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lndependenL Lssay: 1LCPnCLCClCAL lnnCvA1lCnS

Advances ln LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlon llke Lhe alrplane and Lhe Lelephone have
changed Lhe way LhaL naLlons lnLeracL wlLh each oLher ln a global socleLy. Choose anoLher
Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlons LhaL you Lhlnk ls lmporLanL. Clve speclflc reasons for your cholce.
1echnologlcal lnnovaLlons such as Lhe Lelephone or alrplanes radlcally changed Lhe hablLs and
Lhe way of llvlng of Lhe people ln Lhe lasL cenLury. As far as l am concerned, ln Lhese days a new
way of communlcaLlng ls becomlng more and more wldespread and ls growlng worldwlde: Lhe
lnLerneL. 1here are a couple of reasons why l choose lnLerneL as Lhe mosL lmporLanL
Lechnologlcal lnnovaLlons of Lhls cenLury.
llrsL of all, lL provldes mllllons of people wlLh lnformaLlon LhaL ls updaLe rlghL away for 24 hours
a day, seven days a week. ?ou are no longer forced Lo waLch Lhe news on Lelevlslon or Lo buy
newspaper every day. now you can Lake a look La Lhe lnLerneL counLerparL whenever you wanL.
lor lnsLance l read Lhe newspaper whlle l'm golng Lo unlverslLy by Lraln, ln Lhls way l'm capable
of dolng more Lhlngs aL one Llme, and also l can earn preclous Llme, ln oLher words,
Secondly, when you are connecLed on Lhe web, you are [usL one cllck away from communlcaLlng
wlLh someone who ls ln anoLher clLy, Lhousand kllomeLers far away. MSn, emalls, vldeo and
vldeo-calllng programs such as Skype allowed us Lo sLay ln Louch wlLh people all over Lhe world.
ersonally, l Lhlnk LhaL Lhls feaLure really enhanced Lhe posslblllLles for Lhe worklng class Lo
accepL abroad [obs wlLhouL any regreLs for leavlng Lhelr famllles for monLhs. Soclal neLworklng
also changed Lhe way LhaL frlend communlcaLe Lhrough lacebook and 1wlLLer.
AnoLher advanLage ls LhaL Lhe lnLerneL has compleLely changed Lhe way we do research. lf you
have any doubL, lf you wanL Lo look for a meanlng of a word or flnd a speclflc book on a
parLlcular sub[ecL, Lhe llbrary ls no longer Lhe place Lo go, Wlklpedla ls. Wlklpedla ls Lhe larger
dlglLal encyclopedla of Lhe World. ?ou can flnd explanaLlon for every Loplc you can Lhlnk of, and
l beL LhaL sLudenLs couldnL llve wlLhouL lL anymore.
1o summarlze, evenL Lhough oLhers may argue LhaL slnce Lhe lnLerneL's blrLh people have losL
real communlcaLlons and relaLlonshlps, as well as Lhe old hablLs, on Lhe whole for me, lnLerneL
has slmpllfled and lmproved everyones llfe.

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