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!"#$%&'( "*+,&-$.%
1!c lssex Street ! South Hamilton, MA ! c1vcz
1.ccc.1zc.!zv ! vc.1ec.111 ! !
Seminary lducation
F:o|es gi+en in is |oo||e genero||y eroin o Joesic svJens. Yovr inJi+iJvo| circvsonces oy Jier {ro
ese. P|eose consv| +i e Finoncio| AiJ oce o +or| rovg yovr neeJs onJ {vnJing sovrces.
Afordable Seminary Education
No, it`s not an oxymoron.
Geuing through seminary with liule or no debt is a realistic possibility.
Los yeor, neor|y oh o{ GorJonCon+e|| groJvoes |e] +i no eJvcoiono|
Je| {ro eir seinory svJies.
Te following prohles show how just a few of our students have made
it work. Names have been changed for privacy, but these are based on
real people who were asking the same questions you are ls going to
seminary a wise hnancial decision` ls it worth taking on more student
loan debt` Will l be able to work as a full-time student`
Trough scholarships, fundraising, ingenuity and God`s miraculous
provision, these students have found a way to follow God`s calling to
pursue a seminary education. We hope their stories inspire you.
Let us know how we can help. Gordon-Conwell oners a wide variety
of scholarship opportunities, and we can also point you to good sources
for outside funding. Contact with
any questions.
Helpful Web Links
Scholarship Opportunities
Resources for Outside lunding
Real Stories: How God Provided
for Our Students
Tom was serving as an assistant pastor in lngland, but felt God`s
call to come to seminary. Gordon-Conwell awarded him the Arnold
Scholarship for sz,ccc, but as an international student, he was not
eligible for most other hnancial aid.
When a former corporate executive at Tom`s church heard about his
passion for further studies, he volunteered to manage a fundraising
campaign. Te former executive built Tom`s list of contacts to over zcc
people, sending out leuers and meeting with potential supporters.
Tey raised s1c,ccc in ! months.
Tom doesn`t know exactly who gives each month, but he
communicates with hnancial and prayer supporters on a regular basis.
I{ yov |no+ soeone +o is on orgoni:er, os| e o gi+e +o ovrs o
on in oJinisroing gi]s."
Liz worked at a church prior to coming to Gordon-Conwell and
was able to save up enough for one year of her education costs. Te
support of her church, as well as surprise hnancial gifs covered a
second year. Te rest has come from scholarships.
She received the Graham and Pierce Scholarships, totaling s1v,cc
over the course of three years. Te Presbyterian Church (USA) Lydia
Award for women pursuing ordained ministry provided another
Tere is oney in Jenoinoiono| sdo|orsis, onJ ey ore |oo|ing {or
e+onge|ico| conJiJoes."
Because she completed four Semlink courses before matriculating, and
has managed a full course load, Liz will be able to graduate with an
M.Div. and a T.M. in three years. She has zero debt and did not have
to hnd a part-time job.
When her car was totaled and she needed a new one, someone in her
church handed her s1c,ccc. Random checks have come in the mail.
GoJ os |no+n y neeJ |e{ore I os|eJ."
! #$% &'%()% *'+)',-% ./'-0'12 +)$3-4(+$', '+ 5$% 31-6 +)$3-4(+$', 5$45 )41 7% )387'1%0 9'5$ 35$%( '1+5'5/5'314- +)$3-4(+$',+:
!!;)$3-4(+$', '+ 4)5/4--6 <=>> ,%( )3/(+%? 83+5 @/--A5'8% +5/0%15+ 54B% C> )3/(+%+ ,%( 6%4(
! D,,-')415 8/+5 7% 408'55%0 53 41 %-'2'7-% 0%2(%% ,(32(48!
)01 2031
&631707 '0-063580 98:;:5:8:.< "1:.01:3 #+6 .+ &==8<
?0378:-0 &6317 ?3.0
@(4(!A'2 !"#$%&'!#()!
