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Mind Control NLP & Hypnosis


David Shuttleworth DHyp M.A.E.P.H

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.hat is Hypnosis/ .hat isn1t Hypnosis/ Hypnoti Considerations "ndu ing Hypnosis Deepening

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Post hypnoti Suggestions Awa%ening 'he Su$7e t A Power#ul 'herapeuti 'ool A$rea tions Hypnosis & Mind Control Hypnosis & Mind Control : Hand Stu % to Des% Hypnosis & Mind Control ; Su$way A!nesia Hypnosis & Mind Control ; Handsha%e "ndu tions =inal 'houghts Hypnoti "ndu tion S ripts Hypnoti Deepening S ripts Post Hypnoti S ripts

.hat is Hypnosis/
"1! sure that you1ll agree that Hypnosis is a #as inating su$7e t. "# you1ve ever wat hed a stage hypnotist you1ll have $een i!pressed at his a$ility to !anipulate and ontrol see!ingly rational people into doing all %inds o# $i>arre and potentially e!$arrassing things. Modern !agi ians li%e Derren Brown who see!ingly use the power o# suggestion to very rapidly !anipulate and ontrol strangers& have also reated an un)uen ha$le thirst #or %nowledge #ro! the pu$li . 'he evolution o# !odern !agi has $rought it #ro! the stage and onto the street& and it has en ouraged a great deal o# enthusias! #or hypnosis& NLP& and other #or!s o# ?!ind ontrol@. 'he power to ontrol people that we1ve only 7ust !et is very alluring& and it is pro$a$ly the su$ ons ious desire to $e a$le to in#luen e people in this way that !a%es hypnotis! apture the i!agination so readily. So what e(a tly is hypnosis/ 'he word ?hypnos@ o!es #ro! the Aree% and !eans ?to sleep&@ $ut hypnosis itsel#& although a totally natural state o# !ind& is in #a t very di##erent #ro! sleep. 'he #ollowing de#initions lari#y the !eaning !ore pre isely+ ?B=ro! Aree%& CsleepCD a state o# heightened awareness and #o
used to !anipulate the per eption o# pain& to a $ehaviour.@ used on entration that an $e ess repressed !aterial and to re:progra!

?An arti#i ially indu ed altered state o# ons iousness& hara teri>ed $y heightened suggesti$ility and re eptivity to dire tion. An Altered State o# Cons iousness involving a

heightened degree o# suggesti$ility.@ ?'he use o# progressive suggestions to $ring a person into an altered state where suggestions o# hange an $e given with !ini!al resistan e.@ ?Arti#i ially indu ed alteration o# ons iousness hara teri>ed $y in reased suggesti$ility and re eptivity to dire tion.@ ?A tran eli%e ondition usually indu ed $y another person in whi h the su$7e t is in a state o# altered ons iousness and responds& with ertain li!itations& to the suggestions o# the hypnotist.@ ?Eor tran e is a naturally o urring state& li%e sleep or daydrea!ing& where attention is turned inward& with heightened openness to new ideas. Hypnotherapy indu es the tran e state o# heightened re eptivity& and o##ers dire t or indire t suggestions to the un ons ious& whi h it !ay or !ay not a ept.@

Fou1ll noti e that these de#initions give virtually the sa!e !eaning ; an altered state o# ons iousness during whi h the su$7e t e(hi$its in reased suggesti$ility.

'his is essentially hypnosis in a nutshell. "t is the a$ility& using ver$al dire tion& to lead so!eone into an altered state o# ons iousness Bit rese!$les daydrea!ingD& during whi h ti!e they are !u h !ore re eptive to suggestion. Gn e in this state& the hypnotist an !a%e either dire t or indire t suggestions to help the su$7e t to $rea% da!aging or undesira$le ha$its& su h as s!o%ing& over eating& an(iety& et . 'his is where hypnosis $e o!es hypnotherapy. 'he a tual !e hanis! that !a%es hypnosis wor% is )uite di##i ult to )uanti#y. Basi ally& the things that drive us and !a%e us who we are& are deeply e!$edded in our su$ ons ious !ind. .e don1t need to are#ully thin% a$out what we strongly agree or disagree with& what we love or hate& or strongly desire& it is ?hard wired@ into our !ind. So!e o# this o!es #ro! personal e(perien e& pre#eren e& and needs& and so!e #ro! our hildhood #ro! dire t o!!ands or suggestions #ro! our parents or authority #igures. Nor!ally we pro ess in#or!ation via our < senses and our ?hard wiring@ #or!s so!ething ter!ed the ? riti al ensor&@ whi h a ts as a %ind o# #ilter to deter!ine whether anything presented to us on#or!s with our deepest $elie#s. 'he riti al ensor de ides whether or not to a ept or re7e t the in#or!ation presented to us. "# it is a epted it is ?a$sor$ed@ into our su$ ons ious and $e o!es either a epted %nowledge& a part o# our $elie# syste!& a !oral viewpoint& or an a!$itionHdesire. "n#or!ation or o!!ands that are at odds with our previously a epted %nowledge& $elie#s& !orals& or desires are re7e ted $y the riti al !onitor& and they have no e##e t on our $ehaviour or a tions.

'his an $e e(plained )uite ni ely $y =reudian psy hology. 'he "d Bsu$ ons iousD is the !ost power#ul part o# the !ind& and it auto!ati ally& and without our ons ious realisation& ontains our deepest desires& and ontrols our $ehaviour. 'he Ego Brational& logi al !indD analyses in#or!ation to see i# it !a%es sense& $e#ore passing it onto the Super Ego B riti al ensorD. 'he Super Ego is li%e the gate%eeper to the su$ ons ious !ind& it de ides whether or not to a ept the in#or!ation& instru tion& o!!and& and either sends it into the "d Bsu$ ons iousD where it $e o!es a o!ponent o# our $ehaviour& or re7e ts it out o# hand. All pro$le! $ehaviour& li%e s!o%ing #or e(a!ple& are ha$its that are e!$edded in our su$ ons ious !ind and have $e o!e a part o# our i!age o# who we are& this is why they are di##i ult to $rea%. .e all %now that s!o%ing is $ad #or our health& $ut trying to !a%e yoursel# stop is in redi$ly di##i ult ; the o!!and that your logi al !ind gives yoursel# is re7e ted $y the riti al ensor and never !a%es it into the su$ ons ious. 'his is where hypnosis an help. By on entrating all o# the su$7e ts attention onto a single o$7e t& their riti al ensor is gradually su$dued allowing the hypnotist to spea% al!ost dire tly to the su$ ons ious !ind& and over o!ing the pro$le! o# the suggestion not $eing a epted. So& having read& and hope#ully understood what hypnosis is& we1ll now dispel so!e !yths a$out what hypnosis is not.

.hat isn1t Hypnosis/

Hypnosis isn1t !agi . "t is a per#e tly natural state so!ewhat a%in to daydrea!ing. Si!ilarly& the indu tions are not !agi al in antations that will instantly laun h your su$7e t into a #ully $lown hypnoti state. Fou a$solutely need to read the hapters in this $oo% prior to the s ripts& in their entirety& to #ully understand& appre iate& and $e a$le to a hieve a good state o# hypnosis in your su$7e ts. Although hypnosis is generally a sa#e and har!less ondition& it is also vitally i!portant is that you read and o$serve the ?Contra "ndi ations@ on page 34.

'he pro ess to indu e a hypnoti tran e is not di##i ult to a hieve& parti ularly when you understand the pro ess and %now what1s a tually happening. However& it is very !u h a 5 way pro ess Bthe person ideally should onsent to $eing hypnotised& and shouldn1t have any an(ieties a$out $eing hypnotisedD& so you !ust $e a$le to re!ove any dou$ts or worries that your su$7e t !ay have. Most on erns are o!!on ones aused $y the artisti li ense used $y 'I and #il! produ ers& $ut however erroneous they !ay $e& i# they are not dealt with it will !a%e the hypnoti pro ess !ore di##i ult and less en7oya$le #or the su$7e t.

Co!!on !is on eptions+ 3D Fou an $e hypnoti>ed and do things against your will
"# you read the last 5 de#initions on page - again you1ll noti e that they state+ ?Ethe su$7e t is in a state o# altered ons iousness and responds& with ertain li!itations& to the suggestions o# the hypnotist@ & ?Hypnotherapy indu es the
tran e state o# heightened re eptivity& and o##ers dire t or indire t suggestions to the un ons ious& whi h it !ay or !ay not a ept.@

'he si!ple #a t is that although you su$due the riti al ensor and spea% al!ost dire tly to the su$ ons ious !ind& people will not respond to suggestions that are against their !ost deeply held !oral $elie#s. =or e(a!ple& so!e people are #rightened that whilst they are un ons ious Bthey1re not un ons ious ; see $elowD& they !ight $e ta%en advantage o# se(ually or in so!e other way& $ut they are at all ti!es ons ious and aware and in ontrol o# what is happening. Any atte!pt to #or e the! to do so!ething against their strongly held $elie#s will result in the! o!ing out o# hypnosis i!!ediately. People will not do under hypnosis so!ething that they wouldn1t readily do whilst in their nor!al state o# ons iousness.

5D Jnder hypnosis you are un ons ious

'his is not the ase. Hypnosis is an altered state o# !ind in whi h the su$7e t is in a state si!ilar to daydrea!ing. 'hey are at all ti!es ons ious and aware and in ontrol o# what is happening to the!& and an o!e out o# hypnosis anyti!e that they hoose.

4D Gnly wea% !inded people an $e hypnoti>ed

'he opposite is true. Aenerally !ore intelligent people are easier to hypnotise& possi$ly $e ause they have a greater a$ility to inwardly visualise and not $e distra ted $y other thoughts.

-D Fou an get stu % in Hypnosis

'his is i!possi$le& i# the hypnotist dropped dead a#ter indu ing the tran e the su$7e t would either o!e out o# hypnosis $y the!selves or dri#t o## to sleep.

<D Fou an $e !ade to reveal e!$arrassing se rets

'his is #alse #or the reasons given a$ove. 'he su$7e t is aware o# what is happening and an not $e #or ed to do things against their will.

8D "# you an hear the Hypnotist you weren1t hypnotised

People e(perien e hypnosis in di##erent ways. Hearing and re!e!$ering what the hypnotist said to you is o!pletely natural& hypnosis is not sleep& it is an altered state o# ons iousness. Although your su$7e t !ay not have #elt hypnotised& the hypnotist an usually visually see the physi al hanges& and o# ourse the su$7e ts !odi#ied $ehaviour is the ulti!ate proo#. Fou really need to dispel these !yths with your su$7e t to re!ove resistan e to $eing hypnotised. 'his also helps to e(plain what your su$7e t an e(pe t to e(perien e and also gains their trust and per!ission to indu e a tran e.

Hypnoti Considerations

Gn e that you1ve re!oved any dou$ts #ro! your su$7e t& introdu ing a hypnoti state is relatively easy. However& you need to thin% a$out what you want to a hieve on e that you1ve put the! into the tran e& parti ularly i# you want to on entrate on hypnotherapy and help the! to $rea% a $ad ha$it.

"# you want to !a%e the! run around a ting li%e a hi %en& then there1s not really a pro$le! i# the tran e is deep enough B!ore laterD and you1ve sele ted a good su$7e t. =or the $est results when dealing with pro$le! $ehaviour& you need the su$7e t to tal% #ran%ly with you prior to $eginning hypnosis. Fou need to understand what is $ehind the pro$le!& what the pro$le! !eans to the su$7e t& how li#e would $e $etter i# the pro$le! didn1t e(ist& and what !otivates the! the !ost to hange their $ehaviour and eli!inate the pro$le!. 'he s ript that you use whilst the su$7e t is under hypnosis an then $e adapted to in lude suggestions that relate to spe i#i s uni)ue to ea h di##erent person. Agree $e#orehand on whi h points you will on entrate on whilst the su$7e t is under hypnosis& and where possi$le use the e(a t words and phrases that the su$7e t uses whilst e(plaining their pro$le! to you. "n this way the suggestions stri%e an i!!ediate hord with the su$7e t and they will $e a epted !ore readily. "# you1re going to help your su$7e t to hange a di##i ult ha$it& su h as stopping s!o%ing& it an $e very help#ul to %now a$out their li#e& wor%& and #a!ily. 'his in#or!ation an $e used during the suggestion to reate a very power#ul suggestion to help the! to a hieve their goal very )ui %ly ; !ore a$out this in ?A Power#ul 'herapeuti 'ool@ on page 55. Gne o# the %eys to su ess when you1re going to hypnotise so!eone is to at least appear to $e on#ident in your own a$ilities. "n ti!e& and with pra tise& you won1t even onte!plate #ailing to indu e a hypnoti tran e& $ut in the $eginning it an see! daunting& even though it doesn1t really need to. Fou an however $e ertain that i# your su$7e t senses that you dou$t yoursel#& then hypnotising the! will $e very di##i ult indeed. 'he $est way to prepare yoursel# is to !a%e sure that you %now what you1re going to $e doing inside out& and !a%e sure that you1re o!#orta$le with the s ripts& et & then pra tise on a willing volunteer #irst& starting with a slight rela(ing tran e& and gradually progressing to hypnotising the! deeply. "t1s also i!portant to realise that in order to su eed you !ust $uild so!e rapport with your su$7e t. Fou ould try various well do u!ented te hni)ues su h as leading & pa ing whilst tal%ing to

the!& !irroring their $ody language& et & $ut really it1s usually not ne essary to !a%e things so o!pli ated. 'he $est way o# $uilding rapport is to win the su$7e ts trust whilst tal%ing to the! prior to the hypnosis itsel#& whilst you1re re!oving their on erns and as%ing )uestions a$out the! is an ideal ti!e. So!ething else that " personally thin% is vitally i!portant& is your appearan e. People have an e(pe tan y #or how a hypnotist will loo%& a t& and spea%& and it an help tre!endously to play to these e(pe tations a little. Milton Eri %son Ba very i!portant #ounding #igure o# !odern hypnosisD had a naturally deep and resonant voi e& and dressed in a purple ape, Although loo%ing so!ewhat e entri & his su$7e ts were on#ronted $y so!eone who loo%ed & sounded e(a tly as they i!agined a hypnotist should. "1! not suggesting that you rush out and $uy a ape and top hat& $ut you an help yoursel# tre!endously $y trying to on#or! to the general i!pression o# how a hypnotist should $e. =or e(a!ple& people pro$a$ly e(pe t to $e lying on a re lining hair& or a haise lounge& or si!ilar& and although o!pletely unne essary it helps $y reating the right at!osphere and not distra ting their attention. Fou !ight not $e $lessed with a naturally deep and soothing voi e& $ut you don1t really need one. E(plaining how hypnosis wor%s $e#orehand in a al! and natural voi e generates on#iden e in your %nowledge & a$ility& and also gets the! used to hearing your voi e. .hen you then $egin the indu tion in your natural voi e it doesn1t see! at odds with what they e(pe t. Also& i# you dress s!artly $ut also asually Bli%e a do tor/D& it generates on#iden e that you are pro#essional& $ut also onveys the idea that you are approa ha$le and will hope#ully help the su$7e t to spea% openly and honestly a$out their pro$le!. =inally& and very i!portantly& is your tone o# voi e during the indu tion. .hat you are atte!pting to do is to gradually swit h o## the su$7e ts senses until they are 7ust listening to your voi e and visualising what you tell the!. =or this reason it is vitally i!portant that you spea% naturally without trying to #or e a ?hypnotists voi e.@ "1ll never #orget the ti!e that " en ountered a hap who1d done a hypnosis ourse and who insisted on trying to hypnotise !e. He sat !e on a hair& e(plained what he was going to do& and then suddenly hanged his voi e totally when he $egan the indu tion. "# you thin% o# the si>e o# letters representing his volu!e and tone& you1ll see why " had to sit there $iting !y lip so that " didn1t $urst out laughing ; it

went so!ething li%e+ ?L:"S':EN 'GGG MF IG":CE&





Needless to say it didn1t wor%& and hope#ully it illustrates why you !ust use your own voi e ; you sound ridi ulous i# you don1t, "t1s also i!portant to spea% learly& slowly& al!ly& and in a !onotonous tone. Any intonation o# words at hes the attention o# the ons ious !ind and stops it #ro! swit hing o##. Kepetitive& !onotonous spee h slips right past the riti al ensor and into the su$ ons ious !ind& a hieving e(a tly what we are loo%ing #or. Gn e that you1ve gone through the preli!inaries and !ade sure that your su$7e t is ready B!a%e sure they1ve $een to the toilet& et ; you don1t want unne essary distra tionsD& then you1re ready to $egin.

Now that we1ve overed these points lets !ove onto the indu tion itsel#,

"ndu ing Hypnosis

=irstly a word o# warning. Hypnosis is generally har!less& $ut there are ti!es when& #or one reason or another& you shouldn1t hypnotise so!eone. 'hese are %nown as ?Contra "ndi ations@ and are $asi ally+ 3D 5D 4D -D 'he 'he 'he 'he person person person person is S hi>ophreni . has re ently su##ered a nervous $rea%down. is ta%ing !edi ation #or H is deeply depressed. has re ently undergone Ele tro Convulsive 'herapy.

"# any o# the a$ove applies to your su$7e t& then re#use to hypnotise the!.

'he Hypnoti e(perien e itsel# an $e split down onto - distin t steps.

=irstly& is the indu tion in whi h you en ourage the su$7e t to rela( and to enter a hypnoti state. So!eti!es people will #all into a very deep hypnoti tran e very )ui %ly and easily& $ut usually it is ne essary to !ove onto the se ond stage and to deepen the tran e #urther. 'his is a hieved $y ontinued suggestion. 'he third step is the post hypnoti suggestion& when you give the a tual suggestions that will illi it the desired hange in $ehaviour& and #inally is the #ourth stage& $ringing the su$7e t $a % out o# hypnosis. All o# these - steps will $e overed in this hapter& there is a o!prehensive list o# indu tions& deepeners& and suggestions #urther on in the $oo%.

3D 'he "ndu tion+

"n this se tion "1ll run through a $rea%down o# the pro edure& then put it all together at the end. As stated a$ove& this is where you en ourage the su$7e t to rela( and to enter a hypnoti state. Four su$7e t should $e seated or lying on a o!#orta$le hair& et & and is $etter positioned #a ing you& $ut !ay$e slightly o## entre. Fou need an o$7e t #or the su$7e t to #o us their attention on. "t wants to $e so!ething )uite si!ple& a pi ture o# a $lue ir le or a dot on the wall& a pen on your des%& et & and wants to $e in #ront o# the! so that they don1t have to turn their head. .ording is very i!portant in hypnosis. Fou !ust avoid negative words and phrases as !u h as possi$le $e ause they are not a epted as readily $y the su$ ons ious !ind as positive ones. Consider the senten e $elow that we are going to use to $egin the indu tion Bin a slow& al!& and )uiet voi eD+ ?Hypnosis is an interesting e(perien e. "# you1ll 7ust #o us your eyes on so!ething while " spea%& we1ll pro eed very s!oothly. Most people li%e to stare at this dot on the wall.@ 'he word ?interesting@ suggests the su$7e t should on entrate& and there is also the suggestion that loo%ing at the dot will help things to go s!oothly #or $oth o# us Bi.e.& we1re wor%ing togetherD. =inally ?!ost people&@ indire tly tells the! that there have $een !any people

$e#ore the!& whi h reates a #eeling o# on#iden e. Fou now need to run through the usual on erns & reiterate that they are in ontrol o# the!selves throughout the whole hypnoti e(perien e& that they an1t get stu % in a tran e& et & and that their su$ ons ious is very power#ul and it ontrols their $ehaviourH$odyHdesiresHi!pulsesHet ; whi hever is appropriate #or the person. 'he ne(t step is to ontinue with your hypnoti indu tion s ript. 'here are hundreds o# s ripts availa$le and it1s i!portant that you hoose one that you #eel o!#orta$le using and that you thin% will wor% well with your su$7e t too. 'hey all revolve around the sa!e prin iple o# slowing down& $e o!ing heavier& et & and the ai! is to get the su$7e t to a point where their only really aware o# what they1re hearing and the internal visualisation you1re helping the! to generate. Fou only need to %now 5 or 4 s ripts& and on e you1ve used the! a #ew ti!es you1ll #eel o!#orta$le to hop and hange the! as ne essary. 'here are lots o# s ripts later in the $oo%. As you wor% through your s ript suggesting that your su$7e ts $reathing is slowing down& and that they1re $e o!ing heavier and !ore rela(ed& you1ll gradually noti e a physi al hange in the!. Although they !ay still $e $lin%ing& they will also $e staring very intently Bat the dotD& and they won1t $e !oving at all. At this point you should rein#or e the idea that you are $oth going to a o!plish so!ething e(tre!ely $ene#i ial #or your su$7e t. 'his helps the! to onvin e the!selves that the e(perien e will $e a positive one #or the!& and should help to push the! the last #ew steps into a light hypnoti tran e. Gn e that you1ve rea hed this point you an suggest that !ost peoples eyes start to $e o!e heavier and heavier& and then as% the! that on e they #eel this way& and are ready to $egin& that they lose their eyes. Lets loo% at the whole s ript on the ne(t page $e#ore !oving onto deepening. ?Hypnosis is an interesting e(perien e. "# you1ll 7ust #o us your eyes

on so!ething while " spea%& we1ll pro eed very s!oothly. Most people li%e to stare at this dot on the wall.@ Allow the! to do this and then run through whi hever on erns they had. ?Ke!e!$er& you will $e #ully aware o# !y voi e and what1s happening to you& even though you1re deeply hypnotised. Even though you1re o!pletely rela(ed in a deep& hypnoti & tran e& you will $e totally in ontrol o# yoursel# the whole ti!e. Fou will $e a$le to o!e out o# the tran e anyti!e that you #eel it ne essary& and $y your own hoosing.@ "# you1re dealing with a spe i#i pro$le! su h as weight ontrol& ontinue with+ ?Ke!e!$er that your su$ ons ious !ind is very power#ul& and without any e##ort or thought& it ontrols our $ehaviour& our ha$its& and our desires. By tal%ing to your su$ ons ious !ind today we1re going to a hieve so!ething very i!portant and use#ul #or you.@ Gtherwise spea% a$out hypnosis $eing a very pleasura$le& rela(ing& rewarding e(perien e. 'hen $egin the indu tion s ript. ?Leep your attention #o used on the dot and ta%e a #ew deep $reaths. Must %eep $reathing deeply and listen to the sound o# !y voi e. As you sit there o!#orta$ly& sin%ing down into that hair and $eginning to rela( your $ody& you an 7ust turn your attention to your $reathing. 'a%ing a good& deep $reath in and holding it nowE and allowing yoursel# to rela( !ore and !ore as you let go o# that $reath. As you noti e your $reathing rela(ingE #inding a !ore soothing rhyth!& you an 7ust allow the rest o# the $ody to rela(& all those !us les $e o!ing o!pletely li!p and sla %& 7ust li%e a rag doll.@ Continue with suggestions o# $reathing & rela(ing& and o# the !us les $e o!ing !ore & !ore rela(ed until you an see that it is having a noti ea$le e##e t on the su$7e t. 'hen ontinue with+ ?And as you en7oy the #eeling o# that rela(ation spreading through your $ody& $e aware that we1re going to a hieve so!ething very $ene#i ial& positive& and rewarding #or you& as you slip deeper and deeper into a !ore rela(ed& and o!#orta$le e(perien e.@

At this point you should suggest that the eyes are $e o!ing heavier and that they should lose the! when they #eel ready to $egin. ?Soon you1ll #ind that your eyes start to $e o!e )uite heavy. 'hey start to #eel heavy and get heavier & heavier. Must allow the! to lose when you1re ready to $egin.@ Kepeat this as ne essary until you an learly see that the su$7e t has entered a hypnoti state& then ontinue with a deepening s ript. B'he s ript a$ove is adapted #ro! the Dave El!an Kapid "ndu tion S riptD.

5D Deepening+
Now that the su$7e t is learly in a hypnoti tran e& we want to deepen it #urther to !a(i!ise the power o# the post hypnoti suggestions that we1re going to use. 'here are do>ens o# deepening s ripts& you an #ind a good sele tion later in the $oo%. 'hey all $asi ally involve the su$7e t i!agining that they are going ?down@ or ?deeper and deeper@ to a hieve the resulting tran e. Continuing with the Dave El!an S ript+ ?Lnowing that #or the ti!e $eing you an rela( those eyes so wonder#ully deeply that so long as they re!ain rela(ed they won1t want to open. 'hose eyelids so tired and heavy that they 7ust won1t li#t at allE 7ust li%e they1re $e o!ing tightly glued together& i# you an i!agine thatE in #a t& the !ore you try to see i# you an open the!& they !ore tightly glued together they $e o!eE Now try and see i# you an open those heavy eyelids 7ust a $itE NpauseO 'hat1s goodE 7ust rela( now you don1t need to struggle any!ore to open the!E As you let goE 7ust allowing that wonder#ul sense o# deep rela(ation to spread #ro! your eyes down through the rest o# your $ody. And as you e(perien e those su$tle #eelings o# deep physi al rela(ation& deepening& and deepeningE so your !ind is rela(ing& unwinding& en7oying a pleasant hypnoti tran e.

"n a !o!ent& to $egin really deepening that tran e& we an gently open and lose those eyesE as " ount to three you will open your eyes #or a !o!ent #eeling a wave o# deep rela(ation enveloping your $ody and your !ind as you do soE $eginning now+ one& two three& li#ting those heavy eyelidsE and three& two& oneE letting the! #all shut on e again& rela(ing twi e as deeply& ten ti!es as deeplyE? 'he ne(t part will ta%e the su$7e t into a very deep hypnoti state+ ?Now that the $ody1s so deeply& so pro#oundly rela(ed& you an allow the !ind to en7oy an even deeper level o# tran e. "n a !o!ent $egin ounting down #ro! 366& ounting out loud& repeating the words Cdeeper and deeperC a#ter ea h nu!$er. Ea h ti!e you say the nu!$er& ea h ti!e you say the words Cdeeper and deeperC your !ind $e o!ing twi e as deeply rela(ed& ten ti!es as deeply rela(ed& sin%ing down into a wonder#ully deep tran eE As you do this you1ll #ind that voi e& those nu!$ers& rela(ing so deeply that you )ui %ly lose the nu!$ersE lose the a$ility and the desire to %eep on ounting downE Beginning now& Cone hundredE deeper and deeperEC that1s it& rela(ing that voi e& twi e as deeply& ten ti!es as deeply& losing those nu!$ersE #orgettingE leaving the! $ehindE voi e $e o!ing wea%erE #ainterE@ Continue with suggestions o# deepening until su$7e t stops ounting. 'hen ontinue+ ?Letting the nu!$ers #ade awayE leaving the! $ehindE your !ind silent& al!& tran)uilE en7oying the deepest level o# tran eE Losing those nu!$ersE you 7ust don1t need to do anything else #or the ti!e $eing e( ept sit silently& rela(& and en7oy that #as inating sensation o# deep tran e& deep& deep tran e.@

Fou1re now ready to o!!en e with the post hypnoti suggestions.

4D Post Hypnoti Suggestions+

.hat you do now depends on what you1re loo%ing to a hieve. "# you want to !a%e the person #orget their na!e& eat an onion& et & then it1s pretty straight#orward. Must give the suggestions in a si!ilar vein to a$ove and !a%e so!e asso iations ; perhaps the onion is really a $ig 7ui y red apple ; 7ust use your i!agination.

