;( silencin% hi;. Aear 2as his %reatest 2ea&on no2( he 'ne2. These ;en had $outh and s&eed on their side. The$ 2ere sa8a%e and ruthless( accusto;ed to death. AltaKr had eD&erience. He ho&ed it 2ould #e enou%h. Lon% Hair and Ba$has shared a loo'. The$ 2ere no lon%er s;ilin%. Aor a ;o;ent the onl$ sound around the 2aterhole 2as the so:t crea'in% o: the ro&e on the #ranch o: the :i% tree( 9u'hlis 2atchin% e8er$thin% u&side do2n. His ar;s 2ere untied and he 2ondered 2hether to tr$ and to %et :ree #ut Eud%ed it #etter not to dra2 attention to hi;sel:. The t2o thu%s ;o8ed a&art( 2antin% to out:lan' AltaKr( 2ho 2atched the %round o&en u& #et2een the;( re8ealin% the ;erchant han%in% u&side do2n. Lon% Hair &assed his sci;itar :ro; hand to hand 2ith a so:t sla&&in% sound. Ba$has che2ed the inside o: his chee'. Lon% Hair too' a ste& :or2ard( Ea##in% 2ith the sci;itar. The air see;ed to 8i#rate 2ith the sound o: rin%in% steel as AltaKr sto&&ed hi; 2ith his #lade( s2ee&in% his ar; to &ush the sci;itar aside( :eelin% his ;uscles co;&lain. I: the thie8es ;ade short attac's he 2asnt sure ho2 lon% he could last. He 2as an old ;an. Old ;en tended %ardens or s&ent a:ternoons &onderin% in their studies( readin% and thin'in% a#out those the$ had lo8ed and lost@ the$ didnt %et in8ol8ed in s2ord:i%hts. Es&eciall$ not 2hen the$ 2ere outnu;#ered #$ $oun%er o&&onents. He sta##ed to2ards Ba$has( 2antin% to sto& the leader out:lan'in% hi; and it 2or'ed < #ut Ba$has darted close enou%h 2ith the da%%er to slice AltaKr at the chest( o&enin% a 2ound( dra2in% the :irst #lood. AltaKr attac'ed in his turn( and the$ clashed( tradin% #lo2s #ut %i8in% Lon% Hair a chance to ste& in #e:ore AltaKr could 2ard hi; o::. Lon% Hair s2i&ed 2ildl$ 2ith his #lade( ;a'in% a lar%e cut in AltaKrs le%. Bi%. Dee&. It %ushed #lood and AltaKr al;ost stu;#led. He li;&ed to his side( tr$in% to #rin% the 2ell to his :lan' in order to de:end :ro; the :ront onl$. He %ot there( the 2all o: the 2aterhole at his side( the han%in% ;erchant at his #ac'. LHa8e stren%th( he heard the ;erchant sa$ Guietl$( Land 'no2 that 2hate8er ha&&ens $ou ha8e ;$ %ratitude and lo8e( 2hether in this li:e or the neDt. AltaKr nodded #ut did not turn( 2atchin% instead the t2o thu%s in :ront o: hi;. Seein% AltaKr #leed had cheered the; and( encoura%ed( the$ ca;e :or2ard 2ith ;ore sta##in%( stin%in% sorties. AltaKr :ou%ht o:: three o::ensi8es( &ic'in% u& ne2 2ounds( #leedin% &ro:usel$ no2( li;&in%( out o: #reath. Aear 2as no lon%er his 2ea&on. That ad8anta%e 2as lost to hi;. All he had no2 2ere lon%Fdor;ant s'ills and instincts( and he cast his ;ind #ac' to so;e o: his %reatest #attles@ o8erco;in% Talals ;en( #eatin% 9oloch( de:eatin% the Te;&lar 'ni%hts in the ?erusale; ce;eter$. The 2arrior 2ho had :ou%ht those #attles 2ould ha8e sliced these t2o dead in seconds. But that 2arrior li8ed in the &ast. He had a%ed. rie: and seclusion had 2ea'ened hi;. He had s&ent t2ent$ $ears ;ournin% 9aria( o#sessed 2ith the A&&le. His co;#at s'ills( %reat as the$ 2ere( had #een allo2ed to 2ither and( so it see;ed( die. He :elt #lood in his #oots. His hands 2ere slic' 2ith it. He 2as s2in%in% 2ildl$ 2ith his #lade( not so ;uch de:endin% as tr$in% to s2at his attac'ers a2a$. He thou%ht o: his &ac'( secured in the :i% tree( the A&&le inside. To %ras& the A&&le 2ould #e to

e;er%e the 8ictor( #ut it 2as too :ar a2a$ and( an$2a$( hed 8o2ed ne8er to use it a%ainH hed le:t it in the tree :or that 8er$ reason( to 'ee& its te;&tation out o: reach. But the truth 2as that i: hed #een a#le to reach it he 2ould ha8e used it no2( rather than die li'e this and surrender the ;erchant to the;( surel$ conde;nin% hi; to an e8en ;ore &ain:ul and tortured death #ecause o: AltaKrs actions. 3es( he 2ould ha8e used the A&&le( #ecause he 2as lost. And hed allo2ed the; to turn hi; a%ain( he realiIed. Lon% Hair ca;e at hi; :ro; the &eri&her$ o: his 8ision and he shouted 2ith the e::ort o: :endin% hi; o::( Lon% Hair ;eetin% his &arries 2ith attac'in% stri'es < one( t2o( three < :indin% a 2a$ #eneath AltaKrs %uard and cuttin% $et another 2ound on his :lan'( a dee& slash that #led co&iousl$ at once. AltaKr sta%%ered( %as&in% 2ith the &ain. Better to die this 2a$( he su&&osed( than to surrender ;ee'l$. Better to die :i%htin%. Lon% Hair ca;e :or2ard no2 and there 2as another clash o: the s2ord. AltaKr 2as 2ounded a%ain( this ti;e on his %ood le%. He dro&&ed to his 'nees( his ar;s han%in%( his useless #lade %ou%in% nothin% #ut the sand. Lon% Hair ste&&ed :or2ard #ut Ba$has sto&&ed hi;. LLea8e hi; to ;e( he ordered. Di;l$( AltaKr :ound hi;sel: thin'in% o: another ti;e( a thousand li8es a%o( that his o&&onent had said the sa;e( and ho2 on that occasion he had ;ade the 'ni%ht &a$ :or his arro%ance. That satis:action 2ould #e denied hi; this ti;e( #ecause Ba$has 2as co;in% :or2ard to AltaKr( 2ho 'nelt( s2a$in% and de:eated( in the dirt( his head han%in%. He tried to order his le%s to stand( #ut the$ 2ould not o#e$. He tried to li:t his #lade hand #ut he could not. He sa2 the da%%er co;in% to2ards hi; and 2as a#le to li:t his head hi%h enou%h to see Ba$hass teeth #ared( his %old earrin% shinin% in the earl$F ;ornin% sun P Then the ;erchant 2as #uc'in%( s2in%in% and had e;#raced Ba$has u&side do2n and :ro; #ehind( ;o;entaril$ arrestin% his &ro%ress. With a %reat shout( a :inal #urst o: e::ort( ener%$ su;;oned :ro; he 'ne2 not 2here( AltaKr thrust u&2ard( his #lade slicin% u& and into Ba$hass sto;ach( o&enin% a 8ertical %ash that ended al;ost at his throat. At the sa;e ti;e 9u'hlis had %ra##ed the da%%er Eust #e:ore it dro&&ed :ro; Ba$hass loosenin% :in%ers( Eer'in% u&2ards and slicin% at the ro&e that held hi;. He dro&&ed( s;ashin% his side &ain:ull$ a%ainst the 2ell 2all( #ut scra;#led to his :eet and stood side #$ side 2ith his sa8iour. AltaKr 2as #ent al;ost dou#le( d$in% on his :eet. But he raised his #lade and stared narro2Fe$ed at Lon% Hair( 2ho suddenl$ :ound hi;sel: outnu;#ered and unner8ed. Instead o: attac'in%( he #ac'ed a2a$ until he reached a horse. Without ta'in% his e$es o:: AltaKr and 9u'hlis( he ;ounted it. He stared at the; and the$ stared #ac'. Then he 8er$ deli#eratel$ dre2 a :in%er across his throat( and rode a2a$. LThan' $ou( said 9u'hlis to AltaKr( #reathlessl$( #ut the Assassin didnt ans2er. He had :olded( unconscious( to the sand.

