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Obstetrics & Gynecology

Name of Officer Dr Anita !ay Dr Go$risan%ar &amilya Dr C(aitali Datta !ay Dr S$mit !an)an Pramanic% Dr Samb($nat( 'an*o+a*(yay Dr S(yamal Das G$+ta Dr Nabar$n Das Dr Debasmita "an*al Dr Ab(i)it !a%s(it Dr Sarbes-ar "on*al Dr Di+narayan Sar%ar Dr .($ma 'is-as Dr 'is-a)it g(os( Dr San%ari /a(iri Dr !a($l "$%(er)ee Dr San*i+ Seng$+ta Dr Po$s(ali Sanyal POSTG!AD0ATE T!AINEES Dr. Shweta Goyel Dr. Pratibha Lambodori Dr. Manisha Rasheed Dr. Shagun Gu ta Dr. Sushma ! Dr. San"hita Roy Dr. #agendranath Soren Dr. Prabhan$an %hatto adhyay Dr. Suman &alyan Pore Dr. Mrigan'a Mouli Saha Dr. &husboo Ray Dr. )agat !iswas Dr. Pu$a Sinha Dr. Subhasis Sama$der Dr. *risha Das Dr. Sayanti Paul Dr. Sam a %ha'aborty Dr. !harat %handra !arma Dr. Maheswari M Dr. %han"hal !howmi' Dr. %handan Sasmal Degree "D# FICOG "D# DN' "D# FICOG "D "D D G O ,"D "D "D "D "S "D "S "D "D DGO "S "S# DN' Post/Designation Professor& HOD Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor !"O !"O "O S! SESSION MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2010-2013 MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-2013 MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201( MS 2011-201(

Dr. Sri$oni %howdhury Dr. Megha Sharma Dr. Payel Ray Dr. Meena'shi *iwari Dr. G. Su$itha Dr. !arun &r Mandi Dr. D. )oy"e Rani Dr. Smriti Prasad Dr. #eha Ladha Dr. ,nni' Das Dr. Santanu !aner$ee Dr. Soumen &oley FAC0/T1 NE2S S0PE!ANN0ATION

MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+ MS 2012-201+

Pro-. *arun & Ghosh on 31.0..2012 Dr. Swa an Sai on 2/.02.2012 Dr. !has'ar !hatta"harya on 31.03.2012

T!ANSFE!S Pro-. !has'arananda Seal to !erham ore Medi"al "ollege Pro- *. Maity to Malda Medi"al %ollege Pro-. Subhas %. !iswas to !urdwan Medi"al %ollege Pro-. ,mita0a Mu'her$ee to Malda Medi"al %ollege Dr. Ram rasad Dey to !an'ura Medi"al %ollege Dr. Shyamali Dutta to %al"utta Medi"al %ollege Dr. Ra$se'har Sar'ar to Murshidabad Medi"al "ollege Dr. Pradi & Saha to Midna ore Medi"al "ollege Pro-essor Gouri Shan'ar &amilya has $oined -rom !an'ura Medi"al %ollege

P!OF ANITA !O1, HEAD OF THE DEPA!T"ENT E3A"INE!4 1. 1#D2RGR,D1,*23 20114 2012 2. P5S*GR,D1,*23 6!71S 20124 20118 M,D71P1R 1#9:2RS9*;3 20124 2011 3. *72S9S 2<,M9#2R3 M,#9P1R 1#9:2RS9*;8 M,D71P1R 1#9:2RS9*; CONFE!ENCES ATTENDED8 ,ttended ,9%5G 2012 at !enaras. %haired s"ienti-i" session at !5GS%5# 2011 ,nnual "on-eren"e. P0'/ICATIONS5678896786:4

Perinatal out"ome in regnan"ies with intrauterine growth restri"tion by using umbili"al and middle "erebral artery "olour Do ler- Journal of Indian medical association vol 110, no 03, Kolkata March 2012. Pregnan"y with huge abdominal mass- 3 , diagnosti" dilemma- Indian journal of Perinatolog and re!roductive "iolog , vol.2, no.2, March 2012.