=or therapeuti purposes& li%e giving up s!o%ing& you an #ind a good sele tion o# s ripts later in the $oo%. "n these instan es " also re o!!end that you read and use ?A Power#ul 'herapeuti 'ool@ on page 55. "t wor%s wonder#ully in the vast !a7ority o# ases. "1! not going to run through the s ript on this page $e ause it is spe i#i to ea h individual ase and it is also 7ust a !atter o# spea%ing the post hypnoti suggestions to the person ; there isn1t really anything to loo% out #or on e you1ve rea hed this stage.

-D Awa%ening the Su$7e t+

.hen you1ve #inished the post hypnoti suggestion you1ll want to re awa%en the su$7e t. "t is i!portant to !a%e sure that you give this stage as !u h attention as you did the others& and you should never send the person on their way $e#ore !a%ing sure that they1re totally awa%e and sa#e to !a%e their way ho!e. "ts also a good idea to start the awa%ening with a #inal post hypnoti suggestion that the su$7e t will rela( !ore deeply & !ore rapidly the ne(t ti!e that you have hypnotise the! B7ust in ase you need to hypnotise the! again ; !ay$e you have a lot o# onions that need eatingD+ ?Ea h ti!e that " hypnotise you& you1ll rela( !ore easily& !ore )ui %ly& and !ore deeply. Now& "P! going to ount #ro! one to #ive& and then "Pll say& C=ully awa%e.C At the ount o# #ive& your eyes will open& and you are then #ully awa%e& #eeling al!& rested& re#reshed& and rela(ed. All right. Gne+ slowly& al!ly& easily youPre returning to your #ull awareness on e again. 'wo+ ea h !us le and nerve in your $ody is loose and li!p and rela(ed& and you #eel wonder#ully good. 'hree+ #ro! head to toe& you are #eeling per#e t in every way. Physi ally& !entally& and e!otionally al! and serene.

=our+ your eyes $egin to #eel alert and awa%e. Gn the ne(t nu!$er " ount& eyelids open& #ully aware& #eeling al!& rested& re#reshed& rela(ed& invigorated& and #ull o# energy. Nu!$er #ive+ FouPre #ully awa%e now. Eyelids open. 'a%e a good& deep $reath& #ill up your lungs& and stret h.@

Four su$7e t should now $e wide awa%e and will hope#ully have %i %ed their ha$it.

A Power#ul 'herapeuti 'ool

" want to share with you a very power#ul tool #or use in therapeuti hypnosis& whi h is e(tre!ely help#ul when dealing with $rea%ing $ehavioural ha$its su h as s!o%ing. 'his te hni)ue is alled age progression. Lets onsider it as i# we1re dealing with so!eone trying to give up s!o%ing. Fou need to #ind out a$out the persons reasons #or wanting to stop& what their driving #or e is& and use this as the $asis #or the suggestion. Basi ally& it involves ta%ing the su$7e t& whilst hypnotised& into 5 alternative #utures ; one i# they ontinue s!o%ing& the other i# they stop s!o%ing. "n $oth #utures they are as%ed to visualise the!selves as they will $e i# they #ollow that path& they $e o!e e!$roiled in the e!otions o# the!selves & their loved ones. Eventually their ?#uture sel#@ spea%s to their ?present day sel#.@ 'he idea is that in the $ad #uture the su$7e t sees the!selves su##ering #ro! the very thing that they would li%e to avoid& and this allows the su$7e t to see & e(perien e what awaits the! i# they ontinue as they are. "n the good #uture& the su$7e t sees how things ould $e i# they $rea% their ha$it& and they are then as%ed to visualise the #uture sel# than%ing the! #or the wise de ision that they !ade all those years

ago. 'his visualisation o# a #it & healthy sel# heaping praise on the present day sel# en ourages & rein#or es the positive hange that we are atte!pting to illi it. "t sounds o!pli ated $ut its really )uite si!ple. Lets onsider it as i# we1re in orporating it into a post hypnoti suggestion. Assu!ing that their health is high on the agenda& we1ll use this as the $asis #or the progression+ ?" wonder i# you ould visualise yoursel# #or !e& perhaps ta%ing a $ris% wal% in a $eauti#ul par%& and en7oying s!elling the #lowers as you $reath the air deeply into your lungs ; please nod when you do.@ .ait #or the su$7e t to nod. ?Now "1d li%e you to visualise yoursel# in a #ew years ti!e a#ter you1re s!o%ing has #inally started to at h up with you& and "1d li%e you to noti e the di##eren es in yoursel#. Please nod when you1re done wat hing.@ .ait #or the su$7e t to nod. ?Now "1d li%e you to visualise yoursel# a ouple o# years a#ter that& when your s!o%ing has really a##e ted your health. Nod& please& when you1ve #inished wat hing.@ .ait #or the su$7e t to nod : Depending on how well they visualise this they !ay even have started rying. ?Fou have i!agined a #uture where you1ve ontinued to s!o%e. Now& lets say that you1ve de ided to stop s!o%ing so!eti!e soon& say in the ne(t #ew days. Lnowing that you1ll soon $e a non s!o%er& visualise yoursel# in a #ew years ti!e ta%ing that $ris% wal% again& and en7oying s!elling the #lowers. Perhaps you an wal% !ore $ris%ly and $reath !ore deeply than $e#ore. En7oy yoursel#. Please nod when you1ve #inished.@ .ait #or the su$7e t to nod. ?Now visualise yoursel# a ouple o# years a#ter that and noti e how happy you are& how youth#ul you loo%& and how !u h energy you

see! to have. Let !e %now when you1ve #inished loo%ing.@ .ait #or the su$7e t to nod. ?Please visualise yoursel# in 3< years ti!e #ro! now. See yoursel# learly on a !ovie s reen in your !ind. Now& split the s reen in hal# and on the other side see yoursel# as you are now. 'he older you is loo%ing at the present you. "# you listen are#ully you will hear the older you spea%ing to the present you. " thin% he !ay $e than%ing you.@ Eventually the su$7e t should nod& and will usually see! )uite happy. "#& a#ter < !inutes or so they haven1t nodded& as% the! to nod when they are ready. ?.as the older you appre iative o# the present you/@ 'he su$7e t should nod. ?Fou !ust $e very proud o# yoursel#/@ Again& the su$7e t should nod. "t1s interesting to note that the su$7e t !ay ta%e a #ew !inutes $e#ore they nod ; you !ust $e patient. 'his is an indi ation that they are deeply involved with their i!agined #uture& and should $e a good sign that the suggestion will have a very power#ul e##e t. 'his al!ost o!pletes the use o# this power#ul tool& you an use #urther suggestions to pro!ote the idea o# no ni otine withdrawal sy!pto!s& repla ing the desire #or a igarette with the desire #or a sip o# water& or rein#or e the a$ove with the suggestion that every ti!e the su$7e t pi %s up a igarette they revisit& in all its intensity& the negative #uture& and when they hoose not to have a igarette they revisit the positive #uture in the sa!e way. A#ter this ontinue with the hypnosis.

Please also note the deli$erate avoidan e o# negative suggestion. "t would $e all to easy to suggest that the su$7e t sees the!selves in an

o(ygen tent in a hospital& with their dearly loved ones all wailing around the!. .hilst this !ight see! li%e a good idea& it will have a !u h less dra!ati e##e t than the s ript used a$ove. 'his o urs #or 5 !ain reasons+ =irstly& although the riti al ensor is su$dued& any suggestion involving deeply distressing or undesira$le i!agery !ay well $e re7e ted $y the su$ ons ious. Se ondly& with the $est will in the .orld& we annot& ever& produ e an i!age as vivid& realisti & inspiring& #rightening& !otivating& or spe i#i to the su$7e t& as the su$7e t the!selves an reate. 'he suggestion o# ?when your s!o%ing has really a##e ted your health@ on7ures !eanings and onnotations #or the su$7e t that the hypnotist annot even $egin to on eive. 'his #unda!ental prin iple #or!s the #oundations #or all good hypnotherapy& and is so!ething that we should all aspire to a hieve #or our patients.

A$rea tions
'he ter! a$rea tion re#ers to the e!otional outpouring that an o ur when a trau!ati or e!otionally pain#ul e(perien e is revisited during hypnosis. 'his o urs $e ause the e(perien e is relived along with the e!otions and #eelings that were atta hed to it when it happened& and an !ani#est itsel# as a sudden e!otional dis harge. "t is $elieved that this release o# suppressed e!otion has a very $ene#i ial therapeuti e##e t& allowing the su$7e t to on#ront& and o!e to ter!s with $uried trau!as #ro! their past. "t is unwise to atte!pt to #or e a su$7e t to visit di##i ult ti!es #ro! their past& they should $e allowed to visit any !e!ory $y their own hoi e. Si!ilarly it is not re o!!ended to atte!pt to #or e the! to show e!otion o# any %ind ; 7ust leave the! to rea t as they hoose. "t is also not wise to interrupt the! should they display this %ind o# outpouring. "nstead the hypnotist should 7ust o$serve and listen& and then guide the su$7e t to a al!er state. 'he #ollowing s ript !ay $e use#ul+

?Clear your !ind & let the s ene #ade away now. Must let it dri#t away. Ao deeper into rela(ation& and en7oy the pleasant& al!& and rela(ing #eelings. Deeper and deeper.@ A#ter a pause+ ?Now o!e #orward into a ti!e when you1re happy & en7oying yoursel# thoroughly. =eel how wonder#ul everything is at this !o!ent.@ "t !ay $e ne essary to have the su$7e t re:visit the !e!ory in order #or the! to $e a$le to o!e to ter!s with it o!pletely& you an guide the! $a % to it gently with a suggestion su h as+ ?"t1s i!portant #or your happiness in the #uture that we go $a % to the ti!e that you 7ust e(perien ed& $ut this ti!e the #eelings will $e !u h less intense. =or the sa%e o# your happiness& are you willing to $a % #or 7ust a short !o!ent/@ How you help your su$7e t to o!e to ter!s with their repressed e!otion depends entirely upon ea h individual situation& $ut you !ight #ind the Aestalt !ethod o# therapy use#ul. "n this& the su$7e t is dire ted& whilst revisiting the !e!ory& and with all o# their adult #a ulties ; intelle t& language& %nowledge& et & to al!ly and rationally tell the other person in their !e!ory e(a tly how they #eel a$out what has happened. 'his an ta%e several !inutes. 'hey are then dire ted to $e o!e the other person in the !e!ory& and to respond to the #eelings that were 7ust e(pressed. 'hey !ay need a little pro!pting e.g.+ ?Now& $e o!e your =ather and al!ly respond to what Nsu$7e ts na!eO has 7ust said.@ By adopting this %ind o# role play& the su$7e t is allowed to view the event again #ro! a di##erent perspe tive& and #ro! there to understand what happened& and why. 'his then eventually leads to #orgiveness and resolution o# the pro$le!.

Hypnosis & Mind Control

'his se tion e(plores how hypnosis an $e used as part o# a !agi routine& parti ularly in the $ran h o# !agi %nown as Mentalis! or Mind Control. Mind Control is the ter! oined $y the British !agi ian Derren Brown& and des ri$es a #or! o# !agi that in ludes the apparent ontrol& !anipulation& and predi tion o# hu!an $ehaviour. 'his is supposedly a hieved using only a $lend o# psy hology& NLP BNeuro Linguisti Progra!!ingD& & su$li!inal o!!ands& though it does in #a t also rely to so!e degree upon hypnosis and a su$stantial dose B .96QRD o# traditional !agi al tri %ery. Although !any o# the e##e ts use traditional on7uring !ethods& !ost in lude a very lever use o# the a$ove te hni)ues to support the illusion& and to reate a very power#ul i!pression that the e##e t is a hieved using only psy hologi al !anipulation ; =or !ore details and the se rets to !any o# these tri %s& see !y $oo% ?'he Jlti!ate Kevelation.@ Gn page 4- is a trans ript& $rea%down& and e(planation o# 7ust su h a per#or!an e $y Derren Brown alled the ?Hand Stu % 'o Des%@ Bthere is also an outline o# a very i!pressive display o# reating te!porary a!nesia using NLP and an horing alled ?Su$way A!nesia@ on page -3. Both appeared on his #irst 'I series ?Mind Control&@ and i# you haven1t seen it " suggest that you o$tain a opy& parti ularly i# you are interested in developing this use o# hypnosis as part o# a routine& or you want to reate the persona o# a ?!ind ontrol e(pert@. His per#or!an es are very i!pressive indeed and should give you a whole host o# ideas o# how to use hypnosis in new and unusual ways. Be#ore $eginning "1d li%e to )ui %ly over 4 prin iples that will help to $etter understand the way that the #ollowing e##e ts are a hieved. At least one is used& $ut it is possi$le that all 4 are alled into play in these %inds o# e##e ts. Dual Keality+ 'his is a te hni)ue used in !agi that an also $e used very well in hypnosis& espe ially with stage hypnosis. Basi ally it des ri$es a s enario where the per#or!er presents his !aterial in su h a way that $oth the su$7e t and the audien e e(perien e di##erent things. =or e(a!ple& suppose a volunteer is invited onto the stage to help

with a tri % H an e(peri!ent H hypnosis. 'he per#or!er !eets the volunteer at the edge o# the stage and& )uietly so that the audien e don1t hear& says+ ?.hat1s your na!e/@ ?Mi!@ Keplies the volunteer. ?G%ay Mi!& don1t worry everything will $e #ine.@ 'he per#or!er now addresses the audien e+ ?Now ladies and Aentle!en& " have never !et this person $e#ore. "sn1t that rightE@ 'he volunteer agrees $e#ore the per#or!er ontinuesE ?Eer!EMi!& isn1t it/@ 'he volunteer has to agree again. 'he audien e thin% that the per#or!er has 7ust so!ehow guessed the volunteers na!e& and the volunteer thin%s that he has 7ust !o!entarily #orgotten it $e#ore re overing. "# the audien e applaud this !ind reading #eat& the per#or!er puts up his hand and sha%es his head as i# to say ?no& really& there1s no need&@ and the audien e per eive it as !odesty& the volunteer per eives it as an a %nowledge!ent that the per#or!er already %new his na!e. G$viously the per#or!er uses his $ody language and per#or!ing s%ills to non ver$ally suggest to the audien e that he has 7ust read Mi!s !ind ; the $etter the per#or!an e the $etter the e##e t. Basi ally it des ri$es a result that has $een arrived at utilising so!e event that has o urred that you& the o$servers& don1t %now a$out. "nvisi$le Co!pro!ise+ 'his is another !agi te hni)ue that an $e adapted to suit pseudo hypnoti or !ind ontrol per#or!an es. 'his is )uite si!ilar to dual reality& e( ept that the volunteer a tually %nowingly helps to per#or! the tri % ; he isn1t a stooge in that he isn1t pre oa hed on how to rea t& he is s%il#ully used $y the !agi ian to a tively parti ipate& ontrolled $y lever ver$al o!!ands that !ean one thing to the audien e& and so!ething o!pletely di##erent to the

volunteer. " won1t go into this in !ore detail here. "t was devised $y Derren Brown and is used in his !agi to great e##e t : it is also a very losely guarded se ret in !agi ir les. "t was used $y Derren Brown in an e##e t where a dinner party guest is hypnotised& and is then a$le to syn hronously raise& and drin% #ro! his glass& in ti!e with any o# the other dinner guests. "# you1d li%e to #ind out !ore& then please onsider $uying a opy o# !y Derren Brown Style !agi $oo% ; ?the Jlti!ate Kevelation@ ; it is #ully des ri$ed along with !any other tri %s per#or!ed $y Derren.

Pattern "nterrupts+ 'his is a hypnoti H NLP ter! used to des ri$e a way in whi h a persons thought pro esses an $e !o!entarily interrupted during whi h ti!e they an $e indu ed into a tran e very rapidly. "t is a te hni)ue devised $y Milton Eri %son& whi h involves interrupting the nor!al& e(pe ted patterns o# $ehaviour that the su$7e t e(pe ts to e(perien e. At this point their $rain pauses $rie#ly to try to understand the une(pe ted a tivity that the su$7e t has 7ust e(perien ed& and a o!!and to ?sleep&@ et is )ui %ly given during this pause in the $rains a tivity. 'he o!!and slips right past the riti al ensor and into the su$ ons ious where it is a ted upon i!!ediately Bassu!ing that the te hni)ue is arried out orre tly& the su$7e t is suita$ly re eptive& and the per#or!er is on#ident enough in his H her a$ilitiesD. 'he Handsha%e "ndu tion is a very well %nown e(a!ple o# this te hni)ue Bsee page -- in this se tionD& $ut it an also $e a hieved $y the use o# une(pe ted language. 'his is $e ause people understand language in ter!s o# the onte(t in whi h it is presented. A person will there#ore understand a state!ent $y o!paring and evaluating the words spo%en $e#ore it& the intonation o# the voi e& and any nonver$al B$ody languageD signals that a o!pany it. 'he deli$erate use o# a state!ent that is at odds with the onversational onte(t& will on#use & disorientate the listener& interrupting their hain o# thought !o!entarily whilst they ?loo%

inwards@ to analyse and atte!pt to de ipher what the spea%er a tually !eant. "# the state!ent is delivered !eaning#ully& and in a !anner i!plying a per#e tly sensi$le& and rather i!portant state!ent& the listener will typi ally ontinue to sear h #or the ?real@ !eaning o# what he has 7ust heard. 'he longer that a person analyses a state!ent in order to derive so!e onte(tual !eaning #ro! it& the !ore un ertain he or she will $e o!e o# the purpose o# the state!ent. 'his response an then $e utili>ed within a ouple o# se onds $y so#tly $ut #ir!ly o!!anding Cyou an now E go into a deep tran e&C or si!ilar. 'his has the greatest hypnoti i!pa t when delivered on#idently & !eaning#ully $y a spea%er assu!ed and e(pe ted to spea% rationally& and relevantly in a onte(t where trust has $een initiated. As an e(a!ple o# ver$al interrupts& i# you were !a%ing a telesales all to a prospe tive usto!er& you !ight say so!ething li%e+ ?Hello& Mr Bloggs/@ ?Fes.@ ?Hello& !y na!e is S((( S(((((((E..perhaps your olleague !entioned you !e/@ At this point the person re eiving the all is a little disorientated& it sounds li%e a slip o# the tongue& $ut ta%es a $rie# !o!ent to sort it out in their !ind and understand& and you1ll pro$a$ly noti e a $rie# pause. Tui %ly ontinuing you !ight say+ ?"1! sure we1ll wor% well together NstressedOE. Nthis is the o!!andHsuggestion slipped in during the on#usionO My o!pany ! .@ 'his is a si!ple e(a!ple o# slipping an e!$edded su$li!inal o!!and into a senten e a#ter a pattern interrupt& $ut you an !a%e the! !u h !ore o!ple(. "t is also possi$le to interrupt !e!ory a essing ues to ause te!porary a!nesia& or in other words to ause a person to

te!porarily #orget so!ething that they should %now or $e a$le to re all. 'here are a nu!$er o# ways in whi h a essing ues an $e interrupted+ tou hing a person& ausing a diversion& su h as %no %ing or dropping so!ething& or !a%ing a sudden and une(pe ted noise or !ove!ent. Even learing the throat& oughing& or saying so!ething une(pe ted an reate a !ild state o# un ertainty. G$viously ti!ing is riti al in su h a s enario& the interrupt !ust $e ti!ed to oin ide e(a tly with the person #o ussing inwards to a ess the in#or!ation& and at this ti!e the interrupt auses the !o!entary loss o# the train o# thought that the su$7e t was #ollowing. A suggestion or o!!and that all is now #orgotten will usually re!ove the a$ility to re all the !e!ory& parti ularly i# the person is $usy at the ti!e trying to thin% a$out other things. "t is also possi$le to have the su$7e t relive ti!es when so!ething i!portant has $een #orgotten Ba spouses $irthday always wor%s well with !en,D& and to use the NLP te hni)ue o# an horing to asso iate a !ove!ent& a tion& or sound with this relived a!nesia. "n e##e t& the su$7e t is re!e!$ering how to #orget& and the trigger o# the an hored $ehaviour& used at the e(a t !o!ent that the su$7e t is trying to a ess so!ething at the present !o!ent& helps the! to ?re!e!$er to #orget@ it& and the a!nesia is initiated. 'his is why the per#or!an e o# the ?Su$way A!nesia@ e##e t des ri$ed on page -3 is so su ess#ul. G$viously i# you ould onvin ingly use any o# the 4 te hni)ues a$ove& you ould give a hypnosis or !ind ontrol per#or!an e that was a$solutely !ind$lowing. "# you1ve hypnotised so!eone prior to the per#or!an e Ninvisi$le o!pro!ise ; no one else& in luding the su$7e t& %now that they1ve already $een hypnotisedO& you ould then !a%e the! rea t to very o$vious e!$edded o!!ands to !a%e your !ind ontrol s%ills loo% even $etter than they really are. Consider this with the #ull trans ript on the ne(t page. "t appears that the person is $eing ontrolled 7ust with so!e see!ingly inno uous patter& $ut you don1t really %now i# the person was hypnotised prior to the re ording. A ept it as though it is a hieved through 7ust the

words spo%en& $ut also onsider how easily it ould $e a hieved i# the su$7e t had $een hypnotised prior to the e##e t BPerhaps using the "nstant Handsha%e "ndu tion on page --D. .e1ll e(a!ine it in !ore detail a#terwards.

Hand Stu % 'o Des%

Derren Brown BDBD Bspo%en )uite rapidlyD+ ?Must put your hand on the des% to there in #rontE@ ? "P! not going to hypnotise you...@ Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?$ut "P! 7ust going to show you so!ething that is interesting...@ Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?Eand is a %ind o# psy hologi al tri %...alright/@ DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?Must press your hand into the ta$le E o%/@ ?Loo% !e right in the eyeE@ NpauseO ?Ewhen " ta%e !y hand o## o# yours you will not $e a$le to li#t your hand up in the air.@

DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent

?'he !ore you 'KF in vein to unS'"CL it #ro! the ta$le& the tighter it sti %s...@

DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?AG GNE@ Nspo%en to onvey great e##ort ; a slightly strained voi eO 'he Su$7e t annot li#t her hand.

?...try as hard as you an to li#t it $ut you anPt the !ore you try the !ore it %eeps on sti %ing.@ ?Now " havenPt hypnotised you your o!pletely wide awa%e...@ DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?youPre sat here "P! 7ust tal%ing to you your hand stu % to the ta$le...@ Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?and without hypnotising you or doing anything weird herePs& and this is going to sound very strange right/@ DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?$ut 7ust go with !e...@ DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?" would tou h you on that hand and when " doE. the hand will li#t& alright/@ Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?And it will $e #ree $ut at the sa!e !o!ent N$rie# pauseO the reason why it li#ts up is that your NAME will disappear #ro! your !ind...@ DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ? %now what its li%e when you have so!ething really o$vious on the tip o# your tongue that you %now that you should %nowE@ Su$7e t Nods agree!ent

?..and the !ore that you try and re!e!$er it the !ore i!possi$le it is to re all/@ Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?... yeah with tunes and peoples NAMES and that sort o# thing...@ DB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!ent ?Ethis is SG weird $ut without hypnotising you or doing anything strange& " tou h you there your hand L"='S&@ Su$7e t an li#t hand. ?Loo% at !eE what was your na!e/@ Su$7e t annot re!e!$er her na!e. ?.hat was your na!e/@ ?Now whatPs it li%e not %nowing what your na!e is/@ ?Alright "Pll tap you on the head it will o!e $a %...7ust say it alright/ 'here you go...@ Su$7e t an now re!e!$er her na!e.

Hand Stu % 'o Des% E(planation

'he idea o# the hand& or indeed any other part o# the $ody& $eing stu % together or to so!ething else is i!!ediately re ognisa$le as a lassi hypnoti e##e t. .hat is interesting here is the apparent use o# indire t suggestion and rapport to a hieve a rapid hypnoti tran e& and o!plian e o# the su$7e t to these o!!ands. 'he onstant head nodding initiated $y DB is to o!!and non ver$ally to the su$7e t ?'his is going to happen& right.@ 'he re ipro ated nod #ro! the su$7e t is her su$ ons ious agree!ent that yes& this ."LL happen, "n other words she is allowing hersel# to un ons iously #ollow his ver$al o!!ands& or is there#ore hypnotised.

Lets loo% at the whole trans ript in !ore detail+ Derren Brown BDBD Bspo%en )uite rapidlyD+ ?Must put your hand on the des% to there in #rontE@ 'his is a dire t o!!and to the su$7e t. By o!plying& she is allowing hersel# to $e dire ted $y DB and is preparing hersel# #or the hypnoti o!!ands that #ollow. 'he instru tion is also )uite on#using+ ?to there in #ront.@ 'his is an interrupt pattern #ollowed rapidly with+ BSu$7e t Nods agree!entD ? "P! not going to hypnotise you...@ 'his is an e!$edded suggestion that also on#uses the su$7e t whilst si!ultaneously reating an e(pe tation that so!ething li%e hypnosis !ust $e a$out to o ur. "t also re!oves any an(iety that the su$7e t !ay have a$out $eing hypnotised. BSu$7e t Nods agree!entD ?$ut "P! 7ust going to show you so!ething that is interesting...@ 'he word ?interesting@ !a%es sure that the su$7e t is paying attention and the line rein#or es the e(pe tation o# so!ething unusual happening. BSu$7e t Nods agree!entD ?Eand is a %ind o# psy hologi al tri %...alright/@ Again re!oving #ear o# $eing what !ight $e a$out to happen. BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ?Must press your hand into the ta$le E o%/@ 'his is a dire t suggestion& pushing your hands into the ta$le su$ ons iously !eans into the des% itsel#& al!ost li%e $e o!ing entwined with the wood itsel#. ?Loo% !e right in the eyeE@ NpauseO "t is i!portant to !a%e sure that your su$7e t sees nothing $ut on#iden e in your eyes. "# you aren1t on#ident that this will wor% then how ould you e(pe t the! to $e/ ?Ewhen " ta%e !y hand o## o# yours you will not $e a$le to li#t your hand up in the air.@ Dire t Co!!and.

BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ?'he !ore you 'KF in vein to unS'"CL it #ro! the ta$le& the tighter it sti %s...@ Dire t Co!!and. 'he suggestion o# ?the harder you try the !ore di##i ult it $e o!es@ is lassi Eri %sonian hypnosis. 'he word ?try@ indi ates e(pe tation o# #ailure to per#or! the spe i#ied tas%. BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ?AG GNE@ Nspo%en to onvey great e##ort ; a slightly strained voi eO B'he Su$7e t annot li#t her hand.D ?...try as hard as you an to li#t it $ut you anPt the !ore you try the !ore it %eeps on sti %ing.@ More Eri %sonian suggestion. ?Now " havenPt hypnotised you your o!pletely wide awa%e...@ Ma%e sure she isn1t #rightened. BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ?youPre sat here "P! 7ust tal%ing to you your hand stu % to the ta$le...@ 'he su$7e t an only on ur& whi h rein#or es the presupposition that she will o!ply to the o!!ands that she is given. BSu$7e t Nods agree!entD ?and without hypnotising you or doing anything weird herePs& and this is going to sound very strange right/@ BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ?$ut 7ust go with !e...@ E!$edded o!!and o# ?go with !e@ BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ?" would tou h you on that hand and when " doE. the hand will li#t& alright/@ BSu$7e t Nods agree!entD

?And it will $e #ree $ut at the sa!e !o!ent N$rie# pauseO the reason why it li#ts up is that your NAME will disappear #ro! your !ind...@ Dire t Co!!and. BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ? %now what its li%e when you have so!ething really o$vious on the tip o# your tongue that you %now that you should %nowE@ BSu$7e t Nods agree!entD ?..and the !ore that you try and re!e!$er it the !ore i!possi$le it is to re all/@ E(a!ples o# naturally o urring a!nesia and indire tly e(plaining to her what she is going to do. BSu$7e t Nods agree!entD ?... yeah with tunes and peoples NAMES and that sort o# thing...@ BDB nods& the Su$7e t Nods agree!entD ?Ethis is SG weird $ut without hypnotising you or doing anything strange& " tou h you there your hand L"='S&@ Dire t Co!!and. BSu$7e t an li#t hand.D ?Loo% at !eE what was your na!e/@ 'he wording presupposes that she has indeed #orgotten her na!e. BSu$7e t annot re!e!$er her na!e.D ?.hat was your na!e/@ ?Now whatPs it li%e not %nowing what your na!e is/@ Kein#or ing the #a t that she has indeed #orgotten her na!e. ?Alright "Pll tap you on the head it will o!e $a %...7ust say it alright/ 'here you go...@ 'his is the o!!and to o!e $a % to nor!al. BSu$7e t an now re!e!$er her na!e.D

" hope that this e(a!ple gives you a good understanding o# how this %ind o# e##e t is a hieved using only suggestion& $oth dire t and indire t& on e that the su$7e t has entered into 7ust a light hypnoti tran e. .hether the su$7e t had $een hypnotised prior to this per#or!an e is open to de$ate& $ut it is possi$le to a hieve these %inds o# results in the !anner des ri$ed a$ove. 'he e(a!ple on the ne(t page is #ro! ?Su$way A!nesia&@ in whi h the su$7e t was !ade to #orget whi h stop they wanted. 'his doesn1t ontain a #ull trans ript& instead it e(plains how an unusual re urring a tion Bthere$y #or!ing a patternD& is used to reate& as NLP alls it& an an hor& whi h is then used to trigger the desired response when it is used to interrupt the su$7e ts !e!ory a essing ues.