It 2as a 2ee' later 2hen the en8o$ :ro; the #ri%and leader arri8ed. The &eo&le :ro; the 8illa%e 2atched hi; ride throu%h the to2nshi& and to the hills leadin% u& to the citadel. He 2as one o: Aahads ;en( the$ said( and the 2iser a;on% the; thou%ht the$ 'ne2 the nature o: his #usiness at the :ortress. T2o da$s #e:ore( Aahads ;en had co;e to the 8illa%e 2ith ne2s o: a re2ard o::ered :or an$one 2ho identi:ied the ;an 2ho had 'illed Aahads son( Ba$has. He had #een hel&ed #$ a ;erchant :ro; 9as$a:( the$ said( and the ;erchant 2ould #e unhar;ed i: he &roduced the co2ardl$ do% 2ho had cut do2n the #ri%and leaders #elo8ed son. The 8illa%ers had sha'en their heads and %one a#out their #usiness( and the ;en had le:t e;&t$Fhanded( ;utterin% dar' 2arnin%s a#out their &lanned return. And this 2as it( said the %ossi&s < at least( this 2as a &recursor to it. E8en Aahad 2ouldnt dare send ;en into the 8illa%e 2hen it enEo$ed the &rotection o: the Assassins@ he 2ould ha8e to as' the &er;ission o: the 9aster. E8en Aahad 2ould not ha8e dared ;a'e the reGuest o: AltaKr or Al 9uali;( #ut A##as 2as a di::erent ;atter. A##as 2as 2ea' and could #e #ou%ht. So it 2as that the en8o$ returned. On the out2ard Eourne$ he had loo'ed serious( i: disdain:ul o: the 8illa%ers 2ho 2atched hi; &ass( #ut no2 he s;ir'ed at the; and dre2 his :in%er across his throat. LIt see;s the 9aster has %i8en Aahad his #lessin% to co;e into the 8illa%e( said 9u'hlis( later that ni%ht( as the candles #urned do2n. He sat at the #edside o: the stran%er( tal'in% ;ore to hi;sel: than to the ;an in the #ed( 2ho had not re%ained consciousness since the #attle at the 2aterhole. A:ter2ards 9u'hlis had ;anhandled hi; o8er the saddle o: his second horse and #rou%ht hi; ho;e to 9as$a: in order that he ;i%ht #e healed. Aalia and Nada had attended to hi;( and :or three da$s the$ had 2ondered i: he 2ould li8e or die. Blood loss had le:t hi; as &ale as ;ist and he had lain in #ed < Aalia and 9u'hlis ha8in% %i8en u& theirs :or hi; < loo'in% al;ost serene( li'e a cor&se( as thou%h at an$ ;o;ent he ;i%ht ha8e de&arted the 2orld. On the third da$ his colour #e%an to i;&ro8e. Aalia had told 9u'hlis so 2hen he returned :ro; ;ar'et( and 9u'hlis had ta'en his usual &lace on a chair #$ the side o: the #ed to s&ea' to his sa8iour in the ho&e o: re8i8in% hi;. Hed %ot into the ha#it o: recountin% his da$( occasionall$ tal'in% o: si%ni:icant thin%s in the ho&e o: eDcitin% the &atients unconscious ;ind and #rin%in% hi; round. LA##as has his &rice( it see;s( he said no2. He loo'ed side2a$s at the stran%er( 2ho la$ on his #ac'( his 2ounds healin% nicel$( %ro2in% stron%er #$ the da$. L9aster AltaKr 2ould ha8e died rather than allo2 such a thin%( he said. He leaned :or2ard( 2atchin% the :i%ure in the #ed 8er$ care:ull$. LThe 9aster( AltaKr I#nFLaAhad. Aor the :irst ti;e since he had #een #rou%ht to 9u'hliss ho;e the stran%ers e$es :lic'ed o&en. It 2as the reaction hed ho&ed :or( #ut e8en so 9u'hlis 2as ta'en a#ac'( 2atchin% as the &atients cloud$ e$es slo2l$ re%ained their li%ht. LIts $ou( isnt itJ 2his&ered 9u'hlis( as the stran%er #lin'ed( then turned his %aIe on hi;. L3ou are hi;( arent $ouJ 3oure AltaKr. AltaKr nodded. Tears &ric'ed 9u'hliss e$es and he dro&&ed :ro; his seat to the stone :loor( %ras&in% one o: AltaKrs hands in #oth o: his o2n. L3ou8e co;e #ac' to us( he said( #et2een so#s. L3ou8e co;e to sa8e us. There 2as a &ause. LHa8e $ou co;e to sa8e usJ LDo $ou need sa8in%J said AltaKr. LWe do. Was it $our intention to co;e to 9as$a: 2hen 2e ;etJ AltaKr thou%ht. LWhen I le:t Ala;ut it 2as ine8ita#le I 2ould :ind ;$sel: here. The onl$ Guestion 2as 2hen.

L3ou 2ere in Ala;utJ LThese &ast t2ent$ $ears or so. LThe$ said $ou 2ere dead. That the ;ornin% 9aria died $ou thre2 $oursel: :ro; the citadel to2er. LI did thro2 ;$sel: o:: the citadel to2er( AltaKr s;iled %ri;l$( L#ut I li8ed. I ;ade it to the ri8er outside the 8illa%e. B$ chance Dari; 2as there. He 2as returnin% :ro; Ala;ut( 2here he had :ound Se:s 2i:e and children. He retrie8ed ;e and too' ;e to the;. LThe$ said $ou 2ere dead( said 9u'hlis a%ain. LThe$J 9u'hlis 2a8ed a hand that 2as ;eant to indicate the citadel. LThe Assassins. LIt suited the; to sa$ so( #ut the$ 'ne2 I 2as not. He disentan%led his hand :ro; 9u'hliss %ras&( &ulled hi;sel: to a sittin% &osition and s2un% his le%s out o: the #ed. He loo'ed at his :eet( at their 2rin'led old s'in. E8er$ inch o: his #od$ san% 2ith &ain #ut he :elt P #etter. His ro#e had #een 2ashed and re&laced on hi;. He &ulled his hood o8er his head( li'in% the :eel o: it and #reathin% in the scent o: the clean cloth. He &ut his hands to his :ace and :elt that his #eard had #een tended. Not :ar a2a$ 2ere his #oots( and on a ta#le #$ the side o: the #ed he sa2 his #lade ;echanis;( its ne2 desi%n %leaned :ro; the A&&le. It loo'ed i;&ossi#l$ ad8anced( and he thou%ht o: the other desi%ns he had disco8ered. He needed the assistance o: a #lac's;ith to ;a'e the o#Eects. But :irst P L9$ &ac'J he as'ed o: 9u'hlis( 2ho had scra;#led to his :eet. LWhere is ;$ &ac'J Wordlessl$( 9u'hlis indicated 2here it sat on the stone at the head o: the #ed and AltaKr %lanced at its :a;iliar sha&e. LDid $ou loo' insideJ he as'ed. 9u'hlis shoo' his head :ir;l$ and AltaKr loo'ed at hi; searchin%l$. Then( #elie8in% hi;( he relaDed and reached :or his #oots( &ullin% the; on( 2incin% as he did so. LI ha8e $ou to than' :or tendin% ;e( he said. LI 2ould #e dead #$ the 2aterhole 2ere it not :or $ou. Sco::in%( 9u'hlis retoo' his seat. L9$ 2i:e and dau%hter cared :or $ou( and I ;ust than' $ou. 3ou sa8ed ;e :ro; a %risl$ death at the hands o: those #andits. He leaned :or2ard. L3our actions 2ere those o: the AltaKr I#nFLaAhad o: le%end. I8e told e8er$one. LPeo&le 'no2 I; hereJ 9u'hlis s&read his hands. LO: course. The 2hole 8illa%e 'no2s the tale o: the hero 2ho deli8ered ;e :ro; the hands o: death. E8er$#od$ #elie8es it 2as $ou. LAnd 2hat ;a'es the; thin' thatJ as'ed AltaKr. 9u'hlis said nothin%. Instead he indicated 2ith his chin the lo2 ta#le 2here AltaKrs #lade ;echanis; shone dull$( 2ic'ed and oiled. AltaKr considered. L3ou told the; a#out the #ladeJ 9u'hlis thou%ht. LWell( $es( he said( Lo: course. Wh$J LWord 2ill reach the citadel. The$ 2ill co;e loo'in% :or ;e. LThe$ 2ill not #e the onl$ ones( said 9u'hlis( rue:ull$. LWhat do $ou ;eanJ LA ;essen%er :ro; the :ather o: the ;an $ou 'illed 8isited the :ortress earlier. LAnd 2ho 2as the ;an I 'illedJ LA 8icious cutthroat called Ba$has. LAnd his :atherJ LAahad( leader o: a #and o: #ri%ands 2ho roa; the desert. Its said the$ are ca;&ed t2o or three da$s ride a2a$. Its :ro; there the en8o$ ca;e. The$ sa$ he 2as as'in% the 9asters #lessin% to co;e to the 8illa%e and hunt the 'iller. LThe 9asterJ said AltaKr( shar&l$. LA##asJ

9u'hlis nodded. LA re2ard 2as o::ered :or the 'iller( #ut the 8illa%ers s&urned it. A##as has &erha&s not #een so stead:ast. LThen the &eo&le are o: %ood heart( said AltaKr( Land their leader is not. LTruer 2ords rarel$ s&o'en( a%reed 9u'hlis. LHe ta'es our ;one$ and %i8es us nothin% in return( 2here once the citadel 2as the heart o: the co;;unit$ :ro; 2hich ca;e stren%th( %uidance P LAnd &rotection( said AltaKr( 2ith a hal:Fs;ile. LThat too( ac'no2led%ed 9u'hlis. LAll those thin%s le:t 2ith $ou( AltaKr( to #e re&laced #$ P corru&tion and &aranoia. The$ sa$ that A##as 2as :orced to Guell an u&risin% a:ter $ou le:t( a re#ellion o: Assassins lo$al to $ou and 9ali'H that he had the rin%leaders &ut to deathH that he :ears a re&eat o: the insurrection. His &aranoia ;a'es hi; sta$ in his to2er da$ and ni%ht( i;a%inin% &lots and &uttin% to death those he thin's res&onsi#le. The tenets o: the Order are cru;#lin% around hi; Eust as surel$ as the :ortress itsel: :alls into disre&air. The$ sa$ he has a recurrin% drea;. That one da$ AltaKr I#nFLaAhad returns :ro; eDile in Ala;ut 2ith P he &aused( loo'in% at AltaKr as'ance and castin% a %lance at the &ac' LP an arte:act ca&a#le o: de:eatin% hi; P Is there such a thin%J Do $ou &lan an attac'J LE8en i: there 2as( it is not an arte:act that 2ill de:eat A##as. It is #elie: < #elie: in oursel8es and in the Creed < that 2ill acco;&lish that. LWhose :aith( AltaKrJ AltaKr 2a8ed an ar;. L3ours. That o: the &eo&le and o: the Assassins. LAnd ho2 2ill $ou restore itJ as'ed 9u'hlis. LB$ eDa;&le( re&lied AltaKr( La little at a ti;e. The neDt da$ AltaKr 2ent out into the 8illa%e 2here he #e%an not si;&l$ to &reach the 2a$ o: the Assassins #ut to de;onstrate it.