THESIS G0IDE3 = , study o- sero re0alen"e o- *o>o lasma antibody in normal regnan"y and regnan"y with history o- abortion? @, "om arati0e study to e0aluate the e--i"a"y and sa-tey o- methyl ergometrine 0s miso rostal in re0ention o- ost artum hemorrhagein high ris' -emales@ @, "om arati0e study o- intra0enous iron su"rose 0ersus oral iron as"orbate in iron de-i"ien"y anemia in antenatal mothers4 its maternal and -etal out"ome.@ OTHE! ACADE"IC ACTI;ITIES3 Parti"i ated and deli0ered le"tures on PP*%* in PP*%* sensitiAing rogramme in !M%7 6or'sho and sensitiAation rogramme o- ! 2m5% 6or'sho and sensitiAation rogramme o- PP 91%D P!OF GO0!ISHAN&A! &A"I/1A P0'/ICATIONS5678896786:# Does route o- deli0ery a--e"t maternal and erinatal out"ome in women with e"lam siaB , randomiAed "ontrolled ilot study3 #M$%I&#' J()%'#* (+ (,-.$.%I&#'/ 01'$&(*(01 J)'$ 20122 2034 565e 178 , randomiAed "ontrolled trial "om aring two di--erent antibioti" regimens -or ro hyla>is at %esarean se"tion3 .9$ J()%'#* (+ (,-.$.%I&- #'/ 01'$&(*(01 (+ I'/I#:J#'7+$,;, 2012 32:1;, 3<736. D! CHAITA/I DATTA !A1, ASSOCIATE P!OFESSO!4 P0'/ICATIONS 5678896786:4 9s regnan"y sa-e with e>tra he ati" ortal 0ein obstru"tionB ,n analysis3 -I'0#P(%$ M$/I&#* J()%'#* 20122 <3:10;4 383=360 *a'ayasu arteritis in regnan"y3 an analysis -rom eastern 9ndia3 #%&9I>$01'$&(* (,-.$..:-P%I'0$%; 2012 Mar226<:3;4<3878 %lini"al biomar'er -or redi"ting ree"lam sia in women with abnormal li id ro-ile3 statisti"al attern "lassi-i"ation a roa"h in I$$$?!lore :I&-M, 2011;Page4 3@82Print I-,'4@8671731265703@70I'-P$& accession num"er41168@303 9dio athi" dilated "ardiomyo athy "om li"ating in a regnan"y with uterine -ibroidin #-I#' J()%'#* (+ &*I'I&#* &#%/I(*(01 >(* 15, '(2,2011 ONGOING P!O.ECTS IN CO//A'O!ATION 2ITH SCHOO/ OF "EDICA/ SCIENCE AND TECHNO/OG1, IIT &HA!AGP0!4 =2arly redi"tion o- gestational hy ertension- a roteomi"s a roa"h?- IC"! APP!O;ED AND F0NDED

=5>idati0e stress and matri> metallo roteinases as otential biomar'ers in the early redi"tion o- regnan"y indu"ed hy ertension? =,ssessment o- 2ndometrial Re"e ti0ity and its %orrelation with Sub-2ndometrial !lood Clow DS2!CE in 6omen with Latent Genital *uber"ulosis?

P!ESENTATIONS AT INTE!NATIONA// NATIONA/ CONFE!ENCES4 =,ltered rodu"tion o- 0asodilators in ree"lam sia3 role o- ro-in-lammatory "yto'inesB? at #I&(0 2012 =Mi"ros"o i" imaging o- the endometrium -or assessment o- uterine re"e ti0ity in women with latent genital tuber"ulosis? at &)%%$'. MI&%(-&(P1 &('.%I,).I('- .( #/>#'&$- I' -&I$'&$ #'/ .$&9'(*(01, SPAIN 2012(co author) 5>idati0e stress indu"ed e>"essi0e degradation o- endometrial matri> in women with endometriosis at $)%(P$#' -(&I$.1 (+ 9)M#' %$P%(/)&.I(' A $M,%1(*(01(ESHRE)72011:co author; PA!TICIPATION AS FAC0/T1 SPEA&E! IN 67864 HI; IN P!EGNANC14 at East <one 10;A FOGSI organiAed by 'OGS GESTATIONA/ DIA'ETES9 NE2 C!ITE!IA4 at ,nnual "on-eren"e o62S* !2#G,L %7,P*2R 5C !SSDI ;0/;OD1NIA4 at ,nnual "on-eren"e o- 'OGS 2O!&SHOPS O!GANISED/ATTENDED IN 67864 1R5G;#2%5L5G;D5RG,#9S9#G %5MM9**22 M2M!2RE3 organiAed by 10;A FOGSI #5#-D2S%2#* :,G9#,L 7;S*2R2%*5M;DP,R*9%9P,#*E3 organiAed by 'ENGA/ O'STET!ICS & G1NECO/OG1 SOCIET1 OTHE! ACADE"IC ACTI;ITIES OF 67864 G$i*e o- *hesis3 1. Study o- early regnan"y 0aginal h and gram stain in asym tomati" women and its e--e"t on regnan"y out"ome 2. Serial -etal 'idney growth monitoring as a arameter -or determining gestational age4 dete"ting 91GR and identi-ying any renal anomaly 3. 1ltrasonogra hy and la"ental histo athology interrelationshi in low birth weight babies in "om arision to normal birth weight babies.