Su$way A!nesia
'his was an e##e t per#or!ed $y Derren Brown in whi h he see!s to !a%e a passenger on the su$way #orget whi h is his stop si!ply $y tal%ing to hi!. "n a tual #a t the !ethod used e!ploys a te hni)ue also des ri$ed $y Lu%e Mer!ay in his pu$li ation ?0 de eptions&@ in whi h pattern interrupts are used along with the use o# a te hni)ue used in Neuro Linguisti Progra!!ing BNLPD alled an horing. An horing des ri$es a way in whi h a person is taught to asso iate a parti ular !ove!ent& gesture& or si!ilar& with a ertain a tion or #eeling. "n this way& when desira$le& the a tion or #eeling an $e invo%ed $y using the trigger o# the !ove!ent or gesture. =or e(a!ple& i# you have so!eone su##ering #ro! an(iety& you !ight have the! re:live a ti!e when they were very al!& o!#orta$le& and happy& and whilst in this state you !ight have the! ?an hor@ the state to so!ething si!ple su h as tou hing the !iddle #inger and thu!$ o# the right hand together. "n this way& whenever the person #eels an(ious they si!ply tou h their #inger and thu!$ together and they should instantly $e transported to a state where al!ness repla es the an(iety. "n su h a situation the an hor !ay ta%e so!e ti!e to set through repetition& and although unne essary& hypnosis& or at least !a%ing the person very rela(ed #irst& will help onsidera$ly. 'his notion !ay see! unrealisti & $ut in a tual #a t it is a naturally o urring se)uen e o# events that we #ollow without even realising it. 'he an hors are

o!!only re ognised as ha$its or rituals& and all that the NLP !ethod does is to arti#i ially reate a deli$erate an hor to a pre deter!ined a tivity or #eeling. =or e(a!ple& the asso iation o# having a igarette with a up o# o##ee& or a#ter a !eal is an an hor reated unintentionally $y a s!o%er. 'his an help tre!endously when per#or!ing hypnotherapy #or a lient. 'he approa h to $rea%ing a di##i ult ha$it su h as s!o%ing& an $e to destroy the asso iations or an hors& that su$ ons iously sti!ulate the desire #or the igarette. Alternatively you ould reate an an hor to trigger a desired rea tion& #or e(a!ple& #or inso!nia you !ight reate an an hor o# having a up o# o oa to #eeling very drowsy. "t is essentially the esta$lish!ent o# a pattern& o#ten through si!ple repetition& where a ertain ondition triggers a ertain response. Derren Brown des ri$es the reation o# 7ust su h an an hor in his $oo% ?Pure E##e t.@ During a spoon $ending de!onstration during his ta$le hopping days& he approa hed a very e( ita$le young wo!an in the )ueue #or the restaurant& who was sure that she ould see the ?energy&@ li%e an aura " suppose& responsi$le #or $ending the spoon Bo$viously it was really $ent !e hani allyD. During this per#or!an e she $e a!e very audi$ly e( ited& and as the e##e t rea hed its ul!ination along with her e( ite!ent pea%ing& he si!ply said ?whooaa@ as he tou hed her hand. Later& whilst per#or!ing another tri %& he wanted to invo%e the sa!e e( ited state in her& so he si!ply said ?.hooaa&@ and tou hed her hand again. She i!!ediately returned to the sa!e level o# e( ite!ent that she had displayed previously. G$viously& this indi ates that the !ore suggesti$le the su$7e t& or the !ore revered or respe ted the per#or!er is& the #aster and stronger the an hor an $e esta$lished. During the per#or!an e on the su$way& the su$7e t is as%ed #irst i# they have a good !e!ory. G$viously this is to esta$lish the #a t that the person doesn1t readily #orget things& and also to strengthen the e##e t when the person #orgets so!ething that they should $e a$le to re all easily. Ne(t& the person is as%ed to thin% o# a ti!e when they #orgot so!ething& and as they turn their attention inwards and a tually

a ess the in#or!ation Btry as%ing people to re!e!$er so!ething and wat h how their eyes !ove ; up and to one side as they re all an eventD& Derren swept his hand slowly $ut deli$erately in #ront o# their eyes. Pro$a$ly the $est ti!ing #or per#or!ing the sweep is to wait until their eyes have !oved upwards and to one side& and then do it at e(a tly the !o!ent that their eyes start to return to loo% ahead again. "n this way you have reated the an hor to the lapse o# !e!ory 7ust as they have it in their !ind. 'his was repeated a ouple o# #urther ti!es ; " suggest that you as% the! to thin% o# a ti!e that they #orgot so!ething i!portant #or the last re all ; this is easier #or the! to re!e!$er& and should also $e easier #or the! to re:live. At this point the an hor o# sweeping the hand in #ront o# the eyes should have $een atta hed #ir!ly to the pro ess o# #orgetting so!ething that the person should %now. .hen they are onse)uently as%ed whi h stop they are getting o## at& a sweep o# the hands in #ront o# the eyes& 7ust as their eyes start to !ove to loo% upwards to atte!pt to a ess the in#or!ation Band this !ay $e a very $rie# !o!ent so ti!ing is riti alD& should $e enough to a t as a pattern interrupt and at the sa!e ti!e trigger the desired response o# the te!porary a!nesia that was re:lived previously. "n this per#or!an e the person& who had only a short ti!e previously na!ed the stop& now ould not re!e!$er the na!e o# the stop that he was supposed to $e getting o## at ; he then !issed it, "t is i!portant to note that the reation o# an an hor is not always ne essary to invo%e te!porary a!nesia. 'he si!ple suggestion that a person will #ind it hard to re all so!ething dire tly a#ter a pattern interrupt& an result in a total ina$ility to re all so!ething as #unda!ental as their own na!e. 'his see!s to wor% parti ularly well i# the person is o$viously preo upied with so!e other tas%. 'he !ore that they have going on in their !ind& the !ore dra!ati the e##e t when a suggestion is given a#ter a pattern interrupt.

'he "nstant Handsha%e "ndu tion.

'he Handsha%e "ndu tion is one o# the instantly re ognisa$le i!ages o# hypnosis that we have $e o!e a usto!ed to seeing. "t see!s to $e a #avourite with !agi ians and Hollywood produ ers ali%e& the notion o# so!eone having al!ost supernatural powers to ontrol other hu!an $eings is too !u h to resist. Although the Handsha%e "ndu tion is )uite tri %y to !aster& it undou$tedly wor%s& and is a very power#ul tool in the hypnotists tool%it. 'he %ey to su ess is having the persona o# a very on#ident and s%il#ul hypnotist Bto yoursel# i# no one elseD& and to an e(tent pi %ing the right person to use it on B#or so!e reason& #or e(a!ple& people with G$sessive Co!pulsive Disorders are very sus epti$le to the te hni)ueD. Fou really need to hone your ?ordinary@ hypnoti s%ills prior to trying this& and then to !a%e sure that you %now the handsha%e te hni)ue inside out and also& perhaps& test it out on a #ew willing volunteers prior to trying it on so!eone unsuspe ting. " an thin% o# no $etter way to e(plain the te hni)ue than to use the des ription and thin%ing o# the great Milton Eri %son hi!sel#. He did a#ter all devise the !ethod originally. 'he #ollowing is ta%en #ro! Eri %sons own writings+

'he Handsha%e "ndu tion+ ?"nitiation+ .hen " $egin $y sha%ing hands& " do so nor!ally. 'he Chypnoti tou hC then $egins when " let loose. 'he letting loose $e o!es trans#or!ed #ro! a #ir! grip into a gentle tou h $y the thu!$& a lingering drawing away o# the little #inger& a #aint $rushing o# the su$7e tPs hand with the !iddle #inger : 7ust enough vague sensation to attra t the attention. As the su$7e t gives attention to the tou h o# your thu!$& you shi#t to a tou h with your little #inger. As your su$7e tPs attention #ollows that& you shi#t to a tou h with your !iddle #inger and then again to the thu!$. 'his arousal o# attention is !erely an arousal without onstituting a sti!ulus #or a response.

'he su$7e tPs withdrawal #ro! the handsha%e is arrested $y this attention arousal& whi h esta$lishes a waiting set& and e(pe tan y. 'hen al!ost& $ut not )uite si!ultaneously Bto ensure separate neural re ognitionD& you tou h the undersur#a e o# the hand BwristD so gently that it $arely suggests an upward push. 'his is #ollowed $y a si!ilar utterly slight downward tou h& and then " sever onta t so gently that the su$7e t does not %now e(a tly when : and the su$7e tPs hand is le#t going neither up nor down& $ut atalepti . So!eti!es " give a lateral and !edial tou h so that the hand is even !ore rigidly atalepti . 'er!ination+ "# you donPt want your su$7e t to %now what you are doing& you si!ply distra t their attention& usually $y so!e appropriate re!ar%& and asually ter!inate. So!eti!es they re!ar%& C.hat did you say/ " got a$sent!inded there #or !o!ent and wasnPt paying attention to anything.C 'his is slightly distressing to the su$7e ts and indi ative o# the #a t that their attention was so #o used and #i(ated on the pe uliar hand sti!uli that they were !o!entarily entran ed so they did not hear what was said. Jtili>ation+ Any utili>ation leads to in reasing tran e depth. All utili>ation should pro eed as a ontinuation o# e(tension o# the initial pro edure. Mu h an $e done non:ver$allyU #or e(a!ple& i# any su$7e ts are 7ust loo%ing $lan%ly at !e& " !ay slowly shi#t !y ga>e downward& ausing the! to loo% at their hand& whi h " tou h and say Cloo% at this spot.C 'his intensi#ies the tran e state. 'hen& whether the su$7e ts are loo%ing at you or at their hand or 7ust staring $lan%ly& you an use your le#t hand to tou h their elevated right hand #ro! a$ove or the side : so long as you !erely give the suggestion o# downward !ove!ent. G asionally a downward nudge or push is re)uired. "# a strong push or nudge is re)uired& he % #or anaesthesia. 'here are several olleagues who wonPt sha%e hands with !e unless " reassure the! #irst& $e ause they developed a pro#ound glove anaesthesia when " used this pro edure on the!. " shoo% hands with the!& loo%ed the! in the eyes& slowly yet rapidly i!!o$ili>ed !y #a ial e(pression& and then #o used !y eyes on a spot #ar $ehind the!. " then slowly and i!per epti$ly re!oved !y hand #ro! theirs and slowly !oved to one side out o# their dire t line o# vision. " have

had it des ri$ed variously& $ut the #ollowing is one o# the !ost graphi . C" had heard a$out you and " wanted to !eet you and you loo%ed so interested and you shoo% hands so war!ly. All o# a sudden !y ar! was gone and your #a e hanged and got
V David Shuttleworth 566-

so #ar away. 'hen the le#t side o# your #a e& until that slowly vanished also.C At that !o!ent the su$7e tPs eyes were #i(ed straight ahead& so that when " !oved to the le#t out to his line o# vision& the le#t side o# !y #a e CdisappearedC #irst and then the right side also. CFour #a e slowly a!e $a %& you a!e lose and s!iled and said you would li%e to use !e Saturday a#ternoon. 'hen " noti ed !y hand and as%ed you a$out it $e ause " ouldnPt #eel !y whole ar!... you 7ust said to %eep it that way 7ust a little while #or the e(perien e.C Fou give the elevated right hand Bnow atalepti in the handsha%e positionD the suggestion o# a downward !ove!ent with a light tou h. At the sa!e ti!e& with your other hand& you give a gentle tou h indi ating an upward !ove!ent #or the su$7e tPs le#t hand. 'hen you have his le#t hand li#ting& right hand lowering. .hen right hand rea hes the lap& it will stop. 'he upward ourse o# the le#t hand !ay stop or it !ay ontinue. " a! li%ely to give it another tou h and dire t it toward the #a e so that so!e part will tou h one eye. 'hat e##e ts eye losure and is very e##e tive in indu ing a deep tran e without a single word having $een spo%en. 'here are other nonver$al suggestions. #or e(a!ple& what i# !y su$7e t !a%es no response to !y e##orts with his right hand and the situation loo%s hopeless/ "# he is not loo%ing at !y #a e& !y slow& gentle out:o#:%eeping:with:the:situation !ove!ents Bre!e!$er+ out: o#:%eepingD o!pel hi! to loo% at !y #a e. " #ree>e !y e(pression& re#o us !y ga>e& and $y slow head !ove!ents dire t his ga>e to his le#t hand& toward whi h !y right hand is slowly& apparently purposelessly !oving. As !y right hand tou hes his le#t with a slight& gentle& upward !ove!ent& !y le#t hand with very gentle #ir!ness& 7ust $arely enough& presses down on his right hand #or a !o!ent until it !oves. 'hus& " on#ir! and rea##ir! the downward !ove!ent o# his right hand& a suggestion he a epts along with the ta tile suggestion o# le#t hand levitation. 'his upward !ove!ent is aug!ented $y the #a t that he has $een $reathing in ti!e with !e and that !y right hand gives his le#t hand that upward tou h at the !o!ent when he is $eginning an inspiration. 'his is #urther rein#or ed $y whatever

peripheral vision he has that notes the upward !ove!ent o# !y $ody as " inhale and as " slowly li#t !y $ody and head up and $a %ward& when " give his le#t hand that upward tou h.@ 'his des ription o# the Handsha%e indu tion should hope#ully illustrate the need to pra tise the te hni)ue and to %now it thoroughly in order to $e a$le to per#or! it orre tly. "t is easy to i!agine that it is si!ply a !atter o# sha%ing hands in a ?spe ial@ way& $ut the handsha%e itsel# is only the vehi le used to propel the su$7e ts attention inwards and into a tran e li%e state. 'here is a great deal o# s%ill involved to use su h a $old !ethod to indu e a tran e& and it involves $eing #ully aware & in ontrol o# not only your own a tions& non ver$al gestures& and !ove!ent& $ut also o# your su$7e ts too. 'his interruption o# a nor!al pattern o# events stuns the su$7e t !onetarily and provides the opportunity to #o us their attention inwards whilst they struggle to understand and o!e to ter!s with what is happening. 'his !o!entary lapse provides the opportunity to o##er suggestions leading to tran e& whether they are ver$al or non ver$al in nature. 'hese te hni)ues are also %nown as ?Pattern "nterrupts@ Bsee ?hypnosis & Mind Control@ #or a de!onstration and e(a!pleD.

Fou will pro$a$ly also #ind the #ollowing use#ul in understanding the Handsha%e "ndu tion+ E(er ises in Nonver$al Approa hes+ 'he #ollowing are e( erpts #ro! Eri %son M.H.& Kossi E. & Kossi S.& ?Hypnoti Kealities + 'he "ndu tion o# Clini al Hypnosis and =or!s o# "ndire t Suggestion@& pg.333. C'he %eys to learning nonver$al approa hes to tran e indu tion are o$servation& patien e& and learning one step at a ti!e. Gne an $egin learning the handsha%e indu tion $y developing a ha$it o# are#ully o$serving a personPs eyes and #a e as you are sha%ing hands with

the! in a nor!al way. 'he ne(t stage !ight $e to pra ti e releasing the hand a $it slower than usual. 'hen learn how to de#initely hesitate in releasing the hand& are#ully wat hing the su$7e tPs #a e to CreadC the nonver$al responses Be.g. on#usion& e(pe tan yD to your hesitation. As your e(perien e develops& even at this level you will $egin to re ogni>e who !ay $e a good su$7e t $y the degree re eptivity to your hesitation. 'he su$7e t who Cstays with youC and allows you to set the pa e o# the handsha%e is evidently !ore sensitive and responsive than the person who rushes o##. 'he ne(t step !ight $e only to release the hand hal#way& so the su$7e t is !o!entarily on#used. Fou an then pra ti e letting go o# the rest o# the hand so gently that the su$7e t does not re ogni>e when the release too% pla e& the hand re!aining !o!entarily suspended in !idair. Fou an so!eti!es heighten this e##e t $y spea%ing very so#tly so the su$7e tPs attention is #urther divided.@ So!e other points ta%en #ro! Hypnoti Kealities in order to pra ti e the handsha%e indu tion are+ aD Develop a ha$it o# are#ully o$serving the su$7e tPs eye and #a e as you sha%e handsU $D Pra ti e releasing the hand a $it slower than nor!al& leading up to hesitating on the hand release& as you o$serve your su$7e tPs non:ver$al #a ial e(pressions to your hesitationU D A su$7e t who Cstays with youC and allows you to set the pa e is onsidered a $etter andidate #or this indu tionU dD At this point pra ti e releasing the hand only hal# way to provide #or and noti e signs o# on#usionU eD 'hen pra ti e releasing the hand so gently that the su$7e tPs hand re!ains suspended not reali>ing that a release too% pla e Bthis an $e enhan ed $y spea%ing very so#tly to your su$7e t at the sa!e ti!eD. #D 'his #inal stage is learning to add dire ting tou hes as sti!uli #or atalepsy andHor hand levitation. Steven Ailligan& in his $oo% ?'herapeuti 'ran es@ has $ro%en down the handsha%e indu tion into #ive steps and !a%es it !ore easily understanda$le+

3D Creating Conta t and E(pe tan y : here the hypnotist a$sor$s the su$7e tPs attention while !oving into position. 'his is done $y showing a genuine desire to greet the person. 5D "nitiating the Pattern : at this point you !ove towards the person as you stret h out your hand& indi ating the desired greeting& whi h pro!pts the su$7e t to auto!ati ally e(tend his hand. At this ti!e& you ontinue to loo% into your su$7e tPs eyes and !aintain his attention $y !aintaining ver$al o!!uni ation. 4D "nterrupting the Pattern : o urs when the hypnotist is a$out #our #eet away #ro! the su$7e t. At this point& the hypnotist : still wal%ing #orward with right hand outstret hed : suddenly $ut gra e#ully a elerates to li#t his or her le#t hand under the su$7e tPs outstret hed hand. Continuing with one gra e#ul !otion& the hypnotist uses his or her thu!$ and inde( #inger to li#t the su$7e tPs hand to a$out shoulder level. 'his li#ting should $e done with !ini!al pressure and gra e#ul gentleness& so the su$7e t does not #eel intruded upon or do!inated. 'he hypnotist !erely guides the already li#ting hand o# the su$7e tU this is done rather )ui %ly& so that the ele!ent o# surprise is present. During this ti!e the hypnotistPs right hand Bwhi h has ontinued to li#t& al$eit at a slower rate than the le#t handD rises to a$out the su$7e tPs eye level and points toward the su$7e tPs #a e Ba good distra tion and interruption te hni)ueDU then )ui %ly& in on7un tion with the whole $ody& it swings around to point at the su$7e tPs now li#ted right hand. 'he hypnotist& who has $een loo%ing at the su$7e t in a surprised& intense& and a$sor$ing #ashion& now ga>es with in redulity at the raised right hand o# the su$7e t. 'his typi ally will deeply disorient and surprise the su$7e t to e##e t a rapid disso iation& eviden ed $y a lightness in the li#ted right hand& a C#ro>enC loo% and posture& dilated pupils& restri ted $reathing& and so #orth. -D A!pli#ying the on#usion : instru t the su$7e t in a !eaning#ul tone& pay very lose attention to all o# the oloration hanges $eginning to o ur in the #ingers o# your li#ted hand. 'his state!ent& whi h sounds per#e tly logi al $ut is& to say the least& rather unusual& usually #urther disorients the su$7e t while #i(ating attention on the hand. Be ause the disorientation will enhan e $oth a willingness to #ollow si!ple dire tives and an a$ility to develop per eptual alterations& su$7e ts will o#ten $egin to a tually per eive

oloration hanges. 'hese hypnoti develop!ents an $e #a ilitated $y tou hing the #ingertips o# the li#ted hand very lightly& whi h should produ e tingling sensations& whilst si!ultaneously na!ing the tou hed digits. <D Jtili>ing the on#usion : the hypnotist ontinues to a elerate the #inger tou hes& and as he spea%s he an intersperse tran e developing suggestions su h as Cdropping down deeper nowC. 'his is all done while holding the lientPs hand up with your own le#t hand. At any ti!e the hypnotist an $egin to lower his own le#t hand whi h o#ten leaves the su$7e t atalepti . "# atalepsy isnPt yet rati#ied si!ply li#t up lightly again.

=inal 'houghts

" hope that you1ve #ound this $oo% use#ul in e(plaining what hypnosis is& and how to hypnotise people. 'he in#or!ation that is in luded in the pre eding hapters is really everything that you need to %now to indu e a hypnoti tran e in 7ust a$out anyone& and that really was the ai! o# the $oo%. 'herapeuti use o# hypnosis in re!oving ha$its& and undesira$le $ehaviour& ta%es are#ul thought and use o# words& and you would $ene#it #ro! studying !ore deeply i# that1s what you want to do. Please re!e!$er to $e patient with your patients& hypnosis an $e a daunting prospe t #or so!e people& and it an ta%e the! a while to respond on e they1re a tually hypnotised. "# you start o## $y endeavouring to loo% a#ter your su$7e ts $est interests then you won1t go #ar wrong& and it will $e an en7oya$le and rewarding e(perien e #or you $oth.

'he rest o# this $oo% ontains s ripts #or indu tions& deepening& and post hypnoti suggestion.

Hypnoti "ndu tions

AKM:DKGP ME'HGD 'he su$7e t is as%ed to raise an ar! so that the hand is slightly a$ove the head. 'his is in su h a position that #atigue will eventually $ring it down naturally& $ut the downward !ove!ent is tied into the suggestion o# ?going down into a deep state o# rela(ation.C 'he harder the su$7e t %eeps #ighting to hold it up& the !ore he is o!!itted to the proposition i!plied $y the state!ent that& CFou will not go into a deep state o# rela(ation until the ar! is all the way down.C Conversely& this !eans CFou will go into su h a state when the ar! o!es all the way down.C 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Stare at one o# your #ingers& either the inde( or the !iddle #inger. Fou !ight want to ontinue to loo% at it& or lose your eyes and visuali>e it in your !indPs eye. As you #i( your ga>e on it you will noti e that the other #ingers tend to #ade out o# #o us& and that your entire ar! $egins to #eel heavier and heavier. 'he longer that you on entrate on that #inger& the heavier and heavier your ar! $e o!es& $ut you will not go into a deep state o# rela(ation until the ar! has o!e all the way down. Leep on entrating on that #inger while the ar! ontinues to get heavier& and heavier& and heavier.@ .hen the ar! starts to #all& ontinue with+ ?Noti e that as the ar! is getting heavier it is slowly o!ing down& down& down. But you will not rela( into a deep and pro#ound state o# rela(ation until the ar! is all the way down. Aoing down& down& down& deeper& deeper& and deeper. Continue with these suggestions& !a%ing sure that they are ti!ed with the a tual !ove!ent o# the ar!. AKM LEI"'A'"GN ME'HGD "

"t is i!portant with this !ethod that you !a%e your suggestions tally

with the response o# the su$7e t. "t !ay also $e used as a deepener. 'HE SCK"P' ?"P! going to ount #ro! one up to twenty. As " do& you1ll #eel a light& easy& pleasant #eeling !ove into your right hand and up into your right ar!. As " ontinue ounting& that #eeling grows stronger and stronger. Soon youPll #eel the #irst slight !ove!ent o# your #ingers& a twit hing o# the !us les.@ Aently grasp the su$7e ts ar!& and de!onstrate how it will !ove as you ontinue with+ ?'hen your hand $egins to li#t. Four ar! $egins to li#t. "t ontinues !oving& li#ting& and rising until it #inally o!es $a % down to rest upon your $ody. Now when you #eel the !ove!ent in your hand and in your ar!& donPt try to resist. Fou ould resist i# you hose to& that is not why you are here. Must release your su$ ons ious !ind. All right& now we are ready to $egin. Gne : 'he light& easy sensation starts to !ove into the #ingertips o# your hand. 'wo : 'he #eeling is spreading up $eneath the #ingernails. 'hree : "t is !oving up to the #irst 7oint o# the #ingers. =our : Spreading to the %nu %les. =ive : the #irst slight !ove!ents o# the #ingers $egin with a twit hing o# the !us les. Si( : 'he light sensation spreads all a ross the $a % o# your hand. Seven : Spreading over and into your thu!$. Eight : Moving now all through the pal! o# your hand. Nine : 'he light sensation spreads up and into your wrist. 'hin% o# your le#t hand now& see how it #eels very& very heavy o!pared to the right. 'en : your right hand grows lighter and lighter with ea h nu!$er " ountU 7ust as light as a #eather #loating in the $ree>e and even lighter. As light as a heliu! $alloon. Must as a heliu! $alloon will rise and #loat towards the eiling& in the sa!e way& $y the ti!e " rea h the ount o#

twenty& your right hand is !oving& li#ting& rising and #loating. Eleven : 'he light sensation has !oved $eyond your wrist now& spreading into your #orear!. 'welve : Gn e again& thin% o# your le#t hand. Four le#t hand has grown so heavy& it #eels as though it were !ade o# lead. 'hirteen& =ourteen : 'hat light sensation is spreading up toward your el$ow. =i#teen : =ro! the #ingertips all the way up to the el$ow your hand has grown light& light and #ree. "tPs $eginning to li#t. "tPs !oving& li#ting& rising and #loating.@ "# the hand is not !oving& gently li#t it to en ourage it to start. ?Si(teen : Now your ar! is !oving and li#ting and rising. And as your ar! is li#ting& youPre going deeper and deeper into hypnosis. Seventeen : Four hand ontinues !oving& li#ting and rising now until it o!es to rest over on your $ody. Eighteen : Moving& li#ting& rising& and #loating. Kight on over now and when your hand o!es to rest upon your $ody& at that ti!e your eyelids lo % tightly losed. Four eyelids lo % so tightly losed at that point& the !ore you try to open the! the tighter theyPre lo %ing losed. Nineteen : Four hand is getting ready to o!e down and rest upon your $ody. 'wenty : Now your hand has o!e to rest upon your $ody& and at the sa!e ti!e& your eyelids are lo %ed so tightly shut& the !ore you try to open your eyelids the tighter they are lo %ing shut. 'hatPs #ine& stop trying and go deeper into tran e. AKM LEI"'A'"GN ME'HGD "" 'HE SCK"P'+ ?As soon as you are ready to go into a deep hypnoti state& lose your eyes and $egin inhaling deeply : and e(haling slowly ...@ Pause #or a !o!ent to allow the su$7e t to do this.

