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CISCO SYSTEMS, INC., Defendant. C.A. No. _________________ JURY TRIAL DEMANDED

COMPLAINT FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT Plaintiff Me a!e Notifi"ation Te"#nolo!ie LLC, $% and t#&o'!# it 'nde& i!ned "o'n el, #e&e$% file t#i o&i!inal "o()laint a!ain t t#e a$ove*na(ed defendant, alle!in!, $a ed on it o+n ,no+led!e +it# &e )e"t to it elf and it o+n a"tion , and $a ed on info&(ation and $elief a to all ot#e& (atte& , a follo+ PARTIES 1. Plaintiff Me a!e Notifi"ation Te"#nolo!ie LLC ./Me a!eTe"#01 i a

li(ited lia$ilit% "o()an% fo&(ed 'nde& t#e la+ of t#e State of Dela+a&e, +it# a )&in"i)al )la"e of $' ine 3. in 2il(in!ton, Dela+a&e.

Defendant Ci "o S% te( , In". ./Ci "o01 i a Dela+a&e "o&)o&ation +it# a in Califo&nia. Ci "o "an $e e&ved +it# )&o"e $% e&vin! it

)&in"i)al )la"e of $' ine

&e!i te&ed a!ent- T#e P&enti"e*Hall Co&)o&ation S% te(, In".4 3511 Cente&ville 6oad, S'ite 788, 2il(in!ton, DE 19:8:

JURISDICTION AND VENUE ;. T#i i an a"tion fo& inf&in!e(ent of a <nited State )atent a&i in! 'nde& ;= '$@e"t (atte& @'&i di"tion

<.S.C. >> 351, 3:1, and 3:7?:=, a(on! ot#e& . T#i Co'&t #a of t#e a"tion 'nde& 3: <.S.C. > 1;;1 and > 1;;:.a1. 7.

Aen'e i )&o)e& in t#i di t&i"t 'nde& 3: <.S.C. >> 1;91 and 1788.$1. <)on in t#i di t&i"t andBo& #a

info&(ation and $elief, defendant #a t&an a"ted $' ine

"o((itted andBo& ind'"ed a"t of )atent inf&in!e(ent in t#i di t&i"t. =. Defendant i '$@e"t to t#i Co'&tC )e"ifi" and !ene&al )e& onal

@'&i di"tion 'nde& d'e )&o"e defendantC '$ tantial $' ine

andBo& t#e Dela+a&e Lon! A&( Stat'te d'e at lea t to in t#i fo&'(, in"l'din!- .i1 at lea t a )o&tion of t#e

inf&in!e(ent alle!ed #e&ein4 and .ii1 &e!'la&l% doin! o& oli"itin! $' ine , en!a!in! in ot#e& )e& i tent "o'& e of "ond'"t, andBo& de&ivin! '$ tantial &even'e f&o( !ood and e&vi"e )&ovided to individ'al in Dela+a&e. COUNT I (INFRINGEMENT OF U.S. PATENT NO. 5,944,786 D. On A'!' t ;1, 1999, <nited State Patent No. =,977,5:D ./t#e 5:D )atent01

+a d'l% and le!all% i 'ed $% t#e <nited State Patent and T&ade(a&, Offi"e fo& an invention titled /A'to(ati" Notifi"ation of 6e"ei)t of Ele"t&oni" Mail .E*(ail1 via Tele)#one S% te( +it#o't 6eE'i&in! Lo!*On to E*(ail Se&ve&.0 5. Me a!eTe"# i t#e o+ne& of t#e 5:D )atent +it# all '$ tantive &i!#t in

and to t#at )atent, in"l'din! t#e ole and eF"l' ive &i!#t to )&o e"'te t#i a"tion and enfo&"e t#e 5:D )atent a!ain t inf&in!e& , and to "olle"t da(a!e fo& all &elevant ti(e . A t&'e and "o&&e"t "o)% of t#e 5:D )atent i atta"#ed #e&eto a EF#i$it A.


Ci "o #ad ,no+led!e of t#e 5:D )atent at lea t f&o( t#e filin! date andBo&

e&vi"e date of t#e o&i!inal "o()laint a!ain t it fo& inf&in!e(ent of t#e 5:D )atent. 9. In addition, Ci "o #ad ,no+led!e of t#e 5:D )atent at lea t f&o( A)&il 39,

388= +#en it o& it affiliate "ited t#e )atent in it a))li"ation fo& <.S. Patent No. 5,D:8,3=;. 18. Ci "o inf&in!ed one o& (o&e "lai( of t#e 5:D )atent and i $ein! a""' ed

of doin! o $ot# di&e"tl% and indi&e"tl%. 11. "' to(e& Ci "o, eit#e& alone andBo& in "on@'n"tion +it# ot#e& , in"l'din! t#ei& andBo& '))lie& , (ade, #ad (ade, ' ed, i()o&ted, )&ovided, '))lied,

di t&i$'ted, old, andBo& offe&ed fo& ale 'nified (e a!in! % te( B)&od'"t B e&vi"e t#at, ')on &e"ei)t of an e(ail, a"t'ate a voi"e (ail % te( to end an e*(ail notifi"ation i!nal to a tele)#one node .in"l'din! at lea t % te( B)&od'"t B e&vi"e 'nde& follo+in!