2thi"s "ommittee member -or C/INICA/ !E;E!SI'I/IT1 OF !IS0G 5re0ersible male "ontra"e ti0eE trials %ondu"ting *R,9#9#G 5C *R,9#2RS as M,S*2R *R,9#2R o- #,:),* S79S71 S1R,&S7, &,R;5&R,M5NSS&: 9n0ited as Guest le"turer to de artment o- !iote"hnology St <a0ierFs "ollege to s ea' on =!e+ro*$cti>e 'iology 9 c$rrent me*ical +rotocols? 9n0itation as e> ert -or P(D >i>a >oce at SMS* IIT &(arag+$r %7,P*2R 9# !55&: Indications and Selection criteria in an Intrauterine Insemination Program : I#*R,1*2R9#2 9#S2M9#,*95#4 )ay ee ubli"ations 2012.

OTHE! !E/ATED ACHEI;E"ENTS/ACTI;ITIES4 ,warded +$**(B-9IP (+ I'/I#' &(**$0$ (+ (,-.$.%I&I#'- #'/ 01'$&(*(0I-.- in 2012(!I"#$)

Member o- the organiAing "ommittee o- ,nnual "on-eren"e o- !engal 5bstetri"s G Gyne"ologi"al So"iety 2011. ,t resent "on0ener o- me*ical *isor*ers in +regnancy committee o- !5GS 20122013.

D! SH1"A/ DASG0PTA, ASSISTANT P!OFESSO! P0'/ICATIONS5678896786:4 INTE!NATIONA/4 1. 1ltrasound assessment o- endometrial "a0ity in erimeno ausal women on oral rogesterone -or abnormal uterine bleeding3 %om arision o- diagnosti" a""ura"y o- imaging with hysteros"o y- guided bio sy3 J. ("stet. 0 necolo. %es. >ol. 38, no 114 1<8<71<61, 'ov 2011. NATIONA/4 1. =Predi"tability o- -etal birth weight -rom measurement o- -etal thigh "ir"um-eren"e by two-dimensional ultrasound 3 , ros e"ti0e study?3 J (+ -().9 #-I# +$/$%#.I(' (+ (,-.$.%I&- #'/ 01'$&(*(01 -#+(0, Jan7#!ril 20122 5:1;4 3<736. 2. Predi"tion o- ree"lam sia3 %om arati0e analysis o- two s"reening test3 J()%'#* (+ I'/I#' M$/I&#* #--(&I#.I(', #)0 2012, >(* 110, 'o. 6, <537<58. D! SA"'H0NATH 'AND1OPADH1A1, ASSISTANT P!OFESSO! P0'/ICATIONS5678896786:4 ,n unusual "ase o- s ontaneous intra"erebral haemorrhage during regnan"y3 I'/I#' J()%'#* (+ M#.$%'#* #'/ &9I*/ 9$#*.9 C>(*)M$ 715:2;,2012D , re ort on #o S"al el :ase"tomy -rom a tertiary health "are setting o- 9ndia3 .9$ #'.I-$P.I& C>(*)M$ 10@:@;,-$P.$M,$%,2012 D! DE'AS"ITA "ANDA/ ASSISTANT P!OFESSO!3 P0'/ICATIONS4 INT!NATIONA/4 1. Pregnan"y and subseHuent regnan"y out"ome in eri artum "ardiomyo athy3 ) o5bstG Gynae Resear"h4 *o'yo 20118 3I D3E3 222-22I. 2. *a'ayasu ,rteritis in Pregnan"y3 ,n ,nalysis -rom 2astern 9ndia 3,r"hie0es o- 5bst and Gyne"ology2011 4D59 10.100IJs00(0(-011-1//.-34 D S ringer grou o- ubli"ationsE 3. 9s Pregnan"y Sa-e with 2>trahe ati" Portal :ein 5bstru"tionB ,n ,nalysis3 Singa ore Medi"al )ournal. (. :arious "oronary artery "om li"ations o- &awasa'i disease3 series o- + "ases and re0iew o- literature. )ournal o- %ardio0as"ularG Disease Resear"h. 0ol-3.n0-38 231-23+4 2012 +. Permanent a"ema'er related u er e>tremity thrombosis. )ournal o- Pa"ing ,nd %lini"al 2le"tro hysiology. ,rti"le -irst ublished online 21 )1L 2012. D59 310.1111J$.1+(0.1+/.2012.03(KI. K. Permanent Pa"ema'er-Related 1 er 2>tremity Dee :ein *hrombosis3 , Series o20 %ases. P,%2 20128 0031L+.