?Breathing deeply and slowly $rings !ore o(ygen into your syste!& and ea h ti!e you e(hale your $ody %eeps rela(ing !ore and !ore ... Ea h ti!e you inhale and e(hale you an $e o!e !ore aware o# the rhyth! o# your $reathing& and the #eelings o# o!#ort that develop ...@ Pause ?As you ontinue sitting there& you will #ind yoursel# $e o!ing !ore rela(ed and o!#orta$le ... 'hatPs good ... 7ust have your hands $arely tou hing the ar!s o# the hair ... noti e that your hands an rest so lightly that your #ingertips $arely tou h the ar!s o# the hair ... FouPre doing really well ... as your hands are resting and lightly tou hing the ar!s o# the hair& you !ay noti e that they tend to li#t up a little $it all $y the!selves with ea h $reath you ta%e/ Perhaps they $egin to #eel lighter and lighter so that they are now li#ting up easily& toward your #a e& as the rest o# your $ody ontinues rela(ing ...? Pause until the hands $egin to li#t ?As your ar!s ontinue li#ting& does one hand or the other or !ay$e $oth ontinue li#ting even !ore/@ Pause ?"tPs really interesting the way that hand ontinues #eeling lighter& and %eeps li#ting up toward your #a e without any e##ort ... As that hand %eeps li#ting toward your #a e& does the other one want to %eep li#ting and at h up& or does it want to rest lightly on the ar! o# the hair/ Four hand !ay want to li#t !ore )ui %ly ... or !ore slowly as it gets loser to your #a e ... it !ay need to pause $rie#ly $e#ore it #inally tou hes your #a e& so you will %now you are going into a really deep hypnoti tran e ... Four hand will not tou h your #a e until your su$ ons ious !ind is

really ready #or you to go into a deep hypnoti tran e. .hen your hand tou hes your #a e& you will ta%e a really deep $reath as you rela( and e(perien e yoursel# going into a !u h deeper& !ore pea e#ul hypnoti tran e@ Continue with these suggestions until the hand tou hes the #a e. 'hen ontinue+ ?Fou !ay not even noti e yoursel# going into an even deeper hypnoti tran e as your hand slowly returns to the ar! o# the hair all $y itsel#.@ ASSGC"A'"GN ME'HGD 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Fou an lose your eyes now& and $egin $reathing deeply& and slowly. Be#ore you let go o!pletely& and go into a deep hypnoti state& 7ust allow yoursel# listen are#ully to everything that " say to you. "tPs going to happen without trying& so you donPt need to thin% a$out it. Fou will have no ons ious ontrol over what happens. 'he !us les in and around your eyes will rela( all $y the!selves as you ontinue $reathing easily and #reely. .ithout any e##ort& you will soon enter a deep& pea e#ul& hypnoti tran e. 'here is nothing i!portant #or your ons ious !ind to do. 'here is nothing really i!portant e( ept #or your su$ ons ious !ind listening to !y voi e& and that is 7ust as easy and auto!ati as drea!ing. And you %now how easily you an #orget your drea!s when you awa%en. Fou are doing really well. .ithout noti ing it& you have already slowed your rate o# $reathing. Fou are $reathing !u h !ore easily and #reely. Mu h !ore slowly. Fou are $eginning to dri#t gently into a hypnoti tran e. Fou an really en7oy rela(ing !ore and !ore& and your su$ ons ious !ind will listen to ea h word " say. "t %eeps $e o!ing less i!portant #or you to ons iously listen to !y voi e& your su$ ons ious !ind an hear !e even i# " whisper. Continuing to dri#t into a !ore deta hed state as you e(a!ine privately in your own !ind ... Se rets& #eelings& sensations& and

$ehavior you didnPt %now you had ... At the sa!e ti!e& letting go o!pletely ... Four own !ind is solving that pro$le! ... At your own pa e. Fou ontinue $e o!ing !ore rela(ed and o!#orta$le as you sit there with your eyes losed. As you e(perien e that deepening o!#ort you donPt have to !ove& or tal%& or let anything $other you. Four own inner !ind an respond auto!ati ally to everything " tell you. Fou are getting !u h loser to a deep hypnoti tran e& and you are $eginning to reali>e that you donPt are whether or not you are going into a deep tran e. Being in this pea e#ul state ena$les you to e(perien e the tran)uility & o!#ort o# the hypnoti tran e. Being hypnoti>ed is always a very en7oya$le& very pleasant& al!& pea e#ul& o!pletely rela(ing e(perien e. "t see!s so natural to en7oy it in your #uture. Every ti!e that " hypnoti>e you& it %eeps $e o!ing easier and !ore en7oya$le& and you ontinue e(perien ing !ore $ene#its. Fou will always en7oy the o!#ort& the pea e#ulness& the al!ness ... and all the other sensations that o!e auto!ati ally #ro! this wonder#ul e(perien e. "!agine yoursel# in a pla e you li%e very !u h. By a la%e& or $y the sea. Perhaps you are #loating gently on a $oat& on a pea e#ul la%e on a war!& su!!er1s day. Continue to rela( even !ore now& and ontinue $e o!ing !ore o!#orta$le. 'his is your own private world that you li%e very !u h. Anyti!e that you want to spend a #ew !inutes $y yoursel#& rela(ing& and #eeling very o!#orta$le and serene& you an auto!ati ally o!e $a % to this pla e and this #eeling that youPre e(perien ing now. Fou an put yoursel# into this world anyti!e you li%e& it is yours whenever you want it. Continue en7oying this pleasant e(perien e as your su$ ons ious !ind is re eiving everything " tell you& and you1ll $e pleased in the way that you auto!ati ally respond to everything " say. CGN=JS"GN ME'HGD

'he $asi idea to this indu tion is #or the ons ious !ind to #orget& and the su$ ons ious !ind to %now. 'his is drawn out and repeated with separate dire tions #or the ons ious !ind& and the

su$ ons ious !ind& !aintaining the su$ ons ious attention& while dis!issing the ons ious attention& $oth $y the suggestions& and the pauses and !ental #atigue. Have the su$7e t sit or lay in a rela(ed position& with their eyes losed and read the te(t slowly and rhyth!i ally. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Must lose your eyelids and let your !ind dri#t where it will. Fou are aware o# everything& and yet you are not aware. Fou are listening with your su$ ons ious !ind& while your ons ious !ind is #ar away& and not listening. Four ons ious !ind is #ar away& and not listening. Four su$ ons ious !ind is awa%e& and listening& and hearing everything while your ons ious !ind re!ains very rela(ed and pea e#ul. Fou an rela( pea e#ully $e ause your su$ ons ious !ind is ta%ing harge& and when this happens& you lose your eyes and let your su$ ons ious do all the listening. Four su$ ons ious !ind %nows& and $e ause your su$ ons ious !ind %nows& your ons ious !ind does not need to %now and an stay asleep& while your su$ ons ious !ind stays wide awa%e. Fou have great potential in your su$ ons ious !ind& whi h you donPt have in your ons ious !ind. Fou an re!e!$er everything that has happened with you su$ ons ious !ind& $ut you annot re!e!$er everything with your ons ious !ind. Fou an #orget so easily& and with #orgetting ertain things you an re!e!$er other things. Ke!e!$ering what you need to re!e!$er& and #orgetting what you an #orget. "t does not !atter i# you #orget& you need not re!e!$er. Four su$ ons ious !ind re!e!$ers everything that you need to %now and you an let your su$ ons ious !ind listen and re!e!$er while your ons ious !ind sleeps and #orgets. Leep your eyes losed& and listen with your su$ ons ious !ind& and when youPre listening very& very are#ully& your head an nod CyesC. As you ontinue to listen to !e& with your su$ ons ious !ind& your ons ious !ind sleeps deeper and deeper& and deeper& and deeper. Let your ons ious !ind stay deeply asleep& and let your su$ ons ious !ind listen to !e. Kepeat $eginning at the se ond paragraph& then use a deepener. 'HE DAIE ELMAN '.G:="NAEK ME'HGD

'HE SCK"P'+ ?=or the !o!ent& rest your ar!s li!ply on your thighs li%e this& and " want you to loo% out here at !y hand. "n a !o!ent "P! going to $ring !y hand up in #ront o# your eyes li%e this.@ De!onstrate $ringing the inde( and !iddle #inger o# the right hand in a pointing I shape& to a position 7ust a$ove their eye$rows ?.hen " do& "Pll pass !y hand down in #ront o# your eye. Leep your eyes #i(ed on !y #ingers. As " pass !y hand down& let your eyelids lose down.@ Bring your hand straight down& one #inger !oving down over ea h eye. Now !ove your #ingers to a pointing I shape 7ust a$ove their eye$rows& so that they have to loo% up at an angle to see your #ingertips. ?All right& now #i( your eyes on !y #ingers. Now "P! passing !y hand down in #ront o# your eyes& and as " do& let your eyelids lose down.@ Move your hand straight down& one #inger !oving down over ea h eye. ?Now your eyelids are losed. " want you to rela( every tiny !us le and nerve in and around your eyelids. " want you to rela( the! so !u h that they wouldnPt wor% even i# you wanted the! to. Now& when you %now that youPve rela(ed the! so !u h that they wouldnPt wor% even i# you wanted the! to& test the! and youPll see that youPve $een o!pletely su ess#ul.@ "# they open their eyes& tell the! to rela( the! again& this ti!e !ore o!pletely and test again. "# they donPt open their eyes& pause #or a #ew se onds and ontinue. ?All right& thatPs #ine. Now& stop trying and 7ust rela( and go deeper now. Now "P! going to raise your hand. " will do it $y gently ta%ing your right thu!$ in !y #ingers li%e this.@ Arasp their thu!$ $etween your thu!$ and inde( #inger. ?As " li#t your hand& 7ust let it hang li!ply in !y #ingers.@ Slightly ro % their ar! $a % and #orth.

?'hen& when " drop it& let it drop li%e a wet& li!p rag. .hen your hand tou hes your $ody& send a wave o# rela(ation #ro! the top o# your head& all the way down to the tips o# your toes& and let it dou$le your present level o# rela(ation.@ Li#t their hand& gently & slightly ro %ing itD ?Now& "P! raising your hand. 'hatPs it& let it hang li!ply. 'hatPs good. Now& when " drop it& let it drop li%e a li!p& wet rag& and as it tou hes your $ody& send a wave o# rela(ation #ro! the top o# your head to the tip o# your toes& and let it dou$le your present level o# rela(ation.@ Drop their hand. ?'hatPs good. Now& wePll do that again with the le#t hand. Now "P! going to pi % up your le#t hand& and as " ta%e your thu!$& 7ust let it hang li!ply.@ Slightly ro % their ar! $a % and #orth. ?'hatPs goodU now youPre getting the idea. .hen " drop it& let it drop li%e a wet& li!p rag. .hen it tou hes your $ody& send another wave or rela(ation #ro! the top o# your head to the tips o# your toes and dou$le your present level o# rela(ation.@ Drop their hand. ?'hatPs good. Now your $ody is rela(ed and "P! going to show you how to rela( your !ind. Listen very are#ully. 'he ne(t ti!e " tou h your #orehead& " want you to $egin ounting #ro! one hundred $a %ward in this way+ Gne hundred& deeper asleep. Ninety:nine& deeper asleep. Ninety:eight& deeper asleep& and so on. A#ter ounting 7ust a #ew nu!$ers& $y the ti!e you rea h ninety:seven& or ninety:si(& or !ay$e& at the !ost& ninety:#ive& you will #ind those nu!$ers disappearing. Fou will #ind that your !ind has $e o!e so rela(ed that youPll 7ust rela( the nu!$ers out o# your !ind. Alright& get ready now& three& two& one.@ 'ap the su$7e t on #orehead. ?Begin ounting.@ Listen to the! ount down and slow the! down now i# ne essary.

A#ter ea h ount& say ?AGGD@ or ?="NE@. A#ter the ount o# ninety: seven say+ ?Start rela(ing the! out o# your !ind.@ A#ter several !ore ounts& $ased on how the su$7e t is per#or!ing& say+ ?Let the! rela( out o# your !ind right now. Let the! #ade away o!pletely.@ A#ter the su$7e t has stopped ounting& ontinue with+ ?'hatPs #ine& you1ve rela(ed your $odyU youPve rela(ed your !indU youPve gone into a !u h deeper state o# hypnosis.@ Jse a deepener to enhan e the tran e. D"KEC' AAWE ME'HGD

'his is one o# the !ost power#ul te hni)ues& and also one o# the !ost di##i ult to use. Fou need to onvey total on#iden e. "# you have any dou$t& hesitation& or #ear& it will show in your eyes& the su$7e t will see it& and it will inhi$it their response. .hen youPre loo%ing the su$7e t in the eye& it is i!portant #or you not to $lin%. Narrow your eyes slightly& enough to %eep your eye$alls !oist. 'i!e your ounting in response to what you see happening in the su$7e tPs eyes. "# you donPt see any response& stret h out the suggestions. 'he !o!ent you see the su$7e t $eginning to $lin%& pi % up the te!po and say ?And now they $egin losing& losing ...@ 'HE SCK"P'+ Fou ta%e the inde( #inger o# your right hand and $ring it up under your right eye as you say to the su$7e t+ ?Now " want you to loo% right here. DonPt ta%e your eyes #ro! !ine. DonPt !ove or spea% or nod your head or say Cuh:huhC unless " as% you to. " %now that you hear and understand !e 7ust as you %now it. "# you #ollow !y si!ple instru tions& there is nothing in this world that

an %eep you #ro! entering into a very deep and pleasant state o# hypnosis& and doing it in 7ust a #ra tion o# a se ond. Now& ta%e a deep $reath and #ill up your lungs.@ 'a%e a deep $reath and ta%e your right hand and !ove it in an upward !otion in the air. ?Now e(hale.@ Bring your hand down as they e(hale. ?'hatPs #ine. Now a se ond& and deeper $reath.@ Say that whilst $ringing your hand up. ?E(hale.@ Bring your hand down. ?Kela(. Now a third deep $reath.@ Say that whilst $ringing your hand up. E(hale. Bring your hand down. Now& raise your hand up over their head& a$out three #eet in #ront o# the!& two #eet a$ove their head& and pointing your

#inger. ?And now& "P! going to ount #ro! #ive down to one. As " do so& your eyelids grow heavy& droopy& drowsy and sleepy. By the ti!e " rea h the ount o# one& they lose right down and you go deep into a hypnoti slu!$er. Deeper than ever $e#ore. All right& =ive&@ Start !oving your #inger down. ?Eyelids heavy& droopy& drowsy and sleepy. =our&@ Moving your #inger down ?'hose heavy lids #eel ready to lose. 'hree&@ Moving your #inger down again ?'he ne(t ti!e you $lin% that is hypnosis o!ing over you. 'wo&@ Moving your #inger down. ?'hey $egin losing& losing& losing& losing& losing& losing& losing&

losing the!& lose the!& lose the!. 'heyPre losing& losing& losing&

losing .. Gne@ Pla e your right hand $ehind su$7e ts head at $ase o# s%ull. Arasp su$7e ts le#t ar! at el$ow. .ith a sudden #orward pulling !ove!ent o# the right hand& say+ ?SLEEP NG..@ Jse a deepener. DKGP GBMEC' ME'HGD B"deal #or Aroup HypnosisD 'his te hni)ue an $e e!ployed using either a pen& a pen il or a oin. "n !any ases people will have oins $ut will not have a pen or pen il availa$le to the!. "# one person uses a oin& then all o# the su$7e ts should use oins. 'HE SCK"P'+ As% the su$7e t or the group to get a pen& pen il or oin and hold it out in #ront o# the $ody $etween the thu!$ and inde( #inger. 'ell the! to grip it in a se ure way. "# hypnoti>ing a group& at the appropriate ti!e& you an drop the appropriate o$7e t in order to get the pro ess started. ?Now lose your eyes and thin% o# that oin $etween the thu!$ and inde( #inger o# your right hand. Now $reathe in deeply and e(hale slowly #ive ti!es& ea h ti!e you inhale you $ring !ore o(ygen into your lungs. "t passes #ro! your lungs into your heart& and your heart pu!ps it into your ir ulatory syste!. "t !oves through your whole $ody& and ea h ti!e you e(hale you %eep rela(ing& $e o!ing al!er and !ore pea e#ul. 'hat rela(ation is !oving through your whole $ody& and through your right shoulder& down your ar! into your hand and #ingers ...

soon the #ingers on your right hand will $e o!e so rela(ed that the oin will slip #ro! your hand and drop to the #loor. As you hear the oins dropping to the #loor& it !ay see! a little hu!orous at #irst& $ut it will ause you to ontinue rela(ing even !ore. FouPll en7oy the #eelings o# rela(ation that are o!ing over your whole $ody. Gther sounds and noises are #ading away and you are listening only to !y voi e. 'hat rela(ation is ontinuing to !ove through your whole $ody. Fou are rela(ing #ro! the top o# your head& to the tip o# your toes. Fou are ontinuing to rela( and #eel !ore at ease. Fou are sensing& #eeling and i!agining pea e#ulness& o!#ort& and al!ness all through your $ody. Fou are rela(ing in a way that is 7ust right #or you. Now ta%e your le#t thu!$ and press it tightly against the inde( #inger on your le#t hand. Fou will noti e the rest o# your $ody rela(ing even !ore now& and soon the thu!$ and #inger on your le#t hand will rela( and your #inger and thu!$ will $egin to !ove apart. As the #inger and thu!$ on your le#t hand rela(& the #inger and thu!$ holding the oin ontinue rela(ing and the oin will soon slip #ro! your hand and drop to the #loor. .hen the oin drops #ro! your #ingers& you will !ove into an even deeper hypnoti state& and you will %eep your eyes losed until " as% you to open the!.@ ="SED GBMEC' ME'HGD

'his is the traditional !ethod o# indu ing hypnosis. 'he su$7e t is as%ed to dire t their ga>e at an o$7e t and not !ove their #o us. 'he hypnotist an intensi#y the indu tion $y o$serving the su$7e ts rea tions and ti!ing his suggestions very losely with the!. =or e(a!ple& the re!ar%& CG asionally& they are going to $lin%&C !ight $e !ade i!!ediately a#ter he per eives a $lin%. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Stare at the shiny part o# the wat h. =i( your eyes on it. 'a%e a #ew deep $reaths. Must %eep $reathing deeply. Listen to the sound o# !y voi e. Fou will #ind that your eyelids have a tenden y to get heavy& al!ost as i# they have a heavy weight atta hed to the!. 'he longer that you stare at this& the heavier your eyelids $e o!e& and you $lin%&

and they have a #eeling li%e so!ething is pulling the! down& as i# they wanted to slowly lose& and get drowsier and sleepier and heavier. And you have a #eeling as i# they were slowly losing& slowly losing& getting drowsier and !ore tired& and when they #inally do lose& how good youPll #eel. Drowsy& heavy& pulling down& down& down& slowly losing& getting harder and harder to see& and you #eel good. Iery& very hard to %eep the! open& #eel that very soon they will lose tightly& al!ost tightly losing& al!ost tightly losing& tightly losing. Four eyes are tightly losedU you #eel goodU you #eel o!#orta$leU youPre rela(ed all overU 7ust let yoursel# dri#t and en7oy this o!#orta$le rela(ed state. Fou will #ind that you head will get heavierU tends to nod #orward so!e& and you 7ust let yoursel# dri#t in an easy& al!& rela(ed state.@ =GKES' AND S'KEAM ME'HGD

=or this indu tion it is possi$le to have $a %ground sounds o# water& $irds& and other #orest sounds& $ut do not start the sounds until indi ated in the indu tion 'HE SCK"P'+ ?'o prepare yoursel# #or this en7oya$le& help#ul e(perien e& $e sure you have all tight lothes loosened& and then position yoursel# as o!#orta$ly as you an. Now lose your eyes and inhale deeply and hold it #or three or #our se onds and then e(hale slowly. Again $reathe in deeply and e(hale slowly. Leep doing that < or 8 !ore ti!es. As you inhale& you $ring !ore o(ygen into your $ody& and as you e(hale it auses your $ody to %eep rela(ing !ore and !ore.@ Pause and o$serve the su$7e t. ?Now you an ontinue $reathing easily and #reely& and an #eel yoursel# $e o!ing al!er and !ore pea e#ul. Fou are revealing signs that indi ate you are !oving into a very deep& pea e#ul state o# rela(ation. As " ontinue tal%ing to you& you an %eep rela(ing !ore pea e#ully& not aring how deeply you rela(& 7ust happy to ontinue $e o!ing al!er & !ore pea e#ul& and !ore at ease. Continue to $reathe easily and #reely.

Four su$ ons ious !ind will always $e aware o# what "P! saying to you& so it %eeps $e o!ing less and less i!portant #or you to ons iously listen to !y voi e. Four su$ ons ious !ind& and all levels o# your inner !ind& an hear and re eive everything " tell you& and your ons ious !ind an rela( o!pletely. Fou are ontinuing to e(perien e per#e t pea e o# !ind& and an #eel yoursel# !oving into the situation " des ri$e to you. "t will happen auto!ati ally& and you donPt even need to thin% a$out it ons iously. Now " want you to i!agine yoursel# lying in a o!#orta$le position near a strea! o# #resh& lear water& in a $eauti#ul #orest on a per#e t su!!er day. 'here is a war!& gentle $ree>e& and the air is #resh and lean& the sound o# the pea e#ul strea! is very rela(ing. "t %eeps $e o!ing less i!portant #or you to ons iously listen to !y voi e $e ause your su$ ons ious !ind and all levels o# your inner !ind are hearing and re eiving everything " say. "n your !ind& you are en7oying the $eauty o# nature& as the sunlight shines through the trees and you listen to the gentle #low o# water and the $irds singing heer#ully. Fou are lying there& o!#orta$ly rela(ing. "t is so pea e#ul that you ontinue #eeling !ore & !ore rela(ed than ever $e#ore. As you ontinue en7oying this pea e#ul& pleasant e(perien e& a soothing drowsiness is enveloping your entire $ody& #ro! the top o# your head to the $otto! o# your #eet. Fou ontinue #eeling al!er& !ore rela(ed and !ore se ure. As you lie there& with your eyes losed& you are so rela(ed and so o!#orta$le and happy& that you ontinue !oving into a !ore pea e#ul& !ore deta hed state& it !ay see! li%e you are dri#ting into a state o# sleep. 'here !ay $e ti!es when it see!s li%e !y voi e is a long distan e away. 'here !ay $e ti!es& when "P! tal%ing to you& that you will not $e ons iously aware o# !y voi e& and thatPs o%ay& $e ause your su$ ons ious !ind is still re eiving every word that " say& and is !a%ing true everything " tell you. =ro! now on you will $e in#luen ed only $y positive thoughts& ideas and #eelings. 'he #ollowing thoughts o!e to you. " a! al!& se ure& and rela(ed. " a! o!#orta$le and at ease. " a! in ontrol o# !ysel# at all ti!es. " a! responsi$le #or !y $ody& and will always treat !y $ody with

respe t. My !ind ena$les !e to $e rela(ed and al! as " go a$out the a tivities o# !y daily li#e.@ HAND SHALE ME'HGD. Begin with the su$7e t sitting in a o!#orta$le hair. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?.ould you li%e to e(perien e the state o# hypnosis/@ A#ter a yes response& have the su$7e t e(tend his or her ar! to you as though you were going to $e sha%ing hands. 'a%e the su$7e ts hand with your right hand while !a%ing sure the su$7e ts ar! is straight. ?" would li%e you to loo% at !e #or 7ust a !o!ent. As you #o us your eyes on !e& and listen to !y voi e& " would li%e you to allow things to ta%e pla e naturally.@ Slowly $egin raising and lowering the su$7e ts ar!. 'he up and down !ove!ent o# the ar! should $e a$out three in hes ea h way. ?As " raise and lower your ar!& " wonder i# you have noti ed yet that there is a drowsy& heavy #eeling $eginning to o ur in and around your eyes. Ea h ti!e " raise your ar! upward& that heavy #eeling in those eyes will %eep $e o!ing stronger. As the eyes $egin to lose down& it $e o!es in reasingly !ore desira$le to allow the! to re!ain losed. 'hey are losing down all the way now. Let it happen. .ant it to happen. =eel it happening now.@ Ma%e a spe ial note to raise the ar! higher into the air when the eyes $egin to $lin% or start to lose. 'his will $e an indire t signal to rein#or e the #eeling. 'he su$7e t will )ui %ly asso iate the raising o# the ar! with losing o# the eyes. HAND 'G =ACE ME'HGD

'ell the su$7e t to get as o!#orta$le as possi$le with their ar!s resting on the ar!s o# the hair. Show the su$7e t how you would li%e the! to hold their hand :"n #ront o# their #a e with the pal! o# their

hand #a ing in& towards their #a e& and their #ingers pointing upward pressed lightly together. 'heir hand should $e at a$out eye level. Have the su$7e t lose their eyes and $egin with progressive rela(ation and then pro eed with the Hand to #a e indu tion. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?"n 7ust a !o!ent& when " as% you to& " a! going to have you $ring one o# your hands up in #ront o# your #a e& #ingers e(tended upwards and pressed together. " a! then going to have you try to open your eyes& and pi % a spot on your hand. "t !ay see! di##i ult to open the eyes& and %eep the! open& whi h is only natural sin e you have $een rela(ing so #ar. " a! going to want you to try and open your eyes& and with a little e##ort you will at least $e a$le to get the! open a little. Now& the one thing that you !ust a o!plish is that " want you to re!ain totally rela(ed and at ease& even with your eyes open& and your hand in this position. Ke!aining rela(ed and at ease& and !ove your hand up in #ront o# your #a e with the #ingers pointed upward& and pressed together. Now& atte!pt to open your eyes& pi % one spot on your hand& and $egin to on entrate on it. As you on entrate on that one spot& and one spot only& your #ingers are going to spread apart. Fou do not have to !a%e the! spread& $ut do not try and stop the! either. Con entrate& and allow things to happen. =eel the! spreading apart now. Auto!ati ally separating& it is $eginning to #eel as though there was a string tied to ea h #inger that1s pulling the! apart. 'hey1re separating #urther& and #urther.@ Gn e the #ingers have separated& ontinue with+ ?Now& please do not let it distur$ you that the drowsy& heavy #eeling in your eyes is $e o!ing stronger now that your #ingers have spread apart. "t is a very nor!al& natural sensation. As " $egin to ount #ro! < down to 3& that heavy& drowsy #eeling will ontinue to grow stronger. Continue with a deepener. HANDS CLGS"NA 'GAE'HEK ME'HGD