There had #een :i%hts in 2hich AltaKr had had to inter8ene( dis&utes #et2een traders that had reGuired his ;oderation( land ar%u;ents #et2een nei%h#ours( #ut none had #een as thorn$ as that o: the t2o 2o;en 2ho a&&eared to #e :i%htin% o8er a ;an. The ;an in Guestion( Aaron( sat on a #ench in the shade( co2erin% as the t2o 2o;en ar%ued. 9u'hlis( 2ho had 2al'ed the 8illa%e 2ith AltaKr as he 2ent a#out his #usiness( 2as tr$in% to intercede( 2hile AltaKr stood at one re;o8e( his ar;s :olded( &atientl$ 2aitin% :or a #rea' in hostilities so that he ;i%ht s&ea' to the;. Hed alread$ decided 2hat to sa$@ Aaron 2ould ha8e to eDercise :ree 2ill in this instance( 2hether he li'ed it or not. AltaKrs real concerns la$ 2ith the #o$( 2hose :e8er had $et to #rea' and to 2ho; he had ad;inistered a &otion( its reci&e( o: course( %leaned :ro; the A&&le. Or 2ith the #as'et 2ea8er 2ho 2as creatin% ne2 tools :or hi;sel: to s&eci:ications %i8en to hi; #$ AltaKr( 2ho had transcri#ed the; :ro; the A&&le. Or to the #lac's;ith( 2ho had cast his e$e o8er the dra2in%s AltaKr had %i8en hi;( turned the; u&side do2n and sGuinted at the;( then laid the; out on a ta#le so that AltaKr could &oint out eDactl$ 2hat needed :or%in%. Soon the Assassin 2ould ha8e ne2 eGui&;entH ne2 2ea&ons( the li'e o: 2hich had ne8er #een seen. Or to the ;an 2ho had #een 2atchin% hi; these &ast :e2 da$s( 2ho had ;o8ed 2ith hi; li'e a shado2( sta$in% out o: si%ht( or so he thou%ht. AltaKr had seen hi; at once( o: course. He had noted his #earin%( had 'no2n he 2as an Assassin. It had had to ha&&en( o: course. A##as 2ould ha8e sent his a%ents into the 8illa%e in order to learn a#out the stran%er 2ho :ou%ht 2ith the hidden #lade o: the Assassin. A##as 2ould surel$ co;e to the conclusion that AltaKr had returned to reclai; the Order. 9a$#e he ho&ed that the #ri%ands 2ould 'ill AltaKr :or hi;H ;a$#e he 2ould send a ;an do2n the slo&es to 'ill hi;. Perha&s this shado2 2as also AltaKrs Assassin. Still the 2o;en ar%ued. 9u'hlis said( :ro; the side o: his ;outh( L9aster( it see;s I 2as ;ista'en. These 2o;en are not ar%uin% a#out 2ho should ha8e the un:ortunate Aaron( #ut 2ho should ta'e hi;. AltaKr chuc'led. L9$ Eud%;ent 2ould re;ain the sa;e( he said( castin% an a;used loo' to 2here Aaron sat che2in% his :in%ernails. LIt is :or the $oun% ;an to decide his o2n destin$. He stole a %lance at his shado2( 2ho sat in the shade o: the trees( ;udF coloured ro#es &ulled around hi;( loo'in% :or all the 2orld li'e a snooIin% 8illa%er. To 9u'hlis he said( LI shall return &resentl$. Their tal' is %i8in% ;e a thirst. He turned and le:t the s;all %rou&( so;e o: 2ho; 2ere a#out to :ollo2 until 9u'hlis surre&titiousl$ 2a8ed the; #ac'. AltaKr sensed rather than sa2 his shado2 stand also( :ollo2in% hi; as he 2al'ed into a sGuare and to the :ountain at its centre. There he #ent( dran'( and stood( &retendin% to ta'e in the 8ie2 o8er the 8illa%e #elo2. Then P LIts all ri%ht( he said( to the ;an he 'ne2 stood #ehind hi;. LI: $ou 2ere %oin% to 'ill ;e $ou 2ould ha8e done it #$ no2. L3ou 2ere Eust %oin% to let ;e do itJ AltaKr chuc'led. LI ha8e not s&ent ;$ li:e 2al'in% the &ath o: a 2arrior in order to let ;$sel: #e ta'en #$ a $oun% &u& at a :ountainhead. L3ou heard ;eJ LO: course I heard $ou. I heard $ou a&&roach 2ith all the stealth o: an ele&hant and I heard that $ou :a8our $our le:t side. Were $ou to attac' I should ;o8e to ;$ ri%ht in order to ;eet $our 2ea'er side. LWouldnt I antici&ate thatJ LWell( that 2ould de&end on the tar%et. 3ou 2ould( o: course( 'no2 $our tar%et 2ell and #e a2are o: their co;#at s'ills. LI 'no2 that this one has co;#at s'ills un;atched( AltaKr I#nFLaAhad. LDo $ou indeedJ 3ou 2ould ha8e #een #ut a child 2hen I last called 9as$a: ;$

o2n. No2 AltaKr turned to :ace the stran%er( 2ho &ulled do2n his hood to re8eal the :ace o: a $oun% ;an( &erha&s t2ent$ $ears old( 2ith a dar' #eard. He had a set to his Ea2 and e$es that AltaKr reco%niIed. LI 2as( said the #o$. LI 2as a ne2F#orn. LThen 2ere $ou not indoctrinated a%ainst ;eJ said AltaKr( Euttin% his chin to2ards the citadel on the &ro;ontor$ a#o8e the;. It crouched there as i: 2atchin% the;. LSo;e are ;ore easil$ indoctrinated than others( said the #o$. LThere are ;an$ 2ho ha8e re;ained lo$al to the old codes( and %reater nu;#ers( as the &ernicious e::ects o: the ne2 2a$s ha8e #eco;e ;ore &ronounced. But I ha8e e8en ;ore reason to re;ain lo$al than ;ost. The t2o Assassins stood :acin% each other #$ the :ountainhead( and AltaKr sensed his 2orld lurch a little. Suddenl$ he :elt al;ost :aint. LWhat is $our na;eJ he as'ed( and his 8oice sounded dise;#odied to his o2n ears. LI ha8e t2o na;es( said the #o$. LI ha8e the na;e #$ 2hich I; 'no2n to ;ost o: the Order( 2hich is TaIi;. But I ha8e another na;e( ;$ %i8en na;e( %i8en to ;e #$ ;$ ;other to honour ;$ :ather. He died 2hen I 2as #ut a #a#$( &ut to death on the orders o: A##as. His na;e 2as P L9ali'. AltaKr cau%ht his #reath and ca;e :or2ard( tears &ric'in% his e$es as he too' the #o$ #$ the shoulders. L9$ child( he eDclai;ed. LI should ha8e 'no2n. 3ou ha8e $our :athers e$es. He lau%hed. LHis stealth I; not so sure a#out( #ut P $ou ha8e his s&irit. I didnt 'no2 < I ne8er 'ne2 he had a son. L9$ ;other 2as sent a2a$ :ro; here a:ter he 2as i;&risoned. As a $oun% ;an I returned to Eoin the Order. LTo see' re8en%eJ LE8entuall$( ;a$#e. Whate8er #est suited his ;e;or$. No2 that $ou ha8e co;e( I see the 2a$. AltaKr &ut an ar; around his shoulders( steered hi; :ro; the :ountain( and the$ crossed the sGuare( tal'in% intentl$. LHo2 are $our co;#at s'illsJ he as'ed the $oun% 9ali'. L!nder A##as such thin%s ha8e #een ne%lected( #ut I ha8e trained. Assassin 'no2led%e has #arel$ ad8anced in the last t2ent$ $ears( thou%h. AltaKr chuc'led. LNot here( &erha&s. But here. He ta&&ed the side o: his head. LHere Assassin learnin% has &ro%ressed ten:old. I ha8e such thin%s to sho2 the Order. Plans. Strata%e;. Desi%ns :or ne2 2ea&ons. E8en no2 the 8illa%e #lac's;ith :or%es the; :or ;e. Res&ect:ul 8illa%ers ;o8ed out o: their 2a$. All 'ne2 o: AltaKr no2( and here( in the :oothills o: the :ortress at least( he 2as the 9aster once a%ain. LAnd $ou sa$ there are others in the castle lo$al to ;eJ said AltaKr. LThere are as ;an$ 2ho hate A##as as ser8e hi;. 9ore so( no2 that I ha8e #een re&ortin% on 2hat I ha8e seen in the 8illa%e. Ne2s that the %reat AltaKr has returned is s&readin% slo2l$ #ut surel$. L ood( said AltaKr. LAnd could these su&&orters #e &ersuaded to rall$( so that 2e ;i%ht ;arch u&on the castleJ The $oun% 9ali' sto&&ed and loo'ed at AltaKr( sGuintin% as thou%h to chec' the older ;an 2asnt Eo'in%. Then he %rinned. L3ou ;ean to do it. 3ou reall$ ;ean to do it. WhenJ LThe #ri%and Aahad 2ill #e #rin%in% his ;en into the 8illa%e soon( he said. LWe need to #e in control #e:ore that ha&&ens.