NATIONA/3 1. 9dio athi" Dilated %ardiomyo athy %om li"ating a Pregnan"y with Cibroid3 #sian Journal of &linical &ardiolog 2012, 15: 2;4 3667@0.


Minimal De0iation ,deno"ar"inomaD,D2#5M, M,L9G#1ME o- %er0i> with Su""ess-ul Pregnan"y 5ut"ome - , %ase Re ort3 Indian journal of Perinatolog and %e!roductive ,iolog 201121:2;4 50751. 3. Maternal 5besity and Pregnan"y 5ut"ome3 , Pros e"ti0e ,nalysis 4 J of Ph sicians of India :J#PI;, 2011 ,#ugust issue. (. &li el-*renaunay Syndrome in Pregnan"y3 Indian journal of Perinatolog and %e!roductive ,iolog 201021 458756. +. Su""ess-ul regnan"y out"ome -ollowing unilateral adrenale"tomy in a "ase oadrenal %ushingFs SyndromeD%SE. Int J of ("stA0 ne India20102 12:3;4 51@7520. K. 1mbli"al endometriosis8 a rare "ase re ort- #sian journal of o"st Ag nae20112243873@.
F!EE PAPE! P!ESENTATION3 1. Pregnan"y in maternal "om lete heart blo"'3 9nternational %ongress o- %ardiology4 !ei$ing 2011. 2. 9s menstrual disturban"es in SL2 a multi-a"torial issueB 3,9%5G 2012 :,R,#,S9. FAC0/T1 SPEA&E!4 1. Parti"i ated as -a"ulty member s ea'er -or %y roterone :S Dros erinone in P%5S D !5GS%5#2011E. 2. Parti"i ated as -a"ulty member s ea'er -or ,ll Mono"horioni" *wins Should be deli0ered by "esarean se"tion in ;1:,C5GS92012. 3. =*ro i"al heart diseases in regnan"y?- 9nternational %ongress o- %ardiology-20114 !ei$ing4 %hina. T!AINING4 *raining rogramme on =Medi"al edu"ation4 resear"h and te"hnology.? 9nstitute o- 7ealth G Camily 6el-are4 &ol'ataI000/1. 2O!&SHOPS ATTENDED4 1. 1rogyneJ2ndos"o y 6or'sho -2+th ,9%% R%5G L%on-eren"e-2011 2. #ondes"ent 0aginal hystere"tomy3 2012 !5GS R&MSP. 3. Minimally in0asi0e surgery3 , new "utting edge with a"hie0able s'ills. !5GS%5# 2011-12 (. 1rogynae"ology3 2011 3 by !5GS%5#2011 in 6oodlands 4&ol'ata. ONGOING !ESEA!CH4 1. %om lete heart blo"' in regnan"y. 2. ,trial ta"hy"ardia in regnan"y. 3. *ro i"al heart diseases in regnan"y. (. Menstrual disorders in SL2. +. :itamin D de-i"ien"y and regnan"y out"ome. K. %ardio0as"ular hemodynami"s in highris' mothers. D! A'HI.IT !A&SHIT,ASSISTANT P!OFESSO!4 P0'/ICATIONS5678896786:4