'his te hni)ue is the Ail Boyne version o# Chands losing together.C Although you an do this with the su$7e t lying on their $a % with their ar!s e(tended upward toward the eiling& or standing in #ront o# the! and having the! e(tend their ar!s toward you& the $est position is to have your su$7e t seated in a hair. Stand in #ront o# the!& a$out si( #eet away& e(tend $oth o# your ar!s out toward the!. .ith the pal!s o# your hands #a ing ea h other& your #ingers together& and your thu!$s pointing upward& spea% to the! in this !anner+ 'HE SCK"P'+ ?E(tend $oth o# your ar!s out in #ront o# you li%e this. Sti##en your ar!s& lo % your el$owsU pal!s o# your hands #a ing ea h other. Four thu!$s up& your #ingers together. Now in a !o!ent& " a! going to $ring !y #ingers in $etween your two hands. Jntil " do& " want you to loo% right here into !y eyes.@ Move your inde( #inger to your right eye. ?Leep loo%ing at !e. Must as soon as " $ring !y inde( #inger in $etween your two hands& ta%e your eyes #ro! !ine and #i( the! on !y #ingertips. 'hen " will !ove !y #ingerU when " do& do not !ove your eyes. Leep loo%ing straight ahead $etween your hands.@ Move your hand with e(tended inde( #inger $etween their hands. ?All right& now $ring your eyes down here to !y #ingertips. Now " a! going to !ove !y #inger& and when " do& do not !ove your eyes. Leep loo%ing straight ahead $etween your hands. 'hen as " ount #ro! three down to one lose your eyelids down. Now& the very !o!ent that your eyelids lose down&@ Arasp their hands and slowly push the! together& ?Four two hands $egin drawing together. Must i!agine there is a !agnet on the pal! o# ea h hand whi h is drawing the! in loser& loser& losing and !oving in until your two hands tou h. Separate their hands. ?All right& when " ount #ro! three to one& lose your eyelids down.@ Position ea h o# your hands under ea h o# their hands with your inde( #inger pointing outward. Begin sweeping your #ingers in towards the enter so that the last thing they see visually are your

hands !oving in toward ea h other. ?All right& three& two& one& lose your eyelids down. Now theyPre losing& losing& losing& losing& losing& losing& losing& losing and al!ost tou hing& losing and al!ost tou hing. Pi ture the !agnet in the pal! o# ea h hand. 'hey are losing and !oving in& losing and !oving in. 'hey are losing& losing& losing& losing& losing and !oving& !oving in and losing& losing& losing and !oving in& !oving in and losing& until your two hands tou h. 'heyPre losing and al!ost tou hing. Pi ture the !agnets in the pal! o# ea h hand as they are losing& losing and !oving in.@ "# their hands get very lose $ut do not tou h& si!ply ta%e your hands and push their hands together and say+ ?SLEEP NG.. 'he !o!ent your two hands tou h& a wave o# rela(ation will !ove all a ross your $ody. 'he !o!ent you #eel your two hands tou h& every !us le and every nerve in your $ody will o!pletely rela(. All right& now they are losing& losing al!ost tou hing& losing& losing& losing and al!ost tou hing& losing and al!ost tou hing& losing and al!ost tou hing& now they are tou hing. Let your head o!e #orward on your hestU let your ar!s drop li!ply into your lapU let every !us le and every nerve now grow loose and li!p and rela(ed and #eel good all over now.@ Pull their hands down into their lap and say+ CLet your head o!e #orward on your hest and ontinue going easily& pleasantly& #ully into a wonder#ully pleasant state o# hypnoti rela(ation.C HANDS PKESS"NA DG.N ME'HGD 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Put your hand on !ine. .hen " ount to #our& press down as hard as you an. Gne& loo% at !e. 'wo& pressing down harder. Press it down harder. 'hree& eyelids heavy& droopy& drowsy and sleepy. =our& lose the! and sleep.@ Pull your hand away now. Jse a deepener. "NS'AN'ANEGJS ME'HGD 'HE SCK"P'+

?Stand #a ing !e. 'hatPs right. Now step #orward.@ Pla e your right hand on the su$7e ts head& supporting the $ase o# the s%ull. Arasp the su$7e ts right ar! at the el$ow with le#t hand. ?Bring your #eet loser together. Closer. 'hatPs right. Breathe in deeply.@ .ith a sudden #orward pulling !ove!ent o# the hands& lightly 7er% the su$7e t towards you. ?SLEEP NG..@ "# the su$7e tPs legs $egin to $u %le& ontinue with+ ?Four legs are sti## and rigid $eneath you& supporting your $ody as you stand straight and ere t.@ M"SD"KEC'"GN ME'HGD

'his te hni)ue is used when the su$7e t is too tense or su$ ons iously doesnPt wish to $e hypnoti>ed. 'he idea is to get the su$7e t to ta%e hisHher !ind o## o# hypnosis all together and then per#or! a rapid indu tion. 'he !isdire tion ste!s #ro! the #a t that it is physi ally i!possi$le to open onePs eyes when the eye$alls are rolled $a % in the head. 'o sell this te hni)ue you !ay hoose to des ri$e this as a test re)uire!ent #or a rela(ation e(er ise that will help the su$7e t to $e hypnoti>ed in the #uture. Des ri$e the !ythi al e(er ise as one that re)uires several wee%s o# daily pra ti e and a good i!agination. Des ri$e the #ollowing indu tion as an Ci!agination testC. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Must sit and rela(. Do you have a good i!agination/@ "# the su$7e t responds CFESC& ontinue& i# the su$7e t responds CNGC& si!ply state that they are too hard on the!selves and ontinue+ ?"n other words& an you lose your eyes and i!agine a s ene& visuali>e a s ene and see it in #ront o# your eyes/ Aood. LetPs test your

i!agination in a #ew ways. "Pll des ri$e what " want you to visuali>e and then a#ter you lose your eyes and you visuali>e it& "Pll as% you a #ew )uestions a$out what you see.@ 'he #ollowing is a theoreti al s enario. "# the su$7e t doesnPt drive& use so!ething that the su$7e t is #a!iliar with. ?Do you drive a ar/ Alright& lose your eyelids down and i!agine youPre standing in #ront o# your ar. Now when you see it very learly& 7ust nod your head.@ .ait #or the su$7e t to nod. ?=ine& now you1re loo%ing at your ar& what olor is it/@ .ait #or a response. ?Aood. Gpen the door o# the ar and get in $ehind the wheel. Now loo% straight ahead. "s the speedo!eter in the enter or to your right or to your le#t/@ .ait #or a response. ?"s it ir ular& se!i: ir ular& hori>ontal or verti al/@ .ait #or a response.

?Alright& what olor is the needle that indi ates the speed on the speedo!eter/@ .ait #or a response. ?Alright& #ine. Gpen your eyes. Could you see all that learly/@ .ait #or a response. ?Now& let1s test your i!agination in another way. .e learned a ouple o# things a$out your i!agination right then. 'his ti!e when you lose your eyelids right down& i!agine you1re at a swi!!ing pla e& a $ea h& a pool& a la%e or at the o ean. Close your eyelids down. Now " want you to i!agine that youPre at a swi!!ing pla e. .hen you see the s ene learly in your !inds eye& nod your head.@ .ait #or the su$7e t to nod their head.

?Alright& #ine. Now loo% around you at this pla e and tell !e what you see.@ .ait #or the des ription. ?Do you see any people there/@ "# CFESC& say the #ollowing CPi % out one o# the persons and des ri$e the! to !eC& i# CNGC& have the su$7e t des ri$e so!e ite! that he saw at s ene. B'his ne(t se tion is the a tual !isdire tionD ?'hatPs very good& open your eyes. Could you see all that learly as a !ental pi ture/ 'hat showed that you have a good& reative& i!agination $e ause in that instan e& " as%ed you so!ething where you had to reate the s enes in the pi ture. Now wePll go to the other e(tre!e and #ind out how well you an i!agine a si!ple& single o$7e t. 'his ti!e when you lose your eyelids down& i!agine that youPre loo%ing at a #ull !oon. Close your eyelids down. Now then " want you to i!agine that you are either seated outside or in a ar& or at the $ea h& or !ay$e loo%ing out your $edroo! window. "ts night ti!e and youPre loo%ing up at a #ull !oon. 'o help you to see the #ull !oon& " want you to now to roll your eye$alls $a % up& with you eyelids re!aining losed down. Koll your eye$alls $a %up in your head as i# you ould see the #ull !oon right up here& $a %up in the enter o# your #orehead.@ 'ou h the su$7e ts #orehead lightly & pi % up the pa e slightly. Kead this ne(t se tion as one #lowing senten e. ?Koll your eye$alls way $a % up in your head& and as you do so your eyelids lo % tightly losed& the !ore you try to open the! the tighter they are lo %ing losed& try now to open your eyelids& theyPre lo %ing tighter and tighter& now stop trying& 7ust rela( and SLEEP. Let a good and pleasant #eeling now o!e all over your $ody. Let every !us le and nerve in your $ody go li!p and loose. Breathe easily and deeply and send a way o# deep rela(ation #ro! the top o# your head to the top o# your toes.@ KAP"D ME'HGD

Begin $y having the su$7e t hold their ar!s stret hed out dire tly in #ront o# the!& so that the pal!s o# the hands are #a ing ea h other.

Have the hands a$out 8 in hes apart. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Fou !ay now lower your hands $a % to your side. "n 7ust a !o!ent " a! going to have you $ring your hands $a % to this position& and you will #ind it very easy to go into a deep pleasant level o# hypnosis in 7ust a !atter o# se onds. .ould this $e alright with you/@ Fou !ust have the su$7e ts onsent $e#ore pro eeding any #urther. ?Now lose your eyes& and ta%e in a ouple o# deep easy $reaths. Hold ea h $reath #or a !o!ent and then e(hale slowly. "n 7ust a !o!ent " a! going to have you e(tend your ar!s in #ront o# you& 7ust as you had the! a !o!ent ago. .hen " as% you to !ove your hands to this position " a! then going to have you open your eyes& and #ollow !y si!ple instru tions. Ke!aining rela(ed& and at ease& " want you to e(tend your ar!s out in #ront o# you 7ust as you had the! earlier.@ A#ter the su$7e t e(tends their ar!s& ad7ust the distan e $etween the hands to a$out si( in hes. Hold your inde( #inger at eye level& and instru t su$7e t to #ollow the !ove!ent o# your #inger. Slowly !ove your inde( #inger $etween their hands. ?Now " want you to on entrate on !y #inger. "n 7ust a !o!ent " a! going to !ove !y #inger away& and " want you to $egin to on entrate on the spot where !y #inger was.@ Tui %ly !ove your #inger in a downward !otion. ?Fou are doing well. Leep on entrating on the spot where !y #inger used to $e. " a! going to $egin to ount #ro! 4 down to 3. Gn the ount o# one allow your eyes to lose. 'hree& your eyes are #eeling heavy& and tired. 'wo& they are $eginning to water& and tear slightly. Gne& so heavy 7ust allow the! to lose& and rela(. Even with your eyes losed you an still i!agine that spot $etween your hands. " a! now gently tou hing your hands& and as " do noti e that your hands are $eginning to !ove together. "n 7ust a !o!ent your hands will tou h. As they tou h your entire

$ody will #eel loose& and li!p. Fou will $e going into a very deep hypnoti state. 'he hands are !oving loser& and loser. 'he !o!ent that they tou h the whole $ody $e o!es lose and li!p. Fou will $e going into a very spe ial %ind o# sleep. Al!ost there get ready to let go. 'he !o!ent that they tou h you go into a very deep spe ial type o# sleep.@ As the hands !ove together& have your hands in a position that will allow you to lightly slap the outside o# the su$7e ts hands& and thus pushing the! together. Fou !ust $e ready the !o!ent that the su$7e ts hands tou h. At the e(a t !o!ent when the su$7e ts hands tou h& rapidly& and #ir!ly slap the two hands together while giving the o!!and to SLEEP. At the sa!e !o!ent lightly apply a downward !otion to the su$7e ts hands. 'his will ause the su$7e t to $end at the waist. Allow the ar!s to dangle at the su$7e ts side. KAP"D ME'HGD BPer!issive "D Begin with su$7e ts sitting in a straight $a %ed hair. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Are you ready to go into a hypnoti sleep/@'he su$7e t !ust respond with PFESD ?Close your eyes and ta%e in a #ew deep $reaths and rela( with ea h $reath that you ta%e. " a! now pi %ing up your right hand.@Pi % up su$7e ts hand as i# you were going to sha%e hands. ?"n 7ust a !o!ent " a! going to have you open your eyes and loo% at !e. " will then ount #ro! three down to one. Gn the ount o# one your eyes will lose again and your whole $ody will #eel loose and li!p. Fou will )ui %ly enter a hypnoti sleep. Do you understand/@ .ait #or a nod or a yes. ?Now& " want you to open your eyes and try to %eep the! open until " rea h the nu!$er one. 'hree& your eyes are #eeling heavy& try to hold the! open. 'wo& al!ost there& on the ount o# one they !ay lose

and #eel wonder#ul. Gne& eyes losing and asleep.@ At the !o!ent that the eyes lose& #ir!ly pull the right ar! in a

downward !ove!ent& while delivering the o!!and o# SLEEP. KAP"D ME'HGD BPer!issive ""D "t is i!portant to reali>e that the a$ility to go into the hypnoti state is the su$7e ts a$ility& and it is not related to the hypnotist. 'he ti!e spent on indu tion should $e related to the su$7e ts willingness to enter hypnosis )ui %ly. 'HE SCK"P'+ ?" would li%e you now& to ta%e in three deep& easy $reaths. As you e(hale ea h ti!e& " would li%e you to rela( the !us les in& and around your eyes. By the third $reath you will have rela(ed these to the point that the eyes no longer want to open. Now& ta%e in three deep& easy $reaths& and rela( the eye !us les totally as you e(hale.@ Allow the su$7e t to ta%e in three $reaths& and ontinue. ?Aood& you have now rela(ed the eyes to the point that they no longer want to open. " would li%e you now to rela( the eyes to the point that they will not open. Gn e you have rela(ed the!& !a%e sure that they an not open.@ Allow the su$7e t to test this.

Hypnoti Deepeners

'HE SCK"P'+ ?Kela( now. Let a good& pleasant #eeling o!e all a ross your $ody. Let every !us le& and every nerve grow so loose& and so li!p& and so rela(ed. Ar!s li!p now& 7ust li%e a rag doll. 'hatPs good. Now& send a pleasant wave o# rela(ation over your entire $ody& #ro! the top o# your head to the tips o# your toes. Must let every !us le and nerve grow loose and li!p and rela(ed. Fou are #eeling !ore rela(ed with ea h easy $reath that you ta%e. Droopy& drowsy and sleepy. So al! and so rela(ed. FouPre rela(ing !ore with ea h easy $eat o# your heart& with ea h easy $reath that you ta%e& with ea h sound that you hear.@ KELASA'"GN ME'HGD "" 'HE SCK"P'+ ?Four ar!s are loose and li!p& 7ust li%e a rag doll. As " raise your hand& 7ust let all o# the weight hang li!ply in !y #ingers. .hen " drop it& send a wave o# rela(ation all a ross your $ody. As you #eel your hand tou h your $ody& send that wave o# rela(ation #ro! the top o# your head& all the way down to the very tips o# your toes. And as you do& you #ind that you dou$le your previous level o# rela(ation. Now on e again& with the other hand. Kepeat with the other hand. S'A"KCASE ME'HGD 'HE SCK"P'+ ?"n a !o!ent "P! going to rela( you !ore o!pletely. "n a !o!ent "P! going to $egin ounting $a %wards #ro! 36 to 3. 'he !o!ent " say the nu!$er 36 you will allow your eyelids to re!ain losed. 'he !o!ent " say the nu!$er 36& you will& in your !inds eye& see yoursel# at the top o# a s!all set o# stairs. 'he !o!ent " say the nu!$er 2& and ea h additional nu!$er& you will si!ply !ove down those stairs rela(ing !ore o!pletely. At the $ase o# the stairs is a large #eather $ed& with a o!#orta$le #eather pillow.

'he !o!ent " say the nu!$er one you will si!ply sin% into that $ed& resting your head on that #eather pillow. 'en+ eyes losed at the top o# those stairs. Nine+ rela(ing and letting go. Eight+ sin%ing into a !ore o!#orta$le& al!& pea e#ul position. Seven. Si(+ going way down. =ive+ !oving down those stairs& rela(ing !ore o!pletely. =our. 'hree+ $reathe in deeply. 'wo+ Gn the ne(t nu!$er& nu!$er one& si!ply sin%ing into that $ed& $e o!ing al!er& !ore pea e#ul& !ore rela(ed. Gne+ Sin%ing into that #eather $ed& let every !us le go li!p and loose as you sin% into a al!& pea e#ul state o# rela(ation. S'"== AKM ME'HGD

'HE SCK"P'+ ?Kaise and sti##en you ar! and !a%e a #ist.@ Help the su$7e t a hieve this position& then let go. ?'hatPs good. Must li%e a steel $ar& sti## and power#ul. So sti## and rigid and so power#ul that the !ore you try to lower or $end your ar!& the sti##er and tighter it $e o!es. 'ry to lower or $end your ar! and #ind it lo %ing sti##U sti## and rigid. 'he harder you try& the sti##er it $e o!es. 'hatPs #ine. .hen " tou h your #orehead& your ar! drops li!ply down and you go deeper asleep.@ 'ap their #orehead.

Post Hypnoti Suggestions

ANAEK & 'EMPEK 'HE SCK"P'+ ?See yoursel# in a situation where you !ight have lost your te!per in the past. 'his ti!e see yoursel# in ontrol. Fou no longer respond with

anger. Fou respond with understanding and you are longer #eel a need to retaliate.

al!. Fou no

Fou an now allow people to $e the!selves and allow the! their own priorities. Fou no longer get angry $e ause they do not agree with you. 'he only value so!eone elsePs opinion has& is the value you give it. Fou no longer get angry $e ause their opinion is di##erent #ro! yours. Fou are in ontrol o# your own e!otions and rea ting with anger is negative. Fou are now hoosing to $e positive. Fou will never again rea t with un ontrolled anger. "nstead o# $e o!ing angry& you an now see their view. Fou an now rea t with understanding and are and are al!. Fou rea t with positive thoughts and e!otions.@ =ind what triggers the su$7e ts anger the !ost& and have the! visuali>e a si!ilar situation whilst !aintaining al!ness. BED.E''"NA

?Every !orning when you wa%e up you #eel great. Fou #eel wide awa%e and you are ready to go. "# you need to wa%e up at night& it is now very easy to get up. Fou %now you are awa%e and you go to the $athroo! and %now you are in the $athroo!. Fou urinate in the toilet and return to $ed and very easily go $a % to sleep. .hen you wa%e up in the !orning you re!e!$er getting up in the night. Fou no longer sleep through wetting the $ed. "# you start& you wa%e up i!!ediately $e ause you no longer sleep so deep. "# you start dri#ting too deep while sleeping& you auto!ati ally $ring yoursel# into a lighter state o# sleep. "t is not your #ault that you wet the $ed. No one is to $la!e. Fou si!ply sleep so deeply. Ea h night you sleep lighter and lighter and you no longer sleep )uite so deeply. Fou #eel $etter and $etter a$out yoursel# $e ause you are now ontrolling the pro$le!. Every night that you sleep lighter& ea h ti!e you wa%e up and go to the $athroo!& every ti!e you re!e!$er your drea!s& you #eel great $e ause you %now that you are $eing su ess#ul. Fou #eel good a$out yoursel# $e ause you %now that you are $eing su ess#ul. Fou #eel

good a$out yoursel# $e ause you %now that nothing is wrong with you physi ally or e!otionally $e ause you have wet the $ed and now your #a!ily understands too.@ Every dry night rein#or es this progra!. BLJSH"NA

?Fou are no longer su$7e t to $lushing. Anyti!e you #eel the heat rising and the olor #lushing& you now have ontrol. Fou are in ontrol+ the $lushing does not ontrol you. "!!ediately when you #eel the $lush start& you ta%e a deep $reath and it never !ateriali>es. Pi ture yoursel# in a past e(perien e when you would have $lushed. Noti e that you are no longer rea ting in the sa!e !anner. Fou no longer are a vi ti! o# the $lushing. Fou have ontrol.@ BJS' DEIELGPMEN'

?As a hild your $reast tissues and glands were not developed. During pu$erty your $reast tissues started to develop. Four $reast tissues stopped developing $e#ore they rea hed the si>e that you desire. Ke reate the situation and ir u!stan es 7ust $e#ore your $reasts stopped developing. Now sti!ulate the hor!ones in your $ody to develop the $reast tissue. Iisuali>e yoursel# how you want your $reasts to loo% in your lothes. Now in rease the $lood #low to your $ust area& sti!ulating your $reast tissue to develop into the si>e o# $ust you desire& appearing the way you want to loo% in your lothes. Now visuali>e the pe toral !us les and the !us les around your $reast area developing to hold your $ust #ir!ly to prevent sagging.@ CH"LDB"K'H+ D"SASSGC"A'"GN

?See yoursel#

o!pletely rela(ed& $reathing easily. Fou are a$out to

give $irth to your hild. Fou #eel no pain what:so:ever $e ause the pain in hild$irth o!es #ro! #ear& tension and an(iety. Fou do not now nor will you ever e(perien e any #ear& tension or an(iety a$out hild$irth& there#ore you will not e(perien e any pain during& $e#ore or a#ter the $irth o# your hild. As the $a$y enters the $irth anal you enter a $eauti#ul state o# ons iousness o!pletely disasso iated with the pain o# hild$irth. "n the $eauti#ul C" a!C stage you re!ove your ons iousness #ro! the $ody and loo% $a % on your $ody as it gives $irth& thoroughly en7oying the e(perien e. "# you pre#er& you an enter the C" a!C stage and go anywhere and anyti!e you would li%e to $e. Fou leave enough awareness within you $ody so it responds to the de!ands and o!!ands o# the do tor during the la$or and $irthing. As soon as the $a$y is $orn you then re:asso iate with the $ody and en7oy your hild not having e(perien ed any pain or dis o!#ort. Fou an en7oy every !o!ent o# the $irth seeing the $eauty and per#e tion o# the $irth e(perien e and o# your hild. Fou e(perien e total and o!plete love untainted $y #ear or pain. Fou have only positive thoughts and e!otions on erning you hild. "# you hoose to re:asso iate with the $ody during the $irth pro ess& you will #eel no pain& 7ust 7oy.@ CH"LDB"K'H+ '"ME D"S'GK'"GN

?See yoursel# o!pletely rela(ed. Fou are at the hospital Bho!e& et .D ready to have your $a$y. Four ontra tions are strong and $eauti#ul. 'ension and #ear $reed pain and you no longer #eel any tension& an(iety or #ear there#ore you do not e(perien e any pain with hild$irth. Child$irth is natural and easy. Any spe ial and uni)ue e(perien es that you !ay have during the $irth o# your hild will not distress you in any way. Four shield o# prote tion is there ta%ing are o# $oth you and your hild.

.ith ea h ontra tion you have& you an and do respond e(a tly the way the do tor wants you to respond $ut you will e(perien e no pain what:so:ever. As the !us les ontra t during la$or& it see!s as though the ti!e lapse is $ut a !i ro se ond. As the !us les rela( the ti!e lapse see!s as though it is several !inutes& giving you ti!e to rest and restore you energy. Fou have plenty o# ti!e to !aintain o!posure and en7oy the event o# your own hildPs $irth. Every !o!ent is herished and en7oyed. Fou have no need to worry a$out pain or pro$le!s $e ause you have a hoi e and the hoi e you have !ade is to en7oy and e(perien e without any negative in#luen e. Fou en7oy every !o!ent o# the $irth without negative e(perien e at allU no pain& no worry& and $e ause o# that your hild is e(tre!ely healthy. "t is very easy #or you to rela( and en7oy every step o# the $irth $e ause you have no #ear o# pain& you e(perien e no pain or #ear with hild$irth. "# you #eel a dou$t or an(iety $reath and it will 7ust go away. reeping up you si!ply ta%e a deep

Four shield o# prote tion neutrali>es all negativity and you !aintain o!plete ontrol. Fou #eel great with every ontra tion $e ause you %now that with ea h ontra tion your $a$y is loser and loser to $eing $orn.@ CGNCEN'KA'"GN

?Fou are #eeling a$solutely great a$out yoursel#. Fou opinion is as good as anyone elsePs. Love is what you are& not what you do or what you have. Fou have total on#iden e in yoursel#. NG., Fou have so!ething value to ontri$ute. Fou are totally positiveU negativity is a part o# your past. "t is easy #or you to sustain positive thoughts and e!otions. .hen you sleep& you have a lot o# K.E.M. and good drea!s. Ea h !orning you wa%e up in a nor!al range o# ons iousness #eeling great. Fou do not #or e a dire tion in your li#eU you allow it to #low.

Fou now #ind it very easy to on entrate. Fou have total re all at will. Anyti!e you #ind it $eginning to $e o!e di##i ult to on entrate& you ta%e a deep $reath and rela(. Fou are no longer $ored with the things around you thus !a%ing it easier to on entrate. Fou now stru ture your ti!e so your energies are not s attered. 'hings do no have to $e di##i ult to $e worthwhile. Fou no longer have to #or e the things in your li#e. "t is no longer a $attle to re!e!$er thingsU it is an easy natural #low.@ CGNS'"PA'"GN

?Ao deeper and deeper to sleep. Deeper and deeper to sleep. Fou %now that your whole gastro:intestinal syste! is si!ply a !us ular tu$e whi h is oiled round and round inside your $ody. Iarious parts o# this tu$e have various purposes& 7ust li%e the spe iali>ed depart!ents in a #a tory. 'he !outh is the re eiving depart!ent where goods are a epted and unpa %ed. 'he throat and esophagus are the onveyer syste!. 'he sto!a h is a pro essing roo! in whi h the !aterials are prepared #or use& and so on throughout the whole syste!. And #inally we have the use#ul produ ts whi h go into the $ody itsel#& and the waste produ ts whi h we !ust eli!inate. 'his whole #a tory has a ontinuous onveyer syste!. 'he tu$es whi h !a%e up this onveyer syste! are o!posed o# rings o# !us les. 'hese !us les in their ontra tions and rela(ation push the !aterial along through the #a tory 7ust li%e the asse!$ly line hain in an auto!o$ile #a tory. .hen we start the rela(ation at the throat& that is auto!ati ally #ollowed $y the natural rhyth!i alternate rela(ation and ontra tion o# the !us le. 'hese ontra tions o ur in waves always traveling #ro! the re eiving roo! down toward the waste disposal depart!ents. 'he wave o# rela(ation whi h we started a #ew !inutes ago in the !outh and throat& is now !oving down through the sto!a h towards the duodenu!. =ollowing the wave o# rela(ation o!es the peristalti waves : alternate rela(ation and ontra tion o# the !us les down through the sto!a h& the duodenu! and into the intestine. Four whole intestinal tra t is $e o!ing rela(ed and soon these waves will rea h through the olon to the re tu!. 'he olon is a %ind o# storage $in&

7ust li%e a waste $as%et. .e donPt run to e!pty a waste $as%et every ti!e we get so!ething in it. .e do e!pty it when it gets #ull. 'hat is the way your $ody #un tions too. 'hese peristalti waves arry the waste !aterial through the olon and into the re tu! where it is stored. As soon as it $e o!es #ull& an auto!ati signal is sent out& and you reali>e you are a$out to have a $owel !ove!ent. As soon as you have that #eeling& you go to the toilet. .hen you sit down on the toilet& the onta t o# your $ody with the toilet seat auto!ati ally sends a signal to the round !us le whi h %eeps the valve losed the rest o# the ti!e. 'his round !us le we all the sphin ter. 'he waste valve we all the anus. .hen you sit down on the toilet& the sphin ter !us le rela(es. "t $e o!es so#t and #le(i$le and stret hes easily. And these waves o# !us ular ontra tion in the olon and re tu! #or e the !aterial out. 'hese waves are wor%ing on down through your intestines now. And soon a#ter you leave here you will #eel the urge to have a $owel !ove!ent. .hen you #eel this urge& go to the toilet& sit down and wait. Ma%e no e##ort. Four $ody will ta%e are o# that part auto!ati ally and without e##ort. Ma%e a$solutely no e##ort. Four $ody an dispose o# its waste !aterial per#e tly& i# you do not inter#ere. Ma%e no e##ort at all. Si!ply sit on the toilet and wait. 'he a t o# sitting on the toilet will $e a signal to your un ons ious !ind. 'he sphin ter !us le will rela(. 'he re tu! will e!pty itsel# easily and auto!ati ally. Every ti!e you eat& your 7aws auto!ati ally tense and rela(. Eating is an auto!ati signal whi h starts the entire pro ess in !otion. Fou eat. Four throat swallows the #ood& alternately rela(ing and ontra ting. 'he waveli%e a tion pro eeds all through your sto!a h& duodenu!& and intestines. Soon a#ter eating& you #eel the urge to go to the toilet. .hen you #eel the urge& you go. 'he a t o# sitting on the toilet is auto!ati ally a signal to the sphin ter !us le. "t rela(es. 'he whole !us le rela(es. 'here is no e##ort on your part. 'he whole pro ess is auto!ati . .hen you eat& the rela(ation starts. Soon a#ter eating& you e(perien e the urge to go to the toilet. Fou go to the toilet. Fou go to the toilet i!!ediately when you #eel the urge. .hen you sit on the toilet& that is auto!ati ally a signal #or the anus to rela( and $e o!e so#t and #le(i$le. 'hen the olon auto!ati ally e!pties itsel#. 'here is nothing #or you to do ons iously $ut go to the toilet when you #eel the urge. All the rest happens auto!ati ally and naturally.