The neDt ;ornin%( as da$ #ro'e( 9u'hlis( Aalia and Nada 2ent :ro; house to house( in:or;in% the &eo&le that the 9aster 2as to ;arch u& the hill. Ali8e 2ith antici&ation( the &eo&le %athered in the ;ar'et&lace( standin% in %rou&s or sittin% on lo2 2alls. A:ter so;e ti;e( AltaKr Eoined the;. He 2ore his 2hite ro#es and a sash. Those 2ho loo'ed closel$ could see the rin% o: his 2rist ;echanis; on his :in%er. He ;o8ed into the centre o: the sGuare( 9u'hlis standin% to one side( a trusted lieutenant( and 2aited. What 2ould 9aria ha8e said to hi; no2J 2ondered AltaKr( as he 2aited. The #o$ 9ali'@ AltaKr had trusted hi; i;;ediatel$. Hed &laced such :aith in hi; that i: he 2ere to &ro8e treacherous AltaKr 2ould #e as %ood as dead( and his &lans to re%ain the Order sho2n as nothin% ;ore than the deluded :antasies o: an old ;an. He thou%ht o: those he had trusted #e:ore( 2ho had #etra$ed hi;. Would 9aria ha8e ad8ised caution no2J Would she ha8e told hi; he 2as :oolish to #e so unGuestionin% on such scant e8idenceJ Or 2ould she ha8e said( as she had once( LTrust $our instincts( AltaKr. Al 9uali;s teachin%s %a8e $ou 2isdo;H his #etra$al set $ou on the &ath to ;aturit$. Oh( and I a; so ;uch 2iser no2( ;$ lo8e( he thou%ht to her < to the 2is& o: her he 'e&t sa:e in his ;e;or$. She 2ould ha8e a&&ro8ed( he 'ne2( o: 2hat he had done 2ith the A&&le( o: the $ears s&ent sGueeIin% it o: Euice( learnin% :ro; it. She 2ould not ha8e a&&ro8ed o: the #la;e he had shouldered :or her deathH the sha;e he :elt at lettin% his actions #e %uided #$ an%er. No( she 2ould not ha8e a&&ro8ed o: that. What 2ould she ha8e saidJ That En%lish eD&ression she had@ LTa'e hold o: $oursel:. He al;ost lau%hed to thin' o: it. Ta'e hold o: $oursel:. He had in the end( o: course( #ut it had ta'en hi; $ears to do it < $ears o: hatin% the A&&le( hatin% the si%ht o: it( e8en the thou%ht o: it( the ;ali%nant &o2er that la$ dor;ant 2ithin the a%eless( slee' ;osaic o: its shell. He 2ould stare at it( #roodin%( :or hours( reli8in% the &ain it had #rou%ht hi;. Ne%lected( una#le to #ear the 2ei%ht o: AltaKrs su::erin%( Se:s 2i:e and t2o dau%hters had le:t. Hed had 2ord that the$ had settled in AleDandria. A $ear later Dari; had le:t( too( dri8en a2a$ #$ his :athers re;orse and his o#session 2ith the A&&le. He had tra8elled to Arance and En%land to 2arn leaders there that the 9on%ols 2ere on the ;arch. Le:t alone( AltaKrs tor;ent had 2orsened. Lon% ni%hts he 2ould s&end starin% at the A&&le( as thou%h he and it 2ere t2o ad8ersaries a#out to do #attle < as thou%h i: he sle&t or e8en too' his e$es :ro; it( it ;i%ht &ounce on hi;. In the end he had thou%ht o: that ni%ht in the %arden at 9as$a:( his ;entor Al 9uali; slain on the ;ar#le terrace( the 2ater:all #u##lin% in the #ac'%round. He re;e;#ered holdin% the A&&le :or the :irst ti;e and :eelin% :ro; it so;ethin% not e8il #ut #eni%n. The i;a%es it had &roduced. Stran%e :uturistic &ictures o: cultures :ar re;o8ed :ro; his o2n in ti;e and s&ace( #e$ond the s&here o: his 'no2led%e. That ni%ht in the %arden he had instincti8el$ understood its ca&acit$ :or %ood. E8er since then( it had sho2n onl$ its ;ali%n as&ects( #ut that %reat 2isdo; 2as in there so;e2here. It had needed to #e located and coaDed out. It had needed an a%ent :or its release < and AltaKr had ;ana%ed to harness its &o2er once #e:ore. Then he had #een consu;ed 2ith %rie: :or Al 9uali;. No2 he 2as consu;ed 2ith %rie: :or his :a;il$. Perha&s the A&&le :irst had to ta'e in order to %i8e. Whate8er the ans2er( his studies had #e%un and Eournal a:ter Eournal 2as :illed 2ith his 2ritin%s@ &a%e a:ter &a%e o: &hiloso&hies( ideolo%ies( desi%ns( dra2in%s( sche;atics( ;e;ories. !ntold candles #urned do2n as he scratched a2a$ :e8erishl$( sto&&in% onl$ to &iss. Aor da$s on end he 2ould 2rite( then :or da$s on end he 2ould lea8e his des'( ridin% out :ro; Ala;ut alone( on A&&le errands( collectin% in%redients( %atherin% su&&lies. Once( e8en( the A&&le had directed hi; to a series o: arte:acts that he retrie8ed and hid( tellin% no one o: their nature or their 2herea#outs. He had not sto&&ed ;ournin%( o: course. He still #la;ed hi;sel: :or 9arias death(

#ut he had learned :ro; it. He :elt no2 a &urer 'ind o: %rie:@ a $earnin% :or 9aria and Se:( an ache that ne8er see;ed to lea8e hi;( that one da$ 2as as shar& and 'een as a #lade slicin% a thousand cuts on his heart( and the neDt 2as a nauseous hollo2 sensation( as i: a sic' #ird 2ere tr$in% to un:url its 2in%s in his sto;ach. So;eti;es he s;iled( thou%h( #ecause he thou%ht 9aria 2ould ha8e a&&ro8ed o: hi; ;ournin% her. It 2ould ha8e a&&ealed to the &art o: her that had sta$ed a s&oilt En%lish no#le2o;an( 2ho had #een as ade&t at :iDin% a ;an 2ith a hau%ht$ stare as she 2as o: de:eatin% hi; in co;#at( her 2itherin% &utFdo2ns as cuttin% as her #lade. And( o: course( she 2ould ha8e a&&ro8ed that he had :inall$ ;ana%ed to ta'e hold o: hi;sel:( #ut ;ost o: all she 2ould ha8e a&&ro8ed o: 2hat he 2as doin% no2@ ta'in% his 'no2led%e and learnin% and #rin%in% the; #ac' to the Order. Had he 'no2n 2hen he ended his eDile that he had #een headin% #ac' to 9as$a: :or that reasonJ He still 2asnt sure. All he 'ne2 2as that( once here( there had #een no other o&tion. He had 8isited the s&ot 2here the$ had #uried herH 9ali's %ra8estone 2as not :ar a2a$( tended #$ $oun% 9ali'. AltaKr had realiIed that 9aria( Se: and 9ali'( his ;other and :ather( e8en Al 9uali;( 2ere all lost to hi; :or e8er. The Brotherhood( thou%h( he could ta'e #ac'. But onl$ i: the $oun% 9ali' 2as as %ood as his 2ord. And standin% there( :eelin% the eDcite;ent and eD&ectation o: the cro2d li'e a 2ei%ht he ;ust #ear u&on his #ac'( 9u'hlis ho8erin% near#$( he #e%an to 2onder. His e$es :iDed on the citadel( he 2aited :or the %ates to o&en and the ;en to a&&ear. 9ali' had said there 2ould #e at least t2ent$( all o: 2ho; su&&orted AltaKr 2ith the sa;e :er8enc$ he did. T2ent$ 2arriors and( 2ith the su&&ort o: the &eo&le( AltaKr thou%ht it 2as enou%h to o8erco;e the thirt$ or :ort$ Assassins still lo$al to A##as. He 2ondered i: A##as 2as u& there no2( in the 9asters to2er( sGuintin% to ;a'e out 2hat 2as ha&&enin% #elo2. He ho&ed so. Throu%hout his li:e( AltaKr had re:used to :ind %rati:ication in the death o: another( #ut A##asJ Des&ite the &it$ he :elt :or hi;( there 2ere the deaths o: Se:( 9ali' and 9aria to ta'e into accountH there 2as also A##ass destruction o: the Order. AltaKr had &ro;ised hi;sel: that he 2ould ta'e no &leasure < not e8en satis:action < :ro; A##ass death. But he 2ould ta'e &leasure and satis:action :ro; the a#sence o: A##as 2hen he had 'illed hi;. He could allo2 hi;sel: that. But onl$ i: the %ates o&ened and his allies a&&eared. Around hi; the cro2ds 2ere #eco;in% restless. He :elt the con:idence and assurance 2ith 2hich hed a2o'en slo2l$ e##in% a2a$. Then he #eca;e a2are o: a #uII o: eDcite;ent a;on% the 8illa%ers and his e$es 2ent :ro; the %ates o: the castle < still resolutel$ closed < to the sGuare. A ;an in 2hite see;ed to ;aterialiIe :ro; the cro2d. A ;an 2ho 2al'ed u& to AltaKr 2ith his head #ent( then re;o8ed his hood( %rinnin% at hi;. It 2as $oun% 9ali'. And #ehind ca;e others. All( li'e hi;( a&&earin% :ro; 2ithin the cro2d as thou%h suddenl$ #eco;in% 8isi#le. At his side( 9u'hlis %as&ed. The sGuare 2as suddenl$ :ull o: ;en in 2hite ro#es. And AltaKr #e%an to lau%h. Sur&rise( relie: and Eo$ in that lau%h as each ;an ca;e to hi;( inclinin% his head in res&ect( sho2in% hi; #lade or #o2 or thro2in% 'ni:e. Sho2in% hi; lo$alt$. AltaKr %ras&ed $oun% 9ali' #$ the shoulders and his e$es shone. LI ta'e it #ac'( he said. L3ou and all $our ;en < $our stealth is un;atched. rinnin%( 9ali' #o2ed his head. L9aster( 2e should lea8e at once. A##as 2ill soon #eco;e a2are o: our a#sence. LSo #e it( said AltaKr( and he cli;#ed to the lo2 2all o: the :ountain( 2a8in% a2a$ 9u'hlis( 2ho had co;e to his aid. No2 he addressed the cro2d@ LAor too lon% the castle on the hill has #een a dar' and :or#iddin% &lace( and toda$ I ho&e to ;a'e it a