de i!nation- Ci "o <nit% Conne"tion1 t#at inf&in!ed one o& (o&e "lai( of t#e 5:D )atent. 13. Ci "oC "' to(e& andBo& '))lie& di&e"tl% (ade, #ad (ade, ' ed,

i()o&ted, )&ovided, '))lied, di t&i$'ted, old, andBo& offe&ed fo& ale 'nified (e a!in! % te( B)&od'"t B e&vi"e t#at, ')on &e"ei)t of an e(ail, a"t'ate a voi"e (ail % te( to end an e*(ail notifi"ation i!nal to a tele)#one node .in"l'din! at lea t

% te( B)&od'"t B e&vi"e 'nde& follo+in! de i!nation- Ci "o <nit% Conne"tion1 t#at inf&in!ed one o& (o&e "lai( of t#e 5:D )atent. 1;. Ci "o ind'"ed inf&in!e(ent andBo& "ont&i$'ted to t#e inf&in!e(ent of one o&

(o&e of t#e "lai( of t#e 5:D )atent $% it "' to(e& andBo& '))lie& . 17. t#e 5:D )atent. Ci "oC inf&in!e(ent +a +illf'l at lea t f&o( t#e date it #ad ,no+led!e of


Me a!eTe"# #a $een da(a!ed a a &e 'lt of t#e inf&in!in! "ond'"t $%

defendant alle!ed a$ove. T#' , defendant i lia$le to Me a!eTe"# in an a(o'nt t#at adeE'atel% "o()en ate Me a!eTe"# fo& '"# inf&in!e(ent , +#i"#, $% la+, "annot $e le t#an a &ea ona$le &o%alt%, to!et#e& +it# inte&e t and "o t a fiFed $% t#i Co'&t 'nde&

;= <.S.C. > 3:7. JURY DEMAND Me a!eTe"# #e&e$% &eE'e t a t&ial $% @'&% on all i 'e PRAYER FOR RELIEF Me a!eTe"# &eE'e t t#at t#e Co'&t find in it favo& and a!ain t t#e defendant and t#at t#e Co'&t !&ant Me a!eTe"# t#e follo+in! &eliefa. G'd!(ent t#at one o& (o&e "lai( of t#e 5:D )atent #ave $een inf&in!ed, o t&ia$le $% &i!#t.

eit#e& lite&all% andBo& 'nde& t#e do"t&ine of eE'ivalent , $% defendant andBo& $% ot#e& to +#o e inf&in!e(ent defendant #a "ont&i$'ted andBo& $% ot#e& +#o e inf&in!e(ent #a $een ind'"ed $% defendant4 $. A )e&(anent in@'n"tion en@oinin! defendant and it offi"e& , di&e"to& ,

a!ent , e&vant , affiliate , e()lo%ee , divi ion , $&an"#e , '$ idia&ie , )a&ent , and all ot#e& a"tin! in a"tive "on"e&t t#e&e+it# f&o( inf&in!e(ent, ind'"in! inf&in!e(ent of, o& "ont&i$'tin! to inf&in!e(ent of t#e 5:D )atent4 ". G'd!(ent t#at defendant a""o'nt fo& and )a% to Me a!eTe"# all da(a!e

to and "o t in"'&&ed $% Me a!eTe"# $e"a' e of defendantC inf&in!in! a"tivitie and ot#e& "ond'"t "o()lained of #e&ein4 d. T#at Me a!eTe"# $e !&anted )&e*@'d!(ent and )o t*@'d!(ent inte&e t on

t#e da(a!e "a' ed $% defendantC inf&in!in! a"tivitie and ot#e& "ond'"t "o()lained of

#e&ein4 e. T#at t#i Co'&t de"la&e t#i an eF"e)tional "a e and a+a&d Me a!eTe"# it

&ea ona$le atto&ne% C fee and "o t in a""o&dan"e +it# ;= <.S.C. > 3:=4 and f. T#at Me a!eTe"# $e !&anted '"# ot#e& and f'&t#e& &elief a t#e Co'&t (a%

dee( @' t and )&o)e& 'nde& t#e "i&"'( tan"e .

Dated- Nove($e& 11, 381; OF CO<NSELHa"#a&ia# S. Ha&&in!ton Matt#e+ G. Antonelli La&&% D. T#o() on, G&. ANTONELLI, HA66INGTON I THOMPSON LLP 7388 Mont&o e Jlvd., Ste. 7;8 Ho' ton, TK 5588D .51;1 =:1*;888 La"Ma#tla+fi&(."o( (attMa#tla+fi&(."o( la&&%Ma#tla+fi&(."o(

JAYA6D, P.A. /s/ Stephen B. Brauerman 6i"#a&d D. Ni&, .&,89331 Ste)#en J. J&a'e&(an . $79=31 Aane a 6. Ti&adente .vt=;9:1 Sa&a E. J' ie&e . $=53=1 333 Dela+a&e Aven'e, S'ite 988 P.O. JoF 3=1;8 2il(in!ton, DE 19:99 .;831 D==*=888 &,i&,M$a%a&dla+."o( $&a'e&(anM$a%a&dla+."o( vti&adente M$a%a&dla+."o( $' ie&eM$a%a&dla+."o( Attorneys for Message Notification Technologies LLC

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