Primary Callo ian *ube %ar"inoma D PC*% E L , Rare Genital Malignan"y with 1nusual Presentation.3#l #meen J Med -ci :2012; < :1;4@<7@8. 2. ,naemia in ,ntenatal 6omen G its ,d0erse Cetomaternal 5ut"ome . Indian Journal of Perinatolog and %e!roductive ,iolog , >ol 2, 'o.3, June 2012. CONFE!ENCE PAPE!4 1. , Study *o %om are *he 2--i"a"y G Sa-ety o- *reatment 6ith 9ntra0enous Cerrous Su"rose :ersus 5ral Cerrous Sul hate *hera y 9n Post artum ,nemia3 Presented in ++ th ,9%5G :aranasi 2012. FAC0/T14 1. Parti"i ation in Panel Dis"ussion. *o i" MM!ad 5bstetri" 7istory D!57E? in !5GS%5#4 3Ith ,nnual "on-eren"e. 2. Parti"i ation in Debate. *o i" 3 =Mono"horioni" twins should be deli0ered by "aesarean se"tion?- against the motion in 2ast None ;u0a C5GS9 2012. 2O!&SHOPS ATTENDED3 1. ,ttended Pre"ongress wor'sho in 2ast None ;u0a C5GS9 2012 on 1rogynae"ology and "ommuni"ation s'ills. 2. ,ttended Pre"ongress wor'sho in !5GS%5# 2012 on Minimal in0asi0e surgery L , new "utting edge te"hnology with a"hie0able s'ills. 3. ,ttended Post"ongress wor'sho in !5GS%5# 2012 on #D:7. D! SA!'ES2A! "ONDA/, ASSISTANT P!OFESSO!# ADDITIONA/ CHA!GE4 DEP0T1 S0PE!INTENDANT P0'/ICATIONS4 1. Ste wise uterine a"'ing and bilateral uterine artery ligation during %esarean deli0ery in ante artum hemorrhage minimiAed -atal obstetri" hemorrhage3 I'/I#' M$/I&#* J()%'#*. 2. %om arati0e study o- bilateral internal ilia"Dhy ogastri"E artery ligation and other surgi"al ro"edures in management o- el0i" hemorrhage3 I'/I#' M$/I&#* J()%'#*. 3. %om arati0e study o- insulin resistan"e and treatment res onse with insulin sensitiAer drugs in obese and non obese atient with oly"ysti" o0ary syndrome3 I'/I#' M$/I&#* J()%'#*. D! DIPNA!A1AN SA!&A!, ASSISTANT P!OFESSO!4 P0'/ICATIONS4

Pregnan"y with huge abdominal mass- 3 , diagnosti" dilemma- Indian journal of Perinatolog and re!roductive "iolog , vol.2, no.2, March 2012. Li-e threatening menorrhagia as a resentation in a "ase o- SL23 Indian journal of Perinatolog and re!roductive "iolog , vol.01, no. 03, June 2011 1nusual resentation o- uterine er-oration3 Indian journal of Perinatolog and re!roductive "iolog , vol.1, no. 01, /ec 2010.