#eacon o: li%ht once a%ain < 2ith $our hel&. There 2as a lo2 ;ur;ur o: a&&reciation and AltaKr Guietened the;. LWhat 2e 2ill not do( thou%h( is 2elco;e our ne2 da2n throu%h a 8eil o: Assassin #lood. Those 2ho re;ain lo$al to A##as are our ene;ies toda$ #ut to;orro2 the$ 2ill #e our co;&anions. Their :riendshi& can onl$ #e 2on i: our 8ictor$ is ;erci:ul. "ill onl$ i: it is a#solutel$ necessar$. We co;e to #rin% &eace to 9as$a:( not death. With that he ste&&ed do2n :ro; the 2all and 2al'ed :ro; the sGuare( the Assassins and 8illa%ers :or;in% u& #ehind hi;. The Assassins &ulled their co2ls o8er their heads. The$ loo'ed %ri; and &ur&ose:ul. The &eo&le hun% :urther #ac'@ eDcited( ner8ous( :ear:ul. So ;uch de&ended on the outco;e. AltaKr cli;#ed the slo&es that( as a child( he had raced u& and do2n( he and A##as to%ether. As an Assassin( he had run u& and do2n( trainin%( or on errands :or the 9aster( lea8in% :or a ;ission or returnin% :ro; one. No2 he :elt the a%e in his #ones and in his ;uscles( stru%%lin% a little u& the slo&es( #ut 'e&t %oin%. A s;all &art$ o: A##ass lo$alists ;et the; on the hills( a scoutin% &art$ sent to test their ;ettle. At :irst those ;en 2ith AltaKr see;ed reluctant to en%a%e the;@ these 2ere co;rades the$ had li8ed and trained 2ith( a:ter all. Ariends 2ere &itched a%ainst each otherH no dou#t( i: the :i%htin% continued( :a;il$ ;e;#ers ;i%ht :ind the;sel8es :ace to :ace. Aor lon% ;o;ents the outnu;#ered scoutin% &art$ and AltaKrs su&&orters :aced o::. The scoutin% &art$ had the ad8anta%e o: #ein% on hi%her %round #ut other2ise the$ 2ere la;#s sent to the slau%hter. AltaKrs e$es 2ent u& to 2here he could Eust see the &ea' o: the 9asters to2er. A##as 2ould #e a#le to see hi; no2( surel$. He 2ould ha8e seen the &eo&le co;in% u& the hill to2ards hi;. AltaKrs e$es 2ent :ro; the citadel to the scouts( sent to :i%ht in the na;e o: their corru&t ;aster. LThere is to #e no 'illin%( re&eated AltaKr( to his ;en( and 9ali' nodded. One o: the scouts %rinned nastil$. LThen $ou 2ont %et :ar( old ;an. He darted :or2ard 2ith his s2ord s2in%in%( co;in% :or AltaKr( &erha&s ho&in% to stri'e at the roots o: the re#ellion@ 'ill AltaKr( sto& the u&risin%. In the :la& o: a hu;;in%#irds 2in%s( the Assassin had s&un a2a$ :ro; the attac'( dra2n his s2ord and rolled around the :or2ard i;&etus o: his assailants #od$ to %ra# hi; :ro; #ehind. The scouts s2ord dro&&ed as he :elt AltaKrs #lade held to his throat( and he 2hi;&ered. LThere 2ill #e no 'illin% in the na;e o: this old ;an( ;ur;ured AltaKr( into the scouts ear( and &ro&elled hi; :or2ard to 9ali'( 2ho cau%ht hi; and 2restled hi; to the %round. The other scouts ca;e :or2ard #ut 2ith less enthusias;( no heart :or the :i%ht. The$ all #ut allo2ed the;sel8es to #e ca&turedH in ;o;ents the$ 2ere either ca&ti8e or unconscious. AltaKr 2atched the short s'ir;ish. He loo'ed at his hand 2here the scouts s2ord had nic'ed it( and surre&titiousl$ 2i&ed o:: the #lood. 3ou 2ere slo2( he thou%ht. NeDt ti;e lea8e the :i%htin% to the $oun%er ;en. E8en so( he ho&ed A##as had #een 2atchin%. No2 ;en 2ere %atherin% on the ra;&arts. He ho&ed also that the$ had seen the e8ents on the hill( the scoutin% &art$ treated ;erci:ull$. The$ continued :urther u& the slo&e( co;in% to the u&land Eust as the %ates to the :ortress :inall$ o&ened. 9ore Assassins &oured throu%h the;( $ellin% and read$ :or the :i%ht. Behind hi; he heard the 8illa%ers screa; and scatter( althou%h 9u'hlis 2as ur%in% the; to sta$. AltaKr turned to see hi; thro2 u& his hands( #ut he couldnt #la;e the &eo&le :or their loss o: resol8e. The$ all 'ne2 o: the :earso;e sa8a%er$ o: the Assassin. No dou#t the$ had ne8er seen t2o o&&osin% Assassin ar;ies :i%ht and neither did the$