B9'4 )&!A$'C!"#$%&'!
21,uuu foi 0n-Campus
18,Suu foi 0ff-Campus
9 Yes
A 0.S. citizen up to age 27; unueigiau uPA of S.2S oi
highei; a skilleu communicatoi puisuing an NBiv anu
iecommenueu by a uCTS alum
Complete application foi Kein
Pastoi-Scholais Febiuaiy 1 Naich 1
)&'A49'!#() Full Tuition unlimiteu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Complete Paitneiship
Apiil 1S (FA)
Sept. Su (SP)
Apiil Su (FA)
0ct. S1 (SP)
D'&#&@ $S,uuu 7S-1uu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Sign acceptance foim anu
submit $17S ueposit
}uly 1 Apiil 1S-Sept 1
A'E!A99 $4,Suu unlimiteu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Sign acceptance foim anu
submit $17S ueposit
}uly 1 Apiil 1S-Sept 1
A9&@ @(4(!A'2
Su% Biscount on
Spouse's Tuition
4 Yes
New, full-time couple; staiting uegiee piogiam at the
same time
Complete FAFSA, submit uCTS
financial aiu application anu
Team Ninistiy application
Apiil 1S Apiil 1S-Sept 1
@9'(A !"#$%&'!#()!
)'9!(?94A(&% $1u,uuu 1 Yes Full-time; aumitteu*; outstanuing Chiistian leaueiship
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
?&F(? G9%%! $7,Suu S Yes Full-time; aumitteu*; S.Su uPA
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
HI "#'(!A2 G(%!$4 $7,Suu S Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; uesiie to engage in missions as a
full-time vocation
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
A(@$A#2 HI B9%%9' $7,Suu S Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam; uesiie
to engage in vocational pastoial ministiy
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
@(%(A&'2 "#&)%&(4"2 $S,uuu 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam;
eniolleu in chaplain canuiuate piogiam
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
)'$J9!!($4&% "$E4!9%$'! $S,uuu 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to the NAC0 uegiee piogiam;
unueigiau uegiee in psychology oi sociology
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
)(9'"9 ?(!"()%9 KE(%?(4DL $1,Suu S2 Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
(4A9'4&A($4&%M@(4$'(A2 !"#$%&'!#()!
)&!A$'! J$' &J'("&
Full Tuition + Cost of Living
Financial Assistance
1 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to NBiv uegiee piogiam; oiiginally
boin in & cuiiently iesiues in Afiica; will ietuin to
ministei in Afiica upon giauuation
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
(4A9'4&A($4&% !AE?94A Full Tuition 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; non-0.S. citizen Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
@("#&9% #&249! $8,uuu S Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; commitment to seiving the Chuich
in an Afiican-Ameiican context
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Febiuaiy 1
@E%A("E%AE'&% ?9F9%$)@94A $8,uuu 1 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; commitment to seiving the Chuich
in an Afiican-Ameiican anuoi Latino context
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
"94A'( #&%% $1u,uuu 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; commitment to seiving the Chuich
in an Asian-Chinese context; will ietuin to ministei in
Asia upon giauuation
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
D%$K&% "#E'"#LL $S,uuu 1u Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to any uegiee piogiam; non-0.S.