Shortly a#ter you awa%en& you are going to have the urge to go to the toilet. .hen you have that urge& go. And you will have an easy& natural $owel !ove!ent. Every ti!e you eat& it is auto!ati ally the start o# the pro ess that will $ring a$out an easy& natural $owel !ove!ent. .hen you have the urge to go to the toilet& go i!!ediately. Four $ody will ta%e are o# the rest. Fou are going to have a $owel !ove!ent shortly a#ter you awa%en& and you will have another one a#ter your ne(t !eal.@ DKJA ADD"C'"GN SESS"GN "

?Now as you go deeper and deeper rela(ed& deeper and deeper on down& in your !indPs eye& " want you to i!agine the sy!pto!s o# withdrawal. " want you to #eel the nausea. =eel your sto!a h turning. =eel all your !us les tighten. Li%e youPre tied up in %nots and you #eel terri$le all over and " want you to ta%e those #eelings& ta%e those #eelings and youPre going to asso iate the! with the drug itsel#. Fou asso iate those #eelings whi h represent the withdrawal sy!pto!s with the drug itsel#& with the heroin or whatever you reta%ing. =ro! now on instead o# the withdrawing ausing the sy!pto!s& the drug itsel# will $ring the sy!pto!s a$out. =or youPre onditioned 7ust as !u h as i# "Pd said a ni e thi % 7ui y stea% s!othered in !ushroo!s or i# " as%ed you to on entrate on a le!on& youPd #eel the saliva& the organs would respond& and now " say that the organs respond to the drug heroin or whatever youPre ta%ing. 'he organs respond $y produ ing very un o!#orta$le sy!pto!s so #ro! now on whenever you ta%e a #i( these very un o!#orta$le sy!pto!s $egin to show the!selves. As they show the!selves& you #eel the!& you #eel the! deeply& very deeply. 'hey are very un o!#orta$le. Gn the ount o# three as you withdraw #ro! the heroin& the sy!pto!s& instead o# getting worse& get $etter. Fou #eel $etter. More alert. More awa%e& !ore vital& !ore #ull o# li#e. More #ull o# pep and energy than you have had #or a very long ti!e. Fou #eel as though you are #ull o# vita!ins. "tPs going to $e very easy #or you to withdraw $e ause the withdrawing !a%es you #eel good& and the ta%ing o# the drug !a%es you #eel $ad. FouPre going to $e surprised a$out the reverse e##e t& $ut itPs $e o!ing a per!anent part o# your su$ ons ious !ind& never to $e re!oved. Four need #or heroin is gone. But you have a tre!endous need to withdraw #or i# you donPt then you #eel the sy!pto!s. Now starting right at this !o!ent& youPre going to $egin a new phase o#

withdrawal. A withdrawal without pain& without nausea& without vo!iting& and without trou$le. Now " want you to #eel good all the ti!e& and the drug is the thing that !a%es you #eel $ad. 'he thing that gives you the nausea and the pro$le!s is the thing that ties up your guts& thatPs heroin. Now as you go deeper and deeper rela(ed& and as all o# the sounds #ade away in the distan e& all o# these suggestions ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon your !ind& $ody& and spirit. And you sin% deeper and deeper and deeper. Nothing distur$s you. =or youPve $egun your withdrawal right now. Now& sleep deeply and let these suggestions seal the!selves in the deepest part o# the su$ ons ious !ind. .ay down.@ DKJA ADD"C'"GN SESS"GN ""

?As you go deeper and deeper rela(ed& deeper and deeper with every $reath you ta%e. "P! now going to tal% to you a$out the onvales ent stage in treating the pro$le! o# drug addi tion. Now& as you go deeper and deeper and " give you these suggestions& they ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon you. BMust as your suggestions too% e##e t upon you in the treat!ent o# your drug addi tion pro$le!.D Four drug pro$le! is over& thatPs $een straightened out o!pletely and #urther!ore you %now it. FouPre ured and youPre o!pletely ured. Fou have no desire #or drugs in any way& you donPt need the!& you donPt want the! and theyPre no longer a part o# your li#e. Most o# all& youPre proud. Proud $e ause youPre on top. FouPre really on top now. Fou donPt have anything you have to prove& youPve proved it. Fou proved yoursel# an adult& youPve proved yoursel# !ature. FouPve proved that you an #un tion in so iety. FouPve proved that you an earn a living. FouPve proved that you an study& that you an thin%& that you an read& that you an $e a hu!an $eing in every way& not 7ust any hu!an $eing& $ut one that is e##e tive. But even !ore than that& youPve proved your a$ility to on)uer the !ost di##i ult pro$le! on earth. A drug pro$le! is so!ething that i# other people& who were not aware o# that pro$le!& were #a ed with it& they !ight not $e a$le to sur!ount this pro$le! at all. Fet& you have done it. Fou have proved yoursel# even !ore than !ost people. Now& itPs i!portant& now that you have proved yoursel#& now that you have o$tained a ure and you are on top& to stay there. 'he !aintenan e o# the ure is i!portant& is 7ust as i!portant as

getting the Cure itsel#. .hen a person has pneu!onia or tu$er ulosis& even though they are o!pletely well& even though the $ugs are already %illed and the disease one:hundred per ent& no do tor would ever advise that patient to ta%e a 7o$ as a sand:hog and e(pose the!selves to sili osis& $e ause therePs too !any other things to do& too !any other ways to $e e##e tive and to put an individual right $a % in the environ!ent where the disease pro essed& ould start again. =or this reason itPs very i!portant that even though youPre o!pletely ured and you are o!pletely ured one:hundred per ent& you an go anywhere& you an do anything& you an $e anything& $ut the very $est li!ate #or you to $e e##e tive in is not that li!ate in whi h you would $e onstantly e(posed to drugs. Not $e ause therePs any danger to you& $e ause youPre already ured& $ut si!ply $e ause you donPt put a patient who 7ust re overed #ro! an illness $a % in the ward with all the si % people. Fou segregate the si % #ro! the well. Fou give the patient ti!e to onvales e even though they are well& ti!e heals all wounds and !a%es us strong. Stronger and stronger with every day that passes. Strong in $ody& strong in !ind and strong in spirit. Better a$le to withstand disease. Dis:ease. And thatPs very i!portant to you& e(tre!ely i!portant $e ause thatPs e(a tly whatPs going to happen. Na!ely& youPre going to $e very happy and ontented $e ause you have li %ed this pro$le!& o!pletely and thoroughly& one:hundred per ent and $e ause o# this& you are going to avoid drugs li%e the plague& and pla es where drugs are& li%e the plague. "tPs i!portant that you have a ertain a!ount o# ti!e to develop a o!plete sta$ility in every area o# your li#e& $e ause thatPs what you really want to $e and youPre going to $e& and thatPs sta$le& ade)uate& and e##e tive. Four ure is per!anent in every way and itPs going to stay that way. Four ure is #inal and you are sa#e. S'ABLE& ADETJA'E& ="NAL and E==EC'"IE. 'hose #our words& the initials spell CSA=EC and youPre going to re!e!$er it and never #orget it. FouPre never going to #orget it, FouPre going to re!e!$er it and itPs going to $e o!e a per!anent part o# your !ind. FouPre going to $e sa#e. FouPre going to sa#e& SA=E& SA=E. CSC stand #or sta$le& youPre going to $e sta$le& !ore sta$le than you ever have $een in your li#e. CAC stands #or ade)uate. FouPre going to $e ade)uate very ade)uate in every way& all the ti!e. Nothing an throw you. C=C stands #or #inal& your ure is per!anent and #inal in every way. And CEC& CEC is the !ost i!portant o# all $e ause youPre going to $e e##e tive. .hat good is it to $e sta$le and have a per!anent ure i# you 7ust sit there and donPt do anything/ Fou re going to $e e##e tive& e##e tive in your wor%.

E##e tive in your play& e##e tive in every single area o# li#e and you put the! together and they spell sa#e& SA=E& and thatPs what you are& SA=E. Now sleep& sleep& and let that suggestion ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon your !ind& $ody and spirit& sealing itsel# in the deepest part o# your su$ ons ious !ind& never to $e re!oved. Fou are sa#e& SA=E& sta$le& ade)uate& #inal and e##e tive. Sa#e& and every single ti!e that you have any di##i ulty whatsoever& you #eel depressed in the least way or anything o!es up that $others you& you are going to see that word right in #ront o# your eyes& SA=E& and thatPs going to tell you in every way and re:en#or e those suggestions over and over. 'hat word SA=E is going to ta%e the pla e o# all the pro$le!s you had in the past $e ause SA=E is going to solve the!. Drugs never solved anything #or you& theyPre gone& theyPre #inished. "tPs a #inal and per!anent ure. Now youPre going to onvales e #or a #ew !onths& or as long as you need to& and in a li!ate where drugs have no part& and a#ter you have onvales ed& youPll $e as strong as anyone ever was& !entally& physi ally& and spiritually. Fou an go where you want and do what you want. But until then& youPre now per!anently and o!pletely ured and you are in a onvales ent period and youPre going to do wonder#ully in every way. Now sleep deeply and $e sa#e in every way. "P! going to give you a #ew !o!ents o# silen e& during these !o!ents o# silen e all these suggestions ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon you& !ind& $ody and spirit. 'his period o# silen e $egins now.@ DKJAS

?Fou are rela(ed now and $e ause you are so rela(ed you $egin to #eel #ree #ro! all tension& an(iety and #ear. Fou now reali>e that you are !ore on#ident and sure o# yoursel# $e ause you have ta%en this enor!ous step toward helping yoursel#. Fou $egin to #eel this strength #ro! within& !otivating you to over o!e any and every o$sta le that !ay stand in the way o# your happiness and your #reedo! #ro! drugs. Fou will #ind that #ro! this !o!ent on you are developing !ore sel# ontrol. Fou will now #a e every situation in a al!& rela(ed state o# !ind. Four thin%ing is very lear and sharp at all ti!es.

Fou $egin to #eel that your sel# respe t and on#iden e are e(panding !ore and every day in every way. Fou now reali>e that in the past& drug use was an es ape and a ontrol. Fou are $e o!ing a happy person now with a positive attitude toward li#e. Fou are su eeding now and you have all the a$ilities ne essary #or you to $rea% the drug pattern. Fou now hoose to $e #ree #ro! drugs. 'his is your de ision. Fou an do it. Fou an easily do it. Fou have !y help& and the help o# your partner& and you will #ind it easy to do. As o# now you have a very strong deter!ination to $e #ree o# drugs. .ith ea h passing day your deter!ination to $e #ree o# the drug ha$it $e o!es stronger and stronger. Four desire to $e #ree o# drugs is so i!portant to you that i# so!eone should suggest a party to you& you will #ind that their reasons #or having a party are not good enough and that your reasons #or stopping this drug ha$it are !ore i!portant. Fou are always #ree to !a%e hoi es and de isions #or your own well $eing and you hoose now to $e #ree o# drugs. Fou %now that it was unhealthy and $rings a lot o# unhappiness into your li#e. At one ti!e you #elt that it was a good idea to get into the drug s ene. "t served a purpose in your li#e at that ti!e. "t no longer serves that purpose. Now the only purpose it serves is to $ring you #urther away #ro! health and true happiness. Fou reali>e that drugs are a deadly trap and ulti!ately& no real good an o!e to you while you are using drugs. Fou are now !a%ing a new de ision #or yoursel#. Fou hoose the path to real health and happiness. Fou now hoose to $e #ree #ro! drugs and you are deter!ined to !a%e this happen #or you. .ith ea h passing day and with ea h passing !o!ent you reali>e that your desire and your sel# deter!ination to $e #ree o# drugs is stronger than the hold that the drugs had on you. Fou %now that you an $e #ree o# drugs #or short periods o# ti!e and you are now !oving away #ro! drugs #or longer and longer periods o# ti!e and you are doing less ea h ti!e you do drugs. Fou have great on#iden e in yoursel# that you an in #a t $e #ree o# drugs and that you an do it. .henever you avoid the use o# drugs in situations where you would have done drugs $e#ore& you #eel very& very proud o# yoursel# and very sure that you did the right thing #or

yoursel#. Fou have wat hed others lose their health and physi al well $eing and you are now reali>ing that you do not want this to happen to you. Fou are now so deter!ined to regain your health and get $a % to your nor!al weight& the weight that you should $e& that you now gain o!plete ontrol over your ha$it. Control !eans that you not only have the power to wal% away #ro! a line& $ut that in #a t you do 7ust that. Fou an do it. And ea h ti!e you do wal% away #ro! doing a line& you will #ind it easier to wal% away #ro! the ne(t te!ptation. Fou are getting stronger and stronger and very proud o# your new strength to wal% away #ro! drugs. Fou are now proving your inner strength to yoursel# and to others ea h and every ti!e that you re#use to do a line. Fou %now that this is only a $ad ha$it and you an over o!e a ha$it. So you are hanging this ha$it. Fou are $eginning to #ind that there are two things whi h give you !ore pleasure than your drugs. =irst you #ind that you want to ta%e a ni e long deep $reath whenever you thin% o# doing drugs. 'his ni e long deep $reath will help you to #eel al!er& !ore rela(ed& and you will #eel very pea e#ul inside. Four !ind and $ody will $e o!e al! and rela(ed& too al! and rela(ed to need to do a line. Fou will de ide to put o## doing drugs until so!e ti!e in the #uture and you will #orget to do drugs at that ti!e. 'a%ing a ni e long deep $reath !a%es you #eel so good& so al! and so rela(ed that you will no longer have any desire to do a line. Kather you will put it o## to so!e ti!e in the #uture and you will #orget to do the drugs at that ti!e. Fou will now #ind that you are getting hungry at !eal ti!es and you #ind a great deal o# en7oy!ent in the #ood you eat. Fou #ind that you want to eat good nutritional #ood and so you eat and satis#y any raving #or drugs. Fou never eat to e( ess& $ut you #ind that $y eating three good !eals daily& you #eel $etter physi ally and this redu es your need #or drugs. Fou now have a strong #eeling o# responsi$ility to your partner& and you are #eeling responsi$le #or your partners health and well $eing. Sin e you %now that drugs are not good physi ally& !entally or e!otionally #or your partner& you help hi!Hher $y gently re!inding hi!Hher to stay away #ro! the drugs. Fou set an e(a!ple #or your

partner $y not doing a line at a ti!e when you easily ould. Fou show hi!Hher how FGJ an do it and en ourage your partner to do the sa!e. Fou help your partner to postpone doing a line #or an hour or so and then !ay$e even another hour a#ter that. Fou #ind ways to help hi!Hher #orget to do drugs. Fou #ind that you an easily #orget to do drugs $e ause it o##ers you nothing $ut pro$le!s in the #uture. Fou are now wor%ing as a tea! to help ea h other to !ove away #ro! drugs. .or%ing as a tea!& you are very strong and deter!ined to #orget drugs. Fou #ind ways to avoid doing a line and #ind good reasons #or not doing that line. Fou help ea h other away #ro! drugs $y doing things whi h you !utually en7oy and whi h do not involve drugs. Fou #eel that it now is your responsi$ility to gently help your partner to #orget a$out doing drugs and your responsi$ility to ooperate and to #eel good a$out what heHshe is doing #or you. Fou are never upset when your partner tells you to ta%e a deep $reath and #orget doing a line at this ti!e. Fou appre iate it and you %now your partner is on your side. Fou are now getting the help you need and you are proud o# yoursel# #or having redu ed your drug ha$it. Fou #eel good.@ EAS"NA SGMEGNE =KGM FGJK M"ND

?Fou now !entally erase Bperson to $e erasedD #ro! your thoughts. Fou deta h yoursel# #ro! the negative !ental asso iations and your li#e is 7oy#ul and #ul#illing. 'he undesira$le !e!ories o# BpersonD #ade )ui %ly away and you !ind is al! and tran)uil. Fou are sel# ontained& sel# su##i ient and sel# reliant. Fou do not need nor want anyone who is negative in you li#e and you now !entally erase the!. 'he undesira$le !e!ories o# BpersonD no longer a##e t you #or you are at pea e and totally deta hed #ro! the!. 'he words and a tions o# other people have no e##e t on you. 'he divine white healing light now surrounds you and #loods you with a sense o# strength and well $eing in your !ind& $ody and spirit. "t is done.@ "NSGMN"A

?Iisuali>e that you are a sponge $eing wrung o# stress& down and out your toes. 'a%e 4 deep $reaths and Csleep nowC. Hear !y voi e only until your rela(ation therapy is o!plete& then you will go into a deep easy natural sleep. Be ause you want to get a #ull nights sleep& and $e ause you want to awa%en in the !orning #eeling o!pletely re#reshed& rested and #ull o# pep and energy& ea h night as you retire you rela( every !us le in your $ody $y ta%ing 4 deep $reaths. A#ter ea h $reath you say to yoursel# SLEEP NG.. Let every !us le and nerve go loose and li!p. A#ter the third $reath you are so o!pletely rela(ed you i!!ediately dri#t o## into a deep and rest#ul slu!$er whi h re!ains un$ro%en until !orning. Gnly an e!ergen y awa%ens you and i# this happens you return to $ed a#ter attending it and go to sleep within 86 se onds. "t is easy #or you to rela( and go to sleep $e ause you e(pe t to sleep. 'hroughout your sleep& you are ontented and pleasantly rela(ed. Fou always rela( o!pletely upon ta%ing 4 deep $reaths and at $edti!e you always go to sleep as you rela(. Fou sleep soundly and o!#orta$ly and without e##ort. 'hroughout your sleep you #eel al!& ontented and rela(ed and you arry this al!& ontented sense o# rela(ation over into you wa%ing hours. Fou always awa%en at your usual rising ti!e and #eel wonder#ul, Co!pletely rela(ed& rested& alert and heer#ul, Four eyes open& you sit up and put your #eet on the #loor i!!ediately& you stret h& and you #eel good. Keally ready #or another wonder#ul day. Fou thoroughly en7oy your deep rest#ul sleep and at $edti!e you 7ust ta%e 4 deep $reaths and thin% CSLEEP NG.C a#ter ea h $reath& and you go to sleep auto!ati ally. All o# these thoughts o!e to you when you rela( and say CSLEEP NG.C. " a! now going to $ring you through the olors o# the rain$ow. 'he olors are redHorange& yellowHgreen& $lue& purpleHlavender& and white. As " go through the olors you will go deeper and deeper into natural sleep. Gn the olor white you will easily and gently rea h over and turn o## the !a hine that is playing this tape. A#ter you turn o## the !a hine& you will go into a very deep and very rela(ed state o# natural& nor!al sleep. KedHorangeEslowly& al!ly& easily and gently going into deep& nor!al

sleep. FellowHgreen ... every nerve and !us le in your $ody is loose and li!p and rela(ed& as you go deeper and deeper into natural sleep. Blue ... #ro! head to toe you #eel good& you #eel per#e t in every way& you go deeper and deeper into natural sleep. PurpleHlavender ... your !ind and your $ody are now going into a very deep and health#ul slu!$er. Fou #eel good& and at the ne(t olor& you gently and easily& without distur$ing your rest#ul slu!$er& rea h over and turn o## your !a hine& then you go into deep rest#ul and natural sleep #or the entire night. .hite ... easily and gently now rea h over and turn o## your !a hine that is playing this tape. SLEEP NG.. SLEEP NG.. SLEEP NG..@ MEALGJSF

?Fou are totally sel# on#ident in every area o# your li#e. Gther people will not $other you with re!ar%s or their a hieve!ents. Fou are a valua$le ontri$ution. No one an o##er what you have to o##er e( ept you. Love is what you are& not what you do or say. .hen you #ind yoursel# in a situation where you #eel 7ealousy& you will now easily release the negativity in your heart or in your !ind and repla e it with divine love. =eel the love o!ing #ro! within you and en ir ling you li%e a $u$$le o# pin% radian e& #illing your entire $eing& every ell and every #i$er o# your $ody. Love is o!plete trust #ul#illed.@ NA"L B"'"NA

?Iisuali>e yoursel# loo%ing great& rela(ing& #eeling al!. Now " want you to loo% at your hands and see how good they loo%. Four nails are grown outU your uti les loo% healthy. Fou no longer $ite your nails. "# you start to $ite your nails or uti les& $e ause you used to do that& your hands will $e o!e very visi$le to you and as your nails grow and $e o!e healthier and healthier you #eel $etter and $etter a$out yoursel#.

Biting your nails is a nervous ha$it. Anyti!e you #eel yoursel# $e o!ing nervous #or any reason& you no longer $ite your nails as an outlet. "nstead you now ta%e a deep $reath and the nervousness 7ust goes away. Four shield o# prote tion neutrali>es the negativity that auses the nervousness. See yoursel# in a situation where you !ight have $itten your nails in the past. See yoursel# handling the situation very easily. Fou #eel no need to $ite your nails.@ PA"N CGN'KGL

?Pain is a warning devi e #ro! you $ody. Fou do not need to $e warned a$out your Bspe i#i pain pro$le!D any !ore. Fou %now the pro$le! is there and you are orre ting it. "# you need to %now a$out a hange& i# you need to $e warned& you will #eel a tingling in the area instead. Fou will then see that any new pro$le! is ta%en are o#. Fou no longer #eel any pain onne ted with Bspe i#i pain pro$le!D $ut this in no way alters your warning pain signals #or any other reason. " want you now to on entrate a healing light in the area where you desire the pain to go away and stay away. Set up rapid and instantaneous healing with the healing light. =eel all tension leaving the area. All pain is o!pletely gone #ro! the area. =eeling soothed& rela(ed and painless& as though the entire area has $een anestheti>ed without ta%ing away any !us le response whatsoever. Fou have o!plete !us le and !otor response $ut the area has no pain. Do no all $a % the pain. Fou do not need it. Fou do not want it. "t no longer $elongs to you.@ PA"N GK ANS"E'F

?And 7ust rela(ing deeper and even deeper ... dri#ting way down now ... deeper and even deeper rela(ed ... and re ogni>ing and reali>ing how !any o# us e(perien e sensations that we regard as unpleasant ... tension& stress& strain and dis o!#ort ... and we have already learned one !ethod o# dealing with these ... and that is ... 7ust

$reathing deeply and re!oving all parts o# stress and strain ... And using another i!age now ... another i!age that an $ring us pea e& o!#ort& ontent!ent and deep rela(ation ... and another !ethod that is so power#ul it an re!ove all the sy!pto!s o# stress and strain ... the sy!pto!s o# stress and strain are all very su$7e tive #eelings ... we #eel the!& $ut as we %now only too well it is di##i ult to ons iously !odi#y our #eelings ... and it is !u h easier to !odi#y o$7e t ... and so we are now hanging our unpleasant sensations into o$7e ts ... "# you are e(perien ing pain or dis o!#ort or i# you #eel tense or an(ious ... " want you to ta%e that unwanted #eeling& tension& stress or strained !us le and give it a shape ... 7ust i!agine a shape ... allow yoursel# to visuali>e that shape ... it an $e any %ind o# shape ... it an $e an a$stra t shape or a on rete shape ... and it an $e an o$7e t or a geo!etri design or it an $e so#t and it an $e a olor ... whatever shape or o$7e t #irst o!es into your !ind is the right shape or o$7e t #or you ... donPt try to #or e the shape ... 7ust let it happen ... as you go deeper and even deeper rela(ed ... and you are doing so very well ... you are pea e#ul& al! and very rela(ed... And 7ust rela(ing and going deeper and even deeper ... give that shape a olor ... and 7ust i!agine the si>e o# the shape ... and you an give it a si>e 7ust $y %nowing the si>e or $y pi turing it ne(t to an o$7e t you %now the si>e o# ... and you are re ogni>ing and reali>ing that the shape is the sy!$ol o# you dis o!#ort ... and the larger the shape is ... the !ore severe the dis o!#ort is ... and the s!aller the shape is ... the less the dis o!#ort is ... And pra ti ing now ... #irst !a%ing the shape larger ... and then !a%ing it s!aller ... and when you !a%e the si>e o# the shape $igger it is easier to !a%e the shape s!aller ... and i# you have di##i ulty !a%ing the si>e o# the shape s!aller .. then use a #ew tri %s ... i# the shape is a $alloon you an put a needle into it& or %i % it away ... throw it away ... put it on a $oat or an airplane or tie it to the $a % o# a tru % and let it drive away ... And reali>ing that as this sy!$ol is $e o!ing s!aller& the #eelings asso iated with it are $e o!ing less intense and you an !a%e it s!aller ... as s!all and o!#orta$le as you want to !a%e it ... and you are !a%ing it s!aller $y pra ti ing !a%ing it larger and then s!aller ... and you reali>e that these are s%ills and as with any s%ill ...

the !ore you pra ti e the !ore power#ul the s%ill $e o!es ... and you are using these s%ills ... and using these s%ills any ti!e you desire ... the !ore you pra ti e the easier it is #or you to allow these s%ills to $e totally and o!pletely e##e tive ... so very easy to use and so very power#ul ... anyti!e you hoose to use this s%ill ... and pra ti ing !a%ing the shape s!aller and the olor o# the shape #ade ... and every ti!e you do this it is easier and even easier ... " a! going to let you rest #or a !o!ent $ut when " awa%en you ... you will #ind that you an give the shape as si>e and a olor and then instantly ... e##ortlessly and easily !a%e the shape s!aller and the olor #ade ... and every ti!e you do this it $e o!es easier and even easier ... and when " awa%en you the shape is #ading and $e o!ing s!aller ...@ PJBL"C SPEAL"NA

?Fou reali>e that you are a onstantly !aturing and growing personality.Fou are $e o!ing aware o# the strength and a$ilities that are within you. Fou are sensing a #eeling o# on#iden e in your a$ilities to a hieve the goals you have hosen #or yoursel#.

Fou are learning to $elieve in yoursel#& you appre iate yoursel# and you do good and %ind things #or yoursel#. Fou !eet ea h situation as it o!es with al! and )uite assuran e. Fou are !a%ing onta t with the enter o# wisdo! and power within you whi h %nows what to do and how to do it.

.hatever you say& whatever you do & is said and done with o!plete on#iden e and sel# assuran e. Fou wal% with a spring in your step&

your head is held high. Fou see the $eauty o# li#e around you. People respe t you $e ause you respe t the! and you respe t yoursel#. Fou have on#iden e in your own 7udg!ent and you are honest and dependa$le.