2ant to. What the$ sa2 2ere ;araudin% Assassins co;e ho2lin% :ro; the %ates 2ith #ared teeth and :lashin% s2ords( their #oots dru;;in% on the tur:. The$ sa2 AltaKrs su&&orters crouch and tense( read$in% the;sel8es :or action. And the$ too' shelter( so;e runnin% :or co8er #ehind the 2atchto2er( others retreatin% do2n the hill. There 2as a %reat shout and a crash o: steel as the t2o sides ;et. AltaKr had 9ali' as his #od$%uard( and he 'e&t an e$e on the ra;&arts as the #attle ra%ed < the ra;&arts 2here the archers stood( &erha&s ten o: the;. I: the$ o&ened :ire the #attle 2as surel$ lost. No2 he sa2 A##as. And A##as sa2 hi;. Aor a ;o;ent the t2o co;;anders re%arded one another( A##as on the ra;&arts( AltaKr do2n #elo2 < stron% and still as roc' as the #attle 2hirled around hi; < the #est o: childhood :riends turned the #itterest o: ene;ies. Then the ;o;ent 2as #ro'en as A##as $elled at the archers to :ire. AltaKr sa2 uncertaint$ on their :aces as the$ raised their #o2s. LNo one ;ust die( called AltaKr( entreatin% his o2n ;en( 'no2in% that the 2a$ to 2in o8er the archers 2as #$ eDa;&le. A##as 2as &re&ared to sacri:ice AssassinsH AltaKr 2as not( and he could onl$ ho&e that the hearts o: the archers 2ere true. He &ra$ed that his su&&orters 2ould sho2 restraint( that the$ 2ould %i8e the archers no reason to o&en :ire. He sa2 one o: his ;en :all( ho2lin%( his throat o&en( and strai%ht a2a$ the lo$alist Assassin res&onsi#le 2as attac'in% another. LHi;( he instructed 9ali'( &ointin% in the direction o: the #attle. LTa'e hi;( 9ali'( #ut #e ;erci:ul I ur%e $ou. 9ali' Eoined the #attle and the lo$alist 2as &ushed #ac'( 9ali' s2i&in% at his le%s. When his o&&onent :ell( he straddled hi; and deli8ered not a 'illin% #lo2 #ut a stri'e :ro; the hilt o: his s2ord that 'noc'ed hi; senseless. AltaKr loo'ed u& to the ra;&arts a%ain. He sa2 t2o o: the archers lo2er their #o2s( sha'in% their heads. He sa2 A##as &roduce a da%%er < his :athers da%%er < and threaten the ;en 2ith it( #ut a%ain the$ shoo' their heads( lo2erin% their #o2s and &lacin% their hands to the hilts o: their s2ords. A##as 2heeled( screa;in% at the archers alon% the ra;&art #ehind hi;( orderin% the; to cut do2n the de:ectors. But the$( too( 2ere lo2erin% their #o2s and AltaKrs heart lea&ed. No2 he 2as ur%in% his ;en :or2ard( to the %ates. Still the #attle continued #ut the lo$alists 2ere slo2l$ #eco;in% a2are o: e8ents on the ra;&arts. E8en as the$ :ou%ht the$ eDchan%ed uncertain %lances( and one #$ one the$ ste&&ed #ac' :ro; co;#at( dro&&in% their s2ords( ar;s held out( surrenderin%. The 2a$ 2as clear :or AltaKrs &art$ to ad8ance on the castle. He led his ;en to the %ates and ra&&ed on the door 2ith his :ist. Behind hi; asse;#led the Assassins < and the 8illa%ers 2ere returnin%( too( so the u&land 2as thron%ed 2ith &eo&le. Aro; the other side o: the castle %ate there 2as a stran%e stillness. A hush descended o8er AltaKrs &eo&le( the air crac'lin% 2ith eD&ectation( until suddenl$ #olts 2ere thro2n and the %reat castle %ates s2un% 2ide( o&ened #$ %uards 2ho dro&&ed their s2ords and #ent their heads in de:erence to AltaKr. He nodded in return( ste&&ed o8er the threshold( under the arch( and 2al'ed across the court$ard to the 9asters to2er. Behind hi; ca;e his &eo&leH the$ s&read out and :lo2ed around the ed%es o: the court$ardH archers descended the ladders :ro; the ra;&arts to Eoin the;( and the :aces o: :a;ilies and ser8ants 2ere &ressed to the 2indo2s o: the to2ers o8erloo'in% the %rounds. All 2anted to 2itness AltaKrs return( to see his con:rontation 2ith A##as. He cli;#ed the ste&s to the &lat:or;( then ;o8ed into the entrance hall. Ahead o: hi;( A##as stood on the ste&s( his :ace dar' and dra2n( des&eration and de:eat all o8er hi;( li'e a :e8er.

LIt is o8er( A##as( called AltaKr. LOrder those 2ho are still lo$al to $ou to surrender. A##as sco::ed( LNe8er. At that ;o;ent the to2er o&ened and the last o: the lo$alists ca;e :ro; the side roo;s into the hall@ a doIen or so Assassins and ;anser8ants. So;e had s'itterin%( :ri%htened e$es. Others 2ere :ierce and deter;ined. The #attle 2as not o8er $et. LTell $our ;en to stand do2n( co;;anded AltaKr. He hal: turned to indicate the court$ard( 2here the cro2ds 2ere %athered. L3ou cannot &ossi#l$ &re8ail. LI a; de:endin% the citadel( AltaKr( said A##as( Lto the last ;an. Would $ou not do the sa;eJ LI 2ould ha8e de:ended the Order( A##as( snarled AltaKr. LInstead $ou ha8e sacri:iced e8er$thin% 2e stand :or. 3ou sacri:iced ;$ 2i:e and son on the altar o: $our o2n s&ite < $our #lan' re:usal to acce&t the truth. L3ou ;ean ;$ :atherJ The lies $ou told a#out hi;. LIsnt that 2h$ 2ere standin% hereJ Isnt that the 2ells&rin% o: $our hatred that has :lo2ed throu%h the $ears( &oisonin% us allJ A##as 2as tre;#lin%. His 'nuc'les 2ere 2hite on the #alustrade o: the #alcon$. L9$ :ather le:t the Order( he said. LHe 2ould ne8er ha8e 'illed hi;sel:. LHe 'illed hi;sel:( A##as. He 'illed hi;sel: 2ith the da%%er that $ou ha8e concealed 2ithin $our ro#e. He 'illed hi;sel: #ecause he had ;ore honour than $ou 2ill e8er 'no2( and #ecause he 2ouldnt #e &itied. He 2ouldnt #e &itied as $ou 2ill #e( #$ all( as $ou rot in the citadel dun%eon. LNe8erQ roared A##as. He &ointed a tre;#lin% :in%er at AltaKr. L3ou clai; $ou can reta'e the Order 2ithout loss o: Assassin li:e. Lets see $ou tr$. "ill hi;. And suddenl$ the ;en in the hall 2ere sur%in% :or2ard( 2hen P The sound o: the eD&losion echoed around the hall and silenced e8er$one < the cro2ds in the court$ard( the Assassins( the lo$alists. All stared in shoc' at AltaKr( 2ho stood 2ith his ar; held u& as i: &ointin% at A##as < as thou%h he had #een en%a%in% his #lade in the direction o: the ste&s. But instead o: a #lade at his 2rist there 2as a curl o: s;o'e. Aro; the ste&s ca;e a short( stran%led cr$( and all 2atched as A##as stared do2n at his chest( 2here a s;all &atch o: #lood on his ro#e 2as %raduall$ s&readin%. His e$es 2ere 2ide 2ith shoc'. His Ea2 2or'ed as he tried to :or; 2ords that 2ouldnt co;e. The lo$alist Assassins had sto&&ed. The$ stared o&enF;outhed at AltaKr 2ho ;o8ed his ar;( &ointin% at the; so that no2 the$ could see the 2rist ;echanis; he 2ore. It 2as a sin%le shot( and he had used it( #ut the$ didnt 'no2 that. None had e8er seen such a 2ea&on #e:ore. Onl$ a :e2 e8en 'ne2 o: its eDistence. And seein% it turned in their direction the lo$alists co2ered. The$ laid do2n their s2ords. The$ ;o8ed &ast AltaKr and to the door o: the to2er to Eoin the cro2d( their ar;s held out in surrender( Eust as A##as 2as &itchin% :or2ard( tu;#lin% do2n the ste&s and landin% 2ith a ;ess$ thud in the hall #elo2. AltaKr crouched o8er hi;. A##as la$ #reathin% hea8il$( one o: his ar;s at an odd an%le as thou%h it had sna&&ed in the :allH the :ront o: his ro#e 2as 2et 2ith #lood. He had ;o;ents le:t. L3ou 2ant ;e to as' :or%i8eness o: $ouJ he as'ed AltaKr. He %rinned( loo'in% s'eletal all o: a sudden. LAor ta'in% $our 2i:e and sonJ LA##as( &lease( dont let $our d$in% 2ords #e ;alicious. A##as ;ade a short sco::in% sound. LStill he tries to #e 8irtuous. He li:ted his head a little. LThe :irst #lo2 2as struc' #$ $ou( AltaKr. I too' $our 2i:e and son( #ut onl$ a:ter $our lies had ta'en ;uch ;ore :ro; ;e. LThe$ 2ere not lies( said AltaKr( si;&l$. LIn all these $ears( did $ou ne8er dou#tJ A##as :linched and sGueeIed his e$es shut 2ith &ain. A:ter a &ause he said( LDid