citizen; commitment to seiving the global Chuich
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship applicationn
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
&'4$%? $2,uuu 1u No
Full-time; aumitteu*; non-0.S. citizen
Complete application foi aumission Febiuaiy 1S Febiuaiy 1
499?CK&!9? &(? 0p to $Suu pei Couise unlimiteu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Complete FAFSA,
submit institutional
financial aiu application
0pen 0pen
&?F94A "#'(!A(&4 Balf Tuition unlimiteu Yes Aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Application thiough
Auvent Chiistian uenomination
0pen 0pen
(4A9'F&'!(A2 $7u8 pei Couise unlimiteu Yes Aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam; cuiient Iv staff
Lettei fiom aiea uiiectoi
noting stuuent is full-time with
0pen 0pen
(up to)
! #$% &'%()% *'+)',-% ./'-0'12 +)$3-4(+$', '+ 5$% 31-6 +)$3-4(+$', 5$45 )41 7% )387'1%0 9'5$ 35$%( '1+5'5/5'314- +)$3-4(+$',+:
!!;)$3-4(+$', '+ 4)5/4--6 <=>> ,%( )3/(+%? 83+5 @/--A5'8% +5/0%15+ 54B% C> )3/(+%+ ,%( 6%4(
! D,,-')415 8/+5 7% 408'55%0 53 41 %-'2'7-% 0%2(%% ,(32(48!
)01 2031
&631707 '0-063580 98:;:5:8:.< "1:.01:3 #+6 .+ &==8<
?0378:-0 &6317 ?3.0
@(4(!A'2 !"#$%&'!#()!
B9'4 )&!A$'C!"#$%&'!
21,uuu foi 0n-Campus
18,Suu foi 0ff-Campus
9 Yes
A 0.S. citizen up to age 27; unueigiau uPA of S.2S oi
highei; a skilleu communicatoi puisuing an NBiv anu
iecommenueu by a uCTS alum
Complete application foi Kein
Pastoi-Scholais Febiuaiy 1 Naich 1
)&'A49'!#() Full Tuition unlimiteu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Complete Paitneiship
Apiil 1S (FA)
Sept. Su (SP)
Apiil Su (FA)
0ct. S1 (SP)
D'&#&@ $S,uuu 7S-1uu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Sign acceptance foim anu
submit $17S ueposit
}uly 1 Apiil 1S-Sept 1
A'E!A99 $4,Suu unlimiteu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Sign acceptance foim anu
submit $17S ueposit
}uly 1 Apiil 1S-Sept 1
A9&@ @(4(!A'2
Su% Biscount on
Spouse's Tuition
4 Yes
New, full-time couple; staiting uegiee piogiam at the
same time
Complete FAFSA, submit uCTS
financial aiu application anu
Team Ninistiy application
Apiil 1S Apiil 1S-Sept 1
@9'(A !"#$%&'!#()!
)'9!(?94A(&% $1u,uuu 1 Yes Full-time; aumitteu*; outstanuing Chiistian leaueiship
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
?&F(? G9%%! $7,Suu S Yes Full-time; aumitteu*; S.Su uPA
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
HI "#'(!A2 G(%!$4 $7,Suu S Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; uesiie to engage in missions as a
full-time vocation
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
A(@$A#2 HI B9%%9' $7,Suu S Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam; uesiie
to engage in vocational pastoial ministiy
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
@(%(A&'2 "#&)%&(4"2 $S,uuu 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam;
eniolleu in chaplain canuiuate piogiam
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
)'$J9!!($4&% "$E4!9%$'! $S,uuu 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to the NAC0 uegiee piogiam;
unueigiau uegiee in psychology oi sociology
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
)(9'"9 ?(!"()%9 KE(%?(4DL $1,Suu S2 Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
(4A9'4&A($4&%M@(4$'(A2 !"#$%&'!#()!
)&!A$'! J$' &J'("&
Full Tuition + Cost of Living
Financial Assistance
1 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to NBiv uegiee piogiam; oiiginally
boin in & cuiiently iesiues in Afiica; will ietuin to
ministei in Afiica upon giauuation
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
(4A9'4&A($4&% !AE?94A Full Tuition 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; non-0.S. citizen Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
@("#&9% #&249! $8,uuu S Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; commitment to seiving the Chuich
in an Afiican-Ameiican context
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Febiuaiy 1
@E%A("E%AE'&% ?9F9%$)@94A $8,uuu 1 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; commitment to seiving the Chuich
in an Afiican-Ameiican anuoi Latino context
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Febiuaiy 1S Apiil 1
"94A'( #&%% $1u,uuu 2 Yes
Full-time; aumitteu*; commitment to seiving the Chuich
in an Asian-Chinese context; will ietuin to ministei in
Asia upon giauuation
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship application
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
D%$K&% "#E'"#LL $S,uuu 1u Yes
Full-time; aumitteu to any uegiee piogiam; non-0.S.