Fou an and you do !ove #orward #ro! one positive a hieve!ent to another. People are aware that you li%e the!& they sense your good will.Fou are heer#ul and enthusiasti . Fou attra t #riends $e ause you are #riendly. Fou are sin ere and honest. Four personal integrity is #elt $y everyone you !eet. Ea h day you !eet new #riends and interesting people. As you approa h people #or the #irst ti!e& you #eel a war!th and #riendship #or the!. Four s!ile and your #riendly greetings e(press your sin ere #eelings towards the!. Fou en7oy people and you want to do things #or the!.
V David Shuttleworth 566-

Fou %now that people see% you out $e ause you are uni)ue and you revel in their a eptan e o# you. People respond to your personal integrity& your spe ial personality and your war! #riendliness draws people lose to you& 7ust as a !agnet attra ts iron #ilings. Fou are a happy person #ull o# i!aginative thoughts whi h you pour #orth

onstantly.Ea h and every day& you #eel !ore lova$le& !ore interesting and you $e o!e !ore interested in others. Fou re ogni>e and a truly deserve it. Fou have a deep and sin ere respe t #or yoursel# and #or your personal worth to others. Fou li%e people : you en7oy $eing with people. Fou are poised and on#ident when tal%ing to new a )uaintan es or good #riends. FouPre se ure and rela(ed when you are with people. Fou espe ially en7oy spea%ing to people. People are aware that you li%e the! and they return the #eeling to you. People li%e you. People li%e to listen to you when you spea%. People en7oy your o!pany. Fou are at ease when you are with people. .hen you stand up $e#ore a group o# people& you are #illed with #eelings o# #riendliness #or the!. Fou want to do things #or the!. Fou #eel their ept the #riendship that people o##er you& #or you

#riendliness to you. Fou e(perien e a #eeling o# war!th and #riendship #lowing #ro! the !e!$ers o# the audien e to you. Fou have the #eeling that they are on your side. Fou are interested in the!& you want to do things #or the!. Fou are so interested in the!& that you have sense o# personal #riendship

with every single person in your audien e. As you spea% you are per#e tly poised& sel# possessed and o!pletely #ree in your e(pression. Fou #eel at ease& you present your ideas in a lear $rie# and dire t way.

Four ideas are )ui %ly understood and a Fou !ind is lear& your wit is )ui %. Four lips are #le(i$le& your !outh is !oist.

epted $y others.

Four $reathing is deep and #ro! the diaphrag!. Four hands are poised and al!. Four gestures #low spontaneously and #reely. Fou spea% easily& always giving a lear word pi ture o# the thought you

wish to onvey. Fou are poised and in ontrol o# the situation. Four legs are strong $eneath you. Fou are o!#orted and pea e#ul. Fou are se ure and on#ident as you spea%. Fou spea% spontaneously&

sin erely and #reely. Clearly e(pressing your !eaning and your #eelings at any ti!e when you spea% whether to a large audien e or a s!all group. As you $egin& you #eel this war!th and #riendliness #or your listeners. As you $egin& your #eel their #riendliness dire ted towards you. Fou are totally on#ident& you are per#e tly at ease. As you $egin to tal%& you have the undivided attention o# the audien e&and it !a%es you #eel good. Fou spea% #reely& #luidly with a #ull release o# your s%ill and your talent.

Fou thoroughly en7oy spea%ing to an audien e.. .henever you #eel you an add a new view point or an interesting #a t to a dis ussion& you spea% openly and on#idently. Fou o!!uni ate e##e tively and power#ully at all ti!es. People see% your opinions on a variety o# su$7e ts and you deliver in#or!ation in an interesting and witty way B!annerD. Fou have a spe ial talent #or e(pressing your thoughts and ideas vividly& with an enthusias! that #avora$ly i!presses everyone that hears you. .hen others spea% you listen and you learn #ro! the!. Fou see their point o# view. Fou e(press your ideas in a positive way whenever possi$le. .hen you spea% your voi e& it is strong& al! and vi$rant. Four !ind #lows with you will it to do so. on ise and yet power#ul !essages whenever

Four voi e is pleasant to hear.

People are eager to hear what you have to say& $e ause you are so alive and so vi$rant. 'he #riendship within you radiates outward to tou h ea h person with who! you o!e in onta t. Fou as% )uestions when you donPt #ully understand and you state your opinions whenever they are as%ed or whenever it is appropriate #or you to e(press the!. People a ept your opinions $e ause they re ogni>e that they are honest and well thought out. Fou spea% spontaneously& sin erely and #reely& learly ver$ali>ing your #eelings. .hen there is nothing #or you to say& you si!ply glow with an inner radian e& showing honesty& sy!pathy and on ern. Fou are so interested in people that you sti!ulate the! to #ully e(press their views : $e#ore you spea%. .hen words are inade)uate you a t out the e!otions you #eel& you de!onstrate a level o# !aturity and per eption whi h is uni)ue. .hen you are alled upon to ondu t a !eeting& you are rela(ed and in o!plete ontrol o# the situation. Four #a e re#le ts an inner al!ness& a sense o# well $eing o# sel# assuran e. Four onversation is $right and spar%ling as well as in#or!ative. Four talent #or e(pressing your thoughts vividly with enthusias! #avora$ly i!presses everyone. Four large vo a$ulary& your #luen y in spee h and your thought auses a )uiet authority that #lows #ro! you. Four power#ul !e!ory serves you well. Four !anner o# spea%ing inspires on#iden e in others and the! to have a good opinion o# you. auses learness o#

Ea h o# the ideas is now !a%ing a deep and per!anent i!pression on your su$ ons ious !ind and ea h day o# your daily li#e& you $e o!e !ore and !ore aware o# the power#ul e(pression o# these true on epts.

Now "P! going to ount #ro! three down to one& then "Pll say the words Cpersonal su essC. 'his is the ti!e to progra! your i!agination with s enes that represent your personal su ess. 'his is the ti!e when you an see yoursel#& thin%ing& #eeling a ting in that spe ial way that !eans personal su ess. Aet ready now+ 4 ... 5 ... 3 ... Cpersonal su essC. =ro! this ti!e #orward with ea h passing day& you $e o!e !ore and !ore aware o# a wonder#ul #eeling o# personal on#iden e. Con#iden e in the reali>ation& that ea h day $rings you loser to your personal goals. Ea h day is a vital step in your pro$le! solving& in developing the !otivation to hange your $ehavior to !ove yoursel# towards your highest potential& so that you now $egin to en7oy a #uller and ri her and !ore e(pressive li#e.@ SEL= CGN="DENCE "

?Fou are rela(ed now& and $e ause you are so rela(ed you $egin to #eel #ree #ro! all tension& an(iety& and #ear. Fou now reali>e that you are !ore on#ident and sure o# yoursel# $e ause you have ta%en the enor!ous #irst step to helping yoursel#. Fou $egin to #eel this strength #ro! within& !otivating you to over o!e any and every o$sta le that !ay stand in the way o# your happiness& so ial li#e and ho!e li#e. Fou will #ind that #ro! this !o!ent on you are developing !ore sel# ontrol. Fou will now #a e every situation in a al! and rela(ed state o# !ind. Four thin%ing is very lear and sharp at all ti!es. Fou $egin to #eel that your sel# respe t and on#iden e are e(panding !ore and !ore ea h day in every way. Fou now reali>e that in the past you #elt helpless and overwhel!ed and you are repla ing that with on#iden e& strength and sel# ontrol. Fou are $e o!ing a happy person now with a positive attitude towards li#e. Fou are su eeding now in all that you do and you have all the a$ilities ne essary #or su ess. Keali>e that unhappy relationships are aused $y value 7udging and resisting yoursel# and others. Love is a natural state o# $eing and you are naturally in a state o# loving when you a ept yoursel# and others totally and un onditionally. Keali>e that you do not have to approve o#

anyonePs a tions& $ehavior or appearan e in order to willingly a ept and love the!. Gur a tions are $ut the !eans we hoose to satis#y our do!inant needs to #eel good. Fou #eel war! and loving towards yoursel# and others& despite any undesired a tions& $ehavior or appearan e.@ SEL= CGN="DENCE ""

?Keali>e that your nu!$er one responsi$ility is to #ul#ill you #unda!ental hu!an need to #eel good !entally& physi ally and e!otionally. Keali>e that you have the #reedo! and the authority to do anything that you #eel is ne essary to satis#y this $asi need. Keali>e that you are in harge o# your own li#e and well:$eing& #or you $ene#it or su##er& #eel good or $ad& a ording to the onse)uen es o# everything you thin%& say& do and #eel. Fou are in harge o# your own li#e. Four nu!$er one responsi$ility is to #ul#ill your #unda!ental need to #eel good !entally& physi ally and e!otionally. Fou do not resist the reality o# any unwanted ir u!stan es and you a ept the unwanted realities in your li#e and willingly allow the! to $e.@ SEL= CGN="DENCE & =EAK

?Fou now $e o!e aware o# the sel# on#iden e within you. Fou are sel# reliant& sel# on#ident and #illed with independen e and deter!ination. Fou have opened your !ind to the inner se urity that was lying dor!ant within you. Fou are trans#or!ed ... you are sel# on#ident. Fou thin% on#idently& you tal% on#idently& and you pro7e t an i!age o# sel# on#iden e. Fou are independent and #illed with inner se urity. Fou are sel# on#ident internally and e(ternally. Fou inner on#iden e has e!erged. Fou are reating a new positive reality. Fou now e(perien e all the war!th and 7oy in li#e while deta hing #ro! the negativity. =ro! this !o!ent on you see the positive side o# everything that happens in your li#e. Fou see positive opportunities in everything you e(perien e. Fou positive thin%ing now results in a !ore positive li#e. Fou e(perien e a #eeling o# overall well:$eing and !ental al!. Fou are at pea e with yoursel#& the world& and everyone in it. Ea h and every day you e(perien e !ore and !ore positive results o# your positive thin%ing.

Four sel# estee! is in reasing. Four sel# on#iden e is in reasing. Fou #eel enthusiasti a$out your li#e and loo% #orward to the hallenges. Fou now $reathe li#e with new opti!is! ... with new enthusias!. A happy& sel# assured inner you has e!erged. Fou are a positive individual who sees the pro$le!s only as opportunities. Fou are patient& al! and har!oniously entered at all ti!es. Fou let go o# all #ear:$ased e!otions su h as $la!e& 7ealousy& guilt& anger and possessiveness. 'hese negative e!otions are now part o# your past and you use the! only as $uilding $lo %s #or a !ore positive #uture. Fou are independent and sel# responsi$le and you #ully reali>e that you are unli!ited in you a$ility to reate your own reality. Fou %eep your !ind li%e al! water. Fou re!ain entered at all ti!esU this !eans to $e physi ally rela(ed& e!otionally al!& !entally #o used and alert. Fou are on#ident and se ure a$out everything. Fou !aintain a al! !ind and you thin% only positive thoughts. Fou no longer worry a$out things you annot hange. Fou are on#ident and se ure& !entally at pea e.@ SMGL"NA KECGMMENDA'"GNS

'he #ollowing re o!!endations should $e in luded in the post hypnoti interview. Cut down o##ee and al ohol ... that will $e help you ontrol the urges #or ni otine. "n #our days& all the ni otine will $e gone #ro! your $ody. BLeave your syste!D. Every ti!e you urinate& the ni otine and poisons will $e leaving your syste!& drin% water to !ove poisons out. As the ni otine is leaving your syste!s& so is the al iu!& so #or the #irst #our days hew al iu! ri h 'JMS or KGLA"DS. As the ni otine leaves the syste!& the sugar also drops& this auses the raving #or ni otine. =or ea h o# the #irst #our days& eat three oranges or pin% grape#ruits per day. Be ause s!o%ing is a nervous ha$it& the ni otine settles the nerves&

you !ay #eel stress. 'a%e vita!in B:Co!ple( #or stress. Continue these #or ten days. Gn the #ourth day& youPll #eel great $e ause the ni otine is gone #ro! syste!. Gn the tenth day& youPll #eel real good $e ause all your $loods ells will $e o(ygenated. All the residual s!o%e& ni otine and poisons will $e leansed #ro! your $ody. S'GP SMGL"NA "

?=irst o# all& you are aware that we have already o!pletely un overed the underlying ause o# your o!pulsive s!o%ing ha$it. Fou no longer #eel the o!pulsion to s!o%e at all. .e are now only dealing with a ha$it pattern :: the hollow shell o# your original pro$le!. Ha$its an $e $ro%en as easily as they are reated. Gne o# the ways to do that is to !a%e you aware o# your s!o%ing. =ro! the very !o!ent you rea h #or a igarette& you will $e e(tre!ely ons ious o# what you are doing. "# you light it and start to s!o%e& you will $e unusually aware o# every !o!ent o# the ti!e you are involved in s!o%ing that igarette. 'he !ain reason you have ontinued to s!o%e is $e ause you are doing it un ons iously :: you have not really $een aware o# what you were doing. But now you are. Ea h ti!e you rea h #or a igarette& you attention will $e drawn to that igarette and #o us un o!#orta$ly upon it. .hen you are aware o# what youPre doing& you are no longer in the un ons ious ha$it. Fou already have no need to ontinue s!o%ingU you %now that. So this will $e easy and e##ortless. 'here will $e none o# the struggle and #ight with will power you !ay have e(perien ed in the past& no guilt o# s!o%ing as you do it. 'he awareness !ay !a%e you annoyed with s!o%ing& disgusted and $ored $y it. Fou !ay even want to put the igarette out when you are only hal#:#inished. "t will not taste as good as it used to. Fou si!ply will not wish to ontinue. Fou have already !ade up your !ind. Fou have #ound the reason you s!o%e and you have already !ade up your !ind :: a #inal de ision to stop s!o%ing altogether. Fou have already !ade up you !ind to stop s!o%ing altogether. Fou have already !ade up you !ind that you are going to stop NG.& not to!orrow& not the ne(t day& $ut

you are going to stop 'H"S IEKF MGMEN'. Fou have !ade a #inal de ision to stop s!o%ing. Fou .AN' to stop s!o%ing as o# this very !inute. Fou %now why you want to. 'hin% a$out that reason. =or! it learly in your !ind. 'hin% a$out the pro$le!s s!o%ing auses. Fou have no need o# s!o%ing $e ause o# that& you are giving it up. FouPre giving up oughingU youPre giving up painU youPre giving up trou$leU youPre giving up all the things you donPt want& in luding s!o%ing. Fou are giving up the things you donPt want in order to get the things you do want+ rela(ation& rest& a #eeling o# se urity& happiness. FGJ ."LL =GKAE' ABGJ' C"AAKE''ES AL'GAE'HEK. Fou have no need to $uy the! $e ause you have no need to s!o%e the!. Conse)uently& your pur hase o# igarettes will i!!ediately ease. And should you perhaps a ept a igarette without reali>ing it& you will i!!ediately $e aware o# it and will $e over o!e with an un ontrolla$le o!pulsion to $rea% it in two as soon as it enters you hand. .henever you tou h the igarette& you will instantly $rea% it in two. "t will re!ind you o# all the $ad things youPre giving up and all the good things that are in store #or you. Fou reali>e how !u h greater the proportion o# good you are re eiving is than the portion o# $ad you are giving up. "t will see! as s!all thing to you to give up s!o%ing& onsidering the tre!endous $ene#its you will $e re eiving #or giving it up. "' "S EASF 'G A"IE JP 'H"NAS FGJ DGNP' L"LE. AND FGJ DGNP' L"LE 'G SMGLE. Fou will $egin to #eel proud o# yoursel#& very proud. Fou will #ind it easier to on)uer other ha$its. "t !a%es it easier #or you to on)uer li#e in general. "t #ills your ego& !a%ing you sel#: on#ident& sel#:assured and sel#:reliant. Fou will %eep a re ord in the $eginning o# your progress. Every single day& you will re!ind yoursel# how su ess#ul you have $een as an a$stainer. How !any days& how !any wee%s and !onths you have $een an a$stainer and how wonder#ul it has !ade you #eel. Fou will ontinue to %eep this re ord and it will en ourage you and #orti#y you as a tangi$le re ord o# your su ess. And soon you will no longer #eel the need to %eep su h a re ord $e ause you will %now that you are an a$stainer per!anently. 'hat this re ord will go on un$le!ished #or the rest o# your li#e. Fou already %now that no ha$it is stronger than the power o# you !ind

whi h reated it in the #irst pla e. "t is now you versus to$a o. Fou will easily win #or you are stronger. Four have patien e& great patien e now& perseveran e& great perseveran e& al! and rela(ed deter!ination. Nothing an sha%e it. Fou will go on patiently day to day. Every day will $e a su ess. Fou will $e o!e a usto!ed to su ess. And soon that #eeling o# su ess will $e #ar !ore i!portant to you than any ha$it ould possi$le $e.@ S'GP SMGL"NA ""

?Fou pay attention only to the sound o# !y voi e. Sin% #urther and #urther down& deeper and deeper. Sleep deeply. Sleep. Deeper and deeper. As you listen to the sound o# !y voi e& your !ind on entrates on it. "t is easy #or your !ind to on entrate& on entrating to a pinpoint. Fou #ind you are going to $e a$le to on entrate on your wor% and on entrate on your play and on entrate at all ti!es. "t !a%es you #eel good and #eel rela(ed. =or when your !ind is on entrating on other things& there is no roo! #or the s!o%ing to even get into it. .hen you $e o!e #atigued or tired& you an lie down #or a ouple o# !inutes& go into a state o# sel#: hypnosis and rela( o!pletely. Be ause on entrating the !ind does not !a%e it tired. 'he !ind $e o!es #atigued out o# on#usion& not on entration. S!o%ing has $een a #or! o# sel#:punish!ent& a #or! o# #eeding yoursel# poison& that you neither li%e nor need. Fou only #eel a need #or this when you !a%e yoursel# tired and tell yoursel# that ons iously you are on your way to death. 'hat is not true. 'iredness is !erely a sign that you need to re7uvenate yoursel#& whi h an $e done easily with sel#:hypnosis. S!o%ing is !ore than a rut h : it is a hindran e& a $lo % in your path. .e are re!oving that $lo %. .e are wiping it out o!pletely so you an go on to su ess as i# it had $een erased. 'he wall is no longer there. Fou wal% straight ahead and wipe out s!o%ing o!pletely so that it has no pla e in your li#e. "t is not a su$stitute #or anything : not #or death or sel#:punish!ent or anything else. "t is a nonentity. "t does not e(ist #or you. "t has $een wiped out $y your on entrating on other $ene#i ial things. As you thin% o# your goals& your wor%& your play& the entire idea o# s!o%ing never appears. "t vanishes o!pletely. Fou have no use #or it. "t is a good su$stitute #or nothing. "ndeed& you are surprised and a!a>ed at

how easily it is #or you to on entrate your !ind on everything you want to. Four goals& your a!$itions& your desires& your needs& your wor% and rela(ation. S!o%ing is gone #ro! your thoughts. And with it is gone all the poison& all the negative suggestion& all the sel#:punish!ent and degradation and all the pro$le!s. A y le #or good has $een esta$lished. 'he !ore you hear these words& the !ore they will ta%e e##e t on you& #or even as you hear the! in the deepest part o# you su$ ons ious !ind& these suggestions ta%e e##e t& o!plete and thorough e##e t in every way :: sealing the!selves into the deepest part o# your su$ ons ious !ind& and $e o!ing an integral part o# ea h and every ell o# your $rain and $ody& !a%ing you !ore healthy and !ore satis#ied in every way and #eeling good all over. Now " want you to ta%e #ive very deep $reaths. " want you to $reathe in the very deepest& leanest& !ost wonder#ul air into you lungs. 'herePs one. Now let it out. =eel how wonder#ul that #eels. 'herePs no s!o%e there. Nothing to do with it. 'wo :: ta%e a deep $reath :: all the way in& all the way out. =eel the air rea h the very distant re esses o# every single part o# your lungs. 'hree : and as this happens& you gain a tre!endous& tre!endous desire : $reathe way out : tre!endous desire& what wonder#ul lean& #resh air. =our : and the wonder#ul #eeling it gives you as you $reathe in all the way in and all the way out. And on this last $reath that is o!ing in& you reali>e how !u h you en7oy $reathing lear& pure& #resh air without s!o%e or irritants o# any %ind. "tPs wonder#ul to you. All the way in& all the way in& all the way in& #urther and #urther and #urther : the deepest $reath you have ever ta%en in your li#e& all the way down& that develops in you a desire #or deep& o!#orta$le& wonder#ul $reathing su h as a o!plished in healthy& o!#orta$le& satis#ied people li%e yoursel#. As you ontinue in this way& ontinue to $reathe o!#orta$ly& #eel good& on entrate your !ind on those things that need on entrating on. Every day& in every way& you are getting $etter and $etter and $etter. Now "P! going to give you a short period o# silen e during whi h ea h one o# those suggestions will ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon you& sealing the!selves into the deepest part o# your su$ ons ious !ind and rein#or ing the!selves over and over again. All these suggestions and any other suggestions " have given you& are now rein#or ed. Again and again and again. 'hat ti!e $egins now...@ S'GP SMGL"NA """

?Now as you sin% deeper and deeper into rela(ation& #urther and #urther down& all the sounds #ade away in the distan e and you pay attention only to the sound o# !y voi e& listening are#ully to the sound o# !y voi e& #or all the suggestions that " a! going to give you ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon you : !ind& $ody and spirit. Fou %now that ni otine is poison. "t is one o# the !ost power#ul poisons on the #a e o# the earth. A very tiny a!ount would $e enough to %ill a horse& let alone a hu!an $eing. =ortunately& ni otine is not too on entrated in igarettes& $ut it is present and you are ta%ing poison every ti!e you su % on a igarette. "n the past& you !ay have told yoursel#& C"# " didnPt s!o%e& "Pd do so!ething else. " !ight drin% or ta%e pills or overeat. " would poison !ysel# in so!e other way.C "n other words& you are lai!ing that Ci# " didnPt ta%e this poison& "Pd ta%e another poison.C 'his is the lesser o# two poisons. Now that is ridi ulous, How ridi ulous an you get/ Can you $elieve you have tried to put su h a ridi ulous idea over on yoursel#/ C"# " didnPt ta%e one poison& "Pd ta%e anotherC/ "tPs ridi ulous : a ridi ulous idea. =or the #irst ti!e in you li#e& you an see how ridi ulous that on ept is. FGJ DGNP' NEED ANF PG"SGN. 'hat attitude i!plied that you did : you needed so!e %ind o# poison. Fou need poison li%e you need a hole in the head. =ro! now on you are going to do positive things. 'here are nu!erous positive things you an do and positive things you an eat and drin%. Fou an eat good #ruits and vegeta$les. Fou an e(er ise !oderately and o!#orta$ly. Fou an ta%e $ris% wal%s. Fou an rela( and en7oy yoursel#. 'here are literally !illions o# things you an do to !aintain a wonder#ully rela(ed& pea e#ul& al!& tran)uil e(isten e without ta%ing any poison at all. Poison is good #or so!e things : things we want to %ill o##& li%e ver!in. Jnless you thin% o# yoursel# as ver!in& you donPt need poison. And you donPt thin% o# yoursel# that way. Fou %now now that you are a wonder#ul& valua$le hu!an $eing& entire the opposite o# rats. Fou donPt need to punish yoursel#. Fou are not guilty o# anything. Fou are not guilty o# anything at all. Now those ideas are gone and #inished on e and #or all. Fou donPt have to thin% a$out the! ever again. And 7ust as those ideas are gone& the ridi ulous ideas you have had whole thing has 7ust wiped out. Fou an see it go. Dri#ting away #ro! you on e and #or all.

Fou donPt need any poisons. Cigarettes& pills& al ohol : nothing. .hat you do need is rela(ation& o!#orta$le& ool rela(ation. During this ti!e& you are glad to sin% deeper and deeper. Fou #eel !ore and !ore o!#orta$le in every way and you o!pletely release the desire #or to$a o in every and any #or!. "t is all gone : dri#ted away. Now sleep deeper and deeper. Kela(ed. Deeper and deeper. 'he need #or s!o%ing has disappeared. Fou will $e surprised and a!a>ed to #ind out that you no longer re)uire to$a o in any #or!. Fou do not need any type o# poison in its pla e. Fou are through with poison. Fou literally turn you $a % on it and it dri#ts away #ro! you. Now sin% deeper and deeper into rela(ation. All o# these suggestions ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon you& !ind& $ody and spirit& as you go deeper and deeper and deeper. Nothing distur$s you. A period o# silen e now $egins as these suggestions ta%e deep and pro#ound e##e t.@ S'GP SMGL"NA "I

?Now as you sin% deeper and deeper rela(ed& all other sounds #ade away in the distan e. Fou pay no attention to any other sound $ut the sound o# !y voi e and you sin% deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. Fou are surprised and a!a>ed at how well you have done. Not only an you stop s!o%ing& $ut there are no ill e##e ts #ro! stopping s!o%ing. Fou have !ade wonder#ul progress. Not only have you stopped s!o%ing& $ut the urge is gone. Fou ouldnPt are less a$out it any !ore. 'here is no point de$ating a$out it. Fou donPt s!o%e. "tPs o!pletely set and #inished+ you are through with s!o%ing. Fou hate igarettes. Fou anPt stand the!. "# #a t& you stu$$ornly re#use to s!o%e. Fou stu$$ornly re#use to s!o%e no !atter what urges& no !atter what ideas& no !atter what things !ay happen& what #eelings o!e up& what nervousness or anything else that happens to you. Fou deal with all your pro$le!s e##e tively whatever they are and in no ase do any o# these ause you to s!o%e. Not any !ore. 'here is no situation that ould possi$ly arise in you li#e that ould $rea% down your stu$$orn re#usal to s!o%e. How re#reshing it is to $e so stu$$ornly strong. 'his is a good %ind o# stu$$ornness and you stu$$ornly re#use to s!o%e. Fou wonPt even

listen to the other side. Fou are through arguing. FouPve reali>ed that you donPt li%e to s!o%e& so why would you possi$ly every onsider doing it/ Fou hate it. Be ause thatPs the way it is& it is set that you are through with s!o%ing. "t is set that you are through with igarettes. "tPs set that you are through with to$a o in any #or!. Fou hate it. "tPs #ilthy. "t nauseates you. "tPs dirty. "tPs e(pensive. Fou donPt need it and& #urther!ore& you donPt li%e it. No one an te!pt you. No one an hange you. Fou are #ar happier without s!o%ing. No !atter what people !ay i!ply& this is not an enduran e ontest #or you. "tPs easy. "tPs a si!ple !atter o# not doing so!ething you donPt want to do any way. .hat ould $e hard a$out that/ "t !a%es you #eel $etter and en7oy li#e !ore. 'he ti!e you used to spend poisoning yoursel# with to$a o is now !ore interesting. Four lungs are healthier. 'he air is leaner and your $ody is !ore vigorous and #ull o# li#e $e ause you have gotten rid o# all that poison. Nothing an ever !a%e you ta%e it $a %. Fou are too stu$$orn. Fou re#use. Fou are through with poison. Fou hate it& youPll never do it again. All these suggestions seal the!selves now in the deepest part o# you su$ ons ious !ind and ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon you !ind& $ody and spirit& !a%ing you #eel rela(ed& lear:headed& viva ious& vigorous& o!pletely restored in every way. =ull o# energy and vitality. " a! going to give you a #ew !o!ents o# silen e again and during those !o!ents& these ideas are rein#or ed over and over again. 'hat period o# silen e $egins now.@ S'GP SMGL"NA I

?Now as you sin% deeper and deeper& rela(ed& pea e#ul& all your attention is #o used on the sound o# !y voi e. Fou pay attention only to that sound. Every person who has s!o%ed a igarette has onne ted s!o%ing with other a tivities. So!e people #eel that they have to s!o%e when they #irst open their eyes in the !orning or when they go to $ed at night or while wat hing 'I or in so!e other situations. 'hey asso iate s!o%ing with so!e a tivity and that triggers a !e hanis! whi h auses one to rea h #or a igarette.