P0'/ICATIONS 5678896786:4 NATIONA/4 1. Medi"al management o- la"enta a""rete with Methotre>ate3 , "ase re ort3 I'/I#' J()%'#* (+ M#.$%'#* #'/ &9I*/ 9$#*.9 C>(*)M$ 713:3;,2011D 2. ,n unusual "ase o- s ontaneous intra"erebral haemorrhage during regnan"y3 I'/I#' J()%'#* (+ M#.$%'#* #'/ &9I*/ 9$#*.9 C>(*)M$ 715:2;,2012D 3. , re ort on #o S"al el :ase"tomy -rom a tertiary health "are setting o- 9ndia3 .9$ #'.I-$P.I& C>(*)M$ 10@:@;,-$P.$M,$%,2012D INTE!NATIONA/ 1. Sublingual miso rostal 0ersus intramus"ular o>yto"in -or re0ention o- ost artum hemorrhage in low ris' women3 I'.$%'#.I('#* J()%'#* (+ 01'$&(*(01 #'/ (,-.$.%I&-,$*-$>I$%C>(*)M$ 113:2; +$,%)#%1,2012D 2. Do en"il- oint s inal needles de"rease the in"iden"e o- ostdural un"ture heada"he in reality3 , "om arati0e study between en"il- oint 2+G 6hita"re and "utting be0elled 2+G Ouin"'e s inal needles in 320 obstetri" atients3-#'$-.9$-I#4$--#1- #'/ %$-$#%&9$-C>(*)M$ <:2; J)*7/$&,2011D D! 'IS2A.IT GHOSH, ASSISTANT P!OFESSO!4 P0'/ICATIONS 5678896786:4 ,n unusual "ase o- s ontaneous intra"erebral haemorrhage during regnan"y3 I'/I#' J()%'#* (+ M#.$%'#* #'/ &9I*/ 9$#*.9 C>(*)M$ 715:2;,2012D , re ort on #o S"al el :ase"tomy -rom a tertiary health "are setting o- 9ndia3 .9$ #'.I-$P.I& C>(*)M$ 10@:@;,-$P.$M,$%,2012D D! PO0SHA/I SAN1A/, SENIO! !ESIDENT4 P0'/ICATIONS 5678896786:4 =Predi"tability o- -etal birth weight -rom measurement o- -etal thigh "ir"um-eren"e by two-dimensional ultrasound 3 , ros e"ti0e study?3 J (+ -().9 #-I# +$/$%#.I(' (+ (,-.$.%I&- #'/ 01'$&(*(01 -#+(0, Jan7#!ril 20122 5:1;4 3<736. CONFE!ENCES ATTENDED4 1. !5GS%5# 3Ith ,nnual %on-eren"e 2. 2I*7 ,9%% R%5G %on-eren"e 3. 2ast None ;1:, C5GS9 8 resented a short a er OTHE! ACADE"IC ACTI;ITIES4 ,ttended wor'sho on %ol os"o y ,ttended the !5GS %M2 on Medi"al Disorders in Pregnan"y %om leted a C5GS9 "erti-ied "ourse in 2ndos"o y Parti"i ated in the !5GS HuiA on Medi"al Disorders in Pregnan"y ,ttended the !5GS wor'sho on Cetal Medi"ine ,ttended two wor'sho s "ondu"ted by !9R*7 on Sa-e surgi"al ra"ti"es in 9n-ertility !EG0/A! ACADE"IC ACTI;ITIES

Teac(ing +rogramme !edside %lini"s Seminar 7ands-on-training -or ost-graduates !ESEA!CH P!O.ECTS4 *he Regional %entre o- %lini"al Resear"h in 7uman Re rodu"tion is running sin"e 1/.2. ,t resent Pro- ,nita Ray is the 5--i"er L in L %harge. *he di--erent studies that are going on at the "entre are as -ollows3 1E Phase 9: L multi"entri" study with %ent"hroman. 2E 7os ital based sur0eillan"e o- -emale genital -istula 3E , study on teen-age regnan"y and its out"ome (E , study on subdermal "ontra"e ti0e im lant D9MPL,#5#E THESIS S0'"ITTED in 67864
'ATCH OF 67879678@

)ournal %lub Maternal Mortality ,udit

Dr. Shagun Gu ta L %om arati0e study between *rans0aginal Sonogra hy4 7ysteros"o y and DG% -or diagnosti" e0aluation o- abnormal uterine bleeding in erimeno ausal and ostmeno ausal women Dr. Shweta Goyal L %orrelation o- the -etal out"ome a""ording to the "ord blood 7 de ending on the mode o- deli0ery Dr. Sushma ! L , "om arati0e study o- Glyburide and 9nsulin in the treatment o- gestational diabetes mellitus Dr. Prabhan$an %hatter$ee- , "om arati0e study o- Mi-e ristone and 5rmelo>i-ene on siAe oleiomyoma and uterine artery blood -low Dr. San"hita Roy- 2--e"ts o- sub "lini"al hy othyroidism on regnan"y out"ome Dr. Manisha Rasheed L 2--e"t o- maternal !M9 on obstetri" out"ome Dr. Sham a %ha'raborty- RandomiAed %ontrolled *rial o- (00 mi"rogram Miso rostol sublingually in a "ase o- -irst trimester delayed regnan"y loss Dr.#agendra Soren- Pros e"ti0e study on LD7 as a bio"hemi"al mar'er in ree"lam sia G maternal G -etal out"ome Dr. Pratibha Lambodiri L %om arati0e study o- la"enta in normotensi0e and hy ertensi0e women Dr. Suman &alyan Pore- Serial Cetal &idney growth monitoring to dete"t any 91GR4 determination o- gestational age and to dete"t any renal abnormalities.