citizen; commitment to seiving the global Chuich
Complete aumission + online
scholaiship applicationn
Becembei 1 Febiuaiy 1
&'4$%? $2,uuu 1u No
Full-time; aumitteu*; non-0.S. citizen
Complete application foi aumission Febiuaiy 1S Febiuaiy 1
499?CK&!9? &(? 0p to $Suu pei Couise unlimiteu Yes Full-time; aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Complete FAFSA,
submit institutional
financial aiu application
0pen 0pen
&?F94A "#'(!A(&4 Balf Tuition unlimiteu Yes Aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam
Application thiough
Auvent Chiistian uenomination
0pen 0pen
(4A9'F&'!(A2 $7u8 pei Couise unlimiteu Yes Aumitteu to an eligible uegiee piogiam; cuiient Iv staff
Lettei fiom aiea uiiectoi
noting stuuent is full-time with
0pen 0pen
(up to)
Real Numbers: Student Profles *
s!,z1c/year Double Room in Gray Hall
s!,cc/year Board Plan
s1,1cc Special Scholarship Tuition
s1ccc/year Partnership Program lee
s!,z1/year Student Health lnsurance
sz,ec/year Total
s1,1cc/year Partnership Program
s1,ccc/year On-campus employment (c-1c hours/week)
sz,cc/year Mentored Ministry Stipend
sz,c Summer Job and Other Sources
sz,1c/year Total
!" $%&' '()*+', -'%.(/(0 $*1 2* .%/3' 3455*.2 2$.*40$ 2$' 6%.2('.3$/5
Progro. I's greo o |no+ o o eo o{ eo|e
ore roying {or e."
sz,ec/year Small Single in Retreat House
s!,cc/year Board Plan
s1,1cc Special Scholarship Tuition
s!,z1/year Student Health lnsurance
sze,c1/year Total
! #$%&' () *+,*-,. /$0&%
s,ccc/year Graham Scholarship
s1,vcc/year On-campus employment (1c hours/week)
s!,!cc/year On-campus employment (1- hours/week)
sc Loans
s1!,cc Savings and other sources
sze,zc/year Total
Full-Time M.Div., Single, Of-Campus
s11c/month Rent (shared house with
s1,1cc Special Scholarship Tuition
s!,z1/year Student Health lnsurance
sz,ez/year Total
s,cc Wells Scholarship
s1,cc John and Lois Pierce lellowship
sc,cc Stanord Loan
s1,vcc/year On-campus employment (1c hours/week)
s!,vcc/year On-campus employment (e hours/week)
sze,!cc/year Total
Full-Time, M.Div., Married, On-Campus
sc!/month 1-bedroom apartment on-campus
s1,1cc/year Special Scholarship Tuition
s1ccc/year Partnership Program lee
szc,1zc/year Total
s1,1cc Partnership Scholarship
Spouse works full-time
sc,cc/year Mentored Ministry Stipend
sz,ecc/year Total (- Spouse lncome)
! #$%&' () *+,*-,. /$0&%
Full-Time M.Div., Married,
2 Kids,
s1,c/month z-bedroom
apartment in Bell Hall
s1,1cc/year Special
Scholarship Tuition
szv,ec/year Total
s,ccc/year Graham Scholarship
sc Loans
1-zc hours per week on-campus employment
Spouse works hours per week
s!,1c/year Mentored Ministry Stipend
sc,1c/year Total (-Work & Spouse lncome)
Ve royeJ +e +ov|Jn' neeJ o o|e ov |oons, onJ GoJ os
onoreJ o Jesire."