.e are $rea%ing all o# those !e hanis!s now. .e destroy every last one o# the! K"AH' NG.. =ro! this !o!ent on& whatever those a tivities were& s!o%ing will suddenly see! outrageously out o# pla e in onne tion with the! : parti ularly with those a tivities. 'he idea o# s!o%ing while doing that is revolting to you. Fou an not i!agine doing it. Iisuali>e yoursel# eating a wonder#ul dinner& then %illing the whole taste with a igarette. "tPs a terri$le idea. Nothing ould $e worse than that. 'he one thing you donPt want with those a tivities is a igarette. S!o%ing to you is not only undesira$le& itPs stupid. And you donPt li%e it. .hatever spe ial situations are onne ted with igarettes in your past are now o!pletely revised. 'here is no situation that alls #or a igarette. 'hose a tivities have nothing to do with s!o%ing and s!o%ing in the! is distin tly out o# pla e. .hen you are wor%ing& igarettes get in your way and ta%e ti!e and on entration #ro! your wor%. .hen you are rela(ing& they %eep you #ro! rela(ing. And you are now rela(ed o!pletely& going deeper and deeper down& letting these suggestions ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t. =ro! this !o!ent on& there is no a tivity in you li#e that goes with s!o%ing. "n #a t& all a tivities& whether itPs wal%ing& sleeping& wor% or play : all go $etter without s!o%ing. 'hey go $etter with lungs #ull o# #resh air. 'hey go $etter with a good $lood supply. Everything goes $etter without igarettes. All o# those old onne tions are $ro%en and new onne tions are !ade. And it is going to $e very easy #or you. Now you go deeper and deeper. Kela(ed. Deeper& and deeper& and deeper. All o# the sounds #ade away into the distan e. Fou listen only to the sound o# !y voi e ... and sin% #urther and #urther down. Deeper and deeper rela(ed ... deeper and deeper rela(ed ... deeper and deeper rela(ed ... listening to the sound o# !y voi e and going way& way down. Ea h and every suggestion that " have given you is rein#or ed ten ti!es over during the period o# silen e whi h now $egins.@ .E"AH' KEDJC'"GN

'his s ript !ay $e re orded #or a su$7e ts use at night. "t !ay $e very help#ul to have the su$7e t engage in visuali>ation as well. ?" desire to

$e o!e strong and slender. " a! dissatis#ied with !y weight as it now stands. " want to $e o!e !ore slender. Be ause " want to $e o!e !ore slender&!y appetite is now easily satis#ied with a !u h s!aller )uantity o# #ood that " have $e o!e a usto!ed to eating& " %now that !y $ody needs protein #or strength& so " en7oy eating a s!all )uantity o# lean !eat. " en7oy a single sli e o# dar%& oarse $read. " en7oy eating green& lea#y vegeta$les. " en7oy eating all the $ody $uilding #oods whi h give !e strength and a proper $alan e o# !inerals and vita!ins. My $ody already has in storage an a$undan e o# #at. My $ody has no need #or additional #at. My $ody is now ready to use this #at that " have stored up. As this #at is used& " #eel the way " want to #eelU strong& energeti and vigorous.

Be ause !y $ody has no need #or #at now& " have no appetite #or #ats& sweets and star hes. " disli%e the #at in !eat& " have no desire #or $utter or rea!. " disli%e i e rea!& " disli%e andy and pie& " have no desire #or a%e. " do not li%e potatoes or white $read. My disli%e #or these #oods is $e o!ing so great that soon it is i!possi$le #or !e to eat the!. My $ody has no need #or these #oods right now. My tastes orrespond to the real

needs o# !y $ody.
V David Shuttleworth 566-

=ood su$stan es that are not needed are a tually unpleasant to !e. " a! now #inding a new pleasure in eating the #oods that !y $ody needs. " eat slowly. " ta%e s!all $ites& " relish ea h $ite as " hew it. " a! now ta%ing ti!e to a tually taste the #lavor o# the #oods that " eat. " a! redis overing the su$tle and en7oya$le di##eren es $etween #oods. " en7oy the taste o# the lean !eat& and a very s!all )uantity !a%es !e #eel #ull and satis#ied. " en7oy the taste o# the lea#y vegeta$les. " en7oy the taste o# heese. " en7oy the taste o# s%i! !il% whi h $rings so !any valua$le !inerals. " en7oy the taste o# #resh #ruits." en7oy the taste o# green vegeta$les. " en7oy all o# these so !u h& that a very s!all )uantity o# the! !a%es !e #eel as though "Pve eaten a 'han%sgiving dinner.

" a! o!pletely satis#ied with the )uantity o# #ood that ontains a$out Bspe i#i #eel very !u h $etter and $e !u h !ore attra tive. ountD alories. " now weigh BSpe i#y urrent weightD pounds. " wish to weigh BDesired ending weightD $e ause at that weight " will

" a! going to onsu!e the e( ess #at #ro! !y $ody at a rate o# BSpe i#i l$. value 5 : <D pounds per wee%. "n ten wee%s " a! going to

weigh B36 wee%s ti!es (l$. per wee%D pounds less. "n ten wee%s " a! going to weigh BStarting weight : 36 wee% lossD pounds. Ea h wee% " onsu!e BSpe i#i l$. value 5 : <D pounds o# #atty tissueU " do this $e ause " want to $e !ore attra tive. " do this $e ause " want to #eel stronger and !ore vigorous. " do this $e ause " want to $e healthy. " do this $e ause " want to $e well. " desire to $e strong& vigorous and healthy. 'hat desire is so great that it easily and un ons iously ontrols !y appetiteU and " auto!ati ally eat only the #oods that !y $ody needs in the )uantities that !y $ody re)uires. Gn e the weight loss has started& the #ollowing suggestions an $e added to the s ript. " a! now eating the #oods that !y $ody needs. " a! eating only the #ood that !y $ody needs. " a! eating only 3666 alories a day& and " a! en7oying every single $yte that " ta%e. "n !y daily a tivities " a! onsu!ing the reserves o# #at that have $een stored in !y $ody. 'his #at is $eing onsu!ed #ro! !y entire $ody& $ut it is o!ing espe ially #ro! !y a$do!en and !y hips. My hips are $e o!ing s!aller as the #at is onsu!ed. My sto!a h is $e o!ing #latter as the #at is onsu!ed. Already " a! #eeling stronger and !ore healthy. Already& " a! loo%ing !u h !ore attra tive. My hips are $e o!ing s!aller. My sto!a h is $e o!ing #latter. Soon !y #igure will $e !ore suited to !y height and !y $one stru ture.@ .E"AH' KEDJC'"GN "

?Fou have $egun a positive approa h to o$tain the sli!& healthy& attra tive $ody whi h you desire. " a! going to give you so!e suggestions that will !a%e this a per!anent hange in your living. 'hese suggestions are going to ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon the deepest part o# your su$ ons ious !ind& sealing the!selves in the deepest part o# your su$ ons ious !ind& so they will re!ain there #orever& and $e o!e a per!anent part o# every ell o# your $rain and $ody. Fou are going to $e surprised and a!a>ed 7ust how e##e tive these suggestions are going to $e and how !u h they will $e o!e a part o# your everyday li#e& giving you a $rand new pattern& $rand new thoughts& a $rand new !ethod o# a tion& to !a%e you an e##e tive and su ess#ul person. Fou will !a%e use o# a $rand new !ethod that you have never used $e#ore. Fou have $egun the #irst positive approa h #or o$taining a healthy& attra tive $ody whi h you desire. Fou have hosen hypnosis as a positive !eans to attain this goal& $e ause hypnosis is a great aid in per!anently hanging your e!otional rea tions to #ood and eating. Fou reali>e that hypnosis is a new positive approa h :: a new positive approa h to o$tain what you desire. =or the #irst ti!e in your li#e you will really initiate a good positive approa h toward #ood and eating. As you initiate this good& positive attitude toward #ood& en7oy #ood& li%e #ood& eat #ood. Fou will reate a per!anent positive hange in your eating ha$its. =ro! now on& you will prove to your own satis#a tion that eating all you physiologi ally need will entirely satis#y youU 7ust li%e drin%ing all the water you need. "nstead o# trying to %ill your appetite& treating it as an ene!y& you are going to wor% within the #ra!ewor% o# your in$orn nor!al re#le(es& !a%ing a #riend o# your appetite& paying attention to itU #or this is a good thing. Sli! people have appetites. 'hey pay attention to the!. Attra tive people have appetites. 'hey pay attention to the!. Hypnosis !a%es a #riend o# your appetite& rather than an ene!y. "n the past& youPve $een paying attention only to hal# the signal #ro! your appetite. Na!ely& the signal that says& CEat. "P! hungry.C But now you are !a%ing a #riend o# your appetite. Fou listen to all o# what your #riendPs advi e is. .hen it says C"P! hungry&C you eat. .hen the hunger #eeling #irst disappears& and your appetite says& C"P! satis#ied&C

you stop. Fou stop long $e#ore youPre #ull& $e ause on e you have this #ull sensation& it !eans that you have grossly overeaten. Fou should never want to #eel #ull again. Fou see you havenPt really $een paying attention to your appetite at all $e ause your eating has $een driven $y e!otions rather than hunger. "t is always proper to eat when your appetite says& C"P! hungry.C But youPve $een eating when youPve not $een hungry. FouPve $een eating out o# ha$it when your $ody had no physiologi al need #or #ood. FouPve $een eating to satis#y psy hologi al& e!otional ravings. Fou havenPt paid attention to your appetite when it says C"P! done. "P! satis#ied. Stop eating.C Fou havenPt paid attention to it either. Four appetite doesnPt need %illing o##. Gn the ontrary& it needs rein#or ing. Hypnosis helps you !a%e a #riend o# your appetite. Pay attention to the advi e o# your new #riend. 'une in on your $ody sensations. "# you eat too !u h against the advi e o# your new #riend& youPll violate your nor!al re#le(es. "tPs i!portant that you should eat all you physiologi ally need to repla e your energy stores #or i!!ediate use and to store your $odyPs sugar. Fou !ust i!!ediately $an any and all plans that you have #or dieting. Fou will do so. Gtherwise& you $ring into play an old instin t #or sel#:preservation. 'his an spoil all o# the positive results that you wish to gain #ro! hypnosis. "t is i!portant that you develop the ha$it nowU that youPre always going to eat all that you need. Jnder hypnosis& you an rein#or e the nor!al #eed$a % !e hanis!s& the he %s and $alan es that tell you when you need #ood and when your appetite is satis#ied. However strong this hypnosis !ay $e& it annot over o!e $asi instin ts #or survival. A !ost strong instin t is sel#:preservation. Surprisingly& your great on ern a$out $eing overweight leads to sporadi dieting. 'his in turn suggests starvation. Starvation& in turn& de!ands de#ense. "t $rings out the instin t o# sel#:survival. 'his instin t is responsi$le #or !aintaining your e( ess weight. Sli! people eat all they want. Sli! people do well. Sli!& attra tive people say& C" eat all " want and " donPt gain an oun e.C Iisuali>e yoursel# as this sli!& attra tive personU the sli!& healthy& attra tive person that you soon will $e. Fou soon will $e saying the very sa!e thing. As you $egin to tal% and a t li%e a sli!& healthy&

attra tive person& you will soon $e o!e one. Gverweight is pri!arily not a dietary pro$le!& $ut an e!otional pro$le!. Fou !ust resolve right now to give up dieting #orever. Fou will #or! a ha$it pattern to eat all you need when your $ody needs it. Paying attention to your appetite& trusting your own re#le(es& rein#or ing the sensation& re#le(es and #eed:$a % patterns. 'his is true even though you !ay lose very slowly at #irst. 'he e( ess #at will $e $urned away in due ti!e. Fou are going to $e sli!& healthy& and attra tive. Fou will #eel wonder#ul in every way. 'he word diet and dieting will $e re!oved #ro! your !ind and all the plans you !ay have had #or dieting will $e re!oved #ro! your !ind thoroughly. Dieting !a%es you thin% o# growing hungry and giving up #ood& whi h in turn starts the an(iety a$out starvation whi h $rings #orth the instin t o# sel#:preservation. So you are through with dietingU through with dieting #orever. 'hrough hypnosis you will restore nor!al re#le(es that will %eep you satis#ied and $ring into play that wonder#ul #eeling o# well:$eing. 'he word diet is a negative wordU it threatens you with denial o# #ood and death. Hypnosis is a positive wordU it !a%es you rela(& o!#orta$le and alive. Diets #ailU hypnosis su eeds. Diet $rings a$out starvation whi h leads to overeating and o$esity. Hypnosis $rings a$out satis#a tion whi h leads to rela(ation and $rings a$out a sli!& healthy& attra tive $ody& a rela(ed !ind and a satiated spirit. 'he old urge to diet is now o!pletely re!oved #ro! your !ind #or now you reali>e that the real answer is in restoring nor!al re#le(es. Fou will on entrate on it& o$eying every suggestion " give you& #or hypnosis is a positive approa h. Hypnoti suggestions whi h you re eive will rapidly $ring a$out a hange whi h is ne essary to insure a per!anently sli!& healthy& attra tive $ody& whi h you so desire. EACH '"ME FGJ AKE 'EMP'ED 'G EA' GK DK"NL ANF'H"NA 'HA' FGJ LNG. "S .KGNA =GK FGJ& FGJ ."LL SAF CNGC AND S'"CL BF "'& BECAJSE 'HE KE.AKDS G= BECGM"NA SL"MMEK AKE MGKE "MPGK'AN' 'G FGJ 'HAN EA'"NA 'HE .KGNA =GGDS. 'HE KE.AKDS G= BE"NA SLENDEK& MGKE DES"KABLE& SES"EK& AKE MGKE "MPGK'AN' 'G FGJ 'HAN EA'"NA =GGDS 'HA' FGJ LNG. AKE .KGNA =GK FGJ.@ .E"AH' KEDJC'"GN ""

?As you go deeper and deeper into rela(ation& even deeper and deeper down with every $reath you e(hale& all the sounds #ade away in the distan e. Fou will pay attention only to the sound o# !y voi e& listening are#ully to the suggestions that " a! a$out to give you. Gne thing is very i!portant #or you+ you are not only going to lose weight& $ut are per!anently going to %eep it o##. 'his progra! is designed so that you will per!anently lose all your #at& and $e o!e a lean& alert and vigorous person. Fou will lose all your e(tra weight and %eep it o##& easily and o!#orta$ly. 'hat !eans that you are going to $e o!pletely re onditioned. Fou will $e a new person& in a new lean #or!& with new eating ha$its. Not only will you have these new eating ha$its& $ut you will $e ontent and happy with yoursel# and with these new heating ha$its. Fou are going to en7oy li#e& eating the way nature intended& eating only when you have physiologi al needs #or #ood and no other ti!eU not only now& $ut #or the rest o# your li#e. "n the past& you were eating !ore than your $ody needed #or its energy re)uire!ents& so that you stored this e(tra energy as inert #at. Now in order to lose weight and redu e this inert #at& you $urn it up as you !eet your daily re)uire!ents #or energy. Fou eat less than you $urn ea h day. Later& when you are lean& you will eat only that a!ount that you need #or your physiologi al needs ea h day. But #or right now& you are developing ha$its to eat less than youPre using. .e are not giving you a !easured diet& #or that a!ount will vary #ro! day to day and depend greatly on your a tivities. Fou will eat less than you need #or the storage will !a%e up the di##eren e. 'his restri tion will ause you no trou$le or in onvenien e #or the #at stores o# inert #at will $e $urned and you will lose weight. Fou are going to eat a great deal less than you used to eat in the past& $ut it will $e enough to satis#y you. Fou will eat less& and you will $urn the e(tra #at. Fou will turn this inert #at into energy. =ro! now on& you are going to #or! an eating patternU a pattern that will $e al!ost a o!pulsion. =at $y its very nature ontains an e(tre!ely $ig a!ount o# stored energy. So& i# you $urn a little o# it ea h day& you will lose only a little weight ea h day. Nature designed the #at stores to last a long ti!e so the weight loss !ust $e gradual& $ut it needs to $e onsistent. "t !atters not how long it ta%es to regain lean proportions& #or you will surely get there and per!anently stay there& as long as you per!anently rearrange your thoughts a$out eating and your e!otions a$out #ood. 'he i!portant thing is that you have hanged your ha$its #orever. A loss o# one to #our pounds a wee% is ideal. .hen your

e( ess weight is o##& it is o## #or good. FouPre a new person& a$out to e!erge #ro! a o oon padded with #at. Be happy with your new #or!. E!erge as a new person with thoroughly hanged ideas& thoroughly hanged i!age o# yoursel#. Kela( and let all o# these suggestions sin% into the deepest part o# your !indPs eye as an i!age. 'his i!age is o# good and wonder#ul #ood. =ood you li%e. 'here is plenty o# it all around you. 'here always will $e plenty o# it. =or you& there will always $e enough #ood. Fou will never have to worry a$out starving. =or you there is plenty o# #ood everywhere. .ith all this #ood readily availa$le& you will never need to store any !ore #ood inside your $ody. 'here is plenty o# #ood. 'here is plenty o# the right %inds o# #ood& all the %inds and varieties that your $ody needs when it needs it. =ro! now on you will eat only the very things your $ody needs& one day at a ti!e. Fou are through with storing pads and rolls o# #at. =or you to store #at is 7ust as unne essary as #or you to learn to shoe horses or !a%e soap #or the #a!ily. =at $urdens your heart and organ syste!. =at %eeps you unhealthy. =at ruins and shortens your li#e. 'here is plenty o# #ood all around you. Fou never again need to store #ood in your $ody that is !ore than you $ody needs. 'here is in your entral $rain a s!all area whi h regulates the $io he!istry o# your $ody and it ontrols the a!ount o# #at you store in your $ody. 'his ontrol is lo ated in the hypothala!i area o# the $rain. Four su$ ons ious !ind& through the hypothala!us& ontrols your weight $y hanging the $odyPs he!istry. Hypnosis an in#luen e your su$ ons ious !ind to alter the ontrol o# $oth your appetite and storage o# #ood in the #or! o# #at. Now while under the in#luen e o# hypnosis& " a! giving you the suggestion that you will hange your $odyPs he!istry so that you an $rea% up these large storage houses o# #at and prevent the re urren e o# any new and unneeded storages o# #at& ugly #at. =at that has $een putting an e(tra $urden and overload on the $odyPs !a hinery. Brea% up and eli!inate #orever the unneeded #at stores. Change #at to energy and $urn it up. Also& get rid o# it $y e( reting it. Aet rid o# it through the $owels. Aet rid o# it through the urine. Aet rid o# it in every way possi$le. "t !o$ili>es )uite readily and you an see the #at !elting away as you use it and e( rete it. 'he glo$ules o# #at storage are leaving the nor!al ells and $eing arried away. 'he #at is $eing $urned up and e( reted.

Fou will now use this stored #at to supply energy. 'his is e(tra energy to !a%e you !ore vigorous. As you are eli!inating the e( ess& you will eat #ar less than you need ea h day #or the e(tra alories are o!ing #ro! the #ood you ate yesterday and last year. Fou eat nothing to repla e these stores. Nothing and no one an #or e you to eat so !u h that you repla e this ugly #at. =or you will never need to store #at again. Fou donPt want this #at to ever $e repla ed. 'hese stores are gone #orever. 'hey were $urdenso!e and in7urious to you. Fou need to get rid o# the!& 7ust as an overloaded ship needs to get rid o# e( ess argo. No longer will you need to eat !ore #ood #or this storage. Fou will only eat s!all a!ounts until you have used all o# this stored energy and all those ugly store houses o# #at are gone. =ro! this !o!ent on& you are going to eat less& $ut !ove !ore and !ore lively and $e !ore and !ore a tive& #or you #eel $etter than you have ever #elt $e#ore. Fou lose the desire #or all $ut a s!all a!ount o# #ood until your weight has o!e down to a lean si>e you want. 'hen you will eat sensi$ly and orre tly the rest o# your li#e. A#ter you hange your he!istry& you have hanged your whole $ody and your whole #eeling to that o# a wonder#ul sense o# well:$eing. Fou will eat sensi$ly& get plenty o# e(er ise& drin% ade)uate li)uids to always !a%e you #eel healthy& lean& tri! and desira$le. FGJ AKE LGS"NA .E"AH' S'EAD"LF EIEKF DAF . FGJ AKE SL"M AND SHAPELF . 'HE ESCESS .E"AH' "S MEL'"NA G== FGJ& MJS' MEL'"NA A.AF AND D"SAPPEAK"NA. FGJ HAIE A S'KGNAEK =EEL"NA EIEKF DAF 'HA' FGJ AKE "N CGMPLE'E CGN'KGL G= FGJK EA'"NA HAB"'S. FGJ P"C'JKE FGJKSEL= 'HE .AF FGJ AKE AG"NA 'G BE SGGN :SL"M AND SHAPELF AND SESF . Now rela( and let all these suggestions ta%e o!plete and thorough e##e t upon you :: !ind& $ody& and spirit :: as your su$ ons ious !ind orre ts your hypothala!us to hange your $odyPs he!istry. Let the !onitor o# your su$ ons ious !ind in#luen e the hypothala!us to !a%e this #avora$le $ody hange. Let your appetite ontrol enter $e sa#ely redu ed so that e( ess storage o# #at will $e utili>ed $y e( retion and $urning o# stored energy. Eli!inate all that e(tra har!#ul #atty tissue.@ .E"AH' KEDJC'"GN """

?Although so!eti!es we are )uite #ear#ul o# hange or so!ething new& we are well aware there is no han e #or i!prove!ent unless there is hange. "# we have had di##i ulty in so!e area& we !ust hange the old patterns. So today& " a! suggesting that we do so!ething entirely di##erent #ro! what we usually do. So!ething that !ay $e )uite new to you. Although it is li%ely that you have done it so!eti!e in the past. 'oday " a! proposing that you let yoursel# see yoursel# in perspe tive. See yoursel# as others !ight see you or as you !ight $e seen in history. .hen you are away #ro! yoursel#& even #or a #ew !o!ents& you $egin to see yoursel# in an entirely di##erent light. 'e!porarily& i# you separate yoursel# in ti!e as well as in physi al distan e& you an see yoursel# not only as you are at the !o!ent& $ut as you were yesterday or even #ar $a % in hildhood. "t is )uite possi$le #or you to see yoursel# pro eeding through all the stages o# growing to the present ti!e& and even pro7e ting your view o# yoursel# into the #uture. Fou are apa$le o# doing this. "t is a sa#e pro edure. "t is possi$le $e ause your su$ ons ious !ind al ulates ti!e and distan e di##erently #ro! the su$ ons ious !ind. "n the ons ious !ind& everything is very on rete. 'he !inutes progress in orderly #ashion to #or! hours and days& wee%s and years. 'he su$ ons ious !ind wor%s very di##erently. Fou live in the present& $ut i# you are suddenly& greatly stressed& you all #orth e(perien es #ro! the past. Four de#enses and rea tions respond instead to the si!ilar stresses o# last year or #ive years ago. "n other words& in the su$ ons ious !ind& your #ra!e o# re#eren e is entirely di##erent. Fou an $e in the present& $ut i# so!ething provo%es or e( ites you& in a #ra tion o# a se ond you an revert to hildish or in#antile $ehavior and relive an in ident with all the sound& #ury and e!otion you had the #irst ti!e you e(perien ed it. "n other words& in a #ra tion o# a se ond you an span the years and relive an in ident as vividly as you did the #irst ti!e. "n e(a tly the sa!e way& it is possi$le #or you to see so!e o# the #uture. See yoursel# as you !ight $e $ehaving a year or #ive years #ro! now. Predi ting the #uture is possi$le $e ause the attitudes you hold a$out yoursel# deter!ine your $ehavior& the #riends you hoose and situations you reate. Even though you !ay not $e a$le to #ill in the na!es o# other people or the pre ise lo ation& you an predi t the %ind o# situation you will pla e yoursel# into $e ause o# the attitudes

you hold a$out yoursel#. 'i!e and pla e in the su$ ons ious !ind is only relative. Four attitude and de#enses re!ain al!ost un hangea$le and they intera t with the environ!ent in very !u h the sa!e way throughout you li#e. Fou an )uite easily pro7e t yoursel# te!porarily outside o# your $ody as i# you were a third person and loo% $a % at yoursel# and your surroundings #reed o# the usual physi al li!itations. "t is very sa#e to pro7e t yoursel# in spirit out and $eyond your nor!al physi al li!itations so you an loo% $a % at yoursel# and understand e(a tly where you are. 'his pro7e tion is entirely at your under your ontrol. Fou will #ind it )uite easy to separate !u h o# your spirit and intelle t #ro! your $ody so that you an !o!entarily $e #ree #ro! your $ody li!itations. =ro! this vantage point& you an see yoursel# in prospe tive #ro! $irth to present. Fou will $e o!e a utely aware o# the progra! you had to adopt to %eep your physi al $ody alive in a world that is so threatening. Fou will $e a$le to understand the #a!ilyPs intera tions with you as you have never $e#ore $een a$le to understand. Best o# all& #ro! this deta hed& sa#e& vantage point& you an plainly see the de#enses that you needed when you were very s!all. Fou have now outgrown the! 7ust as you have outgrown the need #or nursing $ottles and diapers. Pro7e tion e(perien e is o!!on to everyone who drea!s& #or drea!s hange all the usual li!itations o# ti!e and spa e. A good e(a!ple is awa%ening a$ruptly #ro! a very sound sleep and $eing !o!entarily on#used a$out where you are. Fou have had the e(perien e o# loo%ing in a three:way !irror in a lothing store and seeing yoursel# in pro#ile and $a % view and getting an entirely di##erent perspe tive o# yoursel#. Another way to get a pro7e tion o# yoursel# is to loo% into a !irror that shows your re#le tion in another !irror. 'hen& $y hanging the angle slightly& you an see one !irror re#le ting in another in a whole row o# !irrors& al!ost on to eternity. Now to this pi ture& you add photographs o# yoursel# in the sa!e pose& $ut ea h at a di##erent age o# your li#e. Fou line the! up so that you see yoursel# in these !irrors at all ages #ro! in#an y to the present ti!e. Depending on the angle o# the !irrors& you an see yoursel# pro7e ted either into the past or into the #uture. Now pi ture yoursel# intelle tually outside your own $ody with a lear

view o# your whole li#e in perspe tive. Fou have in your possession all o# the wisdo!& all the learning and all the understanding that you have ever gained. "n this position& youPre now a$le to in#luen e your own destiny $y re:progra!!ing and upgrading your attitude and de#enses. Fou let yoursel# hange wherever you see the need #or growth and !aturity so all your rea tions !ay o!e up to your e(pe tations as you relin)uish your hang:ups. Hear yoursel# en ouraging your whole $eing to a ept yoursel# and approve o# what you do. Espe ially see yoursel# rein#or ing the nor!al eating patterns& to eat only when you are hungry& to see that your appetite is easily satis#ied. Pi ture yoursel# en7oying #ood i!!ensely $ut only in )uantities you need to #ul#ill nor!al physiologi al re)uire!ents. See yoursel# over o!ing the te!ptation to eat any e(tra #ood. As you o$serve yoursel# it $e o!es easier and easier to pass up unneeded #ood and drin%. Espe ially note are#ully how your need to see% approval #ro! everyone else is disappearing very )ui %ly and progressively. More and !ore you are approving o# what you do. See yoursel# also using sel#:hypnosis as a very power#ul and sa#e #or e #or you. "ts e##e tiveness in reases as you let part o# yoursel# $e pro7e ted $eyond your usual $ody li!itations so that you an give yoursel# suggestions !u h !ore e##e tively as i# you were a third person. Again and again you are a epting the suggestion that you eat only when you truly need #ood and that you are satis#ied with $asi nutrition. See yoursel# $eing in reasingly happy with your eating pattern and showing approval o# what you do.@

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