$ou e8er 2onder i: there is a neDt 2orld( AltaKrJ In ;o;ents I shall 'no2 :or sure. And i: there is( I shall see ;$ :ather( and 2e 2ill #oth #e there to ;eet $ou 2hen it is $our ti;e. And then < then there 2ill #e no dou#t. He cou%hed and %ur%led and a #u##le o: #lood :or;ed at his ;outh. AltaKr loo'ed into his e$es and sa2 nothin% o: the or&han #o$ he had once 'no2nH sa2 nothin% o: the #est :riend he had once had. All he sa2 2as a t2isted creature 2ho had cost hi; so ;uch. And as A##as died AltaKr realiIed that he no lon%er hated or &itied hi;. He :elt nothin% < nothin% #ut relie: that A##as 2as no lon%er in the 2orld. T2o da$s later the #ri%and Aahad a&&eared 2ith se8en o: his ;en on horse#ac' and 2as ;et at the 8illa%e %ates #$ a &art$ o: Assassins( led #$ AltaKr. The$ &ulled u& at the ed%e o: the ;ar'et&lace( con:ronted #$ a line o: ;en 2earin% 2hite ro#es. So;e stood 2ith their ar;s :olded( others 2ith their hands on their #o2s or the hilt o: their s2ords. LSo it is true. The %reat AltaKr I#nFLaAhad has resu;ed control o: 9as$a:( said Aahad. He loo'ed 2ear$. AltaKr #o2ed his head( $es. Aahad nodded slo2l$( as i: ;ullin% this :act o8er. LI had an understandin% 2ith $our &redecessor( he said at last. LI &aid hi; a %reat deal in order that I ;i%ht enter 9as$a:. LWhich $ou ha8e done( said AltaKr( &leasantl$. LAh( $es( #ut :or a s&eci:ic reason( I; a:raid( re&lied Aahad( 2ith a cloud$ s;ile. He shi:ted on his saddle a little. LI a; here to :ind ;$ sons 'iller. LWhich $ou ha8e done( said AltaKr( Eust as &leasantl$. The cloud$ s;ile slid slo2l$ :ro; Aahads :ace. LI see( he said. He leaned :or2ard. LThen 2hich o: $ou is itJ His e$es ;o8ed alon% the line o: Assassins. LHa8e $ou no 2itness to identi:$ $our sons 'illerJ said AltaKr. LCan he not &oint out the cul&rit a;on% usJ LI did( si%hed Aahad rue:ull$( L#ut ;$ sons ;other had his e$es &ut out. LAh( said AltaKr. LWell( he 2as a 2easel. 3ou ;a$ console $oursel: that he did little to &rotect $our son or( indeed( to a8en%e hi; once he 2as dead. As soon as he had t2o old ;en to :ace( instead o: one( he turned tail and ran. Aahad dar'ened. L3ouJ AltaKr nodded. L3our son died as he li8ed( Aahad. He enEo$ed ad;inisterin% &ain. LA trait he inherited :ro; his ;other. LAh. LAnd she insists( incidentall$( that his na;e #e a8en%ed. LThen there is nothin% le:t to sa$( said AltaKr. L!nless $ou intend to ;a'e $our atte;&t at this 8er$ ;o;ent( I shall eD&ect $ou &resentl$ 2ith $our ar;$. Aahad loo'ed 2ar$. L3ou intend to let ;e lea8eJ No archers to sto& ;eJ "no2in% that I 2ill return 2ith a :orce to crush $ouJ LI: I 'illed $ou I 2ould ha8e the 2rath o: $our 2i:e to contend 2ith( s;iled AltaKr( Land( #esides( I ha8e a :eelin% that $ou 2ill chan%e $our ;ind a#out attac'in% 9as$a: #$ the ti;e $ou ha8e returned to $our ca;&. LAnd 2h$ ;i%ht that #eJ AltaKr s;iled. LAahad( i: 2e 2ere to do #attle then neither o: us 2ould %i8e %round. Both o: us 2ould &ut ;ore at sta'e than the %rie8ance deser8ed. 9$ co;;unit$ 2ould #e de8astated( &erha&s irre&ara#l$ so < #ut so 2ould $ours. Aahad see;ed to consider. LIt is :or ;e to decide( surel$( the &rice o: the %rie8ance. LNot lon% a%o I lost ;$ o2n son( said AltaKr( Land #ecause o: that I ca;e close to losin% ;$ &eo&le. I realiIed it 2as too hi%h a &rice to &a$( e8en :or ;$ son. I: $ou ta'e u& ar;s a%ainst us $ou ris' ;a'in% such a :or:eit. I; sure that the 8alues o: $our

co;;unit$ di::er %reatl$ :ro; ;ine( #ut that the$ are Eust as &riIed as the$ are reluctantl$ surrendered. Aahad nodded. L3ou ha8e a 2iser head than $our &redecessor( AltaKr. 9uch o: 2hat $ou sa$ ;a'es sense( and I shall indeed consider it on the ride #ac'. Also I shall endea8our to eD&lain it to ;$ 2i:e. He %athered u& his reins and turned his horse to %o. L ood luc'( Assassin( he said. LIts $ou 2ho 2ill need luc' #$ the sound o: it. The #ri%and %a8e another o: his croo'ed( cloud$ s;iles( then le:t. AltaKr chuc'led and loo'ed u& at the citadel on the &ro;ontor$. There 2as ;uch 2or' to do.


4+ Au%ust 4+10
So. We 2ere too late to esca&e 9as$a: #e:ore the 9on%ols arri8ed. Indeed( the$ ha8e arri8ed. As a result 2e lea8e :or Constantino&le in a ;atter o: hours and I; scri##lin% these 2ords as our &ossessions are re;o8ed #$ hel&ers to #e loaded on to the carts. And i: 9a::eo thin's that the shar& loo's he insists on thro2in% ;$ 2a$ 2ill #e enou%h to ;a'e ;e la$ do2n ;$ Guill and lend a hand then he is ;ista'en. I 'no2 no2 that these 2ords 2ill #e o: 8ital i;&ortance to :uture Assassins. The$ ;ust #e 2ritten do2n at once. Its a s;all s'ir;ishin% &art$( or so 2ere told. But the ;ain :orce is not :ar a2a$. In the ;eanti;e the s'ir;ishin% &art$ see;s to 2ant to ;a'e a na;e :or itsel: and has #een launchin% s;all #ut :ierce attac's( scalin% the 2alls o: the 8illa%e and :i%htin% on the ra;&arts #e:ore retreatin%. I 'no2 little o: 2ar:are( than' %oodness( #ut it occurs to ;e that these short assaults ;a$ #e a 2a$ o: %au%in% our stren%th( or lac' o: it. And I 2onder i: the 9aster e8er re%rets his decision to 2ea'en the citadel #$ dis#andin% the Assassins. ?ust t2o short $ears a%o no ;ere s'ir;ishin% &art$ 2ould ha8e co;e 2ithin ten &aces o: the castle #e:ore :allin% to the Assassin archers( or #eneath the #lades o: the de:enders. When he had 2rested control o: the Order :ro; A##as( AltaKrs :irst tas' 2as to send :or his Eournals@ the 9asters 2or' 2as to #e a tote;ic :orce in the re#uildin% o: the Order( essential :or &ro8idin% the :oundations to sto& the rot at 9as$a:. !nder A##ass corru&t rei%n the$ had had none o: the s'ills or trainin% o: old@ the Brotherhood had #een Assassin in na;e onl$. AltaKrs :irst tas' 2as to restore the disci&line that had #een lost@ once a%ain the trainin% $ard echoed 2ith the rin% o: steel and the shouts and curses o: the instructors. No 9on%ol 2ould ha8e dared a s'ir;ish then. But Eust as the Brotherhood had #een restored in na;e and re&utation( AltaKr decided that the #ase at 9as$a: should no lon%er eDist and re;o8ed the Assassin crest :ro; the :la%&ole. His 8ision :or the Order 2as that the Assassins should %o out into the 2orld( he said. The$ should o&erate a;on% the &eo&le( not a#o8e the;. AltaKrs son Dari; arri8ed ho;e in 9as$a: to :ind Eust a :e2 Assassins le:t( ;ost o: 2ho; 2ere occu&ied in the construction o: the 9asters li#rar$. When it 2as co;&lete( Dari; 2as dis&atched to Constantino&le to locate ;$ #rother and ;e. Which #rin%s us to our entrance into the stor$( so;e ei%ht$ $ears a:ter it #e%an. LBut it is not o8er $et( I :eel( 9a::eo said. He stood 2aitin% :or ;e. We 2ere due to see the 9aster in the ;ain court$ard. Aor 2hat 2as surel$ the last ti;e( 2e 2ound our 2a$ throu%h the :ortress to the court$ard( led #$ AltaKrs :aith:ul ste2ard( 9u'hlis. As 2e arri8ed I thou%ht( What si%hts it has seen( this court$ard. Here 2as 2here AltaKr :irst sa2 A##as( standin% in the dead o: ni%ht( &inin% :or his stric'en :ather. Here 2as 2here the t2o had :ou%ht and #eco;e ene;iesH 2here AltaKr had #een sha;ed in :ront o: the Order #$ Al 9uali;H 2here 9aria had died( A##as( too. None o: this 2ould ha8e #een lost on AltaKr( 2ho had %athered ;ost o: the Assassins to hear 2hat he had to sa$. Dari; 2as a;on% the;( 2ith his #o2( the $oun% 9ali'( too( and 9u'hlis( 2ho too' his &lace #eside the 9aster on the dais outside his to2er. Ner8es :luttered li'e ;oths in ;$ sto;ach and I :ound ;$sel: ta'in% short( Ea%%ed #reaths to tr$ to control the;( :indin% the #ac'%round noise o: #attle disconcertin%. The 9on%ols( it see;ed( had chosen this ;o;ent to launch another o: their attac's on the castle( &erha&s a2are that its de:ences 2ere te;&oraril$ de&leted. LBrothers( said AltaKr( standin% #e:ore us( Lour ti;e to%ether 2as #rie:( I 'no2. But I ha8e :aith that this codeD 2ill ans2er an$ Guestions $ou ha8e $et to as'. I too' it and turned it o8er in ;$ hands( in a2e o: it. It contained the 9asters ;ost i;&ortant thou%hts( distilled :ro; decades o: stud$in% the A&&le.