'ATCH OF 67889678A

Dr.*risha Das- @, "ase "ontrol study o- maternal and erinatal out"ome o- regnan"ies with thalassemia traits in "om arasion to non thalassemia grou .@ Dr. Subasis ma$umder- @, study o- regnan"y with heart diseases with s e"ial re-eren"e to heart -ailure.@ Dr. Mrigan'u Mouli Saha- =, "om arati0e study to assess blood loss in atients undergoing abdominal myome"tomy by intramyometrial 0aso ressin administration 0erusus "on0entional tourniHuet a li"ation.@ Dr. &hushboo- @,n obser0ational study to determine asso"iation o- no0el biomar'ers 9nterleu'ins K47"g and Prl with the onset o- the reterm labour@

Dr.)agat !iswas- @Study o- sub"lini"al hy othyroidism with hy er rola"tenemia in re rodu"ti0e age grou .@ Dr. Poo$a Sinha- @Ceto la"ental interrelationshi through ultrasonogra hy and histo athology. 2m hasising on low birth weight babies.@ Dr. Sayanti Paul- @, Randomised "ontrolled trial between o0ulation indu"tion with intrauterine insemination 0ersus o0ulation indu"tion with timely se>ual inter"ourse.@ Dr. !harat %handra !urma- @, "om arati0e study to e0aluate the e--i"a"y and sa-tey o- methyl erometrine 0s miso rostal in re0ention o- oat artum hemorrhagein high ris' -emales@ Dr.Maheshwari.M- @, "om arati0e study o- intra0enous iron su"rose 0ersus oral iron as"orbate in iron de-i"en"y anemia in antenatal mothers4 its maternal and -etal out"ome.@ Dr. %handan Sasmal- @ 2--e"ts o- %lomi hene "itrate in idio athi" oligos ermia.@ Dr. %han"hal !howmi"'- @, Randomised "ontrolled trial "om aring the e--i"a"y o- ,tor0astatin and met-ormin in the atients with Poly"ysti" o0arian syndrome.@

SE!;ICE INFO!"ATION4 !eds lo"ation3 Gynae"ology !uilding and Ronald Ross !uilding !ed Distribution3 Gynae"ology beds L +04 5bstetri" beds - I0 Gynae 6ard- 3K %abin L 2 Maternal 6ard - +( Labour Room L / G.C 6ard L 2K Ligation 6ard- 10 O P D. Lo"ation3 Gynae"ology building Dground -loorE 5.P.D ,**2#D,#%23 *otal atient L +/(00 D1.11.2011-31.10.2012E #ew- 2/300 5ld - 30100 P 7ighest 5PD ,ttendan"e L222 new ti"'ets on 2(./.12 P Lowest 5PD ,ttendan"e - 0/ new ti"'ets on 20./.12 P!OCED0!ES/ IN;ESTIGATIONS PE!FO!"ED 578 86 88 to @7 88 86:4 "A.O! OPE!ATI;E P!OCED0!ES4 .3( /APA!OSCOPIC P!OCED0!ES4 3K "INO! OPE!ATI;E P!OCED0!ES, T0'ECTO"1 AND DIAGNOSTIC /APA!OSCOP14 /12 TOTA/ N0"'E! OF DE/I;E!IES4 33.. 0NIT DIST!I'0TION3 0nits 9, 99 , 999 , 9: , A*mission Day Monday *uesday 6ednesday *hursday Cons$ltants Dr. Shyamal Dasgu ta4 ,ssistant Pro-essor Dr. )huma !iswas4 ,ssistant Pro-essor. Pro-essor Gouri Shan'ar &amilya Dr. ,bhi$it Ra'shit4 ,ssistant Pro-essor Dr. %haitali Datta Ray4 ,sso"iate Pro-essor Dr. D. Mandal4 ,ssistant Pro-essor Dr. S R Pramani"'4 ,sso"iate Pro-essor Dr. Sarbeswar Mondal4 ,sst. Pro-. O+eration Day *hursday Criday Saturday Monday :,G9#,L 111/ LS%S3 22K/

9! 99 !

Criday Saturday

Pro-essor G 7ead ,nita Ray Dr. Di #arayan Sar'ar4 ,sst. Pro-. . Dr. S. #. !aner$ee4 ,ssistant Pro-essor Dr. !iswa$it Ghosh ,ssistant Pro-essor

*uesday 6ednesday

*umor %lini"4 9n-ertility %lini"4 1ltrasonogra hy4 Cetal Monitoring4 Post Partum 1nit DP.P.1nitE and PP*%* unit are also running e--i"iently.

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