Full-Time MACO, Single, Of-Campus
s11c/month Rent (shared apartment with roommates)
s1,1cc/year Special Counseling Scholarship Tuition
szz,czc/year Total
s,ccc/year Scholarship for Professional Counselors
sc,cc Stanord Loan
sz1,ccc/year On-Campus Job (!c-! hours/week)
s!1,cc/year Total
I con on|y o|e I c|osses eod seeser, so }onvory onJ sver c|osses
ore er{ec {or y sivoion."
Financial Aid Process
,1 Complete the lAlSA form (lree Application for lederal Student
Aid available at and the Gordon-Conwell
linancial Aid Application.
*1 Certain Gordon-Conwell scholarships require a separate ap-
plication Kern Pastor-Scholars Program, Partnership Program,
Merit Scholarships, Team Ministry and Pierce lellowship.
Real Aid: Gordon-Conwell Scholarships
Te Kern Pastor-Scholars Program
A full ride stipended scholarship granted to up to eight most qualihed M.Div.
applicants who have been recommended by a Gordon-Conwell alum and
are commiued to full-time, lifelong pastoral ministry in the United States as
eventual senior pastors with pulpit responsibilities.

Te Partnership Scholarship
# Full-Tuition scholarship available to students who will be trained in
gathering the kind of community and prayer support that is so crucial during
and afer the seminary years.
Billy Graham Scholarship
# $5,000/year scholarship granted to the frst 75 students who commit to full-
time study by returning an agreement form and scholarship deposit.
Global Church Scholarship
# $5,000/year scholarship granted to up to 10 international applicants for full-
time study in any masters program who demonstrate outstanding leadership
potential for serving the global Church.
Trustee Grant
A $4,500/year scholarship granted to students who commit to full-time study
by returning an agreement form and scholarship deposit but do not receive
the Graham Scholarship.
Team Ministry Grant
A need-based scholarship granted to qualihed married couples who will be
enrolling as full-time degree students. Tis scholarship allows for one spouse
to receive a 50% discount.
Michael Haynes Scholarship
An $8,000/year scholarship granted to up to fve applicants who demonstrate a
commitment to serving the Church in an African-American context.
Multicultural Development Scholarship
An $8,000/year scholarship granted to one applicant who demonstrates a
commitment to serving the Church in an African-American and/or Latino
Te Presidential Scholarship for Future Christian Leaders
A $10,000/year scholarship granted to one applicant who demonstrates
exceptional promise for Christian leadership and refects the seminary`s
commitment to advance Christ`s kingdom in every sphere of life" in service
to the Church.
Dr. David F. Wells Scholarship for Teaching Ministry
A $7,500/year scholarship granted to up to three applicants who demonstrate
exceptional promise for teaching ministry and academic work upon
graduation from Gordon-Conwell.
Dr. J Christy Wilson Jr. Scholarship for Missions Ministry
A $7,500/year scholarship granted to up to three applicants who demonstrate
exceptional promise for missions service and express a desire to engage full-
time in international or local missions, social justice ministry, urban or rural
ministry, or campus ministry.
Rev. Timothy J. Keller Scholarship for Pastoral Ministry
A $7,500/year scholarship granted to up to three applicants who demonstrate
exceptional promise for vocational pastoral ministry within the local church
upon graduation.
Military Chaplaincy Scholarship
A $5,000/year scholarship granted to up to two applicants who are enrolled
in the chaplain candidate program during their time at Gordon-Conwell and
express the desire to serve the Church as a military chaplain upon graduation.
Scholarship for Professional Counselors
A $5,000/year scholarship granted to up to two applicants who demonstrate
exceptional promise for counseling ministry upon graduation from Gordon-
Te John and Lois Pierce Fellowship
# $1,500/year tuition subsidy granted to select incoming and returning
students who demonstrate experience and ongoing commitment to small
group leadership, spiritual formation and disciple-building.

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