LAltaKr( I said( #arel$ a#le to :or; 2ords( Lthis %i:t is P in8alua#le. raIie. At a si%n :ro; Altair( 9u'hlis ste&&ed :or2ard 2ith a s;all #a% that he handed to the 9aster. LWhere 2ill $ou %o neDtJ as'ed AltaKr. LTo Constantino&le :or a ti;e. We can esta#lish a %uild there #e:ore returnin% to Venice. He chuc'led. L3our son 9arco 2ill #e ea%er to hear his :athers 2ild stories. LHe is a little $oun% :or such tales. But one da$ soon( sU. I %rinned. He &assed the #a% to ;e and I :elt se8eral hea8$ o#Eects inside it shi:t. LA last :a8our( NiccolM. Ta'e these 2ith $ou( and %uard the; 2ell. Hide the; i: $ou ;ust. I raised ;$ e$e#ro2s( i;&licitl$ as'in% his &er;ission to o&en the #a% and he nodded. I &eered inside( then reached in and re;o8ed a stone( one o: :i8e@ li'e the others it had a hole in its centre. LArte:actsJ I as'ed. I 2ondered i: these 2ere the arte:acts he had :ound durin% his eDile at Ala;ut. LO: a 'ind( said the 9aster. LThe$ are 'e$s( each one i;#ued 2ith a ;essa%e. LA ;essa%e :or 2ho;J LI 2ish I 'ne2( said AltaKr. An Assassin ca;e hurr$in% into the court$ard and s&o'e to Dari;( 2ho ;o8ed :or2ard. LAather. A 8an%uard o: 9on%ols has #ro'en throu%h. The 8illa%e is o8errun. AltaKr nodded. LNiccolM( 9a::eo. 9$ son 2ill escort $ou throu%h the 2orst o: the :i%htin%. Once $ou reach the 8alle$( :ollo2 its course until $ou :ind a s;all 8illa%e. 3our horses and &ro8isions are 2aitin% :or $ou there. Be sa:e( and sta$ alert. LLi'e2ise( 9aster. Ta'e care o: $oursel:. He s;iled. LIll consider it. And 2ith that the 9aster 2as %one( alread$ #ar'in% orders to the Assassins. I 2ondered i: I 2ould e8er see hi; a%ain as I shouldered the #a% o: stran%e stones and held the &riceless codeD ti%ht. What I re;e;#er then is an i;&ression o: #odies( o: shoutin%( o: the rin%in% o: steel( as 2e 2ere hurried to a residence( and there I huddled in a corner to scri##le these 2ords( e8en as the #attle ra%ed outside < #ut no2 I shall ha8e to %o. I can onl$ &ra$ that 2e 2ill esca&e 2ith our li8es. So;eho2 I thin' 2e 2ill. I ha8e :aith in the Assassins. I onl$ ho&e that I a; 2orth$ o: Altairs :aith. In that res&ect( onl$ ti;e 2ill tell.

4 ?anuar$ 4+1)
The :irst da$ o: a ne2 $ear( and it is 2ith ;iDed e;otions that I 2i&e the dust :ro; the co8er o: ;$ Eournal and #e%in a clean &a%e( unsure 2hether this entr$ ;ar's a :resh #e%innin% or acts as a &ostscri&t to the tale that &recedes it. Perha&s that is :or $ou( the reader( to decide. The :irst ne2s I ha8e to i;&art I deli8er 2ith a hea8$ heart. We ha8e lost the codeD. That 2hich 2as %i8en to us #$ AltaKr on the da$ o: our de&arture( entrusted to our care( is in the hands o: the ene;$. I shall al2a$s #e tortured #$ the ;o;ent that I la$ #leedin% and 2ee&in% in the sand( 2atchin% the dust 'ic'ed u& #$ the hoo:s o: the 9on%ol attac'in% &art$( one o: 2ho; #randished the leather satchel in 2hich I 'e&t the codeD( its stra& cut. T2o da$s out o: 9as$a:( 2ith our sa:et$ assured < or so it had see;ed < the$ had struc'. 9a::eo and I esca&ed 2ith our li8es( thou%h onl$ Eust( and 2e too' a little solace :ro; the :act that our ti;e 2ith the 9aster had %i8en us( i: not the learnin% 2e ;i%ht ha8e ta'en :ro; the codeD( the :aculties to see' out and inter&ret 'no2led%e :or oursel8es. We resol8ed that soon 2e should %o east and retrie8e it ,and thus( alas( dela$ ;$ earliest o&&ortunit$ to return to Venice and see ;$ son 9arco-( #ut that :irst 2e should attend to #usiness in Constantino&le( :or there 2as ;uch to do. Ahead o: us la$ at least t2o $ears 2or'( 2hich 2ould #e e8en ;ore de;andin% 2ithout the 2isdo; o: the codeD to %uide us. E8en so( 2e decided that( $es( 2e had lost the #oo'( #ut in our heads and hearts 2e 2ere Assassins( and 2e 2ere to &ut our :reshl$ acGuired eD&erience and 'no2led%e to %ood use. Thus 2e ha8e alread$ chosen the site :or our tradin% &ost( a short Eaunt northF2est o: Ha%ia So&hia( 2here 2e ai; to su&&l$ the hi%hest Gualit$ %oods ,#ut o: courseQ-. 9ean2hile( 2e shall #e%in to s&read and disse;inate the creed o: the Assassin( Eust as 2e &led%ed to do. And at the sa;e ti;e as 2e #e%in the &rocess o: startin% the ne2 %uild 2e ha8e also set a#out hidin% the :i8e stones %i8en to us #$ AltaKr. The 'e$s. uard the; 2ell( he had said( or hide the;. A:ter our eD&eriences 2ith the 9on%ols 2e had decided that the 'e$s should #e hidden so 2e set a#out secretin% the; around and a#out Constantino&le. We are due to hide the last one toda$( so #$ the ti;e $ou read this( all :i8e 'e$s 2ill #e sa:el$ hidden :ro; the Te;&lars( :or an Assassin o: the :uture to :ind. Whoe8er that ;a$ #e.

Aro; a#o8e hi; on dec' the Assassin heard the sounds o: a co;;otion( the :a;iliar dru;;in% o: :eet that acco;&anies the a&&roach to land( cre2 ;e;#ers rushin% :ro; their &osts to the &ro2( shi;;$in% u& the ri%%in% or han%in% o:: ro&es( shieldin% their e$es to stare lon% and hard at the shi;;erin% har#ours to2ards 2hich the$ 2ere sailin%( antici&atin% ad8entures ahead. The Assassin( too( had ad8entures ahead o: hi;. O: course( his 2ould li'el$ #e ;ar'edl$ di::erent :ro; the esca&ades :ondl$ i;a%ined #$ the cre2( 2hich no dou#t consisted &ri;aril$ o: 8isitin% ta8erns and consortin% 2ith 2hores. The Assassin al;ost en8ied the; the si;&licit$ o: their endea8ours. His tas's 2ould #e ;ore co;&licated. He closed NiccolMs Eournals and &ushed the #oo' a2a$ :ro; hi; on the des'( his :in%ers runnin% across the a%ein% co8er( ;ullin% o8er 2hat he had Eust learned( the :ull si%ni:icance o: 2hich( he 'ne2( 2ould ta'e ti;e to ;a'e itsel: 'no2n. And then( 2ith a dee& #reath( he stood( &ulled on his ro#e( secured the ;echanis; o: the #lade to his 2rist and &ulled u& his co2l. NeDt( he o&ened the hatch o: his Guarters to a&&ear on dec' 2here he( too( shielded his e$es to cast his %aIe u&on the har#our as the shi& sliced throu%h the s&ar'lin% 2ater to2ards it( &eo&le %athered there alread$ to 2elco;e the;. EIio had arri8ed in the %reat cit$. He 2as in Constantino&le.


Dra;atis Personae
NiccolM Polo( the narrator 9a::eo Polo The Assassins AltaKr I#nFLaAhad 9aria( his 2i:e ,nVe Thor&eDari; and Se:( their sons Al 9uali;( the 9aster Aahee; alFSa$: !;ar I#nFLaAhad( AltaKrs :ather A##as So:ian Ah;ad So:ian( A##ass :ather 9ali' AlFSa$: TaIi;( 9ali's son( also 'no2n as 9ali' "adar( 9ali's #rother Rau: ?a#al La#i# S2a;i Aari; 9as$a: 8illa%ers 9u'hlis( his 2i:e( Aalia( and dau%hter( Nada The Crusades Richard I o: En%land( Lthe Lionheart Salah Aldin( Sultan o: the Saracens Shiha# Aldin( his son AltaKrs Nine Tar%ets Ta;ir( #lac'F;ar'et ;erchant A#ul NuGoud( the 9erchant "in% o: Da;ascus arnier de Na&louse( the rand 9aster( the "ni%hts Hos&italier Talal( a sla8e trader 9aEd Addin( re%ent o: ?erusale; Willia; de 9ont:errat( lord o: Acre Si#rand( rand 9aster( the "ni%hts Teutonic ?u#air alFHa'i;( chie: scholar o: Da;ascus Ro#ert de Sa#le( rand 9aster( the "ni%hts Te;&lar In C$&rus Os;an( Li;assol citadel ca&tain Arederic' the Red( ran'in% Te;&lar 'ni%ht o: Li;assol Ar;and Bouchart( Ro#ert de Sa#les successor 9ar'os( Resistance Barna#as( Resistance Barna#as( i;&oster ?onas( a ;erchant 9oloch( LThe Bull Shali; and Shahar( sons o: 9oloch The Bandits Aahad Ba$has Lon% Hair

S&ecial than's to 38es uille;ot ?ean uesdon Core$ 9a$ Dar#$ 9cDe8itt ?e::re$ 3ohale; 9att Turner And also Alain Corre Laurent Detoc SV#astien Puel eo::ro$ Sardin Xa8ier uil#ert To;;$ AranTois Cecile Russeil Christele ?alad$ The !#iso:t Le%al De&art;ent Charlie Patterson Chris 9arcus Etienne Allonier 9aria Loreto AleD Clar'e Alice She&herd Andre2 Hol;es ClV;ence DeleuIe uillau;e Car;ona

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